Update Dates 1802

1802 * *300 3D Facial-Videos In-the-Wild Challenge
* *3D Reconstruction Meets Semantics
* *Action, Gesture, and Emotion Recognition Competitions: Large Scale Multimodal Gesture Recognition and Real Versus Fake Expressed Emotions
* *Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage
* *Bio-Image Computing
* *Capturing and Modeling Human Bodies, Faces and Hands
* *Compact and Efficient Feature Representation and Learning in Computer Vision
* *Computer Vision for Audio-Visual Media
* *Computer Vision for Fashion
* *Computer Vision for Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving
* *Computer Vision for UAVs
* *Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping
* *Cross-Domain Human Identification
* *Data-Driven BxDF Models for Computer Vision Applications
* *Deep Vision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision
* *Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
* *Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing
* *eHeritage and Digital Art Preservation
* *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* *Image-Based Modeling of Articulated and Deformable Objects
* *International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures
* *International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics
* *Joint Workshop on Multi-Sensor Fusion for Dynamic Scene Understanding
* *Manifold Learning, From Euclid to Riemann
* *Matrix and Tensor Factorization Methods in Computer Vision
* *Multiview Relationships in 3D Data
* *Mutual Benefits of Cognitive and Computer Vision
* *Physics Based Vision Meets Deep Learning
* *Recognizing One Million Celebrities in the Real World
* *Recovering 6D Object Pose
* *Robust Subspace Learning and Applications in Computer Vision
* *Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge (TASK) in Computer Vision (CV)
* *Vision in Practice on Autonomous Robots
* *Visual Object Tracking Challenge
* *Visual Wildlife Monitoring
* *Workshop on Observing and Understanding Hands in Action
* *Workshop on Web-Scale Vision and Social Media
* 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
* 2D-Driven 3D Object Detection in RGB-D Images
* 3-D Water Vapor Tomography in Wuhan from GPS, BDS and GLONASS Observations
* 30-Year Assessment of Phytoplankton Blooms in Erhai Lake Using Landsat Imagery: 1987 to 2016, A
* 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Crop Classification with Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
* 3D Garment Digitisation for Virtual Wardrobe Using a Commodity Depth Sensor
* 3D Graph Neural Networks for RGBD Semantic Segmentation
* 3D Menpo Facial Landmark Tracking Challenge, The
* 3D micro-mapping: Towards assessing the quality of crowdsourcing to support 3D point cloud analysis
* 3D Morphable Model of Craniofacial Shape and Texture Variation, A
* 3D Morphable Models as Spatial Transformer Networks
* 3D non-rigid image registration with inverse consistency constraint on elastodynamics wave equation
* 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Depth View with Adversarial Learning
* 3D Pose Regression Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 3D Probabilistic Morphable Models for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* 3D reconstruction framework via combining one 3D scanner and multiple stereo trackers
* 3D Scene Mesh from CNN Depth Predictions and Sparse Monocular SLAM
* 3D Surface Detail Enhancement from a Single Normal Map
* 3D Visualization of Trees Based on a Sphere-Board Model
* 3D-PRNN: Generating Shape Primitives with Recurrent Neural Networks
* 3DCNN-DQN-RNN: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Semantic Parsing of Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds
* 4D Effect Video Classification with Shot-Aware Frame Selection and Deep Neural Networks
* 4D Model-Based Spatiotemporal Alignment of Scripted Taiji Quan Sequences
* 4D Modelling in Cultural Heritage
* Abnormal event detection and localization using level set based on hybrid features
* Abnormal Event Detection in Video Using Motion and Appearance Information
* Accelerated Backprojection Algorithm for Monostatic and Bistatic SAR Processing, An
* Accelerated Parameter Mapping of Multiple-Echo Gradient-Echo Data Using Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction
* Accelerating HEVC Encoding Using Early-Split
* Acceleration of histogram-based contrast enhancement via selective downsampling
* Accounting for and Predicting the Influence of Spatial Autocorrelation in Water Quality Modeling
* Accurate Calibration of LiDAR-Camera Systems Using Ordinary Boxes
* Accurate Depth Map Estimation from Small Motions
* Accurate Detection for Scene Texts with a Cascaded CNN Networks
* Accurate Estimation of Personalized Video Preference Using Multiple Users' Viewing Behavior
* Accurate Rigid Body Localization via Semidefinite Relaxation Using Range Measurements
* Accurate Structure Recovery via Weighted Nuclear Norm: A Low Rank Approach to Shape-from-Focus
* Accurate System for Fashion Hand-Drawn Sketches Vectorization, An
* Acquiring qualified samples for RANSAC using geometrical constraints
* Action Recognition from RGB-D Data: Comparison and Fusion of Spatio-Temporal Handcrafted Features and Deep Strategies
* Action Tubelet Detector for Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
* ActionVis: An Explorative Tool to Visualize Surgical Actions in Gynecologic Laparoscopy
* Active Decision Boundary Annotation with Deep Generative Models
* Active Learning for Human Pose Estimation
* Active Learning for the Classification of Species in Underwater Images from a Fixed Observatory
* Active multi-kernel domain adaptation for hyperspectral image classification
* Active Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Adaptive Binarization for Weakly Supervised Affordance Segmentation
* Adaptive Dehaze Method for Aerial Image Processing
* Adaptive Feeding: Achieving Fast and Accurate Detections by Adaptively Combining Object Detectors
* adaptive graph learning method based on dual data representations for clustering, An
* Adaptive Image Representation Using Information Gain and Saliency: Application to Cultural Heritage Datasets
* Adaptive Intra Candidate Selection With Early Depth Decision for Fast Intra Prediction in HEVC
* Adaptive Pooling in Multi-instance Learning for Web Video Annotation
* Adaptive real-time reversible data hiding for JPEG images
* Adaptive RNN Tree for Large-Scale Human Action Recognition
* Adaptive stopping strategies for fast intra mode decision in HEVC
* Adaptive SVM+: Learning with Privileged Information for Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Window-Based Constrained Energy Minimization for Detection of Newly Grown Tree Leaves
* Adjustment of Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) Red-Edge Band Reflectance to Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR) and Quantification of Red-Edge Band BRDF Effects
* Adversarial Examples Detection in Deep Networks with Convolutional Filter Statistics
* Adversarial Examples for Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection
* Adversarial Image Perturbation for Privacy Protection A Game Theory Perspective
* Adversarial Networks for Spatial Context-Aware Spectral Image Reconstruction from RGB
* Adversarial PoseNet: A Structure-Aware Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation
* AENet: Learning Deep Audio Features for Video Analysis
* Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over East Asia Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* Aesthetic Critiques Generation for Photos
* Age Estimation with Local Ternary Directional Patterns
* AGO: Accelerating Global Optimization for Accurate Stereo Matching
* Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for Modeling Cosmic Radiation and Effective Dose in the Lower Atmosphere
* Algorithm for an Accurate Detection of Anomalies in Hyperspectral Images With a Low Computational Complexity, An
* Algorithms for the Orthographic-n-Point Problem
* Algorithms for the Orthographic-n-Point Problem
* Aligned Image-Word Representations Improve Inductive Transfer Across Vision-Language Tasks
* All-In-Focus Synthetic Aperture Imaging Using Image Matting
* All-in-focus with directional-max-gradient flow and labeled iterative depth propagation
* Almost constant-time 3D nearest-neighbor lookup using implicit octrees
* alternative framework for univariate filter based feature selection for text categorization, An
* Am I a Baller? Basketball Performance Assessment from First-Person Videos
* AMAT: Medial Axis Transform for Natural Images
* AMTnet: Action-Micro-Tube Regression by End-to-end Trainable Deep Architecture
* Amulet: Aggregating Multi-level Convolutional Features for Salient Object Detection
* Analysis of Azimuthal Variations Using Multi-Aperture Polarimetric Entropy with Circular SAR Images
* Analysis of Cross-Borehole Pulse Radar Signatures on a Terminated Tunnel With Various Penetration Lengths
* Analysis of Data Acquisition Time on Soil Moisture Retrieval From Multiangle L-Band Observations
* Analysis of Disparity Error for Stereo Autofocus
* Analysis of diurnal changes in pupil dilation and eyelid aperture
* Analysis of Hydrological Sensitivity for Flood Risk Assessment
* Analysis of Ku-Band Profiling Radar Observations of Boreal Forest, An
* Analysis of Partial Axial Symmetry on 3D Surfaces and Its Application in the Restoration of Cultural Heritage Objects
* Analysis of Suspended Particulate Matter and Its Drivers in Sahelian Ponds and Lakes by Remote Sensing (Landsat and MODIS): Gourma Region, Mali
* Analysis of the Spatial Variability of Land Surface Variables for ET Estimation: Case Study in HiWATER Campaign
* Analysis of Visual Question Answering Algorithms, An
* Analysis on the Effect of Sensor Views in Image Reconstruction Produced by Optical Tomography System Using Charge-Coupled Device
* Analyzing the Long-Term Phenological Trends of Salt Marsh Ecosystem across Coastal LOUISIANA
* Anatomical decomposition of human liver volume to build accurate statistical shape models
* Anatomically Constrained Neural Networks (ACNNs): Application to Cardiac Image Enhancement and Segmentation
* Anchored Regression Networks Applied to Age Estimation and Super Resolution
* Ancient Roman Coin Recognition in the Wild Using Deep Learning Based Recognition of Artistically Depicted Face Profiles
* Angular-Based Preprocessing for Image Denoising
* Animating pictures of water scenes using video retrieval
* AnnArbor: Approximate Nearest Neighbors Using Arborescence Coding
* Annual Seasonality Extraction Using the Cubic Spline Function and Decadal Trend in Temporal Daytime MODIS LST Data
* Anomaly classification in digital mammography based on multiple-instance learning
* Anticipating Daily Intention Using On-wrist Motion Triggered Sensing
* AntMapper: An Ant Colony-Based Map Matching Approach for Trajectory-Based Applications
* Anubhav: recognizing emotions through facial expression
* AOD-Net: All-in-One Dehazing Network
* Application of Coupled-Wave Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Approximation to Ground Penetrating Radar
* Application of Multisensory Technology for Resolution of Problems in the Field of Research and Preservation of Cultural Heritage
* Application of Predictor Feedback to Compensate Time Delays in Connected Cruise Control
* Application of Quadratic Measure Filters to the Segmentation of Chorio-Retinal OCT Data, An
* Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and a New Correlation Algorithm to Urban Construction and Supervision Using Multi-Source Government Data in Tianjin, The
* Application to Improve Smart Heritage City Experience, An
* approach for flood monitoring by the combined use of Landsat 8 optical imagery and COSMO-SkyMed radar imagery, An
* Approach to Clustering Using the Expectation-Maximization and Selection of Attributes ReliefF Applied to Water Treatment Plants process, An
* Approach to Improve the Positioning Performance of GPS/INS/UWB Integrated System with Two-Step Filter, An
* Approaches for Event Segmentation of Visual Lifelog Data
* Approximate Grassmannian Intersections: Subspace-Valued Subspace Learning
* Approximations for the distribution of microflake normals
* AR DeepCalorieCam: An iOS App for Food Calorie Estimation with Augmented Reality
* Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-Time with Adaptive Instance Normalization
* Are They Going to Cross? A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline for Pedestrian Crosswalk Behavior
* Areas of Attention for Image Captioning
* ARIGAN: Synthetic Arabidopsis Plants Using Generative Adversarial Network
* Assessing Different Feature Sets' Effects on Land Cover Classification in Complex Surface-Mined Landscapes by ZiYuan-3 Satellite Imagery
* Assessing Global Ocean Wind Energy Resources Using Multiple Satellite Data
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urbanization Dynamics in Southeast Asia Using Time Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* Assessing the Performance of a Low-Cost Method for Video-Monitoring the Water Surface and Bed Level in the Swash Zone of Natural Beaches
* Assessment of cerebral blood perfusion changes after neurorehabilitation therapy in patients with middle cerebral artery infarction: An acetazolamide-challenged SPECT study
* Assessment of Rigid Registration Quality Measures in Ultrasound-Guided Radiotherapy
* Associative Domain Adaptation
* Atmospheric Profile Retrieval Algorithm for Next Generation Geostationary Satellite of Korea and Its Application to the Advanced Himawari Imager
* Attending to Distinctive Moments: Weakly-Supervised Attention Models for Action Localization in Video
* Attention-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning for Video Face Recognition
* Attention-Based Multimodal Fusion for Video Description
* Attentive Semantic Video Generation Using Captions
* Attribute Recognition by Joint Recurrent Learning of Context and Correlation
* Attribute-Enhanced Face Recognition with Neural Tensor Fusion Networks
* Attributes2Classname: A Discriminative Model for Attribute-Based Unsupervised Zero-Shot Learning
* Auto Accessory Segmentation and Interactive Try-on System
* Auto-calibration Method for Active 3D Endoscope System Using Silhouette of Pattern Projector
* AutoDIAL: Automatic Domain Alignment Layers
* Automated Sensing of Wave Inundation across a Rocky Shore Platform Using a Low-Cost Camera System
* Automated Stem Angle Determination for Temporal Plant Phenotyping Analysis
* Automatic 2-D/3-D Vessel Enhancement in Multiple Modality Images Using a Weighted Symmetry Filter
* Automatic 3D Single Neuron Reconstruction with Exhaustive Tracing
* Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multispectral MRI Volumes Using a Random Forest Approach
* Automatic Calcium Scoring in Low-Dose Chest CT Using Deep Neural Networks With Dilated Convolutions
* Automatic Classification of Optical Defects of Mirrors from Ronchigram Images Using Bag of Visual Words and Support Vector Machines
* Automatic Content-Aware Projection for 360° Videos
* Automatic Discovery of Discriminative Parts as a Quadratic Assignment Problem
* Automatic evacuation guiding scheme based on implicit interactions between evacuees and their mobile nodes
* Automatic Peripheral Nerve Segmentation in Presence of Multiple Annotators
* Automatic Problem Understanding from Circuit Schematics
* Automatic registration of panoramic image sequence and mobile laser scanning data using semantic features
* Automatic relative RPC image model bias compensation through hierarchical image matching for improving DEM quality
* Automatic Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images from Google Earth of Complex Scenes Based on Multiscale Rotation Dense Feature Pyramid Networks
* Automatic Smoke Classification in Endoscopic Video
* Automatic Spatially-Aware Fashion Concept Discovery
* Automatic System for Computing Malaria Parasite Density in Thin Blood Films, An
* Automatic User Grouping Model for a Group Recommender System in Location-Based Social Networks, An
* Back to RGB: 3D Tracking of Hands and Hand-Object Interactions Based on Short-Baseline Stereo
* Background Subtraction via Fast Robust Matrix Completion
* Backtracking search algorithm for color image multilevel thresholding
* Bag of Expression framework for improved human action recognition, A
* Balancing search space partitions by sparse coding for distributed redundant media indexing and retrieval
* BAM! The Behance Artistic Media Dataset for Recognition Beyond Photography
* Band Subset Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Barest Pixel Composite for Agricultural Areas Using Landsat Time Series
* Batch-Based Activity Recognition from Egocentric Photo-Streams
* Batch-Incremental Video Background Estimation Model Using Weighted Low-Rank Approximation of Matrices, A
* Bayesian and Classical Machine Learning Methods: A Comparison for Tree Species Classification with LiDAR Waveform Signatures
* Bayesian Cloud Detection for 37 Years of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Global Area Coverage (GAC) Data
* Bayesian Data Fusion Approach to Spatio-Temporal Fusion of Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Bayesian Particle Tracking of Traffic Flows
* BB8: A Scalable, Accurate, Robust to Partial Occlusion Method for Predicting the 3D Poses of Challenging Objects without Using Depth
* Be Your Own Prada: Fashion Synthesis with Structural Coherence
* BEHAVE: Behavioral Analysis of Visual Events for Assisted Living Scenarios
* Benchmarking and Error Diagnosis in Multi-instance Pose Estimation
* Benchmarking Head Pose Estimation in-the-Wild
* Benchmarking Single-Image Reflection Removal Algorithms
* Benefits of Evaluating Tracker Performance Using Pixel-Wise Segmentations, The
* Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa Altimetric Mission: Quality Assessment and Unique Characteristics of AltiKa Data, The
* Beyond Eleven Color Names for Image Understanding
* Beyond Face Rotation: Global and Local Perception GAN for Photorealistic and Identity Preserving Frontal View Synthesis
* Beyond Planar Symmetry: Modeling Human Perception of Reflection and Rotation Symmetries in the Wild
* Beyond Standard Benchmarks: Parameterizing Performance Evaluation in Visual Object Tracking
* Bidirectional-Convolutional LSTM Based Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly
* Big Data and Multiple Methods for Mapping Small Reservoirs: Comparing Accuracies for Applications in Agricultural Landscapes
* Big Data Integration in Remote Sensing across a Distributed Metadata-Based Spatial Infrastructure
* Bilevel Model With a Solution Algorithm for Locating Weigh-In-Motion Stations, A
* Bilevel Multiview Latent Space Learning
* Binarized Convolutional Landmark Localizers for Human Pose Estimation and Face Alignment with Limited Resources
* Binary Online Learned Descriptors
* Binary Quadratic Programing for Online Tracking of Hundreds of People in Extremely Crowded Scenes
* Binary-Decomposed DCNN for Accelerating Computation and Compressing Model Without Retraining
* Bio-Chemical Data Classification by Dissimilarity Representation and Template Selection
* Biophysical 3D Morphable Model of Face Appearance, A
* Blackthorn: Large-Scale Interactive Multimodal Learning
* Blind beamforming using fractional Fourier transform domain cyclostationarity
* Blind Image Deblurring with Outlier Handling
* BlitzNet: A Real-Time Deep Network for Scene Understanding
* Blob Reconstruction Using Unilateral Second Order Gaussian Kernels with Application to High-ISO Long-Exposure Image Denoising
* Block-based image fusion using multi-scale analysis to enhance depth of field and dynamic range
* Block-Wise Gaze Estimation Based on Binocular Images
* Blur-Invariant Deep Learning for Blind-Deblurring
* Body Joint Guided 3-D Deep Convolutional Descriptors for Action Recognition
* BodyFusion: Real-Time Capture of Human Motion and Surface Geometry Using a Single Depth Camera
* Boosted Projection: An Ensemble of Transformation Models
* Boosting Image Captioning with Attributes
* Bots for Software-Assisted Analysis of Image-Based Transcriptomics
* Bottom-Up Merging Segmentation for Color Images With Complex Areas
* Bounding Boxes, Segmentations and Object Coordinates: How Important is Recognition for 3D Scene Flow Estimation in Autonomous Driving Scenarios?
* Bringing Background into the Foreground: Making All Classes Equal in Weakly-Supervised Video Semantic Segmentation
* Building Extraction in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Learning and Guided Filters
* CAD Priors for Accurate and Flexible Instance Reconstruction
* CAD: Scale Invariant Framework for Real-Time Object Detection
* Calibrating the SAR SSH of Sentinel-3A and CryoSat-2 over the Corsica Facilities
* Calibration Algorithm for Cross-Track Infrared Sounder Full Spectral Resolution Measurements
* Camera Calibration by Global Constraints on the Motion of Silhouettes
* Camera Pose Filtering with Local Regression Geodesics on the Riemannian Manifold of Dual Quaternions
* Camera Relocalization by Computing Pairwise Relative Poses Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Camera Shutter-Independent Registration and Rectification
* CAMETRON Lecture Recording System: High Quality Video Recording and Editing with Minimal Human Supervision, The
* Can Satellite Precipitation Products Estimate Probable Maximum Precipitation: A Comparative Investigation with Gauge Data in the Dadu River Basin
* Can the Early Human Visual System Compete with Deep Neural Networks?
* Can We Speed up 3D Scanning? A Cognitive and Geometric Analysis
* CAPTCHA Image Generation Systems Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Cascade Residual Learning: A Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Matching
* Cascaded Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images
* Case Study of the Forced Invariance Approach for Soil Salinity Estimation in Vegetation-Covered Terrain Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Catadioptric HyperSpectral Light Field Imaging
* Category Specific Post Popularity Prediction
* CDTS: Collaborative Detection, Tracking, and Segmentation for Online Multiple Object Segmentation in Videos
* Cell Membrane Tracking in Living Brain Tissue Using Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
* Centered Weight Normalization in Accelerating Training of Deep Neural Networks
* Chained Cascade Network for Object Detection
* Chained Multi-stream Networks Exploiting Pose, Motion, and Appearance for Action Classification and Detection
* Change Detection in Heterogenous Remote Sensing Images via Homogeneous Pixel Transformation
* Change Detection Using High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Active Learning and Markov Random Fields
* Changes in Gross Primary Production (GPP) over the Past Two Decades Due to Land Use Conversion in a Tourism City
* Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks
* Characterization and generation of straight line segments on triangular cell grid
* Characterizing 3D City Modeling Projects: Towards a Harmonized Interoperable System
* Characterizing and Improving Stability in Neural Style Transfer
* Characterizing the Seasonal Crustal Motion in Tianshan Area Using GPS, GRACE and Surface Loading Models
* Chlorophyll Fluorescence Data Reveals Climate-Related Photosynthesis Seasonality in Amazonian Forests
* ChromaTag: A Colored Marker and Fast Detection Algorithm
* Citation k-NN Approach for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Class Confusability Reduction in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using Random Forests
* Class Rectification Hard Mining for Imbalanced Deep Learning
* Class-Specific Reconstruction Transfer Learning via Sparse Low-Rank Constraint
* Classification by pairwise coupling of imprecise probabilities
* Classification of gait anomalies from kinect
* Classification of PolSAR Images Using Multilayer Autoencoders and a Self-Paced Learning Approach
* Classification of the emotional stress and physical stress using signal magnification and canonical correlation analysis
* Click Here: Human-Localized Keypoints as Guidance for Viewpoint Estimation
* Closed-Form Approximation for the Steady-State Performance of Second-Order Kalman Filters
* Closed-Form Solution to Rotation Estimation for Structure from Small Motion, A
* Cloud of Line Distribution and Random Forest Based Text Detection from Natural/Video Scene Images
* CloudSat-Based Assessment of GPM Microwave Imager Snowfall Observation Capabilities
* Clusterability and Clustering of Images and Other Real High-Dimensional Data
* Clustering Approach for the Detection of Acoustic/Seismic Signals of Unknown Structure, A
* Clustering Positive Definite Matrices by Learning Information Divergences
* Clustering-Based Undersampling to Support Automatic Detection of Focal Cortical Dysplasias
* CNN-Based DCT-Like Transform for Image Compression
* CNN-Based Method of Vehicle Detection from Aerial Images Using Hard Example Mining, A
* Co-localization with Category-Consistent Features and Geodesic Distance Propagation
* Co-occurrent Structural Edge Detection for Color-Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution
* Co-Orbital Sentinel 1 and 2 for LULC Mapping with Emphasis on Wetlands in a Mediterranean Setting Based on Machine Learning
* Coarse-Fine Network for Keypoint Localization, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Deep Kernel Networks
* Coarse-to-Fine Image Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Coherent Online Video Style Transfer
* Collaborative Active Visual Recognition from Crowds: A Distributed Ensemble Approach
* Collision-Free LSTM for Human Trajectory Prediction
* Colocated MIMO Radar SINR Maximization Under ISL and PSL Constraints
* Color Consistency Correction Based on Remapping Optimization for Image Stitching
* Color Image Processing Using Reduced Biquaternions with Application to Face Recognition in a PCA Framework
* Color Representation in CNNs: Parallelisms with Biological Vision
* Colored Point Cloud Registration Revisited
* Colour balancing using sclera colour
* Combined Holistic and Local Patches for Recovering 6D Object Pose
* Combining Exemplar-Based Approach and learning-Based Approach for Light Field Super-Resolution Using a Hybrid Imaging System
* Combining Local and Global Features for 3D Face Tracking
* Combining Partial Least Squares and the Gradient-Boosting Method for Soil Property Retrieval Using Visible Near-Infrared Shortwave Infrared Spectra
* Combining Remote Sensing and Water-Balance Evapotranspiration Estimates for the Conterminous United States
* Combining Sequential Geometry and Texture Features for Distinguishing Genuine and Deceptive Emotions
* Comment on 'Enhanced soft subspace clustering integrating within-cluster and between-cluster information' by Z. Deng et al. (Pattern Recognition, vol. 43, pp. 767-781, 2010)
* Comment on 'Joint sparse principal component analysis' by S. Yi et al. (Pattern Recognition, vol. 61, pp. 524-536, 2017)
* comment on 'Translation and scale invariants of Tchebichef moments' by Hong-Qing Zhu [Pattern Recognition 40 (2007) 2530-2542], A
* Common Action Discovery and Localization in Unconstrained Videos
* Commonsense Scene Semantics for Cognitive Robotics: Towards Grounding Embodied Visuo-Locomotive Interactions
* Compact Color Texture Descriptor Based on Rank Transform and Product Ordering in the RGB Color Space
* Compact Feature Representation for Image Classification Using ELMs
* Comparative Analysis of Chinese HJ-1 CCD, GF-1 WFV and ZY-3 MUX Sensor Data for Leaf Area Index Estimations for Maize
* Comparative Analysis of Responses of Land Surface Temperature to Long-Term Land Use/Cover Changes between a Coastal and Inland City: A Case of Freetown and Bo Town in Sierra Leone
* Comparative Study on Assimilating Remote Sensing High Frequency Radar Surface Currents at an Atlantic Marine Renewable Energy Test Site
* Comparing and Merging Observation Data from Ka-Band Cloud Radar, C-Band Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave Radar and Ceilometer Systems
* Comparing Pixel- and Object-Based Approaches in Effectively Classifying Wetland-Dominated Landscapes
* Comparing the performance of flat and hierarchical Habitat/Land-Cover classification models in a NATURA 2000 site
* Comparison and Evaluation of the TES and ANEM Algorithms for Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Separation over the Area of Valencia, Spain
* Comparison of Different Machine Learning Approaches for Monthly Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Downscaling over Northeast China
* Comparison of hyperspectral transformation accuracies of multispectral Landsat TM, ETM+, OLI and EO-1 ALI images for detecting minerals in a geothermal prospect area
* Comparison of Pixel- and Object-Based Approaches in Phenology-Based Rubber Plantation Mapping in Fragmented Landscapes
* Comparison of Regression Techniques for Estimation of Above-Ground Winter Wheat Biomass Using Near-Surface Spectroscopy, A
* Comparison of Spatial Interpolation and Regression Analysis Models for an Estimation of Monthly Near Surface Air Temperature in China
* Comparison of the Spatial Characteristics of Four Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index Products over China: Direct Validation and Relative Uncertainties
* Competitive Video Retrieval with VITRIVR
* Complex Event Detection by Identifying Reliable Shots from Untrimmed Videos
* Complex-Valued Representation for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Composite Focus Measure for High Quality Depth Maps
* Composition of Feature Extraction Methods Shows Interesting Performances in Discriminating Wakefulness and NREM Sleep
* Compositional Human Pose Regression
* Compositional Model-Based Sketch Generator in Facial Entertainment
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Two Successive V3 and V4 IMERG Final Run Precipitation Products over Mainland China
* Compressed Singular Value Decomposition for Image and Video Processing
* Compressive Quantization for Fast Object Instance Search in Videos
* Computer Vision Based Approach for Understanding Emotional Involvements in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, A
* Computer Vision for the Visually Impaired: the Sound of Vision System
* Computer Vision Framework for Detecting and Preventing Human-Elephant Collisions, A
* Computer Vision Meets Geometric Modeling: Multi-view Reconstruction of Surface Points and Normals Using Affine Correspondences
* Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping, CVPPP 2017: Introduction to the CVPPP 2017 Workshop Papers
* Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Conditional Analogy GAN: Swapping Fashion Articles on People Images, The
* Conditional Regressive Random Forest Stereo-Based Hand Depth Recovery
* Confidence-Based Data Association and Discriminative Deep Appearance Learning for Robust Online Multi-Object Tracking
* Consensus Convolutional Sparse Coding
* Consistent Iterative Multi-view Transfer Learning for Person Re-identification
* Constrained Convolutional Sparse Coding for Parametric Based Reconstruction of Line Drawings
* Constrained Superpixel Tracking
* Construction of Multi-Year Time-Series Profiles of Suspended Particulate Inorganic Matter Concentrations Using Machine Learning Approach
* Content-aware contrast ratio measure for images
* Content-aware image resizing using quasi-conformal mapping
* Content-Aware Metric for Stitched Panoramic Image Quality Assessment, A
* Context multi-task visual object tracking via guided filter
* Context-Based Fractional Sample Refinement for HEVC Compliant Encoding
* Continuous Gesture Recognition with Hand-Oriented Spatiotemporal Feature
* Continuous Motion Recognition in Depth Camera Based on Recurrent Neural Networks and Grid-based Average Depth
* Contour detection refined by a sparse reconstruction-based discrimination method
* Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data for Substrate Type Differentiation and Shoreline Mapping in the Canadian Arctic
* Convergence Analysis of MAP Based Blur Kernel Estimation
* Convolution with Logarithmic Filter Groups for Efficient Shallow CNN
* Convolutional Dictionary Learning via Local Processing
* Convolutional Dictionary Learning: Acceleration and Convergence
* Convolutional Experts Constrained Local Model for 3D Facial Landmark Detection
* Convolutional Invasion and Expansion Networks for Tumor Growth Prediction
* Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Recognizing First Person Interactions
* Convolutional Network for EEG-Based Biometric
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Urban Signatures with Application to Drone Localization
* Convolutional Sparse Coding for RGB-NIR Imaging
* Coordinating Filters for Faster Deep Neural Networks
* Coral-Segmentation: Training Dense Labeling Models with Sparse Ground Truth
* Corner-Based Geometric Calibration of Multi-focus Plenoptic Cameras
* Correction of Pushbroom Satellite Imagery Interior Distortions Independent of Ground Control Points
* Correlation Filters with Weighted Convolution Responses
* Correspondence-free pose estimation for 3D objects from noisy depth data
* Cost-Sensitive Deep Metric Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Count-ception: Counting by Fully Convolutional Redundant Counting
* Coupled Manifold Learning for Retrieval Across Modalities
* CoupleNet: Coupling Global Structure with Local Parts for Object Detection
* Creating Roadmaps in Aerial Images with Generative Adversarial Networks and Smoothing-Based Optimization
* CREST: Convolutional Residual Learning for Visual Tracking
* Critical Link Analysis for Urban Transportation Systems
* Critical Review of the Integration of Geographic Information System and Building Information Modelling at the Data Level, A
* Critical Review of the Trifocal Tensor Estimation, A
* Cross-Domain Ground-Based Cloud Classification Based on Transfer of Local Features and Discriminative Metric Learning
* Cross-Media Learning for Image Sentiment Analysis in the Wild
* Cross-Modal Deep Variational Hashing
* Cross-Space Distortion Directed Color Image Compression
* Cross-View Asymmetric Metric Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Crowd Distribution Estimation with Multi-scale Recursive Convolutional Neural Network
* Cryptanalysis of a chaotic image encryption scheme based on permutation-diffusion structure
* Curriculum Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes
* Curriculum Dropout
* Curriculum Learning for Multi-task Classification of Visual Attributes
* Cut, Paste and Learn: Surprisingly Easy Synthesis for Instance Detection
* CVAE-GAN: Fine-Grained Image Generation through Asymmetric Training
* Cyclic Continuous Max-Flow: A Third Paradigm in Generating Local Phase Shift Maps in MRI
* Darwintrees for Action Recognition
* Data Augmentation for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Data Driven 2-D-to-3-D Video Conversion for Soccer
* Data hiding scheme improving embedding capacity using mixed PVD and LSB on bit plane
* Data-Driven Approach for Driving Safety Risk Prediction Using Driver Behavior and Roadway Information Data, A
* DCTM: Discrete-Continuous Transformation Matching for Semantic Flow
* Decoder Network over Lightweight Reconstructed Feature for Fast Semantic Style Transfer
* Deep Adaptive Image Clustering
* Deep Binaries: Encoding Semantic-Rich Cues for Efficient Textual-Visual Cross Retrieval
* Deep Boltzmann Machine-Based Approach for Robust Image Denoising, A
* Deep Cascade of Convolutional Neural Networks for Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction, A
* Deep Census: AUV-Based Scallop Population Monitoring
* Deep Clustering via Joint Convolutional Autoencoder Embedding and Relative Entropy Minimization
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Correlating Images and Sentences
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Noisy Images
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Cellular Changes Due to Malignancy
* Deep Cropping via Attention Box Prediction and Aesthetics Assessment
* Deep Depth Domain Adaptation: A Case Study
* Deep Determinantal Point Process for Large-Scale Multi-label Classification
* Deep Direct Regression for Multi-oriented Scene Text Detection
* Deep Domain Adaptation by Geodesic Distance Minimization
* Deep Dual Learning for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Deep Facial Action Unit Recognition from Partially Labeled Data
* Deep Fisher discriminant learning for mobile hand gesture recognition
* Deep Free-Form Deformation Network for Object-Mask Registration
* Deep Functional Maps: Structured Prediction for Dense Shape Correspondence
* Deep Generative Adversarial Compression Artifact Removal
* Deep Generative Filter for Motion Deblurring
* Deep Gestalt Reasoning Model: Interpreting Electrophysiological Signals Related to Cognition
* Deep Globally Constrained MRFs for Human Pose Estimation
* Deep Growing Learning
* Deep Learning Anthropomorphic 3D Point Clouds from a Single Depth Map Camera Viewpoint
* Deep Learning Based Hand Detection in Cluttered Environment Using Skin Segmentation
* Deep Learning for Confidence Information in Stereo and ToF Data Fusion
* Deep Learning for Multi-task Plant Phenotyping
* Deep Learning of Convolutional Auto-Encoder for Image Matching and 3D Object Reconstruction in the Infrared Range
* Deep Learning Techniques Applied to the Cattle Brand Recognition
* Deep Learning-Based Improved Object Recognition in Warehouses
* Deep Metric Learning with Angular Loss
* Deep Modality Invariant Adversarial Network for Shared Representation Learning
* Deep Occlusion Reasoning for Multi-camera Multi-target Detection
* Deep Pedestrian Detection Using Contextual Information and Multi-level Features
* Deep Photometric Stereo Network
* Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Relational Model: A Joint Probabilistic Model with a Hierarchical Structure for Bidirectional Estimation of Image and Labels
* Deep Scene Image Classification with the MFAFVNet
* Deep Shrinkage Convolutional Neural Network for Adaptive Noise Reduction
* Deep Spatial-Semantic Attention for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Deep TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Scene Text Localization and Recognition Framework
* Deep unsupervised learning with consistent inference of latent representations
* Deep-learning Versus OBIA for Scattered Shrub Detection with Google Earth Imagery: Ziziphus lotus as Case Study
* DeepCD: Learning Deep Complementary Descriptors for Patch Representations
* DeepCoder: Semi-Parametric Variational Autoencoders for Automatic Facial Action Coding
* DeepContext: Context-Encoding Neural Pathways for 3D Holistic Scene Understanding
* Deeper, Broader and Artier Domain Generalization
* DeepFuse: A Deep Unsupervised Approach for Exposure Fusion with Extreme Exposure Image Pairs
* Deeply-Learned Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-identification
* DeepPrior++: Improving Fast and Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* DeepRoadMapper: Extracting Road Topology from Aerial Images
* DeepSetNet: Predicting Sets with Deep Neural Networks
* DeepVisage: Making Face Recognition Simple Yet With Powerful Generalization Skills
* Deformable ConvNet with Aspect Ratio Constrained NMS for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Deformable Convolutional Networks
* Degrees of Freedom of a MIMO Multipair Two-Way Relay Channel With Delayed Channel State Information
* Deltille Grids for Geometric Camera Calibration
* DelugeNets: Deep Networks with Efficient and Flexible Cross-Layer Information Inflows
* Delving into Salient Object Subitizing and Detection
* DeNet: Scalable Real-Time Object Detection with Directed Sparse Sampling
* Denoising Hyperspectral Image With Non-i.i.d. Noise Structure
* Dense and Low-Rank Gaussian CRFs Using Deep Embeddings
* Dense Face Alignment
* Dense Invariant Feature-Based Support Vector Ranking for Cross-Camera Person Reidentification
* Dense Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion and Shading with Unknown Albedos
* Dense-Captioning Events in Videos
* Dependence of C-Band Backscatter on Ground Temperature, Air Temperature and Snow Depth in Arctic Permafrost Regions
* Depth and Image Restoration from Light Field in a Scattering Medium
* Depth and Motion Cues with Phosphene Patterns for Prosthetic Vision
* Depth Estimation Using Structured Light Flow: Analysis of Projected Pattern Flow on an Object's Surface
* Depth Representation of LiDAR Point Cloud with Adaptive Surface Patching for Object Classification
* Depth Super-Resolution Meets Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo
* Design of a Novel Spectral Albedometer for Validating the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Spectral Albedo Product
* Design of linear-phase nonsubsampled nonuniform directional filter bank with arbitrary directional partitioning
* Designing Postdigital Curators: Establishing an Interdisciplinary Games and Mixed Reality Cultural Heritage Network
* Detail-Revealing Deep Video Super-Resolution
* Detailed Surface Geometry and Albedo Recovery from RGB-D Video under Natural Illumination
* Detect to Track and Track to Detect
* Detecting Faces Using Inside Cascaded Contextual CNN
* Detecting Forest Disturbance in Northeast China from GLASS LAI Time Series Data Using a Dynamic Model
* Detecting Nonexistent Pedestrians
* Detecting Reflectional Symmetries in 3D Data Through Symmetrical Fitting
* Detecting Smiles of Young Children via Deep Transfer Learning
* Detection and visualization of misleading content on Twitter
* Detection of Adulteration in Red Meat Species Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Detection of complex video events through visual rhythm
* Detection, Estimation and Avoidance of Mobile Objects Using Stereo-Vision and Model Predictive Control
* Determination of the Downwelling Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient of Lake Water with the Sentinel-3A OLCI
* Determining the Optimal Location of Terror Response Facilities Under the Risk of Disruption
* Determining the Start of the Growing Season from MODIS Data in the Indian Monsoon Region: Identifying Available Data in the Rainy Season and Modeling the Varied Vegetation Growth Trajectories
* Deterministic Policy Gradient Based Robotic Path Planning with Continuous Action Spaces
* Development of a Fluid Dynamic Model for Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging
* Development of computer-aided approach for brain tumor detection using random forest classifier
* Diabetes60: Inferring Bread Units From Food Images Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
* Differential Steering Based Yaw Stabilization Using ISMC for Independently Actuated Electric Vehicles
* Digital image decomposition and contrast enhancement using high-dimensional model representation
* Digital Survey and Documentation of La Habana Vieja in Cuba
* Digital watermarking for deep neural networks
* Direct Sparse Odometry
* Directionally Convolutional Networks for 3D Shape Segmentation
* Disaggregation of Landsat-8 Thermal Data Using Guided SWIR Imagery on the Scene of a Wildfire
* Discovering Bitcoin Mixing Using Anomaly Detection
* Discovery of Rare Phenotypes in Cellular Images Using Weakly Supervised Deep Learning
* Discrepancy-Based Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Comparative Study
* Discrimination Between Genuine Versus Fake Emotion Using Long-Short Term Memory with Parametric Bias and Facial Landmarks
* Discriminative binary feature learning and quantization in biometric key generation
* Discriminative Multidimensional Scaling for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Discriminative Multiple Canonical Correlation Analysis for Information Fusion
* Discriminative View of MRF Pre-processing Algorithms, A
* Disguised Face Identification (DFI) with Facial KeyPoints Using Spatial Fusion Convolutional Network
* Dissemination of Intangible Cultural Heritage Using a Multi-agent Virtual World
* Distance field guided L1-median skeleton extraction
* Distantly Supervised Road Segmentation
* Distributed Bundle Adjustment
* Distributed Shared Nearest Neighbors Clustering Algorithm, A
* Distributed Very Large Scale Bundle Adjustment by Global Camera Consensus
* Diverse Responses of Vegetation Phenology to Climate Change in Different Grasslands in Inner Mongolia during 2000-2016
* DNLM-IIFFT: An Implementation of the Deceived Non Local Means Filter Using Integral Images and the Fast Fourier Transform for a Reduced Computational Cost
* DNN Uncertainty Propagation Using GMM-Derived Uncertainty Features for Noise Robust ASR
* Do's and Don'ts for CNN-Based Face Verification, The
* Domain Invariant Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Domain-Adaptive Deep Network Compression
* Doppelganger Mining for Face Representation Learning
* Double Weight-Based SAR and Infrared Sensor Fusion for Automatic Ground Target Recognition with Deep Learning
* Double-Task Deep Q-Learning with Multiple Views
* Downscaling GRACE Remote Sensing Datasets to High-Resolution Groundwater Storage Change Maps of California's Central Valley
* Dress Like a Star: Retrieving Fashion Products from Videos
* Drift-Free Tracking Surveillance Based on Online Latent Structured SVM and Kalman Filter Modules
* Drone-Based Object Counting by Spatially Regularized Regional Proposal Network
* DropRegion training of inception font network for high-performance Chinese font recognition
* Drought Stress Classification Using 3D Plant Models
* DSD: Depth Structural Descriptor for Edge-Based Assistive Navigation
* DSLR-Quality Photos on Mobile Devices with Deep Convolutional Networks
* DSOD: Learning Deeply Supervised Object Detectors from Scratch
* Dual Motion GAN for Future-Flow Embedded Video Prediction
* Dual Structured Convolutional Neural Network with Feature Augmentation for Quantitative Characterization of Tissue Histology
* Dual-Baseline Phase Unwrapping Correction Framework for the TanDEM-X Mission Part 1: Theoretical Description and Algorithms, The
* Dual-Glance Model for Deciphering Social Relationships
* Dual-Way Guided Depth Image Inpainting with RGBD Image Pairs
* DualGAN: Unsupervised Dual Learning for Image-to-Image Translation
* DualNet: Learn Complementary Features for Image Recognition
* Dynamic Computational Time for Visual Attention
* Dynamic Label Graph Matching for Unsupervised Video Re-identification
* Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Background Modeling
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Volume Local Binary Count Patterns With an Application to 2D Face Spoofing Detection
* Dynamics Enhanced Multi-camera Motion Segmentation from Unsynchronized Videos
* Early Adaptation of Deep Priors in Age Prediction from Face Images
* Early Detection of Vitality Changes of Multi-Temporal Norway Spruce Laboratory Needle Measurements: The Ring-Barking Experiment
* Early event detection based on dynamic images of surveillance videos
* Easy-to-Setup 3D Phenotyping Platform for KOMATSUNA Dataset, An
* Eco-Driving Assistance System for a Manual Transmission Bus Based on Machine Learning
* Edge Detection Based on Digital Shape Elongation Measure
* Edge SLAM: Edge Points Based Monocular Visual SLAM
* Edge-aware smoothing through adaptive interpolation
* Editable Parametric Dense Foliage from 3D Capture
* Editorial for Special Issue Radar Systems for the Societal Challenges
* Editorial for the ICMR 2017 special issue
* EEG-based biometric authentication modelling using incremental fuzzy-rough nearest neighbour technique
* Effect of Three Different Data Fusion Approaches on the Quality of Soil Moisture Retrievals from Multiple Passive Microwave Sensors, The
* Effective Action Detection Using Temporal Context and Posterior Probability of Length
* Effective and Efficient Detection of Moving Targets From a UAV's Camera
* Effective Fusion of Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Data in a Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Labeling
* Effective Privacy Architecture to Preserve User Trajectories in Reward-Based LBS Applications, An
* Effects of Forest Area Changes on Extreme Temperature Indexes between the 1900s and 2010s in Heilongjiang Province, China, The
* Effects of illumination differences on photometric stereo shape-and-albedo-from-shading for precision lunar surface reconstruction
* Efficient Algorithm for Unit-Modulus Quadratic Programs With Application in Beamforming for Wireless Sensor Networks, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Moral Lineage Tracing
* Efficient Amplitude-Preserving Generalized S Transform and Its Application in Seismic Data Attenuation Compensation, An
* Efficient and Accurate Registration of Point Clouds with Plane to Plane Correspondences
* Efficient and Effective Face Frontalization for Face Recognition in the Wild
* Efficient and Interactive Spatial-Semantic Image Retrieval
* Efficient BRDF Sampling Using Projected Deviation Vector Parameterization
* Efficient Convolutional Network Learning Using Parametric Log Based Dual-Tree Wavelet ScatterNet
* Efficient evaluation of shortest travel-time path queries through spatial mashups
* Efficient Fine-Grained Classification and Part Localization Using One Compact Network
* Efficient Global 2D-3D Matching for Camera Localization in a Large-Scale 3D Map
* efficient global energy optimization approach for robust 3D plane segmentation of point clouds, An
* Efficient Global Illumination for Morphable Models
* Efficient GPU Implementation of Informed-Filters for Fast Computation
* Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization in Convolutional Neural Networks by Learning Curves Prediction
* Efficient Low Rank Tensor Ring Completion
* efficient method of content-targeted online video advertising, An
* Efficient Model-Free Setting for Longitudinal and Lateral Vehicle Control: Validation Through the Interconnected Pro-SiVIC/RTMaps Prototyping Platform, An
* Efficient multicut enumeration of k-out-of-n:F and consecutive k-out-of-n:F systems
* Efficient Online Local Metric Adaptation via Negative Samples for Person Re-identification
* Efficient screen content intra coding based on statistical learning
* Efficient Separation Between Projected Patterns for Multiple Projector 3D People Scanning
* Efficient Transfer Learning for Robust Face Spoofing Detection
* Efficient Two-Layer Model Towards Cover Song Identification
* Egocentric Gesture Recognition Using Recurrent 3D Convolutional Neural Networks with Spatiotemporal Transformer Modules
* Egocentric video description based on temporally-linked sequences
* Eliminating the Observer Effect: Shadow Removal in Orthomosaics of the Road Network
* EM Simulation-Based Design Flow for Custom-Built MR Coils Incorporating Signal and Noise, An
* Embedded Real-Time Object Detection for a UAV Warning System
* Embedding 3D Geometric Features for Rigid Object Part Segmentation
* Embedding Based on Function Approximation for Large Scale Image Search
* Emerging From Water: Underwater Image Color Correction Based on Weakly Supervised Color Transfer
* Emotion Assessment by Variability-Based Ranking of Coherence Features from EEG
* Empirical Study of Language CNN for Image Captioning, An
* Encoder Based Lifelong Learning
* Encoder settings impact on intra-prediction-based descriptors for video retrieval
* Encouraging LSTMs to Anticipate Actions Very Early
* End-to-End Airplane Detection Using Transfer Learning in Remote Sensing Images
* End-to-End Exposure Fusion Using Convolutional Neural Network
* End-to-End Face Detection and Cast Grouping in Movies Using Erdos-Renyi Clustering
* End-to-End Learning of Geometry and Context for Deep Stereo Regression
* End-to-End Visual Target Tracking in Multi-Robot Systems Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Energy-Based Model Encoding Nonlocal Pairwise Pixel Interactions for Multisensor Change Detection, An
* enhanced threshold visual secret sharing based on random grids, An
* Enhanced VIREO KIS at VBS 2018
* EnhanceNet: Single Image Super-Resolution Through Automated Texture Synthesis
* Enhancing image registration performance by incorporating distribution and spatial distance of local descriptors
* Enhancing Land Cover Mapping through Integration of Pixel-Based and Object-Based Classifications from Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Enhancing person re-identification by late fusion of low-, mid- and high-level features
* Enlightening Deep Neural Networks with Knowledge of Confounding Factors
* Ensemble Deep Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Temporal Sliding LSTM Networks
* Ensemble Diffusion for Retrieval
* Ensemble of ESA/AATSR Aerosol Optical Depth Products Based on the Likelihood Estimate Method With Uncertainties
* Ensembles of Multiobjective-Based Classifiers for Detection of Epileptic Seizures
* Environmental microorganism classification using conditional random fields and deep convolutional neural networks
* EPLA: efficient personal location anonymity
* Error sensitivity analysis of Delta divergence-a novel measure for classifier incongruence detection
* Escape from Cells: Deep Kd-Networks for the Recognition of 3D Point Cloud Models
* Estimating Defocus Blur via Rank of Local Patches
* Estimating Diurnal Courses of Gross Primary Production for Maize: A Comparison of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Light-Use Efficiency and Process-Based Models
* Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Feng Yun-3C/MERSI Data Using a New Land Surface Emissivity Scheme
* Estimating Live Fuel Moisture from MODIS Satellite Data for Wildfire Danger Assessment in Southern California USA
* Estimating Position Velocity in 3D Space from Monocular Video Sequences Using a Deep Neural Network
* Estimating the information gap between textual and visual representations
* Estimating the Rut Depth by UAV Photogrammetry
* Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Crime Events around a Football Stadium from Georeferenced Tweets
* Estimating Tree Height and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) from Digital Surface Models and Orthophotos Obtained with an Unmanned Aerial System for a Japanese Cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Forest
* Estimation of daily maximum and minimum air temperatures in urban landscapes using MODIS time series satellite data
* Estimation of Pedestrian Height Using Uncalibrated Cameras
* Estimation of Soil Moisture Index Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Images over Poyang Lake Ungauged Zone
* Estimation of Water Stress in Grapevines Using Proximal and Remote Sensing Methods
* Estimation of Wheat LAI at Middle to High Levels Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Narrowband Multispectral Imagery
* Evaluation and Comparison of Long-Term MODIS C5.1 and C6 Products against AERONET Observations over China
* Evaluation of Accuracy and Practical Applicability of Methods for Measuring Leaf Reflectance and Transmittance Spectra
* Evaluation of Deep Feedforward Neural Networks for Classification of Diffuse Lung Diseases
* Evaluation of Deep Learning on an Abstract Image Classification Dataset
* Evaluation of Green-LiDAR Data for Mapping Extent, Density and Height of Aquatic Reed Beds at Lake Chiemsee, Bavaria: Germany
* Evaluation of Hierarchical Watersheds
* Evaluation of Parallel Level Sets and Bowsher's Method as Segmentation-Free Anatomical Priors for Time-of-Flight PET Reconstruction
* evaluation of power transfer functions for HDR video compression, An
* Evaluation of Satellite Estimates of Solar Surface Irradiance Using Ground Observations in San Antonio, Texas, USA, An
* Evaluation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products from IMERG V04A and V03D, CMORPH and TMPA with Gauged Rainfall in Three Climatologic Zones in China
* Evaluation of Seed Emergence Uniformity of Mechanically Sown Wheat with UAV RGB Imagery
* Evaluation of the PROSAIL Model Capabilities for Future Hyperspectral Model Environments: A Review Study
* Evaluation of the SBAS InSAR Service of the European Space Agency's Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP)
* Evaluation of Visual Content Descriptors for Supporting Ad-Hoc Video Search Tasks at the Video Browser Showdown
* Evaluation of X-ray visualization techniques for vertical depth judgments in underground exploration
* Exact Calculation of Noise Maps and g-Factor in GRAPPA Using a k-Space Analysis
* Examining Land Cover and Greenness Dynamics in Hangzhou Bay in 1985-2016 Using Landsat Time-Series Data
* Examining the Association of Economic Development with Intercity Multimodal Transport Demand in China: A Focus on Spatial Autoregressive Analysis
* Examining the Impact of a Crude Oil Spill on the Permittivity Profile and Normalized Radar Cross Section of Young Sea Ice
* Example-based 3D inpainting of point clouds using metric tensor and Christoffel symbols
* Exercise classification and event segmentation in Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination videos
* Expansion Analysis of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Imagery for 1993 to 2012
* Experiences from Large-Scale Forest Mapping of Sweden Using TanDEM-X Data
* Experimental Evaluation of Several Key Factors Affecting Root Biomass Estimation by 1500 MHz Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Explicit Edge Inconsistency Evaluation Model for Color-Guided Depth Map Enhancement
* Explicit Shape Regression With Characteristic Number for Facial Landmark Localization
* Exploiting Convolution Filter Patterns for Transfer Learning
* Exploiting Multi-grain Ranking Constraints for Precisely Searching Visually-similar Vehicles
* Exploiting Spatial Structure for Localizing Manipulated Image Regions
* Exploiting the Complementarity of Audio and Visual Data in Multi-speaker Tracking
* Exploring Image Bit Planes for Video Shot Boundary Detection
* Exploring Inter-Observer Differences in First-Person Object Views Using Deep Learning Models
* Exploring Spatial Context for 3D Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Extended Moving Target Detection Approach for High-Resolution Multichannel SAR-GMTI Systems Based on Enhanced Shadow-Aided Decision, An
* Extended Random Walker for Shadow Detection in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Extended smoothlets: An efficient multi-resolution adaptive transform
* Extraction of Pluvial Flood Relevant Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) by Deep Learning from User Generated Texts and Photos
* Extreme Clicking for Efficient Object Annotation
* Extreme Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression: A Fast and Robust Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Extreme Value Machine, The
* Extreme Wave Height Events in NW Spain: A Combined Multi-Sensor and Model Approach
* Face alignment with cascaded semi-parametric deep greedy neural forests
* Face Generation for Low-Shot Learning Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Face Sketch Matching via Coupled Deep Transform Learning
* Face sketch-photo synthesis and recognition: Dual-scale Markov Network and multi-information fusion
* Face spoofing detection based on color texture Markov feature and support vector machine recursive feature elimination
* FacePoseNet: Making a Case for Landmark-Free Face Alignment
* Facial expression analysis and expression-invariant face recognition by manifold-based synthesis
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Visual Saliency and Deep Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition via Joint Deep Learning of RGB-Depth Map Latent Representations
* Facial Expression Recognition via Regression-Based Robust Locality Preserving Projections
* Factorization Approach for Enabling Structure-from-Motion/SLAM Using Integer Arithmetic, A
* Factorized Bilinear Models for Image Recognition
* Factorized Convolutional Neural Networks
* Faraday Rotation Correction for SMAP and Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Fashion Forward: Forecasting Visual Style in Fashion
* Fast 2D Complex Gabor Filter With Kernel Decomposition
* Fast and Accurate Face Recognition with Image Sets
* Fast and reliable minimal relative pose estimation under planar motion
* Fast Approximate Karhunen-Loeve Transform for Three-Way Array Data
* Fast CNN-Based Document Layout Analysis
* Fast CU size decision algorithm using machine learning for HEVC intra coding
* Fast Face-Swap Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Fog Detection for De-Fogging of Road Driving Images
* Fast Image Processing with Fully-Convolutional Networks
* Fast Image Super-Resolution via Local Adaptive Gradient Field Sharpening Transform
* Fast lexicographical order-based encoder for lattice vector quantization of Generalized Gaussian sources using pre-computed n-balls cardinalities
* Fast Median Filtering for Phase or Orientation Data
* Fast Multi-image Matching via Density-Based Clustering
* Fast Spatial Resolution Analysis of Quadratic Penalized Least-Squares Image Reconstruction With Separate Real and Imaginary Roughness Penalty: Application to fMRI
* Fast vanishing point detection method based on road border region estimation
* Fast Variable Structure Stochastic Automaton for Discovering and Tracking Spatiotemporal Event Patterns
* Fast Vehicle Detector for Autonomous Driving
* Fast-efficient algorithm of high-profile intra prediction for H.264 encoding system
* Faster than Real-Time Facial Alignment: A 3D Spatial Transformer Network Approach in Unconstrained Poses
* FCN-rLSTM: Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Vehicle Counting in City Cameras
* Feature co-shrinking for co-clustering
* Feature Learning with Rank-Based Candidate Selection for Product Search
* Feature Map Quality Score Estimation Through Regression
* Feature selection method with joint maximal information entropy between features and class
* Feature selection to recognize text from palm leaf manuscripts
* Feature Similarity and Frequency-Based Weighted Visual Words Codebook Learning Scheme for Human Action Recognition
* Feature-Based Efficient Moving Object Detection for Low-Altitude Aerial Platforms
* Feeling Sounds, Hearing Sights
* Few-Shot Hash Learning for Image Retrieval
* Filter Selection for Hyperspectral Estimation
* Find Me a Sky: A Data-Driven Method for Color-Consistent Sky Search and Replacement
* Finding Mirror Symmetry via Registration and Optimal Symmetric Pairwise Assignment of Curves
* Finding Mirror Symmetry via Registration and Optimal Symmetric Pairwise Assignment of Curves: Algorithm and Results
* Finding Time Together: Detection and Classification of Focused Interaction in Egocentric Video
* Fine Virtual View Distortion Estimation Method for Depth Map Coding
* Fine-Grained Object Recognition and Zero-Shot Learning in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Fine-Grained Recognition in the Wild: A Multi-task Domain Adaptation Approach
* Fine-Resolution Precipitation Mapping in a Mountainous Watershed: Geostatistical Downscaling of TRMM Products Based on Environmental Variables
* Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Method Based on a Bag-of-Words Approach
* First-Person Activity Forecasting with Online Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* FLaME: Fast Lightweight Mesh Estimation Using Variational Smoothing on Delaunay Graphs
* Flexible Framework for the Evaluation of Unsupervised Image Annotation, A
* Flip-Invariant Motion Representation
* Flow-Guided Feature Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection
* Focal Track: Depth and Accommodation with Oscillating Lens Deformation
* Focusing Attention: Towards Accurate Text Recognition in Natural Images
* Following Gaze in Video
* Font Recognition in Natural Images via Transfer Learning
* Food Photo Recognition for Dietary Tracking: System and Experiment
* Forensic Document Examination: Who Is the Writer?
* Formal Approach for Modeling and Simulation of Human Car-Following Behavior, A
* FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
* FPGA Components for Integrating FPGAs into Robot Systems
* FPGA implementation of semi-fragile reversible watermarking by histogram bin shifting in real time
* FPGA Realization of a Random Forest with k-Means Clustering Using a High-Level Synthesis Design, An
* Fractional Snow-Cover Mapping Based on MODIS and UAV Data over the Tibetan Plateau
* Frame-Based Classification of Operation Phases in Cataract Surgery Videos
* From Face Recognition to Kinship Verification: An Adaptation Approach
* From Groups to Co-Traveler Sets: Pair Matching Based Person Re-identification Framework
* From one to many: Pose-Aware Metric Learning for single-sample face recognition
* From Point Clouds to Mesh Using Regression
* From RGB to Spectrum for Natural Scenes via Manifold-Based Mapping
* From Square Pieces to Brick Walls: The Next Challenge in Solving Jigsaw Puzzles
* FTS: a feature-preserving trajectory synthesis model
* Full-Quaternion Color Correction in Images for Person Re-identification
* Fully Convolutional Network and Region Proposal for Instance Identification with Egocentric Vision
* further study of low resolution androgenic hair patterns as a soft biometric trait, A
* Fusing Geometry and Appearance for Road Segmentation
* Fusing Image and Segmentation Cues for Skeleton Extraction in the Wild
* Fusing Keyword Search and Visual Exploration for Untagged Videos
* Fusion Networks for Air-Writing Recognition
* Fusion of Deep Learning Descriptors for Gesture Recognition
* fuzzy clustering algorithm for the mode-seeking framework, A
* Fuzzy enhanced image fusion using pixel intensity control
* Gait-based human age classification using a silhouette model
* GAN-Assisted Two-Stream Neural Network for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification
* GANs for Biological Image Synthesis
* Gaussian Half-Wavelength Progressive Decomposition Method for Waveform Processing of Airborne Laser Bathymetry
* Gaussian Noise Detection and Adaptive Non-local Means Filter
* GCP-SLAM: LSD-SLAM with Learning-Based Confidence Estimation
* Generalized Orderless Pooling Performs Implicit Salient Matching
* Generating High-Quality Crowd Density Maps Using Contextual Pyramid CNNs
* Generating Multiple Diverse Hypotheses for Human 3D Pose Consistent with 2D Joint Detections
* Generating Visual Representations for Zero-Shot Classification
* Generative Adversarial Networks Conditioned by Brain Signals
* Generative Model of People in Clothing, A
* Generative Modeling of Audible Shapes for Object Perception
* Generic Deep Architecture for Single Image Reflection Removal and Image Smoothing, A
* Generic Deep-Learning-Based Approach for Automated Surface Inspection, A
* Genetic CNN
* Geo-Parcel Based Crop Identification by Integrating High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Imagery from Multi-Source Satellite Data
* Geometric Framework for Statistical Analysis of Trajectories with Distinct Temporal Spans, A
* Geometric primitive refinement for structured light cameras
* Geometrical flow-guided fast beamlet transform for crack detection
* Geometry Based Faceting of 3D Digitized Archaeological Fragments
* Geomorphological Dating of Pleistocene Conglomerates in Central Slovenia Based on Spatial Analyses of Dolines Using LiDAR and Ground Penetrating Radar
* Geospatial Computer Vision Based on Multi-Modal Data: How Valuable Is Shape Information for the Extraction of Semantic Information?
* Geospatial Object Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images Based on Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network
* Gesture and Sign Language Recognition with Temporal Residual Networks
* GLA: Global-Local Attention for Image Description
* Glioma tumor detection in brain MRI image using ANFIS-based normalized graph cut approach
* Global and Local C3D Ensemble System for First Person Interactive Action Recognition
* Global and Local Contrast Adaptive Enhancement for Non-uniform Illumination Color Images
* Globally Optimal Object Tracking with Complementary Use of Single Shot Multibox Detector and Fully Convolutional Network
* Globally-Optimal Inlier Set Maximisation for Simultaneous Camera Pose and Feature Correspondence
* Going Deeper on BioImages Classification: A Plant Leaf Dataset Case Study
* Going Deeper: Autonomous Steering with Neural Memory Networks
* Going Unconstrained with Rolling Shutter Deblurring
* Google Earth Engine, Open-Access Satellite Data, and Machine Learning in Support of Large-Area Probabilistic Wetland Mapping
* GPLAC: Generalizing Vision-Based Robotic Skills Using Weakly Labeled Images
* GPR Clutter Amplitude Processing to Detect Shallow Geological Targets
* GPS and BeiDou Differential Code Bias Estimation Using Fengyun-3C Satellite Onboard GNSS Observations
* Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-Based Localization
* Gradation Surfaces as a Method for Multi-color Ink-Jet Printers Color Specifications Management
* Graph Cut Approach to Artery/Vein Classification in Ultra-Widefield Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy, A
* Graph-Based Classification of Omnidirectional Images
* Graph-based video sequence matching using dominant colour graph profile (DCGP)
* Grasp planning via hand-object geometric fitting
* Grassland Phenology Response to Drought in the Canadian Prairies
* Green Spaces as an Indicator of Urban Health: Evaluating Its Changes in 28 Mega-Cities
* GrIMS: Green Information-Centric Multimedia Streaming Framework in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Ground Moving Target Refocusing in SAR Imagery Using Scaled GHAF
* Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Volcanic CO2 Fluxes at Solfatara (Italy): Direct Versus Inverse Bayesian Retrieval
* Group Re-identification via Unsupervised Transfer of Sparse Features Encoding
* Guest editorial: mobile computing support for geospatial systems
* Guided Perturbations: Self-Corrective Behavior in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Gyrator wavelet transform
* Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules For High-Performance Image Processing
* Hand Gesture Recognition With Multiscale Weighted Histogram of Contour Direction Normalization for Wearable Applications
* Hand Pose Estimation Using Deep Stereovision and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo
* Hand Posture Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Hand tracking with physiological constraints
* Handcrafted Normalized-Convolution Network for Texture Classification, A
* Hard-Aware Deeply Cascaded Embedding
* Harmonic regression of Landsat time series for modeling attributes from national forest inventory data
* HashNet: Deep Learning to Hash by Continuation
* Heterogeneous Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment: Potential Application in Spatiotemporal Behavior Experiments, A
* Hide-and-Seek: Forcing a Network to be Meticulous for Weakly-Supervised Object and Action Localization
* Hierarchical and Spatio-Temporal Sparse Representation for Human Action Recognition
* Hierarchical Category Detector for Clothing Recognition from Visual Data
* Hierarchical Feature Degradation Based Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Hierarchical Grouping Using Gestalt Assessments
* Hierarchical Grouping: The Gestalt Assessments Method
* Hierarchical Multimodal LSTM for Dense Visual-Semantic Embedding
* Hierarchical Trajectory Planning of an Autonomous Car Based on the Integration of a Sampling and an Optimization Method
* High dynamic range 3D shape determination based on automatic exposure selection
* High Order Tensor Formulation for Convolutional Sparse Coding
* High Performance Large Scale Face Recognition with Multi-cognition Softmax and Feature Retrieval
* High Resolution Mapping of Cropping Cycles by Fusion of Landsat and MODIS Data
* High Spatial Resolution Visual Band Imagery Outperforms Medium Resolution Spectral Imagery for Ecosystem Assessment in the Semi-Arid Brazilian Sertão
* High Throughput Phenotyping of Blueberry Bush Morphological Traits Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
* High-boost Weber local filter for precise eye localization under uncontrolled scenarios
* High-capacity reversible data hiding method using block expansion in digital images
* High-Precision 3D Coarse Registration Using RANSAC and Randomly-Picked Rejections
* High-Quality Correspondence and Segmentation Estimation for Dual-Lens Smart-Phone Portraits
* High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via Fusion of MODIS and AMSR2 Data
* High-Resolution RFI Localization Using Covariance Matrix Augmentation in Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometry
* High-Resolution Shape Completion Using Deep Neural Networks for Global Structure and Local Geometry Inference
* Higher-Order Integration of Hierarchical Convolutional Activations for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Higher-Order Minimum Cost Lifted Multicuts for Motion Segmentation
* Highly accurate real-time image steganalysis based on GPU
* highly efficient method for improving the performance of GLA-based algorithms, A
* Highly parallel HEVC decoding for heterogeneous systems with CPU and GPU
* Holo3DGIS: Leveraging Microsoft HoloLens in 3D Geographic Information
* Homography Estimation from Image Pairs with Hierarchical Convolutional Networks
* Hough Transform for real-time plane detection in depth images
* How Far are We from Solving the 2D 3D Face Alignment Problem? (and a Dataset of 230,000 3D Facial Landmarks)
* How Shall We Evaluate Egocentric Action Recognition?
* How to Train Triplet Networks with 100K Identities?
* HSCNN: CNN-Based Hyperspectral Image Recovery from Spectrally Undersampled Projections
* HTTP adaptive streaming scheme for improving the quality of experience in multi-server environments
* Human Action Recognition: Pose-Based Attention Draws Focus to Hands
* Human Detection and Tracking for Video Surveillance: A Cognitive Science Approach
* Human Pose Estimation Using Global and Local Normalization
* Hybrid Adaptive Prediction Mechanisms with Multilayer Propagation Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Compression
* Hybrid Ageing Patterns for face age estimation
* hybrid framework for automatic joint detection of human poses in depth frames, A
* Hybrid Method of SAR Speckle Reduction Based on Geometric-Structural Block and Adaptive Neighborhood, A
* Hybrid robust iris recognition approach using iris image pre-processing, two-dimensional gabor features and multi-layer perceptron neural network/PSO
* Hybrid Shared-Memory Parallel Max-Tree Algorithm for Extreme Dynamic-Range Images, A
* HydraPlus-Net: Attentive Deep Features for Pedestrian Analysis
* HyKo: A Spectral Dataset for Scene Understanding
* Hyper-Lapse From Multiple Spatially-Overlapping Videos
* Hyperspectral Image Segmentation via Frequency-Based Similarity for Mixed Noise Estimation
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Approximation and Total Variation Regularization
* Hyperspectral sensing of heavy metals in soil and vegetation: Feasibility and challenges
* Hyperspectral Shallow-Water Remote Sensing with an Enhanced Benthic Classifier
* Ice Velocity Variations of the Polar Record Glacier (East Antarctica) Using a Rotation-Invariant Feature-Tracking Approach
* Identification of Pedestrian and Bicyclist through Range Micro Doppler Signatures
* Identifying facial expression using adaptive sub-layer compensation based feature extraction
* Identifying Forest Impacted by Development in the Commonwealth of Virginia through the Use of Landsat and Known Change Indicators
* Identifying Generalizable Image Segmentation Parameters for Urban Land Cover Mapping through Meta-Analysis and Regression Tree Modeling
* Identity-Aware Textual-Visual Matching with Latent Co-attention
* Illuminating Pedestrians via Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation
* Image Aesthetic Distribution Prediction with Fully Convolutional Network
* Image Aesthetics and Content in Selecting Memorable Keyframes from Lifelogs
* Image Class Prediction by Joint Object, Context, and Background Modeling
* Image Classification With Tailored Fine-Grained Dictionaries
* Image Degradation for Quality Assessment of Pan-Sharpening Methods
* Image Processing Unit for General-Purpose Representation and Association System for Recognizing Low-Resolution Digits With Visual Information Variability
* Image Splicing Localization using a Multi-task Fully Convolutional Network (MFCN)
* Image Super-Resolution Using Dense Skip Connections
* Image-Based Localization Using Hourglass Networks
* Image-Based Localization Using LSTMs for Structured Feature Correlation
* Image-Based Relighting with 5-D Incident Light Fields
* Image2song: Song Retrieval via Bridging Image Content and Lyric Words
* ImageX - Explore and Search Local/Private Images
* Imaging Corneal Biomechanical Responses to Ocular Pulse Using High-Frequency Ultrasound
* Impact of Different Support Vectors on GOSAT-2 CAI-2 L2 Cloud Discrimination, The
* Impact of Eclipsing GNSS Satellites on the Precise Point Positioning, The
* Impact of Error in Lidar-Derived Canopy Height and Canopy Base Height on Modeled Wildfire Behavior in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA
* Impact of Lidar Elevation Uncertainty on Mapping Intertidal Habitats on Barrier Islands, The
* Impact of Precipitation Deficit and Urbanization on Variations in Water Storage in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration, The
* Impact of the Initial State on BDS Real-Time Orbit Determination Filter Convergence
* Impacts on the Urban Environment: Land Cover Change Trajectories and Landscape Fragmentation in Post-War Western Area, Sierra Leone
* Implicit Affective Video Tagging Using Pupillary Response
* Implicit Negative Sub-Categorization and Sink Diversion for Object Detection
* Importance of Phase to Texture Similarity, The
* Importance of Smoothness Constraints on Spectral Object Reflectances when Modeling Metamer Mismatching, The
* Important LiDAR metrics for discriminating forest tree species in Central Europe
* Improved Atmospheric Modelling of the Oasis-Desert System in Central Asia Using WRF with Actual Satellite Products
* Improved colour-to-grey method using image segmentation and colour difference model for colour vision deficiency
* Improved Descriptors for Patch Matching and Reconstruction
* Improved DisTrad for Downscaling Thermal MODIS Imagery over Urban Areas
* Improved Estimation for Well-Logging Problems Based on Fusion of Four Types of Kalman Filters
* Improved hypergraph regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with sparse representation
* Improved Image Captioning via Policy Gradient optimization of SPIDEr
* Improved Modeling of Global Ionospheric Total Electron Content Using Prior Information
* improved multimodal medical image fusion algorithm based on fuzzy transform, An
* Improved Predicted Model for BDS Ultra-Rapid Satellite Clock Offsets, An
* Improved side information generation algorithm based on naive Bayesian theory for distributed video coding
* Improved Speech Reconstruction from Silent Video
* Improved Strategies for HPE Employing Learning-by-Synthesis Approaches
* Improved Susceptibility Artifact Correction of Echo-Planar MRI using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Improvement of Reflection Detection Success Rate of GNSS RO Measurements Using Artificial Neural Network
* Improving a Real-Time Object Detector with Compact Temporal Information
* Improving Classification of Slow Cortical Potential Signals for BCI Systems With Polynomial Fitting and Voting Support Vector Machine
* Improving Color Constancy in an Ambient Light Environment Using the Phong Reflection Model
* Improving Face Verification and Person Re-Identification Accuracy Using Hyperplane Similarity
* Improving Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval From the Chinese Gaofen-5 Satellite Using a Hybrid Algorithm
* Improving Land Use/Land Cover Classification by Integrating Pixel Unmixing and Decision Tree Methods
* Improving Mean Minimum and Maximum Month-to-Month Air Temperature Surfaces Using Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature
* Improving Sea Ice Characterization in Dry Ice Winter Conditions Using Polarimetric Parameters from C- and L-Band SAR Data
* Improving Selection of Spectral Variables for Vegetation Classification of East Dongting Lake, China, Using a Gaofen-1 Image
* Improving Speaker Turn Embedding by Crossmodal Transfer Learning from Face Embedding
* Improving the Classification of Volcanic Seismic Events Extracting New Seismic and Speech Features
* Improving the Quality of Video-to-Language Models by Optimizing Annotation of the Training Material
* Impulse Response Estimation of Linear Time-Invariant Systems Using Convolved Gaussian Processes and Laguerre Functions
* In Defense of Shallow Learned Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* Incomplete Inventory of Suspected Human-Induced Surface Deformation in North America Detected by Satellite Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar, An
* Incorporating Satellite Precipitation Estimates into a Radar-Gauge Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimation Algorithm
* Incorporation of Prior Knowledge of Signal Behavior Into the Reconstruction to Accelerate the Acquisition of Diffusion MRI Data
* Incorporation of Satellite Data and Uncertainty in a Nationwide Groundwater Recharge Model in New Zealand
* Increasing CNN Robustness to Occlusions by Reducing Filter Support
* Incremental feature extraction based on decision boundaries
* Incremental Learning of Object Detectors without Catastrophic Forgetting
* Incrementally Detecting Change Types of Spatial Area Object: A Hierarchical Matching Method Considering Change Process
* Inertial-Vision: Cross-Domain Knowledge Transfer for Wearable Sensors
* Infant Footprint Recognition
* Inferior myocardial infarction detection using stationary wavelet transform and machine learning approach
* Inferring and Executing Programs for Visual Reasoning
* Inferring Human Activities Using Robust Privileged Probabilistic Learning
* Infinite Latent Feature Selection: A Probabilistic Latent Graph-Based Ranking Approach
* Influence of conversion on the location of points and lines: The change of location entropy and the probability of a vector point inside the converted grid point
* Infrared image super-resolution using auxiliary convolutional neural network and visible image under low-light conditions
* Inherently Stable Weighted Least-Squares Estimation of Common Acoustical Poles With the Application in Feedback Path Modeling Utilizing a Kautz Filter
* Ink-Jet Printer's Characterization by 3D Gradation Trajectories on an Equidistant Color Difference Basis
* InnerSpec: Technical Report
* Innovative Salient Object Detection Using Center-Dark Channel Prior, An
* Instance-based object recognition in 3D point clouds using discriminative shape primitives
* Instantaneous 3D Continental-Shelf Scale Imaging of Oceanic Fish by Multi-Spectral Resonance Sensing Reveals Group Behavior during Spawning Migration
* Integral Curvature Representation and Matching Algorithms for Identification of Dolphins and Whales
* Integrated Multi-scale Event Verification in an Augmented Foreground Motion Space
* Integrated Participatory and Collaborative Risk Mapping for Enhancing Disaster Resilience
* Integrated Procedure to Assess the Stability of Coastal Rocky Cliffs: From UAV Close-Range Photogrammetry to Geomechanical Finite Element Modeling, An
* Integrating Boundary and Center Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking with Aspect Ratio Variation
* integration of bottom-up and top-down salient cues on RGB-D data: saliency from objectness versus non-objectness, An
* Intelligent Assistant for People with Low Vision Abilities
* Intelligent Synthesis Driven Model Calibration: Framework and Face Recognition Application
* Intensity-curvature functional-based digital high-pass filters
* Inter-Calibration of Passive Microwave Satellite Brightness Temperatures Observed by F13 SSM/I and F17 SSMIS for the Retrieval of Snow Depth on Arctic First-Year Sea Ice
* Interactive Gallery: Enhance Social Interaction for Elders by Story Sharing
* Interactive Lapidarium: Opportunities for Research and Training
* Interactive Tour Guide for a Heritage Site, An
* Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Intelligent Transportation Systems Management, An
* Interior point search for nonparametric image segmentation
* Interleaved Group Convolutions
* Interpretable Explanations of Black Boxes by Meaningful Perturbation
* Interpretable Learning for Self-Driving Cars by Visualizing Causal Attention
* Interpretable Transformations with Encoder-Decoder Networks
* Interpreting the Fuzzy Semantics of Natural-Language Spatial Relation Terms with the Fuzzy Random Forest Algorithm
* Intraspecific Differences in Spectral Reflectance Curves as Indicators of Reduced Vitality in High-Arctic Plants
* Intrinsic 3D Dynamic Surface Tracking based on Dynamic Ricci Flow and Teichmuller Map
* Intrinsic Manifold SLIC: A Simple and Efficient Method for Computing Content-Sensitive Superpixels
* Intrinsic3D: High-Quality 3D Reconstruction by Joint Appearance and Geometry Optimization with Spatially-Varying Lighting
* Introducing MVTec ITODD: A Dataset for 3D Object Recognition in Industry
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications of Mechatronic and Embedded Systems (MESA) in ITS
* Introduction to the Special Issue: Research and Development Progress in 3D Cadastral Systems
* Introspective Neural Networks for Generative Modeling
* Investigating the Influence of Variable Freshwater Ice Types on Passive and Active Microwave Observations
* Investigation of Water Temperature Variations and Sensitivities in a Large Floodplain Lake System (Poyang Lake, China) Using a Hydrodynamic Model
* Investigation on Reference Frames and Time Systems in Multi-GNSS
* Ionosphere Model for European Region Based on Multi-GNSS Data and TPS Interpolation
* Irrigation Performance Assessment in Table Grape Using the Reflectance-Based Crop Coefficient
* Is Deep Learning Safe for Robot Vision? Adversarial Examples Against the iCub Humanoid
* Is Second-Order Information Helpful for Large-Scale Visual Recognition?
* Issues with Large Area Thematic Accuracy Assessment for Mapping Cropland Extent: A Tale of Three Continents
* ITEC Collaborative Video Search System at the Video Browser Showdown 2018, The
* Iterative Active Classification of Large Image Collection
* Iterative Filtering and Smoothing in Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Systems Using Conditional Moments
* Iterative Graph Seeking for Object Tracking
* Iterative Regularization via Dual Diagonal Descent
* JCLMM: A finite mixture model for clustering of circular-linear data and its application to psoriatic plaque segmentation
* Joint Adaptive Sparsity and Low-Rankness on the Fly: An Online Tensor Reconstruction Scheme for Video Denoising
* Joint Bi-layer Optimization for Single-Image Rain Streak Removal
* Joint Bilateral Filtering and Spectral Similarity-Based Sparse Representation: A Generic Framework for Effective Feature Extraction and Data Classification in Hyperspectral Imaging
* Joint Coding-Transmission Optimization for a Video Surveillance System With Multiple Cameras
* Joint Convolutional Analysis and Synthesis Sparse Representation for Single Image Layer Separation
* Joint Detection and Recounting of Abnormal Events by Learning Deep Generic Knowledge
* Joint Discovery of Object States and Manipulation Actions
* Joint Estimation of Camera Pose, Depth, Deblurring, and Super-Resolution from a Blurred Image Sequence
* Joint Feature Selection and Classification for Multilabel Learning
* Joint Hand Detection and Rotation Estimation Using CNN
* Joint Intrinsic-Extrinsic Prior Model for Retinex, A
* Joint Layout Estimation and Global Multi-view Registration for Indoor Reconstruction
* Joint Learning of Object and Action Detectors
* Joint Local Abundance Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Images
* Joint Prediction of Activity Labels and Starting Times in Untrimmed Videos
* Jointly Attentive Spatial-Temporal Pooling Networks for Video-Based Person Re-identification
* Jointly Recognizing Object Fluents and Tasks in Egocentric Videos
* k-Labelsets for Multimedia Classification with Global and Local Label Correlation
* Kernel-Based Optimum-Path Forest Classifier, A
* Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation for Low-Shot Learning
* Knowledge Based Optimal Recommendation of Spatial Technologies for Documentation of Buildings
* Knowledge Transfer for Writer Identification
* Knowledge-Based Generalized Side-Lobe Canceller for Ionospheric Clutter Suppression in HFSWR
* Knowledge-Informed and Pareto-Based Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Land-Use Allocation, A
* KPPF: Keypoint-Based Point-Pair-Feature for Scalable Automatic Global Registration of Large RGB-D Scans
* L-Band Temporal Coherence Assessment and Modeling Using Amplitude and Snow Depth over Interior Alaska
* L-Shape Model Switching-Based Precise Motion Tracking of Moving Vehicles Using Laser Scanners
* Label and orthogonality regularized non-negative matrix factorization for image classification
* Ladder-Style DenseNets for Semantic Segmentation of Large Natural Images
* LakeTime: Automated Seasonal Scene Selection for Global Lake Mapping Using Landsat ETM+ and OLI
* Land Product Characterization System for Comparative Analysis of Satellite Data and Products, A
* Land Subsidence in Chiayi, Taiwan, from Compaction Well, Leveling and ALOS/PALSAR: Aquaculture-Induced Relative Sea Level Rise
* Land Use Classification: A Surface Energy Balance and Vegetation Index Application to Map and Monitor Irrigated Lands
* Land-Air Interactions over Urban-Rural Transects Using Satellite Observations: Analysis over Delhi, India from 1991-2016
* Landslide Mapping and Characterization through Infrared Thermography (IRT): Suggestions for a Methodological Approach from Some Case Studies
* Lane Detection Based on Road Module and Extended Kalman Filter
* large margin algorithm for automated segmentation of white matter hyperintensity, A
* Large Margin Learning in Set-to-Set Similarity Comparison for Person Reidentification
* Large off-nadir scan angle of airborne LiDAR can severely affect the estimates of forest structure metrics
* Large Pose 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image via Direct Volumetric CNN Regression
* Large Scale Labelled Video Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in Driving Scenarios
* Large-Scale Content-Only Video Recommendation
* Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Attentive Deep Local Features
* Large-Scale Multimodal Gesture Recognition Using Heterogeneous Networks
* Large-Scale Multimodal Gesture Segmentation and Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval by Deep Hashing Neural Networks
* Lattice Long Short-Term Memory for Human Action Recognition
* Layer-Wise Weight Decay for Deep Neural Networks
* LBP-Flow and Hybrid Encoding for Real-Time Water and Fire Classification
* Leaf Counting with Deep Convolutional and Deconvolutional Networks
* Learned Multi-patch Similarity
* Learned Representation of Artist-Specific Colourisation, A
* Learned Watershed: End-to-End Learning of Seeded Segmentation
* Learning 3D Object Categories by Looking Around Them
* Learning a Deep Model for Human Action Recognition from Novel Viewpoints
* Learning a Deep Single Image Contrast Enhancer from Multi-Exposure Images
* Learning a Recurrent Residual Fusion Network for Multimodal Matching
* Learning Action Recognition Model from Depth and Skeleton Videos
* Learning adaptively windowed correlation filters for robust tracking
* Learning Background-Aware Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Learning Bag-of-Features Pooling for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning Blind Motion Deblurring
* Learning Common and Feature-Specific Patterns: A Novel Multiple-Sparse-Representation-Based Tracker
* Learning Compact Geometric Features
* Learning Cooperative Visual Dialog Agents with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Learning Deep Convolutional Embeddings for Face Representation Using Joint Sample- and Set-Based Supervision
* Learning Deep Neural Networks for Vehicle Re-ID with Visual-spatio-Temporal Path Proposals
* Learning Dense Facial Correspondences in Unconstrained Images
* Learning Discriminative Aggregation Network for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Learning Discriminative alpha-beta-Divergences for Positive Definite Matrices
* Learning Discriminative Data Fitting Functions for Blind Image Deblurring
* Learning Discriminative Latent Attributes for Zero-Shot Classification
* Learning Dynamic Siamese Network for Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks through Network Slimming
* Learning Efficient Deep Feature Representations via Transgenerational Genetic Transmission of Environmental Information During Evolutionary Synthesis of Deep Neural Networks
* Learning Feature Pyramids for Human Pose Estimation
* Learning for Active 3D Mapping
* Learning from Noisy Labels with Distillation
* Learning from Video and Text via Large-Scale Discriminative Clustering
* Learning Gaze Transitions from Depth to Improve Video Saliency Estimation
* Learning Hand Articulations by Hallucinating Heat Distribution
* Learning High Dynamic Range from Outdoor Panoramas
* Learning in an Uncertain World: Representing Ambiguity Through Multiple Hypotheses
* Learning Invariant Riemannian Geometric Representations Using Deep Nets
* Learning Long-Term Dependencies for Action Recognition with a Biologically-Inspired Deep Network
* Learning Multi-attention Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Learning Policies for Adaptive Tracking with Deep Feature Cascades
* Learning Proximal Operators: Using Denoising Networks for Regularizing Inverse Imaging Problems
* Learning RGB-D Salient Object Detection Using Background Enclosure, Depth Contrast, and Top-Down Features
* Learning Robust Representations for Computer Vision
* Learning Robust Visual-Semantic Embeddings
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Features with 3D Residual Networks for Action Recognition
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Representation with Pseudo-3D Residual Networks
* Learning Spatiotemporal Features Using 3DCNN and Convolutional LSTM for Gesture Recognition
* Learning Spread-Out Local Feature Descriptors
* Learning the Latent Look: Unsupervised Discovery of a Style-Coherent Embedding from Fashion Images
* Learning to Detect Fine-Grained Change Under Variant Imaging Conditions
* Learning to Disambiguate by Asking Discriminative Questions
* Learning to Estimate 3D Hand Pose from Single RGB Images
* Learning to Fuse 2D and 3D Image Cues for Monocular Body Pose Estimation
* Learning to Identify While Failing to Discriminate
* Learning to Index in Large-Scale Datasets
* Learning to Push the Limits of Efficient FFT-Based Image Deconvolution
* Learning to Reason: End-to-End Module Networks for Visual Question Answering
* Learning to Segment Affordances
* Learning to Super-Resolve Blurry Face and Text Images
* Learning to Synthesize a 4D RGBD Light Field from a Single Image
* Learning Uncertain Convolutional Features for Accurate Saliency Detection
* Learning Unified Embedding for Apparel Recognition
* Learning Video Object Segmentation with Visual Memory
* Learning View-Invariant Features for Person Identification in Temporally Synchronized Videos Taken by Wearable Cameras
* Learning Visual Attention to Identify People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Learning Visual N-Grams from Web Data
* Learning-Based Cloth Material Recovery from Video
* Learning-Based Inverse Dynamics of Human Motion
* Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks
* Less is more: Micro-expression recognition from video using apex frame
* Leveraging deep neural networks to fight child pornography in the age of social media
* Leveraging Multiple Datasets for Deep Leaf Counting
* Leveraging Weak Semantic Relevance for Complex Video Event Classification
* Leveraging Weakly Annotated Data for Fashion Image Retrieval and Label Prediction
* lexicon-free approach for 3D handwriting recognition using classifier combination, A
* Lifelog Exploration Prototype in Virtual Reality
* Light Field Foreground Matting Based on Defocus and Correspondence
* Light Field Inpainting Propagation via Low Rank Matrix Completion
* Lightweight Approach for On-the-Fly Reflectance Estimation, A
* Lightweight Monocular Obstacle Avoidance by Salient Feature Fusion
* Lightweight Single-Camera Polarization Compass with Covariance Estimation, A
* Linear Data Compression of Hyperspectral Images
* Linear Differential Constraints for Photo-Polarimetric Height Estimation
* Linear Modelling of Cerebral Autoregulation System Using Genetic Algorithms
* Linking Regional Winter Sea Ice Thickness and Surface Roughness to Spring Melt Pond Fraction on Landfast Arctic Sea Ice
* LIT: A System and Benchmark for Light Understanding
* Local Binary Pattern-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification With Superpixel Guidance
* Local Branching Heuristic for the Graph Edit Distance Problem, A
* Local Deep Hashing Matching of Aerial Images Based on Relative Distance and Absolute Distance Constraints
* Local Depth Edge Detection in Humans and Deep Neural Networks
* Local Feature-Based Attribute Profiles for Optical Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Local Geometry Inclusive Global Shape Representation
* Local Inverse Tone Mapping for Scalable High Dynamic Range Image Coding
* Local-to-global mesh saliency
* Local-to-Global Point Cloud Registration Using a Dictionary of Viewpoint Descriptors
* Locality and context-aware top-down saliency
* Localizing Moments in Video with Natural Language
* Locally aggregated histogram-based descriptors
* Locally Linear Embedded Sparse Coding for Spectral Reconstruction From RGB Images
* Locally-Transferred Fisher Vectors for Texture Classification
* Locating Crop Plant Centers from UAV-Based RGB Imagery
* LOCO: Local Context Based Faster R-CNN for Small Traffic Sign Detection
* Long Short-Term Memory Convolutional Neural Network for First-Person Vision Activity Recognition, A
* Long Short-Term Memory Kalman Filters: Recurrent Neural Estimators for Pose Regularization
* Long Short-Term Memory Networks Based in Echo State Networks for Wind Speed Forecasting
* Long Tail of Web Video, The
* Long-Term 3D Localization and Pose from Semantic Labellings
* Long-term path prediction in urban scenarios using circular distributions
* Look, Listen and Learn
* Look, Perceive and Segment: Finding the Salient Objects in Images via Two-stream Fixation-Semantic CNNs
* Look-Up Table-Based Ray Integration Framework for 2-D/3-D Forward and Back Projection in X-Ray CT, A
* Lossless data hiding for absolute moment block truncation coding using histogram modification
* lossy compression scheme for encrypted images exploiting Cauchy distribution and weighted rate distortion optimization, A
* Low Compute and Fully Parallel Computer Vision with HashMatch
* Low Latency Acoustic Modeling Using Temporal Convolution and LSTMs
* Low-complexity direct computation algorithm for cubic-spline interpolation scheme
* Low-Complexity Optimal Hard Decision Fusion Under the Neyman-Pearson Criterion
* Low-Dimensionality Calibration through Local Anisotropic Scaling for Robust Hand Model Personalization
* Low-Frequency SAR Radiometric Calibration and Antenna Pattern Estimation by Using Stable Point Targets
* Low-Rank Regularized Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition for Subspace Clustering
* Low-Rank Tensor Completion: A Pseudo-Bayesian Learning Approach
* Low-Shot Face Recognition with Hybrid Classifiers
* Low-Shot Visual Recognition by Shrinking and Hallucinating Features
* LPSNet: A Novel Log Path Signature Feature Based Hand Gesture Recognition Framework
* LRAGE: Learning Latent Relationships With Adaptive Graph Embedding for Aerial Scene Classification
* LVFS: A Lightweight Video Storage File System for IP Camera-Based Surveillance Applications
* Magnetic Resonance Mediated Radiofrequency Ablation
* Magnetic Resonance RF Pulse Design by Optimal Control With Physical Constraints
* Makeup-Go: Blind Reversion of Portrait Edit
* Making Minimal Solvers for Absolute Pose Estimation Compact and Robust
* Manifold Constrained Low-Rank Decomposition
* Manifold constraint transfer for visual structure-driven optimization
* Many-Objective Ensemble-Based Multilabel Classification
* Map Portal as a Tool to Share Information on Cultural Heritage Illustrated by the National Heritage Board Geoportal
* Mapillary Vistas Dataset for Semantic Understanding of Street Scenes, The
* Mapping Burned Areas in Tropical Forests Using a Novel Machine Learning Framework
* Mapping Forests: A Comprehensive Approach for Nonlinear Mapping Problems
* Mapping Plastic-Mulched Farmland with C-Band Full Polarization SAR Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Wild Leek through the Forest Canopy Using a UAV
* Margin Based Semi-Supervised Elastic Embedding for Face Image Analysis
* Margin Loss: Making Faces More Separable
* MarioQA: Answering Questions by Watching Gameplay Videos
* Markov Network Based Passage Retrieval Method for Multimodal Question Answering in the Cultural Heritage Domain, A
* Mask R-CNN
* Matching Contactless and Contact-Based Conventional Fingerprint Images for Biometrics Identification
* Matching Multi-Source Optical Satellite Imagery Exploiting a Multi-Stage Approach
* Material Editing Using a Physically Based Rendering Network
* Mating Rituals of Deep Neural Networks: Learning Compact Feature Representations Through Sexual Evolutionary Synthesis, The
* Max-Boost-GAN: Max Operation to Boost Generative Ability of Generative Adversarial Networks
* Maximizing Rigidity Revisited: A Convex Programming Approach for Generic 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Perspective Views
* Maya Codical Glyph Segmentation: A Crowdsourcing Approach
* MCCT: a multi-channel complementary census transform for image classification
* Measurements and Analysis of Angular Characteristics and Spatial Correlation for High-Speed Railway Channels
* Measuring Vegetation Height in Linear Disturbances in the Boreal Forest with UAV Photogrammetry
* Mechatronic System to Help Visually Impaired Users During Walking and Running
* Median Filtered Image Restoration and Anti-Forensics Using Adversarial Networks
* Median filtering detection of small-size image based on CNN
* Medical image rigid registration using a novel binary feature descriptor and modified affine transform
* MemNet: A Persistent Memory Network for Image Restoration
* Memory-Efficient Parametric Semiglobal Matching
* Merging Satellite Retrievals and Reanalyses to Produce Global Long-Term and Consistent Surface Incident Solar Radiation Datasets
* Mesh-free approach for enhancement of mammograms
* Method of Weather Radar Echo Extrapolation Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Microfacet-Based Reflectance Model for Photometric Stereo with Highly Specular Surfaces, A
* MIHash: Online Hashing with Mutual Information
* Mind the Gap: Virtual Shorelines for Blind and Partially Sighted People
* Mineral Mapping Using the Automatized Gaussian Model (AGM): Application to Two Industrial French Sites at Gardanne and Thann
* Mini N2-Raman Lidar Onboard Ultra-Light Aircraft for Aerosol Measurements: Demonstration and Extrapolation
* Mining Generalized Closed Patterns from Multi-graph Collections
* Mining the Criminal Data of Rio de Janeiro: Analyzing the Impact of the Pacifying Police Units Deployment
* MirrorFlow: Exploiting Symmetries in Joint Optical Flow and Occlusion Estimation
* Misalignment-Robust Joint Filter for Cross-Modal Image Pairs
* Mixture WG Gamma-MRF Model for PolSAR Image Classification
* Model-Based Learning of Local Image Features for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Modeling the Anisotropic Reflectance of a Surface with Microstructure Engineered to Obtain Visible Contrast After Rotation
* Modeling the Observed Microwave Emission from Shallow Multi-Layer Tundra Snow Using DMRT-ML
* Modeling Urban Scenes from Pointclouds
* Modelling the Scene Dependent Imaging in Cameras with a Deep Neural Network
* MODIS Sea Ice Thickness and Open Water-Sea Ice Charts over the Barents and Kara Seas for Development and Validation of Sea Ice Products from Microwave Sensor Data
* MODIS-Based Estimation of Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux over North America Using Three Machine Learning Algorithms
* MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for Unsupervised Monocular Reconstruction
* MoFA: Model-Based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for Unsupervised Monocular Reconstruction
* Moisture Content Measurement of Broadleaf Litters Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique
* moM: Mean of Moments Feature for Person Re-identification
* Mondrian Detection Algorithm for Sonar Imagery, The
* Monitoring Bare Soil Freeze-Thaw Process Using GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry: Simulation and Validation
* Monitoring Inter- and Intra-Seasonal Dynamics of Rapidly Degrading Ice-Rich Permafrost Riverbanks in the Lena Delta with TerraSAR-X Time Series
* Monitoring of Forest Structure Dynamics by Means of L-Band SAR Tomography
* Monitoring Rainfall Patterns in the Southern Amazon with PERSIANN-CDR Data: Long-Term Characteristics and Trends
* Monitoring rubber plantation expansion using Landsat data time series and a Shapelet-based approach
* Monitoring Water Surface and Level of a Reservoir Using Different Remote Sensing Approaches and Comparison with Dam Displacements Evaluated via GNSS
* Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Predicting Depth on Joints
* Monocular Dense 3D Reconstruction of a Complex Dynamic Scene from Two Perspective Frames
* Monocular Free-Head 3D Gaze Tracking with Deep Learning and Geometry Constraints
* Monocular Video-Based Trailer Coupler Detection Using Multiplexer Convolutional Neural Network
* Motion Capture Data Completion via Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Motion keypoint trajectory and covariance descriptor for human action recognition
* Motion-based countermeasure against photo and video spoofing attacks in face recognition
* Motion-Driven Approach for Fine-Grained Temporal Segmentation of User-Generated Videos, A
* Moving from Space-Based to Ground-Based Solutions in Remote Sensing for Archaeological Heritage: A Case Study from Egypt
* Moving Object Detection in Time-Lapse or Motion Trigger Image Sequences Using Low-Rank and Invariant Sparse Decomposition
* MSRC: multimodal spatial regression with semantic context for phrase grounding
* Multi Target Tracking Using Determinantal Point Processes
* Multi-atlas automatic positioning of anatomical landmarks
* Multi-bit quantization based on neighboring structure preservation
* Multi-camera Microenvironment to Capture Multi-view Time-Lapse Videos for 3D Analysis of Aging Objects
* Multi-channel Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization for Real Color Image Denoising
* Multi-hypothesis-Based Error Concealment for Whole Frame Loss in HEVC
* Multi-label Fashion Image Classification with Minimal Human Supervision
* Multi-label Image Recognition by Recurrently Discovering Attentional Regions
* Multi-label Learning of Part Detectors for Heavily Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-modal activity recognition from egocentric vision, semantic enrichment and lifelogging applications for the care of dementia
* Multi-modal brain tumor image segmentation based on SDAE
* Multi-modal Embedding for Main Product Detection in Fashion
* Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear Pooling with Co-attention Learning for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-objective Overlapping Community Detection by Global and Local Approaches
* Multi-objective Visual Odometry
* Multi-Perspective Tracking for Intelligent Vehicle
* Multi-Rate Acquisition for Dead Time Reduction in Magnetic Resonance Receivers: Application to Imaging With Zero Echo Time
* Multi-Satellite Altimeter Validation along the French Atlantic Coast in the Southern Bay of Biscay from ERS-2 to SARAL
* Multi-scale Deep Learning Architectures for Person Re-identification
* Multi-Scale Segmentation and Surface Fitting for Measuring 3-D Macular Holes
* Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Pigment Absorption Properties in Cyanobacteria Bloom Waters: A Regional Example in the Western Basin of Lake Erie
* Multi-stage Multi-recursive-input Fully Convolutional Networks for Neuronal Boundary Detection
* Multi-stream Fusion Model for Social Relation Recognition from Videos
* Multi-task Learning Using Multi-modal Encoder-Decoder Networks with Shared Skip Connections
* Multi-task Self-Supervised Visual Learning
* Multi-Temporal Analysis of Forestry and Coastal Environments Using UASs
* Multi-trend binary code descriptor: a novel local texture feature descriptor for image retrieval
* Multi-view 6D Object Pose Estimation and Camera Motion Planning Using RGBD Images
* Multi-view Dynamic Shape Refinement Using Local Temporal Integration
* Multi-view multi-scale CNNs for lung nodule type classification from CT images
* Multi-view Non-rigid Refinement and Normal Selection for High Quality 3D Reconstruction
* Multi-view Stereo with Single-View Semantic Mesh Refinement
* Multidimensional Sampling of Isotropically Bandlimited Signals
* Multilabel Extension of LDA Based on the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, A
* Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Using a Semisupervised Graph-Theoretic Method
* Multilayer-Based Framework for Online Background Subtraction with Freely Moving Cameras, A
* Multilevel Approximate Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Multimodal analysis of user behavior and browsed content under different image search intents
* Multimodal Augmented Reality: Augmenting Auditory-Tactile Feedback to Change the Perception of Thickness
* Multimodal Deep Regression Bayesian Network for Affective Video Content Analyses, A
* Multimodal Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models with Harmonization
* Multimodal Gesture Recognition Based on the ResC3D Network
* Multimodal sensor medical image fusion based on mutual-structure for joint filtering using sparse representation
* Multipath Interferences in Ground-Based Radar Data: A Case Study
* Multiple instance learning: A survey of problem characteristics and applications
* Multiple Object Detection by a Deformable Part-Based Model and an R-CNN
* Multiplicative Noise Channel in Generative Adversarial Networks
* Multipolarization Through-Wall Radar Imaging Using Low-Rank and Jointly-Sparse Representations
* Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis: Texture Feature Level Fusion of Multiple Descriptors for Intra-modal Palmprint Biometric Recognition
* Multisource Remote Sensing Data Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Multispectral Image Denoising via Nonlocal Multitask Sparse Learning
* Multiview Absolute Pose Using 3D-2D Perspective Line Correspondences and Vertical Direction
* Multiview and multifeature spectral clustering using common eigenvectors
* Multiview Intensity-Based Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* MUTAN: Multimodal Tucker Fusion for Visual Question Answering
* Mutual Enhancement for Detection of Multiple Logos in Sports Videos
* Mutual Foreground Segmentation with Multispectral Stereo Pairs
* Mutual Hypothesis Verification for 6D Pose Estimation of Natural Objects
* Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval with Deep Metric Learning
* Need for Speed: A Benchmark for Higher Frame Rate Object Tracking
* Neural Ctrl-F: Segmentation-Free Query-by-String Word Spotting in Handwritten Manuscript Collections
* Neural EPI-Volume Networks for Shape from Light Field
* Neural Networks for the Reconstruction and Separation of High Energy Particles in a Preshower Calorimeter
* Neural Person Search Machines
* New Accurate Image Denoising Method Based on Sparse Coding Coefficients, A
* New advances for haptic rendering: state of the art
* New Approach to Energy Calculation of Road Accidents against Fixed Small Section Elements Based on Close-Range Photogrammetry, A
* New Approach to Line Simplification Based on Image Processing: A Case Study of Water Area Boundaries, A
* New Class of Wavelet-Based Metrics for Image Similarity Assessment, A
* New CNN-Based Method for Multi-Directional Car License Plate Detection, A
* New Fully Gap-Free Time Series of Land Surface Temperature from MODIS LST Data, A
* New Horizon of Digitization in Serbia: Improvement of Digitization Through Cooperation with Leading World Institutions and the In-House Development of Digital Tools
* New Insights for Detecting and Deriving Thermal Properties of Lava Flow Using Infrared Satellite during 2014-2015 Effusive Eruption at Holuhraun, Iceland
* New Inversion Method Based on Distorted Born Iterative Method for Grounded Electrical Source Airborne Transient Electromagnetics, A
* New Low-Light Image Enhancement Algorithm Using Camera Response Model, A
* New Method for Acquisition of High-Resolution Seabed Topography by Matching Seabed Classification Images, A
* New Method for Automatically Tracing Englacial Layers from MCoRDS Data in NW Greenland, A
* new model-based framework for lung tissue segmentation in three-dimensional thoracic CT images, A
* new probabilistic classifier based on decomposable models with application to internet traffic, A
* New Random Variable Normalizing Transformation With Application to the GLRT, A
* New Regionalization Scheme for Effective Ecological Restoration on the Loess Plateau in China, A
* New Scheme for QoE Management of Live Video Streaming in Cloud Environment, A
* New Scheme for Validating Remote-Sensing Land Surface Temperature Products with Station Observations
* NeXt for neuro-radiosurgery: A fully automatic approach for necrosis extraction in brain tumor MRI using an unsupervised machine learning technique
* NIQSV: A No-Reference Synthesized View Quality Assessment Metric
* No Fuss Distance Metric Learning Using Proxies
* No More Discrimination: Cross City Adaptation of Road Scene Segmenters
* No Reference Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images With Both Local and Global Feature Representation
* No reference stereo video quality assessment based on motion feature in tensor decomposition domain
* No-Reference View Synthesis Quality Prediction for 3-D Videos Based on Color-Depth Interactions
* Noisy Character Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Non Local Means Image Filtering Using Clustering
* Non-convex Rank/Sparsity Regularization and Local Minima
* Non-convex Relaxation for Fixed-Rank Approximation, A
* Non-dermatoscopic Image Analysis for the Recognition of Malignant Skin Diseases with Convolutional Neural Network and Autoencoders
* Non-linear Convolution Filters for CNN-Based Learning
* Non-linear matrix completion
* Non-Markovian Globally Consistent Multi-object Tracking
* Non-Rigid Event-by-Event Continuous Respiratory Motion Compensated List-Mode Reconstruction for PET
* Non-rigid Object Tracking via Deformable Patches Using Shape-Preserved KCF and Level Sets
* Non-stationary Multi-output Gaussian Processes for Enhancing Resolution over Diffusion Tensor Fields
* Non-uniform Blind Deblurring by Reblurring
* Non-uniform motion deblurring with Kernel grid regularization
* Noncoverage Field Model for Improving the Rendering Quality of Virtual Views, A
* Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Geometric Characteristics of Bilinear Mixture Models
* Nonlinear Precoding for Multipair Relay Networks With One-Bit ADCs and DACs
* Nonparametric Variational Auto-Encoders for Hierarchical Representation Learning
* Nonrigid Point Set Registration by Preserving Local Connectivity
* Normalized Difference Vegetation Index as an Estimator for Abundance and Quality of Avian Herbivore Forage in Arctic Alaska
* Not All Negatives Are Equal: Learning to Track With Multiple Background Clusters
* Novel 3D Human Action Recognition Framework for Video Content Analysis, A
* novel approach for epipolar resampling of cross-track linear pushbroom imagery using orbital parameters model, A
* Novel Bottom-Up Saliency Detection Method for Video With Dynamic Background, A
* Novel Chinese Sign Language Recognition Method Based on Keyframe-Centered Clips, A
* Novel Frontal Facial Synthesis Algorithm Based on Individual Residual Face, A
* Novel Hybrid Data Reduction Strategy and Its Application to Intrusion Detection, A
* novel mapping-based lossless recovery algorithm for VSS, A
* novel method for automated correction of non-uniform/poor illumination of retinal images without creating false artifacts, A
* Novel Method to Remove Fringes for Dispersive Hyperspectral VNIR Imagers Using Back-Illuminated CCDs, A
* Novel No-reference Subjective Quality Metric for Free Viewpoint Video Using Human Eye Movement, A
* Novel Pixel-Level Image Matching Method for Mars Express HRSC Linear Pushbroom Imagery Using Approximate Orthophotos, A
* novel reversible data hiding method with image contrast enhancement, A
* Novel reversible data hiding scheme for Two-stage VQ compressed images based on search-order coding
* Novel Space-Time Representation on the Positive Semidefinite Cone for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Novel Two-in-One Image Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Perfect Black Visual Cryptography, A
* Numerically Efficient Method for Predicting the Scattering Characteristics of a Complex Metallic Target Located Inside a Large Forested Area, A
* Nystrom Approximated Temporally Constrained Multisimilarity Spectral Clustering Approach for Movie Scene Detection
* Object Detection and Tracking Under Occlusion for Object-Level RGB-D Video Segmentation
* Object Discovery via Cohesion Measurement
* Object is Worth Six Thousand Pictures: The Egocentric, Manual, Multi-image (EMMI) Dataset, An
* Object-based detection of vehicles using combined optical and elevation data
* Object-Based Mangrove Species Classification Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hyperspectral Images and Digital Surface Models
* Object-Level Proposals
* Ocean Dynamics Observed by VIIRS Day/Night Band Satellite Observations
* Ocean Wind and Current Retrievals Based on Satellite SAR Measurements in Conjunction with Buoy and HF Radar Data
* Ocean Wind and Wave Measurements Using X-Band Marine Radar: A Comprehensive Review
* Oceanic Scene Recognition Using Graph-of-Words (GoW)
* Octree Generating Networks: Efficient Convolutional Architectures for High-resolution 3D Outputs
* Off-Grid Localization in MIMO Radars Using Sparsity
* Offline Handwritten Signature Modeling and Verification Based on Archetypal Analysis
* On convergence and parameter selection of the EM and DA-EM algorithms for Gaussian mixtures
* On data-driven Saak transform
* On Deterministic Sampling Patterns for Robust Low-Rank Matrix Completion
* On Fisher vector encoding of binary features for video face recognition
* On Identifiability of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* On Semantic Solutions for Efficient Approximate Similarity Search on Large-Scale Datasets
* On Statistical Approaches to Generate Level 3 Products from Satellite Remote Sensing Retrievals
* On Tablet 3D Structured Light Reconstruction and Registration
* On the Design of Radar Corner Reflectors for Deformation Monitoring in Multi-Frequency InSAR
* On the Estimation of Fundamental Frequency From Nonstationary Noisy Speech Signals Based on the Hilbert-Huang Transform
* On the Reliability of Individual Brain Activity Networks
* On the Traceability of Results from Deep Learning-Based Cloud Services
* On the use of deep learning for blind image quality assessment
* On the Use of Pre-trained Neural Networks for Different Face Recognition Tasks
* On-demand Learning for Deep Image Restoration
* On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration for a Space-Borne Multi-Camera Mosaic Imaging Sensor
* On-the-Fly Adaptive k-Space Sampling for Linear MRI Reconstruction Using Moment-Based Spectral Analysis
* Onboard Spectral and Spatial Cloud Detection for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* One Network to Solve Them All: Solving Linear Inverse Problems Using Deep Projection Models
* Online Global Land Surface Temperature Estimation from Landsat
* Online Multi-object Tracking Using CNN-Based Single Object Tracker with Spatial-Temporal Attention Mechanism
* Online Real-Time Multiple Spatiotemporal Action Localisation and Prediction
* Online Robust Image Alignment via Subspace Learning from Gradient Orientations
* Online Video Deblurring via Dynamic Temporal Blending Network
* Online Video Object Detection Using Association LSTM
* Ontlus: 3D Content Collaborative Creation via Virtual Reality
* Ontologizing the Heritage Building Domain
* Open Set Domain Adaptation
* Open Vocabulary Scene Parsing
* Optimal Transformation Estimation with Semantic Cues
* Optimal Transportation Based Univariate Neuroimaging Index, An
* Order embeddings and character-level convolutions for multimodal alignment
* Ordered Capacitated Multi-Objective Location-Allocation Problem for Fire Stations Using Spatial Optimization, The
* Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-identification
* Oriented Triplet Markov Fields
* Outdoor Operation of Structured Light in Mobile Phone
* Overcomplete Dictionary-Based Directional Estimation Model and Nonconvex Reconstruction Methods, The
* Oversampling imbalanced data in the string space
* P-TELU: Parametric Tan Hyperbolic Linear Unit Activation for Deep Neural Networks
* Painterly Morphing Effects for Mobile Smart Devices
* Pairwise registration in indoor environments using adaptive combination of 2D and 3D cues
* PanNet: A Deep Network Architecture for Pan-Sharpening
* Panning and Jitter Invariant Incremental Principal Component Pursuit for Video Background Modeling
* Pap-Smear Image Classification Using Randomized Neural Network Based Signature
* Parallel framework for dense disparity map estimation using Hamming distance
* Parallel Tracking and Verifying: A Framework for Real-Time and High Accuracy Visual Tracking
* Parameter Selection for Denoising Algorithms Using NR-IQA with CNN
* Parameter-Free Lens Distortion Calibration of Central Cameras
* Parametric Level Set Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Part-to-Whole Registration of Histology and MRI Using Shape Elements
* Partial secret image sharing for (k,n) threshold based on image inpainting
* Participants increasing for threshold random grids-based visual secret sharing
* Particle Filter Based Probabilistic Forced Alignment for Continuous Gesture Recognition
* Particle Tracking Accuracy Measurement Based on Comparison of Linear Oriented Forests
* Patch Matching for Image Denoising Using Neighborhood-Based Collaborative Filtering
* Path-Gradient: A Theory of Computing Full Intensity-Transition Between Two Points
* PathTrack: Fast Trajectory Annotation with Path Supervision
* Patterning of writing style evolution by means of dynamic similarity
* Paying Attention to Descriptions Generated by Image Captioning Models
* Perceptual video quality metric for compression artefacts: from two-dimensional to omnidirectional
* perceptually temporal adaptive quantization algorithm for HEVC, A
* Performance and Requirements of GEO SAR Systems in the Presence of Radio Frequency Interferences
* Performance Assessment of Tailored Split-Window Coefficients for the Retrieval of Lake Surface Water Temperature from AVHRR Satellite Data
* Performance Evaluation of Downscaling Sentinel-2 Imagery for Land Use and Land Cover Classification by Spectral-Spatial Features
* Performance Guaranteed Network Acceleration via High-Order Residual Quantization
* Performance of Smoothing Methods for Reconstructing NDVI Time-Series and Estimating Vegetation Phenology from MODIS Data
* Performance of the NPP-VIIRS and aqua-MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Products over the Yangtze River Basin
* Permutation Preference Based Alternate Sampling and Clustering for Motion Segmentation
* Person Re-id by Incorporating PCA Loss in CNN
* Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Multi-scale Representations
* Personalized Cinemagraphs Using Semantic Understanding and Collaborative Learning
* Personalized Image Aesthetics
* Phase Retrieval From Binary Measurements
* Photo-Realistic Simulation of Road Scene for Data-Driven Methods in Bad Weather
* Photographic Image Synthesis with Cascaded Refinement Networks
* Photometric Stereo by Hemispherical Metric Embedding
* Phrase Localization and Visual Relationship Detection with Comprehensive Image-Language Cues
* Physics Model-Based Scatter Correction in Multi-Source Interior Computed Tomography
* Pix2Face: Direct 3D Face Model Estimation
* Pixel Recursive Super Resolution
* Pixel-Level Matching for Video Object Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Player detection in field sports
* Playing for Benchmarks
* Playout Continuity Driven Framework for HTTP Adaptive Streaming Over LTE Networks
* Plenoptic Image Motion Deblurring
* PLUGGY: A Pluggable Social Platform for Cultural Heritage Awareness and Participation
* PMHI: Proposals From Motion History Images for Temporal Segmentation of Long Uncut Videos
* Point Cloud Completion of Foot Shape from a Single Depth Map for Fit Matching Using Deep Learning View Synthesis
* Point Set Registration with Global-Local Correspondence and Transformation Estimation
* PolyFit: Polygonal Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Polynomial Solvers for Saturated Ideals
* Population-Contrastive-Divergence: Does consistency help with RBM training?
* Portable real-time DCT-based steganography using OpenCL
* Portraying Urban Functional Zones by Coupling Remote Sensing Imagery and Human Sensing Data
* Pose Guided RGBD Feature Learning for 3D Object Pose Estimation
* Pose Knows: Video Forecasting by Generating Pose Futures, The
* Pose-Driven Deep Convolutional Model for Person Re-identification
* Pose-Invariant Face Alignment with a Single CNN
* Positive and Negative Label Propagations
* Possibilistic c-means Clustering Model with Cluster Size Estimation, A
* Postural Assessment in Dentistry Based on Multiple Markers Tracking
* PPR-FCN: Weakly Supervised Visual Relation Detection via Parallel Pairwise R-FCN
* Practical and Efficient Multi-view Matching
* Practical Projective Structure from Motion (P2SfM)
* Pre-Launch JPSS-2 VIIRS Response Versus Scan Angle Characterization
* Precoding-Based Inter-Relay Interference Cancelation for Amplify-and-Forward Two-Path Successive Relay Networks
* Predicting Deeper into the Future of Semantic Segmentation
* Predicting forest height using the GOST, Landsat 7 ETM+, and airborne LiDAR for sloping terrains in the Greater Khingan Mountains of China
* Predicting Human Activities Using Stochastic Grammar
* Predicting temperate forest stand types using only structural profiles from discrete return airborne lidar
* Predicting the Category and Attributes of Visual Search Targets Using Deep Gaze Pooling
* Predicting Turn-Taking by Compact Gazing Transition Patterns in Multiparty Conversation
* Predicting Visual Exemplars of Unseen Classes for Zero-Shot Learning
* Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice Concentration Using a Fully Data Driven Deep Neural Network
* Prediction of Soil Organic Matter by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy Using Normalized Soil Moisture Index as a Proxy of Soil Moisture
* Prediction of Topsoil Organic Carbon Using Airborne and Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery
* Predictor Combination at Test Time
* Preface to the special issue on advances in Spatio-temporal data analysis and management
* Preliminary Analysis of Chinese GF-3 SAR Quad-Polarization Measurements to Extract Winds in Each Polarization
* Preliminary Study of Soil Available Nutrient Simulation Using a Modified WOFOST Model and Time-Series Remote Sensing Observations
* Preparing Student Mobility Through a VR Application for Cultural Education
* Prestack Seismic Inversion Based on Anisotropic Markov Random Field
* Primary Video Object Segmentation via Complementary CNNs and Neighborhood Reversible Flow
* Privacy-Preserving Visual Learning Using Doubly Permuted Homomorphic Encryption
* Probabilistic Framework for Tracking the Formation and Evolution of Multi-Vehicle Groups in Public Traffic in the Presence of Observation Uncertainties, A
* Probabilistic modelling of printed dots at the microscopic scale
* Probabilistic spatio-temporal resource search
* Probabilistic Structure from Motion with Objects (PSfMO)
* Probabilistic Surfel Fusion for Dense LiDAR Mapping
* Probability-Based Depth Intra-Mode Skipping Strategy and Novel VSO Metric for DMM Decision in 3D-HEVC
* ProbFlow: Joint Optical Flow and Uncertainty Estimation
* Processing of Long Integration Time Spaceborne SAR Data With Curved Orbit
* Programmatic 3D Printing of a Revolving Camera Track to Automatically Capture Dense Images for 3D Scanning of Objects
* Progressive Large Scale-Invariant Image Matching in Scale Space
* Progressive Minimal Path Method for Segmentation of 2D and 3D Line Structures
* Propagation of Orientation Uncertainty of 3D Rigid Object to Its Points
* PROVID: Progressive and Multimodal Vehicle Reidentification for Large-Scale Urban Surveillance
* PSK-Based Space Time Modulation for Two-User Two-Way Massive MIMO Relay Systems
* PUnDA: Probabilistic Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Knowledge Transfer Across Visual Categories
* PVNN: A Neural Network Library for Photometric Vision
* Pyramidal Zernike Over Time: A Spatiotemporal Feature Descriptor Based on Zernike Moments
* QML-RANSAC Instantaneous Frequency Estimator for Overlapping Multicomponent Signals in the Time-Frequency Plane
* Quantification of Two-Dimensional Wave Breaking Dissipation in the Surf Zone from Remote Sensing Data
* Quantifying and Reducing the DOA Estimation Error Resulting from Antenna Pattern Deviation for Direction-Finding HF Radar
* Quantitative Evaluation of Confidence Measures in a Machine Learning World
* Quasi-Random Single-Point Imaging Using Low-Discrepancy k-Space Sampling
* Quasiconvex Plane Sweep for Triangulation with Outliers
* Query-Guided Regression Network with Context Policy for Phrase Grounding
* R-C3D: Region Convolutional 3D Network for Temporal Activity Detection
* Radar Propagation Experiment in the North Sea: The Sylt Campaign
* Radargrammetric DSM generation in mountainous areas through adaptive-window least squares matching constrained by enhanced epipolar geometry
* Radiometric Correction of Simultaneously Acquired Landsat-7/Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Imagery Using Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA): Contributing to the Landsat Time Series Legacy
* Ramanujan Sums as Derivatives and Applications
* Randomised visual secret sharing scheme for grey-scale and colour images
* Randomized Neural Network Based Signature for Classification of Titanium Alloy Microstructures
* Range Loss for Deep Face Recognition with Long-Tailed Training Data
* RankIQA: Learning from Rankings for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Raster-to-Vector: Revisiting Floorplan Transformation
* Ray Space Features for Plenoptic Structure-from-Motion
* RDFNet: RGB-D Multi-level Residual Feature Fusion for Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* Read-Write Memory Network for Movie Story Understanding, A
* Reading Text in the Wild from Compressed Images
* Real Time Eye Gaze Tracking with 3D Deformable Eye-Face Model
* Real vs. Fake Emotion Challenge: Learning to Rank Authenticity from Facial Activity Descriptors
* Real-time adult authentication scheme for digital contents using X.509 certificate in ubiquitous Web environment
* Real-Time Brand Logo Recognition
* Real-Time Category-Based and General Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Driving
* Real-time dynamic reflections for realistic rendering of 3D scenes
* Real-Time Hand Tracking under Occlusion from an Egocentric RGB-D Sensor
* Real-Time Hand Tracking under Occlusion from an Egocentric RGB-D Sensor
* Real-Time Monocular Pose Estimation of 3D Objects Using Temporally Consistent Local Color Histograms
* Real-Time Polyps Segmentation for Colonoscopy Video Frames Using Compressed Fully Convolutional Network
* real-time secret image sharing with fairness, A
* Real-Time Tropospheric Delays Retrieved from Multi-GNSS Observations and IGS Real-Time Product Streams
* Realistic Dynamic Facial Textures from a Single Image Using GANs
* Realtime Dynamic 3D Facial Reconstruction for Monocular Video In-the-Wild
* Reasoning About Fine-Grained Attribute Phrases Using Reference Games
* Recent advances in convolutional neural networks
* Recognition of Action Units in the Wild with Deep Nets and a New Global-Local Loss
* Recognition of building group patterns in topographic maps based on graph partitioning and random forest
* Recommending Outfits from Personal Closet
* Reconfiguring the Imaging Pipeline for Computer Vision
* Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences by Enforcing Time-Consistency
* Reconstruction-Based Disentanglement for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landmark Detection
* Recurrent Assistance: Cross-Dataset Training of LSTMs on Kitchen Tasks
* Recurrent Color Constancy
* Recurrent Filter Learning for Visual Tracking
* Recurrent Models for Situation Recognition
* Recurrent Multimodal Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation
* Recurrent Scale Approximation for Object Detection in CNN
* Recurrent Topic-Transition GAN for Visual Paragraph Generation
* Recursive Local Summation of RX Detection for Hyperspectral Image Using Sliding Windows
* Recursive Pyramid Network with Joint Attention for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Recursive Spatial Transformer (ReST) for Alignment-Free Face Recognition
* Reducing parameter number in residual networks by sharing weights
* Referring Expression Generation and Comprehension via Attributes
* Reflectance Capture Using Univariate Sampling of BRDFs
* Refractive Structure-from-Motion Through a Flat Refractive Interface
* Region-Based Classification of PolSAR Data Through Kernel Methods and Stochastic Distances
* Region-Based Correspondence Between 3D Shapes via Spatially Smooth Biclustering
* Region-Based Prediction for Image Compression in the Cloud
* Regional Interactive Image Segmentation Networks
* Registration of RGB and Thermal Point Clouds Generated by Structure From Motion
* Regression-Based High-Pass Modulation Pansharpening Approach, A
* regularized ensemble framework of deep learning for cancer detection from multi-class, imbalanced training data, A
* regularized tensor decomposition method with adaptive rank adjustment for Compressed-Sensed-Domain background subtraction, A
* Reinforcing Pedestrian Parsing on Small Scale Dataset
* Relaxed Spatio-Temporal Deep Feature Aggregation for Real-Fake Expression Prediction
* Reliable Isometric Point Correspondence from Depth
* Remote Sensing and Cropping Practices: A Review
* Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Stacked Denoising Autoencoder
* Remote Sensing Image Classification With Large-Scale Gaussian Processes
* Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on Two-Stream Fusion Network
* Remote Sensing in Human Health: A 10-Year Bibliometric Analysis
* Remote Sensing of Coral Bleaching Using Temperature and Light: Progress towards an Operational Algorithm
* Remote Sensing of Hydrological Changes in Tian-e-Zhou Oxbow Lake, an Ungauged Area of the Yangtze River Basin
* Remote-Sensing Hydraulic Characterization of Channel Habitat Units in a Tropical Montane River: Bladen River, Belize
* RENOIR-A dataset for real low-light image noise reduction
* Representation Learning by Learning to Count
* Rescoring of N-Best Hypotheses Using Top-Down Selective Attention for Automatic Speech Recognition
* Research on Color Space Conversion Model from CMYK to CIE-LAB Based on GRNN
* Research on the Parallelization of the DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm for Spatial Data Mining Based on the Spark Platform
* Residual Correlation Regularization Based Image Denoising
* Response of Grassland Degradation to Drought at Different Time-Scales in Qinghai Province: Spatio-Temporal Characteristics, Correlation, and Implications
* Results and Analysis of ChaLearn LAP Multi-modal Isolated and Continuous Gesture Recognition, and Real Versus Fake Expressed Emotions Challenges
* Results From the Deep Convective Clouds-Based Response Versus Scan-Angle Characterization for the MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* Rethinking Reprojection: Closing the Loop for Pose-Aware Shape Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Rethinking Summarization and Storytelling for Modern Social Multimedia
* Retinal fundus vasculature multilevel segmentation using whale optimization algorithm
* Retinal Vessels Segmentation Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* Reversible data hiding scheme with edge-direction predictor and modulo operation
* Review of Fine-Scale Land Use and Land Cover Classification in Open-Pit Mining Areas by Remote Sensing Techniques, A
* Revisit of Sparse Coding Based Anomaly Detection in Stacked RNN Framework, A
* Revisiting Cross-Channel Information Transfer for Chromatic Aberration Correction
* Revisiting IM2GPS in the Deep Learning Era
* Revisiting SIRET Video Retrieval Tool
* Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep Learning Era
* REVT: Robust and Efficient Visual Tracking by Region-Convolutional Regression Network
* Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Analysis With Structural Smoothness for Image Denoising
* RGB-D Object Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-identification
* Risky Region Localization with Point Supervision
* River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classification: A Case Study in the Mekong River Basin
* RMPE: Regional Multi-person Pose Estimation
* RMV Antenna Selection Algorithm for Massive MIMO
* RNN-Based Speech-Music Discrimination Used for Hybrid Audio Coder, An
* Robust and adaptive band-to-band image transform of UAS miniature multi-lens multispectral camera
* Robust and Real-Time Visual Tracking Based on Complementary Learners
* Robust and Scalable Column/Row Sampling from Corrupted Big Data
* Robust face recognition via non-linear correlation filter bank
* Robust Hand Pose Estimation during the Interaction with an Unknown Object
* Robust Human Pose Tracking For Realistic Service Robot Applications
* Robust image fusion with block sparse representation and online dictionary learning
* Robust Indoor Scene Recognition Method Based on Sparse Representation, A
* Robust infrared small target detection using local steering kernel reconstruction
* Robust Interpolation of DEMs From Lidar-Derived Elevation Data
* Robust Kronecker-Decomposable Component Analysis for Low-Rank Modeling
* Robust Multibit Multiplicative Watermark Decoder Using a Vector-Based Hidden Markov Model in Wavelet Domain, A
* Robust Object Co-Segmentation Using Background Prior
* Robust Object Tracking Based on Temporal and Spatial Deep Networks
* Robust PCA Based on Incoherence With Geometrical Interpretation
* Robust Pseudo Random Fields for Light-Field Stereo Matching
* Robust retinal blood vessel segmentation using line detectors with multiple masks
* Robust spatial-temporal Bayesian view synthesis for video stitching with occlusion handling
* Robust UAV-Based Tracking Using Hybrid Classifiers
* Robust Video Super-Resolution with Learned Temporal Dynamics
* Robust Virtual Unrolling of Historical Parchment XMT Images
* Role of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 Channels within an Optimal Estimation Scheme for Sea Surface Temperature, The
* Role of El Niņo Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Events on Temperature and Salinity Variability in the Agulhas Leakage Region
* Role of Resolution in the Estimation of Fractal Dimension Maps From SAR Data, The
* Rolling Guidance Based Scale-Aware Spatial Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Rolling Shutter Correction in Manhattan World
* Rolling-Shutter-Aware Differential SfM and Image Rectification
* Room Floor Plan Generation on a Project Tango Device
* RoomNet: End-to-End Room Layout Estimation
* Rotation Equivariant Vector Field Networks
* Rotation Invariant Local Binary Convolution Neural Networks
* Rotation of 2D orthogonal polynomials
* Rotational Subgroup Voting and Pose Clustering for Robust 3D Object Recognition
* RPAN: An End-to-End Recurrent Pose-Attention Network for Action Recognition in Videos
* RSRN: Rich Side-Output Residual Network for Medial Axis Detection
* S-Band Doppler Wave Radar System
* SafetyNet: Detecting and Rejecting Adversarial Examples Robustly
* Saliency integration driven by similar images
* Saliency Map Generation for SAR Images with Bayes Theory and Heterogeneous Clutter Model
* Saliency Pattern Detection by Ranking Structured Trees
* Saliency refinement: Towards a uniformly highlighted salient object
* Saliency-based multi-feature modeling for semantic image retrieval
* Salient object detection employing robust sparse representation and local consistency
* Salient object detection via spectral graph weighted low rank matrix recovery
* SaltiNet: Scan-Path Prediction on 360 Degree Images Using Saliency Volumes
* Sampling Matters in Deep Embedding Learning
* SAR Image De-Noising Based on Shift Invariant K-SVD and Guided Filter
* Satellite-Based Model for Simulating Ecosystem Respiration in the Tibetan and Inner Mongolian Grasslands, A
* Satellite-Link Attenuation Measurement Technique for Estimating Rainfall Accumulation
* SBGAR: Semantics Based Group Activity Recognition
* Scalable Bag of Selected Deep Features for Visual Instance Retrieval
* Scale Recovery for Monocular Visual Odometry Using Depth Estimated with Deep Convolutional Neural Fields
* Scale-Adaptive Convolutions for Scene Parsing
* Scale-Free Content Based Image Retrieval (or Nearly so)
* Scale-Space Approach for Multiscale Shape Analysis, A
* ScaleNet: Guiding Object Proposal Generation in Supermarkets and Beyond
* Scaling CNNs for High Resolution Volumetric Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Scaling the Scattering Transform: Deep Hybrid Networks
* Scene Categorization with Spectral Features
* Scene Graph Generation from Objects, Phrases and Region Captions
* Scene Parsing with Global Context Embedding
* SceneNet RGB-D: Can 5M Synthetic Images Beat Generic ImageNet Pre-training on Indoor Segmentation?
* Sclera Segmentation in Face Images Using Image Foresting Transform
* SCNet: Learning Semantic Correspondence
* Secret Image Sharing for (k, k) Threshold Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem and Image Characteristics
* Secure medical images based on data hiding using a hybrid scheme with the Hamming code, LSB, and OPAP
* See the Glass Half Full: Reasoning About Liquid Containers, Their Volume and Content
* Seeing Without Sight: An Automatic Cognition System Dedicated to Blind and Visually Impaired People
* SegFlow: Joint Learning for Video Object Segmentation and Optical Flow
* Segment-Oriented Depiction and Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Data
* Segmentation-Aware Convolutional Networks Using Local Attention Masks
* Self-Balanced Min-Cut Algorithm for Image Clustering, A
* Self-Localization Based on Visual Lane Marking Maps: An Accurate Low-Cost Approach for Autonomous Driving
* Self-Organized Text Detection with Minimal Post-processing via Border Learning
* Self-organizing Maps for Motor Tasks Recognition from Electrical Brain Signals
* Self-Paced Kernel Estimation for Robust Blind Image Deblurring
* Self-Supervised Learning of Pose Embeddings from Spatiotemporal Relations in Videos
* semantic HTML based approach for geosensor media, A
* Semantic Image Synthesis via Adversarial Learning
* Semantic Jitter: Dense Supervision for Visual Comparisons via Synthetic Images
* Semantic Line Detection and Its Applications
* Semantic Segmentation of Color Eye Images for Improving Iris Segmentation
* Semantic Segmentation of RGBD Videos with Recurrent Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
* Semantic Texture for Robust Dense Tracking
* Semantic Video CNNs Through Representation Warping
* Semantically Informed Multiview Surface Refinement
* Semi Supervised Semantic Segmentation Using Generative Adversarial Network
* Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: A Wetland Case Study
* Semi-Global Weighted Least Squares in Image Filtering
* Semi-supervised Online Kernel Semantic Embedding for Multi-label Annotation
* Semi-Supervised Spectral Clustering With Structured Sparsity Regularization
* Sensitivity of BRDF, NDVI and Wind Speed to the Aerodynamic Roughness Length over Sparse Tamarix in the Downstream Heihe River Basin
* Separable reversible data hiding and encryption for HEVC video
* SeqSense: Video Recommendation Using Topic Sequence Mining
* Sequential Multiple LSB methods and real-time data hiding: variations for Visual Cryptography ciphers
* Set2Model Networks: Learning Discriminatively to Learn Generative Models
* SGN: Sequential Grouping Networks for Instance Segmentation
* Shadow Detection with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Shallow-Water Image Enhancement Using Relative Global Histogram Stretching Based on Adaptive Parameter Acquisition
* Shape decomposition-based handwritten compound character recognition for Bangla OCR
* Shape Inpainting Using 3D Generative Adversarial Network and Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Shape-from-Polarisation: A Nonlinear Least Squares Approach
* SHaPE: A Novel Graph Theoretic Algorithm for Making Consensus-Based Decisions in Person Re-identification Systems
* ShapeCreator: 3D Shape Generation from Isomorphic Datasets Based on Autoencoder
* Shared Autonomy Approach for Wheelchair Navigation Based on Learned User Preferences, A
* Short-Packet Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Relaying
* Short-Term Impacts of the Air Temperature on Greening and Senescence in Alaskan Arctic Plant Tundra Habitats
* Should We Encode Rain Streaks in Video as Deterministic or Stochastic?
* Show and Recall: Learning What Makes Videos Memorable
* Show, Adapt and Tell: Adversarial Training of Cross-Domain Image Captioner
* Siamese Networks for Chromosome Classification
* Side Information in Robust Principal Component Analysis: Algorithms and Applications
* Simple Triplet Loss Based on Intra/Inter-Class Metric Learning for Face Verification
* Simple Yet Effective Baseline for 3d Human Pose Estimation, A
* Simultaneous Detection and Removal of High Altitude Clouds from an Image
* Single Image Action Recognition Using Semantic Body Part Actions
* Single Image Dehazing Based on Dark Channel Prior and Energy Minimization
* Single Image Dehazing via Image Generating
* Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention
* Single-Step 2D Thinning Scheme with Deletion of P-Simple Points, A
* Single-View 3D Scene Reconstruction and Parsing by Attribute Grammar
* Situation Recognition with Graph Neural Networks
* Skeleton Pruning Based on Elongation and Size of Object's Limbs and Boundary's Convexities
* Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition With Global Context-Aware Attention LSTM Networks
* Sketch-Based Similarity Search for Collaborative Feature Maps
* Sketch-Based User Authentication With a Novel String Edit Distance Model
* Sketching with Style: Visual Search with Sketches and Aesthetic Context
* SkiMap++: Real-Time Mapping and Object Recognition for Robotics
* Sloth Search System
* Smart Mining for Deep Metric Learning
* Smart Web-Based Geospatial Data Discovery System with Oceanographic Data as an Example, A
* SmileNet: Registration-Free Smiling Face Detection In The Wild
* SnapNet-R: Consistent 3D Multi-view Semantic Labeling for Robotics
* Soft Proposal Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Soft-NMS: Improving Object Detection with One Line of Code
* Soil Moisture Mapping from Satellites: An Intercomparison of SMAP, SMOS, FY3B, AMSR2, and ESA CCI over Two Dense Network Regions at Different Spatial Scales
* Solar Radiation Pressure Models for BeiDou-3 I2-S Satellite: Comparison and Augmentation
* Solving Large Multicut Problems for Connectomics via Domain Decomposition
* Some Properties of Interpolations Using Mathematical Morphology
* Something Something Video Database for Learning and Evaluating Visual Common Sense, The
* SORT: Second-Order Response Transform for Visual Recognition
* Source Distortion Estimation for Wyner-Ziv Distributed Video Coding
* Source-channel coding-based watermarking for self-embedding of JPEG images
* Space-time image layout
* Space-Time Localization and Mapping
* Space-Time Periodic Task Model for Recommendation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* SparkCloud: A Cloud-Based Elastic Bushfire Simulation Service
* Sparse Circulant Binary Embedding: An Asymptotic Analysis
* Sparse Exact PGA on Riemannian Manifolds
* Sparse Graph Embedding Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Sparse Hilbert Embedding-Based Statistical Inference of Stochastic Ecological Systems
* Sparse-then-dense alignment-based 3D map reconstruction method for endoscopic capsule robots
* Sparsity Within and Across Overlapping Groups
* Spatial Analysis of Digital Imagery of Weeds in a Maize Crop
* Spatial Attention Improves Object Localization: A Biologically Plausible Neuro-Computational Model for Use in Virtual Reality
* Spatial Information System (SIS) for the Architectural and Cultural Heritage of Sardinia (Italy), A
* Spatial Memory for Context Reasoning in Object Detection
* Spatial Stochastic Vehicle Traffic Modeling for VANETs
* Spatial-Aware Object Embeddings for Zero-Shot Localization and Classification of Actions
* Spatial-Temporal Simulation of LAI on Basis of Rainfall and Growing Degree Days
* Spatial-Temporal Weighted Pyramid Using Spatial Orthogonal Pooling
* Spatially-Variant Kernel for Optical Flow Under Low Signal-to-Noise Ratios Application to Microscopy
* Spatio-temporal elastic cuboid trajectories for efficient fight recognition using Hough forests
* Spatio-Temporal Perceptual Quality Index Measuring Compression Distortions of Three-Dimensional Video, A
* Spatio-Temporal Person Retrieval via Natural Language Queries
* Spatiotemporal 3D Models of Aging Fruit from Multi-view Time-Lapse Videos
* Spatiotemporal Evaluation of GNSS-R Based on Future Fully Operational Global Multi-GNSS and Eight-LEO Constellations
* Spatiotemporal Modeling for Crowd Counting in Videos
* Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Network for Dynamic Texture Recognition, A
* Spatiotemporally Representative and Cost-Efficient Sampling Design for Validation Activities in Wanglang Experimental Site
* Speaker verification with short utterances: a review of challenges, trends and opportunities
* Speaking the Same Language: Matching Machine to Human Captions by Adversarial Training
* Special Issue: Real-Time Data Hiding and Visual Cryptography
* Speckle suppression in medical ultrasound images through Schur decomposition
* Spectral Learning for Supervised Topic Models
* Spectral-Spatial Residual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A 3-D Deep Learning Framework
* Spheroid Segmentation Using Multiscale Deep Adversarial Networks
* Spiking Hough for Shape Recognition
* Split-and-Merge-Based Block Partitioning for High Efficiency Image Coding
* Spring-Electric Graph Model for Socialized Group Photography, A
* SRN: The Movie Character Relationship Analysis via Social Network
* SSD-6D: Making RGB-Based 3D Detection and 6D Pose Estimation Great Again
* SSH: Single Stage Headless Face Detector
* Stability Assessment of the (A)ATSR Sea Surface Temperature Climate Dataset from the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative
* Stacked Denoising Tensor Auto-Encoder for Action Recognition With Spatiotemporal Corruptions
* StackGAN: Text to Photo-Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks
* Stagewise Refinement Model for Detecting Salient Objects in Images, A
* State Estimation with Structural Priors in fMRI
* Stepwise Metric Promotion for Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification
* Stereo DSO: Large-Scale Direct Sparse Visual Odometry with Stereo Cameras
* Stereoscopic image stippling
* Stitch-Based Image Stylization for Thread Art Using Sparse Modeling
* STNet: Selective Tuning of Convolutional Networks for Object Localization
* Stochastic Geometry Methods for Modeling Automotive Radar Interference
* Strategic Actions for Increasing the Submission of Digital Cadastral Data by the Surveying Industry Based on Lessons Learned from Victoria, Australia
* Stroke-based stylization by learning sequential drawing examples
* Structural Assessment via Ground Penetrating Radar at the Consoli Palace of Gubbio (Italy)
* structural post-processing method for enhancing intensity restoration of low-density impulse-noise for decision based filters, A
* Structure-Adaptive Fuzzy Estimation for Random-Valued Impulse Noise Suppression
* Structure-Measure: A New Way to Evaluate Foreground Maps
* Structured Attentions for Visual Question Answering
* Structured Images for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Structured Sparse Principal Components Analysis With the TV-Elastic Net Penalty
* Studying the Association between Green Space Characteristics and Land Surface Temperature for Sustainable Urban Environments: An Analysis of Beijing and Islamabad
* Studying the influence of search rule and context shape in filtering impulse noise images with Markov chains
* Style-based biped walking control
* SuBiC: A Supervised, Structured Binary Code for Image Search
* Sublabel-Accurate Discretization of Nonconvex Free-Discontinuity Problems
* Submodular Trajectory Optimization for Aerial 3D Scanning
* Subspace Clustering With K-Support Norm
* SubUNets: End-to-End Hand Shape and Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Summarization and Classification of Wearable Camera Streams by Learning the Distributions over Deep Features of Out-of-Sample Image Sequences
* Super-Trajectory for Video Segmentation
* Supervised Distributed Hashing for Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval
* Supervising topic models with Gaussian processes
* Supervision by Fusion: Towards Unsupervised Learning of Deep Salient Object Detector
* Supplementary Meta-Learning: Towards a Dynamic Model for Deep Neural Networks
* Surface Normals in the Wild
* Surface Registration via Foliation
* SurfaceNet: An End-to-End 3D Neural Network for Multiview Stereopsis
* survey on face modeling: building a bridge between face analysis and synthesis, A
* Survey on the impact of fingerprint image enhancement
* Survey on Urban Warfare Augmented Reality
* SVBRDF-Invariant Shape and Reflectance Estimation from a Light-Field Camera
* SVDNet for Pedestrian Retrieval
* Symmetry Aware Evaluation of 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation in Scenes of Many Parts in Bulk
* Symmetry-Factored Statistical Modelling of Craniofacial Shape
* SymmMap: Estimation of the 2-D Reflection Symmetry Map and Its Applications
* SymmSLIC: Symmetry Aware Superpixel Segmentation
* Synergic Use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images for Operational Soil Moisture Mapping at High Spatial Resolution over Agricultural Areas
* Synergy between Face Alignment and Tracking via Discriminative Global Consensus Optimization
* Synthesising Wider Field Images from Narrow-Field Retinal Video Acquired Using a Low-Cost Direct Ophthalmoscope (Arclight) Attached to a Smartphone
* System Designs for Augmented Reality Based Ablation Probe Tracking
* Systematic Model-Based Design and Implementation of Supervisors for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* S^3FD: Single Shot Scale-Invariant Face Detector
* Taking the Scenic Route to 3D: Optimising Reconstruction from Moving Cameras
* TALL: Temporal Activity Localization via Language Query
* Target Recognition in SAR Images Based on Information-Decoupled Representation
* TCCON Philippines: First Measurement Results, Satellite Data and Model Comparisons in Southeast Asia
* Teacher and Student Joint Learning for Compact Facial Landmark Detection Network
* Temporal Action Detection with Structured Segment Networks
* Temporal Changes in Coupled Vegetation Phenology and Productivity are Biome-Specific in the Northern Hemisphere
* Temporal Context Network for Activity Localization in Videos
* Temporal Dynamic Graph LSTM for Action-Driven Video Object Detection
* Temporal Generative Adversarial Nets with Singular Value Clipping
* Temporal Localization and Spatial Segmentation of Joint Attention in Multiple First-Person Videos
* Temporal Non-volume Preserving Approach to Facial Age-Progression and Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* Temporal Shape Super-Resolution by Intra-frame Motion Encoding Using High-fps Structured Light
* Temporal Superpixels Based on Proximity-Weighted Patch Matching
* Temporal Tessellation: A Unified Approach for Video Analysis
* Tensor RPCA by Bayesian CP Factorization with Complex Noise
* Tensor-Based Approach to L-Shaped Arrays Processing With Enhanced Degrees of Freedom, A
* Tensor-based linear dynamical systems for action recognition from 3D skeletons
* Tensor-Based Sparse Representation Classification for Urban Airborne LiDAR Points
* Text Image Deblurring via Intensity Extremums Prior
* Text line segmentation using a fully convolutional network in handwritten document images
* Text Localization in Born-Digital Images of Advertisements
* Text Recognition and Retrieval System for e-Business Image Management, A
* Texture and Structure Incorporated ScatterNet Hybrid Deep Learning Network (TS-SHDL) for Brain Matter Segmentation
* Texture Classification of Phases of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy Using Fractal Descriptors
* Theoretical Framework for Change Detection Based on a Compound Multiclass Statistical Model of the Difference Image, A
* Thermo-Acoustic Ultrasound for Detection of RF-Induced Device Lead Heating in MRI
* ThiNet: A Filter Level Pruning Method for Deep Neural Network Compression
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction From a Multiview Sequence of Sparse ISAR Imaging of a Space Target
* Three-Pathway Psychobiological Framework of Salient Object Detection Using Stereoscopic Technology, A
* Threshold Neuron Pruning for a Binarized Deep Neural Network on an FPGA, A
* Time Series Analysis of Very Slow Landslides in the Three Gorges Region through Small Baseline SAR Offset Tracking
* Time-Continuous Hemispherical Urban Surface Temperatures
* To Veer or Not to Veer: Learning from Experts How to Stay Within the Crosswalk
* TORNADO: A Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Regression Network for Video Action Proposal
* TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
* Tour in the Archaeological Site of Choirokoitia Using Virtual Reality: A Learning Performance and Interest Generation Assessment, A
* Toward Describing Human Gaits by Onomatopoeias
* Toward Perceptually-Consistent Stereo: A Scanline Study
* Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: A Weakly-Supervised Approach
* Towards a Spatio-Temporal Atlas of 3D Cellular Parameters During Leaf Morphogenesis
* Towards a Unified Compositional Model for Visual Pattern Modeling
* Towards a Visual Privacy Advisor: Understanding and Predicting Privacy Risks in Images
* Towards Automated Recognition of Facial Expressions in Animal Models
* Towards Automated Visual Monitoring of Individual Gorillas in the Wild
* Towards Automatic Wild Animal Detection in Low Quality Camera-Trap Images Using Two-Channeled Perceiving Residual Pyramid Networks
* Towards Context-Aware Interaction Recognition for Visual Relationship Detection
* Towards Demographic-Based Photographic Aesthetics Prediction for Portraitures
* Towards Diverse and Natural Image Descriptions via a Conditional GAN
* Towards End-to-End Text Spotting with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
* Towards Good Practices for Image Retrieval Based on CNN Features
* Towards Implicit Correspondence in Signed Distance Field Evolution
* Towards Large-Pose Face Frontalization in the Wild
* Towards More Accurate Iris Recognition Using Deeply Learned Spatially Corresponding Features
* Towards pervasive geospatial affect perception
* Towards Virtual H E Staining of Hyperspectral Lung Histology Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Tracking as Online Decision-Making: Learning a Policy from Streaming Videos with Reinforcement Learning
* Tracking Dynamic Northern Surface Water Changes with High-Frequency Planet CubeSat Imagery
* Tracking of a Fluorescent Dye in a Freshwater Lake with an Unmanned Surface Vehicle and an Unmanned Aircraft System
* Tracking Snow Variations in the Northern Hemisphere Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data (2000-2015)
* Tracking the Untrackable: Learning to Track Multiple Cues with Long-Term Dependencies
* Tracking using Numerous Anchor Points
* Training Deep Networks to be Spatially Sensitive
* Training neural network classifiers through Bayes risk minimization applying unidimensional Parzen windows
* Trajectory Length Prediction for Intelligent Traffic Signaling: A Data-Driven Approach
* Transferring Objects: Joint Inference of Container and Human Pose
* Transformed Low-Rank Model for Line Pattern Noise Removal
* Transitive Invariance for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
* Transportation Spherical Watermarking
* Traversability Cost Identification of Dynamic Environments Using Recurrent High Order Neural Networks for Robot Navigation
* Tree Death Not Resulting in Gap Creation: An Investigation of Canopy Dynamics of Northern Temperate Deciduous Forests
* Trend Detection for the Extent of Irrigated Agriculture in Idaho's Snake River Plain, 1984-2016
* Trespassing the Boundaries: Labeling Temporal Bounds for Object Interactions in Egocentric Video
* Triplet Convolutional Network for Music Version Identification
* Triplet-Based Deep Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification
* TRLH: Fragile and blind dual watermarking for image tamper detection and self-recovery based on lifting wavelet transform and halftoning technique
* Truncating Wide Networks Using Binary Tree Architectures
* Tube Convolutional Neural Network (T-CNN) for Action Detection in Videos
* TURN TAP: Temporal Unit Regression Network for Temporal Action Proposals
* Turning Corners into Cameras: Principles and Methods
* Two Stream Siamese Convolutional Neural Network for Person Re-identification, A
* Two Zero-Watermark methods for XML documents
* Two-Level Segment-Based Bitrate Control for Live ABR Streaming
* Two-Phase Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Two-Step Neural Network Approach to Passage Retrieval for Open Domain Question Answering, A
* Two-Stream 3-D convNet Fusion for Action Recognition in Videos With Arbitrary Size and Length
* Two-Stream Flow-Guided Convolutional Attention Networks for Action Recognition
* Two-Streamed Network for Estimating Fine-Scaled Depth Maps from Single RGB Images, A
* Two-View Orthographic Epipolar Geometry: Minimal and Optimal Solvers
* UAV Remote Sensing Surveillance of a Mine Tailings Impoundment in Sub-Arctic Conditions
* UCT: Learning Unified Convolutional Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking
* UDNet: Up-Down Network for Compact and Efficient Feature Representation in Image Super-Resolution
* UHD Video Super-Resolution Using Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition
* UHDB31: A Dataset for Better Understanding Face Recognition Across Pose and Illumination Variation
* Ultimate Leveling Based on Mumford-Shah Energy Functional Applied to Plant Detection
* Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging Using Combined Transmissions With Cross-Coherence-Based Reconstruction
* Ultrasonic Assessment of Platelet-Rich Plasma by Digital Signal Processing Techniques
* Ultrasonic Backscatter Signal Processing Technique for the Characterization of Animal Lymph Node
* Ultrasound Image Improvement by Code Bit Elongation
* Uncertainty Model for Template Feature Matching
* Uncertainty of Remote Sensing Data in Monitoring Vegetation Phenology: A Comparison of MODIS C5 and C6 Vegetation Index Products on the Tibetan Plateau
* Underdetermined Direct Localization of Emitters Based on Spatio-Temporal Processing
* Understanding and Comparing Deep Neural Networks for Age and Gender Classification
* Understanding and Mapping Natural Beauty
* Understanding and Removal of False Contour in HEVC Compressed Images
* Understanding Low- and High-Level Contributions to Fixation Prediction
* Understanding Plane Geometry Problems by Integrating Relations Extracted from Text and Diagram
* Understanding Scenery Quality: A Visual Attention Measure and Its Computational Model
* Understanding the temporal dimension of the red-edge spectral region for forest decline detection using high-resolution hyperspectral and Sentinel-2a imagery
* Unequal Error Protection for Scalable Video Storage in the Cloud
* Unified Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers by Majorization Minimization, A
* Unified Bayesian Inference Framework for Generalized Linear Models, A
* Unified Deep Supervised Domain Adaptation and Generalization
* Unified Framework for Automated Person Re-identification and Camera Network Topology Inference in Camera Networks
* Unified Framework for Tracking Based Text Detection and Recognition from Web Videos, A
* Unified Model for Near and Remote Sensing, A
* Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Semantic Image Segmentation
* Universal Destriping Framework Combining 1-D and 2-D Variational Optimization Methods, A
* Unlabeled Samples Generated by GAN Improve the Person Re-identification Baseline in Vitro
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Multi Temporal Mapping Results of the Dispilio Lakeside Prehistoric Settlement
* Unmasking the Abnormal Events in Video
* Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks
* Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstruction Using Image-to-Image Translation
* Unrolled Memory Inner-Products: An Abstract GPU Operator for Efficient Vision-Related Computations
* Unsupervised Action Discovery and Localization in Videos
* Unsupervised Adaptation for Deep Stereo
* Unsupervised Approach for Eye Sclera Segmentation, An
* Unsupervised Clustering Method for Complexity Reduction of Terrestrial Lidar Data in Marshes
* Unsupervised Creation of Parameterized Avatars
* Unsupervised Cross-Modal Deep-Model Adaptation for Audio-Visual Re-identification with Wearable Cameras
* Unsupervised Deep Hashing With Pseudo Labels for Scalable Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Discovery of Character Dictionaries in Animation Movies
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition in Unlabeled Videos
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Robust Deep Logistic Regression
* Unsupervised feature analysis with sparse adaptive learning
* Unsupervised Learning from Video to Detect Foreground Objects in Single Images
* Unsupervised Learning of Important Objects from First-Person Videos
* Unsupervised Learning of Object Landmarks by Factorized Spatial Embeddings
* Unsupervised Learning of Stereo Matching
* Unsupervised Local Regressive Attributes for Pedestrian Re-identification
* Unsupervised Object Segmentation in Video by Efficient Selection of Highly Probable Positive Features
* Unsupervised Representation Learning by Sorting Sequences
* Unsupervised Video Understanding by Reconciliation of Posture Similarities
* Upscaling CH4 Fluxes Using High-Resolution Imagery in Arctic Tundra Ecosystems
* Urban Area Tomography Using a Sparse Representation Based Two-Dimensional Spectral Analysis Technique
* Urban Imperviousness Effects on Summer Surface Temperatures Nearby Residential Buildings in Different Urban Zones of Parma
* Urban Network Travel Time Prediction Based on a Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis Model of Probe Data
* Use of Machine Learning to Improve the Robustness of Spatial Estimation of Evapotranspiration
* Use of Thermal Point Cloud for Thermal Comfort Measurement and Human Pose Estimation in Robotic Monitoring
* Use-Case Study on Multi-view Hypothesis Fusion for 3D Object Classification, A
* Using a MODIS Index to Quantify MODIS-AVHRRs Spectral Differences in the Visible Band
* Using an Instrumented Drone to Probe Dust Devils on Oregon's Alvord Desert
* Using Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Products to Constrain the Aerosol Type in the Atmospheric Correction Processor MAJA
* Using Cross-Model EgoSupervision to Learn Cooperative Basketball Intention
* Using Facial Expression Recognition for Crowd Monitoring
* Using GRACE Satellite Gravimetry for Assessing Large-Scale Hydrologic Extremes
* Using Multitemporal Sentinel-1 C-band Backscatter to Monitor Phenology and Classify Deciduous and Coniferous Forests in Northern Switzerland
* Using Satellite Data for the Characterization of Local Animal Reservoir Populations of Hantaan Virus on the Weihe Plain, China
* Using Sparse Elimination for Solving Minimal Problems in Computer Vision
* Using Sparse-Point Disparity Estimation and Spatial Propagation to Construct Dense Disparity Map for Stereo Endoscopic Images
* Using Synthetic Data to Improve Facial Expression Analysis with 3D Convolutional Networks
* Using Technology Developed for Autonomous Cars to Help Navigate Blind People
* Using Worldview Satellite Imagery to Map Yield in Avocado (Persea americana): A Case Study in Bundaberg, Australia
* Utilization of Integrated Geophysical Techniques to Delineate the Extraction of Mining Bench of Ornamental Rocks (Marble)
* Utilizing Deep Learning and 3DLBP for 3D Face Recognition
* Uyghur Text Localization with Fast Component Detection
* Validation of Satellite Rainfall Products over a Mountainous Watershed in a Humid Subtropical Climate Region of Brazil
* Variable-Clock-Cycle-Path VLSI Design of Binary Arithmetic Decoder for H.265/HEVC, A
* variational approach to non-rigid image registration with Bregman divergences and multiple features, A
* Variational Robust Subspace Clustering with Mean Update Algorithm
* Variational Study on BRDF Reconstruction in a Structured Light Scanner, A
* Vegetation Changes along the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Engineering Corridor Since 2000 Induced by Climate Change and Human Activities
* VegFru: A Domain-Specific Dataset for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Vehicle detection in intelligent transportation systems and its applications under varying environments: A review
* Vehicle Logo Retrieval Based on Hough Transform and Deep Learning
* Vehicle Positioning and Trajectory Tracking by Infrared Signal-Direction Discrimination for Short-Range Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Systems
* Vehicle Semantics Extraction and Retrieval for Long-Term Carpark Video Surveillance
* Venue Prediction for Social Images by Exploiting Rich Temporal Patterns in LBSNs
* VERGE in VBS 2018
* Vertex-Frequency Energy Distributions
* Vertical Accuracy Simulation of Stereo Mapping Using a Small Matrix Charge-Coupled Device
* Vicarious Radiometric Calibration of the Hyperspectral Imaging Microsatellites SPARK-01 and -02 over Dunhuang, China
* Video Browsing on a Circular Timeline
* Video Deblurring via Semantic Segmentation and Pixel-Wise Non-linear Kernel
* Video Fill In the Blank Using LR/RL LSTMs with Spatial-Temporal Attentions
* Video Frame Interpolation via Adaptive Separable Convolution
* Video Frame Synthesis Using Deep Voxel Flow
* Video Highlight Detection via Deep Ranking Modeling
* Video Reflection Removal Through Spatio-Temporal Optimization
* Video Saliency Detection via Bagging-Based Prediction and Spatiotemporal Propagation
* Video Scene Parsing with Predictive Feature Learning
* Video Search Based on Semantic Extraction and Locally Regional Object Proposal
* Video Summarization Via Multiview Representative Selection
* View Adaptive Recurrent Neural Networks for High Performance Human Action Recognition from Skeleton Data
* View-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark
* View-Invariant Gait Representation Using Joint Bayesian Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Virtual Blood Vessels in Complex Background Using Stereo X-Ray Images
* Virtual Reality Interface for Interactions with Spatiotemporal 3D Data, A
* VIS/NIR Land and Snow BRDF Atlas for RTTOV: Comparison between MODIS MCD43C1 C5 and C6, The
* Vision-as-Inverse-Graphics: Obtaining a Rich 3D Explanation of a Scene from a Single Image
* Vision-Based Fallen Person Detection for the Elderly
* Vision-Based System for In-Bed Posture Tracking, A
* Visual Comparison Based on Multi-class Classification Model
* Visual Forecasting by Imitating Dynamics in Natural Sequences
* Visual Localisation and Individual Identification of Holstein Friesian Cattle via Deep Learning
* Visual Music Transcription of Clarinet Video Recordings Trained with Audio-Based Labelled Data
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Odometry for Pixel Processor Arrays
* Visual Relationship Detection with Internal and External Linguistic Knowledge Distillation
* Visual Saliency Detection Using Spatiotemporal Decomposition
* Visual secret sharing scheme for (k, n) threshold based on QR code with multiple decryptions
* Visual Semantic Planning Using Deep Successor Representations
* Visual Tracking of Small Animals in Cluttered Natural Environments Using a Freely Moving Camera
* Visual Transformation Aided Contrastive Learning for Video-Based Kinship Verification
* Visualizing Apparent Personality Analysis with Deep Residual Networks
* Visually-Enabled Active Deep Learning for (Geo) Text and Image Classification: A Review
* ViTS: Video Tagging System from Massive Web Multimedia Collections
* Volume Rendering by Stochastic Neighbor Embedding-Based 2D Transfer Function Building
* Volumetric Flow Estimation for Incompressible Fluids Using the Stationary Stokes Equations
* Voxel-based segmentation of 3D point clouds from construction sites using a probabilistic connectivity model
* VPGNet: Vanishing Point Guided Network for Lane and Road Marking Detection and Recognition
* VQS: Linking Segmentations to Questions and Answers for Supervised Attention in VQA and Question-Focused Semantic Segmentation
* Water Loss Due to Increasing Planted Vegetation over the Badain Jaran Desert, China
* Wave Digital Implementation of Robust First-Order Differential Microphone Arrays
* Wavelet-Based Reflection Symmetry Detection via Textural and Color Histograms
* Wavelet-Based Reflection Symmetry Detection via Textural and Color Histograms: Algorithm and Results
* Wavelet-SRNet: A Wavelet-Based CNN for Multi-scale Face Super Resolution
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Deep Metrics for Stereo Reconstruction
* Weakly Supervised Manifold Learning for Dense Semantic Object Correspondence
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization Using Things and Stuff Transfer
* Weakly Supervised Summarization of Web Videos
* Weakly- and Self-Supervised Learning for Content-Aware Deep Image Retargeting
* Weakly-Supervised Learning of Visual Relations
* Wearable Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired with Door Knob Detection and Real-Time Feedback for Hand-to-Handle Manipulation, A
* WebLogo-2M: Scalable Logo Detection by Deep Learning from the Web
* Weighted Low Rank Approximation for Background Estimation Problems
* Weighted Rate-Distortion Optimization for Screen Content Coding
* Weighting of Multi-GNSS Observations in Real-Time Precise Point Positioning
* Weighting scheme for a pairwise multi-label classifier based on the fuzzy confusion matrix
* WeText: Scene Text Detection under Weak Supervision
* Wetland Mapping Using SAR Data from the Sentinel-1A and TanDEM-X Missions: A Comparative Study in the Biebrza Floodplain (Poland)
* What Actions are Needed for Understanding Human Actions in Videos?
* What are the Visual Features Underlying Human Versus Machine Vision?
* What is Around the Camera?
* What Makes a Style: Experimental Analysis of Fashion Prediction
* What will Happen Next? Forecasting Player Moves in Sports Videos
* When Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Meets Tensor Representations
* Wind in Complex Terrain: Lidar Measurements for Evaluation of CFD Simulations
* WordSup: Exploiting Word Annotations for Character Based Text Detection
* YOLSE: Egocentric Fingertip Detection from Single RGB Images
* ZA-APA with zero attractor controller selection criterion for sparse system identification
* Zero-Order Reverse Filtering
* Zero-Shot Learning Posed as a Missing Data Problem
* Zipf's Law-Based Method for Mapping Urban Areas Using NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data, A
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.