Journals starting with smar

SmartCity18 * *International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities

SmartCity19 * *International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities
* Cybersecurity Strategy for Smart City Implementation
* Integrated Management and Visualization of Static and Dynamic Properties of Semantic 3d City Models
* Maximization of The 4th Dimension of The Building Site, The

SmartCity20 * *International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities
* Air Quality Monitoring and Data Management In Germany: Status Quo And Suggestions for Improvement
* Mobile Laser Scanning In Highly Urbanized Area: A Case Study In Sofia
* More Traffic Means More Accidents? the Case of French Nice Highway
* On the Challenge of Service Recommendation to Mobile Users In Smart Cities: Context and Architecture
* On the Challenges of Mobility Prediction In Smart Cities
* Transparency and Accountability In Urban Public Procurement: Design of a Self-Sovereign Blockchain App
7 for SmartCity20

SmartCity21 * *International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities
* Analysis and Evaluation of Geospatial Factors In Smart Cities: A Study Of Off-street Parking In Mainz, Germany
* Citizen Participation & Digital Tools to Improve Pedestrian Mobility In Cities
* City2navigation (C2N): A New Service for Digital, Future-proof Urban Traffic Management
* Coflex: Flexible Bracelet Anti Covid-19 to Protect Construction Workers
* Coping with the Dynamics of Urban Sustainability: Positioning Urban Experimentation Platforms As Tools for Policy Making
* Development of a Digital 3d Participation Platform: Case Study Of Weilimdorf (Stuttgart, Germany)
* Effectiveness of Green Roofs In Strengthening Ecological Network
* Environment-Based Design (EBD) Approach to Identify Critical Issues In Managing Municipal Solid Waste: Nairobi, Kenyan Case Study
* Factors Affecting Citizens' Intention to Continue Using the Rewarding Solid-waste Collection Mobile Apps In Tehran, Iran
* Municipal Open Data Portals: Their Implementation In the Face of A Municipality's Political and Territorial Reality
* Projection-based Reconstruction Algorithm for 3d Modeling of Bridge Structures From Drone-based Point Cloud, A
* Quantifying the Impact of Urban Infill on the Urban Heat Island Effect: A Case Study for An Alternative Medium Density Model
* Safety Monitoring By Means of Sensor Networks Distributed Within The Fossa Site Plan
* Sensor Registry As a Base Layer for Smart Cities
* Testing the New 3d Bag Dataset for Energy Demand Estimation Of Residential Buildings
* Urban VGI Networks as a Path for Collective Intelligence
* Using Contextual Cues In Understanding Urban Mental Well-being
* Using Eye-tracking to Support Big Data Driven Property Valuation Tools
19 for SmartCity21

SmartCityApp20 * *ISPRS International Conference on Smart City Applications
* 3D City Modelling Toward Conservation and Management. The Digital Documentation of Museu Do Ipiranga - USP, San Paulo, Brazil
* 3d Geometric Extraction Using Segmentation for Asset Management
* 3d High-efficiency and High-precision Model-driven Modelling for Power Transmission Tower
* 5G: Architecture Overview and Deployments Scenarios
* Activity Recognition for Ambient Sensing Data and Rule Based Anomaly Detection
* Application of Exploratory Spatial Techniques In the Identification Of Tourism Hotspots In the Aegean Region of Turkey
* Building Detection From Sar Images Using Unet Deep Learning Method
* Collaborative Tutoring: A Multi-tutor Approach
* Conceptual Model of 3d Asset Management Based on Myspata to Support Smart City Application In Malaysia
* Concrete Recycling: Social and Environmental Technical Gain for Smart Cities
* Decisional Tree Models for Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection Based on Phenological Behaviors. Application Case: Localization Of Non-fully-exploited Agricultural Surfaces In the Eastern Part of The Haouz Plain In the Semi-arid Central Morocco
* Deep Learning Based Mask Detection In Smart Home Entries During The Epidemic Process
* Deep Learning-based Reconstruction of Spatiotemporally Fused Satellite Images for Smart Agriculture Applications In A Heterogeneous Agricultural Region
* Design Students Viewpoint on BIM: A Preliminary Assessment of The Indicators
* Determining Smart Intersections for Smart City Applications Using Multi-criteria Decision-making Techniques
* Developing A Mobile Application for Smart Real Estate Information
* Digital Models and 3d Visualization In Archaeological Contexts. The Survey of the Tombs of the Kings In the City of Verghina In Macedonia
* Efficient Approach to Manage Domestic Wastewater In Smart City, An
* Exploitation of the Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant By Activated Sludge In the Airport Area of the City Ben Slimane (Morocco)
* Exploratory Study of 3d Point Cloud Triangulation for Smart City Modelling and Visualization
* Fifth International Conference on Smart City Applications: Preface, The
* Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Distribution with Route Restriction Constraint Due to Traffic Jams
* Geo-tagged Image Retrieval From Mapillary Street Images for A Target Building
* Human Activity Recognition Based on Smartphone Sensor Data Using CNN
* Integration of BIM and GIS In Construction Project: A Data Consistency Review, The
* Internet of Things for Smart Healthcare: A Review on A Potential Iot Based System and Technologies to Control Covid-19 Pandemic
* Land Surveying Studies In Building Control System for Smart Cities
* Last Mile Logistics In the Framework of Smart Cities: A Typology Of City Logistics Schemes
* Leveraging Maturity Assessment to Choose the Right Applications For Smart Cities: Turkey's Approach
* LIDAR Derived 3D City Modelling
* Machine Learning and IOT for Smart Grid
* Measuring the Spatial Readiness of Ambulance Facilities for Natural Disasters Using GIS Networks Analysis
* Method for Extracting Substation Equipment Based on UAV Laser Scanning Point Clouds, A
* Mobile Serious Game easy Html: Scenarios and Perspectives, The
* Mobile-web-base Volunteered Geographic Information Application And Geometric Accuracy Analysis for Traffic Accidents
* Multi-layer WS2 and MOS2 Based Plasmonic Solar Cell for Smart Energy Harvesting
* National Smart Cities Strategy and Action Plan: the Turkey's Smart Cities Approach
* Network Analysis of the Stack Overflow Tags
* Novel Greedy Genetic Algorithm to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problem, A
* Open Source Mail Server Migration Experience: Iredmail, An
* Post-earthquake 3D Building Model (LOD2) Generation from UAS Imagery: The Case of Vrisa Traditional Settlement, Lesvos, Greece
* Prediction of Pollutant Concentrations By Meteorological Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Preprocessing Arabic Dialect for Sentiment Mining: State of Art
* Review on Indoor Localization with Internet of Things, A
* Security Study of Routing Attacks in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (Vanets)
* Security Threats In Smart Healthcare
* Seq2seq Vs Sketch Filling Structure for Natural Language to SQL Translation
* Smart Integration of Evaluation Activities In the Framework of Physical Optics Mooc (MOOC UCA-002) of the MUN Platform
* Smart Pandemic Management Through A Smart, Resilient and Flexible Decision-making System
* Specification of Logistic Chain Sustainability: Environmental, Social And Economic Issues
* Structural Similarity Measure of Users Profiles Based on A Weighted Bipartite Graphs
* Study of Smart Campus Environment and Its Security Attacks, A
* Study of the Purification Performance of the Natural Lagunating Technique of the Purification Station of the City of Outat El Haj - Morocco
* System Dynamics Approach for Evaluating Existing and Future Water Allocation Planning Among Conflicting Users
* Territorial Competitiveness and Smart City: Benchmarking Analysis Of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Cairo, and Rabat
* Toward Flexible Data Collection of Driving Behaviour
* Towards Green Smart Cities: Importance of Urban Forestry and Urban Vegetation
* Tree Inventory Registration System
* Understanding of Smart Cities, Digital Cities and Intelligent Cities: Similarities and Differences
* Using GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Techniques in the Smart Cities
* Using the Total Exploratory Factor Analysis (T-EFA) as a Calibration Technique for Sleuth Model
* Using Transfer Learning for Malware Classification
* Visualising Urban Air Quality Using Aermod, Calpuff and Cfd Models: A Critical Review
* Which Way Is Yildiz Amfi? Augmented Reality Vs. Paper Map On Pedestrian Wayfinding
65 for SmartCityApp20

SmartCityApp21 * *ISPRS International Conference on Smart City Applications
* 3d Air Pollution Computational Fluid Modelling Data Analysis Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Approach
* 3d Modeling and Visualization of Architecture and Landscape
* 3D Topological Support in Spatial Databases: An Overview
* Acoustic Extinguishing of Flames Detected By Deep Neural Networks In Embedded Systems
* Adaptation of Remote Practical Works With Smart Electronic Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence
* AI_COVID: Automatic Diagnosis of Covid-19 Using Frontal Chest X-ray Image
* Alternative 3d Address Visualization Method for Buildings and Building Independent Sections With GIS-based 3d Modelling Approach, An
* Analysis of Solar Energy Potential By Remote Sensing Techniques In VaraŽdinska County, Croatia
* Analysis Of Spatio-temporal Urban Dynamics in 11 Smart Cities Of Uttar Pradesh, India
* Artificial Learning-Based Proctoring Solution for Remote Online Assessments: VProctor
* Assessing Safety Level of UTM Campus Based on Safe City Concepts
* Assessing Urban Forest Canopy Cover in Great Plain Conservation Area (dÜzce City, Turkey) Between 1984 and 2015
* Assessment of the Visibility Capabilities of Forest Fire Lookout Towers: The Case of Gemlik, Bursa, Turkey
* Big Urban Data Visualization Approaches Within the Smart City: GIS-based Open-source Dashboard Example
* Cartography of Moroccan Argan Tree Using Combined Optical and Sar Imagery Integrated With Digital Elevation Model
* Classification of Lands of Remote Sensitive Data by NDVI Method in Smart Agriculture
* CODCA - Covid-19 Ontology for Data Collection and Analysis in E-health
* Colourimetric Calibration for Photography, Photogrammetry, And Photomodelling Within Architectural Survey
* Comparison Assessment of Digital 3d Models Obtained By Drone-based Lidar and Drone Imagery
* Comparison of Segmentation Methods Used for Bone Fracture Images
* Comparison of Tree-based Algorithms for Complex Wetland Classification Using the Google Earth Engine, A
* Cross Platform Based Smart Greenhouse Application
* Cyber Attacks on Scada Based Traffic Light Control Systems in the Smart Cities
* Design of a Serverless OGC WPS Based Geoprocessing Service Solution
* Design of Indoor Robot Prototype Guided by RFID Based Positioning and Navigation System
* Designing Gis-based Site Selection Model for Urban Investment Planning In Smart Cities With the Case of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
* Developing Validation of Forest Fire Risk Maps Based on Historical Fire Incidences
* Development of a BIM Infrastructure Workflow Adapted To Facilities Of Land Subdivision Projects in Morocco
* Development of a Location-Based Mobile Application for Smartphones Using Open-Source Technologies
* Development of IOT Enabled Global Tracking System and Mobile Application for People With Alzheimer's Disease
* Digitalization of Cities: Smart City Interventions in the Case of Sarajevo
* Downscaling of SMAP Soil Moisture Product By Data Fusion With VIIRS LST/EVI Product
* Evaluation of Effectiveness of Patch Based Image Classification Technique Using High Resolution Worldview-2 Image
* Evaluation of Particulate Matter (PM10) Distributions in Izmir Using Geographic Information Systems for Smart Cities Applications
* Evaluation of the Heavy Metals Contamination of the Water of The Moulouya Medium
* Examine of the Impact of Land Use on Water Basins Using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing: Terkos Basin Example
* Extracting Topics from a TV Channel's Facebook Page Using Contextualized Document Embedding
* GIS-based Optimum Site Selection for Solar Electric Vehicle Charging Station: Ankara-istanbul Highway Case
* GIS-supported Mapping of Suitable Parking Areas Using AHP Method: The Case of Konya
* Hedonic Modeling of Housing Purchase/Sale Density With Urban Change Factors
* IGIS for Managing Cities Smartly - Urban Geoinformatics
* Implementing Smart City Strategies as an Innovative Practice for Covid-19 Pandemic in Egyptian Context
* Indicator Analysis of Smart City Standard SNI ISO 37122 Plays a Role In The Covid-19 Pandemic
* Integration of Building Information Modeling and Agent-based Modeling For Evacuation Simulation
* Integration of Data Obtained By Photogrammetric Methods Such As A Terrestrial Laser Scanner and UAV System and Use in 3d City Models: The Case of KÖycegiz Campus
* Internet User's Behavior From the Standpoint of the Neural Network Theory of Society: Prerequisites for the Meta-Education Concept Formation
* Investigation of GIS Based Mobile Route Planning: Navigation Applications for Tourism Activities
* Investigation of Pointnet for Semantic Segmentation of Large-scale Outdoor Point Clouds
* Investigation of Temporal Change of Land Use in Elmali Basin Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
* IOT in the Wake of Covid-19
* IoT-5G User Tracking in a 5G Network Using 60 GHZ MM-waves Based on an ABF-ED Algorithms for a Cluttered Indoor Environment
* IoT-based Smart Environments: State of the Art, Security Threats and Solutions
* Land Cover Classification Performance of Multispectral Rtk UAVS
* Layout Plan Analysis on Urban Pathways, Nodes and Edges in Kuala Muda Fishing Village
* Making Cities Interoperable in Turkey
* Modeling and Assessment of the Impact of Land Use in the Western Rif Region, Morocco, on Water Quality
* Modeling the Developments in Urbanisation and Relationship With Vegetation Cover in Alanya
* Modelling Immovable Asset in 3d Using CityGML 3.0 Concept To Support Smart City Initiatives
* Network Attacks Related To Smart Healthcare and Their Impact Evaluation
* Networking Layer for the Evolution of Maritime Ports Into a Smart Environment
* Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazards in South Atlantic Coast: Case Of the City of Agadir - Morocco: Preliminary Result
* Optimizing Bus Lines Using Genetic Algorithm for Public Transportation
* Producing and Visualizating 3d Building Geodatabase As a Part of 3d Cadastre Project
* Protection of Privacy and Personal Data in the Big Data Environment of Smart Cities
* Quality Assessment of Pansharpened Rasat and Landsat-8 Images Using Synthetic Sentinel-2 Panchromatic Image
* Remote Sensing of City. Digital Databases for Architecture
* Remotely Sensed Image Fast Classification and Smart Thematic Map Production
* Review of the Distinguishing Features of the Historical Buildings In Safranbolu Region for the Purpose of Classification for Semantically Enhanced 3d Building Model, A
* Role of Geomatics Engineer in Smart Cities: a View Within The Framework of Turkish 2020-2023 National Smart Cities Strategy And Action Plan, The
* Secure Medical Image Encryption for Remote Virtual Doctor System Based On H-IoT Applications Over 5G Network: a Comparison Study
* Securing Iot With Blockchain
* Security Study of Routing Attacks in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (Autonomous Car)
* Smart City Security Issues: the Main Attacks and Countermeasures
* Smart GPS-based IoT System for Blackspot Notification, A
* Smart Tourism Destination Competitiveness: The Exploitation of the Big Data in Morocco
* Spatial Accessibility of Urban Parks in Tangier City, Morocco
* Survey of the Monumental Fountain in the Town of Dalmine: A Preliminary Work for the Conservation Project, The
* Three-dimensional Digitization of Environments and Buildings for Smart City Applications
* Towards Effective Project Documentation, Transparency, and Data-Driven Decision-making Through BIM-Blockchain Based Applications
* Towards Webcam-based Face Direction Tracking To Detect Learners' Attention Within Asynchronous E-learning Environment
* UAV-based 3d Virtual Tour Creation
* Using SVR and MRA Methods for Real Estate Valuation in the Smart Cities
* Using UAV-based 3d Images of Individual Tree Species in Distance Education in Forestry
* Wireless Sensor Network: Towards An Improvement of Security Policy
* Writer Identification: the Effect of Image Resizing on Cnn Performance
* Yield Estimation of Sunflower Plant With Cnn and Ann Using Sentinel-2
87 for SmartCityApp21

SmartGeoApps19 * *ISPRS Workshop on Advanced Geospatial Applications for Smart Cities and Regions
* Application Research of Lod Technology and The Shortest Path Algorithm In Trafic Geographic Information System
* Exploring The Relationship Between Travel Pattern And Social-demographics Using Smart Card Data and Household Survey
* GeoBIM Benchmark 2019: Design and Initial Results
* GIS Based Solar Power Plants Site Selection Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Istanbul, Turkey
* Hierarchical Data Model for Storage and Indexing of Massive Street View
* Indoor Positioning Using Convolution Neural Network to Regress Camera Pose
* Investigation of Sustainable Urban Development Direction Using Geographic Information Systems (case Study: Zanjan City)
* Local Maximum Density Approach for Small-scale Clustering of Urban Taxi Stops
* Preface - Isprs Workshop On Advanced Geospatial Applications For Smart Cities And Regions (smartgeoapps 2019)
* Ranking Nodes in Complex Networks: a Case Study of The Gaubus
* Roles of Urban Buildings and Vegetation in Adjusting Seasonal And Daily Air Temperature, The
* Semantic Validation of Social Media Geographic Information: A Case Study On Instagram Data for Expo Milano 2015
* Spatio-temporal Modelling and The New Urban Agenda in Post-apartheid South Africa
* Spatiotemporal Change of Urban Agriculture Using Google Earth Imagery: A Case of Municipality of Nakhonratchasima City, Thailand
* Unbroken Digital Data Flow in The Built Environment Process - a Case Study in Sweden
16 for SmartGeoApps19

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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