Update Dates 0804

0804 * *IAPR Tutorials on Topics in 2D Image Analysis, Computer Vision
* 1001 Acquisition viewpoints: efficient and versatile view-dependent modeling of real-world scenes
* 1D-LDA vs. 2D-LDA: When is vector-based linear discriminant analysis better than matrix-based?
* 2D Gaborface representation method for face recognition with ensemble and multichannel model
* 2D motion aided sampling and reconstruction
* 3D Hair Sketching for real-time dynamic and key frame animations
* 3D Image Topological Structuring with an Oriented Boundary Graph for Split and Merge Segmentation
* 3D Mesh Segmentation Using Mean-Shifted Curvature
* 3D modeling and free-view generation system using environmental stereo cameras, A
* 3d mosaics with variable-sized tiles
* 3D scene analysis from a single range image through occlusion graphs
* 3D Shape-Encoded Particle Filter for Object Tracking and Its Application to Human Body Tracking
* AACS-compatible multimedia joint encryption and fingerprinting: Security issues and some solutions
* About the Frequencies of Some Patterns in Digital Planes: Application to Area Estimators
* Accelerating the Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform on Commodity Graphics Hardware
* Accuracy assessment of high resolution satellite imagery orientation by leave-one-out method
* Accurate and precise 2D-3D registration based on X-ray intensity
* Accurate image reconstruction from few-view and limited-angle data in diffraction tomography Virtual Journal
* Accurate Localization of Brain Activity in Presurgical fMRI by Structure Adaptive Smoothing
* Accurate Object Recognition Using Orientation Sensor with Refinement on the Lie Group of Spatial Rigid Motions
* Active Learning for Interactive Multimedia Retrieval
* Active object recognition based on Fourier descriptors clustering
* Activity based surveillance video content modelling
* Activity Recognition for the Digital Home
* Activity Representation Using 3D Shape Models
* Adaptation of Zerotrees Using Signed Binary Digit Representations for 3D Image Coding
* Adaptive Bilateral Filter for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Removal
* Adaptive Morphological Filtering Using Similarities Based on Geodesic Time
* Adaptive slice-level parallelism for H.264/AVC encoding using pre macroblock mode selection
* Advanced side information creation techniques and framework for Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Advances in Constrained Connectivity
* Advances in fingerprint modeling
* Age-based face recognition
* Agent-based modelling and simulation for the analysis of social patterns
* Aircraft recognition in infrared image using wavelet moment invariants
* Algorithmic and Architectural Optimizations for Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering
* Analysis and Semantic Querying in Large Biomedical Image Datasets
* analysis of facial expression recognition under partial facial image occlusion, An
* Analysis of skin images using texture descriptor by a combined statistical and structural approach
* Animation Key-Frame Extraction and Simplification Using Deformation Analysis
* Anisotropic virtual electric field for active contours
* Anthropocentric Video Analysis: Tools and Applications
* Anthropocentric Video Segmentation for Lecture Webcasts
* Application of smoothing technique on twin support vector machines
* Application Potential of Multimedia Information Retrieval
* Applying machine consciousness models in autonomous situated agents
* Approximate Distribution for the Normalized Cut, An
* Approximating hv-Convex Binary Matrices and Images from Discrete Projections
* Arabic handwritten digit recognition
* architecture based on reconfigurability and asynchronism for real-time image processing, An
* Architecture Design of Shape-Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform and Its Inverse for MPEG-4 Video Coding
* Are the Wavelet Transforms the Best Filter Banks for Image Compression?
* Area Collapse and Road Centerlines based on Straight Skeletons
* ARMOR: A system for adjusting repair and media scaling for video streaming
* Artifactual time-course correlations in echo-planar fMRI with implications for studies of brain function
* Artificial Creatures for Object Tracking and Segmentation
* ASIP-based reconfigurable architectures for power-efficient and real-time image/video processing
* Aspects of generating precise digital terrain models in the Wadden Sea from lidar-water classification and structure line extraction
* Aspects on the reverse fuzzy distance transform
* Assessing Geometric Reliability of Corrected Images from Very High Resolution Satellites
* Assessing spatial probabilistic distributional differences in the common space between schizophrenics and normal controls based on a novel automated probabilistic pattern analysis method
* Attention can improve a simple model for object recognition
* Automated co-registration of images from multiple bands of Liss-4 camera
* Automated encoding of footwear patterns for fast indexing
* Automated Facial Pose Extraction From Video Sequences Based on Mutual Information
* Automated Searching of Ground Points from Airborne Lidar Data Using a Climbing and Sliding Method
* Automatic creation and evaluation of MPEG-7 compliant summary descriptions for generic audiovisual content
* Automatic detection of salient objects and spatial relations in videos for a video database system
* Automatic Eye Winks Interpretation System for Human-Machine Interface
* Automatic face authentication with self compensation
* Automatic Gender Recognition Based on Pixel-Pattern-Based Texture Feature
* Automatic Generation of 3D Radar Display Views
* Automatic Georeferencing of Airborne Pushbroom Scanner Images With Missing Ancillary Data Using Mutual Information
* Automatic Player Detection, Labeling and Tracking in Broadcast Soccer Video
* Automatic PolyCube-Maps
* Automatic Recognition of Hand Gestures with Differential Evolution
* Automatic skin decomposition based on single image
* Automatic soccer players tracking in goal scenes by camera motion elimination
* Automatic spatial analysis and pedestrian flow control for real-time crowd simulation in an urban environment
* Automatic Tortuosity-Based Retinopathy of Prematurity Screening System
* Automatic Video Classification: A Survey of the Literature
* Automatic Video Object Extraction With Camera In Motion
* Automatically and Accurately Conflating Raster Maps with Orthoimagery
* Automation techniques for implementation of hybrid wave-pipelined 2D DWT
* Bargaining Theoretic Approach to Quality-Fair System Resource Allocation for Multiple Decoding Tasks, A
* Bayesian Learning with Gaussian Processes for Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Data
* Better multiclass classification via a margin-optimized single binary problem
* Bicubic G1 Interpolation of Irregular Quad Meshes Using a 4-Split
* Bilateral learning for color-based tracking
* Binomial Convolutions and Derivatives Estimation from Noisy Discretizations
* Biomedical Image Sequence Analysis with Application to Automatic Quantitative Assessment of Facial Paralysis
* Biometrics and their use in e-passports
* Bit-depth scalability compatible to H.264/avc-scalable extension
* Blind Deconvolution Models Regularized by Fractional Powers of the Laplacian
* Blind image deconvolution by means of asymmetric multiplicative iterative algorithm
* blind source separation-based method for multiple images encryption, A
* Block-Based Adaptive Vector Lifting Schemes for Multichannel Image Coding
* Block-Coordinate Gauss-Newton Optimization and Constrained Monotone Regression for Image Registration in the Presence of Outlier Objects
* Book Scanner Dewarping with Weak 3d Measurements and a Simplified Surface Model
* Boosting encoded dynamic features for facial expression recognition
* Boosting recombined weak classifiers
* Boundary extraction of linear features using dual paths through gradient profiles
* Bounding the Distance between a Loop Subdivision Surface and Its Limit Mesh
* Brain Anatomical Structure Segmentation by Hybrid Discriminative/Generative Models
* Branch and Bound Algorithm for Medical Image Registration, A
* Cache Optimization for H.264/AVC Motion Compensation
* Calibration and Assessment of Multitemporal Imagebased Cellular Automata for Urban Growth Modeling
* Camera calibration for natural image studies and vision research
* Camera calibration from human motion
* Camera Motion Estimation Through Planar Deformation Determination
* Cancellation of Critical Points in 2D and 3D Morse and Morse-Smale Complexes
* Carving Framework for Topology Simplification of Polygonal Meshes, A
* Celebrating 40 years of Pattern Recognition: In his own words
* Celebrating 40 years of Pattern Recognition: Introductory remarks
* Celebrating 40 years of Pattern Recognition: Reflections
* Center of Mass-Based Adaptive Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Centralized Resource Allocation for Multimedia Traffic in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks
* Change Detection Techniques for Use in a Statewide Forest Inventory Program
* Characterizing and Detecting Toric Loops in n-Dimensional Discrete Toric Spaces
* Clarification of Assumptions in the Relationship between the Bayes Decision Rule and the Whitened Cosine Similarity Measure
* Classification of Digital Covering Spaces, The
* Classification of Fuzzy Mathematical Morphologies Based on Concepts of Inclusion Measure and Duality
* Classification of Seafloor Habitats Using Genetic Programming
* Classification of Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery Based on the Fusion of Edge and Multispectral Information
* Classification-based vehicle detection in high-resolution satellite images
* Classifying Multilevel Imagery From SAR and Optical Sensors by Decision Fusion
* Cluster-based visualisation with scatter matrices
* Clustering of biological time series by cepstral coefficients based distances
* Co-registration of in vivo human MRI brain images to postmortem histological microscopic images
* coarse-grain reconfigurable architecture for multimedia applications featuring subword computation capabilities, A
* Color Image Coding by Colorization Approach
* Color in Image and Video Processing
* Color in Image and Video Processing: Most Recent Trends and Future Research Directions
* Color PCA eigenimages and their application to compression and watermarking
* Color Subspaces as Photometric Invariants
* Color Targets: Fiducials to Help Visually Impaired People Find Their Way by Camera Phone
* Color Topographic Map Based on the Dichromatic Reflectance Model, A
* Color-Based Image Retrieval Using Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance
* Colour Vision Model-Based Approach for Segmentation of Traffic Signs
* Combination of Accumulated Motion and Color Segmentation for Human Activity Analysis
* Combinatorial View of Digital Convexity
* Combined input variable selection and model complexity control for nonlinear regression
* combined Markovian and Dirichlet sub-mixture modeling for evidence assignment: Application to image fusion, A
* Combining Attention Model with Hierarchical Graph Representation for Region-Based Image Retrieval
* Combining the rate adaptation and quality adaptation schemes for wireless video streaming
* Combining vector ordering and spatial information for color image interpolation
* comment on 'Laplacian linear discriminant analysis', A
* Comment on Constructing Regularity Feature Trees for Solid Models, A
* Comparative Study of Contour Detection Evaluation Criteria Based on Dissimilarity Measures
* Comparative Study of Energy Minimization Methods for Markov Random Fields with Smoothness-Based Priors, A
* Comparing active vision models
* Comparing Small Visual Differences between Conforming Meshes
* Comparison of Coincident Landsat-5 TM and Resourcesat-1 AWiFS Imagery for Classifying Croplands, A
* Comparison of Image Transform-Based Features for Visual Speech Recognition in Clean and Corrupted Videos
* Comparison of Local and Global Region Merging in the Topological Map
* Comparison of Nine Fusion Techniques for Very High Resolution Data
* Comparison of Residence Time Estimation Methods for Radioimmunotherapy Dosimetry and Treatment Planning: Monte Carlo Simulation Studies
* Comparison of Single- and Multi-date Landsat Data for Mapping Wildfire Scars in Ocala National Forest, Florida
* Comparison of Spectral Analysis Techniques for Impervious Surface Estimation Using Landsat Imagery
* Compensation of Requantization and Interpolation Errors in MPEG-2 to H.264 Transcoding
* compressed-domain approach for shot boundary detection on H.264/avc bit streams, A
* Compression and Transmission of Weather Data
* Compression of Human Motion Animation Using the Reduction of Interjoint Correlation
* Compression of Multidimensional Images Using JPEG2000
* Computing Admissible Rotation Angles from Rotated Digital Images
* Computing Epipolar Geometry from Unsynchronized Cameras
* Computing Homology Generators for Volumes Using Minimal Generalized Maps
* Conditional Copulas for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
* Conditional Random Fields for Activity Recognition
* Connectivity Preserving Voxel Transformation
* Consistent mesh partitioning and skeletonisation using the shape diameter function
* Constrained image reconstruction for magnetic detection electrical impedance tomography
* constrained region growing approach based on watershed for the segmentation of low contrast structures in bone micro-CT images, A
* Constraints for closest point finding
* Construction of parametric biorthogonal wavelet filter banks with two parameters for image coding
* Content analysis based smart macroblock rearrangement for error resilience in wireless video transmission
* Content-Adaptive Packetization and Streaming of Wavelet Video over IP Networks
* Contextual motion field-based distance for video analysis
* Continued Fractions and Digital Lines with Irrational Slopes
* Continuous Collision Detection between Two 2-D Curved-Edge Polygons under Rational Motions
* Continuous collision detection for adaptive simulation of articulated bodies
* Continuous K -Nearest Neighbor Query for Moving Objects with Uncertain Velocity
* Continuous Sampling in Mutual-Information Registration
* Contour simplification using a multi-scale local phase analysis
* Contour-motion feature (CMF): A space-time approach for robust pedestrian detection
* Contourlet-Based Embedded Image Coding Scheme on Low Bit-Rate, A
* Contourlet-based image adaptive watermarking
* Controlling Torsion Sign
* Convergence of Fixed Point Iteration for Modified Restoration Problems
* Convergence Proof for the Horn-Schunck Optical-Flow Computation Scheme Using Neighborhood Decomposition, A
* Convex Surface Interpolation
* Correcting image defects of stained glass windows
* Cross-Layer Design for QoS Support in Multihop Wireless Networks
* Cross-Resolution Leaky Prediction Scheme for In-Band Wavelet Video Coding With Spatial Scalability, A
* Cross-validation and bootstrapping are unreliable in small sample classification
* Cryptanalysis of an Image Scrambling Scheme Without Bandwidth Expansion
* Cued Speech Gesture Recognition: A First Prototype Based on Early Reduction
* Curvature-based perceptual singularities and texture saliency with early vision mechanisms
* customized Gabor filter for unsupervised color image segmentation, A
* Cutting and Fracturing Models without Remeshing
* Cyclopean geometry of binocular vision
* Data Combination and Feature Selection for Multisource Forest Inventory
* Data fusion
* Data-Level Fusion of Multilook Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Decision Fusion With Confidence-Based Weight Assignment for Hyperspectral Target Recognition
* Decision-based Fusion for Improved Fluvial Landscape Classification Using Digital Aerial Photographs and Forward Looking Infrared Images
* Decomposition and Construction of Neighbourhood Operations Using Linear Algebra
* Deconvolution methods for image deblurring in optical coherence tomography
* Defining a new feature set for content-based image analysis using histogram refinement
* Deformation and Smooth Joining of Mesh Models for Cardiac Surgical Simulation
* Delaunay meshing of isosurfaces
* Demosaicking Based on Optimization and Projection in Different Frequency Bands
* Denoising of multicomponent images using wavelet least-squares estimators
* Deriving distance metrics from generality relations
* Design and Implementation of a Foveal Projection Display
* Design options and comparison of in-network H.264/SVC adaptation
* Designing a Multi-Objective, Multi-Support Accuracy Assessment of the 2001 National Land Cover Data (NLCD 2001) of the Conterminous United States
* Detecting roads in aerial images using feature-based classifiers
* Detecting the Most Unusual Part of a Digital Image
* Detection and recognition of contour parts based on shape similarity
* Detection and Tracking of Humans and Faces
* Detection of Planar Regions in Volume Data for Topology Optimization
* Detection threshold for non-parametric estimation
* Determination of camera parameters for character motions using motion area
* Determining Directional Contact Range of Two Convex Polyhedra
* Determining Whether a Simplicial 3-Complex Collapses to a 1-Complex Is NP-Complete
* Deterministic Turing Machine for Context Sensitive Translation of Braille Codes to Urdu Text, A
* Dichromatic illumination estimation without pre-segmentation
* Differences in temporal frequency tuning between the two binocular mechanisms for seeing motion in depth Virtual Journal
* Digital Design for Functionally Graded Material Components Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing
* Digital Geometry Processing with Topological Guarantees
* Digital Planar Surface Segmentation Using Local Geometric Patterns
* Digital Segments and Hausdorff Discretization
* Digital shallow depth-of-field adapter for photographs
* Digitally Continuous Multivalued Functions
* Digitization of non-regular shapes in arbitrary dimensions
* Dilation-run wavelet image coding
* Dim target detection and tracking based on empirical mode decomposition
* Direct 3D Metric Reconstruction from Multiple Views Using Differential Evolution
* Directional Discrete Cosine Transforms: A New Framework for Image Coding
* Directional Structures Detection Based on Morphological Line-Segment and Orientation Functions
* Discrete 2D and 3D euclidean medial axis in higher resolution
* Discrete Approach for Supervised Pattern Recognition, A
* Discrete Complex Structure on Surfel Surfaces
* Discrete Modelling of Soil Fragments Transport by Runoff, A
* Discrete Tomography Reconstruction through a New Memetic Algorithm
* Discrimination of isotrigon textures using the Rényi entropy of Allan variances
* Distance functions for categorical and mixed variables
* distance template for octree traversal in CPU-based volume ray casting, A
* Distance Transformation on Two-Dimensional Irregular Isothetic Grids
* Distributed media rate allocation in multipath networks
* Distributed Stream Multiplexing Architecture for Multi-Chip Configuration beyond HDTV, A
* Distributed Video Coding using Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation
* Does compression affect image retrieval performance?
* Downscaling and Assimilation of Surface Soil Moisture Using Ground Truth Measurements
* Dual Two-Dimensional Fuzzy Class Preserving Projections for Facial Expression Recognition
* Dynamic clustering of interval data using a Wasserstein-based distance
* Dynamic face recognition: From human to machine vision
* Dynamic Shape and Appearance Modeling via Moving and Deforming Layers
* Dynamically restricted codebook-based vector quantisation scheme for mesh geometry compression
* Ecological Framework for Evaluating Map Errors Using Fuzzy Sets, An
* Edge-Preserving Filtering of Images with Low Photon Counts
* Edge-Sensing Predictor in Wavelet Lifting Structures for Lossless Image Coding, An
* Effective and efficient browsing of image databases
* Effects of Navigation Sensors and Spatial Road Network Data Quality on the Performance of Map Matching Algorithms, The
* Efficiency of capturing a phase image using cone-beam x-ray Talbot interferometry
* Efficient 3D characterization of raised topological defects in smooth specular coatings
* Efficient and Quasi Linear Worst-Case Time Algorithm for Digital Plane Recognition, An
* Efficient Collision Detection Using a Dual Bounding Volume Hierarchy
* Efficient computation of joint fractional Fourier domain signal representation
* Efficient edge-preserving algorithm for color contrast enhancement with application to color image segmentation
* Efficient embedded wavelet codec based on list structure
* Efficient Implementation Techniques for Topological Predicates on Complex Spatial Objects
* Efficient Macroblock Mode Derivation in ESS Based on Local Characteristics of Video Objects
* Efficient Maintenance of Continuous Queries for Trajectories
* Efficient multi-resolution histogram matching for fast image/video retrieval
* Efficient multiple faces tracking based on Relevance Vector Machine and Boosting learning
* Efficient Object-Based Video Inpainting
* Efficient Pan-Sharpening Method via a Combined Adaptive PCA Approach and Contourlets, An
* Efficient Rate Control for Lossless Mode of JPEG2000
* Efficient reconstruction from non-uniform point sets
* Efficient Reference Frame Selector for H.264
* Efficient video retrieval using index structure
* Efficient Visual Search for Objects in Videos
* efficient VLSI architecture and FPGA implementation of the Finite Ridgelet Transform, An
* Elucidating Structure and Function In Vivo With Hybrid Fluorescence and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* EM enhancement of 3D head pose estimated by point at infinity
* Embedded zerotree wavelets coding based on adaptive fuzzy clustering for image compression
* Empirical evaluation of combining unobtrusiveness and security requirements in multimodal biometric systems
* Enabling Location-based Services: Multi-Graph Representation of Transportation Networks
* Enabling Seamless Access to Digital Graphical Contents for Visually Impaired Individuals via Semantic-Aware Processing
* Energy-Efficient Transmission of Wavelet-Based Images in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Enhancing decision combination of face and fingerprint by exploitation of individual classifier space: An approach to multi-modal biometry
* Enriching a motion database by analogous combination of partial human motions
* Ensemble clustering with voting active clusters
* Equivalence between Closed Connected n-G-Maps without Multi-Incidence and n-Surfaces
* Error resiliency transcoding and decoding solutions using distributed video coding techniques
* error resilient video coding and transmission solution over error-prone channels, An
* Estimating pedestrian counts in groups
* Estimation of Forest Stand Characteristics Using Spectral Histograms Derived from an Ikonos Satellite Image
* Estimation of Vector Fields in Unconstrained and Inequality Constrained Variational Problems for Segmentation and Registration
* Euclidean color-difference formula for small-medium color differences in log-compressed OSA-UCS space
* Euclidean Eccentricity Transform by Discrete Arc Paving
* Evaluating Neural Networks and Evidence Pooling for Land Cover Mapping
* Evaluation and Implementation of the OGC Web Processing Service for Use in Client-Side GIS
* evaluation of area morphology scale-spaces for colour images, An
* Event Mining in Multimedia Streams
* Evolutionary Approach for Ontology Driven Image Interpretation, An
* Evolutionary Framework for Colorimetric Characterization of Scanners, An
* Evolutionary Object Detection by Means of Naďve Bayes Models Estimation
* evolutionary patch pattern approach for texture discrimination, An
* Evolutionary Pointillist Modules: Evolving Assemblages of 3D Objects
* Exact image reconstruction from a limited number of projections
* Exact, Non-iterative Mojette Inversion Technique Utilising Ghosts, An
* Experimental Comparison of Continuous and Discrete Tangent Estimators Along Digital Curves
* Expression-invariant face recognition by facial expression transformations
* Extension of cascaded simple feature based face detection to facial expression recognition
* extension of min/max flow framework, An
* Extraction of Impervious Surface Areas from High Spatial Resolution Imagery by Multiple Agent Segmentation and Classification
* Face detection and tracking using a Boosted Adaptive Particle Filter
* Face modeling and editing with statistical local feature control models
* Face recognition with disguise and single gallery images
* Face Sketch Synthesis Algorithm Based on E-HMM and Selective Ensemble
* Face-Based Digital Signatures for Video Retrieval
* Facial feature extraction by a cascade of model-based algorithms
* Facial Image Processing
* Factors Affecting Spatial Variation of Classification Uncertainty in an Image Object-based Vegetation Mapping
* Factors affecting the psychophysical image quality evaluation of mobile phone displays: the case of transmissive liquid-crystal displays
* fast accumulative motion orientation model based on integral image for video smoke detection, A
* Fast and Local Fairing of B-Spline Curves and Surfaces
* fast and low memory image coding algorithm based on lifting wavelet transform and modified SPIHT, A
* Fast and Robust Generation of Feature Maps for Region-Based Visual Attention
* Fast and scalable computations of 2D image moments
* Fast computation of accurate Zernike moments
* Fast computation of geometric moments using a symmetric kernel
* fast feature-assisted adaptive early termination approach for multiple reference frames motion estimation in H.264, A
* Fast Image Mosaicing Based on Histograms
* Fast Inverse Motion Compensation Algorithm for DCT-Domain Video Transcoder, A
* Fast mode decision on H.264/AVC baseline profile for real-time performance
* Fast Moment Generating Architectures
* Fast Multi-template Matching Using a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for PCB Inspection
* Fast perceptual region tracking with coding-depth sensitive access for stream transcoding
* Fast sum of absolute transformed difference based 4x4 intra-mode decision of H.264/AVC video coding standard
* Fast Zernike moments
* Feasibility assessment of vision-based surface roughness parameters acquisition for different types of machined specimens
* Feature based RDWT watermarking for multimodal biometric system
* Feature selection for content-based image retrieval
* feature-based robust digital image watermarking against geometric attacks, A
* Finding the Orthogonal Hull of a Digital Object: A Combinatorial Approach
* Fingerprint Silicon Replicas: Static And Dynamic Features For Vitality Detection Using An Optical Capture Device
* Finite Element Methods for Geometric Modeling and Processing Using General Fourth Order Geometric Flows
* First Look into a Formal and Constructive Approach for Discrete Geometry Using Nonstandard Analysis, A
* First Results for 3D Image Segmentation with Topological Map
* Five-Stage Pipeline, 204 Cycles/MB, Single-Port SRAM-Based Deblocking Filter for H.264/AVC, A
* Flexible Video CODEC System for Super High Resolution Video, A
* Fluid Registration of Diffusion Tensor Images Using Information Theory
* forward/backward principal component analysis of Landsat-7 ETM+ data to enhance the spectral signal of burnt surfaces, A
* Fourier Domain Framework for Variational Image Registration, A
* Fourier-based geometric shape prior for snakes
* FPGA-based minutia matching for biometric fingerprint image database retrieval
* Frame-level bit allocation based on incremental PID algorithm and frame complexity estimation
* Framework for Handling Spatiotemporal Variations in Video Copy Detection, A
* framework of region-based spatial relations for non-overlapping features and its application in object based image analysis, A
* Frequency Implementation of the Euler-Lagrange Equations for Variational Image Registration
* From Inpainting to Active Contours
* Full-sky autonomous star identification based on radial and cyclic features of star pattern
* Full-waveform topographic lidar: State-of-the-art
* Fusion of Appearance Image and Passive Stereo Depth Map for Face Recognition Based on the Bilateral 2DLDA
* Fusion of Hyperspectral and LIDAR Remote Sensing Data for Classification of Complex Forest Areas
* Fusion of Vegetation Indices Using Continuous Belief Functions and Cautious-Adaptive Combination Rule
* Fuzzy ARTMAP-based Neurocomputational Spatial Uncertainty Measures
* Fuzzy Color-Based Approach for Understanding Animated Movies Content in the Indexing Task, A
* Fuzzy Fractal Analysis of Molecular Imaging Data
* Fuzzy Hybrid Method for Image Decomposition Problem, A
* Fuzzy Mode Enhancement and Detection for Color Image Segmentation
* Fuzzy rough sets hybrid scheme for motion and scene complexity adaptive deinterlacing
* Fuzzy-based algorithm for color recognition of license plates
* Fuzzy-Logic Congestion Control of Transcoded Video Streaming Without Packet Loss Feedback
* GA-Based Feature Selection Algorithm for Remote Sensing Images, A
* Gaussian kernel-based fuzzy c-means algorithm with a spatial bias correction, A
* Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Human Motion
* general quantitative cryptanalysis of permutation-only multimedia ciphers against plaintext attacks, A
* general recursive linear method and unique solution pattern design for the perspective-n-point problem, A
* generalization of dissimilarity representations using feature lines and feature planes, A
* Generalization-oriented Road Line Classification by Means of an Artificial Neural Network
* generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-based distance measures for content-based fMRI image retrieval, A
* Generalizing the Lucas-Kanade algorithm for histogram-based tracking
* Generating Seams And Wrinkles For Virtual Clothing
* Generating Segmented Quality Meshes from Images
* Generation and Recognition of Digital Planes Using Multi-dimensional Continued Fractions
* Generation of Advanced ERS and Envisat Interferometric SAR Products Using the Stable Point Network Technique
* Generative models for similarity-based classification
* generic approach to semantic video indexing using adaptive fusion of multimodal classifiers, A
* genetic algorithm with chromosome-repairing for min-# and min-epsilon polygonal approximation of digital curves, A
* Genetic Algorithms for the Calibration of Cellular Automata Urban Growth Modeling
* Geodesic as Limit of Geodesics on PL-Surfaces
* Geodesy on label images, and applications to video sequence processing
* Geographical model for precise agriculture monitoring with real-time remote sensing
* Geometric Approach for Regularization of the Data Term in Stereo-Vision, A
* Geometric Calibration of Projector Imagery on Curved Screen Based-on Subdivision Mesh
* Geometric Feature Estimators for Noisy Discrete Surfaces
* Geometric Observers for Dynamically Evolving Curves
* Geometric Variability of the Scoliotic Spine Using Statistics on Articulated Shape Models
* Geometry-Based Image Retrieval in Binary Image Databases
* Gift-Wrapping Based Preimage Computation Algorithm
* Global Optimization for First Order Markov Random Fields with Submodular Priors
* Global Optimization versus Deterministic Pruning for the Classification of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Glove-Based Approach to Online Signature Verification
* Good methods for coping with missing data in decision trees
* GPU favor representation method for plenoptic-illumination function based on an efficient spherical partition scheme, A
* Gradient-based local affine invariant feature extraction for mobile robot localization in indoor environments
* Guest editorial: Special issue on multimedia information retrieval
* Guide to the Carnegie Mellon University Multimodal Activity (CMU-MMAC) Database
* Habitat Mapping in Rugged Terrain Using Multispectral Ikonos Images
* Handwriting verification: Comparison of a multi-algorithmic and a multi-semantic approach
* Hardware-accelerated Parallel-split Shadow Maps
* Hausdorff and Minimal Distances between Parametric Freeforms in R2 and R3
* hierarchical clustering algorithm based on the Hungarian method, A
* Hierarchical Compositional Model for Face Representation and Sketching, A
* Hierarchical group process representation in multi-agent activity recognition
* Hierarchical part-type segmentation using voxel-based curve skeletons
* High Resolution Elevation Data Derived from Stereoscopic Corona Imagery with Minimal Ground Control: An Approach Using Ikonos and Srtm Data
* Highly accurate reconstruction algorithm for bandwidth-limited signals and application to fringe signal recovery
* Histogram Equalization-Based Thresholding
* Holy Grail of Multimedia Information Retrieval: So Close or Yet So Far Away?, The
* homotopy-based approach for computing defocus blur and affine transform simultaneously, A
* Hue and saturation shifts from spatially induced blackness
* Human action recognition using shape and CLG-motion flow from multi-view image sequences
* Human Posture Tracking and Classification through Stereo Vision and 3D Model Matching
* Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Based on Gene Fragment Competition for Polyphonic Music Transcription
* Hybrid layered video encoding and caching for resource constrained environments
* Hybrid Segmentation: Artificial Neural Network Classification of High Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery for Site-Specific Herbicide Management in Agriculture
* Illumination compensation and normalization in eigenspace-based face recognition: A comparative study of different pre-processing approaches
* Illustration of the role of multiple scattering in subwavelength imaging from far-field measurements
* Image and Video Indexing Using Networks of Operators
* Image and Video Processing for Visually Handicapped People
* Image and vision computing journal special issue on multimodal biometrics
* Image compression using plane fitting with inter-block prediction
* Image denoising with an optimal threshold and neighbouring window
* Image encryption with compound chaotic sequence cipher shifting dynamically
* Image feature enhancement based on the time-controlled total variation flow formulation
* Image processing of regions in a wide angle video camera
* Image Registration Using Markov Random Coefficient Fields
* Image Resolution Enhancement via Data-Driven Parametric Models in the Wavelet Space
* Image retrieval in multipoint queries
* Image segmentation evaluation: A survey of unsupervised methods
* Image Understanding for Iris Biometrics: A survey
* Imaging System For Textile Surface Profile Based On Silhouette Image Analysis, An
* Impact of vertex clustering on registration-based 3D dynamic mesh coding
* Implementation and analysis of optimized architectures for rank order filter
* improved contrast enhancing approach for color-to-grayscale mappings, An
* Improved data hiding in halftone images with cooperating pair toggling human visual system
* Improved Hybrid Model for Molecular Image Denoising, An
* Improved Motion Estimation Using Early Zero-Block Detection
* Improved phase estimation based on complete bispectrum and modified group delay
* Improved spatially adaptive MDL denoising of images using normalized maximum likelihood density
* improvement in the moment-preserving thresholding method, An
* Improvements on Fast Motion Estimation Strategy for H.264/AVC
* Improving detection of surface discontinuities in visual-force control systems
* Improving geodesic distance estimation based on locally linear assumption
* Improving the performance of computer color matching procedures
* Improving the Performance of Multiple Description Coding Based on Scalar Quantization
* Improving the Quality of Color Colonoscopy Videos
* Incorporation of Flow Stripes as Constraints for Calibrating Ice Surface Velocity Measurements from Interferometric SAR Data
* Incremental Bayesian classification for multivariate normal distribution data
* Independent component analysis-based defect detection in patterned liquid crystal display surfaces
* Indexing of Fictional Video Content for Event Detection and Summarisation
* Infinite Hidden Markov Models for Unusual-Event Detection in Video
* Initial Study on Vehicle Information Extraction from Single Pass QuickBird Satellite Imagery, An
* Insertion and Expansion Operations for n-Dimensional Generalized Maps
* Integrated Detection, Tracking, and Recognition of Faces with Omnivideo Array in Intelligent Environments
* Integrating multi-modal content analysis and hyperbolic visualization for large-scale news video retrieval and exploration
* Integration of Positron Emission Tomography With Magnetic Resonance Imaging, The
* Integration of Spatial-Spectral Information for Resolution Enhancement in Hyperspectral Images
* Interest filter vs. interest operator: Face recognition using Fisher linear discriminant based on interest filter representation
* Interpretation of complex situations in a semantic-based surveillance framework
* Intersection Computation In Projective Space Using Homogeneous Coordinates
* Intra-dimensional feature diagnosticity in the Fuzzy Feature Contrast Model
* Introduction to the special issue on semantic analysis for interactive multimedia services
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Video-based Object and Event Analysis
* Intuitive Parameterized Input Interface For Proportional Reshaping Of Human Bodies
* Inversion handling for stable deformable modeling
* Isolating impulsive noise pixels in color images by peer group techniques
* Iterated dynamic programming and quadtree subregioning for fast stereo matching
* JPEG2000 Compatible Lossless Coding of Floating-Point Data
* JPEG2000-Compatible Scalable Scheme for Wavelet-Based Video Coding
* k-Homotopic Thinning and a Torus-Like Digital Image in Z n, The
* Kernel maximum scatter difference based feature extraction and its application to face recognition
* Keypoint Detection and Local Feature Matching for Textured 3D Face Recognition
* knowledge based approach for a fast image retrieval system, A
* Knowledge-based Approach to Urban Feature Classification Using Aerial Imagery with Lidar Data, A
* Label Space: A Multi-object Shape Representation
* Labeling Irregular Graphs with Belief Propagation
* large margin approach for writer independent online handwriting classification, A
* Layer-Based Mannequin Reconstruction and Parameterization from 3D Range Data
* Layered Image Transmission With Quality Pre-specifiable Jpeg2000
* Learning articulated appearance models for tracking humans: A spectral graph matching approach
* Learning function-based object classification from 3D imagery
* Learning to learn: From smart machines to intelligent machines
* Lensless coherent imaging by a deterministic phase retrieval method with an aperture-array filter
* Lepp Terminal Centroid Method for Quality Triangulation: A Study on a New Algorithm
* LIBPMK: A Pyramid Match Toolkit
* Lidar-based Mapping of Forest Volume and Biomass by Taxonomic Group Using Structurally Homogenous Segments
* Line Feature Correspondence between Object Space and Image Space
* Line Geometry and Camera Autocalibration
* Linear Boundary and Corner Detection Using Limited Number of Sensor Rows
* Local Adaptivity to Variable Smoothness for Exemplar-Based Image Regularization and Representation
* Local feature extraction for iris recognition with automatic scale selection
* Local relative transformation with application to isometric embedding
* Localized versus Locality-Preserving Subspace Projections for Face Recognition
* Log-polar mapping template design: From task-level requirements to geometry parameters
* Long-Term Learning in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Lossless data hiding for color images based on block truncation coding
* LSB-Based Steganography Using Reflected Gray Code
* M-LTW: A fast and efficient intra video codec
* Manifoldization of beta-Shapes by Topology Operators
* Mapping Selective Logging in Mixed Deciduous Forest: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Markerless human body motion capture using Markov random field and dynamic graph cuts
* Matching Networks with Different Levels of Detail
* Material-specific adaptation of color invariant features
* Mathematical model of blob matching and modified Bhattacharyya coefficient
* Maximum-throughput delivery of SVC-based video over MIMO systems with time-varying channel capacity
* Mean shift: An information theoretic perspective
* Mean Value Bézier Maps
* Meaningful Mesh Segmentation Guided by the 3D Short-Cut Rule
* Media Streaming With Network Diversity
* Medial Axis LUT Computation for Chamfer Norms Using HH-Polytopes
* Memetic Algorithm for Binary Image Reconstruction, A
* Memory-Centric Video Processing
* Mesh massage: A versatile mesh optimization framework
* Mesh Simplification Method Using Noble Optimal Positioning, A
* Mesh Simplification with Vertex Color
* Method and apparatus for determining camera pose from point correspondences
* Method and system for assessing the photo quality of a captured image in a digital still camera
* Method and system for camera autocalibration
* method for monitoring building construction in urban sprawl areas using object-based analysis of Spot 5 images and existing GIS data, A
* Method of coding artifacts reduction
* Method, system and device for detecting an object proximate to a water/air type interface
* Min-Cost-Max-Flow Based Algorithm for Reconstructing Binary Image from Two Projections Using Similar Images, A
* Minimal Simple Pairs in the Cubic Grid
* Minimal Solution for Relative Pose with Unknown Focal Length, A
* Mining aggregates of over-the-counter products for syndromic surveillance
* Mining Long, Sharable Patterns in Trajectories of Moving Objects
* Mobile Search With Multimodal Queries
* Modal-based tomographic imaging from far-zone observations
* Model based human motion tracking using probability evolutionary algorithm
* Model-based mapping of reconfigurable image registration on FPGA platforms
* Model-Based Satellite Image Fusion
* Modeling human color categorization
* Modeling Motion Relations for Moving Objects on Road Networks
* Modeling temporal variations in multipolarized radar scattering from intertidal coastal wetlands
* Modeling Variation in Motion Data
* Modelling of axonal fields in the optic nerve for direct MR detection studies
* Models for Gaze Tracking Systems
* Modis-based Change Detection for Grizzly Bear Habitat Mapping in Alberta
* Monocular 3D Tracking of Articulated Human Motion in Silhouette and Pose Manifolds
* Morphological segmentation on learned boundaries
* Motion Synthesis from the Semantic Signals
* Motion-Adaptive Deinterlacer via Hybrid Motion Detection and Edge-Pattern Recognition, A
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation for Intra-Mode Blocks
* Motion-Compensated Overcomplete Temporal Decomposition for Multiple Description Scalable Video Coding, A
* Moving object monitoring surveillance apparatus for detecting, tracking and identifying a moving object by zooming in on a detected flesh color
* MPEG Motion Picture Coding With Long-Term Constraint on Distortion Variation
* MRF Labeling with a Graph-Shifts Algorithm
* MRI-Based Automated Computer Classification of Probable AD Versus Normal Controls
* Multi perspective panoramic imaging
* Multi-dimensional visual tracking using scatter search particle filter
* multi-directional ground filtering algorithm for airborne LIDAR, A
* Multi-layer boosting for pattern recognition
* Multi-Scale Generalization of the HoG and HMAX Image Descriptors for Object Detection, A
* Multiagent Swarming System for Distributed Automatic Target Recognition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, A
* Multichannel blind deconvolution of polarimetric imagery
* Multichannel Mobile Ad Hoc Links for Multimedia Communications
* Multidimensional Size Functions for Shape Comparison
* Multifocus image fusion using region segmentation and spatial frequency
* Multiframe Motion Segmentation with Missing Data Using PowerFactorization and GPCA
* Multifunctional Reading Assistant for the Visually Impaired, A
* Multilayered 3D LiDAR Image Construction Using Spatial Models in a Bayesian Framework
* Multimedia Retrieval and Delivery: Essential Metadata Challenges and Standards
* Multimodality Biomolecular Imaging
* Multiple Description Coding with Redundant Expansions and Application to Image Communications
* Multiple Human Tracking Using Particle Filter with Gaussian Process Dynamical Model
* Multiple object tracking using a neural cost function
* Multiple parallel FPGA implementations of a Kolmogorov phase screen generator
* Multiple View Geometry under Projective Projection in Space-Time
* Multiscale texture classification using dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Multisensor Data Product Fusion for Aerosol Research
* Multispace Behavioral Model for Face-Based Affective Social Agents
* Multistage Motion Vector Processing Method for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* Multistep Approach to Restoration of Locally Undersampled Meshes, A
* Multiview Trajectory Mapping Using Homography with Lens Distortion Correction
* Multiview-Based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects
* Mumford-Shah Regularizer with Contextual Feedback
* Narrow directional steerable filters in motion estimation
* Narrow-Band Based Radial Basis Functions Implicit Surface Reconstruction
* Natural Object/Artifact Image Classification Based on Line Features
* Neuro-fuzzy Based Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Neuroinspired Architecture for Robust Classifier Fusion of Multisensor Imagery
* new algorithm for ellipse detection by curve segments, A
* New Block-Based Motion Estimation for Sequences with Brightness Variation and Its Application to Static Sprite Generation for Video Compression
* New Characterizations of Simple Points, Minimal Non-simple Sets and P-Simple Points in 2D, 3D and 4D Discrete Spaces
* new feature-based method for robust and efficient rigid-body registration of overlapping point clouds, A
* New Focus Assessment Method for Iris Recognition Systems
* New Fuzzy Connectivity Class Application to Structural Recognition in Images, A
* New Image Segmentation Technique Using Maximum Spanning Tree, A
* New Imaging Technologies to Enhance the Molecular Sensitivity of Positron Emission Tomography
* New pixel-decimation patterns for block matching in motion estimation
* new similarity measure for histogram comparison and its application in time series analysis, A
* New Structured Illumination Technique for the Inspection of High-Reflective Surfaces: Application for the Detection of Structural Defects without any Calibration Procedures
* Noise Removal Based on the Variation of Digitized Energy
* Noisy manifold learning using neighborhood smoothing embedding
* Non-intrusive liveness detection by face images
* Non-rigid object tracking in complex scenes
* non-supervised approach for repeated sequence detection in Tv broadcast streams, A
* Nonlinear Iterative Reconstruction and Analysis Approach to Shape-Based Approximate Electromagnetic Tomography, A
* Normal mesh based geometrical image compression
* Normals and Curvature Estimation for Digital Surfaces Based on Convolutions
* Not So Digital Future of Digital Signal Processing, The
* note on exact image reconstruction from a limited number of projections, A
* Note on Industrial Applications of Hu's Surface Extension Algorithm
* novel algorithm for estimation of depth map using image focus for 3D shape recovery in the presence of noise, A
* Novel Algorithm For Speeding Up Keypoint Detection And Matching, A
* novel class-dependence feature analysis method for face recognition, A
* Novel Edge Detector
* novel image watermarking scheme against desynchronization attacks by SVR revision, A
* Novel Pixon-Representation for Image Segmentation Based on Markov Random Field, A
* number of discernible colors in natural scenes, The
* Numerical calculation of digital curve length by using anchored discrete convolution
* Object Detection Using Neural Networks and Genetic Programming
* Object Tracking by Maximizing Classification Score of Detector Based on Rectangle Features
* object-based method for mapping and change analysis in mangrove ecosystems, An
* Oblivious Spatio-Temporal Watermarking of Digital Video by Exploiting the Human Visual System
* Occlusion invariant face recognition using selective local non-negative matrix factorization basis images
* Omnidirectional Stereo Vision-Based Smart Wheelchair, An
* On applying linear discriminant analysis for multi-labeled problems
* On Detecting Spatial Outliers
* On Distributional Assumptions and Whitened Cosine Similarities
* On Interpolation by Spline Curves with Shape Parameters
* On Iterative Regularization and Its Application
* On Minimal Moment of Inertia Polyominoes
* On the correspondence between objects and events for the diagnosis of situations in visual surveillance tasks
* On the Decomposition of Cell Clusters
* On the Number of hv -Convex Discrete Sets
* On the use of different loss functions in statistical pattern recognition applied to machine translation
* On Watershed Cuts and Thinnings
* On-road vehicle detection and tracking based on road context and the ambient lighting adaptive framework
* One Way Distance: For Shape Based Similarity Search of Moving Object Trajectories
* Opportunities and Challenges of Peer-to-Peer Internet Video Broadcast
* Optical Flow and Advection on 2-Riemannian Manifolds: A Common Framework
* Optical recognition of psaltic Byzantine chant notation
* Optimal Difference Operator Selection
* Optimal Features Subset Selection and Classification for Iris Recognition
* Optimal multi-level thresholding using a two-stage Otsu optimization approach
* Optimal video stream multiplexing through linear programming
* Optimised coupling of hierarchies in image registration
* Optimization-Based Image Segmentation by Genetic Algorithms
* Optimized Blockwise Nonlocal Means Denoising Filter for 3-D Magnetic Resonance Images, An
* Optimizing Computed Tomographic Angiography Image Segmentation Using Fitness Based Partitioning
* Optimizing Information Value: Improving Rover Sensor Data Collection
* Optimizing the High-pass Filter Addition Technique for Image Fusion
* Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrix Framework for Texture Retrieval, An
* Orthogonal moments based texture analysis of CT liver images
* Overview on Wavelets in Source Coding, Communications, and Networks, An
* Parallel fuzzy segmentation of multiple objects
* Parallel Independent Component Analysis Approach to Investigate Genomic Influence on Brain Function, A
* Parallel Memory System for Variable Block-Size Motion Estimation Algorithms, A
* Parameter Embedding Mode and Optimal Post-Process Filtering for Improved WDCT Image Compression
* Parameterizing Marching Cubes Isosurfaces with Natural Neighbor Coordinates
* Parametric Polynomial Minimal Surfaces of Degree Six with Isothermal Parameter
* Partial Partitions, Partial Connections and Connective Segmentation
* Pattern recognition in interdisciplinary perception and intelligence
* Pattern recognition of guided waves for damage evaluation in bars
* PDE-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Seismic Data Fusion, A
* PDE-Based Robust Robotic Navigation
* peaking phenomenon in the presence of feature-selection, The
* Peer-to-Peer Live Multicast: A Video Perspective
* People detection in low-resolution video with non-stationary background
* Per-pixel Classification of High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery for Urban Land-cover Mapping
* Perceptual Image Representation
* Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Six-Page Segmentation Algorithms
* Performance evaluation of a novel sampling-based texture synthesis technique using different sized patches
* Persian/arabic handwritten word recognition using M-band packet wavelet transform
* Personal Identification Based on Weighting Key Point Scheme for Hand Image
* Perspective-aware texture analysis and synthesis
* Phase front retrieval by means of an iterative shadowgraphic method
* Phase retrieval with Fourier-weighted projections
* Photogrammetric Modeling of Linear Features with Generalized Point Photogrammetry
* Photometric reconstruction of a dynamic textured surface from just one color image acquisition
* Physically-Based Surface Texture Synthesis Using a Coupled Finite Element System
* Pipelined Hardware Structure for Sequency-Ordered Complex Hadamard Transform
* PIST: An Efficient and Practical Indexing Technique for Historical Spatio-Temporal Point Data
* Pixel-based Minnaert Correction Method for Reducing Topographic Effects on a Landsat-7 ETM+ Image
* Planar Shape Matching and Feature Extraction Using Shape Profile
* Plane-based camera self-calibration by metric rectification of images
* Point-based Asynchronous Remote Visualization Framework For Real-time Virtual Reality, A
* Polygonal Approach for Automation in Extraction of Serial Modular Roofs, A
* Polyhedral Surface Approximation of Non-convex Voxel Sets through the Modification of Convex Hulls
* Populating a building Multi Representation Data Base with photogrammetric tools: Recent progress
* Possibilistic Versus Belief Function Fusion for Antipersonnel Mine Detection
* Posterior probability measure for image matching
* Potential of MRI and Ultrasound Radiation Force in Elastography: Applications to Diagnosis and Therapy
* Practical background estimation for mosaic blending with patch-based Markov random fields
* Predicting Corresponding Region in a Third View Using Discrete Epipolar Lines
* Predicting range performance of sampled imagers by treating aliased signal as target-dependent noise Open Access open access
* Prediction of Zero Quantized DCT Coefficients in H.264/AVC Using Hadamard Transformed Information
* Probabilistic Models for Shapes as Continuous Curves
* Processing Optimal Sequenced Route Queries Using Voronoi Diagrams
* Progressive Image Transmission Based on Joint Source-Channel Decoding Using Adaptive Sum-Product Algorithm
* Progressive Interpolation Using Loop Subdivision Surfaces
* projection-based image quality measure, A
* Prostate Cancer Spectral Multifeature Analysis Using TRUS Images
* Protein Surface Modeling Using Active Contour Model
* Pure 2D Picture Grammars (P2DPG) and P2DPG with Regular Control
* Quadratic Interpolation and Linear Lifting Design
* Qualitative similarity measures: The case of two-dimensional outlines
* Quality-Optimized and Secure End-to-End Authentication for Media Delivery
* Quantification and Standardized Description of Color Vision Deficiency Caused by Anomalous Trichromats: Part I: Simulation and Measurement
* Quantification and Standardized Description of Color Vision Deficiency Caused by Anomalous Trichromats: Part II: Modeling and Color Compensation
* Quantification of Thyroid Volume Using 3-D Ultrasound Imaging
* Quantitative Retrieval of Geophysical Parameters Using Satellite Data
* Quasi-interpolation for Data Fitting by the Radial Basis Functions
* Query-Adaptive Fusion for Multimodal Search
* Query-by-Sketch Based Image Synthesis
* Radiometric Calibration and Characterization of Largeformat Digital Photogrammetric Sensors in a Test Field
* rate-distortion optimization model for SVC inter-layer encoding and bitstream extraction, A
* Rateless scalable video coding for overlay multisource streaming in MANETs
* RDTC Optimized Compression of Image-Based Scene Representations (Part I): Modeling and Theoretical Analysis
* RDTC Optimized Compression of Image-Based Scene Representations (Part II): Practical Coding
* Reaction-diffusion Based Deformable Object Simulation
* Real-Time 3D Face Acquisition Using Reconfigurable Hybrid Architecture
* Real-Time Algorithm for the Approximation of Level-Set-Based Curve Evolution, A
* Real-Time Computerized Annotation of Pictures
* Real-time facial feature localization by combining space displacement neural networks
* Real-time feature-aware video abstraction
* real-time H.264/AVC VLSI encoder architecture, A
* Real-time hand posture recognition using range data
* Real-time human action recognition on an embedded, reconfigurable video processing architecture
* Real-Time Modeling of 3-D Soccer Ball Trajectories From Multiple Fixed Cameras
* real-time motion estimation FPGA architecture, A
* Real-Time Multimodal Human-Avatar Interaction
* Reasoning Framework for Solving Nonograms, A
* Recognition and quality assessment of data charts in mixed-mode documents
* Recognition of camera-captured low-quality characters using motion blur information
* Reconfigurable computing: design methodology and hardware tasks scheduling for real-time image processing
* Reconstructing a Matrix with a Given List of Coefficients and Prescribed Row and Column Sums Is NP-Hard
* Reconstructing a Mesh from a Point Cloud by Using a Moving Parabolic Approximation
* Reconstructing Binary Matrices with Neighborhood Constraints: An NP-hard Problem
* Reconstructing regular meshes from points: A parameterization-based approach
* Recovering surface reflectance and multiple light locations and intensities from image data
* reduced and comprehensible polynomial neural network for classification, A
* Reducing Edge Effects in the Classification of High Resolution Imagery
* Reducing the Coefficients of a Two-Dimensional Integer Linear Constraint
* Region based segmentation of QuickBird multispectral imagery through band ratios and fuzzy comparison
* region-based GLRT detection of oil spills in SAR images, A
* Registration of combined range-intensity scans: Initialization through verification
* Regularized query classification using search click information
* Regularized Spectral Matched Filter for Target Recognition in Hyperspectral Imagery
* relevance feedback CBIR algorithm based on fuzzy sets, A
* Reliable Multimedia Transmission Over Cognitive Radio Networks Using Fountain Codes
* Remote Sensing Image Fusion Using Multiscale Mapped LS-SVM
* Reporting Leaders and Followers among Trajectories of Moving Point Objects
* Reproducibility of Global and Local Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Micro-Computed Tomography of Iliac Crest Biopsies
* Resampling-based selective clustering ensembles
* Research Of Nested Parallel Pipelines On Parallel Graphics Rendering System
* Restoration of blue scratches in digital image sequences
* Retrieval of Spatial Join Pattern Instances from Sensor Networks
* Reversible information hiding for VQ indices based on locally adaptive coding
* Reversible, Fast, and High-Quality Grid Conversions
* Revisit to Least Squares Orthogonal Distance Fitting of Parametric Curves and Surfaces, A
* Rewriting P Systems Generating Iso-picture Languages
* Robust and Scalable Transmission of Arbitrary 3D Models over Wireless Networks
* Robust Approach to Segment Desired Object Based on Salient Colors, A
* Robust Color Image Superresolution: An Adaptive M-Estimation Framework
* Robust Decomposition of Thick Digital Shapes
* Robust Estimation of Curvature along Digital Contours with Global Optimization
* Robust face recognition under partial occlusion based on support vector machine with local Gaussian summation kernel
* Robust Feature Detection for Facial Expression Recognition
* Robust fuzzy clustering using mixtures of Student's-t distributions
* Robust Lossless Image Data Hiding Designed for Semi-Fragile Image Authentication
* Robust motion from space curves and 3d reconstruction from multiviews using perpendicular double stereo rigs
* Robust multiple description image coding over wireless networks based on wavelet tree coding, error resilient entropy coding, and error concealment
* Robust multiscale algorithms for gradient-based motion estimation
* Robust point correspondence matching and similarity measuring for 3D models by relative angle-context distributions
* Robust Software for Computing Camera Motion Parameters
* Robust Solvers for Inverse Imaging Problems Using Dense Single-Precision Hardware
* Robust Streaming of Offline Coded H.264/AVC Video Via Alternative Macroblock Coding
* robust surface matching technique for coastal geohazard assessment and management, A
* ROI image retrieval method based on CVAAO, A
* Run-Based Two-Scan Labeling Algorithm, A
* Saliency model-based face segmentation and tracking in head-and-shoulder video sequences
* Scalable Multiple-Description Image Coding Based on Embedded Quantization
* Scaling of Plane Figures That Assures Faithful Digitization
* scaling problem in the pattern recognition approach to machine translation, The
* Scene-based nonuniformity correction and enhancement: Pixel statistics and subpixel motion
* Secret Sharing Scheme for Digital Images Based on Two-Dimensional Linear Cellular Automata, A
* Security and Privacy for Distributed Multimedia Sensor Networks
* Segmentation by Fusion of Histogram-Based K-Means Clusters in Different Color Spaces
* Segmentation of Noisy Discrete Surfaces
* Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in Thoracic CT Scans: A Region Growing Approach
* Segmenting Lung Fields in Serial Chest Radiographs Using Both Population-Based and Patient-Specific Shape Statistics
* Segmenting Simplified Surface Skeletons
* Selecting features for object detection using an Adaboost-compatible evaluation function
* Selecting Local Region Descriptors with a Genetic Algorithm for Real-World Place Recognition
* Selection of Local Thresholds for Tomogram Segmentation by Projection Distance Minimization
* Self adaptive animation based on user perspective
* Self-Repelling Snakes for Topology-Preserving Segmentation Models
* Self-similar Discrete Rotation Configurations and Interlaced Sturmian Words
* Semantic event representation and recognition using syntactic attribute graph grammar
* Semantic object classes in video: A high-definition ground truth database
* Semantic Subspace Projection and Its Applications in Image Retrieval
* Semi-continuous HMMs with explicit state duration for unconstrained Arabic word modeling and recognition
* Semi-supervised sub-manifold discriminant analysis
* Separability of ternary codes for sparse designs of error-correcting output codes
* Shadow-Effect Correction in Aerial Color Imagery
* Shape deformation with tunable stiffness
* Shape Feature Based Simplification Method for Deforming Meshes, A
* Shape Representation and Invariant Description of Protein Tertiary Structure in Applications to Shape Retrieval and Classification
* Shaping Polyhedral Buildings by the Fusion of Vector Maps and Lidar Point Clouds
* Shifting Planes to Follow a Surface of Revolution
* Shock filter coupled to curvature diffusion for image denoising and sharpening
* Shot-based video retrieval with optical flow tensor and HMMs
* Side information estimation and new symmetric schemes for multi-view distributed video coding
* Signal Feature Extraction From Microbarograph Observations Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform
* Significance of Altitude and Posting Density on Lidar derived Elevation Accuracy on Hazardous Waste Sites
* similarity-based leaf image retrieval scheme: Joining shape and venation features, A
* Simulations of astronomical imaging phased arrays
* Singular Points Detection Based on Zero-Pole Model in Fingerprint Images
* Size-constrained Region Merging (SCRM): An Automated Delineation Tool for Assisted Photointerpretation
* Sketch retrieval and relevance feedback with biased SVM classification
* Skew detection for complex document images using robust borderlines in both text and non-text regions
* Skin Color Segmentation Using Coarse-to-Fine Region on Normalized RGB Chromaticity Diagram for Face Detection
* Slit Map: Conformal Parameterization for Multiply Connected Surfaces
* Soccer video processing for the detection of advertisement billboards
* soft MAP framework for blind super-resolution image reconstruction, A
* Solving jigsaw puzzles using image features
* Solving Systems of 3D Geometric Constraints with Non-rigid Clusters
* Space-Time Curve Analogies for Motion Editing
* Spatial reasoning in a fuzzy region connection calculus
* Spatially consistent partial matching for intra- and inter-image prototype selection
* Spatio-chromatic decorrelation for color image compression
* Special issue on reconfigurable architecture for real-time image processing
* Special issue on resource-aware adaptive video streaming
* Spectral mesh deformation
* Spectral weighting for distributed backward propagation image reconstruction in diffraction tomography
* Speeding up active relevance feedback with approximate knn retrieval for hyperplane queries
* Spline-based feature curves from point-sampled geometry
* Stable Algebraic Surfaces for 3d Object Representation
* Standardized Probability Comparison Approach for Evaluating and Combining Pixel-based Classification Procedures, A
* State of the Art in Information Extraction and Quantitative Analysis for Multimodality Biomolecular Imaging
* Statistical Model for Directional Relations Between Spatial Objects, A
* statistical model of cluster stability, A
* Statistical Template Matching under Geometric Transformations
* Stereo image displaying based on both physiological and psychological stereoscopy from single image
* stratified self-calibration method for circular motion in spite of varying intrinsic parameters, A
* stroke filter and its application to text localization, A
* Structure of V-System over Triangulated Domains, The
* study on eyelid localization considering image focus for iris recognition, A
* Subclass Problem-Dependent Design for Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Subpixel Urban Land Cover Estimation: Comparing Cubist, Random Forests, and Support Vector Regression
* Survey and analysis of multimodal sensor planning and integration for wide area surveillance
* Synthesis of Multispectral Images to High Spatial Resolution: A Critical Review of Fusion Methods Based on Remote Sensing Physics
* Synthetic Images of High-Throughput Microscopy for Validation of Image Analysis Methods
* System and process for adding high frame-rate current speaker data to a low frame-rate video using audio watermarking techniques
* System and process for adding high frame-rate current speaker data to a low frame-rate video using delta frames
* System architecture for semantic annotation and adaptation in content sharing environments
* system for processing handwritten bank checks automatically, A
* Tangential Cover for Thick Digital Curves
* Task-Based Approach to Adaptive and Multimodality Imaging, A
* Telescopic Vector Composition and Polar Accumulated Motion Residuals for Feature Extraction in Arabic Sign Language Recognition
* Template matching using the parametric template vector with translation, rotation and scale invariance
* Tensor methods for hyperspectral data analysis: A space object material identification study
* Texture classification using invariant ranklet features
* Thinning on Quadratic, Triangular, and Hexagonal Cell Complexes
* Three-dimensional imaging of optically opaque materials using nonionizing terahertz radiation
* Three-Dimensional SPIHT Coding of Volume Images with Random Access and Resolution Scalability
* Three-dimensional surface reconstruction using meshing growing neural gas (MGNG)
* Three-stage model for robust real-time face tracking
* Three-way auto-correlation approach to motion recognition
* Tied Factor Analysis for Face Recognition across Large Pose Differences
* Tool Path Planning for 5-Axis Flank Milling Based on Dynamic Programming Techniques
* Topographic Mapping in the Equatorial Belt Using Dualfrequency Airborne Ifsar (geosar)
* Topological multi-contour decomposition for image analysis and image retrieval
* Topologically Correct 3D Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation from Noisy Samples
* Toward a higher-level visual representation for object-based image retrieval
* Toward Emotion Recognition in Car-Racing Drivers: A Biosignal Processing Approach
* Towards the experimental evaluation of novel supervised fuzzy adaptive resonance theory for pattern classification
* Tracking articulated objects by learning intrinsic structure of motion
* Traffic Light Detection Using Rotated Principal Component Analysis for Video-Based Car Navigation System
* Transferring Nonlinear Representations using Gaussian Processes with a Shared Latent Space
* Transform-domain penalized-likelihood filtering of tomographic data
* Transformation Polytopes for Line Correspondences in Digital Images
* Transforming 3D Coloured Pixels into Musical Instrument Notes for Vision Substitution Applications
* Transport of Relational Structures in Groups of Diffeomorphisms
* Triangulation of Points, Lines and Conics
* Triangulation Using Differential Evolution
* Trimming Bézier Surfaces on Bézier Surfaces Via Blossoming
* Triplet Markov Fields for the Classification of Complex Structure Data
* Two New Nonlinear Nonlocal Diffusions for Noise Reduction
* Unified Anomaly Suppression and Boundary Extraction in Laser Radar Range Imagery based on a Joint Curve-Evolution and Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Unimodal thresholding for edge detection
* Unsupervised segmentation of natural images via lossy data compression
* Unsupervised Subpixelic Classification Using Coarse-Resolution Time Series and Structural Information
* Unsupervised texture segmentation/classification using 2-D autoregressive modeling and the stochastic expectation-maximization algorithm
* Unsupervised Video Shot Detection Using Clustering Ensemble with a Color Global Scale-Invariant Feature Transform Descriptor
* Urban Change Detection Based on Coherence and Intensity Characteristics of Sar Imagery
* User-centric universal multimedia access in home networks
* Using a Binary Space Partitioning Tree for Reconstructing Polyhedral Building Models from Airborne Lidar Data
* Using Chou's pseudo amino acid composition to predict subcellular localization of apoptosis proteins: An approach with immune genetic algorithm-based ensemble classifier
* Using locally estimated geodesic distance to optimize neighborhood graph for isometric data embedding
* Using Spanning Graphs for Efficient Image Registration
* Using structured light for efficient depth edge detection
* Variable-resolution Compression of Vector Data
* Variational Approach to 3D Cylindrical Geometry Reconstruction from Multiple Views, A
* Variational Skinning of an Ordered Set of Discrete 2D Balls
* Variational Technique for Time Consistent Tracking of Curves and Motion, A
* Vehicle speed detection from a single motion blurred image
* Video Coding Using 3D Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform
* Video collage: presenting a video sequence using a single image
* Video Encoding Scheme Employing Intra and Inter Prediction Based on Averaged Template Matching Predictors
* Video enhancement using reference photographs
* Video event segmentation and visualisation in non-linear subspace
* Video object matching across multiple independent views using local descriptors and adaptive learning
* Video quality and system resources: Scheduling two opponents
* Video Retrieval Based on Semantic Concepts
* Video sequence matching based on temporal ordinal measurement
* Video Summarization Based on Camera Motion and a Subjective Evaluation Method
* View Influence Analysis and Optimization for Multiview Face Recognition
* Viewpoint Determination of Image by Interpolation over Sparse Samples
* Visibility volumes for interactive path optimization
* Visual creation of inhabited 3d environments: An ontology-based approach
* visual keyboard: Real-time feet tracking for the control of musical meta-instruments, The
* Visual learning and recognition of sequential data manifolds with applications to human movement analysis
* Volumetric Framework for the Modeling and Rendering of Dynamic and Heterogeneous Scenes, A
* Wal-mart from Space: A New Source for Land Cover Change Validation
* WaterBalloons: A hybrid watershed Balloon Snake segmentation
* Wavelet-based Edge Detection In Digital Images
* Wavelet-Laplace Variational Technique for Image Deconvolution and Inpainting, A
* Wavelets and partial differential equations for image denoising
* Weak Rational Computing for Digital Geometry
* Weighted Neighborhood Sequences in Non-standard Three-Dimensional Grids: Parameter Optimization
* Weighted Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids: Metricity and Algorithms
* Welfare interface implementation using multiple facial features tracking for the disabled people
* What can we learn about the scene structure from three orthogonal vanishing points in images
* What Can We Learn from Discrete Images about the Continuous World?
* windowed Gaussian notch filter for quasi-periodic noise removal, A
* Wnd-charm: Multi-purpose image classification using compound image transforms
* writer identification system for on-line whiteboard data, A
* You Tube and I Find Personalizing Multimedia Content Access
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.