Index for mich

Mich, O.[Ornella] Co Author Listing * Compass: An Image Retrieval System for Distributed Databases
* Histograms analysis for image retrieval
* method of storing and retrieving images of people, for example, in photographic archives and for the construction of identikit images, A
* Query Simplification and Strategy Selection for Image Retrieval
* Spotit: An Interactive Identikit System
* Survey on the Automatic Indexing of Video Data, A
Includes: Mich, O.[Ornella] Mich, O.

Michael Grigoriou, D.[Despina] Co Author Listing * Tour in the Archaeological Site of Choirokoitia Using Virtual Reality: A Learning Performance and Interest Generation Assessment, A
Includes: Michael Grigoriou, D.[Despina] Michael-Grigoriou, D.[Despina]

Michael, A.[Aimilios] Co Author Listing * Documentation and Evaluation of the Positive Contribution of Natural Ventilation in the Rural Vernacular Architecture of Cyprus

Michael, A.A. Co Author Listing * Comparative analysis between discrete cosine transform and wavelet transform techniques for medical image compression

Michael, A.M.[Andrew M.] Co Author Listing * Method to Analyze Correlations between Multiple Brain Imaging Tasks to Characterize Schizophrenia, A

Michael, C.J.[Chris J.] Co Author Listing * Tile prediction schemes for wide area motion imagery maps in GIS

Michael, D. Co Author Listing * Presenting Cypriot Cultural Heritage in Virtual Reality: A User Evaluation
* Selective local tone mapping

Michael, D.J.[David J.] Co Author Listing * Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Applications of Computer Vision
* Machine vision method using search models to find features in three-dimensional images
* Method for coordinating multiple fields of view in multi-camera

Michael, G. Co Author Listing * Acquisition and Analysis of Pictorial Data: The Hidden Science of Imagery
* Automatic ISP Image Quality Tuning Using Nonlinear Optimization
* Chronology of the Basalt Units Surrounding Chang'e-4 Landing Area
* Constraints on the Fault Dip Angles of Lunar Graben and Their Significance for Lunar Thermal Evolution
* Detecting Lunar Linear Structures Based on Multimodal Semantic Segmentation: The Case of Sinuous Rilles
* Example based demosaicing
* Eye Contact Correction using Deep Neural Networks
* Image Reconstruction from Localized Fourier Magnitude
* Seamless 3D Image Mapping and Mosaicing of Valles Marineris on Mars Using Orbital HRSC Stereo and Panchromatic Images
* SemifreddoNets: Partially Frozen Neural Networks for Efficient Computer Vision Systems
* Subpixel-Scale Topography Retrieval of Mars Using Single-Image DTM Estimation and Super-Resolution Restoration
* Surface Ages in the Vicinity of the Chang'e-6 Landing Site
* VisionISP: Repurposing the Image Signal Processor for Computer Vision Applications
Includes: Michael, G. Michael, G.[Gilad] Michael, G.[Gregory] Michael, G.[Greg]
13 for Michael, G.

Michael, G.K.O.[Goh Kah Ong] Co Author Listing * contactless biometric system using multiple hand features, A

Michael, J.[Johannes] Co Author Listing * ICPR 2020 Competition on Text Block Segmentation on a Newseye Dataset
* Pre-trained Convolutional Networks and Generative Statistical Models: A Comparative Study in Large Datasets
* two-stage method for text line detection in historical documents, A
Includes: Michael, J.[Johannes] Michael, J.[John]

Michael, J.B. Co Author Listing * Bringing bombs to light
* Multiagent Pathfinding Under Rigid, Optimization, and Uncertainty Constraints
* Promise of Interactive Shared Augmented Reality, The
Includes: Michael, J.B. Michael, J.B.[James Bret]

Michael, J.H.[Judd H.] Co Author Listing * Voxel-Based Individual Tree Stem Detection Method Using Airborne LiDAR in Mature Northeastern U.S. Forests, A

Michael, K.[Katina] Co Author Listing * Biometric Surveillance and the Future of War
* Machine ethics: the design and governance of ethical ai and autonomous systems
* properties of the cornea based on hyperspectral imaging: Optical biomedical engineering perspective, The
Includes: Michael, K.[Katina] Michael, K.

Michael, K.J. Co Author Listing * Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients for East Antarctic Pack Ice and Snow at Ultraviolet and Visible Wavelengths
* Method for Compositing Polar MODIS Satellite Images to Remove Cloud Cover for Landfast Sea-Ice Detection, A

Michael, L.[Loizos] Co Author Listing * disembodied predictor stance, The
* Performance Assessment of Fine-tuned Barrier Recognition Models in Varying Conditions

Michael, M.[Matthias] Co Author Listing * Park marking-based vehicle self-localization with a fisheye topview system

Michael, M.B. Co Author Listing * Improving Socially-Aware Recommendation Accuracy Through Personality

Michael, N. Co Author Listing * Control of Ensembles of Aerial Robots
* Fast Monte-Carlo Localization on Aerial Vehicles Using Approximate Continuous Belief Representations
* Framework for the Recognition of Nonmanual Markers in Segmented Sequences of American Sign Language, A
* Motion Profiles for Deception Detection Using Visual Cues
Includes: Michael, N. Michael, N.[Nicholas]

Michael, S.[Spratling] Co Author Listing * CobNet: Cross Attention on Object and Background for Few-Shot Segmentation

Michael, T.[Tsioumas] Co Author Listing * New Cross/Augmented Reality Experiences for the Virtual Museums of the Future

Michael, Y.[Yaron] Co Author Listing * Economic Assessment of Fire Damage to Urban Forest in the Wildland-Urban Interface Using Planet Satellites Constellation Images
* High-Throughput Remote Sensing of Vertical Green Living Walls (VGWs) in Workplaces
* Improving WRF-Fire Wildfire Simulation Accuracy Using SAR and Time Series of Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices
* Leaf Water Potential in a Mixed Mediterranean Forest from Machine Learning and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Hyperspectral Imaging
* Optimizing Top Dressing Nitrogen Fertilization Using VENµS and Sentinel-2 L1 Data

Michaeli, H.[Hagay] Co Author Listing * Alias-Free Convnets: Fractional Shift Invariance via Polynomial Activations

Michaeli, T.[Tomer] Co Author Listing * 2018 PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Super-Resolution, The
* Adaptive Compressed Sensing with Diffusion-based Posterior Sampling
* Alias-Free Convnets: Fractional Shift Invariance via Polynomial Activations
* Beyond Local Processing: Adapting CNNs for CT Reconstruction
* Blind Deblurring Using Internal Patch Recurrence
* Deformation Aware Image Compression
* Direct Validation of the Information Bottleneck Principle for Deep Nets
* Discovering Interpretable Directions in the Semantic Latent Space of Diffusion Models
* Edit Friendly DDPM Noise Space: Inversion and Manipulations, An
* Explorable Super Resolution
* Internal Diverse Image Completion
* Learning Optimal Wavefront Shaping for Multi-Channel Imaging
* Modifying Non-local Variations Across Multiple Views
* Multi-scale Weighted Nuclear Norm Image Restoration
* Multispectral Reconstruction From Reference Objects in the Scene
* Nested Diffusion Processes for Anytime Image Generation
* Nonparametric Blind Super-resolution
* Perception-Distortion Tradeoff, The
* Power Awareness in Low Precision Neural Networks
* SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model From a Single Natural Image
* Spatially-Adaptive Pixelwise Networks for Fast Image Translation
* Uncertainty Visualization via Low-Dimensional Posterior Projections
* Visualizing Image Priors
* What's in the Image? Explorable Decoding of Compressed Images
* xUnit: Learning a Spatial Activation Function for Efficient Image Restoration
Includes: Michaeli, T.[Tomer] Michaeli, T.
25 for Michaeli, T.

Michaelides, M.P.[Michalis P.] Co Author Listing * survey on computational intelligence approaches for intelligent marine terminal operations, A

Michaelides, R.[Roger] Co Author Listing * New Decorrelation Phase Covariance Model for Noise Reduction in Unwrapped Interferometric Phase Stacks, A
* Spatial Variability of Active Layer Thickness along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor Resolved Using Ground-Penetrating Radar

Michaelides, R.J. Co Author Listing * Algorithm for Estimating and Correcting Decorrelation Phase From InSAR Data Using Closure Phase Triplets, An
* Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Airborne SAR Observations
Includes: Michaelides, R.J. Michaelides, R.J.[Roger J.]

Michaelides, S.[Silas] Co Author Listing * Capitalize on the Experience of the ATHENA Project for Cultural Heritage for the Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence for the Benefit of the East Med Region
* Comparative Analysis of TMPA and IMERG Precipitation Datasets in the Arid Environment of El-Qaa Plain, Sinai
* Comparison of GPM IMERG and TRMM 3B43 Products over Cyprus
* Editorial for Special Issue Remote Sensing in Applications of Geoinformation
* Editorial for Special Issue Remote Sensing of Precipitation
* Editorial for Special Issue Remote Sensing of Precipitation: Part II
* Editorial for Special Issue Remote Sensing of Precipitation: Part III
* Excelsior H2020 Widespread Teaming Phase 2 Project: Earth Observation and Geoinformatics Research and Innovation Agenda for Cultural Heritage
* Implementation of a Mineral Dust Wet Deposition Scheme in the GOCART-AFWA Module of the WRF Model, The
* Investigating Detection of Floating Plastic Litter from Space Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Mesoscale Resolution Radar Data Assimilation Experiments with the Harmonie Model
* Monitoring and Integrating the Changes in Vegetated Areas with the Rate of Groundwater Use in Arid Regions
* Multi-Platform Hydrometeorological Analysis of the Flash Flood Event of 15 November 2017 in Attica, Greece, A
* On the Pathway to Success: Becoming a Leading Earth Observation Centre Through the EXCELSIOR Project
* Optimization of Rain Gauge Networks for Arid Regions Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Range Adjustment for Ground-Based Radar, Derived With the Spaceborne TRMM Precipitation Radar
* Temporal Dynamics of Global Barren Areas between 2001 and 2022 Derived from MODIS Land Cover Products
* Validation of the First Years of GPM Operation over Cyprus
Includes: Michaelides, S.[Silas] Michaelides, S.
18 for Michaelides, S.

Michaelides, S.C. Co Author Listing * Classification of Satellite Cloud Imagery Based on Multi-feature Texture Analysis and Neural Networks
* Multifeature texture analysis for the classification of clouds in satellite imagery

Michaelidou, M.[Maria] Co Author Listing * Tour in the Archaeological Site of Choirokoitia Using Virtual Reality: A Learning Performance and Interest Generation Assessment, A

Michaelis, A.[Andrew] Co Author Listing * Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Global Land Cover Fractions from Satellite Data Using High Performance Computing
* Novel Atmospheric Correction Algorithm to Exploit the Diurnal Variability in Hypertemporal Geostationary Observations, A
* Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delineation From 1-m NAIP Imagery Using a High-Performance Computing Architecture, A
Includes: Michaelis, A.[Andrew] Michaelis, A.

Michaelis, B. Co Author Listing * 3-D motion and shape from multiple image sequences
* 3D-Measurement of Geometrical Shapes by Photogrammetry and Neural Networks
* Adaptive Filtering of Distorted Displacement Vector Fields Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Additive Fuzzy Enhancement and an Associative Memory for Feature Tracking in Radiation Therapy Images
* Artificial neural networks for image improvement
* Audio-Visual Data Fusion Using a Particle Filter in the Application of Face Recognition
* Book Scanner Dewarping with Weak 3d Measurements and a Simplified Surface Model
* Coded 3d Calibration Method for Line-Scan Cameras, A
* Compensation of motion blur in binary images
* Cubic-splines neural network- based system for Image Retrieval
* Dent Detection in Car Bodies
* Detection of presynaptic terminals on dendritic spines in double labeling confocal images
* Discriminative Models-Based Hand Gesture Recognition
* Facial expression recognition based on geometric and optical flow features in colour image sequences
* Hand trajectory-based gesture spotting and recognition using HMM
* Hidden Markov Model-based continuous gesture recognition system for hand motion trajectory, A
* Hierarchical Method for Stereophotogrammetric Multi-object-position Measurement
* Human action recognition via affine moment invariants
* Human Activity Recognition: A Scheme Using Multiple Cues
* Improving Hand Gesture Recognition Using 3D Combined Features
* Incorporating Social Entropy for Crowd Behavior Detection Using SVM
* Integrating statistical and cognitive model for multi-object tracking in realistic scenarios
* Interpreting Dynamic Meanings by Integrating Gesture and Posture Recognition System
* Knowledge-based enhancement of megavoltage images in radiation therapy using a hybrid neuro-fuzzy system
* New Multi-camera Based Facial Expression Analysis Concept, A
* novel public key self-embedding fragile watermarking technique for image authentication, A
* OIF: An Online Inferential Framework for Multi-object Tracking with Kalman Filter
* Photogrammetric measurement of patients in radiotherapy
* Real-time, 3-D-multi object position estimation and tracking
* Robust facial expression recognition based on 3-d supported feature extraction and SVM classification
* Robust Method for Block-Based Motion Estimation in RGB-Image Sequences, A
* Robust Method for Hand Gesture Segmentation and Recognition Using Forward Spotting Scheme in Conditional Random Fields, A
* Robust Neural System for Objectionable Image Recognition, A
* Robust Stereoscopic Head Pose Estimation in Human-Computer Interaction and a Unified Evaluation Framework
* Secure Self-Recovery Image Authentication Using Randomly-Sized Blocks
* Semi-fragile Image Authentication Using Robust Image Hashing with Localization
* Solutions for Model-Based Analysis of Human Gait
* Stereo and Color-based Method for Face Pose Estimation and Facial Feature Extraction, A
* Stereo Photogrammetry with Improved Spatial Resolution
* Stereo-Camera-Based Urban Environment Perception Using Occupancy Grid and Object Tracking
* Surface Quality Inspection of Deformable Parts with Variable B-spline Surfaces
* SVM approach for activity recognition based on chord-length-function shape features, An
* Three-dimensional quasi-binary image restoration for confocal microscopy and its application to dendritic trees
* Toward Robust Action Retrieval in Video
* Towards completely rotated Simplified Gabor Wavelets for fast facial feature point detection
* Use of Coloured Tracers in Gas Flow Experiments for a Lagrangian Flow Analysis with Increased Tracer Density
* Using Conditional Random Field for Crowd Behavior Analysis
* Utilizing Invariant Descriptors for Finger Spelling American Sign Language Using SVM
* Variable block-size image authentication with localization and self-recovery
Includes: Michaelis, B. Michaelis, B.[Bernd]
49 for Michaelis, B.

Michaelis, C. Co Author Listing * Optimizing Rank-Based Metrics With Blackbox Differentiation

Michaelis, C.D.[Christopher D.] Co Author Listing * Evaluation and Implementation of the OGC Web Processing Service for Use in Client-Side GIS

Michaelis, M.[Markus] Co Author Listing * Camera cooperation for achieving visual attention
* common framework for preattentive and attentive vision using steerable filters, A
* Context Based Detection of Keypoints and Features in Eye Regions
* Edge and keypoint detection in facial regions
* Hierarchical Filter Scheme For Efficient Corner Detection, A
* Junction Classification by Multiple Orientation Detection
* Lie Group Approach to Steerable Filters, A
Includes: Michaelis, M.[Markus] Michaelis, M.
7 for Michaelis, M.

Michaelis, R.[Rune] Co Author Listing * Multiannual Seafloor Dynamics around a Subtidal Rocky Reef Habitat in the North Sea

Michaelisy, B.[Bernd] Co Author Listing * Real-Time Automatic Traffic Accident Recognition Using HFG

Michaels, A.[Andreas] Co Author Listing * Plant classification system for crop /weed discrimination without segmentation

Michaels, R. Co Author Listing * FRVT 2002: Overview and Summary
* Stratified Methodology for Classifier and Recognizer Evaluation, A

Michaels, R.J.[Ross J.] Co Author Listing * Efficient Evaluation of Classification and Recognition Systems

Michaels, T.E.[Thomas E.] Co Author Listing * Noninvasive Early Detection of Nutrient Deficiencies in Greenhouse-Grown Industrial Hemp Using Hyperspectral Imaging

Michaelsen, E.[Eckart] Co Author Listing * Cluster Analysis and Priority Sorting in Huge Point Clouds for Building Reconstruction
* Cognitive Vision and Perceptual Grouping by Production Systems with Blackboard Control: An Example for High-Resolution SAR-Images
* Design of Orientation Assessment Functions for Gestalt-grouping Utilizing Labeled Sample-data
* Estimating the Essential Matrix: GOODSAC versus RANSAC
* Estimating the precision of under-water video-mosaics
* Extraction of building polygons from SAR images: Grouping and decision-level in the GESTALT system
* Gestalt Grouping On Façade Textures From IR Image Sequences: Comparing Different Production Systems
* Good Sample Consensus Estimation of 2D-Homographies for Vehicle Movement Detection from Thermal Videos
* Grouping salient scatterers in InSAR data for recognition of industrial buildings
* Hierarchical Grouping Using Gestalt Assessments
* Hierarchical Grouping: The Gestalt Assessments Method
* Motion Detection by Classification of Local Structures in Airborne Thermal Videos
* On the Depth of Gestalt Hierarchies in Common Imagery
* Perceptual grouping for automatic detection of man-made structures in high-resolution SAR data
* Potential of Building Extraction from Multi-Aspect High-Resolution Amplitude SAR Data
* Recognition of Symmetry Structure by Use of Gestalt Algebra
* Searching Remotely Sensed Images For Meaningful Nested Gestalten
* Segmentation of LIDAR and InSAR Elevation Data for Building Reconstruction
* Self-organizing maps and Gestalt organization as components of an advanced system for remotely sensed data: An example with thermal hyper-spectra
* Semantic Modelling of Man-Made Objects by Production Nets
* Special issue on advances in pattern recognition in remote sensing
* Stereo analysis of high-resolution SAR images for building height estimation in cases of orthogonal aspect directions
* Stochastic reasoning for structural pattern recognition: An example from image-based UAV navigation
* Structural 3D-Analysis of Aerial Images with a Blackboard-Based Production System
* Towards Understanding Urban Patterns and Structures
Includes: Michaelsen, E.[Eckart] Michaelsen, E.
25 for Michaelsen, E.

Michaelson, G. Co Author Listing * Parallel Mean Shift Accuracy and Performance Trade-Offs

Michaelson, G.J. Co Author Listing * Dual Source, Parallel Architecture for Computer Vision, A
* Dynamic Control and Prototyping of Parallel Algorithms for Intermediate- and High-Level Vision
* Parallel Imperative and Functional Approaches to Visual Scene Labelling
* Prototyping Parallel Algorithms using Standard ML

Michail, D.[Dimitrios] Co Author Listing * Benchmarking and scaling of deep learning models for land cover image classification
* Computationally Efficient Rehearsal for Online Continual Learning
* Hephaestus: A large scale multitask dataset towards InSAR understanding
* methodology for near real-time change detection between Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and wide area satellite images, A
* TeleViT: Teleconnection-driven Transformers Improve Subseasonal to Seasonal Wildfire Forecasting

Michail, E.[Emmanouil] Co Author Listing * Using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems for the detection of centroblasts in microscopic images of follicular lymphoma
* Verge in VBS 2020
* VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results

Michail, H.E.[Harris E.] Co Author Listing * Distribution of Cultural Content through Exploitation of Cryptographic Algorithms and Hardware Identification

Michail, K. Co Author Listing * LBS Augmented Reality Assistive System For Utilities Infrastructure Management Through Galileo And Egnos

Michailidis, G.[George] Co Author Listing * Fast Detection Method of Break Points in Effective Connectivity Networks, A
* Fast Randomized Algorithms for t-Product Based Tensor Operations and Decompositions with Applications to Imaging Data
* Graph-Based Semisupervised Learning
* High Performance Stereo System for Dense 3-D Reconstruction
* Novel Data-Driven Approach for Solving the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location-Routing Problem, A
Includes: Michailidis, G.[George] Michailidis, G.

Michailidis, G.T.[Georgios Tsampikos] Co Author Listing * ASPIRE: Automatic scanner position reconstruction
* Bayesian graph-cut optimization for wall surfaces reconstruction in indoor environments
Includes: Michailidis, G.T.[Georgios Tsampikos] Michailidis, G.T.[Georgios-Tsampikos]

Michailidis, I.T.[Iakovos T.] Co Author Listing * Overview of Legacy AC Automation for Energy-efficient Thermal Comfort Preservation

Michailidis, K.[Konstantinos] Co Author Listing * Consistency of the Single Calculus Chain Optical Products with Archived Measurements from an EARLINET Lidar Station
* Evaluation of Aerosol Typing with Combination of Remote Sensing Techniques with In Situ Data during the PANACEA Campaigns in Thessaloniki Station, Greece
* Investigating a Persistent Stratospheric Aerosol Layer Observed over Southern Europe during 2019
* Large-Scale Network-Based Observations of a Saharan Dust Event across the European Continent in Spring 2022

Michaille, G. Co Author Listing * Variational approximation of a constraint signal by a Mumford-Shah type energy functional

Michailovich, O.V.[Oleg V.] Co Author Listing * Alternate Direction Method of Multipliers for Unconstrained Structural Similarity-Based Optimization
* Blind Deconvolution of Medical Ultrasound Images: A Parametric Inverse Filtering Approach
* Dynamic Denoising of Tracking Sequences
* Examination of Several Methods of Hyperspectral Image Denoising: Over Channels, Spectral Functions and Both Domains, An
* Fitting Smooth Manifolds to Point Clouds in a Level Set Formulation
* Function-Valued Mappings, Total Variation and Compressed Sensing for diffusion MRI
* Gradient-based surface reconstruction using compressed sensing
* high-resolution technique for ultrasound harmonic imaging using sparse representations in gabor frames, A
* Hybrid blind deconvolution of images using variable splitting and proximal point methods
* Image Deblurring Using Derivative Compressed Sensing for Optical Imaging Application
* Image Segmentation Using Active Contours Driven by the Bhattacharyya Gradient Flow
* Iterative Shrinkage Approach to Restoration of Optical Imagery
* Iterative Shrinkage Approach to Total-Variation Image Restoration, An
* new similarity measure for non-local means filtering of MRI images, A
* novel approach to the 2-D blind deconvolution problem in medical ultrasound, A
* On Approximation of Orientation Distributions by Means of Spherical Ridgelets
* Orientation distribution estimation for Q-ball imaging
* Phase Unwrapping for 2-D Blind Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images
* Reconstruction of HARDI Data Using a Split Bregman Optimization Approach
* Reconstruction of HARDI using compressed sensing and its application to contrast HARDI
* Robust estimation of ultrasound pulses using outlier-resistant de-noising
* Segmentation of Breast MRI Scans in the Presence of Bias Fields
* Segmentation of Medical Ultrasound Images using Active Contours
* Segmentation of Tracking Sequences Using Dynamically Updated Adaptive Learning
* Segmenting Images on the Tensor Manifold
* Spatially Regularized Compressed Sensing for High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
* Surface Reconstruction in Gradient-Field Domain Using Compressed Sensing
* Total Variation Minimization for Measure-Valued Images with Diffusion Spectrum Imaging as Motivation
Includes: Michailovich, O.V.[Oleg V.] Michailovich, O.V.
28 for Michailovich, O.V.

Michalak, A.[Anna] Co Author Listing * Application of the Infrared Thermography and Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Rescue Action Support in Underground Mine: The AMICOS Project

Michalak, A.M.[Anna M.] Co Author Listing * novel algorithm for ocean chlorophyll-a concentration using MODIS Aqua data, A

Michalak, G.[Grzegorz] Co Author Listing * GFZ GRACE RL06 Monthly Gravity Field Time Series: Processing Details and Quality Assessment, The

Michalak, H.[Hubert] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Image Binarization Based on Multi-layered Stack of Regions

Michalak, M.[Marcin] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Deformation of Mining Chains Based on Motion Tracking
* Central threat register- a complex system for risk analysis and decision support in railway transport
* Detection of Tumor Tissue Based on the Multispectral Imaging
* Spectrum Evaluation on Multispectral Images by Machine Learning Techniques

Michalak, T.[Tomasz] Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Versus Traditional Solutions for Group Trajectory Outliers
* Shapley Deep Learning: A Consensus for General-Purpose Vision Systems

Michalakis, G.K.[Georgios K.] Co Author Listing * Optical recognition of psaltic Byzantine chant notation

Michalakis, K.[Kostas] Co Author Listing * Linked Open Data as Universal Markers for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications in Cultural Heritage

Michalczuk, A.[Agnieszka] Co Author Listing * Gait Identification Based on MPCA Reduction of a Video Recordings Data
* Gait recognition based on marker-less 3D motion capture
* View Independent Human Gait Recognition Using Markerless 3D Human Motion Capture

Michaleje, L.[Lukas] Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing of Riparian Ecosystems
Includes: Michaleje, L.[Lukas] Michaleje, L.[Lukáš]

Michalek, J. Co Author Listing * Piecewise Monotone Subgradient Algorithm for Accurate L^1 -TV Based Registration of Physical Slices With Discontinuities in Microscopy, A

Michalek, P.[Piotr] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Results Determining the Positions and Velocities of Satellite Laser Ranging Stations during Earthquakes in 2010-2011
* Laser Observations of GALILEO Satellites at the CBK PAN Astrogeodynamic Observatory in Borowiec

Michalet, R.[Richard] Co Author Listing * Classification of Atlantic Coastal Sand Dune Vegetation Using In Situ, UAV, and Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Potential of High-Resolution Pléiades Imagery to Monitor Salt Marsh Evolution After Spartina Invasion

Michaletz, S.T.[Sean T.] Co Author Listing * Modeling post-fire tree mortality: sapwood area reduction in stems

Michalis, P.[Pantelis] Co Author Listing * Generic Model for Along Track Stereo Sensors Using Rigorous Orbit Mechanics, A

Michalke, T.[Thomas] Co Author Listing * biologically-inspired vision architecture for resource-constrained intelligent vehicles, A
* Enhancing Robustness of a Saliency-Based Attention System for Driver Assistance
* Hierarchical System Integration Approach with Application to Visual Scene Exploration for Driver Assistance, A

Michalkiewicz, M.[Mateusz] Co Author Listing * Domain Generalization Guided by Gradient Signal to Noise Ratio of Parameters
* Few-shot Single-view 3-d Object Reconstruction with Compositional Priors
* Implicit Surface Representations As Layers in Neural Networks
Includes: Michalkiewicz, M.[Mateusz] Michalkiewicz, M.

Michalkova, M.S.[Monika Sulc] Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing of Riparian Ecosystems
Includes: Michalkova, M.S.[Monika Sulc] Michalková, M.Š.[Monika Šulc]

Michalopoulos, P. Co Author Listing * Dynamic-Zone-Based Coordinated Ramp-Metering Algorithm With Queue Constraints for Minnesota's Freeways, A

Michalopoulos, P.G.[Panos G.] Co Author Listing * Vehicle detection through image processing for traffic surveillance and control

Michalopoulou, M.[Maria] Co Author Listing * Estimating Soil Erosion Rate Changes in Areas Affected by Wildfires

Michalowicz, G. Co Author Listing * Very High-Resolution Imaging of Post-Mortem Human Cardiac Tissue Using X-Ray Phase Contrast Tomography

Michalowska, K.[Krystyna] Co Author Listing * Multi-Temporal Analysis of Changes of the Southern Part of the Baltic Sea Coast Using Aerial Remote Sensing Data
* Spatial-temporal Detection Of Changes On The Southern Coast Of The Baltic Sea Based On Multitemporal Aerial Photographs
* Sustainable Monitoring of Mining Activities: Decision-Making Model Using Spectral Indexes
Includes: Michalowska, K.[Krystyna] Michalowska, K.

Michalowska, M.[Maja] Co Author Listing * Review of Tree Species Classification Based on Airborne LiDAR Data and Applied Classifiers, A

Michalska Hejduk, D.[Dorota] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Using Dense Image Matching Techniques to Study the Process of Secondary Succession in Non-Forest Natura 2000 Habitats
* Mapping Succession in Non-Forest Habitats by Means of Remote Sensing: Is the Data Acquisition Time Critical for Species Discrimination?
* Methodology for Identifying Secondary Succession in Non-Forest Natura 2000 Habitats Using Multi-Source Airborne Remote Sensing Data, The
Includes: Michalska Hejduk, D.[Dorota] Michalska-Hejduk, D.[Dorota]

Michalska, A.[Anna] Co Author Listing * Python Software Tool for Diagnostics of the Global Navigation Satellite System Station (PS-NETM)-Reviewing the New Global Navigation Satellite System Time Series Analysis Tool

Michalski, A.[Alexander] Co Author Listing * Application of Copernicus Data for Climate-Relevant Urban Planning Using the Example of Water, Heat, and Vegetation
* High Throughput Field Phenotyping of Wheat Plant Height and Growth Rate in Field Plot Trials Using UAV Based Remote Sensing
Includes: Michalski, A.[Alexander] Michalski, A.[Adam]

Michalski, B.[Blazej] Co Author Listing * Quantification of the Myocardial Viability Based on Texture Parameters of Contrast Ultrasound Images

Michalski, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Python Software Tool for Diagnostics of the Global Navigation Satellite System Station (PS-NETM)-Reviewing the New Global Navigation Satellite System Time Series Analysis Tool

Michalski, M.[Marek] Co Author Listing * Use of Geoinformatics for the Digitization and Visualization of Sensitive Space in the Urban Landscape: A Case Study of the Gross-Rosen Sub-Camps Systems

Michalski, P.[Pawel] Co Author Listing * Detection of power line insulators on digital images with the use of laser spots

Michalski, R.S.[Ryszard S.] Co Author Listing * email: Michalski, R.S.[Ryszard S.]: michalsk AT aic gmu edu
* Learning Symbolic Descriptions of Shape for Object Recognition in X-Ray Images
* Mist Methodology and Its Application to Natural Scene Interpretation, The
* Prax Approach to Learning a Large Number of Texture Concepts, The
* Progress on Vision Through Learning
* Progress on Vision through Learning at George Mason University
* Recognizing Blasting Caps in X-Ray Images
* Variable-Valued Logic System as Applied to Picture Description and Recognition, A
Includes: Michalski, R.S.[Ryszard S.] Michalski, R.S.
8 for Michalski, R.S.

Michalski, V. Co Author Listing * Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing using Deep Recurrent Networks
* RATM: Recurrent Attentive Tracking Model
* Something Something Video Database for Learning and Evaluating Visual Common Sense, The
Includes: Michalski, V. Michalski, V.[Vincent]

Michau, G. Co Author Listing * Bluetooth Data in an Urban Context: Retrieving Vehicle Trajectories

Michaud, D.[Dorian] Co Author Listing * Adaptive features selection for expert datasets: A cultural heritage application
* Adaptive Image Representation Using Information Gain and Saliency: Application to Cultural Heritage Datasets

Michaud, E.[Emma] Co Author Listing * Easily Implemented Methods of Radiometric Corrections for Hyperspectral-UAV: Application to Guianese Equatorial Mudbanks Colonized by Pioneer Mangroves

Michaud, F. Co Author Listing * Comparative Analysis of 3-D Robot Teleoperation Interfaces With Novice Users
* Coordinated Maneuvering of Automated Vehicles in Platoons
* Fuzzy Detection of Edge-Direction for Video Line Doubling
* Multi-Layer Atlas System for Map Management
Includes: Michaud, F. Michaud, F.[François]

Michaud, M. Co Author Listing * Very High Resolution Land Cover Mapping of Urban Areas At Global Scale With Convolutional Neural Networks

Michaux, A.[Aaron] Co Author Listing * Recognize Human Activities from Partially Observed Videos

Miche, P.[Pierre] Co Author Listing * Automatic Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Belief Functions, An
* Fast and Automatic Stereo Vision Matching Algorithm-Based on Dynamic-Programming Method
* Implementation of a 3D Vision System on DSPs TMS320C31
* Preceding car tracking using belief functions and a particle filter
Includes: Miche, P.[Pierre] Miché, P.[Pierre] Miche, P. Miché, P.

Michea, D. Co Author Listing * Imclass: A User-tailored Machine Learning Image Classification Chain For Change Detection Or Landcover Mapping
* Improved Co-Registration of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Imagery for Earth Surface Motion Measurements
* semi-supervised multi-temporal landslide and flash flood event detection methodology for unexplored regions using massive satellite image time series, A
Includes: Michea, D. Michéa, D. Michéa, D.[David]

Micheal, A.A. Co Author Listing * Tool to Enhance the Capacity for Deep Learning Based Object Detection and Tracking with UAV Data, A

Michealis, J.[James] Co Author Listing * MxR Framework for Uncertainty Based Explanation for Uncovering Adversarial Behavior

Micheals, R. Co Author Listing * Applications of Omnidirectional Imaging: Multi-body Tracking and Remote Reality
* Biometric Systematic Uncertainty and the User
* Frame-Rate Multi-Body Tracking for Surveillance
* Frame-Rate Omnidirectional Surveillance and Tracking of Camouflaged and Occluded Targets
* Meta-Recognition: The Theory and Practice of Recognition Score Analysis
* Robust Fusion: Extreme Value Theory for Recognition Score Normalization
* Usability testing of an overlay to improve face capture
* Usability Testing of Face Image Capture for US Ports of Entry
Includes: Micheals, R. Micheals, R.[Ross]
8 for Micheals, R.

Micheals, R.J.[Ross J.] Co Author Listing * Automated Video-Based System for Iris Recognition, An
* Face recognition vendor test 2002
* Face Recognition Vendor Test 2002 Performance Metrics
* Improvements in Video-based Automated System for Iris Recognition (VASIR)
* Improving Variance Estimation in Biometric Systems
* Into the woods: visual surveillance of noncooperative and camouflaged targets in complex outdoor settings
* NIST HumanID Evaluation Framework, The
* Omni-directional visual surveillance
* Sensitivity analysis for biometric systems: A methodology based on orthogonal experiment designs
Includes: Micheals, R.J.[Ross J.] Micheals, R.J.
9 for Micheals, R.J.

Michel Sendis, C.[Christian] Co Author Listing * Combining model-based and discriminative classifiers: Application to handwritten character recognition
* Hybrid generative/discriminative classifier for unconstrained character recognition
Includes: Michel Sendis, C.[Christian] Michel-Sendis, C.[Christian]

Michel, A.[Andreas] Co Author Listing * 2nd Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2024: Challenge Results
* Analysis of GNSS Displacements in Europe and Their Comparison with Hydrological Loading Models
* Class-aware Object Counting
* Multi-Resolution Study of Thermal Unmixing Techniques over Madrid Urban Area: Case Study of TRISHNA Mission
* New Material-Oriented TES for Land Surface Temperature and SUHI Retrieval in Urban Areas: Case Study over Madrid in the Framework of the Future TRISHNA Mission, A
* Night Thermal Unmixing for the Study of Microscale Surface Urban Heat Islands with TRISHNA-Like Data
* Spectral Unmixing for Thermal Infrared Multi-Spectral Airborne Imagery over Urban Environments: Day and Night Synergy
* Study of the Penetration Bias of ENVISAT Altimeter Observations over Antarctica in Comparison to ICESat Observations
Includes: Michel, A.[Andreas] Michel, A.[Alexandre] Michel, A.[Aurelie] Michel, A.[Aurélie]
8 for Michel, A.

Michel, C. Co Author Listing * Comparison of 3-D reconstruction with 3D-OSEM and with FORE+OSEM for PET
* Completion of a Truncated Attenuation Image From the Attenuated PET Emission Data
* Continuous and Discrete Data Rebinning in Time-of-Flight PET
* Estimation of Generalized Mixture in the Case of Correlated Sensors
* Exact and approximate rebinning algorithms for 3-D PET data
* Exact rebinning methods for three-dimensional PET
* Fully 3-D PET Reconstruction With System Matrix Derived From Point Source Measurements
* Maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization reconstruction of sinograms with arbitrary noise distribution using NEC-transformations
* Morphological registration of 3D medical images
* Performance of MAP Reconstruction for Hot Lesion Detection in Whole-Body PET/CT: An Evaluation With Human and Numerical Observers
* Simultaneous Reconstruction of Activity and Attenuation in Time-of-Flight PET
* Stray Light Correction Algorithm for High Performance Optical Instruments: The Case of Metop-3MI
Includes: Michel, C. Michel, C.[Céline]
12 for Michel, C.

Michel, C.M.[Christoph M.] Co Author Listing * Decoding stimulus-related information from single-trial EEG responses based on voltage topographies

Michel, D. Co Author Listing * Architectural Reconstruction with Multiple Views and Geometric Constraints
* Beat Synchronous Dance Animation Based on Visual Analysis of Human Motion and Audio Analysis of Music Tempo
* Building a Multi-Touch Display Based on Computer Vision Techniques
* Climatological Drought Monitoring in Switzerland Using EUMETSAT SAF Satellite Data
* Deformable 2D Shape Matching Based on Shape Contexts and Dynamic Programming
* Gesture Recognition Supporting the Interaction of Humans with Socially Assistive Robots
* global projective rectification approach for uncalibrated infrared stereo images, A
* Horizon matching for localizing unordered panoramic images
* Hybrid Method for 3D Pose Estimation of Personalized Human Body Models, A
* Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Exploiting Uncertainties
* Localizing Unordered Panoramic Images Using the Levenshtein Distance
* Scale invariant and deformation tolerant partial shape matching
* Shape from interaction
* Temporal Segmentation and Seamless Stitching of Motion Patterns for Synthesizing Novel Animations of Periodic Dances
* Tracking the articulated motion of the human body with two RGBD cameras
Includes: Michel, D. Michel, D.[Damien] Michel, D.[Dominik] Michel, D.[Devy]
15 for Michel, D.

Michel, F.[Frank] Co Author Listing * 6-DOF Model Based Tracking via Object Coordinate Regression
* BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
* Data fusion through cross-modality metric learning using similarity-sensitive hashing
* Distributed and Collective Approach for Curved Object-Based Range Image Segmentation, A
* DSAC: Differentiable RANSAC for Camera Localization
* Global Hypothesis Generation for 6D Object Pose Estimation
* Iqmulus Urban Showcase: Automatic Tree Classification And Identification In Huge Mobile Mapping Point Clouds, The
* Learning 6D Object Pose Estimation Using 3D Object Coordinates
* Learning Analysis-by-Synthesis for 6D Pose Estimation in RGB-D Images
* Multi-agent Approach for Range Image Segmentation with Bayesian Edge Regularization, A
* Pose Estimation of Kinematic Chain Instances via Object Coordinate Regression
* PoseAgent: Budget-Constrained 6D Object Pose Estimation via Reinforcement Learning
* Summary of the 4th International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose, A
* Uncertainty-Driven 6D Pose Estimation of Objects and Scenes from a Single RGB Image
* Visualization of Marine Sand Dune Displacements Utilizing Modern GPU Techniques
Includes: Michel, F.[Frank] Michel, F.[Fabrice] Michel, F.[Fabien] Michel, F.
15 for Michel, F.

Michel, G.[Guillaume] Co Author Listing * Weight Reparametrization for Budget-Aware Network Pruning

Michel, G.R.[Gregorio Rosario] Co Author Listing * Assessing SDI Implementation Scenarios to Facilitate Emergency Mapping Operations in the Dominican Republic
* Identifying Users' Requirements for Emergency Mapping Team Operations in the Dominican Republic

Michel, H.[Holger] Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Based Prediction of Pulmonary Hypertension in Newborns Using Echocardiograms

Michel, J. Co Author Listing * 2d Sub-pixel Disparity Measurement Using Qpec / Medicis
* Assessment of Optimal Transport for Operational Land-Cover Mapping Using High-Resolution Satellite Images Time Series without Reference Data of the Mapping Period
* Assessment of the Usefulness of Spectral Bands for the Next Generation of Sentinel-2 Satellites by Reconstruction of Missing Bands
* Automatic Registration of Vector Data with Optical Images
* Change Detection Between SAR Images Using a Pointwise Approach and Graph Theory
* CO3D Mission Digital Surface Model Production Pipeline
* Fusion Approaches for Land Cover Map Production Using High Resolution Image Time Series without Reference Data of the Corresponding Period
* Geometry Aware Evaluation of Handcrafted Superpixel-Based Features and Convolutional Neural Networks for Land Cover Mapping Using Satellite Imagery
* Ground Truth Generation and Disparity Estimation for Optical Satellite Imagery
* Inquiry on Contrast Enhancement Methods for Satellite Images, An
* keypoint approach for change detection between SAR images based on graph theory, A
* Learning Harmonised Pleiades and Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectances
* Metric for Evaluating the Geometric Quality of Land Cover Maps Generated with Contextual Features from High-Dimensional Satellite Image Time Series without Dense Reference Data, A
* On stereo-rectification of pushbroom images
* PW-COG: An Effective Texture Descriptor for VHR Satellite Imagery Using a Pointwise Approach on Covariance Matrix of Oriented Gradients
* Qualitative Spatial Reasoning for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Analysis
* SAR-SIFT: A SIFT-Like Algorithm for SAR Images
* Scalable Tile-Based Framework for Region-Merging Segmentation, A
* Scaling Up SLIC Superpixels Using a Tile-Based Approach
* Sentinel-2 Global Reference Image Validation And Application To Multitemporal Performances And High Latitude Digital Surface Model
* Stable Mean-Shift Algorithm and Its Application to the Segmentation of Arbitrarily Large Remote Sensing Images
* Texture Retrieval from VHR Optical Remote Sensed Images Using the Local Extrema Descriptor with Application to Vineyard Parcel Detection
* Thermophysical Affine Invariants from IR Imagery for Object Recognition
* Thermophysical Algebraic Invariants from Infrared Imagery for Object Recognition
* Unified 3D Models for Multisensor Image Synthesis
Includes: Michel, J. Michel, J.[Julien]
25 for Michel, J.

Michel, J.D. Co Author Listing * Geometric, Algebraic, and Thermophysical Techniques for Object Recognition in IR Imagery
* Robust Thermophysics-Based Interpretation of Radiometrically Uncalibrated IR Images for ATR and Site Change Detection
* Using Elimination Methods to Compute Thermophysical Algebraic Invariants from Infrared Imagery

Michel, K.[Kristell] Co Author Listing * Combining Hyperspectral, LiDAR, and Forestry Data to Characterize Riparian Forests along Age and Hydrological Gradients

Michel, M.[Martial] Co Author Listing * AVSS Multiple Camera Person Tracking Challenge Evaluation Overview
* CLEAR 2007 Evaluation, The
* Synchronizing multimodal data streams acquired using commodity hardware
* TRECVid 2008 Event Detection evaluation, The

Michel, N.[Nicolas] Co Author Listing * Adversarially Robust Continual Learning with Anti-Forgetting Loss
* Contrastive Learning for Online Semi-Supervised General Continual Learning
* Improving Plasticity in Online Continual Learning via Collaborative Learning

Michel, O. Co Author Listing * Imaging Applications of Stochastic Minimal Graphs
* Information-Estimation Relationship in Mismatched Gaussian Channels
* Objaverse: A Universe of Annotated 3D Objects
* Text2Mesh: Text-Driven Neural Stylization for Meshes
Includes: Michel, O. Michel, O.[Oscar]

Michel, O.O.[Opelele Omeno] Co Author Listing * Improved Forest Height Model Using L-Band Single-Baseline Polarimetric InSAR Data for Various Forest Densities, An
* Potential of Fully Polarized ALOS-2 Data for Estimating Forest Above-Ground Biomass, The
* Retrieval of Boreal Forest Heights Using an Improved Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) Model Based on Repeat-Pass Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: The Case Study of Saihanba, China

Michel, P.[Pierre] Co Author Listing * Clustering nominal data using unsupervised binary decision trees: Comparisons with the state of the art methods
* Driving Behavior Identification and Real-World Fuel Consumption Estimation With Crowdsensing Data
* Particle Size-Frequency Distributions of the OSIRIS-REx Candidate Sample Sites on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
Includes: Michel, P.[Pierre] Michel, P.[Patrick]

Michel, R. Co Author Listing * Atmospheric Correction of Hyperspectral Data Over Dark Surfaces via Simulated Annealing
* Geostationary Optical Seismometer, Proof of Concept, A
* Image completion using multispectral imaging
Includes: Michel, R. Michel, R.[Rémi]

Michel, S. Co Author Listing * Orientation radiograms for image retrieval: An alternative to segmentation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Domain Instance Denoising
Includes: Michel, S. Michel, S.[Sophia]

Michel, T.[Thibaud] Co Author Listing * Personal Shopping Assistance and Navigator System for Visually Impaired People

Michel, T.A.[Thomas A.] Co Author Listing * Dynamic bit allocation for three-dimensional subband video coding
* Supra-threshold Perceptual Image Coding
Includes: Michel, T.A.[Thomas A.] Michel, T.A.

Michel, T.R. Co Author Listing * UAVSAR Polarimetric Calibration

Michel, U. Co Author Listing * Cest Analysis: Automated Change Detection From Very-high-resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Decision fusion and non-parametric classifiers for land use mapping using multi-temporal RapidEye data
* Detection of Damaged Buildings in Crisis Areas from Panchromatic Remote Sensing Data
* Editorial, Issue Introduction
* Impact of Categorical and Spatial Scale on Supervised Crop Classification using Remote Sensing
* Impact of feature selection on the accuracy and spatial uncertainty of per-field crop classification using Support Vector Machines
* Rapid Change Detection Algorithm For Disaster Management
* Special Issue: Remote sensing for monitoring crops
Includes: Michel, U. Michel, U.[Ulrich]
8 for Michel, U.

Michel, V.[Vincent] Co Author Listing * Multiscale Mining of fMRI Data with Hierarchical Structured Sparsity
* supervised clustering approach for extracting predictive information from brain activation images, A
* supervised clustering approach for fMRI-based inference of brain states, A
* Total Variation Regularization for fMRI-Based Prediction of Behavior

Michela, B.[Biancardi] Co Author Listing * Archaeological Landscape Heritage: Museums' Systems Between Narrative Techniques and Multimedia Tools
* QRCODE and RFID Integrated Technologies for the Enhancement of Museum Collections

Michelakis, D. Co Author Listing * Overcoming Limitations with Landsat Imagery for Mapping of Peat Swamp Forests in Sundaland

Michelassi, C.[Carolina] Co Author Listing * Face liveness detection under bad illumination conditions

Michele, B.[Bjorn] Co Author Listing * ALSO: Automotive Lidar Self-Supervision by Occupancy Estimation
* Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds
* SALUDA: Surface-based Automotive Lidar Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Train Till You Drop: Towards Stable and Robust Source-free Unsupervised 3d Domain Adaptation
Includes: Michele, B.[Bjorn] Michele, B.[Björn]

Michelena, M.D.[Marina Diaz] Co Author Listing * Magnetometric Surveys for the Non-Invasive Surface and Subsurface Interpretation of Volcanic Structures in Planetary Exploration, a Case Study of Several Volcanoes in the Iberian Peninsula
* Vector Magnetometry Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems: An Example of Application for Planetary Exploration
Includes: Michelena, M.D.[Marina Diaz] Michelena, M.D.[Marina Díaz]

Michelet, F.[Franck] Co Author Listing * Local Multiple Orientation Estimation: Isotropic and Recursive Oriented Network
* Local Orientation Estimation in Corrupted Images

Micheletta, J.[Jerome] Co Author Listing * Detecting and Tracking Bottoms and Faces of the Crested Black Macaque in the Wild

Micheletti, G.[George] Co Author Listing * Iterative Approach to Ground Penetrating Radar at the Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize, An

Micheletti, S.[Stefano] Co Author Listing * Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: Application to Three-Dimensional Medical Data

Micheletto, M.[Marco] Co Author Listing * Electroencephalography signal processing based on textural features for monitoring the driver's state by a Brain-Computer Interface
* Towards realistic fingerprint presentation attacks: The ScreenSpoof method

Micheletto, R.[Ruggero] Co Author Listing * Fast and Precise HOG-Adaboost Based Visual Support System Capable to Recognize Pedestrian and Estimate Their Distance, A

Micheli Tzanakou, E.[Evangelia] Co Author Listing * Supervised and Unsupervised Pattern Recognition: Feature Extraction and Computational Intelligence
Includes: Micheli Tzanakou, E.[Evangelia] Micheli-Tzanakou, E.[Evangelia]

Micheli, A.[Alessio] Co Author Listing * Forecast-Driven Enhancement of Received Signal Strength (RSS)-Based Localization Systems

Micheli, C.[Carla] Co Author Listing * Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows by Means of Daedalus ATM Airborne Sensor in the Coastal Area of Civitavecchia (Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

Micheli, F.[Fiorenza] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Cloud-Filling Algorithms for Marine Satellite Data
* Derivation of Red Tide Index and Density Using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Data
* Range Image Processing for Real Time Hospital-Room Monitoring
* Real-Time Automatic Detection of Violent-Acts by Low-Level Colour Visual Cues
Includes: Micheli, F.[Fiorenza] Micheli, F.[Francesco]

Micheli, M.[Mario] Co Author Listing * Effects of curvature on the analysis of landmark shape manifolds
* Implementation of the Centroid Method for the Correction of Turbulence
* Linear Systems Approach to Imaging Through Turbulence, A
* Sectional Curvature in Terms of the Cometric, with Applications to the Riemannian Manifolds of Landmarks

Michelin, J.[Joel] Co Author Listing * Potential of Ultra-High-Resolution UAV Images with Centimeter GNSS Positioning for Plant Scale Crop Monitoring
Includes: Michelin, J.[Joel] Michelin, J.[Joël]

Michelin, J.C. Co Author Listing * Building Edge Detection Using Small-footprint Airborne Full-waveform Lidar Data
* Quality evaluation of 3D city building Models with automatic error diagnosis

Michelin, S.[Sylvain] Co Author Listing * Thinning grayscale well-composed images

Michelini, A.[Alberto] Co Author Listing * Blurring/Clutter Mitigation in Quarry Monitoring by Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Temporal Coherence Estimators for GBSAR

Michelini, J. Co Author Listing * Bayesian Traffic Light Parameter Tracking Based on Semi-Hidden Markov Models
* Cloud-Based Velocity Profile Optimization for Everyday Driving: A Dynamic-Programming-Based Solution
* Road Risk Modeling and Cloud-Aided Safety-Based Route Planning

Michelini, M.[Mario] Co Author Listing * Automated 3D Reconstruction of Urban Areas from Networks of Wide-Baseline Image Sequences
* Dense 3D Reconstruction from Wide Baseline Image Sets
* Detection of Critical Camera Configurations for Structure from Motion
* LOD3 Building Reconstruction From Multi-source Images
* new GIS-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths, A
* Orientation and Dense Reconstruction from Unordered Wide Baseline Image Sets
* Orientation and Dense Reconstruction of Unordered Terrestrial And Aerial Wide Baseline Image Sets
* Structure from motion for complex image sets
Includes: Michelini, M.[Mario] Michelini, M.
8 for Michelini, M.

Michelini, P.N.[Pablo Navarrete] Co Author Listing * AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Artsy-GAN: A style transfer system with improved quality, diversity and performance
* Back-Projection Pipeline
* Deep Networks for Image-to-Image Translation with Mux and Demux Layers
* edge-SR: Super-Resolution For The Masses
* Fast Image Enhancement Based on Maximum and Guided Filters
* Multi-scale Recursive and Perception-Distortion Controllable Image Super-Resolution
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones: Report
* Single-Image HDR Reconstruction with Task-specific Network based on Channel Adaptive RDN
* Tour of Convolutional Networks Guided by Linear Interpreters, A
* Unconstrained Facial Expression Recogniton Based on Cascade Decision and Gabor Filters
Includes: Michelini, P.N.[Pablo Navarrete] Michelini, P.N.
16 for Michelini, P.N.

Michelizzi, M. Co Author Listing * Image fusion with multiband linear arrays

Michell, J.A. Co Author Listing * efficient VLSI processor chip for variable block size integer motion estimation in H.264/AVC, An
* High Throughput 2D DCT/IDCT Processor for Video Coding
* high-throughput ASIC processor for 8x8 transform coding in H.264/AVC, A
* Parallel-pipelined architecture for 2-D ICT VLSI implementation
Includes: Michell, J.A. Michell, J.A.[Juan A.]

Michelman, P. Co Author Listing * Acquisition and Interpretation of 3-D Sensor Data from Touch
* Automated Tracking and Grasping of a Moving Object with a Robotic Hand-Eye System
* Trajectory Filtering and Prediction for Automated Tracking and Grasping of a Moving Object

Michelon, D.[Diogo] Co Author Listing * Generalization of deep learning models for natural gas indication in 2D seismic data

Micheloni, C.[Christian] Co Author Listing * email: Micheloni, C.[Christian]: michelon AT dimi uniud it
* Adaptive video communication for an intelligent distributed system: Tuning sensors parameters for surveillance purposes
* Aerial video surveillance system for small-scale UAV environment monitoring
* Anomalous trajectory patterns detection
* Autonomous Surveillance Vehicle for People Tracking, An
* Camera Selection for Adaptive Human-Computer Interface
* Classification of Local Eigen-Dissimilarities for Person Re-Identification
* CoCoLoT: Combining Complementary Trackers in Long-Term Visual Tracking
* Collaborative Image and Object Level Features for Image Colourisation
* Combining complementary trackers for enhanced long-term visual object tracking
* CVGAN: Image Generation with Capsule Vector-VAE
* Deep Generative Adversarial Residual Convolutional Networks for Real-World Super-Resolution
* Deep Iterative Residual Convolutional Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Pyramidal Pooling With Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Detecting moving people in video streams
* Discriminant Context Information Analysis for Post-Ranking Person Re-Identification
* Distributed and Unsupervised Cost-Driven Person Re-Identification
* Distributed person re-identification through network-wise rank fusion consensus
* Event classification for automatic visual-based surveillance of parking lots
* Exploiting Temporal Statistics for Events Analysis and Understanding
* Face detection for visual surveillance
* Fast good features selection for wide area monitoring
* First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* Fixed simplex coordinates for angular margin loss in CapsNet
* Focusing on Target's Features while Tracking
* From person to group re-identification via unsupervised transfer of sparse features
* Group Re-identification via Unsupervised Transfer of Sparse Features Encoding
* Human Action Recognition using a Hybrid NTLD Classifier
* IDENet: Implicit Degradation Estimation Network for Efficient Blind Super Resolution
* Image acquisition enhancement for active video surveillance
* Improved Statistical Techniques for Multi-part Face Detection and Recognition
* integrated surveillance system for outdoor security, An
* Is First Person Vision Challenging for Object Tracking?
* Kernel-based unsupervised trajectory clusters discovery
* Kernelized Saliency-Based Person Re-Identification Through Multiple Metric Learning
* LBKENET: lightweight Blur Kernel Estimation Network for Blind Image Super-resolution
* Lightweight Prompt Learning Implicit Degradation Estimation Network for Blind Super Resolution
* MoBio-LivDet: Mobile biometric liveness detection
* Modeling feature distances by orientation driven classifiers for person re-identification
* Multi Branch Siamese Network For Person Re-Identification
* Multi-sensor registration for objects motion detection
* network of co-operative cameras for visual surveillance, A
* neural tree for classification using convex objective function, A
* new feature clustering method for object detection with an active camera, A
* Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Burst Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* Outdoor Environment Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Person Orientation and Feature Distances Boost Re-identification
* Person Re-Identification Ranking Optimisation by Discriminant Context Information Analysis
* Person Reidentification in a Distributed Camera Network Framework
* pool of multiple person re-identification experts, A
* Pre-emptive Camera Activation for Video-Surveillance HCI
* Pro-CCaps: Progressively Teaching Colourisation to Capsules
* Re-Identification in the Function Space of Feature Warps
* Re-identify people in wide area camera network
* Reactive Learning Strategy for AsymBoost Based Face Detectors
* Real-time image processing for active monitoring of wide areas
* Real-Time Incremental and Geo-Referenced Mosaicking by Small-Scale UAVs
* Resolution based Feature Distillation for Cross Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Resource-Aware Coverage and Task Assignment in Visual Sensor Networks
* robust face detection system for real environments, A
* robust feature tracker for active surveillance of outdoor scenes, A
* Robust Painting Recognition and Registration for Mobile Augmented Reality
* Saliency Weighted Features for Person Re-identification
* Selection of Temporal Features for Event Detection in Smart Security
* Self and Channel Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* Self-Attention Agreement Among Capsules
* Self-Reconfigurable Smart Camera Networks
* Sensor Bandwidth Assignment through Video Annotation
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Shadow Removal in Outdoor Video Sequences by Automatic Thresholding of Division Images
* Smart Resource-Aware Multi-Sensor Network
* Smart resource-aware multimedia sensor network for automatic detection of complex events
* Spatio-temporal Attention for Cloth-changing ReId in Videos
* Stereo Localization Based on Network's Uncalibrated Camera Pairs
* Stereo Localization Using Dual PTZ Cameras
* Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous images
* Structured Committee for Food Recognition, A
* supervised extreme learning committee for food recognition, A
* Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching Using Neural Tree
* Support vector machines for robust trajectory clustering
* Temporal Model Adaptation for Person Re-identification
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* Tracking Skiers from the Top to the Bottom
* Tracking sound sources by means of HMM
* Tracking-by-trackers with a Distilled and Reinforced Model
* Trajectory-Based Anomalous Event Detection
* Tuning Asymboost Cascades Improves Face Detection
* Video Analysis in Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Networks
* Video Security for Ambient Intelligence
* Video-Based Convolutional Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Visual Object Tracking in First Person Vision
* Visual Tracking by Means of Deep Reinforcement Learning and an Expert Demonstrator
* Visual tracking in camera-switching outdoor sport videos: Benchmark and baselines for skiing
* Visualizing Skiers' Trajectories in Monocular Videos
* Wide-Slice Residual Networks for Food Recognition
* Zoom on Target While Tracking
Includes: Micheloni, C.[Christian] Micheloni, C.
99 for Micheloni, C.

Micheloni, M. Co Author Listing * Informative Content 3d Model for The Hall Holding The Resurrection Of Christ By Piero Della Francesca Mural Painting At Sansepolcro, Italy, An
* Structural Rehabilitation and Real Time Monitoring of The ponte Delle Grazie Bridge in Faenza, Italy

Michels, D. Co Author Listing * Synthetic Data Generation Pipeline for Geometric Deep Learning In Architecture

Michels, D.L.[Dominik L.] Co Author Listing * Generating Diverse Agricultural Data for Vision-Based Farming Applications
* Multi-scale terrain texturing using generative adversarial networks
* RLSS: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Sequential Scene Generation
* Teaching UAVs to Race: End-to-End Regression of Agile Controls in Simulation

Michels, G. Co Author Listing * Remote Distinction of A Noxious Weed (Musk Thistle: CarduusNutans) Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery and the Support Vector Machine Classifier

Michels, K.[Kai] Co Author Listing * Bounding Box Dataset Augmentation for Long-range Object Distance Estimation

Michels, R.[Rene] Co Author Listing * Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras for Monitoring Crops: Spectral Comparison with Portable Spectroradiometer Measurements
Includes: Michels, R.[Rene] Michels, R.[René]

Michels, T. Co Author Listing * Creating Realistic Ground Truth Data for the Evaluation of Calibration Methods for Plenoptic and Conventional Cameras
* Ray Tracing-Guided Design of Plenoptic Cameras
* Simulation of Plenoptic Cameras
Includes: Michels, T. Michels, T.[Tim]

Michels, Y. Co Author Listing * Radial Function Based Ab-Initio Tomographic Reconstruction for Cryo Electron Microscopy
* Retrieving the parameters of cryo Electron Microscopy dataset in the heterogeneous ab-initio case

Michelsburg, M. Co Author Listing * Robustness Improvement of Hyperspectral Image Unmixing by Spatial Second-Order Regularization

Michelson, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Optimizing Radar-Based Rainfall Estimation Using Machine Learning Models

Michelson, D.G. Co Author Listing * Challenges Toward Wireless Communications for High-Speed Railway

Michelson, G.[Georg] Co Author Listing * Classifying Glaucoma with Image-Based Features from Fundus Photographs
* Effects of Preprocessing Eye Fundus Images on Appearance Based Glaucoma Classification
* Glaucoma Classification Based on Histogram Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Measures in the Optic Radiation
* Measurement of Individual Changes in the Performance of Human Stereoscopic Vision for Disparities at the Limits of the Zone of Comfortable Viewing
* Performance dependency of retinal image quality assessment algorithms on image resolution: analyses and solutions
Includes: Michelson, G.[Georg] Michelson, G.

Michelson, M.[Matthew] Co Author Listing * Harvesting maps on the web
* Unsupervised information extraction from unstructured, ungrammatical data sources on the World Wide Web

Michelson, R.C. Co Author Listing * Autonomous Vehicles

Michelucci, D.[Dominique] Co Author Listing * Efficient Cooperative Smearing Technique for Degraded Historical Document Image Segmentation, An
* New Geometric Constraint Solving Formulation: Application to the 3D Pentahedron
* PUNet: Novel and efficient deep neural network architecture for handwritten documents word spotting
* Unsupervised geodesic convex combination of shape dissimilarity measures

Michelucci, U.[Umberto] Co Author Listing * FlightScope: An Experimental Comparative Review of Aircraft Detection Algorithms in Satellite Imagery

Michener, W.K.[William K.] Co Author Listing * Detecting Wetland Change: A Rule-Based Approach Using NWI and SPOT-XS Data

Michetti, A.M.[Alessandro Maria] Co Author Listing * Improving the Accuracy of Digital Terrain Models Using Drone-Based LiDAR for the Morpho-Structural Analysis of Active Calderas: The Case of Ischia Island, Italy
* Joint Interpretation of Geophysical Results and Geological Observations for Detecting Buried Active Faults: The Case of the Il Lago Plain (Pettoranello del Molise, Italy)
* Regression Analysis of Subsidence in the Como Basin (Northern Italy): New Insights on Natural and Anthropic Drivers from InSAR Data

Michetti, J. Co Author Listing * Tensor-Factorization-Based 3d Single Image Super-Resolution with Semi-Blind Point Spread Function Estimation

Michez, A.[Adrien] Co Author Listing * Automated Classification of Trees outside Forest for Supporting Operational Management in Rural Landscapes
* Can Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Systems Describe the Forage Quality Heterogeneity? Insight from a Timothy Pasture Case Study in Southern Belgium
* How Can Remote Sensing Help Monitor Tropical Moist Forest Degradation?: A Systematic Review
* How Far Can Consumer-Grade UAV RGB Imagery Describe Crop Production? A 3D and Multitemporal Modeling Approach Applied to Zea mays
* Individual Identification of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Based on Close-Range Remote Sensing: First Steps of a New Monitoring Technique
* Mapping and Monitoring of Biomass and Grazing in Pasture with an Unmanned Aerial System
* Upscaling UAS Paradigm to UltraLight Aircrafts: A Low-Cost Multi-Sensors System for Large Scale Aerial Photogrammetry
7 for Michez, A.

Michiardi, P.[Pietro] Co Author Listing * comparative evaluation of outlier detection algorithms: Experiments and analyses, A
* Do deep neural networks contribute to multivariate time series anomaly detection?

Michie, C.[Craig] Co Author Listing * Deep Internal Learning for Inpainting of Cloud-Affected Regions in Satellite Imagery
* Flexible Multi-Temporal and Multi-Modal Framework for Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data, A
* Neural Knitworks: Patched neural implicit representation networks

Michieletto, G. Co Author Listing * Clock recovery and reconstruction of PAL pictures for MPEG coded streams transported over ATM networks

Michieli, U.[Umberto] Co Author Listing * Are All Users Treated Fairly in Federated Learning Systems?
* Continual coarse-to-fine domain adaptation in semantic segmentation
* Continual Semantic Segmentation via Repulsion-Attraction of Sparse and Disentangled Latent Representations
* Data-Free Model Pruning at Initialization via Expanders
* Edge-Aware Graph Matching Network for Part-Based Semantic Segmentation
* Fully Automated Scan-to-BIM Via Point Cloud Instance Segmentation
* Gmnet: Graph Matching Network for Large Scale Part Semantic Segmentation in the Wild
* Incremental Learning Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
* Knowledge distillation for incremental learning in semantic segmentation
* Latent Space Regularization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Across Domains and Devices: Style-Driven Source-Free Domain Adaptation in Clustered Federated Learning
* Learning With Style: Continual Semantic Segmentation Across Tasks and Domains
* RECALL: Replay-based Continual Learning in Semantic Segmentation
* SELMA: SEmantic Large-Scale Multimodal Acquisitions in Variable Weather, Daytime and Viewpoints
* Unsupervised domain adaptation for mobile semantic segmentation based on cycle consistency and feature alignment
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation via Orthogonal and Clustered Embeddings
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Multiple Domain Discriminators and Adaptive Self-Training
Includes: Michieli, U.[Umberto] Michieli, U.
17 for Michieli, U.

Michielin, F. Co Author Listing * Depth images super-resolution: An iterative approach
* parallel true motion estimation method based on binarized cross correlation, A
* wavelets based de-ringing technique for DCT based compressed visual data, A

Michielli, N.[Nicola] Co Author Listing * cyto-Knet: An instance segmentation approach for multiple myeloma plasma cells using conditional kernels

Michiels, B. Co Author Listing * Development of a Family of Lightweight and Wide Swath UAV Camera Systems Around an Innovative Dual-Sensor on-Single-Chip Detector, The
* Evaluation Of A Lightweigth Uas-prototype For Hyperspectral Imaging.
* Geospectral Camera: A Compact and Geometrically Precise Hyperspectral and High Spatial Resolution Imager, The

Michiels, J. Co Author Listing * Computer-Assisted Stereotaxic Neurosurgery

Michiels, N.[Nick] Co Author Listing * CAD2Render: A Modular Toolkit for GPU-accelerated Photorealistic Synthetic Data Generation for the Manufacturing Industry
* Capturing Industrial Machinery into Virtual Reality
* Material-Specific Chromaticity Priors
* qualitative comparison of MPEG view synthesis and light field rendering, A
* Using Near-Field Light Sources to Separate Illumination from BRDF
* VATr++: Choose Your Words Wisely for Handwritten Text Generation
Includes: Michiels, N.[Nick] Michiels, N.

Michielssen, E. Co Author Listing * Combined Steepest Descent-Fast Multipole Algorithm for the Fast Analysis of 3-Dimensional Scattering by Rough Surfaces, A
* Multilevel Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Fast O(N2 log N) Reprojection of Tomographic Images, A

Michikawa, T. Co Author Listing * Creating Product Models from Point Cloud of Civil Structures Based on Geometric Similarity
* CT Image Segmentation Using Structural Analysis
* Registration of CAD mesh models with CT volumetric model of assembly of machine parts
* Way-Finding Assistance System for Underground Facilities Using Augmented Reality
Includes: Michikawa, T. Michikawa, T.[Takashi]

Michishita, K. Co Author Listing * Detection and segmentation of touching characters in mathematical expressions

Michishita, R.[Ryo] Co Author Listing * Abrupt spatiotemporal land and water changes and their potential drivers in Poyang Lake, 2000-2012
* Bi-scale analysis of multitemporal land cover fractions for wetland vegetation mapping
* Dynamic monitoring of the Poyang Lake wetland by integrating Landsat and MODIS observations
* Empirical comparison of noise reduction techniques for NDVI time-series based on a new measure
* Spectral Unmixing Of Blended Reflectance For Denser Time-series Mapping Of Wetlands
Includes: Michishita, R.[Ryo] Michishita, R.

Michna, M.[Michal] Co Author Listing * Preparatory Railway Track Geometry Estimation Based on GNSS and IMU Systems
* Verification of Satellite Railway Track Position Measurements Making Use of Standard Coordinate Determination Techniques

Michon, C.[Cyril] Co Author Listing * Coastal Sand Dunes Monitoring by Low Vegetation Cover Classification and Digital Elevation Model Improvement Using Synchronized Hyperspectral and Full-Waveform LiDAR Remote Sensing

Michon, K.[Kacper] Co Author Listing * PROTECT: Pervasive and useR fOcused biomeTrics bordEr projeCT: A Case Study

Michon, T.[Timothee] Co Author Listing * Estimating Fractional Snow Cover in Open Terrain from Sentinel-2 Using the Normalized Difference Snow Index
Includes: Michon, T.[Timothee] Michon, T.[Timothée]

Michon, V.[Vincent] Co Author Listing * How to integrate access control mechanisms into digital HDTV systems?

Michonski, J.[Jakub] Co Author Listing * CATCHA: Real-Time Camera Tracking Method for Augmented Reality Applications in Cultural Heritage Interiors

Michor, P.W.[Peter W.] Co Author Listing * Almost Local Metrics on Shape Space of Hypersurfaces in n-Space
* Overview of the Geometries of Shape Spaces and Diffeomorphism Groups
* Sectional Curvature in Terms of the Cometric, with Applications to the Riemannian Manifolds of Landmarks

Michot, D.[Didier] Co Author Listing * Soil Salinity Assessment in Irrigated Paddy Fields of the Niger Valley Using a Four-Year Time Series of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images

Michot, J.[Julien] Co Author Listing * Algebraic Line Search for Bundle Adjustment
* Bi-Objective Bundle Adjustment with Application to Multi-Sensor SLAM

Michot, V.[Veronique] Co Author Listing * Monitoring Rainfall Patterns in the Southern Amazon with PERSIANN-CDR Data: Long-Term Characteristics and Trends
* Performance of TRMM TMPA 3B42 V7 in Replicating Daily Rainfall and Regional Rainfall Regimes in the Amazon Basin (1998-2013)
Includes: Michot, V.[Veronique] Michot, V.[Véronique]

Michoud, B.[Brice] Co Author Listing * Largest Silhouette-Equivalent Volume for 3D Shapes Modeling without Ghost Object
* Real-Time and Marker-Free 3D Motion Capture for Home Entertainment Oriented Applications
* Real-Time and Markerless 3D Human Motion Capture Using Multiple Views
* Real-Time Marker-free Motion Capture from multiple cameras

Index for "m"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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