Update Dates 0512

0512 * 2D Color Shape Recognition Using Zernike Moments
* 3D Based Video Coding in the Overcomplete Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain with Reduced Delay Requirements
* 3D Building Façade Model Reconstruction Using Parallel Images Acquired by Line Scan Cameras
* 3D Content-Based Search and Retrieval using the 2D Polar Wavelet Transform
* 3D Curve Interpolation and Object Reconstruction
* 3D Face Recognition Using Passive Stereo Vision
* 3D Hand Pose Reconstruction with ISOSOM
* 3D Model Generation from Image Sequences Using Global Geometric Constraint
* 3D Modeling and Adaptation for Virtual Heritage System
* 3D Motion Estimation for On-Line MR Temperature Mapping
* 3D Object Modeling with a Voxelset Carving Approach
* 3D Reconstruction of Localized Objects from Radiographs and Based on Multiresolution and Sparsity
* 3D Scanning System Based on Laser Triangulation and Variable Field of View, A
* 3D Shape from Unorganized 3D Point Clouds
* 3D Shape Recovery from Image Defocus Using Wavelet Analysis
* 3D Shape-Based Techniques for Protein Classification
* 3D studio production of animated actor models
* 3D Texture Classification by Using Pre-Testing Stage and Reliability Table
* 3D Video Segmentation Using Point Distance Histograms
* 3D Wavelet Video Coding with Replicated Matching Pursuits
* 3D Z-string: A new knowledge structure to represent spatio-temporal relations between objects in a video
* 3GPP Compliant Adaptive Wireless Video Streaming Using H.264/AVC
* Acceptance of Visual Search Interfaces for the Web: Design and Empirical Evaluation of a Book Search Interface
* Accuracy Estimation of a New Omnidirectional 3D Vision Sensor
* Accurate and Efficient Computation of High Order Zernike Moments
* Accurate and Low Complexity Approach of Detecting Circular Shape Objects in Still Color Images, An
* Accurate Atmospheric Correction of ASTER Thermal Infrared Imagery Using the WVS Method
* Accurate distortion measurement for generic shape coding
* Accurate Distortion-Driven Macroblock Level Rate Control via rho-Domain Analysis
* Accurate Face Localization in Videos Using Effective Information Propagation
* Accurate Multi-Dimensional Alignment
* Accurate Optical Flow Estimation in Noisy Sequences by Robust Tensor-driven Anisotropic Diffusion
* Achieving Efficient Dense Matching for Uncalibrated Images
* Active Contours on Statistical Manifolds And Texture Segmentation
* Active Regions Approach for the Segmentation of 3D Biological Tissue, An
* Active View Optimization for Viewing Objects in Motion
* Adapted user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication exploiting general information
* Adaptive Background Subtraction with Multiple Feedbacks for Video Surveillance
* Adaptive De-Blocking De-Ringing Post Filter
* Adaptive detection algorithm for full pixel targets in hyperspectral images
* Adaptive Edge Enhancement Using a Neurodynamical Model of Visual Attention
* Adaptive Edge-Preserving Variational Framework for Color Image Regularization, An
* Adaptive fast block-matching algorithm by switching search patterns for sequences with wide-range motion content
* Adaptive filtering with decorrelation for coloured AR environments
* Adaptive Frame Interval Control and its Quality Estimation
* Adaptive Hausdorff distances and dynamic clustering of symbolic interval data
* Adaptive Image Interpolation Using Coupled Bidirectional Flow
* Adaptive Lifting Schemes Combining Seminorms for Lossless Image Compression
* Adaptive Linear System Framework for Image Distortion Analysis, An
* Adaptive Matching Wavelet Networks for Face Recognition
* Adaptive Multilevel Median Filtering of Image Sequences
* Adaptive Multiscale Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images, An
* Adaptive Reduction of the Dynamics of HDR Video Sequences
* Adaptive Region of Interest Estimation for Aerial Surveillance Video
* Adaptive Resource Allocation and Frame Scheduling for Wireless Multi-User Video Streaming
* Adaptive Robust Structure Tensors for Orientation Estimation and Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Segmentation-Based Regularization Term for Image Restoration, An
* Adaptive Switching Linear Predictor for Lossless Image Compression
* Adaptive Transcoding Proxy Architecture for Video Streaming in Mobile Networks
* adaptive video stabilization method for reducing visually induced motion sickness, An
* Adaptive Watermarking Schemes Based On A Redundant Contourlet Transform
* Adding Hand Motion to the Motion Capture Based Character Animation
* Advanced Motion Compensation Techniques for Blocking Artifacts Reduction in 3-D Video Coding Systems
* Advances in Recursive Per-Pixel Estimation of End-To-End Distortion for Application in H.264
* Affine Invariant for 2D Image Representation: A Wavelet Approach
* Affine motion compensation using a content-based mesh
* Affine Registration with Multi-Scale Autoconvolution
* Algorithms for Scene Restoration and Visibility Estimation from Aerosol Scatter Impaired Images
* Alignment of sparse freehand 3-D ultrasound with preoperative images of the liver using models of respiratory motion and deformation
* Ambient Image Recovery and Rendering from Flash Photographs
* Analysis and High Performance Parallel Architecture Design for EBCOT in JPEG2000
* Analysis of Confocal Microendoscope Images for Automatic Detection of Ovarian Cancer
* Analysis of Distortion due to Packet Loss in Streaming Video Transmission over Wireless Communication Links
* Analysis of Multimodal Signals Using Redundant Representations
* analytical calibration approach for microwave polarimetric radiometers, An
* Analytically tractable case of fuzzy c-means clustering
* Analyzing and Capturing Articulated Hand Motion in Image Sequences
* Analyzing Symmetry in Biological Systems
* Anisotropic Nonlinear Diffusion Approach to Image Sharpening
* Appearance Based Pose Estimation of 3D Object Using Support Vector Regression
* Application of QIM with Dead Zone for Histogram Preserving JPEG Steganography
* approach of dynamically forming an acceptable transcoding path by a search algorithm based on a context-free grammar in a MPEG21 DIA, An
* Approach to the Correction of Distance-Dependent Defocus in Electron Microscopic Reconstruction, An
* Approximation Power of Directionlets
* Area Efficient Low Power Inner Product Computation For Discrete Orthogonal Transforms, An
* Area-Efficient and High-Throughput De-Blocking Filter for Multi-Standard Video Applications, An
* ARISupport: Interaction Support for Augmented Reality Systems
* ARM Based Microcontroller for Image Capturing in FPGA Design
* Articulated Registration Method, An
* Artistic Portrait Caricature Model, An
* ASIC and FPGA Implementations of H.264 DCT and Quantization Blocks
* assembled matrix distance metric for 2DPCA-based image recognition, An
* Assessing user behaviour in news video retrieval
* association-based dissimilarity measure for categorical data, An
* ASTER DEM Performance
* ASTER Geometric Performance
* asymmetric image watermarking scheme resistant against geometrical distortions, An
* Asymmetric Multi-Phase Deformable Model for Colon Segmentation
* Asymmetric Spread Spectrum Data-Hiding for Laplacian Host Data
* Asymmetric Watermarking Method for Copyright Protection Utilizing Dual Bases, An
* Atlas-Based Segmentation of Medical Images Locally Constrained by Level Sets
* Augmented Particle Filtering for Efficient Visual Tracking
* Augmented Reality System for Patient-Specific Guidance of Cardiac Catheter Ablation Procedures, An
* Augmented Virtuality Based on Stereoscopic Reconstruction in Multimodal Image-Guided Neurosurgery: Methods and Performance Evaluation
* Autocalibration of a Projector-Camera System
* Autocorrelation model-based identification method for ARMA systems in noise
* Automated camerawork for capturing desktop presentations
* Automated detection and identification of persons in video using a coarse 3D head model and multiple texture maps
* Automated rig removal with Bayesian motion interpolation
* Automatic Adaptation of Streaming Multimedia Content in a Dynamic and Distributed Environment
* Automatic Classification of Breast Density
* Automatic detection and verification of solar features
* Automatic diatom identification using contour analysis by morphological curvature scale spaces
* Automatic Indexing of Broadcast Content Using its Live Chat on the Web
* Automatic Lesions Segmentation in Ultrasound Nonlinear Imaging
* Automatic Lung Segmentation in CT Images using Watershed Transform
* Automatic Occlusion Removal from Minimum Number of Images
* Automatic Pre-Processing After Image Robustness Analysis
* Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged MFCC and linear discriminant analysis
* Automatic Registration of 3D Datasets using Gaussian Fields
* Automatic Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Belief Functions, An
* Automatic Robust Background Modeling Using Multivariate Non-parametric Kernel Density Estimation for Visual Surveillance
* Automatic Scene Comparison and Matching in Multimodal Cytopathological Microscopic Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Color Images by Using a Combination of Mixture Modelling and Adaptive Region Information: A Level Set Approach, An
* Automatic Segmentation of Iris Images for the Purpose of Identification
* Automatic system for quality-based classification of marble textures
* Automatic Video Object Shape Extraction and its Classification with Camera in Motion
* Autonomous Real-Time Model Building for Optical Motion Capture
* Background Updating for Visual Surveillance
* Balanced Incomplete Designs for 3D Perceptual Quality Estimation
* Baseball Video Indexing Using Patternization of Scenes and Hidden Markov Model
* Bayesian Blind Source Separation for Brain Imaging
* Bayesian Denoising Based on the Map Estimation In Wavelet-Domain Using Bessel K Form Prior
* Bayesian network classifier and hierarchical Gabor features for handwritten numeral recognition, A
* Bayesian Visual Tracking with Existence Process
* Beyond Interpolation: Optimal Reconstruction by Quasi-Interpolation
* Bi-Directional PCA with Assembled Matrix Distance Metric
* Bidirectional Labeling and Registration Scheme for Grayscale Image Segmentation
* Bilateral Interpolation Filters for Image Size Conversion
* Binary Plankton Image Classification Using Random Subspace
* Bit Allocation and Quantizer Optimization in Multiple Description Coding with Oversampled Filterbanks
* Blind Iterative Recovery of Spread-Spectrum Steganographic Messages
* Blind Separation of Reflections Using the Image Mixtures Ratio
* Blind source separation of instantaneous MIMO systems based on the least-squares Constant Modulus Algorithm
* Blind source separation of more sources than mixtures using sparse mixture models
* Blind watermarking of 3D Meshes Using Robust Feature Points Detection
* Block-based Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrices for Texture Similarity Evaluation
* Blocking Artifact Reduction Method Based on Non-iterative POCS in the DCT Domain
* Blur Identification Based on Kurtosis Minimization
* Boosted discriminant projections for nearest neighbor classification
* Boosting Color Saliency in Image Feature Detection
* Boosting the distance estimation: Application to the K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Boundary refinements for wavelet-domain multiscale texture segmentation
* Building Statistical Atlas of White Matter Fiber Tract Based on Vector/Tensor Field Reconstruction in Diffusion Tensor MRI
* C-fuzzy decision trees
* Camera Autocalibration Using Plücker Coordinates
* Camera Calibration with Spheres: Linear Approaches
* Camera Pose Determination From a Single View of Parallel Lines
* Camera Self-Calibration from Triplets of Images Using Bivariate Polynomials Derived from Kruppa's Equations
* Capturing and View-Dependent Rendering of Billboard Models
* Cerebral Perfusion Imaging of Live Mice by Fluorescent X-Ray CT
* Chaotic Video Objects Encryption Based on Mixed Feedback, Multiresolution Decomposition and Time-Variant S-Boxes
* Chromatic Adaptation and White-Balance Problem
* Classification and Representation of Semantic Content in Broadcast Tennis Videos
* Classification Approach for Anatomical Regions Segmentation, A
* Classification of Non-Homogenous Images Using Classification Probability Vector
* Classifier Vote and Gabor Filter Banks for Wafer Segmentation
* Clustering Ensembles: Models of Consensus and Weak Partitions
* Clustering of The Poincaré Vectors
* Clustering Shapes Using Heat Content Invariants
* Co-retrieval: A Boosted Reranking Approach for Video Retrieval
* Co-Training Non-Robust Classifiers for Video Semantic Concept Detection
* Coarse Iris Classification Based on Box-Counting Method
* Coarse-Level Object Recognition Using Interlevel Products of Complex wavelets
* Collusion-Resistant Intentional De-Synchronization for Digital Video Fingerprinting
* Color and Edge Refinement Method for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Color by Linear Neighborhood Embedding
* Color Demosaicking Via Directional Linear Minimum Mean Square-Error Estimation
* Color Embedding Into Gray Images
* Color Filter Array Demosaicking Using Wavelet-Based Subband Synthesis
* Color image denoising using evolutionary computation
* Color image zooming on the Bayer pattern
* Color Processing for Multi-Primary Display Devices
* Color Signal Decomposition Method Using 3-D Gamut Boundary of Multi-Primary Display
* Color Super-Resolution with Multiple Nonsmooth Constraints by Hybrid Steepest Descent Method, A
* Color Texture Retrieval Through Contourlet-Based Hidden Markov Model
* Color-based Image Retrieval using Vector Quantization and Multivariate Graph Matching
* Colour histogram equalisation of multichannel images
* Colour Perceptual Video Quality Metric
* Combined Error Protection and Compression Using Turbo Codes for Error Resilient Image Transmission
* Combining classifier decisions for robust speaker identification
* Combining Classifiers for Bone Fracture Detection in X-Ray Images
* Combining Interest Points and Edges for Content-based Image Retrieval
* Combining MCTF with Distributed Source Coding
* Combining shape and physical models for online cursive handwriting synthesis
* Combining visual MPEG tools in the context of video adaptability
* Compact Dependent Key Generation Methods for Encryption-Based Subscription Differentiation for Scalable Bit-Streams
* Comparative Study: Face Recognition on Unspecific Persons using Linear Subspace Methods
* Comparing Sphere-Tree Generators and Hierarchy Updates for Deformable Objects Collision Detection
* Comparison of Cartesian Coordinate-based Representations for Building Three-dimensional Models of Faces, A
* Comparison of Flat and Object-Based Transform Coding Techniques for the Compression of Multispectral Images, A
* Comparison of Image Quality Metric Performances Under Practical Conditions, A
* Comparison of Invariant Descriptors for Object Recognition
* Comparison of MPEG-4 Facial Animation Parameter Groups with Respect to Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Performance
* Comparison of three individual tree crown detection methods
* Compensating for Intraoperative Soft-Tissue Deformations Using Incomplete Surface Data and Finite Elements
* Complementary SVMs-Based Image Annotation System, A
* Complexity reduction in efficient prototype-based classification
* Complexity-Aware Live Streaming System
* Complexity-based Rate Distortion Optimization with Perceptual Tuning for Scalable Video Coding
* Compressed-Domain Video Watermarking for H.264
* Compression by Image Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Compression of fMRI and Ultrasound Images Using 4D SPIHT
* Computer vision based method for real-time fire and flame detection
* Computer-Aided Placement of Deep Brain Stimulators: From Planning to Intraoperative Guidance
* Computing rigorous bounds to the accuracy of calibrated stereo reconstruction
* Configurable Motion-Estimation Hardware Accelerator Module for the MPEG-4 Reference Hardware Description Platform
* Consistency Checks for Particle Filters
* Constrained nonlinear models of fingerprint orientations with prediction
* Constraint Motion Filtering for Video Stabilization
* Content Adaptive Watermarking Using A 2-Stage Predictor
* Content-based audio retrieval with relevance feedback
* Content-based image retrieval in botanical collections for gene expression studies
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Via Vector Quantization
* Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval Using Dynamically Optimized Regional Features
* Content-Based Video Copy Detection in Large Databases: A Local Fingerprints Statistical Similarity Search Approach
* Contourlet Transform: An Efficient Directional Multiresolution Image Representation, The
* Contours Smoothing for Non-Occluded Planar Shapes Description
* Contraction Mapping Calibration
* Contrast Signal-To-Noise Ratio for Image Quality Assessment
* Conversion Between DCT Coefficients and it Coefficients in the Compressed Domain for H.263 to H.264 Video Transcoding
* Converting the Interlaced 3:2 Pulldown Film to the NTSC Video without Motion Artifacts
* Convex Programming Colour Constancy with a Diagonal-Offset Model
* corpus for OCR research on mathematical expressions, A
* Correction of Stray Light and Filter Scratch Blurring for ASTER Imagery
* Correlated Wavelet Shrinkage: Models of Local Random Fields Across Multiple Resolutions
* Costs and Advantages of Shape-Adaptive Wavelet Transform for Region-Based Image Coding
* Countering Oversegmentation in Partitioning-Based Connectivities
* Countermeasure to Resist Block Replacement Attacks, A
* Critical Encoding Rate in Combined Denoising and Compression
* Cross-Layer Approach for Efficient MPEG-4 Video Streaming Using Multicarrier Spread-Spectrum Transmission and Unequal Error Protection, A
* Cross-Layer Approach for Energy Efficient Transmission of Progressively Coded Images over Wireless Channels, A
* Cross-Layer Aware Packetization Strategies for Optimized Wireless Multimedia Transmission
* Cross-Layer Design for Delay-Constrained Error-Resilient Video Communications Over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
* Curvature-Based Adaptive Remeshing Forwavelet-Based Multiresolution 3D Meshes
* Curvelet Transform on the Sphere
* Custom Color Enhancements by Statistical Learning
* Data hiding technologies for digital radiography
* Database, protocols and tools for evaluating score-level fusion algorithms in biometric authentication
* DaVaW: A Python Library for Medical Image Processing Applications
* DCT based simple classification scheme for fractal image compression
* DCT Domain Frame-Skipping Transcoder, A
* DCT-Based Data Hiding for Securing ROI of Color Images
* DCT-Domain Spatial Transcoding Using Generalized DCT Decimation
* Deblocking Algorithm in Mpeg-4 Video Coding Using Block Boundary Characteristics and Adaptive Filtering
* Decompose algorithm for thresholding degraded historical document images
* Deconvolutional Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion
* Deformable Image Registration
* Dense Discontinuous Optical Flow via Contour-Based Segmentation
* Dense Motion Field Estimation Using Spatial Filtering and Quasi Eigenfunction Approximations
* Dense Optical Flow by Iterative Local Window registration
* Depth Estimation for Synthesizing Arbitrary View Images by Random Access IBR Sensor Array
* Design Goals and Solutions for Display of Hyperspectral Images
* Design Goals and Solutions for Display of Hyperspectral Images
* Detail-Preserving Scale-Driven Approach to Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images, A
* Detecting and removing specularities in facial images
* Detecting Prominent Objects for Image Retrieval
* Detecting Spread Spectrum Watermarks Using Natural Scene Statistics
* Detection and Estimation of Rotational Motions Using the 3-D Gabor Representation
* Detection and Representation of Scenes in Videos
* Detection and Tracking Multiple Pedestrians from a Moving Camera
* Detection of Data Hiding in Binary Text Images
* Detection of Semantic Objects Using Description Graphs
* Detection of Text Region and Segmentation from Natural Scene Images
* Detector of image orientation based on Borda Count
* Detector Performance Analysis of Watermark-Based Error Concealment in Image Communications
* Diagonal principal component analysis for face recognition
* Dichromatic-Based Color Constancy Using Dichromatic Slope and Dichromatic Line Space
* Digital Bullet Scratches for Images
* Digital Watermarking Robust to Geometric Distortions
* Direct and least square fitting of coupled geometric objects for metric vision
* Direct Filtering Method for Image based rendering
* Direct Image Retrieval in JPEG and JPEG2000
* Direct Point Rendering on GPU
* Direct Virtual Viewpoint Synthesis from Multiple Viewpoints
* Directional features in online handwriting recognition
* Discontinuity-Embedded Deformable Models for Surface Reconstruction From Range Images
* Discrete Bandelets with Geometric Orthogonal Filters
* Discrimination of Natural Contours by Means of Time-Scale-Frequency Decompositions
* Distance transforms for three-dimensional grids with non-cubic voxels
* Distinguishing paintings from photographs
* Distributed and Collaborative Biomedical Data Exploration
* Distributed Multi-camera Surveillance for Aircraft Servicing Operations
* Distributed Rate Allocation for Multi-Stream Video Transmission Over Ad Hoc Networks
* Document analysis by processing JBIG-encoded images
* Document zone content classification and its performance evaluation
* Dominant point detection: A new proposal
* Drift Control in Variable Bitrate Wireless Channels for Scalable Wavelet Based Video Coding in the Overcomplete Discretewavelet Transform Domain
* Dude Framework for Continuous Tone Image Denoising, The
* Dynamic Content-Based Indexing Method for Multimedia Databases: Hierarchical Cellular Tree, A
* Dynamic programming framework for automatic video object segmentation and vision-assisted video pre-processing
* Dynamic Visualization of Spatially Referenced Information
* Earth observation image and DEM information aggregation for realistic 3-D visualization of natural landscapes
* Edi-Based Deinterlacing Using Edge Patterns
* Effective automatic recognition of cultured cells in bright field images using fisher's linear discriminant preprocessing
* Effective Human Iris Code with Low Complexity, An
* effective post-refinement method for shot boundary detection, An
* Effective Rate Control Method for Minimizing Temporal Fluctuations in Picture Quality Applicable for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Encoding
* Effective Representation Using ICA for Face Recognition Robust to Local Distortion and Partial Occlusion
* Efficient Algorithm for Informed Embedding of Dirty-Paper Trellis Codes for Watermarking, An
* Efficient Coding of Computer Generated Compound Images
* Efficient Compression of Visibility Sets
* Efficient Computation of Adaptive Threshold Surfaces for Image Binarization
* efficient coordinate frame calibration method for 3-D measurement by multiple camera systems, An
* Efficient Depth Edge Detection Using Structured Light
* efficient detection of vanishing points using inverted coordinates image space, An
* Efficient Discovery of Spatial Associations and Structure with Application to Asteroid Tracking
* Efficient down-up sampling using DCT kernel for MPEG-21 SVC
* Efficient H.263 to H.264/AVC Video Transcoding Using Enhanced Rate Control
* Efficient Hexagonal Inner Search for Fast Motion Estimation
* Efficient huge-scale feature selection with speciated genetic algorithm
* Efficient Iris Recognition Algorithm Using Phase-Based Image Matching, An
* Efficient Legendre moment computation for grey level images
* Efficient Local Reflectional Symmetries Detection
* efficient method for geo-referenced video mosaicing for environmental monitoring, An
* Efficient Method for the Computation of Legendre Moments, An
* Efficient Motion Estimation Algorithm for MPEG-4 to H.264 Transcoder
* Efficient Motion Re-estimation Algorithm for Frame-skipping Video Transcoding, An
* Efficient Multi-Image Registration with Illumination and Lens Distortion Correction
* Efficient Neighborhood-Based Computations on Regions Using Scans
* efficient parallel video transmission system including codecs with functions of failure detection and coding noise evaluation, An
* Efficient Shot Boundary Detection for Action Movies Using Blockwise Motion-Based Features
* Efficient text analyser with prosody generator-driven approach for Mandarin text-to-speech
* Efficient Video Mosaicing Based on Motion Analysis
* Eigenwalks: Walk Detection and Biometrics from Symmetry Patterns
* Elastic Body Spline Technique for Feature Point Generation and Face Modeling
* Eliminating redundancy and irrelevance using a new MLP-based feature selection method
* Embedded Merging Scheme for VLSI Implementation of H.264/AVC Motion Estimation Modules, An
* Embedded wavelet packet object-based image coding based on context classification and quadtree ordering
* Emotional Expression in Virtual Agents Through Body Language
* Enhanced Fast Encoding Method for Vector Quantization by Finding an Optimally-Ordered Walsh Transform Kernel
* enhanced subspace method for face recognition, An
* Enhanced Wavelet Correlogram Methods for Image Indexing and Retrieval
* enhancement of leaky prediction layered video coding, An
* Enhancing the Robustness of Skin-Based Face Detection Schemes Through a Visual Attention Architecture
* Ensemble learning for independent component analysis
* Epipolar Photogrammetry: A novel method for forensic image comparison and measurement
* Error Accumulation in Multiple Cycles of Still Image Compression and Color Transformations
* Error Concealment for Motion JPEG2000
* Error Concealment For Slice Group Based Multiple Description Video Coding
* Error concealment for SNR scalable video coding
* Error-Bounded Solid Voxelization for Polygonal Model Based on Heuristic Seed Filling
* Error-Resilient Packet Video Coding Using Harmonic Frame-Expansions and Temporal Prediction
* Error-Resilient Video Coding Using Motion Compensated Temporal Filtering and Embedded Multiple Description Scalar Quantizers
* Estimating Object Contours from Binary Edge Images
* Estimating Sub-Pixel Shifts Directly from the Phase Difference
* Estimating the Albedo Map of a Face from a Single Image
* Estimating the uncertainty in the estimated mean area under the ROC curve of a classifier
* Evaluation of Color Spaces for Edge Classification in Outdoor Scenes
* Event Detection Based on Common Fate Principle: Application to Vehicles Detection from Aerial Sequences of Road Traffic
* Event Detection in Underground Stations Using Multiple Heterogeneous Surveillance Cameras
* Evolution of 3GPP Streaming for Improving QOS Over Mobile Networks
* Experimental Performance Analysis of Clutter Removal Techniques in IR Images
* Exploiting Discriminant Information in Elastic Graph Matching
* Exploring subjective image quality through isopreference curves
* Exploring the use of latent topical information for statistical Chinese spoken document retrieval
* Exponential Radon Transform Inversion Based on Harmonic Analysis of the Euclidean Motion Group
* Expression-Invariant Face Recognition via Spherical Embedding
* Extended Optimization Method of LSB Steganalysis
* Extracting Micro-Structural Gabor Features for Face Recognition
* Extracting Regions of Symmetry
* Extraction, matching, and pose recovery based on dominant rectangular structures
* Face Alignment and Adaptive Weight Assignment for Robust Face Recognition
* Face and Eye Rectification in Video Conference Using Affine Transform
* Face Detection in Low-Resolution Images
* Face detection using discriminating feature analysis and Support Vector Machine
* Face Hallucination Through Dual Associative Learning
* Face Recognition Using Face-ARG Matching
* Face recognition using the weighted fractal neighbor distance
* Face Tracking for H.264 Encoded Video Sequences
* Face Verification in Polar Frequency Domain: A Biologically Motivated Approach
* Facial Expression Analysis by Generalized Eigen-Space Method Based on Class-Features (GEMC)
* Facial expressional image synthesis controlled by emotional parameters
* Factors Influencing Psycophysically Valid Taxonomies of Image Texture
* Fast 2D Model-To-Image Registration Using Vanishing Points for Sports Video Analysis
* Fast 3D Face Recognition Based On Normal Map
* Fast Algorithm for the Conversion of DCT Coefficients to H.264 Transform Coefficients, A
* Fast and Subpixel Precise Blob Detection and Attribution
* Fast Block Type Decision Algorithm for Intra Prediction in H.264 FRExt
* Fast data-derived fundamental spheroidal excitation models with application to UXO discrimination
* Fast Edge Directed Polynomial Interoplation
* fast evolutionary pursuit algorithm based on linearly combining vectors, A
* Fast Full Search Algorithm for Variable Block-Based Motion Estimation of H.264, A
* Fast generation of digitally reconstructed radiographs using attenuation fields with application to 2D-3D image registration
* Fast H.264/AVC Video Encoding with Multiple Frame References
* Fast Hierarchical Watermark Detector for Real-Time Software or Low-Cost Hardware Implementation, A
* Fast Image and Video Denoising via Nonlocal Means of Similar Neighborhoods
* Fast Intra-Frame Prediction Algorithm for MPEG-2/H.264 Video Transcoders, A
* Fast Multi-Resolution Block Matching Algorithm for Multiple-Frame Motion Estimation, A
* Fast search algorithm for vector quantisation without extra look-up table using declustered subcodebooks
* Fast, Accurate Rate-Control for Low-Rate Wavelet-Based Image Coding via Bootstrapping with Local Probability Models
* Feature Extraction of Non-Stained Melanocyte Cells
* Feature Selection Based on Maximizing Separability in Gauss Mixture Model and its Application to Image Classification
* Feature Selection with Nonparametric Statistics
* Feature-Based Detection of Facial Landmarks from Neutral and Expressive Facial Images
* Feature-Based Wavelet Shrinkage Algorithm for Image Denoising
* Featureless Global Alignment of Multiple Images
* Features for the Reconstruction of Shredded Notebook Paper
* Feedback-based Dynamic Generalized LDA for Face Recognition
* Filter Based Map Estimation of Images with Integrated Segmentation
* Filter Networks for Efficient Estimation of Local 3-D Structure
* Finding the Global Minimum for Binary Image Restoration
* Finger surface as a biometric identifier
* Fingerprint Indexing Based on Singular Point Correlation
* Fingerprint local analysis for high-performance Minutiae extraction
* Fingerprint Matching Using Minutiae and Interpolation-based Square Tessellation Fingercode
* Fingerprint minutiae matching algorithm for real time system
* Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm Using Phase-Based Image Matching for Low-Quality Fingerprints, A
* Fingerprint Warping Using Ridge Curve Correspondences
* Fingerprinting Protocol for Images Based on Additive Homomorphic Property
* Flame Detection in Video Using Hidden Markov Models
* Flexible Bi-Directional Triadic MCTF with Multi-Hypothesis Update
* Flow Lookup and Biological Motion Perception
* Four Image Interpolation Techniques for Ultrasound Breast Phantom Data Acquired Using Fischer's Full Field Digital Mammography and Ultrasound System (FFDMUS): A Comparative Approach
* Fourier Interpretation of Super-Resolution Techniques, A
* Frame Based Multiple Description Image Coding in the Wavelet Domain
* Framework for Neural Networks Simulation and Visualization: Neocognitron Case, A
* Free-Viewpoint Image Synthesis from Multiple-View Images Taken with Uncalibrated Moving Cameras
* Frequency-Based Approach For Efficient Plenoptic Sampling, A
* Frequency-Domain Methods for Demosaicking of Bayer-Sampled Color Images
* FTV (Free Viewpoint Television) Creating Ray-Based Image Engineering
* Fully Automated Calibration Method for an Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Operating Microscope With Variable Zoom and Focus, A
* Fusion of color edge detection and color quantization for color image watermarking using principal axes analysis
* Fusion of Phase And Orientation Information for Palmprint Authentication
* Future-Viewer Visual Environment for Semantic Characterization of Video Sequences, The
* Fuzzy Bidirectional Flow for Adaptive Image Sharpening
* Fuzzy Image Segmentation of Generic Shaped Clusters
* Fuzzy-logic Based Information Fusion for Image Segmentation
* Game-Theoretic Analysis of a Semi-Fragile Watermarking Scheme Based on SCS
* Gaussian Mixture Classification for Moving Object Detection in Video Surveillance Environment
* General Quasi-Automatic Initialization For Snakes: Application to Ultrasound Images, A
* Generalization of FDK 3D Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithm for an Off-centered Cone Beam Geometry
* Generalized Hierarchical Encryption of JPEG 2000 Codestreams for Access Control
* Generalized Histogram Intersection Kernel for Image Recognition
* Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test Based Algorithms for Object Recognition in Photon-Limited Images
* Generalized Mumford-Shah Model for Roof-Edge Detection, A
* Generalized Optimal Thresholding for Biometric Key Generation Using Face Images
* Generalized Principal Component Analysis (GPCA)
* Generalized scale: Theory, algorithms, and application to image inhomogeneity correction
* Generalized Wiener Estimation Algorithms Based on a Family of Heavy-Tail Distributions
* Generative probabilistic models for multimedia retrieval: Query generation against document generation
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach to Knowledge-Assisted Video Analysis, A
* Geometric and Photometric Analysis for Interactively Recognizing Multicolor or Partially Occluded Objects
* Geometric Approach to Segmentation and Protein Localization in Cell Cultured Assays
* Geometric Reconstruction of the RAT Vascular System Imaged by MRA
* Geometric Skeletonization Using the Symmetry Set
* Gesture-Based Video Summarization
* Globally Minimal Surfaces by Continuous Maximal Flows
* Graceful Image Retrieval Performance Degradation Using Small World Distributed Indexing
* Gradation Approximation for Vector Based Compression of Comic Images
* Granular computing, rough entropy and object extraction
* Graph Cut Based Segmentation of Convoluted Objects
* Graph Cuts Segmentation Using an Elliptical Shape Prior
* Graph matching and clustering using spectral partitions
* Gray-Scale Image Enhancement Using the SMQT
* Greedy Non-Linear Approximation of the Plenoptic Function for Interactive Transmission of 3D Scenes
* Group Theoretical Toolbox for Color Image Operators, A
* Gust Front Detection in Weather Radar Images by Entropy Matched Functional Template
* H.264-Compatible Spatially Scalable Video Coding with In-band Prediction
* H.264/MPEG4-AVC Fidelity Range Extensions: Tools, Profiles, Performance, and Application Areas
* H2 Length Estimation Method: An Algorithm for Digitized Curves for Asymmetric 3D Grid Applied on Coronary Bypass Surgery, The
* Hand tracking in bimanual movements
* Hardcopy Image Barcodes Via Block-Error Diffusion
* Head Nods Analysis: Interpretation of Non Verbal Communication Gestures
* Hexagonal Versus Orthogonal Lattices: A New Comparison Using Approximation Theory
* Hidden Markov Model approach for appearance-based 3D object recognition, A
* Hiding Privacy Information in Video Surveillance System
* Hierarchical Deterministic Image Watermarking via Polynomial Interpolation
* Hierarchical Image Analysis Using Radon Transform: An Application to Error Concealment
* Hifocon: Object and Dimensional Coherence and Correlation in Multidimensional Visualization
* High Capacity Watermarking Using Balanced Multiwavelet Transforms
* High Throughput 2D DCT/IDCT Processor for Video Coding
* High-capacity steganography using a shared colour palette
* High-Resolution Video Streaming in Mesh-Networked Homes
* Higher Order Polynomials, Free Form Deformations and Optical Flow Estimation
* highly robust estimator for regression models, A
* Hinf-Adaptive Filters for Eye Blink Artifact Minimization From Electroencephalogram
* histogram-based approach for object-based query-by-shape-and-color in image and video databases, A
* HMM-based framework for video semantic analysis, An
* HMM-Based Motion Recognition System Using Segmented PCA
* Homogeneity-Based Directional Sigma Filtering of Video Noise
* Human Body Posture Refinement by Nonparametric Belief Propagation
* HVS-Based No-Reference Perceptual Quality Assessment of JPEG Coded Images Using Neural Networks, An
* Hybrid HMM/DPA Adaptive Gesture Recognition Method, A
* Hybrid IMM/SVM Approach for Wavelet-Domain Probabilistic Model Based Texture Classification
* Hybrid Recursive Energy-based Method for Robust Optical Flow on Large Motion Fields
* Hyperspectral Target Detection Using Kernel Orthogonal Subspace Projection
* Identification of a Discrete Planar Symmetric Shape From a Single Noisy View
* Identification of cubically nonlinear systems excited by bandpass inputs
* Identification of New Commercials Using Repeated Video Sequence Detection
* Identification of Similar Shape Contours Based on the Curvature Extremes Description
* Identifying Quadruped Gait in Wildlife Video
* IFS Based Approach for Face Recognition, An
* Image Acquisition Modeling for Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* Image Authentication and Tamperproofing for Noisy Channels
* Image Blockiness Evaluation Based on Sobel Operator
* Image Compression Based on BTC-DPCM and its Data-Driven Parallel Implementation
* Image Content Annotation Using Bayesian Framework and Complement Components Analysis
* Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Intensity-Pair Distribution
* Image Database Navigation: A Globe-Al Approach
* Image De-Noising by Selective Filtering Based on Double-Shot Pictures
* Image Denoising in Nonlinear Scale-Spaces: Automatic Scale Selection via Cross-Validation
* Image Denoising Using Adaptive Switching Median Filter
* Image Denoising Using Multiscale Directional Cosine Bases
* Image Fusion Using a New Framework for Complex Wavelet Transforms
* Image interpolation for virtual sports scenarios
* Image Interpolation Using Constrained Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Techniques
* Image Interpolation Using Texture Orientation Map and Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* Image Intrinsic Values from Shading Information
* Image Matching Based on A Local Invariant Descriptor
* Image Processing Considerations for Simple Real-Time Restrictometric Fluid-Based User Interfaces
* Image processing method and apparatus
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Harmonics Gain/Loss Information
* Image Segmentation via Multiresolution Diffused Expectation-Maximisation
* Image Smoothing and Segmentation by Graph Regularization
* Image steganographic scheme based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods
* image zooming technique based on vector quantization approximation, An
* Image-Based Augmentation of Virtual Object for Handy Camera Video Sequence Using Arbitrary Multiple Planes
* Image-Based Deformation of Objects in Real Scenes
* Image-Based Modeling and Rendering from Multiple Views: A Multiple Cues Based Propagation Approach
* Image-Based Rendering and Tracking of Faces
* Image-based rendering of complex scenes from a multi-camera rig
* Image-Based Stereoscopic Stylization
* Image-Based Turn Ratio Measurement at Road Intersection
* Imaging and Analysis of Angiogenesis for Skin Transplantation by Microangiography
* Impact of Motion on the Random Access Efficiency of Scalable Compressed Video
* Implementation of Level Transformations for Hiding Watermarks in Image Bit-Planes under Limited Level Changes
* Implicit Surface Segmentation by Minimal Paths, Applications in 3D Medical Images
* Improved Color Filter Array Demosaicking by Accurate Luminance Estimation
* Improved Eye Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Deformable Templates, An
* Improved Low-Complexity Intraband Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images by Means of Slepian-Wolf Coding
* Improved Schemes for Inter-Frame Coding in the H.264/AVC Standard
* Improved structure-adaptive anisotropic filter
* Improving Accuracy and Confidence Interval of Camera Parameters Estimated with a Planar Pattern
* Improving Frequency Domain Super-Resolution via Undersampling Model
* Improving Harmonic Imaging by a Novel Beamforming Process for Ultrasound Medical Scanners
* Improving Performance of Interactive Categorization of Images Using Relevance Feedback
* Impulse Noise Filter with Adaptive Mad-Based Threshold
* Impulse Responses of Block Shift-Invariant Systems and their Use for Demosaicing Algorithms, The
* Incorporating Subsurface Attenuation into the Beckmann Model
* Independent comparative study of PCA, ICA, and LDA on the FERET data set
* Inferring Cause/Effect Relationships in Multi-sensor Ambient Intelligence Systems
* influence of perceptual grouping on motion detection, The
* Influence of the Boundary Conditions on the Result of Non-Linear Image Registration
* Information Fidelity Criterion for Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics, An
* Innovative Temporal Wavelet Filtering Scheme for Video Coding, An
* Integrating Plan-View Tracking and Color-Based Person Models for Multiple People Tracking
* Integration of Geometric Elements, Euclidean Relations, and Motion Curves for Parametric Shape and Motion Estimation
* Interactive 3D Filter Design for Ultrasound Artifact Reduction
* Interactive 3D Heart Chamber Partitioning with a New Marker-Controlled Watershed Algorithm
* Interactive 3D reconstruction from multiple images: A primitive-based approach
* Interactive Partial Matching of Video Sequences in Large Collections
* Interactive retrieval of video using pre-computed shot-shot similarities
* Interactive Visualization Method for Integrating Digital Elevation Models and Geographic Information Systems Vector Layers, An
* Interpolation by Asymmetric, Two-Dimensional Cubic Convolution
* Inverse Tensor Transfer for Novel View Synthesis
* Investigating the Impact of Face Categorization on Recognition Performance
* Iris Identification and Robustness Evaluation of a Wavelet Packets Based Algorithm
* Is Image Steganography Natural?
* Iterative Decoding of Scale Invariant Image Data-Hiding
* Iterative Generation of Motion-Compensated Side Information for Distributed Video Coding
* Joint Demosaicing and Denoising
* Joint Feature-Spatial-Measure Space: A New approach to Highly Efficient Probabilistic Object Tracking
* Joint Illumination and Motion Space of Video Sequences, The
* Joint moving cast shadows segmentation and light source detection in video sequences
* Joint registration and averaging of multiple 3D anatomical surface models
* Joint Source-Channel coding of scalable video with partially coded index assignment using Reed-Muller codes
* Joint Source-Channel Decoding for JPEG2000 Codestream Transmission Over Flat Fading Channels
* Joint Source-Network Error Control Coding for Scalable Overlay Video Streaming
* JPEG 2000 Encoding Method for Reducing Tiling Artifacts
* JPEG 2000 Syntax-Compliant Encryption Preserving Full Scalability
* JPEG-2000 Scalar Quantization Using an Optimally Frequency Localized Modulated Lapped Transform
* Kernel Orthogonal Subspace Projection for Hyperspectral Signal Classification
* Kernel-Based Head Tracker for Videophony
* Lane following and lane departure using a linear-parabolic model
* Laplacian linear discriminant analysis
* Large-Scale Geospatial Indexing for Image-Based Retrieval and Analysis
* Largest-Eigenvalue-Theory for Incremental Principal Component Analysis
* Lattice-based MRF model for Dynamic Near-regular Texture Tracking and Manipulation, A
* Layered Local Prediction Network with Dynamic Learning for Face Super-resolution
* LCD Motion Blur Modeling and Analysis
* Learning a Terrain Model for Autonomous Navigation in Rough Terrain
* Learning Hidden Semantic Cues Using Support Vector Clustering
* Learning prototypes and distances: A prototype reduction technique based on nearest neighbor error minimization
* Learning Spatially-Variable Filters for Super-Resolution of Text
* Learning the kernel parameters in kernel minimum distance classifier
* Learning Vector Quantization with Training Data Selection
* Legend Based Elevation Layers Extraction from a Color-Coded Relief Scanned Map
* Level Set Curve Evolution Partitioning of Polarimetric Images
* Lic-Based Regularization of Multi-Valued Images
* Light Field Capturing with Lensless Cameras
* Lighting Normalisation for Face Recognition
* Likelihood Function for Block-Based Motion Analysis, A
* Linear Prefilter for Image Sampling with Ringing Artifact Control, A
* Local Manifold Matching for Face Recognition
* Local Orientation Coherency Weighted Color Gradient for Edge Detection, A
* Localising Surface Defects in Random Colour Textures Using Multiscale Texem Analysis in Image Eigenchannels
* Localization and Security Enhancement of Block-based Image Authentication
* Locally Adaptive Multiscale Contrast Optimization
* Locating Large-Scale Craniofacial Feature Points on X-ray Images for Automated Cephalometric Analysis
* Location of structural sections from within a highly distorted complex line drawing
* Loop Removal from Colon Central Path Through Skeleton Scale-Space Tracking
* Lossless Compression Approach for Mammographic Digital Images Based on the Delaunay Triangulation, A
* Lossless Compression of CCD Sensor Data
* Lossy to Lossless Image Compression Using Allpass Filters
* Low Complexity Resolution Progressive Image Coding Algorithm: Progres (Progressive Resolution Decompression)
* Low Complexity Streak Noise Reduction for Mobile TV Using Line Selective Interpolation of Field Information
* Low-Complexity Linear Demosaicing Using Joint Spatial-Chromatic Image Statistics
* Low-Complexity, Efficient 9/7 Wavelet Filters Implementation
* Low-cost Video Frame-rate Up Conversion using Compressed-domain Information, A
* low-power system-on-chip for the documentation of road accidents, A
* Lung Nodules Detection and Classification
* M-Band Wavelets in Image Watermarking, The
* M-Term Pursuit for Image Representation and Progressive Compression, The
* machine vision approach to the grading of crushed aggregate, A
* Man-Machine Communication System Based on the Visual Analysis of Dynamic Gestures, A
* Marked Point Process Model for Tree Crown Extraction in Plantations, A
* Marker-based image segmentation relying on disjoint set union
* Markerless Real-Time 3-D Target Region Tracking by Motion Backprojection from Projection Images
* Markovian Scheme for Joint Retrieval of Classification and Height Map from Urban Interferometric SAR Images, A
* Matching 2.5D Face Scans to 3D Models
* Matching Interest Points of an Object
* Matching Shape Sequences in Video with Applications in Human Movement Analysis
* Maxdiff kd-trees for data condensation
* Maximality Principle Applied to a Contrario Motion Detection, A
* Maximum a Posteriori Image Restoration Based on a New Directional Continuous Edge Image Prior
* MCMC Approach for Bayesian Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction, A
* Measure for Evaluation of the Information Content in Color Images, A
* Measurement of Fine Particle Size with Wavelet Signature
* Measuring the Strength of Partial Encryption Schemes
* Mechanical Characterization of the Life Cycle of Artificial Muscles Through Stereoscopic Computer Vision and Active Contours
* Medical Image Registration Based on Random Line Sampling
* Memory-Efficient Semi-Quasi-Arithmetic Coding
* Mesh Modelling for Sparse Image Data Sets
* Metadata and User Profile Model for Personalized Enhanced DTV Multi-Service Access
* Metrology in Uncalibrated Images Given One Vanishing Point
* Microarray Image Addressing Based on the Radon Transform
* Min-e Polygonal Approximation of Closed Curves
* Minimization of Detail-preserving Regularization Functional by Newton's Method with Continuation
* Minimum Delay Content Adaptive Video Streaming over Variable Bitrate Channels with a Novel Stream Switching Solution
* Minimum Total Variation in 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction
* Mining Arbitrary-Length Repeated Patterns in Television Broadcast
* Mining Paths of Complex Crowd Scenes
* Minmax Strategies for QIM Watermarking Subject to Attacks with Memory
* MLC: A Novel Image Coder Based on Multitree Local Cosine Dictionaries
* Model Free Hybrid Algorithm for Real Time Tracking, A
* Model-Based Color Halftoning Using Direct Binary Search
* Model-Guided Segmentation of Opacified Thorax Vessels
* Modelling the Effect of Quantizing Affine Motion Vectors on Rate and Energy of Difference Macroblocks
* Modified Edge-oriented Spatial Interpolation for Consecutive Blocks Error Concealment
* Modified FCM with Optimal Peano Scans for Image Segmentation, A
* Modified K-Means Algorithm for Circular Invariant Clustering, A
* Modified virtually scaling-free adaptive CORDIC rotator algorithm and architecture
* Modulo Arithmetic-Based Image Watermarking and its Theoretical Analysis of Image-Quality
* Modulo Lattice Additive Noise Channel for QIM-watermarking
* Morphological Decomposition of 2-D Binary Shapes into Modestly Overlapped Disk Components
* Morphons: Segmentation Using Elastic Canvas and Paint on Priors
* Mosaic-Based 3D Scene Representation and Rendering
* Motion Based Segmentation Using MPEG Streams and Watershed Method
* Motion Capture System for Sign Language Synthesis: Overview and Related Issues, A
* Motion Drift Modeling and Correction for Downscale Video Transcoding
* Motion Estimation Using Quad-Tree Phase Correlation
* Motion Image Enhancement of LCDs
* Motion Visualization of Ultrasound Imaging
* Motion- and Aliasing-Compensated Prediction Using a Two-Dimensional Non-Separable Adaptive Wiener Interpolation Filter
* Motion-Compensation Using Variable-Size Block-Matching with Binary Partition Trees
* Motion-JPEG2000 Codec Compensated for Interlaced Scanning Videos
* Moving Object Detection Unaffected by Cast Shadows, Highlights and Ghosts
* Moving Object Extraction Using a Shape-Constraint-Based Splitting Active Contour Model
* MPEG-4 constant-quality constant-bit-rate control algorithms
* MPEG-4 Video Streaming Quality Evaluation in IEEE 802.11E WLANs
* MR Brain Imaging Segmentation Based On Spatial Gaussian Mixture Model And Markov Random Field
* Multi-aspect Target Tracking in Image Sequences Using Particle Filters
* Multi-Bit Informed Embedding Watermarking with Constant Robustness
* Multi-Camera Approach to Sensor Evaluation in Video Surveillance, A
* Multi-Dimensional Infinitely Divisible Cascades to Model the Statistics of Natural Images
* Multi-level Thresholding Using Entropy-Based Weighted FCM Algorithm in Color Image
* Multi-Modal Graphical Model for Robust Recognition of Group Actions in Meetings from Disturbed Videos, A
* Multi-Part Target Representation for Color Tracking
* Multi-resolution subspace for financial trading
* Multi-Step Active Object Tracking with Entropy Based Optimal Actions Using the Sequential Kalman Filter
* Multi-Subject Variational Registration for Probabilistic Unbiased Atlas Generation
* Multi-View Image Coding with Wavelet Lifting and In-Band Disparity Compensation
* Multibody Grouping by Inference of Multiple Subspaces from High-Dimensional Data Using Oriented-Frames
* Multichannel Approach to Metric-Based SAR Autofocus, A
* Multigrid Computation of Rotationally Invariant Non-Linear Optical Flow
* Multimedia Fingerprinting Forensics For Traitor Tracing
* Multimodal Functional and Morphological Nonrigid Image Registration
* Multiple Active Contour Models Based on the EM Algorithm
* Multiple Feature Models for Image Matching
* Multiple Image View Synthesis for Free Viewpoint Video Applications
* Multiple Paths Extraction in Images Using a Constrained Expanded Trellis
* Multiple scale correlation of signals by shift-invariant discrete wavelet transform
* Multiple-model MKS with Improved Learning/Prior Modeling
* Multiransac Algorithm and its Application to Detect Planar Homographies, The
* Multiresolution Analysis for Meshes with Appearance Attributes
* Multiresolution Parametric Estimation of Transparent Motions
* multiresolution-based method for the determination of the relative resolution between images: First application to remote sensing and medical images, A
* Multiscale Fourier descriptors for defect image retrieval
* Multiscale Image Filtering And Segmentation by Means of Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology
* Multiscale recurrent patterns applied to stereo image coding
* Multiscale Segmentation of HRCT Images Using Bipolar Incoherent Filtering
* Multiscale Texture Segmentation with Vector-Valued Nonlinear Diffusions on Arbitrary Graphs
* Multisensor approach to determine changes of wetland characteristics in semiarid environments (central Spain)
* Multisurface Proximal Support Vector Machine Classification via Generalized Eigenvalues
* Natural Contrast Statistics and the Selection of Visual Fixations
* Natural Image Matting with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Network Adaptive Multiple Description Coding for JPEG2000
* Network Embedded FEC (NEF) for Video Multicast in Presence of Packet Loss Correlation
* New aggressive way to search for the best base in wavelet packets
* New Algorithms for Fast and Accurate AM-FM Demodulation of Digital Images
* New Approach to Detect Core and Delta of the Fingerprint Using Extended Relational Graph, A
* New Approach to Feature Exatraction for Wavelet-Based Texture Classification, A
* New Color Space Domain for Digital Watermarking in Multimedia Applications, A
* New Corner Detection Algorithm by Tangent and Vertical Axes and Case Table
* New Efficient Algorithm for Fitting Rectangular Boxes and Cubes in 3D, A
* New Fairness Paradigms for Wireless Multimedia Communication
* New Fast Bit Allocation Procedure for Image Coding Based on Wavelet Transform and Dead Zone Lattice Vector Quantization, A
* New features for automatic classification of human chromosomes: A feasibility study
* New Higher-Order Active Contour Energies for Network Extraction
* New hypothesis test: a repropagation method to test the applicability of linear ICA to a given problem (highlighted by an EEG case study applied to epilepsy)
* New Image Transforms Using Hybrid Wavelets and Directional Filter Banks: Analysis and Design
* New Method of Ray-Space Interpolation for Free Viewpoint Video
* New Motion Compensation Approach for Error Resilient Video Coding, A
* New Near-lossless Image Compression Algorithm Suitable for Hardware Design in Wireless Endoscopy System, A
* New Parameter Estimator Based on the Helmholtz Principle, A
* New Public-Key Authentication Watermarking for Binary Document Images Resistant to Parity Attacks, A
* new representation of shape and its use for high performance in online Arabic character recognition by an associative memory, A
* New State-Space Approach for Super-Resolution Image Sequence Reconstruction, A
* new technique for quality scalable video coding with H.264, A
* New Technique to Obtain Clear Statistical Parametric Map by Applying Anisotropic Diffusion to FMRI, A
* New Temporal Error Concealment Method for H.264 using Adaptive Block Sizes, A
* News Video Classification Based on Multi-modal Information Fusion
* No-Reference Objective Wavelet Based Noise Immune Image Sharpness Metric
* No-Reference Video Quality Metric Based on Artifact Measurements
* Noise in Imaging Chains: Correlations and Predictions
* Noise Insensitive High Resolution Demosaicing Algorithm Considering Cross-Channel Correlation
* Noise Reduction in 3D Images Using Morphological Amoebas
* Noisy Text Categorization
* Non Cartesian-FFT Approach to image Alignment, A
* Non-Parametric Image Super-Resolution Using Multiple Images
* Non-Stationary Approximate Bayesian Super-Resolution Using a Hierarchical Prior Model
* Non-Ubiquitous Digital Watermarking for Record Indexing and Integrity Protection of Medical Images
* Nonlinear discriminant mapping using the Laplacian of a graph
* Nonlinear Multigrid Diffusion Model for Efficient Dense Optical Flow estimation, A
* Nonlinear variants of biased discriminants for interactive image retrieval
* Nonparametric Clustering Using Quantum Mechanics
* Nonparametric Maximum Margin Criterion for Face Recognition
* Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform: Construction and Application in Enhancement
* Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform: Filter Design and Applications in Denoising
* Novel Approach on Silhouette Based Human Motion Analysis for Gait Recognition, A
* Novel Approach to Fingerprint Image Quality, A
* novel immune evolutionary algorithm incorporating chaos optimization, A
* Novel Likelihood Estimation Technique Based on Boosting Detector
* Novel Object-Based Fractal Stereo Video Codec, A
* novel PDE-based rate-distortion model for rate control, A
* Novel Pedestrian Classification Algorithm for a High Definition Dual Camera 360 Degrees Surveillance System, A
* Novel probabilty neural network
* Novel SNR Refinement Scheme for Scalable Video Coding, A
* NPR Technique for Pointillistic and Mosaic Images with Impressionist Color Arrangement, An
* Null Space-Based LDA Withweighted Dual Personal Subspaces for Face Recognition
* Number of Gaps in Binary Pictures, The
* Object Representation Using Colour, Shape and Structure Criteria in a Binary Partition Tree
* Object Tracking Based on Morphological Elastic Graph Matching
* Objective Evaluation of the Perceptual Quality of 3D Watermarking
* Objects Layout Graph for 3D Complex Scenes
* Oblivious Video Watermarking Using Temporal Sensitivity of HVS
* Off-Line Multiple Object Tracking Using Candidate Selection and the Viterbi Algorithm
* On Multirate Optimality of JPEG2000 Code Stream
* On Object-Based Compression for a Class of Dynamic Image-Based Representations
* On re-composition of motion compensated macroblocks for DCT-based video transcoding
* On the Bandlimitedness of the Plenoptic Function
* On the Efficient Memory Usage in the Lifting Scheme for the Two-Dimensional Wavelet Transform Computation
* On the Performance of Fast Motion Estimation for Multiple-Reference Motion Compensated Prediction
* On the Removal of Shadows from Images
* On the use of a joint spatial-frequency representation for the fusion of multi-focus images
* On transforming statistical models for non-frontal face verification
* Onboard Calibration of the ASTER Instrument
* One-Point Hexagonal Inner Search for Fast Motion Estimation
* Online Adaptive Blind Deconvolution Based on Third-Order Moments
* Online blind equalisation algorithm of an FIR MIMO channel system for non-stationary signals
* Opening the laplacian pyramid for video coding
* Optimal Adaptation Strategies for Golomb Codes on Correlated Sources
* Optimal Algorithm for Convexity Measure Calculation
* Optimal Bit Allocation for Joint Contour-Based Shape Coding and Shape Adaptive Texture Coding
* Optimal Block Boundary Pre/Postfiltering for Wavelet-Based Image and Video Compression
* Optimal Design for Synthesis Filters of Oversampled Uniform Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks with 50% Overlapping
* Optimal Erasure Protection Strategy for Scalably Compressed Data With Tree-Structured Dependencies
* Optimal information fusion distributed smoother for discrete multichannel ARMA signals
* Optimal Representations in Multitree Dictionaries with Application to Compression
* Optimal Sampling Operator for Signal Restoration in the Presence of Signal Space and Observation Space Noises
* Optimal Surface Segmentation in Volumetric Images: A Graph-Theoretic Approach
* Optimal threshold selection algorithm in edge detection based on wavelet transform
* Optimal Wavelet Filter Design in Scalable Video Coding
* Optimised Filters for Texture Defect Detection
* Optimization and integration of high-performance ground penetrating imaging radar system: A research prototype
* Optimized Cordic Core for Frequency-Domain Motion Estimation
* Optimized Transcoding Rate Selection and Packet Scheduling for Transmitting Multiple Video Streams Over a Shared Channel
* Optimizing Color Performance for LCD Computer Monitors
* Optimizing of Searching Co-Motion Point-Pairs for Statistical Camera Calibration
* Oriented connectivity-based method for segmenting solar loops
* Oriented Wavelet Transform on a Quincunx Pyramid for Image Compression
* ORIGAMI Project: Advanced tools for creating and mixing real and virtual content in film and TV production, The
* Orthonormal Bases of Non-Separable Wavelets with Sharp Directions
* Outlier rejection by oriented tracks to aid pose estimation from video
* Oversimplified Euler Operators for a Non-oriented, Non-manifold B-Rep Data Structure
* P2CA: A New Face Recognition Scheme Combining 2D and 3D Information
* paintbrush laser range scanner, A
* Pair of On-Center and Off-Center Filters Derived from the First Absolute Central Moment, A
* Palette-Based Image Steganographic Method Using Colour Quantisation, A
* Palm-Line Detection
* Parameter Estimation of Multi-Dimensional Hidden Markov Models: A Scalable Approach
* Partial linear regression for speech-driven talking head application
* Particle Filter Framework Using Optimal Importance Function for Protein Molecules Tracking, A
* partitioning based algorithm to fuzzy co-cluster documents and words, A
* Patch-Based BTF Synthesis for Real-Time Rendering
* Pattern Discovery for Video Surveillance
* Pedestrian Classification from Moving Platforms Using Cyclic Motion Pattern
* Perceptual Meaning of the Estimated Parameters of the Autoregressive Model
* Perceptually Optimized JPEG2000 Coder Based on CIEDE2000 Color Difference Equation
* Perceptually Optimized MPEG Compression of Synthetic Video Sequences
* Performance Characterization for Gaussian Mixture Model Based Motion Detection Algorithms
* Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Verification Systems
* Performance Evaluation of Non-Ideal Iris Based Recognition System Implementing Global ICA Encoding
* Performance Evaluation of Parametric Bias Field Correction
* Performance of an ICA Video Watermarking Scheme Using Informed Techniques
* Permuting and Lifting Wavelet Coding for Structured 3-D Geometry Data with Expanded Nodes
* Photorealistic 3D reconstruction from handheld cameras
* Planar Direct Method: A New Framework for Stereo Vision Based Guidance and Obstacle Detection
* Planar Homography: Accuracy Analysis and Applications
* Pose Estimation for Augmented Reality Applications Using Genetic Algorithm
* Position Prediction Motion-Compensated Interpolation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Temporal Modeling
* Posture Classification in a Multi-Camera Indoor Environment
* practical foveation-based rate-shaping mechanism for MPEG videos, A
* Practical Print-Scan Resilient Watermarking Scheme, A
* Pre-commercial 3D digital TV studio
* Predictive Block-Matching Discrepancy Based Rhombus Pattern Search for Block Motion Estimation
* Predictive Compression of Dynamic 3D Meshes
* Preplanning for high performance autonomous traverse of desert terrain exploiting a priori knowledge to optimize speeds and to detail paths
* Presegmentation of High-Resolution Satellite Images with a Multifractal Reconstruction Scheme Based on an Entropy Criterium
* Preserving boundaries for image texture segmentation using grey level co-occurring probabilities
* Prior Model for Bone Microarchitecture Reconstrution with a Very Limited Number of Projections, A
* Probabilistic Approach for Shadows Modeling and Detection, A
* Probabilistic Living Cell Segmentation Model, A
* Probabilistic Model for Robust Face Alignment in Videos, A
* Probabilistic Shape Descriptor for Triangulated Surfaces
* Processing of Textured Surfaces Represented as Surfel Sets: Representation, Compression and Geodesic Paths
* Progressive Bitstream Transmission over Tandem Channels
* Projective rectification based on relative modification and size extension for stereo image pairs
* Projective-Invariant Digital Image Watermarking Technique Using Four Co-Planar Feature Points
* Properties determining choice of mother wavelet
* Prototype reduction schemes applicable for non-stationary data sets
* Prototype selection for dissimilarity-based classifiers
* Puzzle Temporal Lifting for Wavelet-Based Video Coding
* Quality Assessment Based on Noise Influencing Force
* Quality Assessment Using Data Hiding on Perceptually Important Areas
* Quality Improvement of Free Viewpoint Video on Demand System Using Curved Background Buffer
* Quality Metric for Video Sequences with Temporal Scalability
* Quantifying the Coding Power of Zerotrees of wavelet Coefficients: A Degree-K Zerotree Model
* Quantitative analysis of mathematical documents
* Quantitative Analysis of Microarray Images
* Quantization of Accumulated Diffused Errors in Error Diffusion
* Radical recognition of handwritten Chinese characters using GA-based kernel active shape modelling
* Radiometric Performance Evaluation of ASTER VNIR, SWIR, and TIR
* Rate Allocation Algorithms for Motion Compensated Embedded Video Coders
* Rate Allocation for Prediction Drift Reduction in Video Streaming
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Streaming over Internet Packet Traces
* Rate-Distortion Snake: A Tool for Optimal Shape Coding
* Re-Projective vs. Projective Camera Calibration: Effects on 3D-Reconstruction
* Real Time Facial Expression Recognition from Image Sequences Using Support Vector Machines
* Real-Time 3-D Measurement System Based on Light-Section Method Using Smart Image Sensor
* Real-Time Crowd Density Estimation Using Images
* Real-time face detection and recognition using hybrid-information extracted from face space and facial features
* Real-time Generation of Novel Views of a Dynamic Scene Using Morphing and Visual Hull
* Real-time Human Motion Capturing System
* Real-Time Multiresolutional Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
* Real-time palmprint acquisition system design
* Real-Time Segmentation of Moving Objects in a Video Sequence by a Contrario Detection
* Real-Time Video Annotations for Augmented Reality
* Real-time video effects on a PlayStation2
* Realistic speech animation based on observed 3D face dynamics
* Realtime Head and Hands Tracking by Monocular Vision
* Receiver-Driven Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Light Fields
* Recent advances in image and video retrieval
* Recognition of Complex Human Behaviors in Pool Environment Using Foreground Silhouette
* Recognition of Human Activities Using Space Dependent Switched Dynamical Models
* Recognition-directed recovering of temporal information from handwriting images
* Reconstruction Method of Missing Texture Using Error Reduction Algorithm
* Reconstruction of Cardiac-Gated Dynamic SPECT Images
* Reconstruction of Torn Documents Using Contour Maps
* Recovering 3D Human Pose from Monocular Images
* Recovering Articulated Pose: A Comparison of Two Pre and Postimposed Constraint Methods
* Recovering Facial Shape Using A Statistical Surface Normal Model
* Recursive computation of Tchebichef moment and its inverse transform
* Reduced Complexity Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using a Blind Deconvolution Approach
* Reduced Resolution Update Mode Extension to the H.264 Standard
* Reduced Resolution Update Video Coding with Interblock Filtering of Prediction Error Residuals
* Reducing Aliasing in Wavelets Based Downsampling for Improved Resolution Scalability
* Reducing the Feature Vector Length in Local Binary Pattern Based Face Recognition
* Redundant-Wavelet Watermarking with Pixel-Wise Masking
* Reference Picture Selection in an Already MPEG Encoded Bitstream
* Region-Based Satellite Image Classification: Method and Validation
* Region-of-interest image coding based on EBCOT
* Regularization Framework for Joint Blur Estimation and Super-Resolution of Video Sequences, A
* Regularized Interpolation Using Kronecker Product for Still Images
* Regularized Marching Cubes Mesh
* Regulation probability method for gene selection
* Relationships And Unification of Binary Images Data-Hiding Methods
* Relevance Vector Machine Learning for Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammograms
* Removing Specular Reflection Components for Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
* Rendering Optimizations Guided by Head-Pose Estimates and Their Uncertainty
* requantization algorithm for the transcoding of JPEG images, A
* Resistance Analysis of Scalable Video Fingerprinting Systems Under Fair Collusion Attacks
* Resolution Conversion Integrated with Quantization in Coded Domain for DV to Mpeg-4 Transcoder
* Retinal Image Registration for NIH's ETDRS
* Reversible Data Embedding Into Images Using Wavelet Techniques and Sorting
* Reversible Integer Color Transform with Bit-Constraint
* Reversible watermarking scheme with image-independent embedding capacity
* Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow
* Risk Minimization in Traitors within Traitors in Multimedia Forensics
* Robust and Accurate Registration of Images with Unknown Relative Orientation and Exposure
* Robust and Automatic Face Tracker Dedicated to Broadcast Videos, A
* Robust and Fast Global Motion Estimation Oriented to Video Object Segmentation
* Robust and Real-Time 3D-Face Model Extraction
* Robust Approach to Super-Resolution Sprite Generation, A
* Robust Determination of Rotation-Angles for Closed Regions Using Moments
* robust error concealment technique using data hiding for image and video transmission over lossy channels, A
* Robust fabric defect detection and classification using multiple adaptive wavelets
* Robust Feature Extraction Technique for Texture Image Retrieval
* Robust Highlight Extraction Using Multi-Stream Hidden Markov Models for Baseball Video
* Robust Image Hashing Based on Radial Variance of Pixels
* Robust image watermarking using a chirp detection-based technique
* robust method for detecting arbitrarily tilted human faces in color images, A
* robust method for detecting facial orientation in infrared images, A
* Robust Multiscale Triangle-Area Representation for 2D Shapes
* Robust nonrigid registration to capture brain shift from intraoperative MRI
* Robust Observations for Object Tracking
* Robust Robotic Path Planning Using Level Sets
* Robust Skeletonization Using the Fast Marching Method
* Robust spatial watermarking technique for colour images via direct saturation adjustment
* Robust Structure-Adaptive Hybrid Vector Filter for Color Image Restoration, A
* Robust texture features for still-image retrieval
* Robust Tracking with Motion Estimation and Local Kernel-Based Color Modeling
* Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on Informed Coding and Informed Embedding, A
* Role of Image Recognition in Defining the User's Focus of Attention in 3G Phone Applications: The Agamemnon Experience
* Role of the Virtual Channel in Distributed Source Coding of Video, The
* Rotation Invariant Topology Coding of 2D and 3D Objects Using Morse Theory
* Scalable Multiple Description Video Coding with Flexible Number of Descriptions
* Scalable Video Compression Scheme for Tele-Surveillance Applications Based on Cast Shadow Detection and Modelling
* Scalable, Multi-Stream MPEG-4 Video Decoder for Conferencing and Surveillance Applications, A
* Scale-Adaptive Face Detection and Tracking in Real Time with SSR Filters and Support Vector Machine
* Scaling Detection Method for Watermarked MPEG Content
* Scatter Correction Techniques in High Resolution Detectors Based on Pspmts and Scintillator Arrays: An Evaluation Study
* Scene Analysis for Reducing Motion JPEG 2000 Video Surveillance Delivery Bandwidth and Complexity
* Scene change detection method using two-dimensional DP matching, and image processing apparatus for implementing the method
* Scene-Referred Color Transfer for Pleasant Imaging on Display, A
* Segmentation and Appearance Model Building from an Image Sequence
* Segmentation and Recognition of Traffic Signs Using Shape Information
* Segmentation and Tracking of Mesoscale Eddies in Numeric Ocean Models
* Segmentation Method Using Compound Markov Random Fields Based on a General Boundary Model, A
* Segmentation of Objects in Temporal Images Using the Hidden Markov Model
* Segmentation of Prostate Boundaries Using Regional Contrast Enhancement
* Segmentation of tiny objects in very poor-quality angiogenesis images
* Segmentation of tissue boundary evolution from brain MR image sequences using multi-phase level sets
* Segmenting Non Stationary Images with Triplet Markov Fields
* Segmenting Small Regions in the Presence of Noise
* Selecting a Discriminant Subset of Co-occurrence Matrix Features for Texture-Based Image Retrieval
* Self-Describing Context-Based Pixel Ordering
* Self-organizing Deformable Model: A New Method for Fitting Mesh Model to Given Object Surface
* Semantic classification of movie scenes using finite state machines
* Semantic Kernel Learning for Interactive Image Retrieval
* Semantics Modeling Based Image Retrieval System Using Neural Networks
* Semi-adaptive, convex optimisation methodology for image denoising
* Semi-automatic foreground/background segmentation of motion picture images and image sequences
* Semi-Fragile Watermarking for Video Quality Evaluation in Broadcast Scenario
* Semi-supervised Color Image Segmentation Method, A
* Semi-Supervised Image Database Categorization Using Pairwise Constraints
* Semifragile Hierarchical Watermarking in a Set Theoretic Framework
* Separable Gabor Filter Realization for Fast Fingerprint Enhancement
* Sequential Error Concealment Technique Based on Spiral Recovery Order, A
* Sequential mean field variational analysis of structured deformable shapes
* SFM for Planar Scenes Using Image Derivatives
* Shadow-aware object-based video processing
* Shallow Arc Detection in Disk Surface Images for Disk Forensics
* Shape Contexts and Gabor Features for Face Description and Authentication
* Shape Space Sampling Distributions and Their Impact on Visual Tracking
* Shape-Match Based Algorithm for Pseudo-3D Conversion of 2D Videos, A
* Sharpness Measure: Towards Automatic Image Enhancement
* Shear-Resize Factorizations for Fast Image Registration
* Signal Estimation Using Multiple-Wavelet Representations and Gaussian Models
* Signal subspace approach for narrowband noise reduction in speech
* Silhouette-Based Probabilistic 2D Human Motion Estimation for Real-Time Applications
* Silhouette-Contour Based 3-D Registration Methodology as a Pre-Evaluation Step of 3-D Reconstruction Techniques, A
* Similarity measures for efficient content-based image retrieval
* Similarity-Based and Perception-Based Image Segmentation
* Simple and Efficient Image Enhancement in the Compressed Domain, A
* Simplified Scheme for Hardware-Based Pattern Recognition, A
* Simulating Complex Organ Interactions: Evaluation of a Soft Tissue Discrete Model
* Simultaneous Activity Attenuation Reconstruction in Positron Emission Tomography via Maximum Likelihood and Iterative Methods
* Simultaneous estimation of super-resolved depth map and intensity field using photometric cue
* Simultaneous Map Estimation of Inhomogeneity and Segmentation of Brain Tissues from MR Images
* Simultaneous Super-Resolution for Video Sequences
* Skew correction of business card images acquired in PDA
* Skin detection using pairwise models
* Smooth side-match weighted vector quantiser with variable block size for image coding
* Solving the small sample size problem in face recognition using generalized discriminant analysis
* Solving the Sparse Data Image Restoration Problem by Local Minimization
* Some approaches to improve tree-based nearest neighbour search algorithms
* Source Camera Identification Based on CFA Interpolation
* Spacetime-Continuous Geometry Meshes from Multi-View Video Sequences
* Sparse Edge Coding Using Overcomplete Gabor Wavelets
* Spatial De-Interlacing Using Dynamic Time Warping
* Spatial Domain Analysis on the Focus Measurement for Light Field Rendering
* Spatial error concealment with edge related perceptual considerations
* Spatial Image Hierarchy for Compression in Image-Based-Rendering, A
* Spatially Adaptive Poissonian Image Deblurring, A
* Spatially Consistent 3D Motion Segmentation
* Spatially Varying Gray Component Replacement for Image Watermarking
* Spatio-temporal Attention Model for Video Content Analysis
* Spatio-Temporal Model of the Selective Human Visual Attention, A
* Spatio-temporal Video Error Concealment using Priority-ranked Region-matching
* Spatiotemporal Inpainting for Recovering Texture Maps of Partially Occluded Building Facades
* Speckle Modeling and Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Speckle Reduction in Ultrasound Images by Minimization of Total Variation
* Speckle-Noise Reduction via Rotated Elliptical-Thresholding in an Homomorphic Complex-Wavelet Domain
* Spectral linear mixing model in low spatial resolution image data
* Spiral Coding Order of Macroblocks with Applications to SNR-Scalable Video Compression
* Splines Interpolation in High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Stable Dynamic 3D Shape Models
* Static signature recognition based on left-to-right Hidden Markov Models
* Statistical Approach for Automatic Kidneys Detection, A
* Statistical Behavior of Joint Least-Square Estimation in the Phase Diversity Context
* Statistical Categorization of Human Histological Images
* Statistical Partitioning of Wavelet Subbands for Texture Classification
* Statistical Restoration for Robust and Secure Steganography
* Stereo Matching with Occlusion Detection Using Cost Relaxation
* Stereo video coding based on quad-tree decomposition of B-P frames by motion and disparity interpolation
* Stochastic Frame Buffers for Rate-Distortion Optimized Loss Resilient Video Communications
* Stochastic Mixing Model Approach to Sub-Pixel Target Detection in Hyper-Spectral Images, A
* Stochastic optimisation for high-dimensional tracking in dense range maps
* Stochastic Segmentation of Blood Vessels from Time-Of-Flight
* Structural and Textural Skeletons for Noisy Shapes
* Structurally enhanced latent semantic analysis for video object retrieval
* Structure Driven Substitution of Specular Reflections for Realtime Heart Surface Tracking
* Structure-from-motion using lines: Representation, triangulation, and bundle adjustment
* Study on View-Insensitive Gait Recognition, A
* Super-Resolution from Highly Undersampled Images
* Super-Resolution Mosaicing from MPEG Compressed Video
* Super-Resolution Sharpening-Demosaicking Method for Removing Image Blurs Caused by An Optical Low-Pass Filter
* Supervised image classification by contextual AdaBoost based on posteriors in neighborhoods
* Supervised Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Visualization and Classification
* Surface Model Based on a Fibre Bundle of 1-Parameter Groups of Hamiltonian Lie Algebra, A
* survey of approaches and challenges in 3D and multi-modal 3D-2D face recognition, A
* Symbolic Signatures for Deformable Shapes
* Symmetric Extension for Two-Channel Quincunx Filter Banks
* System Analysis of VLSI Architecture for Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering
* System and method for tracking an object with multiple cameras
* system for matching moving vehicles across different camera sites in outdoor environments, A
* system for real-time XMR guided cardiovascular intervention, A
* Task oriented facial behavior recognition with selective sensing
* Techniques for automated reverse storyboarding
* Temporal Desynchronization Resilient Video Watermarking Scheme Based on Independent Component Analysis, A
* Temporal error concealment algorithm by recursive block-matching principle
* Temporal MTF of Displays and Related Video Signal Processing, The
* Tensor-Like Representation for Averaging, Filtering and Interpolation of 3-D Object Orientation Data, A
* Text Localization and Extraction from Complex Color Images
* Textural Kernel for SVM Classification in Remote Sensing: Application to Forest Fire Detection and Urban Area Extraction
* Texture Analysis and Retrieval Using Fractal Signature and B-Spline Wavelet Transform with Second Order Derivative
* Texture Image Retrieval Using New Rotated Complex Wavelet Filters
* Texture-Adaptive Mother Wavelet Selection for Texture Analysis
* Theoretical Bounds of Majority Voting Performance for a Binary Classification Problem
* Theoretical Model of Relationship Between Frame-Rate and Bit-Rate for Encoding High Frame-Rate Video Signal
* Three-Dimensional Feature Detection Using Optimal Steerable Filters
* Three-Dimensional Nth Derivative of Gaussian Separable Steerable Filters
* Three-Level Graph Based Interactive Volume Segmentation System, A
* Three-View Dense Disparity Estimation with Occlusion Detection
* Through-Wall Imaging (TWI) by Radar: 2-D Tomographic Results and Analyses
* Time-Evolving 3D Model Representation for Scalable Video Coding
* Tool for Storm Analysis Using Multiple Data Sets
* Top-down induction of decision trees classifiers: A survey
* Toward a Unified Probabilistic Framework for Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Toward Improved Wavelet-Based Watermarking Using the Pixel-Wise Masking Model
* Toward Real Time Fractal Image Compression Using Graphics Hardware
* Towards a Semantic-Driven Metric for Image Quality
* Towards Arbitrary Camera Movements for Image Cube Trajectory Analysis
* Towards Pose Invariant Gait Reconstruction
* Towards Robust Head Tracking By Particles
* Tracking based motion segmentation under relaxed statistical assumptions
* Tracking Multiple Cells by Correspondence Resolution in a Sequential Bayesian Framework
* Tracking of Moving Objects Under Severe and Total Occlusions
* Tracking Points on Deformable Objects with Ranklets
* Tracking soccer players aiming their kinematical motion analysis
* Tracking the Translational and Rotational Movement of the Ball Using High-Speed Camera Movies
* Trademark Retrieval Based On Block Feature Index Code
* Transcoding Robust Data Hiding Method for Image Communication Applications, A
* Transcranial Ultrasonography System for Visualizing Skull and Brain Surface Aided by Fuzzy Expert System
* Transform-Domain Wiener Filtering for H.264/AVC Video Encoding and its Implementation
* Transmission and Quantization Error Concealment for JPEG Color Images Using Geometry-Driven Diffusion
* Transmission of JPEG2000 Code-Streams over Mobile Radio Channels
* Tree Structure Search for Matching Pursuit
* Tree-Structured Model of Visual Appearance Applied to Gaze Tracking, A
* Two Novel Complete Sets of Similarity Invariants
* Two preprocessing techniques based on grey level and geometric thickness to improve segmentation results
* Two-Level Adaptive Denoising Using Gaussian Scale Mixtures in Overcomplete Oriented Pyramids
* Two-level Dynamic Model for The Representation And Recognition of Cortical Folding Patterns, A
* Two-Step Variance-Adaptive Image Denoising
* Uncalibrated Active Stereo for Wide and Dense 3D Data Acquisition
* Uncalibrated Interpolation of Rigid Displacements for View Synthesis
* Uncertainty Penalized Weighted Least Squares Framework for PET Reconstruction Under Uncertain System Models
* Unequal Error Protection and Progressive Decoding for JPEG2000
* Unified algorithm to generate Walsh functions in four different orderings and its programmable hardware implementations
* Unified Model of GMRF and MOG for Image Segmentation, A
* Unified Text Extraction Method for Instructional Videos, A
* Unifying Multiple Description Facets for Symbolic Image Retrieval
* Universal Image Coding Using Multiscale Recurrent Patterns and Prediction
* Universal Morphological Interpolator
* Unmixing Tissues: Sparse Component Analysis in Multi-Contrast MRI
* Unsupervised possibilistic clustering
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Color Quantization And Color Feature Distributions
* Using Appearance and Context for Outdoor Scene Object Classification
* Using Independent Subspace Analysis for Selecting Filters Used in Texture Processing
* Using Linguistic Models for Image Retrieval
* Using Multimodal MR Data for Segmentation and Topology Recovery of the Cerebral Superficial Venous Tree
* Using Tsallis Entropy into a Bayesian Network for CBIR
* Using Visual Features for Anti-Spam Filtering
* Utilizing Edge to Extract Roads in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* UvA color document dataset, The
* Validation of ASTER/TIR Standard Atmospheric Correction Using Water Surfaces
* Variable Background Active Contour Model for Automatic Detection of Thyroid Nodules in Ultrasound Images, A
* Variable complexity motion compensated error concealment in video coding
* Variable Frame Skipping Scheme Based on Estimated Quality of Non-coded Frames at Decoder for Real-Time Video Coding
* Variable Module Graphs: A Framework For Inference and Learning in Modular Vision Systems
* Variational Level Set Methods: From Continuous to Discrete Setting, Applications in Video Segmentation and Tracking
* Variational Multi-Wavelet Restoration of Noisy Images
* Variational Segmentation of Color Images
* Vector Quantization for Image Classification with Side Information for the Additive Gaussian Noise Channels
* Vectorial Self-dual Morphological Filter Based on Total Variation Minimization, A
* Vehicle Mounted Wide FOV Stereo for Traffic and Pedestrian Detection
* Vicarious Calibration of ASTER Thermal Infrared Bands
* Video Classification Using a Tree-Based RBF Network
* Video Codec for Classical Cartoon Animations with Hardware Accelerated Playback
* Video Coding with Flexible MCTF Structures for Low End-to-End Delay
* Video Coding with Mc-Ezbc and Redundant-Wavelet Multihypothesis
* Video Compression using Blur Compensation
* Video Compression Using Structural Flow
* Video Interpolation Through Green's Functions of Matching Equations
* Video Retrieval Using Dialogue, Keyframe Similarity and Video Objects
* Video Summarization for Multiple Path Communication
* Video Watermarking in the 3D-DWT Domain Using Perceptual Masking
* View Independent Face Recognition Based on Kernel Principal Component Analysis of Local Parts
* View-And Texture-Independent Facial Expression Recognition in Videos Using Dynamic Programming
* Viewpoint Interpolation Using an Ellipsoid Head Model for Video Teleconferencing
* Viewpoint Invariant Sign Language Recognition
* Visual Data Rate Gain for Wavelet Foveated Image Coding
* Visual Features for Image Quality Assessment with Reduced Reference
* Visual Inspection of Particle Boards for Quality Assessment
* Visual media production
* Visual Media Retrieval Using Transform-Based Layered Query Scheme
* Visual Tracking for Seamless 3D Interactions in Augmented Reality
* Visual Tracking Using Sequential Importance Sampling with a State Partition Technique
* Visual Tracking via Efficient Kernel Discriminant Subspace Learning
* Voting-based simultaneous tracking of multiple video objects
* Watermarking JBIG2 Text Region for Image Authentication
* Wavelet Atoms Approximation for Simultaneous Image Compression and De-Noising
* Wavelet Based Adaptive Algorithm for Mammographic Images Enhancement and Denoising
* Wavelet Image Coding Using the Spherical Representation
* Wavelet Packet Based Block-Partitioning Image Coding Algorithm with Rate-Distortion Optimization, A
* Wavelet Transform Based Gaussian Point Spread Function Estimation
* Wavelet Transform-Based Interferometric SAR Coherence Estimator
* Wavelet tree classification and hybrid coding for image compression
* Wavelet-Based Illumination Normalization for Face Recognition
* Wavelet-Based Multiple Description Coding of Images with Iterative Convex Optimization Techniques
* Wavelet-based Texture Features: A New Method for Sub-band Characterization
* What's NEXT? An interactive next best view approach
* Where Are Linear Feature Extraction Methods Applicable?
* Which differintegration?
* Wide Color Gamut Displays using Led Backlight: Signal Processing Circuits, Color Calibration System and Multi-Primaries
* Wrapper-Based Approach to Image Segmentation and Classification, A
* WYNER-ZIV Video Side Estimator: Conventional Motion Search Methods Revisited
* WYSIWYG-Tool Tips: Enhancing Tool Tips with Translucent Preview Bitmaps
* Zero-Pinning the Bernstein Polynomial: A Simple Design Technique for Orthonormal Wavelets
* Zoom on Target While Tracking
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.