* *CRV
* *FG
* *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* *ISPRS Hannover Workshop
* 3-D Feature Point Matching for Object Recognition Based on Estimation of Local Shape Distinctiveness
* 3-D Residual Eddy Current Field Characterisation: Applied to Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 3D Disaster Scene Reconstruction Using a Canine-Mounted RGB-D Sensor
* 3D Human Tracking from Depth Cue in a Buying Behavior Analysis Context
* 3D Model Visualization Enhancements in Real-Time Game Engines
* 3D Object Detection Based on Geometrical Segmentation
* 3D Virtual Reconstruction of the Middle Stoa in the Athens Ancient Agora
* 3D Virtual worlds and the metaverse: Current status and future possibilities
* 3D-2D Registration of Cerebral Angiograms: A Method and Evaluation on Clinical Images
* 3D-Antlers: Virtual Reconstruction and Three-Dimensional Measurement
* Accurate 3D Textured Models of Vessels for the Improvement of the Educational Tools of a Museum
* Accurate Multiview Stereo Reconstruction with Fast Visibility Integration and Tight Disparity Bounding
* Accurate Scale Factor Estimation in 3D Reconstruction
* Accurate spatio-temporal reconstruction of missing data in dynamic scenes
* Action Recognition Using Multilevel Features and Latent Structural SVM
* Active Learning with Bootstrapped Dendritic Classifier applied to medical image segmentation
* Adaptive geo-information processing service evolution: Reuse and local modification method
* Adaptive Image Warping for Hole Prevention in 3D View Synthesis
* Adaptive Pixel/Patch-Based Stereo Matching for 2D Face Recognition
* Advanced Representation Technologies Applied to the Temple of Neptune, the Sphinx and the Metope in the Archaeological Park of Paestum
* Advantages of Parametric Modeling for the Reconstruction of Historic Buildings. The Example of the in War Destroyed Church of St. Catherine (Katharinenkirche) in Nuremberg, The
* Affine Colour Optical Flow Computation
* Analysis of Wave Packet Signature of a Graph
* Analysis of X-Band Very High Resolution Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Data over Urban Areas
* Applicability Analysis of Ultra-Light UAV for Flooding Site Survey in South Korea
* Application of Support Vector Machine to Detect Microbial Spoilage of Mushrooms
* Approach for the Semi-Automatic Verification of 3D Building Models
* Art of War Frieze in Urbino: A Blend of Virtual Reconstruction and Scientific Accuracy, The
* Assessing the Effect of Crossing Databases on Global and Local Approaches for Face Gender Classification
* Assessment of Tumor Blood Flow Distribution by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced CT
* Assessments for 3D Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage Using Digital Technologies
* Automated detection of slum area change in Hyderabad, India using multitemporal satellite imagery
* Automatic classification for solitary pulmonary nodule in CT image by fractal analysis based on fractional Brownian motion model
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Man-Made Objects in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Hierarchical Semantic Graph Model
* Automatic Detection of Storm Damages Using High-Altitude Photogrammetric Imaging
* Automatic Façade Segmentation for Thermal Retrofit
* Automatic Feature-Based Point Cloud Registration for a Moving Sensor Platform
* Automatic Orientation of Large Blocks of Oblique Images
* Automatic View Synthesis by Image-Domain-Warping
* Autonomous Airship Equipped by Multi-Sensor Mapping Platform
* Background Modeling Through Statistical Edge-Segment Distributions
* Background Recovery by Fixed-Rank Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Backscattering of Individual LIDAR Pulses from Forest Canopies Explained by Photogrammetrically Derived Vegetation Structure
* BAM! Depth-Based Body Analysis in Critical Care
* Biomedical Imaging: A Computer Vision Perspective
* Blinded by the Light: Exploiting the Deficiencies of a Laser Rangefinder for Rover Attitude Estimation
* BRDF Estimation for Faces from a Sparse Dataset Using a Neural Network
* Bridging challenges of clinical decision support systems with a semantic approach. A case study on breast cancer
* Bridging Ridge-to-Reef Patches: Seamless Classification of the Coast Using Very High Resolution Satellite
* Building Detection in Aerial Images Based on Watershed and Visual Attention Feature Descriptors
* Building Extraction Using Multi Sensor Systems
* Can Night-Time Light Data Identify Typologies of Urbanization? A Global Assessment of Successes and Failures
* Can Salient Interest Regions Resume Emotional Impact of an Image?
* Categorization of Multiple Objects in a Scene Using a Biased Sampling Strategy
* Change Detection in Feature Space Using Local Binary Similarity Patterns
* Characteristics and Accuracy of Large Area Covering Height Models
* Charlie Rides the Elevator, Integrating Vision, Navigation and Manipulation towards Multi-floor Robot Locomotion
* Classification of Water Surfaces Using Airborne Topographic LIDAR Data
* Classifier ensemble for an effective cytological image analysis
* Classifier fusion with interval-valued weights
* Classifying a high resolution image of an urban area using super-object information
* Clustering and outlier detection using isoperimetric number of trees
* Clustering based on eigenspace transformation: CBEST for efficient classification
* CoBi: Pattern Based Co-Regulated Biclustering of Gene Expression Data
* Combating Web spam through trust-distrust propagation with confidence
* Combination of Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion Technology for Creation of Accurate Exterior and Interior Orthophotos of St. Nicholas Baroque Church, The
* Combination of Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion Technology for Creation of Accurate Exterior and Interior Orthophotos of St. Nicholas Baroque Church, The
* Combinatorial Optimization of the Discretized Multiphase Mumford-Shah Functional
* Compact Setup of a Tunable Heterodyne Spectrometer for Infrared Observations of Atmospheric Trace-Gases
* Comparison Between Laser Scanning and Automated 3D Modelling Techniques to Reconstruct Complex and Extensive Cultural Heritage Areas
* Comparison of Leaf Recognition by Moments and Fourier Descriptors
* Comparison of Typhoon Locations over Ocean Surface Observed by Various Satellite Sensors
* Complementarity of SAR Polarimetry and Tomography for Building Detection and Characterization
* Complexity Fusion for Indexing Reeb Digraphs
* Constructing a No-Reference H.264/AVC Bitstream-Based Video Quality Metric Using Genetic Programming-Based Symbolic Regression
* Continuous Pose Estimation in 2D Images at Instance and Category Levels
* Contraharmonic Mean Based Bias Field Correction in MR Images
* Correlation between Biopsy Confirmed Cases and Radiologist's Annotations in the Detection of Lung Nodules by Expanding the Diagnostic Database Using Content Based Image Retrieval
* Crabnebula Digital Suite, an Algorithm of Survey and 3D Modelling for the Preservation and Management of Urban Heritage
* Creating Procedural Windowbuilding Blocks Using the Generative Fact Labeling Method
* Creation of 3D Models from Large Unstructured Image and Video Datasets
* Crowdsourced Mapping: Letting Amateurs into the Temple?
* Data Fusion for Building Reconstruction from Multi-Aspect INSAR Data
* Data Mining for Knowledge Discovery from Object-Based Segmentation of VHR Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Data Processing Concepts for the Integration of SAR into Operational Volcano Monitoring Systems
* Decomposing the global financial crisis: A Self-Organizing Time Map
* Deformable Shape Reconstruction from Monocular Video with Manifold Forests
* Delineation of Building Footprints from High Resolution Satellite Stereo Imagery Using Image Matching and a GIS Database
* Dense Correspondence of Skull Models by Automatic Detection of Anatomical Landmarks
* Detection of Visual Defects in Citrus Fruits: Multivariate Image Analysis vs Graph Image Segmentation
* Determination of Glacier Surface Area Using Spaceborne SAR Imagery
* Digital Reconstruction of an Archaeological Site Based on the Integration of 3D Data and Historical Sources
* Digital Video and Television
* Discrete and Continuous Models for Partitioning Problems
* Discrete Topology Based Hierarchical Segmentation for Efficient Object-Based Image Analyis: Application to Object Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images
* Discriminant Convex Non-negative Matrix Factorization for the classification of human brain tumours
* Discrimination of Tropical Mangroves at the Species Level with EO-1 Hyperion Data
* Distance and similarity measures between intuitionistic fuzzy sets: A comparative analysis from a pattern recognition point of view
* Distributed Mincut/Maxflow Algorithm Combining Path Augmentation and Push-Relabel, A
* Distribution of Semantic Annotations Towards a Set of Spatially-Oriented Photographs
* Domain Adaptation Based on Eigen-Analysis and Clustering, for Object Categorization
* DSMS Generation from COSMO-SKYMED, RADARSAT-2 AND TERRASAR-X Imagery on Beauport (Canada) Test Site: Evaluation and Comparison of Different Radargrammetric Approaches
* dual lidar system for environmental studies, A
* Dynamic Bayesian Framework for Motion Segmentation, A
* Dynamic classifier selection for One-vs-One strategy: Avoiding non-competent classifiers
* Dynamic discriminant functions with missing feature values
* Dynamic Template Tracking and Recognition
* edge detection with automatic scale selection approach to improve coherent visual attention model, An
* Edge-Based and Efficient Chromaticity Spatio-spectral Models for Color Constancy
* Edge-Directed Single-Image Super-Resolution Via Adaptive Gradient Magnitude Self-Interpolation
* Effect of Different GNSS Solutions on the Direct Sensor Orientation Accuracy, The
* Efficient Action Recognition with MoFREAK
* Efficient Hand Segmentation and Fingertip Detection Using Color Features of Skin and Fingernail
* Efficient iris segmentation method in unconstrained environments
* Efficient Large-Scale Video Retrieval via Discriminative Signatures
* Efficient, General Point Cloud Registration with Kernel Feature Maps
* Eigenbackground Bootstrapping
* Electromagnetic Servoing: A New Tracking Paradigm
* Enabling User Interactions with Video Contents
* Enforcing Consistency of 3D Scenes with Multiple Objects Using Shape-from-Contours
* Enhanced Component Detection Algorithm of Full-Waveform LIDAR Data
* Enhanced hyperspectral imaging for urban reconnaissance
* Enhancement of Screen Film Mammogram up to a Level of Digital Mammogram: Experimental Analysis
* Enhancing Exploration in Topological Worlds with a Directional Immovable Marker
* Estimating Clusters Centres Using Support Vector Machine: An Improved Soft Subspace Clustering Algorithm
* Estimating Total Discharge in the Yangtze River Basin Using Satellite-Based Observations
* Estimation of Biomass Potential Based on Classification and Height Information
* Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Optical/Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing in the Canadian Prairies
* EUFODOS: European Forest Downstream Services: Improved Information on Forest Structure and Damage
* EUSBoost: Enhancing ensembles for highly imbalanced data-sets by evolutionary undersampling
* Evaluating the Impact of Color on Texture Recognition
* Evaluation of Persistent Scatterer Patterns at Building Facades by Simulation Techniques
* Evaluation of PLEIADES-1A Triplet on Trento Testfield
* Evaluation of SAR Data as Source of Ground Control Information: First Results
* Evaluation of ZY-3 For DSM and Ortho Image Generation
* Evaluation: A Challenge for Visual Analytics
* Exact order based feature descriptor for illumination robust image matching
* Existence Detection of Objects in Images for Robot Vision Using Saliency Histogram Features
* Expectation Conditional Maximization-Based Deformable Shape Registration
* Exploiting Color Constancy for Compensating Projected Images on Non-white Light Projection Screen
* Exploiting Shadow Evidence and Iterative Graph-Cuts for Efficient Detection of Buildings in Complex Environments
* Exploring Patterns and Effects of Aerosol Quantity Flag Anomalies in MODIS Surface Reflectance Products in the Tropics
* Exploring trace transform for robust human action recognition
* Extracting Colored Noise Statistics in Time Series via Negentropy
* Extraction of Building Shape from Tandem-X Data
* Face Retrieval in Large-Scale News Video Datasets
* Facial Expression Recognition with Regional Features Using Local Binary Patterns
* Fast Approximate Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Based on K-Means
* Fast EM Principal Component Analysis Image Registration Using Neighbourhood Pixel Connectivity
* Fast Floor Segmentation Algorithm for Visual-Based Robot Navigation, A
* Fast L_0-Regularized Kernel Estimation for Robust Motion Deblurring
* Fast Single Image De-Hazing Using Characteristics of RGB Channel of Foggy Image
* Fast Unsupervised Segmentation Using Active Contours and Belief Functions
* Feature Interaction Maximisation
* Filtering Airborne LIDAR Data by an Improved Morphological Method Based on Multi-Gradient Analysis
* Finger Vein Recognition with Gabor Wavelets and Local Binary Patterns
* Fingerprint classification by a hierarchical classifier
* Flexible Hypersurface Fitting with RBF Kernels
* FPGA Implementation of Human Detection by HOG Features with AdaBoost
* From DSM to 3D Building Models: A Quantitative Evaluation
* From Point Clouds to Architectural Models: Algorithms for Shape Reconstruction
* From visual patterns to semantic description: A cognitive approach using artificial curiosity as the foundation
* Fully Automatic Optical Processing System CATENA at DLR, The
* Fully Automatic Segmentation of AP Pelvis X-rays via Random Forest Regression and Hierarchical Sparse Shape Composition
* Fully Automatic Segmentation of the Proximal Femur Using Random Forest Regression Voting
* Further results on dissimilarity spaces for hyperspectral images RF-CBIR
* Fusion of probabilistic knowledge-based classification rules and learning automata for automatic recognition of digital images
* Fuzzy Clustering of Image Trademark Database and Preprocessing Using Adaptive Filter and Karhunen-Loêve Transform
* Gender Classification Using Facial Images and Basis Pursuit
* Gene selection with guided regularized random forest
* Generalized Theorem on the Average Array Directivity Factor, A
* Geometric Bargaining Approach for Optimizing Resource Allocation in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
* Geometric Correction of Airborne Linear Array Image Based on Bias Matrix
* Geospectral Camera: A Compact and Geometrically Precise Hyperspectral and High Spatial Resolution Imager, The
* GIS-Centric Optical Tracking System and Lap Simulator for Short Track Speed Skating, A
* Global Biogeographical Pattern of Ecosystem Functional Types Derived From Earth Observation Data
* Global Image Registration Using Random Projection and Local Linear Method
* GPU-Accelerated Interactive Visualization of 3D Volumetric Data Using CUDA
* Graph Clustering through Attribute Statistics Based Embedding
* Graph Embedding Method Using the Jensen-Shannon Divergence, A
* Graph-Based IVUS Segmentation With Efficient Computer-Aided Refinement
* Graph-Based Regularization of Binary Classifiers for Texture Segmentation
* Guest Editorial: Energy Optimization Methods
* Hand Gesture Recognition Towards Vocabulary and Application Independency
* Hardware Implementation of a Fast and Efficient Haze Removal Method
* Harmonization of Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) from Sea-ViewingWide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Instrument (MERI
* Hearing versus Seeing Identical Twins
* Heterogeneous Visual Codebook Integration Via Consensus Clustering for Visual Categorization
* Hierarchical Annealed Particle Swarm Optimization for Articulated Object Tracking
* Hierarchical Ray Tracing for Fast Volumetric Next-Best-View Planning
* High Performance and Hardware Efficient Multiview Video Coding Frame Scheduling Algorithms and Architectures
* High Resolution Temporal Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices for Specific Crop Identification
* High-Resolution Feature Evaluation Benchmark
* How to Pan-Sharpen Images Using the Gram-Schmidt Pan-Sharpen Method: A Recipe
* Human-inspired features for natural scene classification
* Hybrid Approach for Information Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Hyperspectral Image Noise Reduction Based on Rank-1 Tensor Decomposition
* Hyperspectral image segmentation through evolved cellular automata
* I Remember Seeing This Video: Image Driven Search in Video Collections
* Image Acquisition and Model Selection for Multi-View Stereo
* Image inpainting with nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Image Segmentation by Oriented Image Foresting Transform with Geodesic Star Convexity
* Image Sequence Prediction Using ANN and RBFNN
* Imager locates toxic liquids at stand-off distances
* Importance of Long-Range Interactions to Texture Similarity, The
* Improved Auto-Calibration Algorithm Based on Sparse Bayesian Learning Framework, An
* Improved Orthogonal Fractal Super-Resolution Using Range Adjustment and Domain Extension
* Inference of Complex Trajectories by Means of a Multibehavior and Multiobject Tracking Algorithm
* Influence of Multi-Source and Multi-Temporal Remotely Sensed and Ancillary Data on the Accuracy of Random Forest Classification of Wetlands in Northern Minnesota
* Integration of LIDAR Data into a Municipal GIS to Study Solar Radiation
* Intelligent services for discovery of complex geospatial features from remote sensing imagery
* Interactive CT-Video Registration for the Continuous Guidance of Bronchoscopy
* Interactive Image Segmentation via Graph Clustering and Synthetic Coordinates Modeling
* Interframe Prediction Technique Combining Template Matching Prediction and Block-Motion Compensation for High-Efficiency Video Coding, An
* Interior Reconstruction Using the 3D Hough Transform
* Interpretation of Topographic Data from Shape from Shading Method, Application in Villagarcía de Campos Castle
* Interval-Passing Algorithm for Chemical Mixture Estimation
* Investigation on Circular Mapping by FMCW-SAR on Small Airplanes
* Joint learning and weighting of visual vocabulary for bag-of-feature based tissue classification
* Kernel-based sparse representation for gesture recognition
* Kidney segmentation using graph cuts and pixel connectivity
* Labeling of Clusters Based on Critical Analysis of Texture Measures
* Language Adaptive Methodology for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation
* Large Scale Urban Reconstruction from Remote Sensing Imagery
* Large-Scale Graph Visualization and Analytics
* Laser Scanning for the Geometric Study of the Alcántara Bridge and Coria Cathedral
* Learning Geometry-Aware Kernels in a Regularization Framework
* Learning small gallery size for prediction of recognition performance on large populations
* Learning-Based, Automatic 2D-to-3D Image and Video Conversion
* Line-Based Registration of DSM and Hyperspectral Images
* literature survey on robust and efficient eye localization in real-life scenarios, A
* Local Adaptive Approach for Dense Stereo Matching in Architectural Scene Reconstruction, A
* Location-Specific Coverage in Heterogeneous Networks
* Low complexity object detection and tracking with inter-layer graph mapping and intra-layer graph refinement in H.264/SVC bitstreams
* LVQ-SVM based CAD tool applied to structural MRI for the diagnosis of the Alzheimer's disease
* Machine Learning Approach for Displaying Query Results in Search Engines, A
* Malware detection by pruning of parallel ensembles using harmony search
* Manifold Learning and the Quantum Jensen-Shannon Divergence Kernel
* Marginalized Viterbi algorithm for hierarchical hidden Markov models
* Markerless Augmented Reality System for Mobile Devices, A
* Maximizing Edit Distance Accuracy with Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Measure of Perceptual Aliasing in Image Descriptors, A
* Method for Dynamic Selection of Optimal Depth Measurements Acquisition with Random Access Range Sensors, A
* Mixtures of Radial Densities for Clustering Graphs
* Model-to-Image Registration and Automatic Texture Mapping Using a Video Sequence Taken by a Mini UAV
* Modelling and Estimation of Multicomponent T_2 Distributions
* Monitoring Concepts for Coastal Areas Using LIDAR Data
* Motion Trend Patterns for Action Modelling and Recognition
* Motion-Compensated Mega-Voltage Cone Beam CT Using the Deformation Derived Directly From 2D Projection Images
* Motor Pump Fault Diagnosis with Feature Selection and Levenberg-Marquardt Trained Feedforward Neural Network
* Moving code: Sharing geoprocessing logic on the Web
* Multi-agent event recognition by preservation of spatiotemporal relationships between probabilistic models
* Multi-run 3D Streetside Reconstruction from a Vehicle
* Multi-sensor Appearance-Based Place Recognition
* Multi-Source Hierarchical Conditional Random Field Model for Feature Fusion of Remote Sensing Images and LIDAR Data
* Multi-SVM Multi-instance Learning for Object-Based Image Retrieval
* Multi-View Video Representation Based on Fast Monte Carlo Surface Reconstruction
* Multi-Year Comparison of Carbon Dioxide from Satellite Data with Ground-Based FTS Measurements (2003-2011)
* Multidirectional Building Detection in Aerial Images without Shape Templates
* Multiframe Many-Many Point Correspondence for Vehicle Tracking in High Density Wide Area Aerial Videos
* Multiple Cost Functions and Regularization Options for Improved Retrieval of Leaf Chlorophyll Content and LAI through Inversion of the PROSAIL Model
* Multiscale and multidirectional tight frames for image analysis
* Multiscale quality assessment of Global Human Settlement Layer scenes against reference data using statistical learning
* Multiscale Symmetric Part Detection and Grouping
* Mutual information-based method for selecting informative feature sets
* Navigation Domain Representation For Interactive Multiview Imaging
* Near Real-Time Automatic Marine Vessel Detection on Optical Satellite Images
* New Bag of Words LBP (BoWL) Descriptor for Scene Image Classification, A
* New Insights Into Optimal Acoustic Feedback Cancellation
* New Light-Weight Stereosopic Spectrometric Airborne Imaging Technology for High-Resolution Environmental Remote Sensing: Case Studies in Water Quality Mapping
* New Method for the In Vivo Identification of Mechanical Properties in Arteries From Cine MRI Images: Theoretical Framework and Validation, A
* New Pixel-Based Quality Measure for Segmentation Algorithms Integrating Precision, Recall and Specificity, A
* New Systems for the Management of Data. The Case Study of the Chapter House of Santa Maria Novella in Florence
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Natural Stereopairs
* Nonlinear multicriteria clustering based on multiple dissimilarity matrices
* Novel Border Identification Algorithm Based on an Anti-Bayesian Paradigm, A
* Novel DCT-Based JND Model for Luminance Adaptation Effect in DCT Frequency, A
* novel multiplex cascade classifier for pedestrian detection, A
* Object-Based Analysis of Aerial Photogrammetric Point Cloud and Spectral Data for Land Cover Mapping
* Occlusion Detection by Height Gradient for True Orthophoto Generation, Using Lidar Data
* On Achieving Near-Optimal Anti-Bayesian Order Statistics-Based Classification for Asymmetric Exponential Distributions
* On ear-based human identification in the mid-wave infrared spectrum
* On Structuring Multiple Grouping Hypotheses in Generic Object Detection
* One class random forests
* One-Bit Decentralized Detection With a Rao Test for Multisensor Fusion
* Online Facial Expression Recognition Based on Finite Beta-Liouville Mixture Models
* OpenVL: Abstracting Vision Tasks Using a Segment-Based Language Model
* Operational SAR Data Processing in GIS Environments for Rapid Disaster Mapping
* Optimization of Robust Loss Functions for Weakly-Labeled Image Taxonomies
* Optimizing Feature Selection through Binary Charged System Search
* Order statistics-based parametric classification for multi-dimensional distributions
* Outlines of Objects Detection by Analogy
* Parallel Planes Identification Using Uncalibrated Zooming Cameras
* Parallelism Analysis of H.264 Decoder and Realization on a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable SoC
* Parametric Accuracy: Building Information Modeling Process Applied to the Cultural Heritage Preservation
* Passive Three Dimensional Face Recognition Using Iso-Geodesic Contours and Procrustes Analysis
* Pasture Monitoring Using SAR with COSMO-SkyMed, ENVISAT ASAR, and ALOS PALSAR in Otway, Australia
* PaTHOS: Part-Based Tree Hierarchy for Object Segmentation
* Performance Evaluation of Thermographic Cameras for Photogrammetric Measurements
* Performance of dense digital surface models based on image matching in the estimation of plot-level forest variables
* Photo-Modeling and Cloud Computing. Applications in the Survey of Late Gothic Architectural Elements
* Pixel to Patch Sampling Structure and Local Neighboring Intensity Relationship Patterns for Texture Classification
* Plenoptic Layer-Based Modeling for Image Based Rendering
* Precise 2-D and 3-D Ground Target Localization with TerraSAR-X
* Preface
* Probabilistic expression of Polynomial Semantic Indexing and its application for classification
* Procedural Modeling for Rapid-Prototyping of Multiple Building Phases
* Proof-of-Concept, Rover-Based System for Autonomously Locating Methane Gas Sources on Mars, A
* protocol for improving mapping and assessing of seagrass abundance along the West Central Coast of Florida using Landsat TM and EO-1 ALI/Hyperion images, A
* Quantale-based autoassociative memories with an application to the storage of color images
* Quantization-Based Fragile Watermarking Using Block-Wise Authentication and Pixel-Wise Recovery Scheme for Tampered Image
* Quasi-dense Correspondence in Stereo Images Using Multiple Coupled Snakes
* Radiometric Block Adjusment and Digital Radiometric Model Generation
* Rapid Acquisition of Environmental Information After Accidents with Hazardous Cargo Through Remote Sensing by UAV
* Rapid Geometric Correction of SSC TERRASAR-X Images with Direct Georeferencing, Global DEM and Global Geoid Models
* Rapid Localisation and Retrieval of Human Actions with Relevance Feedback
* Real and Simulated Waveform Recording LIDAR Data in Boreal Juvenile Forest Vegetation
* Real-Time Simulation of Camera Errors and Their Effect on Some Basic Robotic Vision Algorithms
* Real-Time Specularity Detection Using Unnormalized Wiener Entropy
* Real-Time Visual Analytics for Text Streams
* Recognizing hand gestures using the weighted elastic graph matching (WEGM) method
* Recognizing Human-Object Interactions Using Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Reconstructing 3D Buildings from LIDAR Using Level Set Methods
* Recovering Dense Stereo Depth Maps Using a Single Gaussian Blurred Structured Light Pattern
* Recursive voids for identifying a nonconvex boundary of a set of points in the plane
* Reference LIDAR Surfaces for Enhanced Aerial Triangulation and Camera Calibration
* Regional Bit Allocation and Rate Distortion Optimization for Multiview Depth Video Coding With View Synthesis Distortion Model
* Registration of Optical Data with High-Resolution SAR Data: A New Image Registration Solution
* Regularized vector field learning with sparse approximation for mismatch removal
* Reliable Exterior Orientation by a Robust Anisotropic Orthogonal Procrustes Algorithm
* Remote Sensing Based Detection of Crop Phenology for Agricultural Zones in China Using a New Threshold Method
* Remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols in South Africa
* Remote-Sensing Driven Tool for Estimating Crop Stress and Yields, A
* Remotely sensing the complexity of rivers and estuaries
* Reverse Modelling Realized by Digital Scans and Fotomodellazione: Based on Post-Processing Compared Several Noteworthy Episodes Contained in the Basilical Complex of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura in Rome, The
* Review of the As-Built BIM Approaches
* Rigorous Georeferencing of ALSAT-2A Panchromatic and Multispectral Imagery
* Road Region Detection in Urban Areas Combining High-Resolution RGB Image and Laser Scanning Data in a Classification Framework
* Roads Centre-Axis Extraction in Airborne SAR Images: An Approach Based on Active Contour Model with the Use of Semi-Automatic Seeding
* Robust and Fast Localization of Single Speech Source Using a Planar Array
* Robust extraction of image correspondences exploiting the image scene geometry and approximate camera orientation
* Robust non-rigid point registration based on feature-dependant finite mixture model
* Robust Outlier Detection and Saliency Features Estimation in Point Cloud Data
* Robust PCA-Based Visual Tracking by Adaptively Maximizing the Matching Residual Likelihood
* Robust Solvers for Square Jigsaw Puzzles
* Robust Structure from Motion of Nonrigid Objects in the Presence of Outlying and Missing Data
* Robust Visual Tracker with a Coupled-Classifier Based on Multiple Representative Appearance Models, A
* ROC curves for regression
* ros4mat: A Matlab Programming Interface for Remote Operations of ROS-Based Robotic Devices in an Educational Context
* Rotation invariant textural feature extraction for image retrieval using eigen value analysis of intensity gradients and multi-resolution analysis
* Rotation Invariant Texture Descriptor Using Local Shearlet-Based Energy Histograms
* Rotational Projection Statistics for 3D Local Surface Description and Object Recognition
* Scale and Object Aware Image Thumbnailing
* Scale-Space Clustering on the Sphere
* second order cone programming approach for semi-supervised learning, A
* Segmentation for High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Imagery Using Improved Quadtree and Region Adjacency Graph Technique
* Selecting Effective and Discriminative Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Recognizing Human Action
* Selective generation of Gabor features for fast face recognition on mobile devices
* Selective Search for Object Recognition
* Semantic orchestration of image processing services for environmental analysis
* Semi-Automatic Modelling of Building Façades with Shape Grammars Using Historic Building Information Modelling
* Sensor-Pattern-Noise Map Reconstruction in Source Camera Identification for Size-Reduced Images
* Sequential Pose Estimation Using Linearized Rotation Matrices
* shading twist, a dynamical shape cue, The
* Shadows of Previous Days: A Journey into Digital Reconstruction
* SIFER: Scale-Invariant Feature Detector with Error Resilience
* Soil Moisture & Snow Properties Determination with GNSS in Alpine Environments: Challenges, Status, and Perspectives
* Solid Image Extraction FROM LIDAR Point Clouds
* Sparse Depth Sampling for Interventional 2-D/3-D Overlay: Theoretical Error Analysis and Enhanced Motion Estimation
* Sparse multidimensional representation using shearlets
* Sparse Reconstruction of the Magnetic Particle Imaging System Matrix
* Spatial Domain Object Separability Based No-Reference Image Quality Measure Using Mean and Variance, A
* Spatio-temporal Human Body Segmentation from Video Stream
* Spatio-temporal Manifold Embedding for Nearly-Repetitive Contents in a Video Stream
* Spectrum Combining for ENF Signal Estimation
* Speeding up correlation search for binary data
* Stochastic bottom-up fixation prediction and saccade generation
* Study on Visible to Infrared Action Recognition, A
* Subsurface Ocean Signals from an Orbiting Polarization Lidar
* Supervised feature extraction for tensor objects based on maximization of mutual information
* Supporting UAVS in Low Visibility Conditions by Multiple-Pulse Laser Scanning Devices
* Surface Imprints of Water-Column Turbulence: A Case Study of Tidal Flow over an Estuarine Sill
* Survey and Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Multi-label Optimization Approaches for the Potts Model, A
* Synergetics Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Tandem-X Mission: Overview, Status and Outlook
* Temporal Self-Similarity for Appearance-Based Action Recognition in Multi-View Setups
* Texture-Based Land Cover Classification for the Delineation of a Shifting Cultivation Landscape in the Lao PDR Using Landscape Metrics, A
* Topic Models for Image Localization
* Toward a compression-based self-organizing recognizer: Preliminary implementation of PRDC-CSOR
* Toward an Impairment Metric for Stereoscopic Video: A Full-Reference Video Quality Metric to Assess Compressed Stereoscopic Video
* Towards Change Detection in Urban Area by SAR Interferometry and Radargrammetry
* Towards Practical Visual Servoing in Robotics
* Tracking Severe Storms Using a Pseudo Storm Concept
* Tracking System with Re-identification Using a Graph Kernels Approach
* Transformation from Green to Concrete Cities; A Remote Sensing Perspective, The
* Transmission Line Theory Based Two Layer Model for Determining Soil Moisture
* Tuning Parameter Selection for Underdetermined Reduced-Rank Regression
* unified framework for multimodal retrieval, A
* Unobtrusive Fall Detection at Home Using Kinect Sensor
* Unsharp masking using quadratic filter for the enhancement of fingerprints in noisy background
* Unsupervised Dynamic Textures Segmentation
* User-Action-Driven View and Rate Scalable Multiview Video Coding
* user-specific and selective multimodal biometric fusion strategy by ranking subjects, A
* Using classifiers as heuristics to describe local structure in Active Shape Models with small training sets
* Using Gait Change for Terrain Sensing by Robots
* Using Lattice Topology Information to Investigate Persistent Scatterers at Facades in Urban Areas
* Using Morphological Differential Attribute Profiles for Change Categorization in High Resolution SAR Images
* Using Polynomial Kernel Support Vector Machines for Speaker Verification
* Using robust dispersion estimation in support vector machines
* Using Satellite Images for Wireless Network Planing in Baku City
* Using the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) within a Geographic Information System to Detect Swimming Pools for Mosquito Abatement: A Practical Approach
* Utilization of Noise-Only Samples in Array Processing With Prior Knowledge
* Validation Index: A New Metric for Validation of Segmentation Algorithms Using Two or More Expert Outlines With Application to Radiotherapy Planning, The
* Validation of a Parametric Approach for 3D Fortification Modelling: Application to Scale Models
* Variational Approach to Video Registration with Subspace Constraints, A
* Vehicle matching in smart camera networks using image projection profiles at multiple instances
* Video Synopsis Based on a Sequential Distortion Minimization Method
* Virtual Mirror Rendering With Stationary RGB-D Cameras and Stored 3-D Background
* Visual Analytics Infrastructures: From Data Management to Exploration
* Visual Analytics Support for Intelligence Analysis
* Visual Analytics: Seeking the Unknown
* Visual Face Tracking: A Coarse-to-Fine Target State Estimation
* Visual Importance- and Discomfort Region-Selective Low-Pass Filtering for Reducing Visual Discomfort in Stereoscopic Displays
* Voting Clustering and Key Points Selection
* Voting Strategies for Anatomical Landmark Localization Using the Implicit Shape Model
* Wide-Speed Autopilot System for a Swimming Hexapod Robot
* Worst-Case Local Boundary Precision in Global Measures of Segmentation Reproducibility
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