7.3.4 Processing of Skeletons for Descriptions

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Skeletons. MAT. This is mostly processing an existing MAT rather than generation.

Wang, S., Wu, A.Y., Rosenfeld, A.,
Image Approximation from Gray Scale 'Medial Axes',
PAMI(3), No. 6, November 1981, pp. 687-696. BibRef 8111

Ho, S.B., Dyer, C.R.,
Shape Smoothing Using Medial Axis Properties,
PAMI(8), No. 4, July 1986, pp. 512-520. BibRef 8607
Earlier: A2, A1:
Medial-Axis Based Shape Smoothing,
ICPR84(333-335). BibRef

Siddiqi, K., Kimia, B.B.,
Parts of Visual Form: Computational Aspects,
PAMI(17), No. 3, March 1995, pp. 239-251.
IEEE DOI BibRef 9503
And: Corrections: PAMI(17), No. 5, May 1995, pp. 544-544.
IEEE Top Reference. BibRef
Earlier: CVPR93(75-81).
IEEE DOI Not only boundary partitioning, but region partitioning. Uses neck-based and limb-based partitioning. BibRef

Siddiqi, K., Subrahmonia, F., Cooper, D.B., Kimia, B.B.,
Part-based Bayesian recognition using implicit polynomial invariants,
ICIP95(III: 360-363).

Pal, S.K., King, R.A., Hashim, A.A.,
Image Description and Primitive Extraction Using Fuzzy Sets,
SMC(13), 1983, pp. 94-100. BibRef 8300

Choi, S.W.[Sung Woo], Seidel, H.P.[Hans-Peter],
Linear One-Sided Stability of MAT for Weakly Injective Domain,
JMIV(17), No. 3, November 2002, pp. 237-247.
DOI Link 0211
One-Sided Stability of MAT and Its Applications,
PDF File. 0209

Shen, W.[Wei], Bai, X.[Xiang], Hu, R.[Rong], Wang, H.Y.[Hong-Yuan], Latecki, L.J.[Longin Jan],
Skeleton growing and pruning with bending potential ratio,
PR(44), No. 2, February 2011, pp. 196-209.
Elsevier DOI 1011
Skeleton; Skeleton pruning; Skeleton growing; Bending potential ratio BibRef

Coeurjolly, D.[David],
Fast and accurate approximation of digital shape thickness distribution in arbitrary dimension,
CVIU(116), No. 12, December 2012, pp. 1159-1167.
Elsevier DOI 1210
Thickness computation; Shape analysis; Digital geometry local thickness -- largest ballt that fits. BibRef

Kustra, J.[Jacek], Jalba, A.[Andrei], Telea, A.[Alexandru],
Computing refined skeletal features from medial point clouds,
PRL(76), No. 1, 2016, pp. 13-21.
Elsevier DOI 1605
Feature extraction BibRef

de Stefano, C.[Claudio], Frucci, M.[Maria],
Spatial Relations among Pattern Subsets as a Guide for Skeleton Pruning,
VF01(155 ff.).
Springer DOI 0209

Glantz, R.[Roland], Kropatsch, W.G.[Walter G.],
Skeletons in the Framework of Graph Pyramids,
VF01(186 ff.).
Springer DOI 0209

Tam, R., Heidrich, W.,
Feature-Preserving Medial Axis Noise Removal,
ECCV02(II: 672 ff.).
Springer DOI 0205

Lam, L., Suen, C.Y.,
Automatic Evaluation of Skeleton Shapes,
IEEE DOI BibRef 9200

Chapter on 2-D Feature Analysis, Extraction and Representations, Shape, Skeletons, Texture continues in
Axial Descriptions .

Last update:Nov 26, 2024 at 16:40:19