Update Dates 0810

0810 * 100 MHz 1920X1080 HD-Photo 20 frames/sec JPEG XR encoder design, A
* 1D correlation filter based class-dependence feature analysis for face recognition
* 2-D Anisotropic Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Packets and Its Application to Image Denoising
* 2D face recognition based on supervised subspace learning from 3D models
* 2D Image Analysis by Generalized Hilbert Transforms in Conformal Space
* 2D/3D freeview video generation for 3DTV system
* 3-D knee cartilage segmentation using a smoothing B-Spline active surface
* 3-D Object Recognition Using 2-D Views
* 3D cone-beam generalized pseudo-lambda tomography based on FDK
* 3D Face Model Fitting for Recognition
* 3D Face Recognition by Local Shape Difference Boosting
* 3D Face Recognition Evaluation on Expressive Faces Using the IV 2 Database
* 3D Markerless human limb localization through robust energy minimization
* 3D mirror symmetry detection using Hough transform
* 3D model compression in MPEG
* 3D Non-rigid Surface Matching and Registration Based on Holomorphic Differentials
* 3D reconstruction with uncalibrated cameras using the six-line conic variety
* 3D Tracking Using Multi-view Based Particle Filters
* 3D Weather Radar Image Compression Using Multiscale Recurrent Patterns
* 4-Channel Coil Array Interconnection by Analog Direct Modulation Optical Link for 1.5-T MRI, A
* 4D reconstruction of cardiac images using temporal fourier basis functions
* Accuracy Analysis of Generalized Pronunciation Variant Selection in ASR Systems
* accurate algorithm for head detection based on XYZ and HSV hair and skin color models, An
* Accurate parameter estimation and efficient fade detection for weighted prediction in H.264 video compression
* Action recognition using shared motion parts
* Action Recognition with a Bio-inspired Feedforward Motion Processing Model: The Richness of Center-Surround Interactions
* Active Contour Based Segmentation of 3D Surfaces
* Active Contours without Edges and with Simple Shape Priors
* Active Image Labeling and Its Application to Facial Action Labeling
* Active Matching
* Active surface modeling at CT resolution limits with micro CT ground truth
* Activity-based temporal segmentation for videos of interacting objects using invariant trajectory features
* adapted Lucas-Kanade's method for optical flow estimation in catadioptric images, An
* adaptive background model initialization algorithm with objects moving at different depths, An
* Adaptive Binning Color Model for Mean Shift Tracking, An
* Adaptive block-based approach to image stabilization
* adaptive color image retrieval framework using Gauss mixtures, An
* Adaptive decoding for halftone orientation-based data hiding
* Adaptive enhancement layer motion compensation for video spatial scalability
* Adaptive feature-spatial representation for Mean-shift tracker
* Adaptive Metadata Management System for Distributed Video Content Analysis
* Adaptive Pixel Neighborhood Definition for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Support Vector Machines and Composite Kernel
* adaptive QIM- and SVD-based digital image watermarking scheme in the wavelet domain, An
* Adaptive Rate-Distortion Optimal In-Loop Quantization for Matching Pursuit
* Adaptive reference filtering for bidirectional disparity compensation with focus mismatches
* Adaptive Smoothing via Contextual and Local Discontinuities
* Adaptive spread-transform dither modulation using an improved luminance-masked threshold
* Adaptive total variation deringing method for image interpolation
* Adaptive video communication for an intelligent distributed system: Tuning sensors parameters for surveillance purposes
* Adaptive-neighborhood best mean rank vector filter for impulsive noise removal
* Advanced bitstream rewriting from H.264/AVC to SVC
* Advanced Total_Zeros Decoding Method Based on New Memory Architecture in H.264/AVC CAVLC, An
* Aerial tracking of elongated objects in rural environments
* Affects of illumination on 3D shape recovery
* Affiliations, Emotion and the Mobile Phone
* Algorithmic inferencing of aesthetics and emotion in natural images: An exposition
* Aligning Names and Faces: Seeing the Problem in Different Ways
* Alternate motion-compensated prediction for error resilient video coding
* AM-FM image filters
* Analysis of Building Textures for Reconstructing Partially Occluded Facades
* Analysis of fMRI Data Using Improved Self-Organizing Mapping and Spatio-Temporal Metric Hierarchical Clustering
* Analysis of human attractiveness using manifold kernel regression
* Analysis of the Possibilities to Adapt the Foreign Language Speech Recognition Engines for the Lithuanian Spoken Commands Recognition
* analysis of the relationship between painters based on their work, An
* Anisotropic Geodesics for Perceptual Grouping and Domain Meshing
* Anomalous activity classification in the distributed camera network
* Another way of looking at monocular circle pose estimation
* Appearance-based object detection in colour retinal images
* Application of motion sharpening effect in video coding
* Applying Open-Loop Coding in Predictive Coding Systems
* Approximate RBF kernel SVM and its applications in pedestrian classification
* Articulated Multi-body Tracking under Egomotion
* Articulated registration of 3D human geometry to X-ray image
* Articulatory Speech Re-synthesis: Profiting from Natural Acoustic Speech Data
* ASN: Image Keypoint Detection from Adaptive Shape Neighborhood
* Assessment of Texture Stationarity Using the Asymptotic Behavior of the Empirical Mean and Variance
* Asymmetrical temporal masking near video scene change
* Asymptotic convergence of the ensemble Kalman filter
* Atmospheric Turbulence Restoration by Diffeomorphic Image Registration and Blind Deconvolution
* Atomic decomposition dedicated to AVC and spatial SVC prediction
* Attention-Based Segmentation on an Image Pyramid Sequence
* Augmented and Virtual Reality applications in the field of logistics
* Augmented tree partitioning for interactive image segmentation
* Auto-Organized Visual Perception Using Distributed Camera Network
* Autofocus Approach for Residual Motion Errors With Application to Airborne Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry, An
* Automated Delineation of Dendritic Networks in Noisy Image Stacks
* Automated facial feature detection and face recognition using Gabor features on range and portrait images
* Automated image registration to 3-D scene models
* Automated line flattening of Atomic Force Microscopy images
* Automated magnetic resonance assisted echocardiographic motion analysis
* Automated Placement of Multiple Stereo Cameras for Tele-Immersive Applications
* automated segmentation for nickel-based superalloy, An
* Automatic Bridge Detection Technique for Multispectral Images, An
* Automatic Calibration of Camera Networks based on Local Motion Features
* Automatic context-aware dust and scratch removal in scanned images
* Automatic detection of dust devils and clouds on Mars
* Automatic Detection of Magnetic Flux Emergings in the Solar Atmosphere From Full-Disk Magnetogram Sequences
* Automatic detection of red-eye artifacts in digital color photos
* Automatic extraction of brushstroke orientation from paintings: POET: prevailing orientation extraction technique
* Automatic Feature-Based Stabilization of Video with Intentional Motion through a Particle Filter
* automatic framework for standardization of drosophila embryonic images, An
* Automatic Generator of Minimal Problem Solvers
* Automatic Image Colorization Via Multimodal Predictions
* Automatic lattice detection in near-regular histology array images
* Automatic liver tumor diagnosis with Dynamic-Contrast Enhanced MRI
* automatic method to learn and transfer the photometric appearance of partially overlapping images, An
* Automatic Sentence Modality Recognition in Children's Speech, and Its Usage Potential in the Speech Therapy
* Automatic Signature Verification: The State of the Art
* Automatic text area segmentation in natural images
* Automatic tonal harmonization for multi-spectral mosaics
* Automatic white balance based on adaptive feature selection with standard illuminants
* Background estimation for microscopic cellular images
* Background modeling from a free-moving camera by Multi-Layer Homography Algorithm
* Background Subtraction on Distributions
* Bag of segments for motion trajectory analysis
* Ball detection from broadcast soccer videos using static and dynamic features
* Bandwidth efficient sensor architectures with feature extraction
* Basic Video-Surveillance with Low Computational and Power Requirements Using Long-Exposure Frames
* Bayesian approach to predicting the perceived interest of objects, A
* Bayesian based 3D shape reconstruction from video
* Bayesian plan-view map based approach for multiple-person detection and tracking, A
* Behavior recognition architecture for surveillance applications
* Behavioral Consistency Extraction for Face Verification
* Behind the Depth Uncertainty: Resolving Ordinal Depth in SFM
* Belief propagation on Riemannian manifold for stereo matching
* Belief Propagation with Directional Statistics for Solving the Shape-from-Shading Problem
* Best post-transforms selection in a rate-distortion sense
* Beyond Loose LP-Relaxations: Optimizing MRFs by Repairing Cycles
* Beyond Nouns: Exploiting Prepositions and Comparative Adjectives for Learning Visual Classifiers
* Bi-directional Framework for Unifying Parametric Image Alignment Approaches, The
* bi-subspace model for robust visual tracking, A
* Bidirectinal bias correction for Gradient-Based Shift Estimation
* Binary Partition Trees for Object Detection
* Biosignal Based Emotion Analysis of Human-Agent Interactions
* Bit Domain Encryption
* Bit stream rewriting for SVC-to-AVC conversion
* Blind deconvolution of video sequences
* Blind forensics of contrast enhancement in digital images
* Blind Image Steganalysis Based on Run-Length Histogram Analysis
* Blind restoration of blurred photographs via AR modelling and MCMC
* Blind separation of images obtained by spatially-varying mixing system
* Blind Source Separation Based Approach for Speech Enhancement in Noisy and Reverberant Environment, A
* Block-based recursive motion filtering for preserving true motion vectors in time-varying texture objects
* block-based super-resolution for video sequences, A
* Blur and Contrast Invariant Fast Stereo Matching
* Boosted Interactively Distributed Particle Filter for automatic multi-object tracking
* Boosted multi image features for improved face detection
* Boosting image segmentation
* Brain Hallucination
* Breast contour detection with shape priors
* Breast Mass Segmentation in Mammographic Images by an Effective Region Growing Algorithm
* BSSGUI: A Package for Interactive Control of Blind Source Separation Algorithms in MATLAB
* Buffer constrained rate control for low bitrate dual-frame video coding
* Building a Compact Relevant Sample Coverage for Relevance Feedback in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Building Blocks for Computer Vision with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
* Calibration from Statistical Properties of the Visual World
* Calibration Method for Fully Polarimetric Microwave Radiometers Using the Correlated Noise Calibration Standard
* Calibration of time-of-flight range imaging cameras
* Camera-based document digitization using multiple images
* Camera-based pointing interface for mobile devices
* Camera-Clustering for Multi-Resolution 3-D Surface Reconstruction
* Can visual fixation patterns improve image fidelity assessment?
* Canonical Correlation Feature Selection for Sensors With Overlapping Bands: Theory and Application
* Canonical subsets of image features
* Capturing light field textures for video coding
* Capturing Video Structure with Mixture of Probabilistic Index Maps
* Cat Head Detection: How to Effectively Exploit Shape and Texture Features
* Catadioptric Sensor for a Simultaneous Tracking of the Driver's Face and the Road Scene
* Cell segmentation using Hessian-based detection and contour evolution with directional derivatives
* CenSurE: Center Surround Extremas for Realtime Feature Detection and Matching
* CFAR algorithm for anomaly detection and discrimination in hyperspectral images, A
* Challenges in Segmenting the Czech Lateral Liquid
* Chaos and MPEG-7 based feature vector for video object classification
* Classification of indecent videos by low complexity repetitive motion detection
* Classification of unlabeled point sets using ANSIG
* Classification With a Non-Gaussian Model for PolSAR Data
* Closed-Form Solution to Non-rigid 3D Surface Registration
* Closing the Loop in Appearance Guided SfM for Omnidirectional Cameras
* Co-recognition of Image Pairs by Data-Driven Monte Carlo Image Exploration
* Co-Training Based Segmentation of Merged Moving Objects
* Coding and encryption of visual objects for privacy protected surveillance
* Coding-gain-based complexity control for H.264 video encoder
* collaborative approach to automatic rushes video summarization, A
* Collaborative exploration with dynamically configurable sensing agents
* Collaborative Real-Time Control of Active Cameras in Large-Scale Surveillance Systems.
* Collusion-resistant video fingerprinting based on temporal oscillation
* Color Based Saccades for Attention Control
* Color enhancement in the compressed domain
* Colour Constancy Techniques for Re-Recognition of Pedestrians from Multiple Surveillance Cameras
* Column-Pivoting Based Strategy for Monomial Ordering in Numerical Gröbner Basis Calculations, A
* Combination of MR surface coil images using weighted constrained least squares
* Combination of supervised and unsupervised methods for navigation path mining
* Combined Model for Detecting, Localizing, Interpreting, and Recognizing Faces
* Combined Non-Local averaging and intersection of confidence intervals for image de-noising
* Combined nonlinear inverse diffusion filter and triangle method used for noise removal from polygonal shapes
* Combining global, regional and contextual features for automatic image annotation
* Compact image representation using wavelet lifting along arbitrary trees
* Compactly Supported Orthogonal and Biorthogonal sqrt-5-Refinement Wavelets With 4-Fold Symmetry
* Comparative Analysis of RANSAC Techniques Leading to Adaptive Real-Time Random Sample Consensus, A
* Comparative Error Analysis of Audio-Visual Source Localization, A
* comparative study of model selection criteria for computer vision applications, A
* comparative study of multilinear principal component analysis for face recognition, A
* Comparing SIFT descriptors and gabor texture features for classification of remote sensed imagery
* Comparison of 2D median filter hardware implementations for real-time stereo video
* Comparison of eyelid and eyelash detection algorithms for performance improvement of iris recognition
* Comparison of Multiclass SVM Methods for Real World Natural Scenes, A
* Comparison of Point Target Spectra Derived for Bistatic SAR Processing, A
* complete 3D wound assessment tool for accurate tissue classification and measurement, A
* Complete discriminant evaluation and feature extraction in kernel space for face recognition
* Complex discriminant features for object classification
* Complex Wavelet Bases, Steerability, and the Marr-Like Pyramid
* Complexity modeling of H.264 entropy decoding
* Complexity Modeling of Spatial and Temporal Compensations in H.264/AVC Decoding
* Complexity reduction using power-law based scheduling for exploiting spatial correlation in distributed video coding
* Composite Spatio-Temporal Event Detection in Multi-Camera Surveillance Networks
* Compressed sensing for multi-view tracking and 3-D voxel reconstruction
* Compression of 2-D wide multi-view video sequences using view interpolation
* Compression of halftone video for electronic paper
* Compression of Laplacian Pyramids Through Orthogonal Transforms and Improved Prediction
* Compression-Aware Energy Optimization for Video Decoding Systems With Passive Power
* Compressive image fusion
* Compressive Sensing for Background Subtraction
* Compressive Structured Light for Recovering Inhomogeneous Participating Media
* Computational Complexity Management of a Real-Time H.264/AVC Encoder
* Computationally efficient mutual information estimation for non-rigid image registration
* Computer-aided diagnosis and visualization based on clustering and independent component analysis for breast MRI
* concealment based approach to distributed video coding, A
* Concurrent Computation of Attribute Filters on Shared Memory Parallel Machines
* Conditional iterative decoding of Two Dimensional Hidden Markov Models
* Configurable Passband Imaging Spectrometer Based on Acousto-optic Tunable Filter
* Connected filtering by reconstruction: Basis and new advances
* Connected operators based on region-trees
* connected path approach for staff detection on a music score, A
* Connective segmentation
* Consistent and regularized magnification of images
* Constrained Maximum Likelihood Learning of Bayesian Networks for Facial Action Recognition
* Constrained Phase-Based Personalized Facial Feature Tracking
* Constructing Category Hierarchies for Visual Recognition
* Contextual Ranking of Database Querying Results: A Statistical Approach
* Continuous Energy Minimization Via Repeated Binary Fusion
* Contour Context Selection for Object Detection: A Set-to-Set Contour Matching Approach
* Contour Detection for Industrial Image Processing by Means of Level Set Methods
* Contour graph based human tracking and action sequence recognition
* Contourlet based image watermarking using optimum detector in the noisy environment
* Contrast-Based Algorithm For Synthetic Range-Profile Motion Compensation, A
* Conversions between three methods for representing 3D surface textures under arbitrary illumination directions
* Convex Formulation of Continuous Multi-label Problems, A
* Cooperative disparity and object boundary estimation
* Cooperative Surveillance of Multiple Targets using Mutual Information
* Coopetitive multi-camera surveillance using model predictive control
* Coronary artery extraction and analysis for detection of soft plaques in MDCT images
* Correlated non-linear wavelet shrinkage
* Correlation Embedding Analysis
* Correlation Noise Modeling for Efficient Pixel and Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Correlation-based motion vector processing for motion compensated frame interpolation
* Coupled Object Detection and Tracking from Static Cameras and Moving Vehicles
* covariance adjustment method in compressed domain for noisy image segmentation, A
* Creating a face model from an unknown skull based on the tissue map
* CRISP: Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Image Stream Processor for Digital Still Cameras and Camcorders
* Cross-domain learning methods for high-level visual concept classification
* Cross-Fertilization between Studies on ICT Practices of Use and Cross-Modal Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
* Cross-talk explained
* Cross-View Action Recognition from Temporal Self-similarities
* Crowd analysis: a survey
* Crowd Behavior Recognition for Video Surveillance
* Crowd behaviours analysis in dynamic visual scenes of complex environment
* CSDD Features: Center-Surround Distribution Distance for Feature Extraction and Matching
* Current challenges in automating visual perception
* Curvature Estimation and Curve Inference with Tensor Voting: A New Approach
* Curvelet decomposition for detection of cylindrical targets
* Czech Artificial Computerized Talking Head George
* Czech Spontaneous Speech Collection and Annotation: The Database of Technical Lectures
* Dark line detection with line width extraction
* Data mining for large scale 3D seismic data analysis
* Dealing with degeneracy in essential matrix estimation
* Decision Trees in Binary Tomography for Supporting the Reconstruction of hv-Convex Connected Images
* Decoder side motion vector derivation for inter frame video coding
* Decoder-driven adaptive distributed arithmetic coding
* Decomposition of branching volume data by tip detection
* Definition and recovery of kinematic features for recognition of American sign language movements
* Defocus Blur Correcting Projector-Camera System
* Deformed Lattice Discovery Via Efficient Mean-Shift Belief Propagation
* Deinterlacing Using Variational Methods
* Demosaicing approach based on extended color total-variation regularization
* Denoising of medical images corrupted by Poisson noise
* Density estimation using a new AIC-type criterion and the EM algorithm for a linear combination of Gaussians
* Depth from Distortions
* Describing low-level image features using the COMM ontology
* Describing shapes by geometrical-topological properties of real functions
* Descriptor Based Methods in the Wild
* Design and Evaluation of a Sound Based Water Flow Measurement System
* Design and performance of a novel low-density parity-check code for distributed video coding
* design of granular classifiers: A study in the synergy of interval calculus and fuzzy sets in pattern recognition, The
* Design optimization of a global/local tone mapping processor on arm SOC platform for real-time high dynamic range video
* Desynchronized image fingerprint for large scale distribution
* Detecting Carried Objects in Short Video Sequences
* Detecting image points of diverse imbalance
* Detecting polygons of variable dimension in overhead images with particle filters
* Detection of Coronal Mass Ejections
* Detection of ephemeral changes in sequences of images
* Detection of Unexploded Ordnance via Efficient Semisupervised and Active Learning
* Detection of ±1 LSB steganography based on the amplitude of histogram local extrema
* Determination of Optimal Distortion-Based Protection in Progressive Image Transmission: A Heuristic Approach
* Determining Patch Saliency Using Low-Level Context
* Developing a Real-Time Identify-and-Locate System for the Blind
* Dichromatic level-lines
* Dictionary based color image retrieval
* Differential Spatial Resection: Pose Estimation Using a Single Local Image Feature
* Dimensionality reduction for heterogeneous dataset in rushes editing
* Direct Bundle Estimation for Recovery of Shape, Reflectance Property and Light Position
* direction-adaptive in-loop deartifacting filter for video coding, A
* Direction-adaptive partitioned block transform for image coding
* Directional interpolation of noisy images
* Directional motion-compensated spatio-temporal fuzzy filtering for quality enhancement of compressed video sequences
* Discovering Primitive Action Categories by Leveraging Relevant Visual Context
* Discrete cosine transform of encrypted images
* Discrete optimization in computer vision
* discrete wavelet transform based recoverable image processing for privacy protection, A
* Discrete wavelet transform-based structural similarity for image quality assessment
* Discriminant spectral analysis for facial expression recognition
* Discrimination of Local and Faint Changes From Satellite-Borne Microwave-Radiometer Data
* Discriminative analysis of skull morphology in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients: Comparative study with normal controls
* Discriminative Learning for Deformable Shape Segmentation: A Comparative Study
* Discriminative Locality Alignment
* Discriminative Sparse Image Models for Class-Specific Edge Detection and Image Interpretation
* Display dependent coding for 3D video on automultiscopic displays
* Distortion estimation and bit allocation for MCTF based 3-D wavelet video coding
* Distributed 3D dynamic mesh coding
* Distributed Face Recognition via Consensus on SE(3)
* Distributed image coding for imformation recovery from the print-scan channel
* Distributed Smart Camera Calibration Using Blinking LED
* DLT-Like Calibration for Central Catadioptric Cameras
* Document cleanup using page frame detection
* Document image characterization using a multiresolution analysis of the texture: application to old documents
* Dominant component suppression with applications to spectral analysis
* Dominant Texture Descriptors for image classification and retrieval
* DT-MRI Fiber Tracking: A Shortest Paths Approach
* Dual IR spectral video inspection of a concealed live animal
* Dynamic background modeling and subtraction using spatio-temporal local binary patterns
* Dynamic Background Subtraction Based on Local Dependency Histogram
* Dynamic channel selection for multi-user video streaming over cognitive radio networks
* Dynamic Conditional Random Field Model for Joint Labeling of Object and Scene Classes, A
* Dynamic ensemble for target tracking
* Dynamic Integration of Generalized Cues for Person Tracking
* Dynamic organization of audiovisual database using a user-defined similarity measure based on low-level features
* dynamic programming solution to tracking and elastically matching left ventricular walls in cardiac cine MRI, A
* Dynamic Proposal Variance and Optimal Particle Allocation in Particle Filtering for Video Tracking
* Dynamic Selection of Characteristics for Feature Based Image Sequence Stabilization
* Dynamic structural-image-guided noninvasive volumetric cardiac electrophysiological mapping
* Dynamic texture synthesis for H.264/AVC inter coding
* Dynamic transform replacement in an H.264 CODEC
* dynamically reconfigurable stereoscopic/panoramic vision mobile robot head controlled from a virtual environment, A
* Ear recognition using a new local matching approach
* Edge detection and processing using shearlets
* Edge detection by selection of pieces of level lines
* edge detection technique in images, An
* Edge-and-corner preserving regularization for image interpolation and reconstruction
* Edge-based directional fuzzy filter for compression artifact reduction in JPEG images
* Edge-based synthetic discriminant function for distortion invariant object recognition
* Edge-preservation resolution enhancement with oriented wavelets
* Edge-Preserving Smoothing and Mean-Shift Segmentation of Video Streams
* Effcient Resource Allocation using a Multiobjective Utility Optimisation Method
* Effect of gray-level re-quantization on co-occurrence based texture analysis
* Effective Approach for Iris Recognition Using Phase-Based Image Matching, An
* Effective Approach to 3D Deformable Surface Tracking, An
* effective detection method of rotational and divergent structures in still images based on Helmholtz decomposition, An
* Effective flicker removal from periodic intra frames and accurate flicker measurement
* Effective Salience-Based Algorithm for Shape Matching, An
* Effective Segmentation for Dental X-Ray Images Using Texture-Based Fuzzy Inference System
* effective successive elimination algorithm for fast optimal block-matching motion estimation, An
* Effective visual masking techniques in JPEG200
* Effects of curvature on the analysis of landmark shape manifolds
* Efficient and Flexible Cluster-and-Search for CBIR
* efficient architecture of bitplane coding with high frame rate for VC-1, An
* Efficient belief propagation for higher-order cliques using linear constraint nodes
* Efficient block-based intra prediction for image coding with 2D geometrical manipulations
* Efficient BP stereo with automatic paramemeter estimation
* Efficient Camera Smoothing in Sequential Structure-from-Motion Using Approximate Cross-Validation
* Efficient clustering of face sequences with application to character-based movie browsing
* Efficient Data Driven Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Alignment, An
* Efficient Dense and Scale-Invariant Spatio-Temporal Interest Point Detector, An
* Efficient Dense Scene Flow from Sparse or Dense Stereo Data
* Efficient Edge-Based Methods for Estimating Manhattan Frames in Urban Imagery
* Efficient error concealment for the whole-frame loss based on H.264/AVC
* efficient frequency domain intra prediction for H.264/AVC, An
* efficient gait recognition based on a selective neural network ensemble, An
* Efficient Hardware Architecture without Line Memories for Morphological Image Processing, An
* Efficient image matching using concentric sampling features and boosting process
* Efficient image restoration with the Huber-Markov prior model
* Efficient initialization of Mixtures of Experts for human pose estimation
* efficient intra-mode selection algorithm for H.264 based on edge classification and rate-distortion estimation, An
* Efficient Kernel Orthonormalized PLS for Remote Sensing Applications
* Efficient motion estimation under varying illumination
* Efficient MRF Deformation Model for Non-Rigid Image Matching
* Efficient NCC-Based Image Matching in Walsh-Hadamard Domain
* Efficient nonlocal-means denoising using the SVD
* efficient print-scanning resilient data hiding scheme based on a novel LPM, An
* Efficient representation and coding of prediction residuals and parameters in frame-based animated mesh compression
* Efficient restoration and enhancement of super-resolved X-ray images
* Efficient scalable video transmission based on two-dimensional error protection scheme
* Efficient Scene-Break Detection Method Based on Linear Prediction With Bayesian Cost Functions, An
* Efficient Segmentation by Sparse Pixel Classification
* Efficient Selective Perceptual-Based Super-Resolution Estimator, An
* Efficient Shortest Triangle Paths Algorithm for Uncertainty-based Multi Camera Calibration, An
* efficient spatial domain technique for subpixel image registration, An
* Efficient spatial resolution reduction transcoding for H.264/AVC
* Efficient Total Variation Minimization Methods for Color Image Restoration
* Efficiently Learning Random Fields for Stereo Vision with Sparse Message Passing
* EKF pose estimation: How many filters and cameras to use?
* Elastic registration for stent enhancement in X-ray image sequences
* Electrical Impedance Tomography Problem With Inaccurately Known Boundary and Contact Impedances
* EM algorithm for robust Bayesian PCA with student's t-distribution, An
* EM-based estimation of spatially variant correlated image noise
* Embedded Trellis Coded Quantization for JPEG2000
* Embedding of a Real Time Image Stabilization Algorithm on SoPC Platform, a Chip Multi-processor Approach
* Emotional Aspects in User Experience with Interactive Digital Television: A Case Study on Dyslexia Rehabilitation
* Emotional valence categorization using holistic image features
* Employing Clustering Techniques for Automatic Information Extraction From HTML Documents
* Encoder design for H.264/AVC based on contrast sensitivity considering spatio-temporal direction dependency
* Encoding of images containing no-data regions within JPEG2000 framework
* Enhanced Autofocus Algorithm Using Robust Focus Measure and Fuzzy Reasoning
* Enhanced background subtraction using global motion compensation and mosaicing
* Enhanced face recognition using tensor neighborhood preserving discriminant projections
* enhanced rate control scheme with motion assisted slice grouping for low bit rate coding in H.264, An
* Enhanced usability of iris recognition via efficient user interface and iris image restoration
* Enhancement of unusual color in aerial video sequences for assisting wilderness search and rescue
* Enhancing Color Representation for the Color Vision Impaired
* Enhancing peer-to-peer live multicast quality using helpers
* Enhancing text-like edges in digital images
* Enhancing video quality for multiple-description MIMO transmission through unequal power allocation between eigen-modes
* Entropic hashing of 3D objects using Laplace-Beltrami operator
* Entropy-Coded Lattice Vector Quantization Dedicated to the Block Mixture Densities
* EP printer jitter characterization using 2D Gabor filter and spectral analysis
* epsilon-Optimal Non-Bayesian Anomaly Detection for Parametric Tomography
* Error resilient JPEG2000 decoding for wireless applications
* Error resilient macroblock rate control for H.264/AVC video coding
* Establishing Good Benchmarks and Baselines for Face Recognition
* Estimating 3D Face Model and Facial Deformation from a Single Image Based on Expression Manifold Optimization
* Estimating 3D Trajectories of Periodic Motions from Stationary Monocular Views
* Estimating Geo-temporal Location of Stationary Cameras Using Shadow Trajectories
* Estimating Radiometric Response Functions from Image Noise Variance
* Estimating space-variant motion blur without deblurring
* Estimating the Joint Statistics of Images Using Nonparametric Windows with Application to Registration Using Mutual Information
* Estimation and representation of accumulated motion characteristics for semantic event detection
* Estimation of a 3D motion field from a multi-camera array using a multiresolution Gaussian mixture model
* Estimation of mechanical parameters of deformable solids from videos
* Estimation of optimum coding redundancy and frequency domain analysis of attacks for YASS: A randomized block based hiding scheme
* Estimation of vehicle velocity and traffic intensity using rectified images
* Evaluation and benchmark for biological image segmentation
* Evaluation and unification of some methods for estimating reflectance spectra from RGB images
* Evaluation Methodology for Image Mosaicing Algorithms, An
* Evaluation of an appearance-based 3D face tracker using dense 3D data
* Evaluation of compression schemes for wide area video
* Evaluation of image quality metrics for comparison of synchronization algorithms for cardiac cine MRI
* evaluation of several mesh-generation methods using a simple mesh-based image coder, An
* Evaluation of Speech Emotion Classification Based on GMM and Data Fusion
* Event based vision sensing and processing
* Event Modeling and Recognition Using Markov Logic Networks
* evolution of video surveillance: an overview, The
* Experimental Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Shape Optimization Methods, An
* experimental study on discriminative concept classifier combination for TRECVID high-level feature extraction, An
* Exploitation of massive numbers of simple events
* Exploiting local auto-correlation function for fast video to reference image alignment
* Exploiting MPEG-7 texture descriptors for fast H.264 mode decision
* Exploiting patterns of data magnitude for efficient image coding
* Exploiting Single View Geometry in Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Networks
* Exploiting Voronoi diagram properties in face segmentation and feature extraction
* Extended Phase Field Higher-Order Active Contour Model for Networks and Its Application to Road Network Extraction from VHR Satellite Images, An
* Extending connected operators to colour images
* Extending H.264/AVC with a background sprite prediction mode
* Extension of Moment Features' Invariance to Blur
* Extracting Moving People from Internet Videos
* Extraction and Temporal Segmentation of Multiple Motion Trajectories in Human Motion
* Eye detection based on the polynomial Hermite expansion
* Eye states detection by boosting Local Binary Pattern Histogram features
* Eyewear Selector
* Face Alignment Via Component-Based Discriminative Search
* Face detection from few training examples
* Face hallucination using OLPP and Kernel Ridge Regression
* Face hallucination VIA sparse coding
* Face indexing and searching from videos
* Face recognition based on Gradient Gabor feature
* Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments: A Comparative Study
* Face recognition using a pictorial-edit distance
* Face recognition using adaptively weighted patch PZM array from a single exemplar image per person
* Face Recognition Using Parabola Edge Map
* Face Recognition Using Spatially Constrained Earth Mover's Distance
* Face Recognition Using Symbolic KPCA Plus Symbolic LDA in the Framework of Symbolic Data Analysis: Symbolic Kernel Fisher Discriminant Method
* Face recognition via adaptive discriminant clustering
* Face tracking using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter and pose-dependent probabilistic PCA
* FaceTracer: A Search Engine for Large Collections of Images with Faces
* Facial aging simulation based on super-resolution in tensor space
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D Dynamic Range Model Sequences
* Facial Expressions Recognition from Image Sequences
* Facial motion analysis using clustered shortest path tree registration
* Fairness dynamics in multimedia colluders' social networks
* FAMC: The MPEG-4 standard for Animated Mesh Compression
* Fast adaptive early termination for mode selection in H.264 scalable video coding
* Fast adaptive elliptical filtering using box splines
* Fast adaptive Mahalanobis distance-based search and retrieval in image databases
* Fast Algorithm for Creating a Compact and Discriminative Visual Codebook, A
* Fast algorithm for ISE-bounded polygonal approximation
* fast algorithm for preserving noise while reducing image size, A
* Fast and Accurate Rotation Estimation on the 2-Sphere without Correspondences
* Fast and effective text detection
* Fast and Fully Automatic Ear Recognition Approach Based on 3D Local Surface Features, A
* Fast Automatic Single-View 3-d Reconstruction of Urban Scenes
* Fast dialogue indexing based on structure information
* Fast disambiguation of superimposed images for increased field of view
* Fast disparity motion estimation in MVC based on range prediction
* Fast fluid extensions for image registration algorithms
* Fast Human Detection from Videos Using Covariance Features
* Fast index assignment for robust multiple description coding
* fast level set algorithm for shape-based segmentation with multiple selective priors, A
* Fast motion estimation algorithm using unequal search effort for H.264|MPEG-4 AVC encoder
* Fast online graph clustering via Erdos-Renyi mixture
* Fast Saliency-Based Motion Segmentation Algorithm for an Active Vision System
* Fast Template Matching Based on Normalized Cross Correlation With Adaptive Multilevel Winner Update
* Fast video super-resolution via classification
* Fast, dynamic configuration of transforms for video coding
* Fault tolerant integrated information management support for physically constrained iterative deconvolution
* feature analysis approach to estimate 3D Shape from Image Focus, A
* Feature Correspondence Via Graph Matching: Models and Global Optimization
* Feature extraction techniques for abandoned object classification in video surveillance
* Feature selection using localized generalization error for supervised classification problems using RBFNN
* Feature space video stream consistency estimation for dynamic stream weighting in audio-visual speech recognition
* Feature-aided particle tracking
* Feature-based object modelling for visual surveillance
* Feature-level fusion of palmprint and palm vein for person identification based on a Junction Point representation
* Feedback free DVC architecture using machine learning
* FGS Coding Using Cycle-Based Leaky Prediction Through Multiple Leaky Factors
* Finding Actions Using Shape Flows
* Finding best focused points using intersection of two lines
* Finding Speaker Face Region by Audiovisual Correlation
* FIR Filter Banks for Hexagonal Data Processing
* Fixation selection by maximization of texure and contrast information
* Flexible Depth of Field Photography
* Flexible dictionaries for action classification
* Flexible generation of video summaries from layered video bit-streams
* Floor Fields for Tracking in High Density Crowd Scenes
* Fluid Flow Measurement in Thermographic Video Sequences by Wavelet-Multiresolution Optical Flow Estimation
* Focused atlas-based image registration for recognition
* Focusing Bistatic SAR Data Using the Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm
* Foliage Recognition Based on Local Edge Information
* Fourier Analysis of the 2D Screened Poisson Equation for Gradient Domain Problems
* Fourier-Based Inspection of Free-Form Reflective Surfaces
* Foveation image coding with fuzzy-based joint parameter selection
* Fractal encoding of low resolution iris imagery for improved matching
* Frame-level temporal calibration of video sequences from unsynchronized cameras
* framework for dense optical flow from multiple sparse hypotheses, A
* framework for evaluating the impact of compression on registration algorithms without gold standard, A
* framework for indexing human actions in video, A
* Free Space Detection from Catadioptric Omnidirectional Images for Visual Navigation using Optical Flow
* Free-Form Mirror Design Inspired by Photometric Stereo
* Frequential and color analysis for hair mask segmentation
* From learning individual actions to 3D animation of team sports
* From local temporal correlation to global anomaly detection
* FSM: A new finite sphere method for modeling 3D geometry of the prostate
* Full body tracking using an agent-based architecture
* Fully reversible image rotation by 1-D filtering
* further study on steganalysis of LSB matching by calibration, A
* Fusion of Feature- and Area-Based Information for Urban Buildings Modeling from Aerial Imagery
* Fusion of Multi-view Tissue Classification Based on Wound 3D Model
* Fusion of Time of Flight Camera Point Clouds
* fuzzy approach for background subtraction, A
* Fuzzy Clustering and Active Contours for Histopathology Image Segmentation and Nuclei Detection
* Fuzzy Rule Iterative Feature Selection (FRIFS) with Respect to the Choquet Integral Apply to Fabric Defect Recognition
* Gabor Filter-Based Fingerprint Anti-spoofing
* Gabor-based multi-scale Illumination Normalization model for face recognition
* GAGM-AAM: A genetic optimization with Gaussian mixtures for Active Appearance Models
* Gait authentication using distributed source coding
* Game-theoretic analysis of maximum-payoff multiuser collusion
* Game-Theoretic Approach to Co-operative Context-Aware Driving with Partially Random Behavior, A
* GammaSense: Infrastructureless Positioning Using Background Radioactivity
* Gaussian curvature flowmodel for colonic polyp detection in CT colonography
* Gaussian Process Person Identifier Based on Simple Floor Sensors
* Gaze Behaviors for Virtual Crowd Characters
* Gaze control of an active vision system in dynamic scenes
* gaze prediction technique for open signed video content using a track before detect algorithm, A
* General framework for unsupervised evaluation of quality of segmentation results
* General Imaging Geometry for Central Catadioptric Cameras
* General region merging approaches based on information theory statistical measures
* General-purpose reduced-reference image quality assessment based on perceptually and statistically motivated image representation
* Generalised blind sampling of images
* Generalized Appriou's Model for Evidential Classification of Multispectral Images: A Case Study of Algiers City, A
* Generalized ELL for detecting and tracking through illumination model changes
* generalized likelihood ratio test for detecting targets in multiple-band spectral images with improper complex Gaussian noise, A
* Generalized Newton methods for energy formulations in image procesing
* Generation of scalable summaries based on iterative GoP ranking
* Generative Image Segmentation Using Random Walks with Restart
* Generative Shape Regularization Model for Robust Face Alignment, A
* Generic Neighbourhood Filtering Framework for Matrix Fields, A
* Generic Self-calibration of Central Cameras from Two Real Rotational Flows
* genetic programming framework for content-based image retrieval, A
* Geodesic Active Contours with Combined Shape and Appearance Priors
* Geodesic active regions for segmentation and tracking of human gestures in sign language videos
* Geolocation of AMSR-E Data
* Geometric invariants for classification of cortical sulci
* Geometric Layout Based Graphical Model for Multi-Part Object Tracking
* Geometric Primitive Extraction Process for Remote Sensing Problems, A
* geometrically inspired approach to active view planning, A
* Geometrically invariant watermarking using affine covariant regions
* Geometry compression for time-varying meshes using coarse and fine levels of quantization and run-length encoding
* Geometry-based distributed coding of multi-view omnidirectional images
* GeoS: Geodesic Image Segmentation
* Gestural Abstraction and Restatement: From Iconicity to Metaphor
* Glacier Volume Changes Using ASTER Satellite Stereo and ICESat GLAS Laser Altimetry. A Test Study on EdgeØya, Eastern Svalbard
* Global Abnormal Behaviour Detection Using a Network of CCTV Cameras
* Global-to-local oriented perception on blurry visual information
* Globally optimal solution to exploit rigidity when recovering structure from motion under occlusion
* gradient-based hybrid image fusion scheme using object extraction, A
* Gradient-Based Optical Flow for Sub-Pixel Registration of Speckle Image Sequences Using a Spatial/Temporal Postprocessing Technique
* Gradual transition detection using color coherence and other criteria in a video shot meta-segmentation framework
* Graffiti Detection Using a Time-Of-Flight Camera
* Graffiti Detection Using Two Views
* Graph Based Subspace Semi-supervised Learning Framework for Dimensionality Reduction, A
* graph cut based active contour for multiphase image segmentation, A
* Graph cut segmentation of neuronal structures from transmission electron micrographs
* Graph Cuts via L_1 Norm Minimization
* Graph-based deinterlacing
* Graph-cut optimization of the ratio of functions and its application to image segmentation
* Grasping of unknown objects from a table top
* Grassmann Registration Manifolds for Face Recognition
* Grey-Scale Morphology with Spatially-Variant Rectangles in Linear Time
* Grid point extraction exploiting point symmetry in a pseudo-random color pattern
* ground truth for motion-based video-object segmentation, A
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on CVPR Papers
* Guiding the focus of attention of blind people with visual saliency
* H.264 weighted prediction parameter estimation method for fade effects in video scenes, An
* H.264/AVC video scrambling for privacy protection
* H.264/AVC-based multiple description video coding using dynamic slice groups
* Hallucinating faces from thermal infrared images
* Hamming Embedding and Weak Geometric Consistency for Large Scale Image Search
* Hand gesture recognition and tracking based on distributed locally linear embedding
* Hand radiographs preprocessing, image representation in the finger regions and joint space width measurements for image interpretation
* Hardware-Friendly Descreening
* HD motion estimation in a wavelet pyramid in JPEG2000 context
* Head Pose Determination Using Synthetic Images
* Hepatic Perfusion Imaging Using Factor Analysis of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
* Hierarchical Color Correction for Camera Cell Phone Images
* Hierarchical encryption using short encryption keys for scalable access control of JPEG 2000 coded images
* Hierarchical Support Vector Random Fields: Joint Training to Combine Local and Global Features
* High precision edge prediction for intra coding
* high repeatability of salient regions, The
* High throughput JPEG2000 compatible encoder for high dynamic range images
* High-S/N imaging of a moving object using a high-frame-rate camera
* High-Speed Acquisition and Pre-processing of Polarimetric Image Sequences
* Higher-Dimensional Affine Registration and Vision Applications
* Histogram-Based Prefiltering for Luminance and Chrominance Compensation of Multiview Video
* HOG-EBGM vs. Gabor-EBGM
* Homography based distributed video coding for a network of cameras
* Homography-based plane identification and matching
* Hough transform based fast skew detection and accurate skew correction methods
* How close are we to solving the problem of automated visual surveillance?: A review of real-world surveillance, scientific progress and evaluative mechanisms
* Human action recognition using robust power spectrum features
* Human Activity Recognition Based on Silhouette Directionality
* Human Activity Recognition with Metric Learning
* Human motion tracking using a color-based particle filter driven by optical flow
* Human Pose Estimation in Vision Networks Via Distributed Local Processing and Nonparametric Belief Propagation
* Hybrid tracking approach using optical flow and pose estimation
* Hyper-spectral content aware resizing
* Hyperspectral and Multiangle CHRIS-PROBA Images for the Generation of Land Cover Maps
* IBM smart surveillance system (S3): event based video surveillance system with an open and extensible framework
* Identity dominance: Using fingerprints to link an individual to a larger social structure
* IIR filtering of surface meshes for the regularization of deformable models
* Illumination and Person-Insensitive Head Pose Estimation Using Distance Metric Learning
* Illumination invariant active contour-based segmentation using complex-valued wavelets
* Image annotation via graph learning
* Image classification based on focus
* Image Coding Using Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Image coding using short wavelet-based contourlet transform
* Image compression using high order wedgelets in a generalized quad-tree
* Image compression with Generalized Lifting and partial knowledge of the signal pdf
* Image contrast enhancement based on 2D Teager-Kaiser operator
* Image deblocking using convex optimization
* Image Denoising Using Derotated Complex Wavelet Coefficients
* Image denoising using mixtures of Gaussian scale mixtures
* Image Denoising Using Similarities in the Time-Scale Plane
* Image enhancement based on quadratic programming
* Image enhancement for improving face detection under non-uniform lighting conditions
* Image enhancement for minutiae-based fingerprint identification
* Image Feature Extraction Using Gradient Local Auto-Correlations
* Image fusion with multiband linear arrays
* Image harmony for consumer images
* Image interpolation using classification and stitching
* Image Modeling and Denoising With Orientation-Adapted Gaussian Scale Mixtures
* Image Modeling Using Interscale Phase Properties of Complex Wavelet Coefficients
* image quality assessment metric based contourlet, An
* Image Quality Metric Based on a Colour Appearance Model, An
* Image reconstruction of buried multiple conductors by genetic algorithms
* Image Registration Using Adaptive Polar Transform
* Image registration using subpixel-shifted images for super-resolution
* Image representation by compressed sensing
* Image restoration using a kNN-variant of the mean-shift
* Image retrieval and classification using associative reciprocal-image attractors
* Image retrieval and Web 2.0: where can we go from here?
* Image retrieval based on the texton co-occurrence matrix
* Image Segmentation Based on Supernodes and Region Size Estimation
* Image Segmentation by Branch-and-Mincut
* Image Segmentation in the Presence of Shadows and Highlights
* Image segmentation using histogram specification
* Image similarity measurement by Kullback-Leibler divergences between complex wavelet subband statistics for texture retrieval
* Image-processing approach via nonlinear image-decomposition for a digital color camera
* Impact of imputation of missing values on classification error for discrete data
* Impact of subjective dataset on the performance of image quality metrics
* Implementing Decision Trees and Forests on a GPU
* Implications of Acoustic Variation for the Segmentation of the Czech Trill r
* Implicit spatial inference with sparse local features
* Improved Classification of VHR Images of Urban Areas Using Directional Morphological Profiles
* improved coeff_token variable length decoding mehod for low power design of H.264/AVC CAVLC decoder, An
* Improved dynamic rate shaping for H.264/AVC video streams
* Improved h.264 intra coding based on bi-directional intra prediction, directional transform, and adaptive coefficient scanning
* Improved Infrared Face Identification Performance Using Nonuniformity Correction Techniques
* improved perception-based no-reference objective image sharpness metric using iterative edge refinement, An
* Improved precision of fixed-point algorithms by means of common factors
* Improved quantization index modulation watermarking robust against amplitude scaling and constant change distortions
* Improved Resilience for Video Over Packet Loss Networks With MDC and Optimized Packetization
* Improved Sampling Methods for Shape Reconstruction of 3-D Buried Targets
* Improved side information generation with iterative decoding and frame interpolation for Distributed Video Coding
* Improved spectral relaxation methods for binary quadratic optimization problems
* improved super-short-scan reconstruction for fan-beam computed tomography, An
* Improvement of accuracy in deformable registration in radiation therapy
* improvement of EMD embedding method for large payloads by pixel segmentation strategy, An
* Improvement of postal mail sorting system
* Improvement of the k-means clustering filtering algorithm
* Improving generalization for gender classification
* Improving image clustering: An unsupervised feature weight learning framework
* Improving Image Vector Quantization with a Genetic Accelerated K-Means Algorithm
* Improving light propagation Monte Carlo simulations with accurate 3D modeling of skin tissue
* Improving People Search Using Query Expansions: How Friends Help to Find People
* Improving physical behavior in image registration
* Improving Shape Retrieval by Learning Graph Transduction
* Improving the Agility of Keyframe-Based SLAM
* Improving the resolution scalability of orientation adaptive wavelets
* In Situ Image Segmentation Using the Convexity of Illumination Distribution of the Light Sources
* In-Flight CCD Distortion Calibration for Pushbroom Satellites Based on Subpixel Correlation
* Incorporating known features into a total variation dictionary model for source separation
* Incorporating spatio-temporal mid-level features in a region segmentation algorithm for video sequences
* Incremental Learning Method for Unconstrained Gaze Estimation, An
* Incremental parsing for latent semantic indexing of images
* Incremental Refinement of Image Salient-Point Detection
* Independent viewpoint silhouette-based human action modeling and recognition
* Indexing and retrieval of compound color objects using co-occurrence histograms of color and wavelet features
* Inequivalent manifold ranking for content-based image retrieval
* Information-driven resource negotiation strategies for multimedia applications
* inpainting system for automatic image structure-texture restoration with text removal, An
* Integral correlograms and probabilistic diffusion for image tagging
* integrated technique for volume estimation of spots in 3-D human cell cultures: Watersnakes, An
* Integrating monomodal biometric matchers through logistic regression rank aggregation approach
* Integrating region growing and classification for segmentation and matting
* Integrating Visual and Range Data for Robotic Object Detection
* Integration of Multiview Stereo and Silhouettes Via Convex Functionals on Convex Domains
* Intelligent multimodal and hyperspectral sensing for real-time moving target tracking
* Intentional motion on-line learning and prediction
* Inter-view coding for stereoscopic Digital Cinema
* Interactive image segmentation via multi-cue dynamic integration
* Interactive Tracking of 2D Generic Objects with Spacetime Optimization
* Interest point detection on incomplete images
* Interest points harvesting in video sequences for efficient person identification
* Intermediate view interpolation based on multiview video plus depth for advanced 3D video systems
* Interval-Valued Fuzzy Morphological Model Based on Lukasiewicz-Operators, An
* Intra prediction using template matching with adaptive illumination compensation
* Intra prediction versus wavelets and lapped transforms in an H.264/AVC coder
* Intraretinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Optimal 3-D Graph Search
* Introducing secure modes of operation for optical encryption
* Intuitionistic Fuzzy Clustering with Applications in Computer Vision
* Inverse image problem of designing phase shifting masks in optical lithography
* Inverse scattering of buried inhomogeneous biaxial dielectric cylinders coated on a conductor
* Investigating useful and distinguishing features around the eyelash region
* Investigation into Audiovisual Speech Correlation in Reverberant Noisy Environments, An
* Investigation of Normalised Time of Increasing Vocal Fold Contact as a Discriminator of Emotional Voice Type
* Invisible barcode with optimized error correction
* Iris recognition performance enhancement using weighted majority voting
* iterative algorithm for linear inverse problems with compound regularizers, An
* Iterative Kalman Filter Approach to Camera Calibration, An
* Iterative pre- and post-processing for MRC layers of scanned documents
* Iterative Rate-Distortion Optimization of H.264 With Constant Bit Rate Constraint
* JND-based enhancement of perceptibility for dim images
* Joint Coding of Multi-View Video and Corresponding Depth Map
* Joint encoding of the depth image based representation using shape-adaptive wavelets
* Joint motion and geometry modeling with quad-tree leaf merging
* Joint Parametric and Non-parametric Curve Evolution for Medical Image Segmentation
* Joint rate-distortion optimization of transform coefficients for spatial Scalable Video Coding using SVC
* Joint security and performance enhancement for secure arithmetic coding
* Kalman filter-based approach for adaptive restoration of in-vehicle camera foggy images, A
* Kalman filtered Compressed Sensing
* Kernel Based Approach for High Dimensional Heterogeneous Image Features Management in CBIR Context
* Kernel Codebooks for Scene Categorization
* Kernel PCA-based semantic feature estimation approach for similar image retrieval
* Kernel-based high-dimensional histogram estimation for visual tracking
* Kernel-based unsupervised trajectory clusters discovery
* Key Object Driven Multi-category Object Recognition, Localization and Tracking Using Spatio-temporal Context
* Keypoint Signatures for Fast Learning and Recognition
* Kirchhoff-Based Shape Reconstruction Algorithm for the Multimonostatic Configuration: The Realistic Case of Buried Pipes, A
* Knee Point Detection in BIC for Detecting the Number of Clusters
* Land Use and Land Cover Mapping in the Brazilian Amazon Using Polarimetric Airborne P-Band SAR Data
* Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Curve Mapping
* Largest Silhouette-Equivalent Volume for 3D Shapes Modeling without Ghost Object
* LASIC: A model invariant framework for correspondence
* Latent Pose Estimator for Continuous Action Recognition
* Lattice-Preserving Multigrid Method for Solving the Inhomogeneous Poisson Equations Used in Image Analysis, A
* Layered Data Association Using Graph-Theoretic Formulation with Application to Tennis Ball Tracking in Monocular Sequences
* Layered wireless video multicast using directional relays
* Learning a Mahalanobis distance metric for data clustering and classification
* Learning action dictionaries from video
* Learning Bayesian tracking for motion estimation
* Learning CRFs Using Graph Cuts
* Learning distance metric for semi-supervised image segmentation
* Learning efficient codes for 3D face recognition
* Learning for Optical Flow Using Stochastic Optimization
* Learning from Real Images to Model Lighting Variations for Face Images
* Learning Moving Cast Shadows for Foreground Detection
* Learning Optical Flow
* Learning Pullback metrics for linear models
* Learning semantics from multimedia content
* Learning Shape Metric: From Alignment to Recognition
* Learning Spatial Context: Using Stuff to Find Things
* Learning structurally discriminant features in 3D faces
* Learning the Dynamics and Time-Recursive Boundary Detection of Deformable Objects
* Learning to Localize Objects with Structured Output Regression
* Learning to Recognize Activities from the Wrong View Point
* Learning top-down feature based attention control
* Learning Two-View Stereo Matching
* Learning Visual Shape Lexicon for Document Image Content Recognition
* Level set segmentation with outlier rejection
* Level set tracking with dynamical shape priors
* LFW Results Using a Combined Nowak Plus MERL Recognizer
* Lifting-based Laplacian Pyramid reconstruction schemes
* Light-Efficient Photography
* lightweight multiview tracked person descriptor for camera sensor networks, A
* Limited view CT reconstruction and segmentation via constrained metric labeling
* Limits of Learning-Based Superresolution Algorithms
* Line Matching across Catadioptric Images
* Linear and Non-Linear Models for Monocular 3D Motion Capture
* Linear ego-motion recovery algorithm based on quasi-parallax
* Linear Time Histogram Metric for Improved SIFT Matching, A
* Linear Time Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* Linking Pose and Motion
* Live video object tracking and segmentation using graph cuts
* Local adaptive nonlinear diffusion
* Local binary patterns for lip motion analysis
* Local feature extraction for video copy detection in a database
* Local patterns constrained image histograms for image retrieval
* Local Rank Differences Image Feature Implemented on GPU
* Local Regularization for Multiclass Classification Facing Significant Intraclass Variations
* Local Statistic Based Region Segmentation with Automatic Scale Selection
* Local versus Global in Quasi-Conformal Mapping for Medical Imaging
* Local-spectrum-based distinction between handwritten and machine-printed characters
* Localization of detected objects in multi-camera network
* Localization of fiducial skin markers in MR images using correlation pattern recognition for PET/MRI nonrigid breast image registration
* Localization of sparse image tampering via random projections
* Localization of tampering in contrast and brightness adjusted images using distributed source coding and expectation maximization
* Localized and computationally efficient approach to shift-variant image deblurring
* Localized Content Based Image Retrieval by Multiple Instance Active Learning
* Localizing Objects with Smart Dictionaries
* Localizing Region-Based Active Contours
* Locally linear discriminant embedding: An efficient method for face recognition
* Locating Facial Features with an Extended Active Shape Model
* Location-Free Object Tracking on Graph Structures
* Long term learning for image retrieval over networks
* Longitudinal aberrations caused by optical filters and their compensation in multispectral imaging
* Lossless Compression of Color Sequences Using Optimal Linear Prediction Theory
* Lossless image compression using 2D allpass filters
* Lossy to lossless image compression based on reversible integer DCT
* Low complexity M-channel multiple description coding with two-rate predictive coding and staggered quantization
* Low delay streaming of computer graphics
* low-complexity iterative mode selection algorithm for Wyner-Ziv video compression, A
* low-complexity packet classification algorithm for multiple description video streaming over IEEE802.11E networks, A
* low-complexity palette re-indexing technique based on sampling-swapping, A
* Low-complexity temporal error concealment by motion vector processing for mobile video applications
* low-complexity, motion-robust, spatio-temporally adaptive video de-noiser with in-loop noise estimation, A
* Low-cost, high-speed computer vision using NVIDIA's CUDA architecture
* Lunar terrain reconstruction using PDEs
* Machine vision detection of isolated and overlapped nematode worms using skeleton analysis
* Macroblock-based retransmission for error-resilient video streaming
* Making Background Subtraction Robust to Sudden Illumination Changes
* Managing privacy data in pervasive camera networks
* MAP fusion method for superresolution of images with locally varying pixel quality
* Map-based Active Leader-Follower Surveillance System
* MAP-MRF approach for binarization of degraded document image
* Markov chain local binary pattern and its application to video concept detection
* Markov model OF H.264 video sources performing bit-rate switching
* Markovian method for 2D, 3D and 4D segmentation of MRI
* Markovian segmentation of 3D brain MRI to detect Multiple Sclerosis lesions
* Marr wavelet pyramid, The
* master-slave approach for object detection and matching with fixed and mobile cameras, A
* Matching of omindirectional and perspective images using the hybrid fundamental matrix
* Matching texture units for face recognition
* Matching tracking sequences across widely separated cameras
* Matching word images for content-based retrieval from printed document images
* Maximum likelihood neural network based on the correlation among neighboring pixels for noisy image segmentation
* Mean shift clustering for personal photo album organization
* Measuring multimedia quality in mobile networks with an objective parametric model
* Measuring the Global Phase Coherence of an image
* Measuring uncertainty in graph cut solutions
* Medical Image Noise Reduction Using the Sylvester-Lyapunov Equation
* Medical image search and retrieval using local binary patterns and KLT feature points
* Meteorological Conditions Processing for Vision-based Traffic Monitoring
* Microarray image gridding via an evolutionary algorithm
* MIDIAS: An Integrated 2D/3D Sensor System for Safety Applications
* Minimal Simple Pairs in the 3-D Cubic Grid
* Mirror-adapted matching of catadioptric images
* MirrorTrack: A real-time multiple camera approach for multi-touch interactions on glossy display surfaces
* Mixed content image compression by gradient field integration
* mixture of K-Optimal-Spanning-Trees based probability approximation: Application to skin detection, The
* MLLR Transforms Based Speaker Recognition in Broadcast Streams
* Mobile object recognition using multi-sensor information fusion in urban environments
* Mobile Retriever: access to digital documents from their physical source
* Model Driven Segmentation of Articulating Humans in Laplacian Eigenspace
* model for adapting 3D graphics based on scalable coding, real-time simplification and remote rendering, A
* model for image patch-based algorithms, A
* Model-based character recognition in low resolution
* Model-based compression of nonstationary landmark shape sequences
* Model-Based Gait Recognition Using Multiple Feature Detection
* Model-based view planning
* Modeling and Recognition of Landmark Image Collections Using Iconic Scene Graphs .
* Modeling spatial patterns of shapes
* Modeling the impact of frame rate on perceptual quality of video
* Modular BDPCA based visual feature representation for lip-reading
* Modulo-PCM based encoding for high speed video cameras
* Moment based level set method for image segmentation
* Monte Carlo Based Framework for Multi-Target Detection and Tracking Over Multi-Camera Surveillance System, A
* Monte-Carlo Sure: A Black-Box Optimization of Regularization Parameters for General Denoising Algorithms
* Mosaicing of Fibered Fluorescence Microscopy Video
* motion adaptive deinterlacing method with hierarchical motion detection algorithm, A
* Motion blur free HDR image acquisition using multiple exposures
* Motion compensation based on implicit block segmentation
* Motion Context: A New Representation for Human Action Recognition
* Motion detection with an unstable camera
* Motion detection with false discovery rate control
* Motion Estimation Techniques to Automatically Track Oceanographic Thermal Structures in Multisensor Image Sequences
* Motion estimation with entropy coding considerations in H.264/AVC
* Motion Recovery for Uncalibrated Turntable Sequences Using Silhouettes and a Single Point
* Motion segmentation and abnormal behavior detection via behavior clustering
* motion vector difference based self-incremental adaptive search range algorithm for variable block size motion estimation, A
* Motion-compensated deblocking and upscaling for viewing low-res videos on high-res displays
* Motivating class-specific nonlinear projections for single and multiple view face verification
* Movie summarization based on audiovisual saliency detection
* Movie/Script: Alignment and Parsing of Video and Text Transcription
* Moving body detecting apparatus
* MPEG video object segmentation under camera motion and multimodal backgrounds
* MPEG-4 AFX compliant platform for 3D contents distribution in peer-to-peer, A
* MPEG4 performance-driven avatar via robust facial motion tracking
* MRS-MIL: Minimum reference set based multiple instance learning for automatic image annotation
* Multi bearer channel resource allocation for optimised transmission of video objects
* Multi features hybrid Active Shape Model for automated lip contours tracking in video sequence
* Multi-Camera Calibration Using a Globe
* Multi-camera Matching under Illumination Change Over Time
* Multi-Camera Multi-Person 3D Space Tracking with MCMC in Surveillance Scenarios
* Multi-camera Tracking and Atypical Motion Detection with Behavioral Maps
* Multi-Camera Visual Surveillance for Motion Detection, Occlusion Handling, Tracking and Event Recognition
* Multi-Class Segmentation with Relative Location Prior
* Multi-class steganalysis for Jpeg stego algorithms
* Multi-concept learning with large-scale multimedia lexicons
* Multi-graph similarity reinforcement for image annotation refinement
* Multi-layered Decomposition of Recurrent Scenes
* Multi-modal (2-D and 3-D) face modeling and recognition using Attributed Relational Graph
* Multi-modal Video Surveillance aided by Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors
* Multi-object tracking using binary masks
* Multi-polarity text segmentation using graph theory
* Multi-scale creases detection on noisy meshes
* Multi-scale Improves Boundary Detection in Natural Images
* Multi-scale Vector Spline Method for Estimating the Fluids Motion on Satellite Images, A
* multi-sensor approach for People Fall Detection in home environment, A
* Multi-source color transfer for natural images
* Multi-stage Contour Based Detection of Deformable Objects
* multi-step alignment scheme for face recognition in range images, A
* Multi-target tracking with occlusion management in a mean field framework
* Multi-thread Parsing for Recognizing Complex Events in Videos
* Multi-view video streaming over P2P networks with low start-up delay
* Multicamera object disambiguation using view angles in a plane
* Multicamera-multispectral video library: An algorithm development tool
* Multicomponent Image Segmentation Framework, A
* Multidimensional image value assessment and rating for automated albuming and retrieval
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Based on Fourth Order Cumulants
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Method Based on PARAFAC Decomposition
* Multidimensional SVC bitstream adaptation and extraction for rate-distortion optimized heterogeneous multicasting and playback
* Multilevel Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Difference Images
* multimodal approach to music transcription, A
* Multiple Camera Person Tracking in multiple layers combining 2D and 3D information
* Multiple Component Learning for Object Detection
* Multiple cue adaptive tracking of deformable objects with Particle Filter
* Multiple description based image transmission with Low Density Parity Check codes
* Multiple description video decoding using map
* Multiple Distortion Measures for video with temporal scalability
* Multiple image disparity correction for 3-D scene representation
* Multiple Instance Boost Using Graph Embedding Based Decision Stump for Pedestrian Detection
* Multiple Persons Tracking with Data Fusion of Multiple Cameras and Sensing Floor Using Particle Filters
* Multiple Tree Models for Occlusion and Spatial Constraints in Human Pose Estimation
* Multiresolution cooperation makes easier document structure recognition
* Multiresolution Robust Watermarking Approach for Scalable Wavelet Image Compression, A
* Multiresolutional regularization of local linear regression over adaptive neighborhoods for color management
* Multiscale colour texture retrieval using the geodesic distance between multivariate generalized Gaussian models
* Multiscale facial structure representation for face recognition under varying illumination
* Multiscale recurrent pattern image coding with a flexible partition scheme
* Multispectral Co-Occurrence With Three Random Variables in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Breast Cancer
* Multispectral palm image fusion for accurate contact-free palmprint recognition
* Multistage Branch-and-Bound Merging for Planar Surface Segmentation in Disparity Space
* Multitarget tracking using Gaussian Process Dynamical Model particle filter
* Multivariate orthogonal polynomials to extract singular points
* Mumford-Shah model on lattice, A
* MyMultiMediaWorld.com: A benchmark platform for 3D compression algorithms
* N-meander scanning trace a method for the on-chip bandwidth reduction
* Naked Truth: Estimating Body Shape Under Clothing, The
* Navisio: Towards an integrated reading aid system for low vision patients
* near optimal coder for image geometry with adaptive partitioning, A
* Network Security Using Biometric and Cryptography
* Network-adaptive transport of motion-compensated fine granularity scalability video using multiple asymmetric paths
* New Algorithm for Dominant Point Detection by Quasi-collinear Break Points Supression, A
* New Approach for Target Motion Analysis in a Binary Sensor Network, A
* New Baseline for Image Annotation, A
* New CAD System for Early Diagnosis of Dyslexic Brains, A
* new class of image registration for guaranteeing secure data management, A
* new combination of 1D and 2D filter banks for effective multiresolution image representation, A
* new feature selection method for Gaussian mixture clustering, A
* New Ground Movement Compensation Approach for Obstacle Detection Using an In-Vehicle Camera, A
* New Kalman-Filter-Based Framework for Fast and Accurate Visual Tracking of Rigid Objects, A
* new multiresolution generalized directional filter bank design and application in image enhancement, A
* New optimized spline functions for interpolation on the hexagonal lattice
* new perspective on terahertz image reconstruction based on linear spectral unmixing, A
* New Segmentation Approach for Ear Recognition, A
* New SIMD instructions set for image processing applications enhancement
* new source model and accurate rate control algorithm with QP and rounding offset adaptation, A
* new spatio-temporal MRF framework for video-based object segmentation, A
* new symmetric shape from shading algorithm with an application to 3-D face reconstruction, A
* new theoretic framework for cross-layer optimization, A
* new unequal error protection scheme based on FMO, A
* Nighttime Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control
* No-reference modeling of the channel induced distortion at the decoder for H.264/AVC video coding
* no-reference perceptual image sharpness metric based on saliency-weighted foveal pooling, A
* no-reference Spatial Aliasing Measure for digital image resizing, A
* Noise in high dynamic range imaging
* Noise-Aware Filter for Real-Time Depth Upsampling, A
* Non-convex sparse optimization through deterministic annealing and applications
* Non-Gaussian methods in biomedical imaging
* Non-Gaussian mixture image models prediction
* Non-local Regularization of Inverse Problems
* Nonconvex compressive sensing and reconstruction of gradient-sparse images: Random vs. tomographic Fourier sampling
* nonintrusive method for generating all-focused projection, A
* nonlinear kernel-based joint fusion/detection of anomalies using Hyperspectral and SAR imagery, A
* nonlinear manifold learning framework for real-time motion estimation using low-cost sensors, A
* Nonlinear multi-scale contrast enhancement for chest radiograph
* Nonlinearities in Stereoscopic Phase-Differencing
* nonlocal-means approach to exemplar-based inpainting, A
* Nonparametric Level-Set Segmentation Based on the Minimization of the Stochastic Complexity
* Nonrigid Image Registration Using Dynamic Higher-Order MRF Model
* normalised image of the absolute conic and its application for zooming camera calibration, The
* Normalization and preimage problem in gaussian kernel PCA
* Normalization of the Vocalic Space
* Note on the Validity of Statistical Bootstrapping for Estimating the Uncertainty of Tensor Parameters in Diffusion Tensor Images, A
* Novel Approach for Fast Action Recognition using Simple Features, A
* novel curvature-based shape Fourier Descriptor, A
* novel design of criticially sampled contourlet transform and its application to image coding, A
* novel fingerprint matching method using a curvature-based minutia specifier, A
* novel framework for N-D multimodal image segmentation using graph cuts, A
* novel image analysis approach for accurate identification of acute renal rejection, A
* novel incremental rate control scheme for H.264 video coding, A
* novel pseudo-likelihood equation for Potts MRF model parameter estimation in image analysis, A
* novel scene change detection algorithm based on the 3D wavelet transform, A
* novel video encryption technique based on secret sharing, A
* novel warping distance measure, A
* NR objective continuous video quality assessment model based on frame quality measure
* Numerical Modeling of Higher Order Magnetic Moments in UXO Discrimination
* Object Detection and Matching with Mobile Cameras Collaborating with Fixed Cameras
* Object detection by global contour shape
* Object Detection by Spectropolarimeteric Imagery Fusion
* Object detection for dynamic adaptation of interconnections in inkjet printed electronics
* Object Detection from Large-Scale 3D Datasets Using Bottom-Up and Top-Down Descriptors
* Object discovery with perceptual grouping
* object inpainting algorithm for multi-view video sequences, An
* Object matching in disjoint cameras using a color transfer approach
* Object Recognition by Integrating Multiple Image Segmentations
* Object tracking based on area weighted centroids shifting with spatiality constraints
* Object tracking using incremental 2D-LDA learning and Bayes inference
* Object Tracking Using Naive Bayesian Classifiers
* Oil sand image segmentation using the inclusion filter
* Omni-Directional Surveillance for Unmanned Water Vehicles
* Omnidirectional Gait Identification by Tilt Normalization and Azimuth View Transformation
* Omnidirectional Projections with a Cone Mirror and Single Mirror Stereo
* Omnidirectional tracking and recognition of persons in planar views
* Omnidirectional Vision Attachment for Medical Endoscopes
* On Bin Configuration of Shape Context Descriptors in Human Silhouette Classification
* On clustering tree structured data with categorical nature
* On Dictionary Adaptation for Recurrent Pattern Image Coding
* On histograms and spatiograms: Introduction of the mapogram
* On modeling genetic pattern search for block motion estimation
* On optimal royalty costs for video compression
* On privacy and security in distributed visual sensor networks
* On Straight Line Segment Detection
* On the Benefits of Using Gyroscope Measurements with Structure from Motion
* On the coding gain of separable 2D wavelet filter banks
* On the detection of low-resolution skin regions in surveillance images
* On the estimation of geodesic paths on sampled manifolds under random projections
* On the Evaluation of Quality of Context
* On the nearly scale-independent rank behavior of image quality metrics
* On the role of structure in part-based object detection
* On the security of non-forgeable robust hash functions
* On the security of singular value based watermarking
* On-board robust vehicle detection and tracking using adaptive quality evaluation
* One-shot range scanner using coplanarity constraints
* Online Determination of Track Loss Using Template Inverse Matching
* Online Discriminative Feature Selection in a Bayesian Framework using Shape and Appearance
* Online Sparse Matrix Gaussian Process Regression and Vision Applications
* Online Tracking and Reacquisition Using Co-trained Generative and Discriminative Trackers
* Online, simultaneous shot boundary detection and key frame extraction for sports videos using rank tracing
* Open or Closed Mouth State Detection: Static Supervised Classification Based on Log-Polar Signature
* Optical flow based tracking and retexturing of garments
* Optical flow estimation for a periodic images sequence
* Optimal delivery of motion JPEG2000 over JPIP with block-wise truncation of quality layers
* Optimal Estimation of Calibration Parameters in Polarimetric Microwave Radiometers
* Optimal spectral and spatial weights for photometric stereo for accurate shape reconstruction
* Optimization of Symmetric Transfer Error for Sub-frame Video Synchronization
* Optimizing Binary MRFs with Higher Order Cliques
* Optimizing trajectories clustering for activity recognition
* Orthographic Projection for Optical Signal Processing
* Output Regularized Metric Learning with Side Information
* Overhead image statistics
* Pairing of a Wavelet Basis With a Mildly Redundant Analysis via Subband Regression, The
* Palmprint image synthesis: A preliminary study
* Parallel AdaBoost algorithm for Gabor wavelet selection in face recognition
* Parallel Algorithm for Concurrent Computation of Connected Component Tree
* Parallel CABAC for low power video coding
* Parallel image reconstruction using a single signal in magnetic resonance imaging
* Parameter estimation for an H.264-based distributed video coder
* Parametric fuzzy sets for automatic color naming
* Parametric Image Alignment Using Enhanced Correlation Coefficient Maximization
* Parametric Velocity Synthetic Aperture Radar: Signal Modeling and Optimal Methods
* Pareto optimal weighting of structural impairments for wireless imaging quality assessment
* Partial difference equations on graphs for Mathematical Morphology operators over images and manifolds
* Partial Difference Equations over Graphs: Morphological Processing of Arbitrary Discrete Data
* Partial discriminative training for classification of overlapping classes in document analysis
* Particle filtering and sparse sampling for multi-person 3D tracking
* Passive Error Concealment for Wavelet Coded Images with Efficient Reconstruction of High-Frequency Content
* Passive Reflectometry
* Patch-based adaptive tracking using spatial and appearance information
* path assigned mean shift algorithm: A new fast mean shift implementation for colour image segmentation, The
* PDE formulation for viscous morphological operators with extensions to intensity-adaptive operators, A
* Pearson-based mixture model for color object tracking
* Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Based on Far Infrared Visual Information
* Pedestrian Detection via Classification on Riemannian Manifolds
* Pedestrian detection via logistic multiple instance boosting
* Peer-to-peer multicast live video streaming with interactive virtual pan/tilt/zoom functionality
* People Detection and Tracking with World-Z Map from a Single Stereo Camera
* People Identification Using Gait Via Floor Pressure Sensing and Analysis
* People re-detection using Adaboost with sift and color correlogram
* Perception of Czech in Noise: Stability of Vowels
* Perceptual Comparison of Distance Measures for Color Constancy Algorithms, A
* Perceptual impact of burthy versus isolated packet losses in H.264 compressed video
* perceptual metric for blind measurement of blocking artifacts with applications in transform-block-based image and video coding, A
* Perceptual soft thresholding using the structural similarity index
* perceptually adaptive approach to image denoising using anisotropic non-local means, A
* Performance Analysis of Generalized Zerotree Coders Varying the Maximum Zerotree Degree
* Performance analysis of locality preserving image hash
* Performance Evaluation of Multisensor Architectures for Tracking
* Performance vs computational efficiency for optimizing single and dynamic MRFs: Setting the state of the art with primal-dual strategies
* Perspective Nonrigid Shape and Motion Recovery
* Phase Unwrapping in Fringe Projection Systems Using Epipolar Geometry
* Photo and Video Quality Evaluation: Focusing on the Subject
* Photometric stereo through an adapted alternation approach
* Photon-limited image denoising by inference on multiscale models
* Physical-Optics Model for Double-Bounce Scattering From Tree Stems Standing on an Undulating Ground Surface, A
* Picture-level adaptive filter for asymmetric stereoscopic video
* Piecewise affine kernel tracking for non-planar targets
* Piecewise Planar Modeling for Step Detection using Stereo Vision
* Planar motion estimation using an uncalibrated general camera
* Plane-Based Calibration for Linear Cameras
* Pnoramic mosaic system for mobile devices
* Polish Children's Gesticulation in Narrating (Re-telling) a Cartoon
* Polish Emotional Speech Database: Recording and Preliminary Validation
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition Using Probability Distribution Functions in Different Color Channels
* Pose Priors for Simultaneously Solving Alignment and Correspondence
* Pose-Invariant Descriptor for Human Detection and Segmentation, A
* post-compensation scheme for Nonlocal Means filter based image restoration, A
* Power analysis of the Huffman decoding tree
* practical and adaptive framework for super-resolution, A
* Practical PTZ camera calibration using Givens rotations
* precise and stable foreground segmentation using fine-to-coarse approach in transform domain, A
* Prediction of Learning Abilities Based on a Cross-Modal Evaluation of Non-verbal Mental Attributes Using Video-Game-Like Interfaces
* Prediction of preferred ClearType filters using the S-CIELAB metric
* Preliminary Prosodic and Gestural Characteristics of Instructing Acts in Polish Task-Oriented Dialogues
* Principal Component Analysis of spectral coefficients for mesh watermarking
* Principal components for non-local means image denoising
* Principles of local polynomial interpolation
* Prior-Based Piecewise-Smooth Segmentation by Template Competitive Deformation Using Partitions of Unity
* Priors for Large Photo Collections and What They Reveal about Cameras
* Privacy enablement in a surveillance system
* Privacy Preserving Pattern Classification
* Privacy protecting visual processing for secure video surveillance
* Probabilistic Approach to Integrating Multiple Cues in Visual Tracking, A
* Probabilistic Cascade of Detectors for Individual Object Recognition, A
* Probabilistic Framework Based on KDE-GMM hybrid model(KGHM) for Moving Object Segmentation in Dynamic Scenes, A
* Probabilistic graph matching by canonical decomposition
* probabilistic model for flood detection in video sequences, A
* Probing navigation strategies of honeybees: Landmark experiments and simulations
* Process flow for classification and clustering of fruit fly gene expression patterns
* Processing Sparse Panoramic Images via Space Variant Operators
* Procrustes Shape Analysis for Fall Detection
* Projected Texture for Object Classification
* Proposal of new QoE assessment approach for quality management of IPTV services
* Prosodic Characteristics and Emotional Meanings of Slovak Hot-Spot Words
* Protecting Face Biometric DCT Templates by Means of Pseudo-random Permutations
* Prototype System for Unconstrained Face Verificatioin Based on Statistical Learning, A
* Pseudo disparity based stereo image coding
* Pseudo-logarithmic Image Processing Framework for Edge Detection, A
* psychovisual image Quality Metric based on multi-scale Structure Similarity, A
* q-Domain Characteristic-Based Bit-Rate Model for Video Transmission, A
* Quantifying interpretability for motion imagery with applications to image compression
* Quantitative analysis of diffusion tensor images across subjects using probabilistic tractography
* Quantitative Analysis of the Relative Local Speech Rate
* Quasi-Dense Matching between Perspective and Omnidirectional Images
* quaternion phase-only correlation algorithm for color images, A
* Quick Shift and Kernel Methods for Mode Seeking
* Radar Imaging of Urban Areas by Means of Very High-Resolution SAR and Interferometric SAR
* Raising Awareness about Space via Vibro-Tactile Notifications
* Raising in watershed lattices
* Random feature subset selection in a nonstationary environment: Application to textured image segmentation
* Randomized Radon Signature for face biometric verification
* Range Flow for Varying Illumination
* Rank Classification of Linear Line Structure in Determining Trifocal Tensor
* Rank correlation as illumination invariant descriptor for color object recognition
* Rapid image binarization with morphological operators
* Rapid training of image classifiers through adaptive, multi-frame sampling method
* Rate and distortion modeling of medium grain scalable video coding
* Rate Bounds on SSIM Index of Quantized Images
* Rate control algorithm based on quality factor optimization for Dirac video codec
* Rate control for video coding with slice type dependencies
* Rate insensitive steganalysis of ±1 embedding in images
* Rate-distortion analysis of weighted prediction for error resilience
* Rate-distortion based selective decoding for pixel-domain distributed video coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Delivery of JPEG2000 Compressed Video with Hierarchical Motion Side Information
* Rate-distortion performance of multi-view image coding with subsampling of viewpoints
* Rate-Distortion-Authentication optimized streaming with Generalized Butterfly Graph authentication
* Rate-efficient visual correspondences using random projections
* Rate-visual-distortion optimized extraction with Quality Layers for scalable coding of stereo videos
* Ray-based Calibration of Rigid Medical Endoscopes
* RD Optimized Coding for Motion Vector Predictor Selection
* Real Time Feature Based 3-D Deformable Face Tracking
* Real-Time 2-D Vector Doppler System for Clinical Experimentation, A
* real-time augmented view synthesis system for transparent car pillars, A
* Real-Time Detection of Abandoned and Removed Objects in Complex Environments
* Real-time face alignment with tracking in video
* Real-time ghost removal for foreground segmentation methods
* Real-Time Hough Transform on 1-D SIMD Processors: Implementation and Architecture Exploration
* Real-time Light Fall-off Stereo
* Real-time mapping and navigation by fusion of multiple electro-optic sensors
* Real-time Pedestrian Detection Using a Boosted Multi-layer Classifier
* Real-time segmentation of objects from video sequences with non-stationary backgrounds using spatio-temporal coherence
* Real-Time Shape Analysis of a Human Body in Clothing Using Time-Series Part-Labeled Volumes
* Real-Time Vision System for Traffic Signs Recognition Invariant to Translation, Rotation and Scale, A
* Real-Time Wavelet-Spatial-Activity-Based Adaptive Video Enhancement Algorithm for FPGA
* Real-time, multiple hot-target tracking and multi-spectral fusion
* Realistic colorization via the structure tensor
* Reasoning about Context in Uncertain Pervasive Computing Environments
* Recaptured photo detection using specularity distribution
* Receiver driven layered multicast with layer-aware forward error correction
* Reconstruction of compact binary images from limited Fourier amplitude data
* Reconstruction of Macromolecular Envelopes from Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Amplitudes
* Recovering Light Directions and Camera Poses from a Single Sphere
* Recovering wavelet relations using SVM for image denoising
* Recursive risk estimation for non-linear image deconvolution with a wavelet-domain sparsity constraint
* Red lesions detection in digital fundus images
* Redefining the DCT-based feature for scene text detection: Analysis and comparison of spatial frequency-based features
* Reduced Encoding Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Implemented With a Bi-Gaussian Model
* Reduced Resolution Update method on transform domain for H.264/AVC, A
* Reducing ambiguity in feature point matching by preserving local geometric consistency
* Reducing boundary artifacts in image deconvolution
* Redundant image representation via multi-scale digital Radon projections
* Reference-based probabilistic segmentation as non-rigid registration using Thin Plate Splines
* Reflectance spectra modeling methods
* Reformulating and Optimizing the Mumford-Shah Functional on a Graph: A Faster, Lower Energy Solution
* region based decorrelation stretching method: Application to multispectral chromosome image classification, A
* region covariance embedded in a particle filter for multi-objects tracking, A
* Region-Based 2D Deformable Generalized Cylinder for Narrow Structures Segmentation
* Region-based image segmentation via graph cuts
* Region-based mean shift tracking: Application to face tracking
* Regression Approaches to Small Sample Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Regular Texture Analysis as Statistical Model Selection
* Regularized depth from defocus
* Regularized dequantization for image copies compressed with different quantization parameters
* Regularized Field Map Estimation in MRI
* Regularized Partial Matching of Rigid Shapes
* Relevant Feature Selection for Human Pose Estimation and Localization in Cluttered Images
* Reliable Eyelid Localization for Iris Recognition
* Reliable interest point detection under large illumination variations
* Reliable rejection of mismatching candidates for efficient ZNCC template matching
* Reliable smoke detection in the domains of image energy and color
* Remote sensing data assimilation in environmental models
* Resolution-progressive compression of encrypted grayscale images
* Resource Allocation for Downlink Multiuser Video Transmission Over Wireless Lossy Networks
* Resource Allocation for Tracking Multiple Targets Using Particle Filters
* Restoration of DWI Data Using a Rician LMMSE Estimator
* Resulted word counts optimization: A new approach for better automatic image annotation
* Retrieval of 2D vector images by matching Weighted Feature Points
* Reversible watermarking based on PMO of triplets
* Riemannian Anisotropic Diffusion for Tensor Valued Images
* robot-based 3D body scanning system using passive stereo vision, A
* Robust 3D people tracking and positioning system in a semi-overlapped multi-camera environment
* Robust 3D Pose Estimation and Efficient 2D Region-Based Segmentation from a 3D Shape Prior
* Robust and accurate estimation of multiple motions for whole-image super-resolution
* Robust and Accurate Visual Echo Cancelation in a Full-duplex Projector-Camera System
* Robust automated ground plane rectification based on moving vehicles for traffic scene surveillance
* Robust Bayesian PCA with Student's t-distribution: The variational inference approach
* Robust brain activation detection in functional MRI
* Robust Control-Based Object Tracking
* Robust Curvature Extrema Detection Based on New Numerical Derivation
* Robust depth estimation for efficient 3D face reconstruction
* Robust detection of key captions for sports video understanding
* Robust eyelid, eyelash and shadow localization for iris recognition
* robust framework for GeoTime cube, A
* Robust Human Detection and Tracking System using a Human-Model-Based Camera Calibration, A
* Robust image restoration for rotary motion degradations and the motion parameter identification
* Robust Linearized Image Reconstruction for Multifrequency EIT of the Breast
* Robust Lip Contours Localization and Tracking Using Multi Features: Statistical Shape Models
* Robust Method for Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing, A
* Robust Method for Filling Holes in 3D Meshes Based on Image Restoration, A
* Robust motion detection by fusion of 6D feature space decompositions
* Robust multi-dimensional Null Space representation for image retrieval and classification
* Robust multichannel sampling
* Robust multiple lane road modeling based on perspective analysis
* Robust Multiple Structures Estimation with J-Linkage
* Robust Object Tracking by Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* Robust Optimal Pose Estimation
* Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking Using Pixel-Wise Posteriors
* Robust reconstruction of low-resolution document images by exploiting repetitive character behaviour
* Robust Scale Estimation from Ensemble Inlier Sets for Random Sample Consensus Methods
* robust segmentation approach to iris recognition based on video, A
* Robust segmentation for outdoor traffic surveillance
* Robust snake convergence based on dynamic programming
* robust technique for latent fingerprint image segmentation and enhancement, A
* Robust video fingerprinting based on 2D-OPCA of affine covariant regions
* Robust Visual Tracking Based on an Effective Appearance Model
* Robust watermark detection against D-A/A-D conversion for digital cinema using local auto-correlation function
* RTSVC: Real-time system for visual control of robots
* Running on Optical Rails. Theory, Implementation and Testing of Omnidirectional View-based Point-To-Point Navigation
* Saliency based objective quality assessment of decoded video affected by packet losses
* Saliency Based Opportunistic Search for Object Part Extraction and Labeling
* Salient point characterization for low resolution meshes
* Salient region detection and feature extraction in 3D visual data
* Sample Sufficiency and PCA Dimension for Statistical Shape Models
* Sampling strategies for super-resolution in multi-slice MRI
* Sampling-Based Correlation Estimation for Distributed Source Coding Under Rate and Complexity Constraints
* SAR interferogram filtering in the wavelet domain using a coherence map mask
* scalable complexity specification for video applications, A
* Scalable stereo matching with Locally Adaptive Polygon Approximation
* Scalable video compression and spatiotemporal scalability with lifted pyramid and antialiased DWT schemes
* Scale Invariant Action Recognition Using Compound Features Mined from Dense Spatio-temporal Corners
* Scale-Dependent/Invariant Local 3D Shape Descriptors for Fully Automatic Registration of Multiple Sets of Range Images
* Scene categorization using bag of Textons on spatial hierarchy
* Scene Completion using Millions of Photographs
* Scene Discovery by Matrix Factorization
* Scene Reconstruction Using MRF Optimization with Image Content Adaptive Energy Functions
* Scene Segmentation for Behaviour Correlation
* Scene Segmentation Using the Wisdom of Crowds
* Scene Understanding and Activity Recognition
* scrambling method for Motion JPEG videos enabling moving objects detection from scrambled videos, A
* Search Space Reduction for MRF Stereo
* Searching for Complex Human Activities with No Visual Examples
* Searching the World's Herbaria: A System for Visual Identification of Plant Species
* second generation Visual Secret Sharing scheme for color images, A
* Secure collaboration using Slepian-Wolf codes
* Seed pruning using a multi-resolution approach for automated segmentation of breast cancer tissue
* Segmentation and Recognition Using Structure from Motion Point Clouds
* Segmentation and tracking of static and moving objects in video surveillance scenarios
* Segmentation Based Variational Model for Accurate Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Segmentation in multi-view video via color, depth and motion cues
* Segmentation on statistical manifold with watershed transform
* Segmentation-Based MAP Despeckling of SAR Images in the Undecimated Wavelet Domain
* Segmentation-based Perceptual Image Quality Assessment (SPIQA)
* Segmented image interpolation using edge direction and texture synthesis
* Segmenting Fiber Bundles in Diffusion Tensor Images
* Selecting a Discrimination Algorithm for Unexploded Ordnance Remediation
* Self-Calibrating, Vision-Based Navigation Assistant, A
* Self-similar regularization of optic-flow for turbulent motion estimation
* Semantic Concept Classification by Joint Semi-supervised Learning of Feature Subspaces and Support Vector Machines
* Semantic Map Generation from Satellite Images for Humanitarian Scenarios Applications
* Semi-automatic Motion Segmentation with Motion Layer Mosaics
* Semi-supervised On-Line Boosting for Robust Tracking
* Semiautomatic non-rigid 3-D image registration for MR-Guided Liver Cancer Surgery
* Semidefinite Programming Heuristics for Surface Reconstruction Ambiguities
* Separable adaptive interpolation filter for video coding
* Sequential Blind PSF Estimation and Restoration of Aerial Multispectral Images
* SERBoost: Semi-supervised Boosting with Expectation Regularization
* Shadows in Three-Source Photometric Stereo
* Shape analysis of brain ventricles for improved classification of Alzheimer's patients
* Shape from inconsistent silhouette for free viewpoint video
* Shape from Probability Maps with Image-Adapted Voxelization
* Shape from Shading Using Graph Cuts
* Shape Matching by Segmentation Averaging
* Shape Matching Using Morphological Structural Shape Components
* Shape normalized subspace analysis for underwater mine detection
* Shape prior based on statistical map for active contour segmentation
* Shape-Based Retrieval of Heart Sounds for Disease Similarity Detection
* Shot classification for action movies based on motion characteristics
* Shot-based similarity measure for content-based video summarization
* SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Different Scenes
* Signature-Based Document Image Retrieval
* Significant jet point for facial image representation and recognition
* Similarity Features for Facial Event Analysis
* Simple and Robust Optic Disc Localisation Using Colour Decorrelated Templates
* Simplified Motion-Refined Scheme for Fine-Granularity Scalability
* Simultaneous Detection and Registration for Ileo-Cecal Valve Detection in 3D CT Colonography
* Simultaneous estimation of the Markov random field parameters and the classes for image segmentation
* Simultaneous Learning and Alignmennt: Multi-Instance and Multi-Pose Learning
* Simultaneous learning of motion and appearance
* Simultaneous Motion Detection and Background Reconstruction with a Mixed-State Conditional Markov Random Field
* Simultaneous Visual Recognition of Manipulation Actions and Manipulated Objects
* single image based blind super-resolution approach, A
* Single image per person face recognition with images synthesized by non-linear approximation
* Single view head pose estimation
* Skeletonization of gray-scale image from incomplete boundaries
* skin detection algorithm based on discrete Cosine transform and generalized Gaussian density, A
* SMD: A Locally Stable Monotonic Change Invariant Feature Descriptor
* Sobel-LBP
* Software synthesis of CAL actors for the MPEG reconfigurable Video Coding framework
* Solving Image Registration Problems Using Interior Point Methods
* Some Objects Are More Equal Than Others: Measuring and Predicting Importance
* Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
* sparse image representation for automated image retrieval, The
* Sparse Long-Range Random Field and Its Application to Image Denoising
* Sparse Non-negative Pattern Learning for image representation
* Sparse orthonormal transforms for image compression
* Sparse stereo matching using belief propagation
* Sparse Structures in L-Infinity Norm Minimization for Structure and Motion Reconstruction
* Spatial and temporal correlation based frame rate up-conversion
* spatial feature enhanced MMI algorithm for multi-modal wild-fire image registration, A
* Spatially and temporally scalable compression of animated 3D meshes with MPEG-4 / FAMC
* Spatially Variant White-Patch and Gray-World Method for Color Image Enhancement Driven by Local Contrast, A
* Spatially varying weighted HSI diffusion for color image denoising
* Spatially-Variant Directional Mathematical Morphology Operators Based on a Diffused Average Squared Gradient Field
* Spatio-spectral reconstruction of the multispectral datacube using sparse recovery
* Spatio-temporal feature recognition using randomised Ferns
* Spatio-Temporal Lifelog Using a Wearable Compound Omnidirectional Sensor
* Spatio-temporal motion pattern modeling of extremely crowded scenes
* Spatio-temporal prediction in video coding by spatially refined motion compensation
* Spatio-temporal segmentation and regions tracking of high definition video sequences based on a Markov Random Field model
* Spatio-temporal video interpolation and denoising using motion-assisted steering kernel (MASK) regression
* Spatiotemporal modeling and matching of video shots
* Special issue on video surveillance research in industry and academia
* Spect image restoration via Recursive Inverse Filtering constrained by a probabilistic MRI atlas
* Spectral Flatness Analysis for Emotional Speech Synthesis and Transformation
* Spectral Matting
* Spectral range selection for face recognition under various illuminations
* Speeding up Support Vector Machine (SVM) image classification by a kernel series expansion
* Spherical Edge Detector: Application to Omnidirectional Imaging
* Spherical Image Processing for Accurate Visual Odometry with Omnidirectional Cameras
* Spherical Region-Based Matching of Vanishing Points in Catadioptric Images
* Spherical Wiener filter
* SPIHT-like image coder based on the contourlet transform, A
* split and merge based ellipse detector, A
* Star Shape Prior for Graph-Cut Image Segmentation
* State-Based Visibility for 3D Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* State-of-the-art on spatio-temporal information-based video retrieval
* State-space model identification and Kalman filtering for image sequence restoration
* Static 3D triangle mesh compression overview
* Statistical Analysis of Global Motion Chains
* Statistical Confidence Measure for Optical Flows, A
* Statistical fusion and sampling of scientific images
* Statistical image reconstruction for muon tomography using Gaussian scale mixture model
* Statistical learning based intra prediction in H.264
* Statistics of 3D object locations in images
* Stereo Matching: An Outlier Confidence Approach
* Stereo-based Aerial Obstacle Detection for the Visually Impaired
* Stereoscopic 3D from 2D video with super-resolution capability
* Stochastic fusion of multi-view gradient fields
* Stochastic image segmentation by combining region and edge cues
* Stochastic modeling western paintings for effective classification
* Stochastic Quality Metric for Optimal Control of Active Camera Network Configurations for 3D Computer Vision Tasks, A
* Strategy of combining random subspace and diversified active learning in CBIR
* Strong Property of Morphological Connected Alternated Filters, The
* Structural texture similarity metrics for retrieval applications
* structure of narrative: The case of film scripts, The
* Structure-based graph distance measures of high degree of precision
* Structuring Visual Words in 3D for Arbitrary-View Object Localization
* Student-t Mixture Filter for Robust, Real-Time Visual Tracking
* study on security performance of YASS, A
* Study on the distribution of DCT residues and its application to R-D analysis of video coding
* study on the effect of camera motion on human visual attention, A
* Sub-Band Decomposed Multiscale Retinex with Space Varying Gain
* Sub-optimal Camera Selection in Practical Vision Networks through Shape Approximation
* Subjective evaluation of multi-user rate allocation for streaming heterogeneous video contents over wireless networks
* Subjective performance evaluation of the SVC extension of H.264/AVC
* Subspace-based methods for image registration and super-resolution
* Super-resolution mosaicking of UAV surveillance video
* Super-resolution of deformed facial images in video
* Super-resolution of video using key frames and motion estimation
* Super-Resolution on small moving objects
* Super-resolved digests of humans in video
* Supervised dimensionality reduction via sequential semidefinite programming
* Supervised grayscale thresholding based on transition regions
* Supervised image segmentation via ground truth decomposition
* Supervised methods for perfect segmentation in medical images
* supervised nonlinear neighborhood embedding of color histogram for image indexing, A
* supervised texture-based active contour model with linear programming, A
* Support vector machines for robust trajectory clustering
* Supporting Engagement and Floor Control in Hybrid Meetings
* Supporting range and segment-based hysteresis thresholding in edge detection
* Surface completion by minimizing energy based on similarity of shape
* Surface Visibility Probabilities in 3D Cluttered Scenes
* survey on behavior analysis in video surveillance for homeland security applications, A
* survey on emotional semantic image retrieval, A
* Switching between the SA-DCT and the EI-DCT in arbitrarily shaped image coding
* Synchronizing Video Sequences from Temporal Epipolar Lines Analysis
* Syntactic Doubling: Some Data on Tuscan Italian
* Synthesis-Based Texture Coding for Video Compression with Side Information
* Synthesizing Context for a Sports Domain on a Mobile Device
* Synthetic Aperture Hitchhiker Imaging
* system for tracking and annotating illegally parked vehicles, A
* Systematic Requirements Analysis and Development of an Assistive Device to Enhance the Social Interaction of People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired, A
* systematic study of the role of context on image classification, A
* TAC: Thresholding active contours
* Tear-duct detector for identifying left versus right iris images
* Technical and Phonetic Aspects of Speech Quality Assessment: The Case of Prosody Synthesis
* Temporal Dithering of Illumination for Fast Active Vision
* temporal just-noticeble distortion profile for video in DCT domain, A
* Temporal propagation analysis for small errors in a single-frame in H.264 video
* Temporal scalability and layered transmission
* Temporal structure methods for image-based change analysis
* Temporal Surface Tracking Using Mesh Evolution
* Terrain modeling from Lidar data: Hierarchical K-means filtering and Markovian regularization
* Text line detection in handwritten documents
* Texture classification and resolution control for 3S urban map
* Texture modulation-constrained image decomposition
* Texture-Consistent Shadow Removal
* Theoretical model and optimal prefilter for view interpolation
* Theories without Heart
* Theory and Application of Motion Compensation for LFM-CW SAR
* Thermo-visual feature fusion for object tracking using multiple spatiogram trackers
* Three Dimensional Curvilinear Structure Detection Using Optimally Oriented Flux
* Three types of reprojection error on spherical epipolar geometry
* Three-dimensional position and amplitude VLC coding in H.264/AVC
* Three-tiered network model for image hallucination
* Threshold-free pattern-based low bit rate video coding
* Time-sequential extraction of motion layers
* Toeplitz-based iterative image fusion scheme for MRI
* Topological and Variational Properties of a Model for the Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Transparent Images with Self-Occlusions
* Topology cuts: A novel min-cut/max-flow algorithm for topology preserving segmentation in N-D images
* Total variation super resolution using a variational approach
* Touch-less palm print biometrics: Novel design and implementation
* Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multiple human tracking with identities
* Toward Global Minimum through Combined Local Minima
* Toward Realistic and Practical Ideal Observer (IO) Estimation for the Optimization of Medical Imaging Systems
* Towards a Framework of Critical Multimodal Analysis: Emotion in a Film Trailer
* Towards a Hazard Perception Assistance System using Visual Motion
* Towards Audio-Visual On-line Diarization Of Participants In Group Meetings
* Towards Dynamic Camera Calibration for Constrained Flexible Mirror Imaging
* Towards Fully Automatic Image Segmentation Evaluation
* Towards Monocular Online 3D Reconstruction
* Towards real-time markerless human motion capture from ambiance cameras using an hybrid particle filter
* Towards recognition of facial expressions in sign language: Tracking facial features under occlusion
* Towards Scalable Dataset Construction: An Active Learning Approach
* Tracking in Low Frame Rate Video: A Cascade Particle Filter with Discriminative Observers of Different Life Spans
* Tracking non-rigid structures in computer simulations
* Tracking of Abrupt Motion Using Wang-Landau Monte Carlo Estimation
* Tracking through changes in scale
* Tracking with Dynamic Hidden-State Shape Models
* tradeoff between SNR and exposure-set size in HDR imaging, The
* Training Hierarchical Feed-Forward Visual Recognition Models Using Transfer Learning from Pseudo-Tasks
* Transcoding with quality enhancement and irregular sampling
* Transforming Daily Life Objects into Tactile Interfaces
* Translated Poisson Mixture Model for Stratification Learning
* Transparent layer separation for dual energy imaging
* Tree Energy Differentiation (TED) based wavelet watermarking for digital images
* Turbo Codes-Based Image Transmission for Channels With Multiple Types of Distortion
* TV-logo classification and learning system, A
* Twisting and Bending Model-Based Nonrigid Image Registration Technique for 3-D Ultrasound Carotid Images, A
* two dimension overlapped subaperture polar format algorithm based on stepped-chirp signal, A
* Two optimizations of the MPEG-4 FAMC standard for enhanced compression of animated 3D meshes
* Type-2 fuzzy Gaussian mixture models
* Ultrasound Elastography: A Dynamic Programming Approach
* Ultrasound imaging LV tracking with adaptive window size and automatic hyper-parameter estimation
* Uncalibrated view synthesis from Relative Affine Structure based on planes parallelism
* Understanding and simplifying the structural similarity metric
* Understanding Camera Trade-Offs through a Bayesian Analysis of Light Field Projections
* Unified Approach to Calibrate a Network of Camcorders and ToF cameras, A
* Unified Crowd Segmentation
* Unified Frequency Domain Analysis of Lightfield Cameras
* Uniformity of Imaging Spectrometry Data Products
* Unifying Analysis of Full Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Universal HMT Based Super Resolution for Remote Sensing Images
* Universal JPEG steganalysis based on microscopic and macroscopic calibration
* Unsupervised Classification and Part Localization by Consistency Amplification
* Unsupervised dance figure analysis from video for dancing Avatar animation
* Unsupervised image compression-by-synthesis within a JPEG framework
* Unsupervised learning of behavioural patterns for video-surveillance
* Unsupervised learning of motion patterns using generative models
* Unsupervised Learning of Skeletons from Motion
* Unsupervised Structure Learning: Hierarchical Recursive Composition, Suspicious Coincidence and Competitive Exclusion
* Updated Radiometric Calibration for the Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper Reflective Bands
* Use of Local Surface Curvature Estimation for Adaptive Vision System Based on Active Light Projection
* Using 3D Line Segments for Robust and Efficient Change Detection from Multiple Noisy Images
* Using a game to evaluate image retrieval, organization, and annotation
* Using a Movable RFID Antenna to Automatically Determine the Position and Orientation of Objects on a Tabletop
* Using Aesthetic and Empathetic Expressions to Motivate Desirable Lifestyle
* Using bounded-influence M-estimators in multi-frame super-resolution reconstruction: A comparative study
* Using color bin images for crowd detections
* Using disparity for quality assessment of stereoscopic images
* Using Dominant Sets for Object Tracking with Freely Moving Camera
* Using local regression kernels for statistical object detection
* Using Multiple Hypotheses to Improve Depth-Maps for Multi-View Stereo
* Using point correspondences without projective deformation for multi-view stereo reconstruction
* Using region semantics and visual context for scene classification
* Using sensor pattern noise for camera model identification
* Using solar shadow trajectories for camera calibration
* Variational Bayesian image processing on stochastic factor graphs
* Variational Segmentation of Image Sequences Using Region-Based Active Contours and Deformable Shape Priors
* Vector quantization with memory and multi-labeling for isolated video-only automatic speech recognition
* Velocity guided segmentation of phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography
* Verification of dynamic curves extracted from static handwritten scripts
* Video alignment for difference spotting
* Video coding using motion classification
* Video compression by bit-plane watermarking
* Video Denoising and Simplification Via Discrete Regularization on Graphs
* Video denoising using 3-D Hybrid Wavelets and Directional filter banks
* Video enhancement on an adaptive image sensor
* Video Object Segmentation Based on Feedback Schemes Guided by a Low-Level Scene Ontology
* Video Registration Using Dynamic Textures
* Video scene detection using dominant sets
* Video streaming over wireless DCCP
* Video Surveillance using a Multi-Camera Tracking and Fusion System
* video Time Encoding Machine, A
* video-based face detection and recognition system using cascade face verification modules, A
* Video-Based Fall Detection in the Home Using Principal Component Analysis
* VideoCut: Removing Irrelevant Frames by Discovering the Object of Interest
* View Independent Object Classification Based on Automated Ground Plane Rectification for Traffic Scene Surveillance
* View Point Tracking of Rigid Objects Based on Shape Sub-manifolds
* View Synthesis for Recognizing Unseen Poses of Object Classes
* Viewpoint Invariant Pedestrian Recognition with an Ensemble of Localized Features
* Viewpoint switching in multiview videos using SP-frames
* Virtual view synthesis with heuristic spatial motion
* Vision-Based Detection of Mobile Smart Objects
* Vision-Based Multiple Interacting Targets Tracking via On-Line Supervised Learning
* Visual Attention on the Sphere
* Visual pedestrian recognition in weak classifier space using nonlinear parametric models
* Visual quality improvement techniques of HDPhoto/JPEG-XR
* Visual secret sharing for multiple secrets
* Visual tracking using high-order Monte Carlo Markov chain
* Visuo-auditory sensory substitution for mobility assistance: Testing TheVIBE
* VLSI architecture design of motion vector processor for H.264/AVC
* Voice Pleasantness of Female Voices and the Assessment of Physical Characteristics
* Voicing in Labial Plosives in Czech
* Volatile Organic Compound Plume Detection Using Wavelet Analysis of Video
* Voting-based active contour segmentation of fMRI images of the brain
* Water/land segmentation in SAR images using level sets
* Waterfront surveillance and trackability
* Watermarking for Image Based Rendering via homography-based virtual camera location estimation
* Wavelet domain processing for trajectory extraction
* Wavelet Feature Selection for Image Classification
* Wavelet-based color texture retrieval using the independent component color space
* Wavelet-based hybrid multilinear models for multidimensional image approximation
* Wavelet-based multi-view video coding with joint best basis wavelet packets
* wavelet-based watermarking scheme using double wavelet tree energy modulation, A
* Weakly supervised labeling of dominant image regions in indoor sequences
* Weakly Supervised Learning of a Classifier for Unusual Event Detection
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Stable Segmentations
* Wearable, Conductive Textile Based User Interface for Hospital Ward Rounds Document Access, A
* Web video retrieval based on the Earth Mover's Distance by integrating color, motion and sound
* What Does the Sky Tell Us about the Camera?
* What Is a Good Image Segment? A Unified Approach to Segment Extraction
* What Is a Good Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Finding Similar Patches in Images?
* Which semi-local visual masking model for wavelet based image quality metric?
* Wide-Area Traffic Monitoring With the SAR/GMTI System PAMIR
* Window Annealing over Square Lattice Markov Random Field
* Windowing technique for the DCT based retinex algorithm to handle videos with brightness variations coded using the H.264
* Word length reduction for the integral image
* Wyner-ZIV coding of multiview images with unsupervised learning of disparity and Gray code
1665 for 0810

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.