* 3D structure recovery and calibration under varying intrinsic parameters using known angles
* Active-meshes
* adaptive active contour model for highly irregular boundaries, An
* Affine invariant detection of perceptually parallel 3D planar curves
* Analysis of Some Common Scanning Techniques for Lossless Image Coding, An
* Arabic optical character recognition system using recognition-based segmentation, An
* Art of Massive Storage: A Web Image Archive, The
* Automated Segmentation of Human Brain MR Images Aided by Fuzzy Information Granulation and Fuzzy Inference
* Automatic Geometric Reasoning in Structure and Motion Estimation
* Autonomous Atmospheric Compensation (AAC) of High Resolution Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Remote-Sensing Imagery
* Bayesian face recognition
* Bayesian MLP neural networks for image analysis
* Bayesian weighting principle for the fundamental matrix estimation, A
* Biometric Identification through Hand Geometry Measurements
* Blind Identification of Multichannel FIR Blurs and Perfect Image Restoration
* Block Truncation and Planar Image Coding
* Block-matching algorithm based on an adaptive reduction of the search area for motion estimation
* Calibration, pose and novel views from single images of constrained scenes
* Can periodic perceptrons replace multi-layer perceptrons?
* Capacity of Text Marking Channel
* Case Against Kruppa's Equations for Camera Self-Calibration, A
* class-dependent weighted dissimilarity measure for nearest neighbor classification problems, A
* Classification of scene photographs from local orientations features
* Clutter Rejection Technique for FLIR Imagery Using Region-Based Principal Component Analysis, A
* Cochannel speaker count labelling based on the use of cepstral and pitch prediction derived features
* Comments on Modified K-Means Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Design
* Comparison of genetic algorithm based prototype selection schemes
* Comparison of High Spatial Resolution Imagery for Efficient Generation of GIS Vegetation Layers
* Completion Energies and Scale
* Computing geometric moments using morphological erosions
* Cone-beam reconstruction by backprojection and filtering
* Content-based query of image databases: Inspirations from text retrieval
* Continuous-time relaxation labeling processes
* Control Mechanisms for Error-Resilient MPEG-2 Video Communications over ATM Networks
* Convergence of a hill-climbing genetic algorithm for graph matching
* cost-effective fingerprint recognition system for use with low-quality prints and damaged fingertips, A
* Decision templates for multiple classifier fusion: An Experimental Comparison
* Decoding structured light patterns for three-dimensional imaging systems
* Designing Gabor filters for optimal texture separability
* Detection and classification of lobular and DCIS (small cell) microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Device for stabilizing of a remotely controlled sensor, like a camera
* Directional Line Detectors in Correlated Noisy Environments
* Distortion-Rate Models for Entropy-Coded Lattice Vector Quantization
* Dual function optic sleep preventing device for vehicle drivers
* Dual Interpretation for Direct Binary Search and Its Implications for Tone Reproduction and Texture Quality, A
* Dynamic generation of prototypes with self-organizing feature maps for classifier design
* edge-based algorithm for discontinuity adaptive color image smoothing, An
* Encoding Video Narration as Text
* Estimation of Illuminant Direction and Surface Reconstruction by Geotensity Constraint
* Evaluation of the JPL TOPSAR for Extracting Tree Heights, An
* Extending the BACIC Algorithm for Robust Transmission Over a Noisy Channel
* Facial feature extraction and pose determination
* Fast Eigenspace Decomposition of Correlated Images
* Fast Range Searching with Delaunay Triangulations
* FERET Evaluation Methodology for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* Fingerprint Enhancement by Shape Adaptation of Scale-Space Operators with Automatic Scale Selection
* Generalized Orthogonal Subspace Projection Approach to Unsupervised Multispectral Image Classification, A
* genetic approach to the automatic clustering problem, A
* Geometric Camera Calibration Using Circular Control Points
* GIS-Assisted Rail Construction Econometric Model that Incorporates LIDAR Data, A
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Digital Video over Multimedia Networks
* Hierarchical Approach to Color Image Segmentation Using Homogeneity, A
* Hierarchical random graph representation of handwritten characters and its application to Hangul recognition
* How Bad May Learning Curves Be?
* Hyperspectral image compression based on adaptive recursive bidirection prediction/jpeg
* ICA Mixture Models for Unsupervised Classification of Non-Gaussian Classes and Automatic Context Switching in Blind Separation
* Image Data Compression Using Cubic Convolution Spline Interpolation
* Image processing method for motion estimation in a sequence of images, noise filtering method and medical imaging apparatus utilizing such methods
* Improved coding of transform coefficients in JPEG-like image compression schemes
* Improving the Performance of MPEG Compatible Encoding at Low Bit Rates Using Adaptive Neural Networks
* Independent Motion Detection in 3D Scenes
* J-MEANS: A New Local Search Heuristic for Minimum Sum of Squares Clustering
* Kohonen's SOM with cache
* Least-commitment graph matching with genetic algorithms
* Least-Squares-Based 2-D Filtering Scheme for Stereo Image Compression, A
* Level-Set Approach to Image Blending, A
* linear constrained distance-based discriminant analysis for hyperspectral image classification, A
* Lossless compression of continuous-tone images
* Lossless image coding via adaptive linear prediction and classification
* Lossless Quantization of Hadamard Transform Coefficients
* Measuring homogeneity of planar point-patterns by using kurtosis
* Method and apparatus for controlling transformation of two and three-dimensional images
* Method and apparatus for identifying individuals
* Method for automatic detection of human eyes in digital images
* Morphological Representation of 2-D Binary Shapes Using Rectangular Components
* Morphological Text Extraction from Images
* Mosaicing on Adaptive Manifolds
* Motion vector detection apparatus
* MRF parameter estimation by MCMC method
* Multi-Frame Estimation of Planar Motion
* Multi-perspective viewer for content-based interactivity
* Multiple forecasting using local approximation
* multiresolution texture gradient method for unsupervised segmentation, A
* new adaptive filter and quality evaluation index for image restoration, A
* New Dynamic Finite-State Vector Quantization Algorithm for Image Compression, A
* New Modeling Approach of H.263+ VBR Coded Video Sources in ATM Networks, A
* new optimal digital halftoning technique based on the discrete cosine transform, A
* Next-Generation Web Searches from Visual Content
* Noise-residue filtering of interferometric phase images
* Nonlinear Multiresolution Signal Decomposition Schemes--Part I: Morphological Pyramids
* Nonlinear Multiresolution Signal Decomposition Schemes--Part II: Morphological Wavelets
* nonlinear neural network model of mixture of local principal component analysis: application to handwritten digits recognition, A
* Nonmetric Calibration of Wide-Angle Lenses and Polycameras
* novel algorithm for data clustering, A
* Novel Signal Processing Technique for Clutter Reduction in GPR Measurements of Small, Shallow Land Mines, A
* On a grading system for beef marbling
* On the Selection of an Optimal Wavelet Basis for Texture Characterization
* On Using the CAM Concept for Parametric Curve Extraction
* Optimal processors for images with an arbitrary number of gray levels
* Optimal Progressive Lossless Image Coding Using Reduced Pyramids with Variable Decimation Ratios
* Optimisation of HMM topology and its model parameters by genetic algorithms
* Optimization of Mutual Information for Multiresolution Image Registration
* Orientation Reliability Matrix for the Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, An
* Parallel Wavelet Transform over Distributed Computer Network for Real-Time Applications
* Pattern similarity metric for image search, registration, and comparison
* PicSOM: Content-Based Image Retrieval with Self-Organizing Maps
* piecewise-constant image model, The
* Preface: Selected Papers from The 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis SCIA '99
* Probabilistic regularization in inverse optical imaging
* Quantitative Measurement of Changes in Retinal Vessel Diameter in Ocular Fundus Images
* randomized approach with geometric constraints to fingerprint verification, A
* Randomized or probabilistic Hough transform: unified performance evaluation
* Range image segmentation of scenes with occluded curved objects
* Real-Time Morphology Processing Using Highly Parallel 2-D Cellular Automata CAM^2
* Real-Time Tool Condition Monitoring Using Wavelet Transforms and Fuzzy Techniques
* Recognizing articulated objects in SAR images
* Reconstruction of broken handwritten digits based on structural morphological features
* Reduced resolution and scale space for dominant feature detection in contours
* Refined Moment Calculation Using Image Block Representation
* Ring dilation and erosion techniques for digital image processing
* Road Sign Classification using Laplace Kernel Classifier
* Robust tracking of ellipses at frame rate
* Run-length Coding Based Approach to Stroke Extraction of Chinese Characters, A
* Scalable Image Coding Using Reversible Integer Wavelet Transforms
* Self-Affine Mapping System and Its Application to Object Contour Extraction
* Self-Calibration of a 1D Projective Camera and Its Application to the Self-Calibration of a 2D Projective Camera
* Sensitivity study of a semi-automatic training set generator
* Shadow-invariant classification for scenes illuminated by daylight
* Shape Similarity Measure Based on Correspondence of Visual Parts
* Simple Improved Full Search for Vector Quantization Based on Winograd's Identity, A
* Space-Filling Approach for Fast Window Query on Compressed Images
* Spatially Variant Apodization for Image Reconstruction from Partial Fourier Data
* Special issue on lossless data compression
* Spectral model of a fluorescent ink halftone
* Support vector machine-based text detection in digital video
* System for classifying an individual's gaze direction
* System for estimating motion vector with instant estimation of motion vector
* Three Dimensional Model-Based Tracking Using Texture Learning and Matching
* Toward Improved Ranking Metrics
* Tracking Visible Boundary of Objects Using Occlusion Adaptive Motion Snake
* Translation- and Scale-Invariant Adaptive Wavelet Transform, A
* Trifocal tensors for weak perspective and paraperspective projections
* Ultrawideband Radar Images of the Surface Disturbance Produced by a Submerged, Mine-Like Object
* Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Analysis with Projection Pursuit
* Variable compression encoding of digitized images
* VARIANT: A System for Terrain Modeling at Variable Resolution
* Visual understanding of dynamic hand gestures
* Wavelet-Frame Based Image Force Model for Active Contouring Algorithms, A
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