* *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* *Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* 3-D Model Search and Retrieval From Range Images Using Salient Features
* 3-D Scalable Medical Image Compression With Optimized Volume of Interest Coding
* 3-D Symmetry Detection and Analysis Using the Pseudo-polar Fourier Transform
* 3D Cadastre in the province of Quebec: A First experiment for the construction of a volumetric representation
* 3D Camera Pose Estimation Using Line Correspondences and 1D Homographies
* 3D Curvature-Based Shape Descriptors for Face Segmentation: An Anatomical-Based Analysis
* 3D DCT Based Compression Method for Integral Images
* 3D Face Recognition Using Isogeodesic Stripes
* 3D Face Recognition Using Multi-level Multi-feature Fusion
* 3D Forward and Back-Projection for X-Ray CT Using Separable Footprints
* 3D Line Segment Detection for Unorganized Point Clouds from Multi-view Stereo
* 3D Modeling for Mobile Augmented Reality in Unprepared Environment
* 3D Object Recognition Based on Canonical Angles between Shape Subspaces
* 3D Reconstruction and Modeling of Celestial Bodies
* 3D Structure Refinement of Nonrigid Surfaces through Efficient Image Alignment
* 3D Vector Flow Guided Segmentation of Airway Wall in MSCT
* 3D-capabilities required by users of the 2D-large scale topographic reference database in Flanders, Belgium
* 3GPP Mobile Multimedia Streaming Standards
* 4-dimensional geological modelling of the Skellefte District, Sweden
* 4NSigComp2010 Off-line Signature Verification Competition: Scenario 2, The
* 6.4 Gbit/s Embedded Compression Codec for Memory-Efficient Applications on Advanced-HD Specification, A
* a-Contrario Approach for Subpixel Change Detection in Satellite Imagery, An
* a.SCAtch: A Sketch-Based Retrieval for Architectural Floor Plans
* A2iA-Telecom ParisTech-UOB System for the ICDAR 2009 Handwriting Recognition Competition, The
* Abstraction and Generalization of 3D Structure for Recognition in Large Intra-Class Variation
* Accelerated hardware video object segmentation: From foreground detection to connected components labelling
* Accented Handwritten Character Recognition Using SVM: Application to French
* Accurate hardware-based stereo vision
* Acquisition Scenario Analysis for Face Recognition at a Distance
* Action Selection for Single-Camera SLAM
* Active Contour Model Based on Salient Boundary Point Image for Object Contour Detection in Natural Image
* Active Deceleration Support in Car Following
* Active Learning with the Furthest Nearest Neighbor Criterion for Facial Age Estimation
* Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environment
* Activity-Based Motion Estimation Scheme for H.264 Scalable Video Coding
* Activity-driven content adaptation for effective video summarization
* Actor-independent action search using spatiotemporal vocabulary with appearance hashing
* AdaBoost-based face detection for embedded systems
* Adaptation of Multimedia Presentations for Different Display Sizes in the Presence of Preferences and Temporal Constraints
* Adapting BLSTM Neural Network Based Keyword Spotting Trained on Modern Data to Historical Documents
* Adaptive and personalized multimedia content delivery for disabled users in Internet TV
* Adaptive Classification for Hyperspectral Image Data Using Manifold Regularization Kernel Machines
* Adaptive e-LBP for Background Subtraction
* Adaptive Histogram Analysis for Image Enhancement
* Adaptive learning of multi-subspace for foreground detection under illumination changes
* Adaptive Motion Segmentation Algorithm Based on the Principal Angles Configuration
* Adaptive Multiple-Frame Image Super-Resolution Based on U-Curve
* Adaptive Neighbor Pairing for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
* Adaptive Parameter Selection for Image Segmentation Based on Similarity Estimation of Multiple Segmenters
* Adaptive Variational Method for Restoring Color Images with High Density Impulse Noise
* Adaptive Weighting Scheme for Edge-based Line Interpolation
* Adding Facial Actions into 3D Model Search to Analyse Behaviour in an Unconstrained Environment
* advanced auto-inspection system for micro-router collapse, An
* Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval from Satellite Observation Using Support Vector Regression
* Affine Warp Propagation for Fast Simultaneous Modelling and Tracking of Articulated Objects
* Affordance Mining: Forming Perception through Action
* Age Regression Based on Local Image Features
* Age Synthesis and Estimation via Faces: A Survey
* Aggregating Low-Level Features for Human Action Recognition
* Algorithm analysis and architecture design for rate distortion optimized mode decision in high definition AVS video encoder
* algorithm for finding document concepts using semantic similarities from WordNet ontology, An
* Alpha-Numerical Sequences Extraction in Handwritten Documents
* Alternative minimisation algorithm for non-local total variational image deblurring
* Analysis and Generalizations of the Linearized Bregman Method
* Analysis of Membership Functions for Voronoi-Based Classification
* Analysis of Time Domain Information for Footstep Recognition
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach to Rope Condition Monitoring, An
* Analytical Dynamic Programming Tracker
* Ancient Handwritings Decomposition Into Graphemes and Codebook Generation Based on Graph Coloring
* Anisotropic Smoothness Classes: From Finite Element Approximation to Image Models
* Annealed SMC Samplers for Nonparametric Bayesian Mixture Models
* Annotation Tool and XML Representation for Online Indic Data
* Anthropometric 3D Face Recognition
* Application of Vision Algorithms to Visual Effects Production, The
* Approximate and SQP Two View Triangulation
* Approximate pairwise clustering for large data sets via sampling plus extension
* Approximation Algorithm for Computing Minimum-Length Polygons in 3D Images, An
* AR-Immersive Cinema at the Aula Natura Visitors Center
* Architecture Design of Belief Propagation for Real-Time Disparity Estimation
* Archive and Preservation of Media Content Using MPEG-A
* Are Characters Objects?
* Arm-Hand Behaviours Modelling: From Attention to Imitation
* Artificial Classifier Generation for Multi-expert System Evaluation
* Artistic Emulation: Filter Blending for Painterly Rendering
* Artwork 3D model database indexing and classification
* Assessing the Role of Spatial Relations for the Object Recognition Task
* Assessment of a Modified Version of the EM Algorithm for Remote Sensing Data Classification
* Assessment of the influence of adaptive components in trainable surface inspection systems
* Asymmetric Totally-Corrective Boosting for Real-Time Object Detection
* Asymptotically CFAR-Unsupervised Target Detection and Discrimination in Hyperspectral Images With Anomalous-Component Pursuit
* Attention Based Album Slideshow
* Attention-Based Target Localization Using Multiple Instance Learning
* Attribute-Filtering and Knowledge Extraction for Vessel Segmentation
* Augmented 3-D Keyframe Extraction for Surveillance Videos
* Augmented DT-CWT feature based classification using Regularized Neighborhood Projection Discriminant Analysis for face recognition
* Augmented Lagrangian Method for TVg+L1-norm Minimization, An
* Authentication of Scalable Video Streams With Low Communication Overhead
* Automated Detection of Fish Bones in Salmon Fillets Using X-ray Testing
* Automated Labeling of Materials in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automatic Annotation for Handwritten Historical Documents Using Markov Models
* Automatic Detection of Morphologically Distinct Objects in Biomedical Images Using Second Generation Wavelets and Multiple Marked Point Process
* Automatic Face Annotation in Personal Photo Collections Using Context-Based Unsupervised Clustering and Face Information Fusion
* Automatic gait recognition based on probabilistic approach
* Automatic identification of landmarks in digital images
* Automatic Image Annotation Using Multi-object Identification
* Automatic Image Segmentation Optimized by Bilateral Filtering
* Automatic Landmark Detection for 3D Urban Models
* Automatic Learning of Gesture Recognition Model Using SOM and SVM
* Automatic Liver Segmentation from CT Scans Using Multi-layer Segmentation and Principal Component Analysis
* Automatic optical flank wear measurement of microdrills using level set for cutting plane segmentation
* Automatic Parameter Selection for Denoising Algorithms Using a No-Reference Measure of Image Content
* Automatic Representation of Semantic Abstraction of Geographical Data by Means of Classification
* Automatic Workflow Monitoring in Industrial Environments
* Automating Snakes for Multiple Objects Detection
* Background Division, A Suitable Technique for Moving Object Detection
* Basis Illumination Approach to BRDF Measurement, A
* Bayesian Blind Deconvolution From Differently Exposed Image Pairs
* Bayesian discounting of camera parameter uncertainty for optimal 3D reconstruction from images
* Behaviour of SFM algorithms with erroneous calibration
* Beyond pixels and regions: A non-local patch means (NLPM) method for content-level restoration, enhancement, and reconstruction of degraded document images
* Beyond Visualisation: 3D GIS Analyses for Virtual City Models
* Bidirectional Scalable Motion for Scalable Video Coding
* Bilayer Segmentation of Webcam Videos Using Tree-Based Classifiers
* BIM for Geo-Analysis (BIM4GEOA): Set up of 3D Information System with Open Source Software and Open Specification (OS)
* Binocular Just-Noticeable-Difference Model for Stereoscopic Images
* Bio-inspired Algorithms for Autonomous Deployment and Localization of Sensor Nodes
* Biologically-Inspired Theory for Non-axiomatic Parametric Curve Completion, A
* Biomedical Image Retrieval in a Fuzzy Feature Space with Affine Region Detection and Vector Quantization of a Scale-Invariant Descriptor
* Bit Reliability-driven Template Matching in Iris Recognition
* Bivariate Feature Localization for SIFT Assuming a Gaussian Feature Shape
* Blind Image Deconvolution Using Machine Learning for Three-Dimensional Microscopy
* Blind Super-resolution for Single Image Reconstruction
* Blind Watermarking Scheme Using New Nontensor Product Wavelet Filter Banks, A
* Block Based Deconvolution Algorithm Using Spline Wavelet Packets
* Blurred Image Registration by Combined Invariant of Legendre Moment and Harris-Laplace Detector
* Blurring Mean-Shift with a Restricted Data-Set Modification for Applications in Image Processing
* BOI-Preserving-Based Compression Method for Hyperspectral Images, A
* Boosting image object retrieval and indexing by automatically discovered pseudo-objects
* Cage-Based Tracking for Performance Animation
* Calibrating Coordinates of a Tabletop Display with a Reflex in Eye-Hand Coordination
* Calibration of Hyperspectral Imaging Data: VIRTIS-M Onboard Venus Express
* Camera Calibration Using Lengths of Corresponding Line Segments
* Camera Pose Estimation Based on Angle Constraints
* Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multilabel Classification: A Least-Squares Formulation, Extensions, and Analysis
* Cart Auditor: A Compliance and Training Tool for Cashiers at Checkout
* Cascade of Complementary Features for Fast and Accurate Pedestrian Detection
* Cervical spine image retrieval with semantic shape features
* Challenges in 3D Geo Information and Participatory Design and Decision
* Change Detection for Temporal Texture in the Fourier Domain
* Channel Access Allocation for Scalable Video Transmission Over Contention-Based Wireless Networks
* Character Energy and Link Energy-Based Text Extraction in Scene Images
* Character-Level Interaction in Computer-Assisted Transcription of Text Images
* Characterizing 3D Shapes Using Fractal Dimension
* Chromatic Sensitivity of Illumination Change Compensation Techniques
* class boundary preserving algorithm for data condensation, A
* Class-Specific Low-Dimensional Representation of Local Features for Viewpoint Invariant Object Recognition
* Classifier Acceleration by Imitation
* Clifford Bundles: A Common Framework For Image, Vector Field, and Orthonormal Frame Field Regularization
* Clipping algorithms for solving the nearest point problem over reduced convex hulls
* Closed-Form Solutions to Minimal Absolute Pose Problems with Known Vertical Direction
* Co-occurrence Matrix-Based Image Segmentation
* coarse-to-fine framework to efficiently thwart plagiarism, A
* Collaborative Approach for Image Annotation, A
* Color Constancy Algorithms for Object and Face Recognition
* Color constancy based on texture pyramid matching and regularized local regression
* Color edge detection using multiscale quaternion convolution
* Color Gamut Extension by Projector-Camera System
* Color Image Enhancement in HSV Space Using Nonlinear Transfer Function and Neighborhood Dependent Approach with Preserving Details
* Color Image Segmentation by Means of a Similarity Function
* Color Image Segmentation using Fast Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
* Color Kernel Regression for Robust Direct Upsampling from Raw Data of General Color Filter Array
* Color Texture Analysis and Classification: An Agent Approach Based on Partially Self-avoiding Deterministic Walks
* Color to Gray: Attention Preservation
* Color to Grayscale Conversion Considering Local and Global Contrast, A
* Colour Dynamic Photometric Stereo for Textured Surfaces
* Combination of Classifiers for the Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in Basque, A
* Combined feature evaluation for adaptive visual object tracking
* Combining Automated and Interactive Visual Analysis of Biomechanical Motion Data
* Combining multiple clusterings using similarity graph
* Combining ontologies to automatically generate temporal perspectives of geospatial domains
* Comics Stylizations of 3D Scenes Using GPU
* Comments on Matrix-Based Secret Sharing Scheme for Images
* Compact Codebook Generation Towards Scale-Invariance
* compact local binary pattern using maximization of mutual information for face analysis, A
* Comparative Analysis between Wavelets for the Identification of Pathological Voices
* Comparative Evaluation of Finger-Drawn Graphical Password Verification Methods, A
* comparative evaluation of interest point detectors and local descriptors for visual SLAM, A
* Comparative study of autodyne and heterodyne laser interferometry for imaging
* comparative study of preprocessing mismatch effects in color image based face recognition, A
* Comparison of depth-of-focus-enhancing pupil masks based on a signal-to-noise-ratio criterion after deconvolution
* comparison of dimension reduction methods with application to multi-spectral images of sand used in concrete, A
* Comparison of HMM and DTW for Isolated Word Recognition System of Punjabi Language
* Comparison of Perceptually-Based Metrics for Objective Evaluation of Geometry Processing, A
* Comparison of Shape Descriptors for Mice Behavior Recognition
* Comparison of sparse point distribution models
* Complex documents images segmentation based on steerable pyramid features
* Complex Network-Based Approach for Texture Analysis, A
* Compliant Interframe Coding for Motion-JPEG2000
* Compositional Exemplar-Based Model for Hair Segmentation, A
* Compressed Sensing for Robust Texture Classification
* Compressive Evaluation in Human Motion Tracking
* Compressive Sensing Algorithm for Many-Core Architectures, A
* Computation Control Motion Estimation Method for Complexity-Scalable Video Coding, A
* Computational Hemodynamics in Intracranial Vessels Reconstructed from Biplane Angiograms
* Computational Illumination
* Computer-Assisted Creation of 3D Models of Freeway Interchanges
* Computer-Generated Tie-Dyeing Using a 3D Diffusion Graph
* Computing Accurate Correspondences across Groups of Images
* concept for assignment of textures to partially occluded faces of 3D city models stored in CityGML, A
* Concept for Building Licensing based on standardised 3D Geo Information
* Concept Formation Using Incremental Gaussian Mixture Models
* Connectedness of Random Walk Segmentation
* Conservative Motion Estimation from Multi-image Sequences
* Constrained Quantization in the Transform Domain With Applications in Arbitrarily-Shaped Object Coding
* Contact Geometry and Visual Factors for Vibrotactile-Grid Location Cues
* Content-Based Emblem Retrieval Using Zernike Moments
* Context Aware On-line Diagramming Recognition
* Context-Based Support Vector Machines for Interconnected Image Annotation
* Continuous Surface-Point Distributions for 3D Object Pose Estimation and Recognition
* Contour Based Shape Retrieval
* Contradictory graph colouring algorithm to compute slice of concurrent object-oriented programs
* Contrario Detection of False Matches in Iris Recognition, A
* Contrast-based fusion of noisy images using discrete wavelet transform
* Contribution of Ancient Indians to Writing (With Special Emphasis on South Asian and Indian Writing Systems)
* Convex Image Segmentation: Extending Graph Cuts and Closed-Form Matting, A
* Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Streaming: An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach
* Correlation-Based Approach for Real-Time Stereo Matching, A
* Correspondence-Free Multi Camera Calibration by Observing a Simple Reference Plane
* Cosine Similarity Metric Learning for Face Verification
* Coupled Global Registration and Segmentation Framework With Application to Magnetic Resonance Prostate Imagery, A
* Creating Passion for Augmented Reality Applications: A Teaching Concept for a Lab Course
* Creation of a Huge Annotated Database for Tamil and Kannada OHR
* Cross Correlation And Deconvolution of Noise Signals in Randomly Layered Media
* Cross-Layer Packet Retry Limit Adaptation for Video Transport Over Wireless LANs
* Cross-Modal Approach to Cleansing Weakly Tagged Images, A
* Crowdsourcing What Is Where: Community-Contributed Photos as Volunteered Geographic Information
* CT Image Segmentation Using Structural Analysis
* Cursive On-line Handwriting Word Recognition Using a Bi-character Model for Large Lexicon Applications
* Curvature product corner detection in direct curvature scale space
* Curve Filter Transform: A Robust Method for Curve Enhancement, The
* Curved Reflection Symmetry Detection with Self-validation
* Data Hiding Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Streams Without Intra-Frame Distortion Drift, A
* Data-Driven Approaches to Community-Contributed Video Applications
* Dealing with Precise and Imprecise Decisions with a Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Algorithm in the Context of Handwritten Word Recognition
* Deblurring of One Dimensional Bar Codes Via Total Variation Energy Minimization
* Decision Support Systems using 3D OGC Services and Indoor Routing: Example Scenario from the OWS-6 Testbed
* Decision-Level Fusion of Spectral Reflectance and Derivative Information for Robust Hyperspectral Land Cover Classification
* Decomposition of Complex Line Drawings with Hidden Lines for 3D Planar-Faced Manifold Object Reconstruction
* dedicated hardware architecture for real-time auto-focusing using an FPGA, A
* Defining Spatial Neighborhoods for 3D Topological Analysis in Indoor Space
* Deformable Object Modelling and Matching
* Delaunay Tetrahedralizations: Honor Degenerated Cases
* Dense Multi-frame Optic Flow for Non-rigid Objects Using Subspace Constraints
* Depth Assisted Occlusion Handling in Video Object Tracking
* Depth Perception in Virtual Reality
* Depth-Aware Video Abstraction
* Depth-based Analyses of Landscape Paintings and Photographs According to Itten's Contrasts
* Descreening Using HOG-based Adaptive Smoothing Filter
* Descriptor Learning Based on Fisher Separation Criterion for Texture Classification
* Design and Costs Estimation of Electrical Substations Based on Three-Dimensional Building Blocks
* Design and implementation of embedded computer vision systems based on particle filters
* Design and implementation of geo-tagged video search framework
* Design and Optimization of the VideoWeb Wireless Camera Network
* Design of Pattern Classifiers Using Optimum-Path Forest with Applications in Image Analysis
* Detail Preserving 3D Motion Compression Based on Local Transformation
* Detecting Straight Line Segments Using a Triangular Neighborhood
* Detecting Text Areas and Decorative Elements in Ancient Manuscripts
* Detecting the Number of Clusters in n-Way Probabilistic Clustering
* Detecting the Optic Disc Boundary in Digital Fundus Images Using Morphological, Edge Detection, and Feature Extraction Techniques
* Detecting the Presence of Stationary Objects from Sparse Stereo Disparity Space
* Detection and Tracking of Driver's Hands in Real Time
* Determination of yarn production characteristics using image processing
* Developing a framework for Malaysian 3D SDI
* Differential-Geometrical Framework for Color Image Quality Measures, A
* Digital Cinema Watermarking for Estimating the Position of the Pirate
* Digital Curve Length Calculation by Using B-spline
* Digital Image Stabilization Based on Correction for Basic Reference Frame Jitter
* Digital Ink Compression via Functional Approximation
* Digital Rock Engineering System based on 3D GIS Technology, The
* Direct Method for Estimating Planar Projective Transform, A
* Directional Filtering Transform for Image/Intra-Frame Compression
* Discovering Novelty in Gene Data: From Sequential Patterns to Visualization
* Discriminative Learning of Local Image Descriptors
* Discussion on paper 'A Robust Real-Time Ellipse Detector' by Zhang and Liu
* Distance Field Illumination: A Rendering Method to Aid in Navigation of Virtual Environments
* Distance metric learning by minimal distance maximization
* Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application to Image Segmentation
* Distributed Approach for Optimizing Cascaded Classifier Topologies in Real-Time Stream Mining Systems, A
* Distributed Media-Aware Rate Allocation for Wireless Video Streaming
* Document-Zone Classification in Torn Documents
* DooDB: A Graphical Password Database Containing Doodles and Pseudo-Signatures
* Double Nearest Proportion Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral-Image Classification
* Driving Fatigue Detection Using Active Shape Models
* dual quad-tree based variable block-size coding method, A
* DWT and TSVQ-based Semi-fragile Watermarking Scheme for Tampering Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Dynamic Features in a 3D City Model As an Energy System
* Dynamic FEC Algorithms for TFRC Flows
* Dynamic route optimisation in a multihomed mobile network
* Dynamic Texture-Based Approach to Recognition of Facial Actions and Their Temporal Models, A
* Dynamic Vision: From Images to Face Recognition
* Earth Mover's Morphing: Topology-Free Shape Morphing Using Cluster-Based EMD Flows
* Edge Adaptive Color Demosaicking Based on the Spatial Correlation of the Bayer Color Difference
* Edge Detecting for Range Data Using Laplacian Operators
* Edge-Based Motion Vector Processing for Frame Interpolation Based on Weighted Vector Median Filter
* Effect of SRTM resolution on morphometric feature identification using neural network: self organizing map
* effective approach for wavelet lifting based on filter optimization and median operator, An
* Effects of the curvelet transform over interferometric images
* Efficient Algorithm for H.264/AVC Intra Frame Video Coding
* Efficient Algorithms for Image and High Dimensional Data Processing Using Eikonal Equation on Graphs
* Efficient borehole detection from single scan data
* Efficient Clustering Earth Mover's Distance
* Efficient computation of new extinction values from extended component tree
* Efficient entropy coding scheme for H.264/AVC lossless video coding
* Efficient eye detection method based on grey intensity variance and independent components analysis
* Efficient High Order Matching
* Efficient Large-Scale Stereo Matching
* efficient macroblock-based diverse and flexible prediction modes selection for hyperspectral images coding, An
* Efficient Marker Matching Using Pair-Wise Constraints in Physical Therapy
* Efficient Method for the Visualization of Spectral Images Based on a Perception-Oriented Spectrum Segmentation, An
* Efficient Mining of Multiple Partial Near-Duplicate Alignments by Temporal Network
* efficient motion vector composition algorithm for fast-forward playback in a video streaming system, An
* Efficient Multi-structure Robust Fitting with Incremental Top-k Lists Comparison
* Efficient RANSAC for 3D Object Recognition in Noisy and Occluded Scenes, An
* Efficient region-aware large graph construction towards scalable multi-label propagation
* Efficient Spatial-Temporal Error Concealment Algorithm and Hardware Architecture Design for H.264/AVC
* Efficient Structured Support Vector Regression
* Efficient Transcript Mapping to Ease the Creation of Document Image Segmentation Ground Truth with Text-Image Alignment
* Efficient Video Quality Assessment Along Temporal Trajectories
* Efficient Visual Object Tracking with Online Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* efficient, chromatic clustering-based background model for embedded vision platforms, An
* Egocentric Visual Event Classification with Location-Based Priors
* Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation with Graph Cuts Utilizing Estimated Symmetric Three-Dimensional Shape Prior
* Ellipse Detection by Combining Division and Model Selection Based Integration of Edge Points
* Embedded hardware low cost JPEG 2000 video coding system: Hardware coder for surveillance type videos
* Embedded Imagers: Detecting, Localizing, and Recognizing Objects and Events in Natural Habitats
* Embedding Meta-Information in Handwriting: Reed-Solomon for Reliable Error Correction
* Emphasizing 3D Structure Visually Using Coded Projection from Multiple Projectors
* Empirical Mode Decomposition of Hyperspectral Images for Support Vector Machine Classification
* End-to-End Simulation and Analytical Model of Remote-Sensing Systems: Application to CRISM
* Enhanced Local Subspace Affinity for feature-based motion segmentation
* Enhancing Gabor Wavelets Using Volumetric Fractal Dimension
* Enhancing Iris Matching Using Levenshtein Distance with Alignment Constraints
* Enriching a 3D world with synthetic and visible information about the distribution of points of interest
* Environmentally Robust Motion Detection for Video Surveillance
* Equidistant Fish-Eye Calibration and Rectification by Vanishing Point Extraction
* EREC-Based Length Coding of Variable-Length Data Blocks
* Error Analysis of Geometric Ellipse Detection Methods Due to Quantization
* Error Reduction Based on Error Categorization in Arabic Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Error Reduction by Confusing Characters Discrimination for Online Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition
* Estimating Meteorological Visibility Using Cameras: A Probabilistic Model-Driven Approach
* Estimating the Duration of Overlapping Events from Image Sequences Using Cylindrical Temporal Boolean Models
* Estimating the motion of plant root cells from in vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy images
* Estimation of the energetic rehabilitation state of buildings for the city of Berlin using a 3D City Model represented in CityGML
* Estimation of the parameters in regularized simultaneous super-resolution
* Euclidean Upgrading from Segment Lengths
* Evaluating Stability and Comparing Output of Feature Selectors that Optimize Feature Subset Cardinality
* Evaluation of a Difference of Gaussians Based Image Difference Metric in Relation to Perceived Compression Artifacts
* Evolution of Document Authentication, The
* EVP-Based Multiple-View Triangulation
* Experimental Comparison of Orthogonal Moments as Feature Extraction Methods for Character Recognition
* Experimental Study on Approximation Algorithms for Guarding Sets of Line Segments
* Exploiting Contextual Information for Image Re-ranking
* Exploiting Multiple Cameras for Environmental Pathlets
* Exploiting quantization and spatial correlation in virtual-noise modeling for distributed video coding
* Exploiting Self-similarities for Single Frame Super-Resolution
* Exploration into Single Image Super-Resolution via Self Similarity by Sparse Representation
* Extending 3D Lucas-Kanade tracking with adaptive templates for head pose estimation
* Extending AMCW Lidar Depth-of-Field Using a Coded Aperture
* Extension of CCSDS Algorithm by ROI Capability, An
* Extension of Sea Charts for 3D Visualization
* Extraction of Combined Features from Global/Local Statistics of Visual Words Using Relevant Operations
* Eyes in the Sky That See Too Much
* Face Detection with Effective Feature Extraction
* Face Recognition in Videos Using Adaptive Graph Appearance Models
* Face Recognition Using Sparse Representations and Manifold Learning
* Face Recognition with Decision Tree-Based Local Binary Patterns
* Face Transformation With Harmonic Models by the Finite-Volume Method With Delaunay Triangulation
* Face Verification Using Indirect Neighbourhood Components Analysis
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Facial Features and Manifold Learning
* Facial Fraud Discrimination Using Detection and Classification
* Factorization Method and Its Physical Justification in Frequency-Difference Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Family Facial Patch Resemblance Extraction
* Fast Algorithms for Source Identification Problems with Elliptic PDE Constraints
* Fast and automatic object pose estimation for range images on the GPU
* Fast and Enhanced Algorithm for Exemplar Based Image Inpainting
* Fast and Memory Efficient 2-D Connected Components Using Linked Lists of Line Segments
* Fast and Reliable Decimation of Polygonal Models Based on Volume and Normal Field
* Fast Bilinear Structure from Motion Algorithm Using a Video Sequence and Inertial Sensors, A
* Fast Computation of a Visual Hull
* Fast Computation of Tchebichef Moments for Binary and Grayscale Images
* fast connected components labeling algorithm and its application to real-time pupil detection, A
* Fast crack detection method for large-size concrete surface images using percolation-based image processing
* Fast Density Estimation for Approximated k Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Fast k-NN Classifier for Documents Based on a Graph Structure
* Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm for Region-Based Active Contours, A
* Fast Localization of the Optic Disc Using Projection of Image Features
* Fast Motion Estimation Based on Search Range Adjustment Using Neighboring MVDs
* Fast Nonconvex Nonsmooth Minimization Methods for Image Restoration and Reconstruction
* Fast Parallel Model Estimation on the CELL Broadband Engine
* Fast Quartet tree heuristic for hierarchical clustering, A
* Fast Query for Exemplar-Based Image Completion
* Fast Recovery of Weakly Textured Surfaces from Monocular Image Sequences
* Fast Semi-inverse Approach to Detect and Remove the Haze from a Single Image, A
* Fast Spectral Reflectance Recovery Using DLP Projector
* fast stereo matching algorithm suitable for embedded real-time systems, A
* Fast, High-Quality Line Antialiasing by Prefiltering with an Optimal Cubic Polynomial
* Feature Extraction for Online Farsi Characters
* Feature Extraction Using Circular Statistics Applied to Volcano Monitoring
* Feature Quarrels: The Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory for Image Segmentation Using a Variational Framework
* Feature Selection in AVHRR Ocean Satellite Images by Means of Filter Methods
* Feature-Assisted Dense Spatio-temporal Reconstruction from Binocular Sequences
* Feature-Based Image Comparison for Semantic Neighbor Selection in Resource-Constrained Visual Sensor Networks
* Feature-Based Lung Nodule Classification
* Feature-Preserving 3D Thumbnail Creation with Voxel-Based Two-Phase Decomposition
* Features versus Context: An Approach for Precise and Detailed Detection and Delineation of Faces and Facial Features
* Fiducial-Based Tangible User Interface for White Matter Tractography, A
* Finding Human Poses in Videos Using Concurrent Matching and Segmentation
* Fisher information and surrogate figures of merit for the task-based assessment of image quality
* Flexible Depth of Field Photography
* Flexible Online Calibration for a Mobile Projector-Camera System
* Flip visual cryptography (FVC) with perfect security, conditionally-optimal contrast, and no expansion
* Foreground and Shadow Segmentation Based on a Homography-Correspondence Pair
* Forensic Signature Verification Competition 4NSigComp2010: Detection of Simulated and Disguised Signatures
* Forensic Writer Identification Using Allographic Features
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
* Formalization of the General Video Temporal Synchronization Problem
* Four Color Theorem for Fast Early Vision
* Fractal Map: Fractal-Based 2D Expansion Method for Multi-scale High-Dimensional Data Visualization
* Fractional Laplace transform
* Framework for Information-Based Sensor Management for the Detection of Static Targets, A
* Framework for the Assessment of Temporal Artifacts in Medium Frame-Rate Binary Video Halftones, A
* Framework for Visual and Haptic Collaboration in Shared Virtual Spaces, A
* From GIS to BIM and back again: A Spatial Query Language for 3D building models and 3D city models
* From Local Features to Global Shape Constraints: Heterogeneous Matching Scheme for Recognizing Objects under Serious Background Clutter
* Full-Resolution Depth Map Estimation from an Aliased Plenoptic Light Field
* Full-Text Search System for Images of Hand-Written Cursive Documents, A
* Fully Constrained Linear Spectral Unmixing: Analytic Solution Using Fuzzy Sets
* Functional Density-Based Nonparametric Approach for Statistical Calibration, A
* Furrow Microrelief Influence on the Directional Hyperspectral Reflectance of Soil at Various Illumination and Observation Conditions
* Fusing semantic aspects for image annotation and retrieval
* Fuzzy Segmentation and Graphemes Modeling for Online Arabic Handwriting Recognition
* Gait Analysis of Gender and Age Using a Large-Scale Multi-view Gait Database
* General form for obtaining discrete orthogonal moments
* Generalized Convexity in Multiple View Geometry
* Generating Shaded Image with Lighting Using Image Fusion Space
* Generation of Handwriting by Active Shape Modeling and Global Local Approximation (GLA) Adaptation
* Generation of synthetic documents for performance evaluation of symbol recognition and spotting systems
* Generation of Synthetic Multifractal Realistic Surfaces Based on Natural Model and Lognormal Cascade: Application to MRI Classification
* Generative Model for Image Segmentation Based on Label Fusion, A
* Generic Object Class Detection Using Boosted Configurations of Oriented Edges
* Genetic Algorithm-Aided Routing on 3D Dynamic Networks
* Genetic-Algorithm-Based Fusion System Optimization for 3D Image Interpretation, A
* Geodetically Accurate InSAR Data Processor
* Geometric Approach to the Trifocal Tensor, A
* Geometric Data Structures and Analysis in GIS: ISO 19107 Case Study
* Geometries on Spaces of Treelike Shapes
* Geometry Aware Local Kernels for Object Recognition
* Geotagged Image Recognition by Combining Three Different Kinds of Geolocation Features
* Gesture Recognition Techniques in Handwriting Recognition Application
* Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Girapim: A 3D Information System for Surveying Cultural Heritage Environments
* global averaging method for dynamic time warping, with applications to clustering, A
* Global Ridge Orientation Modeling for Partial Fingerprint Identification
* Globally Optimal Algorithms for Stratified Autocalibration
* GPU Acceleration of Robust Point Matching
* Gradient-Based Modified Census Transform for Optical Flow
* Gradual Sampling and Mutual Information Maximisation for Markerless Motion Capture
* Graph of Words Embedding for Molecular Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis
* Graph Similarity Features for HMM-Based Handwriting Recognition in Historical Documents
* Graph-Based Segmentation of Lymph Nodes in CT Data
* Grid Smoothing: A Graph-Based Approach
* Group Segmentation During Object Tracking Using Optical Flow Discontinuities
* H-DIBCO 2010: Handwritten Document Image Binarization Competition
* Hand Detection and Gesture Recognition Exploit Motion Times Image in Complicate Scenarios
* Hand-Drawn Symbol Spotting Using Semi-definite Programming Based Sub-graph Matching
* Handwriting Reconstruction for a Camera Pen Using Random Dot Patterns
* Handwritten Mail Classification Experiments with the Rimes Database
* Handwritten Word Verification by SVM-Based Hypotheses Re-scoring and Multiple Thresholds Rejection
* Hardware-Friendly Vision Algorithms for Embedded Obstacle Detection Applications
* Harmonic Wavelet Transform and Image Approximation
* HDR Image Quality Enhancement Based on Spatially Variant Retinal Response
* Head Pose Classification from Low Resolution Images Using Pairwise Non-Local Intensity and Color Differences
* Hemispherical Confocal Imaging Using Turtleback Reflector
* Heuristic Deformable Pedestrian Detection Method, A
* Heuristic Designs of SAD Algorithm for a Platform-Based Vision System
* Hidden Markov Models for crop recognition in remote sensing image sequences
* Hidden Markov Models with Nonelliptically Contoured State Densities
* Hierarchal Predefined Codebook for High-Frequency Component Augmentation Image Enlargement
* Hierarchical Multi-classifier Framework for Landform Segmentation Using Multi-spectral Satellite Images: A Case Study over the Indian Subcontinent, A
* Hierarchical Visual Model for Video Object Summarization, A
* High Performance Stereo Vision Designed for Massively Data Parallel Platforms
* High-Level Synthesis of a Unified 2-D DWT System Architecture for JPEG2000 Using FPGAs
* High-quality Non-blind Image Deconvolution
* Highly optimized implementation of OpenCV for the Cell Broadband Engine
* Highly-compacted DCT coefficients
* Histopathological Image Classification Using Stain Component Features on a pLSA Model
* HMM-SVM-Based Automatic Image Annotation Approach, An
* Horror Image Recognition Based on Emotional Attention
* How to Overcome Perceptual Aliasing in ASIFT?
* Human Activity Recognition: A Scheme Using Multiple Cues
* Human Behavior Analysis at a Point of Sale
* Human Behaviour Analysis and Event Recognition at a Point of Sale
* Human Detection in Video over Large Viewpoint Changes
* Human Inspired Local Ratio-Based Algorithm for Edge Detection in Fluorescent Cell Images, A
* Human Pose Estimation Using Exemplars and Part Based Refinement
* Human Pose Recognition Using Chamfer Distance in Reduced Background Edge for Human-Robot Interaction
* Human Recognition at a Distance in Video
* Human Tracking by Multiple Kernel Boosting with Locality Affinity Constraints
* Hybrid Associative Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Models
* Hybrid Face Recognition Approach Using GPUMLib, A
* Hybrid Model for Recognition of Online Handwriting in Indian Scripts, A
* Hybrid Supervised-Unsupervised Vocabulary Generation Algorithm for Visual Concept Recognition, A
* Hypergraph Reduction Algorithm for Joint Segmentation and Classification of Satellite Image Content, A
* ICFHR 2010 Contest: Quantitative Evaluation of Binarization Algorithms
* ICFHR 2010 Handwriting Segmentation Contest
* ICFHR 2010: Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
* Identification of copy-paste regions in digital image
* Identifying Surprising Events in Videos Using Bayesian Topic Models
* Identifying touching and overlapping chromosomes using the watershed transform and gradient paths
* Identity Determination with Offline Handwritten Input Using Multi Kernel Feature Combination
* Illuminance Flow Estimation by Regression
* Illumination artifacts in hyper-NA vector imaging
* Illumination Invariant Face Image Representation Using Quaternions
* Illumination Normalization for Robust Face Recognition Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Image and Video Decolorization by Fusion
* Image and Video Segmentation by Combining Unsupervised Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Feature Selection
* Image Autocoregistration and Interferogram Estimation Using Extended COMET-EXIP Method
* Image Change Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Genetic Algorithm
* Image Classification Using Spatial Pyramid Coding and Visual Word Reweighting
* Image Contrast Enhancement by Global and Local Adjustment of Gray Levels
* Image De-fencing Revisited
* Image denoising employing local mixture models in sparse domains
* Image Enhancement and Noise Suppression for FLAIR MRIs With White Matter Lesions
* Image Enhancement by Median Filters in Algebraic Reconstruction Methods: An Experimental Study
* Image Enlargement with Lost High-Frequency Components Estimation Using Clustered Eigenspace-BPLP
* Image Inpainting Based on Probabilistic Structure Estimation
* Image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition in Latin America
* Image Reconstruction for High-Sensitivity Imaging by Using Combined Long/Short Exposure Type Single-Chip Image Sensor
* Image restoration through regularization based on error energy minimization
* Image segmentation from scale and rotation invariant texture features from the double dyadic dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Image Segmentation Fusion Using General Ensemble Clustering Methods
* Image Segmentation Using Quadtree-Based Similarity Graph and Normalized Cut
* Image Super-Resolution Via Sparse Representation
* Image-Based 3D Modeling via Cheeger Sets
* Image-Based and Sketch-Based Modeling of Plants and Trees
* Imaging-Based Computation of the Dynamics of Pelvic Floor Deformation and Strain Visualization Analysis
* Imbalanced Problem in Morphological Galaxy Classification, The
* Immersive Molecular Visualization and Interactive Modeling with Commodity Hardware
* Impact of Character Models Choice on Arabic Text Recognition Performance
* Impact of object extraction methods on classification performance in surface inspection systems
* Impact of Ruling Lines on Writer Identification, The
* Implementation of a 3D GIS in Internet environment
* Implementation Strategies for Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Bayesian Source Separation
* Improved 3D reconstruction in smart-room environments using ToF imaging
* Improved Detection Method for Zero Quantized Blocks on H.264/AVC, An
* Improved direct LDA and its application to DNA microarray gene expression data
* Improved Methods for Spectral Calibration of On-Orbit Imaging Spectrometers
* Improved motion vector scaling technique based on half-pixel offset compensation
* Improved Shape Matching Algorithm for Deformable Objects Using a Global Image Feature, An
* Improved Spatial Pyramid Matching for Image Classification
* Improvement of On-line Signature Verification Based on Gradient Features
* Improvements in HMM Adaptation for Handwriting Recognition Using Writer Identification and Duration Adaptation
* Improving Discrimination of Savanna Tree Species Through a Multiple-Endmember Spectral Angle Mapper Approach: Canopy-Level Analysis
* Improving Face Segmentation in Thermograms Using Image Signatures
* Improving Gaussian Process Classification with Outlier Detection, with Applications in Image Classification
* Improving HMM-Based Chinese Handwriting Recognition Using Delta Features and Synthesized String Samples
* Improving Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions Recognition with Contextual Modeling
* Improving the Accuracy of the Optimum-Path Forest Supervised Classifier for Large Datasets
* Improving the Dynamic Hierarchical Compact Clustering Algorithm by Using Feature Selection
* In-Orbit Radiometric Calibration Method of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, An
* Incorporating 3D-GIS Spatial Operator with Building Information Models in Construction Management using Geo-DBMS
* Incorporating Social Entropy for Crowd Behavior Detection Using SVM
* Incremental MQDF Learning for Writer Adaptive Handwriting Recognition
* Incremental PCA-HOG Descriptor for Robust Visual Hand Tracking, An
* Indented Pixel Tree Plots
* Indirect Shader Domain Rendering
* Indoor Scene Classification Using Combined 3D and Gist Features
* Inference of Restricted Stochastic Boolean GRN's by Bayesian Error and Entropy Based Criteria
* Inference Scene Labeling by Incorporating Object Detection with Explicit Shape Model
* Inferring Planar Patch Equations from Sparse View Stereo Images
* Influence of Multimodal 3D Visualizations on Learning Acquisition, The
* Information-Theoretic Analysis of Input Strokes in Visual Object Cutout
* Information-Theoretic Approach for Analyzing Bias and Variance in Lung Nodule Size Estimation With CT: A Phantom Study
* Initial investigations for modeling interior Utilities within 3D Geo Context: Transforming IFC-interior utility to CityGML/UtilityNetworkADE
* Integer DCT Based on Direct-Lifting of DCT-IDCT for Lossless-to-Lossy Image Coding
* Integrated 3D modeling of multi-utility networks and their interdependencies for critical infrastructure analysis
* integrated aurora image retrieval system: AuroraEye, An
* integrated fire detection and suppression system based on widely available video surveillance, An
* Integrated Framework for Reconstructing Full 3D Building Models, An
* Integrated imaging and vision techniques for industrial inspection: A special issue on machine vision and applications
* Integrated Representation of (Potentially Unbounded) 2D and 3D Spatial Objects for Rigorously Correct Query and Manipulation
* Integrating Geometric Context for Text Alignment of Handwritten Chinese Documents
* Integrating Multiple Uncalibrated Views for Human 3D Pose Estimation
* Integrating Phonological Knowledge in ASR Systems for Spanish Language
* Integration of BIM and GIS: The development of the CityGML GeoBIM extension
* Intelligent Watermarking Techniques
* Intensity-Based Image Registration by Minimizing Residual Complexity
* Interactive Event Search through Transfer Learning
* Interactive Multi-label Segmentation
* Interactive Rendering Techniques for Highlighting in 3D Geovirtual Environments
* Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extinguishment Support
* Interactive Visualisation of Time-Based Vital Signs
* International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2010) - Competitions Overview
* Interpolating 3D Diffusion Tensors in 2D Planar Domain by Locating Degenerate Lines
* Introducing a Statistical Behavior Model into Camera-Based Fall Detection
* Introducing Fuzzy Spatial Constraints in a Ranked Partitioned Sampling for Multi-object Tracking
* Introducing ROC Curves as Error Measure Functions: A New Approach to Train ANN-Based Biomedical Data Classifiers
* Invariance analysis of modified C2 features: case study: Handwritten digit recognition
* Invariant Feature Set Generation with the Linear Manifold Self-organizing Map
* IQ-Station: A Low Cost Portable Immersive Environment
* IRSJ: incremental refining spatial joins for interactive queries in GIS
* Is (N)PRI suitable for evaluating automated segmentation of cutaneous lesions?
* Is local colour normalization good enough for local appearance-based classification?
* Joint coding of multiview video and depth data using virtual view synthesis
* Joint Color Decrosstalk and Demosaicking for CFA Cameras
* joint encoder-decoder error control framework for stereoscopic video coding, A
* Joint Reconstruction of Image and Motion in Gated Positron Emission Tomography
* Joint Rendering and Segmentation of Free-Viewpoint Video
* JollyMate: Assistive Technology for Young Children with Dyslexia
* JPEG2000 ROI coding through component priority for digital mammography
* Just Noticeable Difference for Images With Decomposition Model for Separating Edge and Textured Regions
* KDE Paring and a Faster Mean Shift Algorithm
* kernel-based parametric method for conditional density estimation, A
* Keyword Spotting from Online Chinese Handwritten Documents Using One-vs-All Trained Character Classifier
* Kinematic self retargeting: A framework for human pose estimation
* Kinematical Analysis of Synthetic Dynamic Signatures Using the Sigma-Lognormal Model
* kPose: A New Representation For Action Recognition
* Large Scale Constraint Delaunay Triangulation for Virtual Globe Rendering
* Large-Scale Crowd Density Estimation Based on Effective Region Feature Extraction Method, The
* Large-scale image and video search: Challenges, technologies, and trends
* Latent Fingerprint Matching
* Latent Gaussian Mixture Regression for Human Pose Estimation
* Lattice-Boltzmann Water Waves
* Learning Active Basis Model for Object Detection and Recognition
* Learning and Prediction of Soft Object Deformation Using Visual Analysis of Robot Interactions
* Learning Image Structures for Optimizing Disparity Estimation
* Learning methods for melanoma recognition
* Learning Non-coplanar Scene Models by Exploring the Height Variation of Tracked Objects
* Learning Rare Behaviours
* Learning Scene Entries and Exits Using Coherent Motion Regions
* Learning The Morphological Diversity
* Learning Video Manifold for Segmenting Crowd Events and Abnormality Detection
* Level Set with Embedded Conditional Random Fields and Shape Priors for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects
* Level-set Based Tracking Approach for Surveillance Video with Fusion and Occlusion, A
* Leveraging cost matrix structure for hardware implementation of stereo disparity computation using dynamic programming
* Leveraging the Mixed-Text Segmentation Problem to Design Secure Handwritten CAPTCHAs
* Lifting construction based on Bernstein bases and application in image compression
* Light-weight salient foreground detection for embedded smart cameras
* Lightweight SCTP for Partially Reliable Overlay Video Multicast Service for Mobile Terminals, A
* Linear Dimensionality Reduction through Eigenvector Selection for Object Recognition
* Linear Regression for Face Recognition
* Linear Solution to 1-Dimensional Subspace Fitting under Incomplete Data, A
* Linear Solvability in the Viewing Graph
* Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis Based Approaches to Estimation of Virtual Dimensionality in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Linear-time Algorithm for the Generation of Random Digital Curves, A
* Local Descriptors for Document Layout Analysis
* Local Empirical Templates and Density Ratios for People Counting
* Local Manifold Learning-Based k-Nearest-Neighbor for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Local-Frame Based Method for Vector Field Construction on Raw Point Cloud, A
* Localized Earth Mover's Distance for Robust Histogram Comparison
* Locating Corresponding Regions in Urban Environments
* Lossy/Lossless Coding Algorithm Using Histogram, A
* Low bit depth representation motion estimation algorithms: a comparative study
* Low Complexity Hierarchical Prediction Algorithm for H.264/SVC
* Low Cost VR Meets Low Cost Multi-touch
* LULU Operators and Discrete Pulse Transform for Multidimensional Arrays
* Lunar Image Classification for Terrain Detection
* Lunar Terrain and Albedo Reconstruction of the Apollo 15 Zone
* Marked Point Process for Modeling Lidar Waveforms, A
* Markerless and Efficient 26-DOF Hand Pose Recovery
* Markov Random Field-Based Clustering for the Integration of Multi-view Range Images
* Martingale Framework for Detecting Changes in Data Streams by Testing Exchangeability, A
* Mash-Up Approach for Web Video Category Recommendation
* Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network Coupled With Laplacian-Eigenfunction-Based Dimensionality Reduction for Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography
* Maximum Evidence Method for classification of brain tissues in MRI
* Mean Weight Behavior of the NLMS Algorithm for Correlated Gaussian Inputs
* Medical Image Segmentation Based on Novel Local Order Energy
* Medical Knowledge Based Postprocessing Approach for Doctor's Handwriting Recognition, A
* Merging the Minnaert-k Parameter With Spectral Unmixing to Map Forest Heterogeneity With CHRIS/PROBA Data
* Meshless Method for Variational Nonrigid 2-D Shape Registration, A
* method for single image restoration based on the principal ergodic, A
* Method for Text Localization and Recognition in Real-World Images, A
* Method of Interest Points Characterization Based C-HOG Local Descriptor
* Metric reconstruction of planes utilizing off-the-plane features
* Minimal Representations for Uncertainty and Estimation in Projective Spaces
* Minimization of Monotonically Levelable Higher Order MRF Energies via Graph Cuts
* Mining Compositional Features From GPS and Visual Cues for Event Recognition in Photo Collections
* Mining data with random forests: A survey and results of new tests
* Mining Group Nonverbal Conversational Patterns Using Probabilistic Topic Models
* Minutia Cylinder-Code: A New Representation and Matching Technique for Fingerprint Recognition
* Mismatch Removal for Wide-baseline Image Matching via Coherent Region-to-Region Correspondence
* Mitosis Extraction in Breast-Cancer Histopathological Whole Slide Images
* Mixture of Gaussians Exploiting Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Background Subtraction
* Mobile Mapping System LIDAR Data Framework
* Mobile-Oriented Hand Segmentation Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Multiscale Aggregation, A
* Model Based Text Line Segmentation Method for Off-line Handwritten Documents, A
* Model Distribution Dependant Complexity Estimation on Textures
* Modeling and Detection of Blurred Illumination Edges
* Modeling and Estimation of the Dynamics of Planar Algebraic Curves via Riccati Equations
* Modeling Clinical Tumors to Create Reference Data for Tumor Volume Measurement
* Modeling Complex Scenes for Accurate Moving Objects Segmentation
* Modeling Dynamic Scenes Recorded with Freely Moving Cameras
* Modeling of Unbounded Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry
* Modeling Sense Disambiguation of Human Pose: Recognizing Action at a Distance by Key Poses
* Modeling Space by Stereographic Rejection
* Modeling Urban Scenes in the Spatial-Temporal Space
* Modelling Postures of Human Movements
* Modelling three-dimensional geoscientific datasets with the discrete Voronoi diagram
* Modified Expectation Maximization Algorithm for MRI Segmentation
* Modified Hybrid Bronchoscope Tracking Based on Sequential Monte Carlo Sampler: Dynamic Phantom Validation
* modified model for the Lobula Giant Movement Detector and its FPGA implementation, A
* Modified Region Growing for Stereo of Slant and Textureless Surfaces
* modified support vector machine and its application to image segmentation, A
* MOMI-Cosegmentation: Simultaneous Segmentation of Multiple Objects among Multiple Images
* Monocular Template-Based Reconstruction of Smooth and Inextensible Surfaces
* Morphological Approach for Text-Line Segmentation in Handwritten Documents, A
* Motion compensation of non-linear stepped-frequency pulse train by least step error
* Motion Control of Omni-Directional Three-Wheel Robots by Brain-Emotional-Learning-Based Intelligent Controller
* Motion Detection for Rapidly Moving Cameras in Fully 3D Scenes
* Moving Objects Detection and Tracking Framework for UAV-based Surveillance
* MRF Labeling for Multi-view Range Image Integration
* MRF-Based Background Initialisation for Improved Foreground Detection in Cluttered Surveillance Videos
* Multi-camera video surveillance for real-time analysis and reconstruction of soccer games
* Multi-class Leveraged k-NN for Image Classification
* Multi-excitation Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction for Bioimpedance Imaging
* Multi-illumination Face Recognition from a Single Training Image per Person with Sparse Representation
* Multi-institutional Collaboration in Delivery of Team-Project-Based Computer Graphics Studio Courses
* Multi-label classification and extracting predicted class hierarchies
* Multi-label Depth Estimation for Graph Cuts Stereo Problems
* Multi-level Supporting Scheme for Face Recognition under Partial Occlusions and Disguise, A
* Multi-modal defect detection of residual oxide scale on a cold stainless steel strip
* Multi-Modality Transfer Based on Multi-Graph Optimization for Domain Adaptive Video Concept Annotation
* Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for financial portfolio design
* Multi-Objective Semi-Supervised Feature Selection and Model Selection Based on Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
* Multi-relational Learning Approach for Knowledge Extraction in in Vitro Fertilization Domain, A
* Multi-Scale Learning Framework for Visual Categorization, A
* Multi-scale Topo-morphometric Opening of Arteries and Veins: An Evaluative Study via Pulmonary CT Imaging
* Multi-Target Tracking by Learning Class-Specific and Instance-Specific Cues
* Multi-view Occlusion Reasoning for Probabilistic Silhouette-Based Dynamic Scene Reconstruction
* Multi-view scans alignment for 3D spherical mosaicing in large-scale unstructured environments
* Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction with High Dynamic Range Texture
* Multi-View Video Summarization
* multi-view vision-based hand motion capturing system, A
* Multiframe Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Small Moving Objects
* Multihop Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling for Resource Allocation in Video Streaming Over Mesh Networks
* Multimodal Biometric Human Recognition for Perceptual Human-Computer Interaction
* Multiperson Visual Focus of Attention from Head Pose and Meeting Contextual Cues
* Multiple camera people detection and tracking using support integration
* Multiple Camera Self-calibration and 3D Reconstruction Using Pedestrians
* Multiple Clues for License Plate Detection and Recognition
* Multiple Object Tracking Via Species-Based Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multiple Order Graph Matching
* Multiple Spectral-Spatial Classification Approach for Hyperspectral Data
* Multiple Viewpoint Recognition and Localization
* Multiple-object Tracking in Cluttered and Crowded Public Spaces
* Multiresolution Histogram Analysis for Color Reduction
* Multiresolution Markovian Fusion Model for the Color Visualization of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Multiscale Analysis of Volumetric Motion Field Using General Order Prior
* Multiscale Information Fusion by Graph Cut through Convex Optimization
* Multiscale Photon-Limited Spectral Image Reconstruction
* N-Way Video Communication over Enterprise Networks Based on Adaptive Bit Stream Extraction in Scalable Video Coding
* Natural Visible and Infrared Facial Expression Database for Expression Recognition and Emotion Inference, A
* Near-Optimal Selection of Views and Surface Regions for ICP Pose Estimation
* Nearest-neighbour ensembles in lasso feature subspaces
* Network Connectivity via Inference over Curvature-Regularizing Line Graphs
* Neuromuscular Studies of Handwriting Generation and Representation
* New Algorithm for Training SVMs Using Approximate Minimal Enclosing Balls, A
* New Approach for Lighting Effect Rendering, A
* New Approach for Synthesis and Recognition of Large Scale Handwritten Chinese Words, A
* New Decision Making Approach for Improving the Performance of Automatic Signature Verification Using Multi-sets of Features, A
* New Dissimilarity Measure for Trajectories with Applications in Anomaly Detection, A
* New Efficient Solution to the Absolute Pose Problem for Camera with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion
* New Encoding System: Application to On-line Arabic Handwriting, A
* New Fourier-Statistical Features in RGB Space for Video Text Detection
* New Hierarchical Handwritten Document Layout Extraction Based on Conditional Random Field Modeling, A
* New Marching Cubes Algorithm for Interactive Level Set with Application to MR Image Segmentation, A
* New Method for Handwritten Scene Text Detection in Video, A
* New Method For Interfacing 3D Simulation Systems And Object-Oriented Geo Data Sources, A
* New metric for stereo image quality assessment based on HVS
* New multi-resolution image stitching with local and global alignment
* new multiscale Bayesian algorithm for speckle reduction in medical ultrasound images, A
* New reduced discrete Euclidean nD medial axis with optimal algorithm
* New Simple Method to Stitch Images with Lens Distortion, A
* New Tensorial Framework for Single-Shell High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging, A
* New Two-Stage Scheme for the Recognition of Persian Handwritten Characters, A
* No-reference assessment of blur and noise impacts on image quality
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Networked Video via Primary Analysis of Bit Stream
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of H.264/AVC Encoded Video
* Non Local Image Denoising Using Image Adapted Neighborhoods
* Non-interferometric, non-iterative phase retrieval by Green's functions
* Non-rigid Multimodal Image Registration Method Based on Particle Filter and Optical Flow, A
* Nonnegative matrix factorization with bounded total variational regularization for face recognition
* Novel Approach to FRUC Using Discriminant Saliency and Frame Segmentation, A
* Novel Arabic Baseline Estimation Algorithm Based on Sub-Words Treatment, A
* Novel Consistency Regularizer for Meshless Nonrigid Image Registration, A
* Novel Facial Expression Recognition Based on the Curvelet Features, A
* novel framework for 3D reconstruction and analysis of ancient inscriptions, A
* Novel Hardware Architecture for Rapid Object Detection Based on Adaboost Algorithm, A
* Novel Histogram-Based Feature Representation and Its Application in Sport Players Classification, A
* Novel Multi-feature Multi-classifier Scheme for Unconstrained Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition, A
* Novel Photometric Method for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Fingerprint, A
* Novel prediction schemes for error resilient video coding
* Novel Representation of Palm-Print for Recognition, A
* Novel Strategy for Radar Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing, A
* Novel Technique for Subpixel Image Classification Based on Support Vector Machine, A
* Object Category Classification Using Occluding Contours
* Object Class Segmentation Using Reliable Regions
* Object Detection Using Local Difference Patterns
* Object displays for identifying multidimensional outliers within a crowded visual periphery
* Object Distance Estimation Based on Stereo Vision and Color Segmentation with Region Matching
* Object Extraction Using Novel Region Merging and Multidimensional Features
* Object Material Classification by Surface Reflection Analysis with a Time-of-Flight Range Sensor
* Object Recognition in 3D Scenes with Occlusions and Clutter by Hough Voting
* Object Tracking and Segmentation in a Closed Loop
* Object Tracking Based on Covariance Descriptors and On-Line Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Object tracking using AM-FM image features
* Object-based Full Frame Concealment Strategy for H.264/AVC Using True Motion Estimation, An
* Occlusion event detection using geometric features in spatio-temporal volumes
* Occlusion Handling with L1-Regularized Sparse Reconstruction
* Off-line Recognition of Hand-Written Bengali Numerals Using Morphological Features
* Off-line Signature Verification Based on Gray Level Information Using Wavelet Transform and Texture Features
* Off-line signature verification based on grey level information using texture features
* Off-line Signature Verification Using Flexible Grid Features and Classifier Fusion
* OGC web coverage processing service (WCPS) standard, The
* On affine registration of planar point sets using complex numbers
* On Combining Local DCT with Preprocessing Sequence for Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Conditions
* On Contrast-Preserving Visualisation of Multispectral Datasets
* On design and optimization of face verification systems that are smart-card based
* On Euclidean norm approximations
* On Feature Combination and Multiple Kernel Learning for Object Tracking
* On Hyperspectral Image Simulation of a Complex Woodland Area
* On implementing motion-based Region of Interest detection on multi-core CELL
* On Improving Dissimilarity-Based Classifications Using a Statistical Similarity Measure
* On Optimal Dynamic Sequential Search for Matching in Real-Time Machine Vision
* On Restricting Planar Curve Evolution to Finite Dimensional Implicit Subspaces with Non-Euclidean Metric
* On Supervised Human Activity Analysis for Structured Environments
* On the distance concentration awareness of certain data reduction techniques
* On the Dual Formulation of Boosting Algorithms
* On the Length and Area Regularization for Multiphase Level Set Segmentation
* On the Transfer of Painting Style to Photographic Images through Attention to Colour Contrast
* On the Use of Implicit Shape Models for Recognition of Object Categories in 3D Data
* On the use of phase of the Fourier transform for face recognition under variations in illumination
* On the Way of Integrating Evacuation Approaches
* On-Body Sensing: From Gesture-Based Input to Activity-Driven Interaction
* On-line Handwriting Recognition of Indian Scripts: The First Benchmark
* On-line Signature Verification by Stroke-Dependent Representation Domains
* One-Class Classification with Gaussian Processes
* One-Dimensional Mapping for Estimating Projective Transformations
* One-shot Entire Shape Acquisition Method Using Multiple Projectors and Cameras
* One-shot Recognition Using Unsupervised Attribute-Learning
* Online Bangla Word Recognition Using Sub-Stroke Level Features and Hidden Markov Models
* Online Handwritten Kannada Word Recognizer with Unrestricted Vocabulary
* Online Learning for PLSA-Based Visual Recognition
* Online Learning Method for Shadow Detection, An
* Online Segmentation of Time Series Based on Polynomial Least-Squares Approximations
* Ontological Impedance in 3D Semantic Data Modeling
* Ontology-Based Information Extraction from Handwritten Documents
* Ontology-Driven Image Analysis for Histopathological Images
* Open Issues in Bringing 3D to Location Based Services (LBS): A Review Focusing on 3D Data Streaming and 3D Indoor Navigation
* Optical Flow Estimation with Prior Models Obtained from Phase Correlation
* Optimal bit allocation for subband video coding
* Optimal occlusion of teeth using planar structure information
* Optimal Regions for Linear Model-Based 3D Face Reconstruction
* Optimal Training Set Selection for Video Annotation
* Optimal Two-View Planar Scene Triangulation
* Optimization without Minimization Search: Constraint Satisfaction by Orthogonal Projection with Applications to Multiview Triangulation
* Optimized Workflow for Processing Airborne Laserscan Data in a GIS-Based Environment, An
* Optimizing the Number of States for HMM-Based On-line Handwritten Whiteboard Recognition
* Optimizing Visual Vocabularies Using Soft Assignment Entropies
* Optimum sensors for color constancy in scenes illuminated by daylight
* Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerated correlation of images from the International Space Station
* Organizing and Browsing Image Search Results Based on Conceptual and Visual Similarities
* Orthogonal LDA in PCA Transformed Subspace
* Orthogonality Based Stopping Condition for Iterative Image Deconvolution Methods
* Outlier Removal in Stereo Reconstruction of Orbital Images
* Over-Segmentation Based Background Modeling and Foreground Detection with Shadow Removal by Using Hierarchical MRFs
* Overproduce-and-Choose Strategy to Create Classifier Ensembles with Tuned SVM Parameters Applied to Real-World Fault Diagnosis, An
* PADS: A Probabilistic Activity Detection Framework for Video Data
* Pansharpening of High and Medium Resolution Satellite Images Using Bilateral Filtering
* parallel histogram-based particle filter for object tracking on SIMD-based smart cameras, A
* Parameter Estimation for Ridge Detection in Images with Thin Structures
* Parametric active membrane for segmentation of multiple objects in an image
* Part-Based Recognition of Handwritten Characters
* Particle swarm optimization based fusion of near infrared and visible images for improved face verification
* Partition Selection Approach for Hierarchical Clustering Based on Clustering Ensemble
* Path Evaluation and Character Classifier Training on Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Online Handwritten Japanese Character String
* PDE Formalization of Retinex Theory, A
* Pedestrian Recognition with a Learned Metric
* People Counting and Human Detection in a Challenging Situation
* Perceptual Rate-Distortion Optimization Using Structural Similarity Index as Quality Metric
* perceptual similarity method by pairwise comparison in a medical image case, A
* Perceptual Video Processing: Seeing the Future
* Perceptually Lossless Image Compression Scheme Based on JND Refinement by Neural Network, A
* Perceptually Scalable and JPEG Compression Tolerant Image Encryption Scheme, A
* Perceptually Tuned Watermarking Scheme for Color Images, A
* Performance Analysis of the Gradient Feature and the Modified Direction Feature for Off-line Signature Verification
* Performance evaluation of an intelligent video surveillance system: A case study
* Personal Dictionaries for Handwritten Character Recognition Using Characters Written by a Similar Writer
* Personalizable Pen-Based Interface Using Lifelong Learning
* Personalized 3D-Aided 2D Facial Landmark Localization
* Perspective Reconstruction of a Spheroid from an Image Plane Ellipse
* Phase Discrepancy Analysis of Object Motion, A
* Phase Portrait Analysis for Multiresolution Generalized Gradient Vector Flow
* Phase Registration of a Single Quasi-Periodic Signal Using Self Dynamic Time Warping
* Phase Space for Face Pose Estimation
* Photography Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Tone and Color Mappings in Adaptive Local Region
* Photometric Stereo under Low Frequency Environment Illumination
* PixelLaser: Computing Range from Monocular Texture
* Planar Affine Rectification from Change of Scale
* Plant Texture Classification Using Gabor Co-occurrences
* Platform for Monitoring Aspects of Human Presence in Real-Time, A
* Point Set Registration: Coherent Point Drift
* Population Shape Regression from Random Design Data
* Pose-insensitive nose detection in TOF-scans
* Posing to the Camera: Automatic Viewpoint Selection for Human Actions
* practical bit stream organization algorithm for robust H.264/SVC transmission, A
* Pre and Post Processing Approaches in Edge Detection for Character Recognition
* Predicting Segmentation Accuracy for Biological Cell Images
* Prediction of transmission distortion for wireless video communication: Algorithm and application
* Preprocessed Global Visibility for Real-Time Rendering on Low-End Hardware
* Prismfields: A Framework for Interactive Modeling of Three Dimensional Caves
* Probabilistic 3D Object Recognition Based on Multiple Interpretations Generation
* Probabilistic Contour Observer For Online Visual Tracking, A
* Probabilistic Learning of Visual Object Composition from Attended Segments
* Probabilistic Multi-Task Learning for Visual Saliency Estimation in Video
* Problem of Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition Evaluation, The
* Product Quantization for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Programmable unitary spatial mode manipulation
* Projective Reconstruction of General 3D Planar Curves from Uncalibrated Cameras
* Propagating Uncertainty in Petri Nets for Activity Recognition
* Properties of BV-G Structures + Textures Decomposition Models. Application to Road Detection in Satellite Images
* Proposal of a method to analyze 3D deformation/fracture characteristics inside materials based on a stratified matching approach
* PTZ Camera Modeling and Panoramic View Generation via Focal Plane Mapping
* Pursuing Atomic Video Words by Information Projection
* Pyramid Architecture for 3840 X 2160 Quad Full High Definition 30 Frames/s Video Acquisition
* Pyramid Center-Symmetric Local Binary/Trinary Patterns for Effective Pedestrian Detection
* Pyramid-Based Multi-structure Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
* Quad-Tree Motion Modeling With Leaf Merging
* Quality Analysis on JPEG 2000 Compressed Leukocyte Images by Means of Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Quality-Based Conditional Processing in Multi-Biometrics: Application to Sensor Interoperability
* Quantitative Evaluation of Fixed-Pattern Noise Reduction Methods in Imaging Systems, A
* Quaternion Atomic Function Wavelet for Applications in Image Processing
* Quaternion Fourier-Mellin moments for color images
* Question Answering over Community-Contributed Web Videos
* Random Sampling Nonlinear Optimization for Camera Self-calibration with Modeling of Intrinsic Parameter Space
* Random Walks on Graphs for Salient Object Detection in Images
* Randomised Manifold Forests for Principal Angle-Based Face Recognition
* Rapid Modelling of Complex Building Interiors
* Rate Distortion Analysis for Spatially Scalable Video Coding
* rate-distortion analysis on motion prediction efficiency and mode decision for scalable wavelet video coding, A
* Rate-distortion driven decoder-side bitplane mode decision for distributed video coding
* RD Optimized Bandwidth Efficient Motion Estimation and Its Hardware Design With On-Demand Data Access
* Reading Cursive Handwriting
* Real Time Myocardial Strain Analysis of Tagged MR Cines Using Element Space Non-rigid Registration
* Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition for mobile robots with cascade HMM and particle filter
* Real-Time Detection of Small Surface Objects Using Weather Effects
* Real-Time GPU-Aided Lung Tumor Tracking
* Real-Time Human Detection Using Relational Depth Similarity Features
* Real-time lip reading system for isolated Korean word recognition
* Real-Time Multiple Moving Targets Detection from Airborne IR Imagery by Dynamic Gabor Filter and Dynamic Gaussian Detector
* Real-Time Recognition System for Handwritten Mathematics: Backtracking and Relationship Discovery, A
* Real-Time Recognition System for Handwritten Mathematics: Structural Development, A
* Real-Time Robust Image Feature Description and Matching
* Real-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A Survey
* Real-time terahertz scanning imaging by use of a pyroelectric array camera and image denoising
* real-time versatile roadway path extraction and tracking on an FPGA platform, A
* Real-Time Visual Concept Classification
* Realtime training on mobile devices for face recognition applications
* Recent Advances in Kernel Machines
* Recognition and classification of images of fruits' juices based on 3-Sigma approach
* Recognition of Hand-Drawn Graphs Using Digital-Geometric Techniques
* Recognition of Humboldt's Handwriting in Complex Surroundings
* Recognition of Words from Legal Amounts of Indian Bank Cheques
* Recognizing Continuous Grammatical Marker Facial Gestures in Sign Language Video
* Recombination of 2D and 3D Images for Multimodal 2D + 3D Face Recognition
* Reconstructing Mass-Conserved Water Surfaces Using Shape from Shading and Optical Flow
* Reconstruction of Spectra Using Empirical Basis Functions
* Recovery of 3D animal motions using cameras and mirrors
* Red-Eyes Removal through Cluster-Based Boosting on Gray Codes
* Reducing Ambiguity in Object Recognition Using Relational Information
* Reflectance Model for Metallic Paints Using a Two-Layer Structure Surface with Microfacet Distributions, A
* Region Adaptive Inter-Color Prediction Approach to RGB 4:4:4 Intra Coding
* Region and Edge-Adaptive Sampling and Boundary Completion for Segmentation
* Region-Based Randomized Voting Scheme for Stereo Matching, A
* Regularizing multiple kernel learning using response surface methodology
* Rejection Optimization Based on Threshold Mapping for Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Relevance feedback based on genetic programming for image retrieval
* Relevance of a Feed-Forward Model of Visual Attention for Goal-Oriented and Free-Viewing Tasks
* Residual orientation modeling for fingerprint enhancement and singular point detection
* Restoration of Poissonian Images Using Alternating Direction Optimization
* Retinal Vessel Extraction with the Image Ray Transform
* Retrieving Handwriting Styles: A Content Based Approach to Handwritten Document Retrieval
* Retrieving Images of Similar Geometrical Configuration
* Retrieving information Through navigating in historical Baalbek
* Reversible Data Hiding-Based Approach for Intra-Frame Error Concealment in H.264/AVC
* Reviewing Performance Metrics for Handwriting Recognition: Must-Rejects and Recognition Graph Scores
* RibbonView: Interactive Context-Preserving Cutaways of Anatomical Surface Meshes
* Ridge Linking Using an Adaptive Oriented Mask Applied to Plant Root Images with Thin Structures
* Robust 3D object registration without explicit correspondence using geometric integration
* Robust Auxiliary Particle Filter with an Adaptive Appearance Model for Visual Tracking
* Robust Block-Based Image/Video Registration Approach for Mobile Imaging Devices, A
* robust facial feature detection on mobile robot platform, A
* Robust kernel discriminant analysis using fuzzy memberships
* Robust Method for License Plate Detection, A
* Robust mixture clustering using Pearson type VII distribution
* Robust Mosaicking of Stereo Digital Elevation Models from the Ames Stereo Pipeline
* Robust Motion-Compensated Orthogonal Video Coding Using EBCOT
* Robust Multi-Feature Cut Detection Algorithm for Video Segmentation, A
* Robust Photometric Stereo via Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Recovery
* Robust Pose Recognition of the Obscured Human Body
* Robust Radial Distortion from a Single Image
* Robust Rigid Shape Registration Method Using a Level Set Formulation
* Robust Super-Resolution Volume Reconstruction From Slice Acquisitions: Application to Fetal Brain MRI
* Robust Tracking Based on Pixel-Wise Spatial Pyramid and Biased Fusion
* Robust Tracking With Discriminative Ranking Lists
* Robust Wide Baseline Scene Alignment Based on 3D Viewpoint Normalization
* ROC manifold for classification systems, The
* Rolled Fingerprint Construction Using MRF-Based Nonrigid Image Registration
* Rotation Invariant Face Recognition Method Based on Complex Network, A
* Rotation invariant hand-drawn symbol recognition based on a dynamic time warping model
* RSMAT: Robust simultaneous modeling and tracking
* Saliency Density Maximization for Object Detection and Localization
* Salient Region Detection by Jointly Modeling Distinctness and Redundancy of Image Content
* SAR Image Speckle Noise Suppression Based on DFB Hidden Markov Models Using Immune Clonal Selection Thresholding
* Scalable Intraband and Composite Wavelet-Based Coding of Semiregular Meshes
* Script Recognition: A Review
* SCUT-COUCH Textline_NU: An Unconstrained Online Handwritten Chinese Text Lines Dataset
* Segmentation for Hyperspectral Images with Priors
* Segmentation of Abdominal Organs Incorporating Prior Knowledge in Small Animal CT
* Segmentation of Brain Tumors in Multi-parametric MR Images via Robust Statistic Information Propagation
* Segmentation via NCuts and Lossy Minimum Description Length: A Unified Approach
* Selecting Features Using the SFS in Conjunction with Vector Quantization
* Selecting High Quality Frames for Super Resolution Reconstruction Using Perceptual Quality Metrics
* Selection of Optimal Spectral Sensitivity Functions for Color Filter Arrays
* Self-Quotient epsilon-Filter for Feature Extraction from Noise Corrupted Image
* self-trained ensemble with semisupervised SVM: An application to pixel classification of remote sensing imagery, A
* Self-training for Handwritten Text Line Recognition
* Semantic Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Scene-Context Scale
* SemaTime: Timeline Visualization of Time-Dependent Relations and Semantics
* Semi-automatic Annotation Tool for Medieval Manuscripts
* Semi-Supervised Approach to Perceived Age Prediction from Face Images, A
* Semi-Supervised Classification via Local Spline Regression
* Semi-Supervised Learning via Regularized Boosting Working on Multiple Semi-Supervised Assumptions
* Semi-supervised Neighborhood Preserving Discriminant Embedding: A Semi-supervised Subspace Learning Algorithm
* Semi-uniform, 2-Different Tessellation of Triangular Parametric Surfaces
* Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using Multinomial Logistic Regression With Active Learning
* Sensitivity Analysis for Biomedical Models
* Sensor Measurements and Image Registration Fusion to Retrieve Variations of Satellite Attitude
* Sequence Multi-Labeling: A Unified Video Annotation Scheme With Spatial and Temporal Context
* Sequential Minimal Optimization Algorithm for the All-Distances Support Vector Machine, A
* Series-parallel pipeline architecture for high-resolution catadioptric panoramic unwrapping
* Shading Attenuation in Human Skin Color Images
* Shading constraint improves accuracy of time-of-flight measurements
* Shape Classification Using Local and Global Features
* Shape from Specular Flow
* Shape Matching by Region Grouping
* Shape matching using coarse descriptors
* Shape-based image segmentation through photometric stereo
* Shaped Wavelets for Curvilinear Structures for Ear Biometrics
* Sharp Concentration-Based Adaptive Segmentation Algorithm, A
* Show-through correction in scanned images using joint histogram
* Signature extraction using mutual interdependencies
* Similar Handwritten Chinese Characters Recognition by Critical Region Selection Based on Average Symmetric Uncertainty
* Simplified 2-D Cubic Spline Interpolation Scheme Using Direct Computation Algorithm
* Simply Partitioned DP Matching and Threshold Equalizing in DWT Domain On-line Signature Verification
* Simultaneous Vanishing Point Detection and Camera Calibration from Single Images
* Single Camera Stereo System Using Prism and Mirrors
* Size Distribution Estimation of Stone Fragments via Digital Image Processing
* Skeleton growing and pruning with bending potential ratio
* Smoothing Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Method For Image Restoration Using Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimization
* Smoothness Constraints in Recursive Search Motion Estimation for Picture Rate Conversion
* Snakules: A Model-Based Active Contour Algorithm for the Annotation of Spicules on Mammography
* Social Interactive Human Video Synthesis
* Soft Computing, f-Granulation and Pattern Recognition
* Solving MRFs with Higher-Order Smoothness Priors Using Hierarchical Gradient Nodes
* Solving Streaming Capacity Problems in P2P VoD Systems
* Sophisticated Construction and Search of 2D Motion Graphs for Synthesizing Videos
* Space Variant Gradient Based Corner Detector for Sparse Omnidirectional Images, A
* SPANC: Optimizing Scheduling Delay for Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming
* Sparse Coding on Local Spatial-Temporal Volumes for Human Action Recognition
* Sparse Source Separation of Non-instantaneous Spatially Varying Single Path Mixtures
* Spatial Similarity Based Stroke Number and Order Free Clustering
* spatial variant approach for vergence control in complex scenes, A
* Spatial-Temporal Affinity Propagation for Feature Clustering with Application to Traffic Video Analysis
* Spatial-Temporal Frequency Approach to Estimate Cardiac Motion, A
* Spatial-Temporal Motion Compensation Based Video Super Resolution
* Spatio-Spectral Algorithm for Robust and Scalable Object Tracking in Videos, A
* Spatiotemporal Closure
* Spatiotemporal Contour Grouping Using Abstract Part Models
* Speaker Verification in Noisy Environment Using Missing Feature Approach
* Special issue on embedded vision
* Special issue on Time-of-Flight camera based computer vision
* Special Radical Detection by Statistical Classification for On-line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* spectral approach to clustering numerical vectors as nodes in a network, A
* Spectral Approach to Nonlocal Mesh Editing, A
* Spectral Image Decolorization
* Spectral Smile Correction of CRISM/MRO Hyperspectral Images
* Specular Surface Recovery from Reflections of a Planar Pattern Undergoing an Unknown Pure Translation
* Speeding Up HOG and LBP Features for Pedestrian Detection by Multiresolution Techniques
* Split Bregman Method for Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation
* Stability-based validation of bicluster solutions
* Stabilization Of Flicker-Like Effects in Image Sequences Through Local Contrast Correction
* Static Video Summarization Method Based on Hierarchical Clustering, A
* Statistical Image Processing and Multidimensional Modeling
* Stereo Matching in Mean Shift Attractor Space
* Stereo Matching with Mumford-Shah Regularization and Occlusion Handling
* Stereo-Based Object Segmentation Combining Spatio-Temporal Information
* Stick It! Articulated Tracking Using Spatial Rigid Object Priors
* Stitching of Microscopic Images for Quantifying Neuronal Growth and Spine Plasticity
* Stochastic Order of Shape Variability with an Application to Cell Nuclei Involved in Mastitis, A
* Strategies for Training Robust Neural Network Based Digit Recognizers on Unbalanced Data Sets
* Stream-Based Active Unusual Event Detection
* Structural matching of 2D electrophoresis gels using deformed graphs
* Study of Data-Merging and Interpolation Methods for Use in an Interactive Online Analysis System: MODIS Terra and Aqua Daily Aerosol Case
* Study of Discriminative Training for HMM-Based Online Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Character Recognition, A
* Study of Hierarchical Correlation Clustering for Scientific Volume Data, A
* Study on Image Color Stealing in Log-Polar Space
* Study on the performance of moments as invariant descriptors for practical face recognition systems
* Subband Architecture Based Exposure Fusion
* Subsampled Block-Matching for Zoom Motion Compensated Prediction
* subspace approach for matching 2D shapes under affine distortions, A
* Subversion Statistics Sifter
* Super-Resolution Mosaicking of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Surveillance Video Using Levenberg Marquardt (LM) Algorithm
* Super-Resolution With Sparse Mixing Estimators
* Superpixel Endmember Detection
* Surface Extraction from Iso-disparity Contours
* Surface image synthesis of moving spinning cans using a 1,000-fps area scan camera
* Surface Modeling of the Corpus Callosum from MRI Scans
* Surface-from-Gradients without Discrete Integrability Enforcement: A Gaussian Kernel Approach
* Survey on speech emotion recognition: Features, classification schemes, and databases
* Sustained Observability for Salient Motion Detection
* Symbol-Dependent Writer Identification Approach in Old Handwritten Music Scores, A
* Symbolic dynamic filtering for image analysis: Theory and experimental validation
* Symmetry Enhanced Adaboost
* Synthetic Shape Reconstruction Combined with the FT-Based Method in Photometric Stereo
* System Concept for Socially Enriched Access to Soccer Video Collections, A
* System for Colorectal Tumor Classification in Magnifying Endoscopic NBI Images, A
* System Structures for Efficient Rendering in Virtual Worlds and Virtual Testbeds
* Teaching Geometric Modeling Algorithms and Data Structures through Laser Scanner Acquisition Pipeline
* Techniques to Enhance Images for Mokkan Interpretation
* TechWare: Speaker and Spoken Language Recognition Resources
* Template-Based B_1 Inhomogeneity Correction in 3T MRI Brain Studies
* Temporal Feature Weighting for Prototype-Based Action Recognition
* Temporal Latent Topic Model for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Temporal Super Resolution from a Single Quasi-periodic Image Sequence Based on Phase Registration
* Temporal synchronization of non-overlapping videos using known object motion
* Terahertz polarization real-time imaging based on balanced electro-optic detection
* Testing the Goods: Xbox Kinect
* Text Localization and Recognition in Complex Scenes Using Local Features
* Text Segmentation by Clustering Cohesion
* Texture segmentation using independent-scale component-wise Riemannian-covariance Gaussian mixture model in KL measure based multi-scale nonlinear structure tensor space
* Texture-Based Approach for Hatching Color Photographs, A
* Theoretical and Numerical Study of a Phase Field Higher-Order Active Contour Model of Directed Networks, A
* Third issue of Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, volume 5
* Three Dimensional Reconstruction Using Vertical Constraints from a Photograph
* Threshold Tuning of Switching Median Filter Employing Distribution Distance
* Tightly-coupled spatial database features in the Odysseus/OpenGIS DBMS for high-performance
* Tile-Based Geospatial Information Systems: Principles and Practices
* TILT: Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
* Time-of-Flight sensor calibration for accurate range sensing
* Time-Series Linear Search for Video Copies Based on Compact Signature Manipulation and Containment Relation Modeling
* Tissue Fate Prediction in Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Cuboid Models
* Top-Down Cues for Event Recognition
* Top-Down Search with Bottom-Up Evidence for Recognizing Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* Topography retrieval using different solutions of the transport intensity equation
* topological approach to finding grids in calibration patterns, A
* Totally-Corrective Multi-class Boosting
* Toward an Automatic Hole Characterization for Surface Correction
* Towards a 3D Geo-Information Standard in the Netherlands
* Towards a Relevant and Diverse Search of Social Images
* Towards an Automated Healing of 3D Urban Models
* Towards automatic power line detection for a UAV surveillance system using pulse coupled neural filter and an improved Hough transform
* Towards Computational Understanding of Skill Levels in Simulation-Based Surgical Training via Automatic Video Analysis
* Towards Full 3D Helmholtz Stereovision Algorithms
* Towards Generalized Benthic Species Recognition and Quantification Using Computer Vision
* Towards Hypothesis Testing and Lossy Minimum Description Length: A Unified Segmentation Framework
* Towards Interoperating CityGML and IFC Building Models: A Unified Model Based Approach
* Towards Semantic 3D City Modeling and Visual Explorations
* Towards Video Quality Metrics Based on Colour Fractal Geometry
* Track Detection for Autonomous Trains
* Tracking and Retrieval of Pen Tip Positions for an Intelligent Camera Pen
* Tracking Groups of People in Presence of Occlusion
* Tracking with Occlusions via Graph Cuts
* Trainable blotch detection on high resolution archive films minimizing the human interaction
* training-free nose tip detection method from face range images, A
* Transform-Domain Adaptive Correlation Estimation (TRACE) for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Transformation From Hyperspectral Radiance Data to Data of Other Sensors Based on Spectral Superresolution
* Translation-Symmetry-Based Perceptual Grouping with Applications to Urban Scenes
* Travel Video Scene Detection by Search
* Trends In Video Surveillance Give DSP an Apps Boost
* Turbo Segmentation of Textured Images
* TurboPixel Segmentation Using Eigen-Images
* TURINstream: A Totally pUsh, Robust, and effIcieNt P2P Video Streaming Architecture
* Two-Channel Overlapped Block Transform for Image Compression, A
* Two-class support vector data description
* Two-Dimensional Intraventricular Flow Mapping by Digital Processing Conventional Color-Doppler Echocardiography Images
* Two-Stage Dynamic Model for Visual Tracking, A
* Undecimated Wavelet Transform-Based Image Interpolation
* Understanding the Effect of Bias in Fiducial Localization Error on Point-Based Rigid-Body Registration
* Unified Approach to Segmentation and Categorization of Dynamic Textures, A
* Unified Computation of Strict Maximum Likelihood for Geometric Fitting
* Unified formulation of linear discriminant analysis methods and optimal parameter selection
* Unified Loop Filter for Video Compression
* Unified Transition Detection Based on Bipartite Graph Matching Approach, An
* Universal Seed Skin Segmentation
* Unscented feature tracking
* Unsupervised Feature Selection for Salient Object Detection
* Unsupervised Framework for Action Recognition Using Actemes, An
* Unsupervised learning of background modeling parameters in multicamera systems
* Unsupervised measures for parameter selection of binarization algorithms
* Unsupervised Moving Object Detection with On-line Generalized Hough Transform
* Unsupervised Selective Transfer Learning for Object Recognition
* Upscaling image resolution of compact imaging systems using wavefront coding and a property of the point-spread function
* User-Defined Expected Error Rate in OCR Postprocessing by Means of Automatic Threshold Estimation
* Using Dihedral Angles for Edge Extraction in Range Data
* Using Field Interdependence to Improve Correction Performance in a Transducer-Based OCR Post-Processing System
* Using multi-modal 3D contours and their relations for vision and robotics
* Using Perceptual Color Contrast for Color Image Processing
* Using R-Trees for Interactive Visualization of Large Multidimensional Datasets
* Utilizing Invariant Descriptors for Finger Spelling American Sign Language Using SVM
* Variable step-size Griffiths' algorithm for improved performance of feedforward/feedback active noise control
* Variational and Level Set Methods in Image Segmentation
* variational Bayesian methodology for hidden Markov models utilizing Student's-t mixtures, A
* Variational optic flow on the Sony PlayStation 3: Accurate dense flow fields for real-time applications
* Variational Region-Based Segmentation Using Multiple Texture Statistics
* Vector Quantization Based Index Cube Model for Image Retrieval
* Verification of Unconstrained Handwritten Words at Character Level
* Very High Resolution Spaceborne SAR Tomography in Urban Environment
* Very Low Bit-Rate Minimalist Video Encoder Based on Matching Pursuits, A
* Vessel Centerline Tracking in CTA and MRA Images Using Hough Transform
* Video Annotation and Retrieval Using Ontologies and Rule Learning
* Video Based Face Recognition Using Graph Matching
* Video Concept Detection Using Support Vector Machine with Augmented Features
* Video copy detection using multiple visual cues and MPEG-7 descriptors
* Video Deblurring and Super-Resolution Technique for Multiple Moving Objects
* Video Event Detection as Matching of Spatiotemporal Projection
* Video in the Web: Technical Challenges and Standardization
* Video Précis: Highlighting Diverse Aspects of Videos
* Video Registration Using Dynamic Textures
* Video Surveillance Traffic Analysis Using Scene Geometry
* Video Temporal Super-Resolution Based on Self-similarity
* video text location method based on background classification, A
* View Invariant Activity Recognition with Manifold Learning
* View-Independent Action Recognition from Temporal Self-Similarities
* View-invariant Fall Detection for Elderly in Real Home Environment
* View-invariant gesture recognition using 3D optical flow and harmonic motion context
* Vignette and Exposure Calibration and Compensation
* virtual teleconferencing system based on face detection and 3D animation in a low-bandwidth environment, A
* Virtual view synthesis method and self-evaluation metrics for free viewpoint television and 3D video
* VIS-NIR Imaging Spectroscopy of Mercury's Surface: SIMBIO-SYS/VIHI Experiment Onboard the BepiColombo Mission
* Visible and infrared image registration using trajectories and composite foreground images
* Vision-Based Control of Robot Motion
* Vision: Images, Signals and Neural Networks, Models of Neural Processing in Visual Perception
* Visual attention guided bit allocation in video compression
* Visual Exploration of Stream Pattern Changes Using a Data-Driven Framework
* Visual Network Analysis of Dynamic Metabolic Pathways
* Visual object-action recognition: Inferring object affordances from human demonstration
* Visual quality assessment for web videos
* Visual-Context Boosting for Eye Detection
* Visualizing Gene Co-expression as Google Maps
* Visualizing Image Collections Using High-Entropy Layout Distributions
* Visualizing Multivariate Hierarchic Data Using Enhanced Radial Space-Filling Layout
* Visually Inspecting Specular Surfaces: A Generalized Image Capture and Image Description Approach
* Volumetric Topological Analysis: A Novel Approach for Trabecular Bone Classification on the Continuum Between Plates and Rods
* VR Menus: Investigation of Distance, Size, Auto-scale, and Ray Casting vs. Pointer-Attached-to-Menu
* VSUMM: A mechanism designed to produce static video summaries and a novel evaluation method
* Wave Interference for Pattern Description
* Wavelet-Based Face Recognition System Using Partial Information, A
* Weak Structure Model for Regular Pattern Recognition Applied to Facade Images, A
* Web image concept annotation with better understanding of tags and visual features
* What Makes Motion Meaningful? Affective Properties of Abstract Motion
* Why not use the Levenberg-Marquardt method for fundamental matrix estimation?
* Wide-baseline stereo vision for terrain mapping
* Window memoization: an efficient hardware architecture for high-performance image processing
* Windowed Bernoulli Mixture HMMs for Arabic Handwritten Word Recognition
* Wireless smart camera network for real-time human 3D pose reconstruction
* Word level identification of Kannada, Hindi and English scripts from a tri-lingual document
* Word Segmentation and Baseline Detection in Handwritten Documents Using Isothetic Covers
* Word Spotting in Gray Scale Handwritten Pashto Documents
* Word-Wise Handwritten Persian and Roman Script Identification
* Workflow Based Process Visual Analyzer (ProVisZer) for Teaching and Learning, A
* Writer Identification for Handwritten Telugu Documents Using Directional Morphological Features
* Writer Verification of Historical Documents among Cohort Writers
* X-Space Formulation of the Magnetic Particle Imaging Process: 1-D Signal, Resolution, Bandwidth, SNR, SAR, and Magnetostimulation, The
* Zero-block Mode Decision Algorithm for High Bit-Rate Coding in H.264/AVC
* Zone-Based Projection Distance Feature Extraction Method for Handwritten Numeral/Mixed Numerals Recognition of Indian Scripts, The
* Zoning Methods for Hand-Written Character Recognition: An Overview
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