CVIU( Vol No. )
* *Computer Vision and Image Understanding
* Assessing the contribution of color in visual attention
* Attending to visual motion
* Bimodal Laser-Based Attention System, A
* Detecting and removing specularities in facial images
* Distance transforms for three-dimensional grids with non-cubic voxels
* Distinguishing paintings from photographs
* emergence of attention by population-based inference and its role in distributed processing and cognitive control of vision, The
* Evaluation of selective attention under similarity transformations
* Extraction, matching, and pose recovery based on dominant rectangular structures
* Finger surface as a biometric identifier
* influence of perceptual grouping on motion detection, The
* Segmentation of tissue boundary evolution from brain MR image sequences using multi-phase level sets
* Selective Attention for Identification Model: Simulating visual neglect
* Selective perception policies for guiding sensing and computation in multimodal systems: A comparative analysis
* Selective visual attention enables learning and recognition of multiple objects in cluttered scenes
* Structure-from-motion using lines: Representation, triangulation, and bundle adjustment
* Target tracking with distributed sensors: The focus of attention problem
* Task oriented facial behavior recognition with selective sensing
18 for CVIU(100)
* column-space approach to projective reconstruction, A
* Fitting conics to paracatadioptric projections of lines
* Generalized scale: Theory, algorithms, and application to image inhomogeneity correction
* Joint registration and averaging of multiple 3D anatomical surface models
* Multiregion competition: A level set extension of region competition to multiple region image partitioning
* paintbrush laser range scanner, A
* Sequential mean field variational analysis of structured deformable shapes
* Simultaneous estimation of super-resolved depth map and intensity field using photometric cue
* Stereo and motion correspondences using nonlinear optimization method
* survey of approaches and challenges in 3D and multi-modal 3D-2D face recognition, A
* Tracking based motion segmentation under relaxed statistical assumptions
* Tracking soccer players aiming their kinematical motion analysis
* Vectorial scale-based fuzzy-connected image segmentation
13 for CVIU(101)
* Automatic measurement of industrial sheetmetal parts with CAD data and non-metric image sequence
* Automatic selection of edge detector parameters based on spatial and statistical measures
* Color image segmentation by analysis of subset connectedness and color homogeneity properties
* Combining self-organizing neural nets with multivariate statistics for efficient color image retrieval
* Form representions and means for landmarks: A survey and comparative study
* Hierarchical shadow detection for color aerial images
* High security Iris verification system based on random secret integration
* Homeostatic image perception: An artificial system
* How effective are landmarks and their geometry for face recognition?
* multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments, A
* multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments, A
* Multispectral image data fusion using POCS and super-resolution
* new shape descriptor defined on the Radon transform, A
* object detection and recognition system for weld bead extraction from digital radiographs, An
* Parametric model-based motion segmentation using surface selection criterion
* Performance evaluation of corner detectors using consistency and accuracy measures
* Self-calibration from turn-table sequences in presence of zoom and focus
* Simultaneous tracking of multiple body parts of interacting persons
* Testing new variants of the Beckmann-Kirchhoff model against radiance data
* Texture recognition from sparsely and irregularly sampled data
* Topological properties of closed digital spaces: One method of constructing digital models of closed continuous surfaces by using covers
* Unsupervised scene analysis: A hidden Markov model approach
22 for CVIU(102)
* Accuracy of the straight line Hough Transform: The non-voting approach
* Acquiring Height Data from a Single Image of a Face Using Local Shape Indicators
* Automated camera layout to satisfy task-specific and floor plan-specific coverage requirements
* Boundary Matting for View Synthesis
* Conditional models for contextual human motion recognition
* Finding and identifying unknown commercials using repeated video sequence detection
* Free viewpoint action recognition using motion history volumes
* general method for human activity recognition in video, A
* generic structure-from-motion framework, A
* Geometry and construction of straight lines in log-polar images
* Graph image language techniques supporting radiological, hand image interpretations
* Human body pose detection using Bayesian spatio-temporal templates
* Integrating multiple levels of zoom to enable activity analysis
* Joint optical flow estimation, segmentation, and 3D interpretation with level sets
* Learning-based dynamic coupling of discrete and continuous trackers
* Markerless tracking of complex human motions from multiple views
* Matching actions in presence of camera motion
* Matching scale-space features in 1D panoramas
* Modeling people: Vision-based understanding of a person's shape, appearance, movement, and behaviour
* Natural color image enhancement and evaluation algorithm based on human visual system
* Pan-tilt-zoom camera calibration and high-resolution mosaic generation
* representation and matching of categorical shape, The
* Robust target detection and tracking through integration of motion, color, and geometry
* Special issue: Omnidirectional vision and camera networks
* survey of advances in vision-based human motion capture and analysis, A
* symmetric convexity measure, A
* Temporal motion models for monocular and multiview 3D human body tracking
* unifying geometric representation for central projection systems, A
* Viewpoint invariant exemplar-based 3D human tracking
29 for CVIU(103)
* Edge affinity for pose-contour matching
* Face recognition subject to variations in facial expression, illumination and pose using correlation filters
* Non-parametric and light-field deformable models
* On robustness and localization accuracy of optical flow computation for underwater color images
* Optimal instantaneous rigid motion estimation insensitive to local minima
* Visual motion pattern extraction and fusion for collision detection in complex dynamic scenes
* Camera calibration and light source orientation from solar shadows
* Efficient Search and Verification for Function Based Classification from Real Range Images
* Face detection in gray scale images using locally linear embeddings
* Generalized optical flow in the scale space
* Locating object contours in complex background using improved snakes
* method of reactive zoom control from uncertainty in tracking, A
* Multi-view face and eye detection using discriminant features
* optical navigation sensor for micro aerial vehicles, An
* random sampling strategy for piecewise planar scene segmentation, A
* Robot-vision architecture for real-time 6-DOF object localization
* Robust model-based scene interpretation by multilayered context information
* Shape from silhouette outlines using an adaptive dandelion model
* Topological analysis of shapes using Morse theory
* Towards direct recovery of shape and motion parameters from image sequences
* variational approach to blending based on warping for non-overlapped images, A
* Visual terrain mapping for Mars exploration
* volumetric fusion technique for surface reconstruction from silhouettes and range data, A
17 for CVIU(105)
* Advances in vision algorithms and systems beyond the visible spectrum
* Background Estimation under Rapid Gain Change in Thermal Imagery
* Background-subtraction using contour-based fusion of thermal and visible imagery
* Bayesian Stereo Matching
* Coalitional tracking
* Dynamic quantization for belief propagation in sparse spaces
* Generative model based vision
* improved likelihood model for eye tracking, An
* Interpretation of complex scenes using dynamic tree-structure Bayesian networks
* Large deformation diffeomorphisms with application to optic flow
* Laser-based detection and tracking of multiple people in crowds
* Learning Generative Visual Models from Few Training Examples: An Incremental Bayesian Approach Tested on 101 Object Categories
* Multi-spectral and multi-perspective video arrays for driver body tracking and activity analysis
* Mutual information based registration of multimodal stereo videos for person tracking
* Nonlinear Manifold Learning for Dynamic Shape and Dynamic Appearance
* On the computational rationale for generative models
* Optical flow based super-resolution: A probabilistic approach
* Pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared imagery using shape and appearance
* Pedestrian detection by means of far-infrared stereo vision
* Precise acquisition and unsupervised segmentation of multi-spectral images
* Primal sketch: Integrating structure and texture
* Smart particle filtering for high-dimensional tracking
* Texture enhanced appearance models
* Traffic monitoring with spaceborne SAR: Theory, simulations, and experiments
* Visual learning of texture descriptors for facial expression recognition in thermal imagery
25 for CVIU(106)
* Automated colour grading using colour distribution transfer
* Color image histogram equalization by absolute discounting back-off
* Color image processing
* Color text extraction with selective metric-based clustering
* comparison of Gaussian and mean curvature estimation methods on triangular meshes of range image data, A
* fast algorithm for ICP-based 3D shape biometrics, A
* Fuzzy vector partition filtering technique for color image restoration
* Graph regularization for color image processing
* Intelligent LIDAR scanning region selection for satellite pose estimation
* Iterative relative fuzzy connectedness for multiple objects with multiple seeds
* joint demosaicking-zooming scheme for single chip digital color cameras, A
* Morphological colour operators in totally ordered lattices based on distances: Application to image filtering, enhancement and analysis
* new steganographic method for color and grayscale image hiding, A
* Object segmentation using graph cuts based active contours
* Practical implementation of LMMSE demosaicing using luminance and chrominance spaces
* Quaternion color texture segmentation
* Spatial and spectral quaternionic approaches for colour images
17 for CVIU(107)
* Combining Object and Feature Dynamics in Probabilistic Tracking
* Computer-based system for the virtual-endoscopic guidance of bronchoscopy
* Coordinating interactive vision behaviors for cognitive assistance
* decentralized probabilistic approach to articulated body tracking, A
* Face as Mouse Through Visual Face Tracking
* Incorporating Non-motion Cues into 3D Motion Segmentation
* Interacting with human physiology
* Local velocity-adapted motion events for spatio-temporal recognition
* MAP ZDF segmentation and tracking using active stereo vision: Hand tracking case study
* Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction: A Survey
* Objective evaluation of approaches of skin detection using ROC analysis
* real-time hand tracker using variable-length Markov models of behaviour, A
* Robust real-time vision for a personal service robot
* Segregation of Moving Objects Using Elastic Matching
* Special issue on spatial coherence for visual motion analysis
* Special issue on vision for human-computer interaction
* Static topographic modeling for facial expression recognition and analysis
* Viewpoint Invariant Sign Language Recognition
* Vision-based hand pose estimation: A review
* Vision-based motion estimation for interaction with mobile devices
20 for CVIU(108)
* Automatic scene structure and camera motion using a catadioptric system
* Dense height map estimation from oblique aerial image sequences
* differential geometric approach to representing the human actions, A
* feature-based metric for the quantitative evaluation of pixel-level image fusion, A
* fractal-based relaxation algorithm for shape from terrain image, A
* Global parametric image alignment via high-order approximation
* Image compression: Maxshift ROI encoding options in JPEG2000
* Independent increment processes for human motion recognition
* Model-based analysis of Chinese calligraphy images
* Modeling inter-camera space-time and appearance relationships for tracking across non-overlapping views
* multilevel automatic thresholding method based on a genetic algorithm for a fast image segmentation, A
* Multimodal person authentication using speech, face and visual speech
* Numerical methods for shape-from-shading: A new survey with benchmarks
* Performance characterization in computer vision: A guide to best practices
* Real-time 3-D human body tracking using learnt models of behaviour
* Reducing drift in differential tracking
* Robust information clustering incorporating spatial information for breast mass detection in digitized mammograms
* Shape matching and registration by data-driven EM
* Topological Model for 3D Image Representation: Definition and Incremental Extraction Algorithm
* two-component rectilinearity measure, A
* Vision based data fusion for autonomous vehicles target tracking using interacting multiple dynamic models
21 for CVIU(109)
* Accurate and precise 2D-3D registration based on X-ray intensity
* Anytime similarity measures for faster alignment
* Automatic skin decomposition based on single image
* Combining Visual Dictionary, Kernel-Based Similarity and Learning Strategy for Image Category Retrieval
* Content based video matching using spatiotemporal volumes
* Estimating pedestrian counts in groups
* evaluation of area morphology scale-spaces for colour images, An
* Image segmentation evaluation: A survey of unsupervised methods
* Image Understanding for Iris Biometrics: A survey
* Incremental Discovery of Object Parts in Video Sequences
* Indexing through Laplacian spectra
* Isolating impulsive noise pixels in color images by peer group techniques
* Learning function-based object classification from 3D imagery
* Locally adaptive subspace and similarity metric learning for visual data clustering and retrieval
* Measuring novelty and redundancy with multiple modalities in cross-lingual broadcast news
* Multi-Scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences
* Narrow directional steerable filters in motion estimation
* Qualitative similarity measures: The case of two-dimensional outlines
* Registration of combined range-intensity scans: Initialization through verification
* Similarity Matching in Computer Vision and Multimedia
* similarity-based leaf image retrieval scheme: Joining shape and venation features, A
* Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF)
* Strategies for shape matching using skeletons
* Trajectory fusion for three-dimensional volume reconstruction
* Two-Stage Optimal Component Analysis
* Unsupervised segmentation of natural images via lossy data compression
* Visual Hull of Piecewise Smooth Objects, The
* Visual learning and recognition of sequential data manifolds with applications to human movement analysis
28 for CVIU(110)
* 2D Image-based reconstruction of shape deformation of biological structures using a level-set representation
* adaptive window mechanism for image smoothing, An
* Audiovisual integration with Segment Models for tennis video parsing
* Content-based image retrieval with the normalized information distance
* Epiflow: A paradigm for tracking stereo correspondences
* Facial feature extraction using complex dual-tree wavelet transform
* Fusion of the complementary Discrete Cosine Features in the YIQ color space for face recognition
* HECOL: Homography and epipolar-based consistent labeling for outdoor park surveillance
* Identification and sizing of the entirely visible rocks from a 3D surface data segmentation of laboratory rock piles
* Improving long range and high magnification face recognition: Database acquisition, evaluation, and enhancement
* Incremental and adaptive abnormal behaviour detection
* Incremental, scalable tracking of objects inter camera
* Model-based human shape reconstruction from multiple views
* Object recognition and segmentation in videos by connecting heterogeneous visual features
* object-based comparative methodology for motion detection based on the F-Measure, An
* On geometric variational models for inpainting surface holes
* Physics-based elastic registration using non-radial basis functions and including landmark localization uncertainties
* Reliable face recognition using adaptive and robust correlation filters
* Retrieving multiple light sources in the presence of specular reflections and texture
* Special issue on Intelligent Visual Surveillance
* Teacher-directed learning in view-independent face recognition with mixture of experts using overlapping eigenspaces
* Two-dimensional BRDF estimation from polarisation
* Understanding human interactions with track and body synergies (TBS) captured from multiple views
* Using specularities in comparing 3D models and 2D images
24 for CVIU(111)
* Adaptive image retrieval based on the spatial organization of colors
* Canonical subsets of image features
* Change detection using a statistical model in an optimally selected color space
* computer vision model for visual-object-based attention and eye movements, A
* Corner validation based on extracted corner properties
* Discrete optimization in computer vision
* Distinctive Similarity Measure for stereo matching under point ambiguity
* Efficient belief propagation for higher-order cliques using linear constraint nodes
* Efficient MRF Deformation Model for Non-Rigid Image Matching
* Exploring and exploiting the structure of saddle points in Gaussian scale space
* Fast PDE approach to surface reconstruction from large cloud of points
* Focal length and registration correction for building panorama from photographs
* general shape context framework for object identification, A
* ICA-based neighborhood preserving analysis for face recognition
* Image registration based on kernel-predictability
* Image segmentation algorithm development using ground truth image data sets
* Improved spectral relaxation methods for binary quadratic optimization problems
* Limited view CT reconstruction and segmentation via constrained metric labeling
* Measuring uncertainty in graph cut solutions
* Optimising dynamic graphical models for video content analysis
* Performance vs computational efficiency for optimizing single and dynamic MRFs: Setting the state of the art with primal-dual strategies
* Recovering epipolar direction from two affine views of a planar object
* Robust object tracking with background-weighted local kernels
* Shape from inconsistent silhouette
* Stereo vision using two PTZ cameras
* Superpipelined high-performance optical-flow computation architecture
* Topology cuts: A novel min-cut/max-flow algorithm for topology preserving segmentation in N-D images
* Using multi-instance enrollment to improve performance of 3D face recognition
28 for CVIU(112)
* 3D reconstruction of a femoral shape using a parametric model and two 2D fluoroscopic images
* Accurate appearance-based Bayesian tracking for maneuvering targets
* Accurately estimating reflectance parameters for color and gloss reproduction
* Approximate Bayesian methods for kernel-based object tracking
* Attention-from-motion: A factorization approach for detecting attention objects in motion
* Automatic camera calibration of broadcast tennis video with applications to 3D virtual content insertion and ball detection and tracking
* Ball route estimation under heavy occlusion in broadcast soccer video
* Camera calibration based on arbitrary parallelograms
* Classification of silhouettes using contour fragments
* Closed-world tracking of multiple interacting targets for indoor-sports applications
* comparative study of two state-of-the-art sequence processing techniques for hand gesture recognition, A
* Computer vision based analysis in sport environments
* Correction of Color Information of a 3D Model Using a Range Intensity Image
* Coupled grouping and matching for sign and gesture recognition
* Detecting Motion Patterns via Direction Maps with Application to Surveillance
* Detection and segmentation of moving objects in complex scenes
* Difference sphere: An approach to near light source estimation
* Discrete optimization in computer vision
* Discriminative optical flow tensor for video semantic analysis
* Dynamic edge tracing: Boundary identification in medical images
* Dynamic shape outlier detection for human locomotion
* Estimating 3D shape from degenerate sequences with missing data
* Estimating parameters of noncentral catadioptric systems using bundle adjustment
* Eye localization in low and standard definition content with application to face matching
* Factors that influence algorithm performance in the Face Recognition Grand Challenge
* Fast analysis of scalable video for adaptive browsing interfaces
* fast and automatic stereotactic registration with a single CT-slice, A
* Fast curvilinear structure extraction and delineation using density estimation
* fast estimation method for the generalized Gaussian mixture distribution on complex images, A
* Fast nonparametric belief propagation for real-time stereo articulated body tracking
* feature analysis for dimension reduction based on a data generation model with class factors and environment factors, A
* framework for flexible summarization of racquet sports video using multiple modalities, A
* FReBIR: An image retrieval system based on fuzzy region matching
* Generalized least squares-based parametric motion estimation
* generative model for graph matching and embedding, A
* Hand-based verification and identification using palm-finger segmentation and fusion
* Human motion recognition using support vector machines
* Illumination robust interest point detection
* Image description with features that summarize
* Integrated detection and tracking of multiple faces using particle filtering and optical flow-based elastic matching
* Integrated vision system for the semantic interpretation of activities where a person handles objects
* Intensity standardization simplifies brain MR image segmentation
* Introduction to computer vision and image understanding the special issue on video analysis
* Is there a best color space for color image characterization or representation based on Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Model?
* iterative multi-scale tensor voting scheme for perceptual grouping of natural shapes in cluttered backgrounds, An
* Laser range scanner based on self-calibration techniques using coplanarities and metric constraints
* Learning to generate novel views of objects for class recognition
* Linguistic summarization of video for fall detection using voxel person and fuzzy logic
* Local feature extraction and matching on range images: 2.5D SIFT
* Log-polar height maps for multiple range image registration
* Manifold models for signals and images
* mapping and localization framework for scalable appearance-based navigation, A
* Mean field approach for tracking similar objects
* methodology for rapid illumination-invariant face recognition using image processing filters, A
* Minutiae-based template synthesis and matching for fingerprint authentication
* Morphological multiscale decomposition of connected regions with emphasis on cell clusters
* Mosaicing of camera-captured document images
* Motion estimation, segmentation and separation, using hypercomplex phase correlation, clustering techniques and graph-based optimization
* motion observable representation using color correlogram and its applications to tracking, A
* Narrow band region-based active contours and surfaces for 2D and 3D segmentation
* new energy-based method for 3D motion estimation of incompressible PIV flows, A
* Object localisation using the Generative Template of Features
* Object separation by polarimetric and spectral imagery fusion
* Object tracking using SIFT features and mean shift
* Omnidirectional edge detection
* Optical-flow based on an edge-avoidance procedure
* Partition-distance methods for assessing spatial segmentations of images and videos
* Performance evaluation of local colour invariants
* pose-wise linear illumination manifold model for face recognition using video, A
* Probabilistic fusion-based parameter estimation for visual tracking
* Pupil dilation degrades iris biometric performance
* Real-time joint disparity and disparity flow estimation on programmable graphics hardware
* Recovering ball motion from a single motion-blurred image
* Representing images of a rotating object with cyclic permutation for view-based pose estimation
* Resolution analysis for Gradient Direction Matching of object model edges to overhead images
* Robust feature point matching by preserving local geometric consistency
* Scene modeling and change detection in dynamic scenes: A subspace approach
* Search strategies for shape regularized active contour
* Semi-supervised kernel density estimation for video annotation
* sequential Bayesian approach to color constancy using non-uniform filters, A
* Shape-from-recognition: Recognition enables meta-data transfer
* Spatio-temporal constraints for on-line 3D object recognition in videos
* Special issue on 3D representation for object and scene recognition
* Special issue on new advances in 3D imaging and modeling
* Stabilizing 3D modeling with geometric constraints propagation
* Surface reconstruction from point clouds by transforming the medial scaffold
* Surround structured lighting: 3-D scanning with orthographic illumination
* Target tracking with incomplete detection
* Tracking the soccer ball using multiple fixed cameras
* trajectory-based analysis of coordinated team activity in a basketball game, A
* triangulation tensor, The
* Unsupervised and simultaneous training of multiple object detectors from unlabeled surveillance video
* Unsupervised multiphase segmentation: A recursive approach
* Unsupervised view and rate invariant clustering of video sequences
* Vessel enhancement filter using directional filter bank
* Video retrieval based on object discovery
* Video synchronization from human motion using rank constraints
* visual system for real time detection of goal events during soccer matches, A
* Visual word proximity and linguistics for semantic video indexing and near-duplicate retrieval
99 for CVIU(113)
* 2D-3D-based on-board pedestrian detection system
* 3-D motion estimation by integrating visual cues in 2-D multi-modal opti-acoustic stereo sequences
* 3-D Search engine based on Fourier series, A
* 3D face reconstructions from photometric stereo using near infrared and visible light
* Accelerated hardware video object segmentation: From foreground detection to connected components labelling
* Accurate hardware-based stereo vision
* Action categorization by structural probabilistic latent semantic analysis
* AdaBoost-based face detection for embedded systems
* Adapting indexing trees to data distribution in feature spaces
* Adaptive online camera coordination for multi-camera multi-target surveillance
* Adaptive shadow estimator for removing shadow of moving object
* Affinity functions in fuzzy connectedness based image segmentation I: Equivalence of affinities
* Affinity functions in fuzzy connectedness based image segmentation II: Defining and recognizing truly novel affinities
* Automated assessment of breast tissue density in digital mammograms
* Automated handwashing assistance for persons with dementia using video and a partially observable Markov decision process
* automatic calibration method for stereo-based 3D distributed smart camera networks, An
* biologically-inspired vision architecture for resource-constrained intelligent vehicles, A
* Camera calibration and geo-location estimation from two shadow trajectories
* Camera handoff and placement for automated tracking systems with multiple omnidirectional cameras
* Cascade of descriptors to detect and track objects across any network of cameras
* Coarse-to-fine surface reconstruction from silhouettes and range data using mesh deformation
* compact harmonic code for early vision based on anisotropic frequency channels, A
* Comparing and combining lighting insensitive approaches for face recognition
* Comparing compact codebooks for visual categorization
* content based image retrieval system for a biological specimen collection, A
* Content-based retrieval of logo and trademarks in unconstrained color image databases using Color Edge Gradient Co-occurrence Histograms
* Context based object categorization: A critical survey
* Contour based object detection using part bundles
* Degradation of iris recognition performance due to non-cosmetic prescription contact lenses
* Design and implementation of embedded computer vision systems based on particle filters
* Detecting Object Boundaries Using Low-, Mid-, and High-level Information
* Detection of the non-topology preservation of Ma and Sonka's algorithm, by the use of P-simple points
* Discrete camera calibration from pixel streams
* Dynamic visual attention on the sphere
* Efficient Generic Calibration Method for General Cameras with Single Centre of Projection
* efficient, chromatic clustering-based background model for embedded vision platforms, An
* Estimation of the Epipole using Optical Flow at Antipodal Points
* Euclidean Structure from Confocal Conics: Theory and Application to Camera Calibration
* Exploiting distinctive visual landmark maps in pan-tilt-zoom camera networks
* Fast and robust numerical solutions to minimal problems for cameras with radial distortion
* fast stereo matching algorithm suitable for embedded real-time systems, A
* framework for visual-context-aware object detection in still images, A
* Free form shape registration using the barrier method
* Fusing bio-inspired vision data for simplified high level scene interpretation: Application to face motion analysis
* Fuzzy color histogram-based video segmentation
* Generalizing edge detection to contour detection for image segmentation
* Generic self-calibration of central cameras
* GPS coordinates estimation and camera calibration from solar shadows
* hemispherical imaging camera, A
* Highly optimized implementation of OpenCV for the Cell Broadband Engine
* Histogram similarity measure using variable bin size distance
* Horizon matching for localizing unordered panoramic images
* Illumination-robust variational optical flow using cross-correlation
* Image processing using 3-state cellular automata
* Image restoration based on the fast marching method and block based sampling
* Improved 3D reconstruction in smart-room environments using ToF imaging
* Invariant texture classification for biomedical cell specimens via non-linear polar map filtering
* Joint radiometric calibration and feature tracking system with an application to stereo
* Kinematic self retargeting: A framework for human pose estimation
* Learning automatic concept detectors from online video
* Leveraging cost matrix structure for hardware implementation of stereo disparity computation using dynamic programming
* Light-weight salient foreground detection for embedded smart cameras
* Low-resolution color-based visual tracking with state-space model identification
* Mean Shift tracking with multiple reference color histograms
* modified model for the Lobula Giant Movement Detector and its FPGA implementation, A
* Motion estimation by decoupling rotation and translation in catadioptric vision
* Multi-view face segmentation using fusion of statistical shape and appearance models
* Multi-view scans alignment for 3D spherical mosaicing in large-scale unstructured environments
* Multiple objects tracking in the presence of long-term occlusions
* Non-Gaussian model-based fusion of noisy images in the wavelet domain
* Omnidirectional texturing based on robust 3D registration through Euclidean reconstruction from two spherical images
* On implementing motion-based Region of Interest detection on multi-core CELL
* On the sensitivity analysis of camera calibration from images of spheres
* Online adaptive radial basis function networks for robust object tracking
* Online visual tracking with histograms and articulating blocks
* optimization on pictogram identification for the road-sign recognition task using SVMs, An
* parallel histogram-based particle filter for object tracking on SIMD-based smart cameras, A
* Parasite detection and identification for automated thin blood film malaria diagnosis
* Performance evaluation of an intelligent video surveillance system: A case study
* Personalized production of basketball videos from multi-sensored data under limited display resolution
* Photometric stereo with an arbitrary number of illuminants
* Pose estimation from multiple cameras based on Sylvester's equation
* Pose-insensitive nose detection in TOF-scans
* Probabilistic structure matching for visual SLAM with a multi-camera rig
* Progressive randomization: Seeing the unseen
* quadratic programming based cluster correspondence projection algorithm for fast point matching, A
* Range segmentation of large building exteriors: A hierarchical robust approach
* real-time versatile roadway path extraction and tracking on an FPGA platform, A
* segmented and annotated IAPR TC-12 benchmark, The
* Shading constraint improves accuracy of time-of-flight measurements
* Shape recognition based on Kernel-edit distance
* Special issue on embedded vision
* Special issue on image and video retrieval evaluation
* Special issue on intelligent vision systems
* Special Issue on Multi-Camera and Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion
* Special issue on omnidirectional vision, camera networks and non-conventional cameras
* Special issue on Time-of-Flight camera based computer vision
* Spherical approximation for multiple cameras in motion estimation: Its applicability and advantages
* Study of parameterizations for the rigid body transformations of the scan registration problem
* Subspace methods for retrieval of general 3D models
* Successively alternate least square for low-rank matrix factorization with bounded missing data
* Synergistic arc-weight estimation for interactive image segmentation using graphs
* task-driven intelligent workspace system to provide guidance feedback, A
* Time-of-Flight sensor calibration for accurate range sensing
* Towards correct and informative evaluation methodology for texture classification under varying viewpoint and illumination
* Tutor-based learning of visual categories using different levels of supervision
* Unsupervised colour image segmentation using dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Using Human Visual System modeling for bio-inspired low level image processing
* Using shorelines for autonomous air vehicle guidance
* variational approach to monocular hand-pose estimation, A
* Video shot boundary detection: Seven years of TRECVid activity
* video-based door monitoring system using local appearance-based face models, A
* View-invariant gesture recognition using 3D optical flow and harmonic motion context
* Vision and RFID data fusion for tracking people in crowds by a mobile robot
* Visual search for an object in a 3D environment using a mobile robot
* Wireless smart camera network for real-time human 3D pose reconstruction
116 for CVIU(114)
* 2.5D Elastic graph matching
* 3D Human model adaptation by frame selection and shape-texture optimization
* 3D human pose recovery from image by efficient visual feature selection
* 3D Scene interpretation by combining probability theory and logic: The tower of knowledge
* 6DOF entropy minimization SLAM for stereo-based wearable devices
* Accurate hardware-based stereo vision
* Action recognition with appearance-motion features and fast search trees
* Adaptive learning of multi-subspace for foreground detection under illumination changes
* Advanced Radon transform using generalized interpolated Fourier method for straight line detection
* Algebraic error analysis of collinear feature points for camera parameter estimation
* Analysis and evaluation of a general camera model
* Anomalous video event detection using spatiotemporal context
* Aurora image segmentation by combining patch and texture thresholding
* Automatic face interpretation using fast 3D illumination-based AAM models
* Automatic registration and fast volume reconstruction from serial histology sections
* Bayesian discounting of camera parameter uncertainty for optimal 3D reconstruction from images
* Behaviour of SFM algorithms with erroneous calibration
* Bone graphs: Medial shape parsing and abstraction
* Boosting part-sense multi-feature learners toward effective object detection
* Bootstrap optical flow confidence and uncertainty measure
* Color texture image segmentation based on neutrosophic set and wavelet transformation
* Combinatorial Preconditioners and Multilevel Solvers for Problems in Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Combined feature evaluation for adaptive visual object tracking
* Combined Segmentation and Registration Framework with a Nonlinear Elasticity Smoother, A
* comparative study of object-level spatial context techniques for semantic image analysis, A
* comparative study of state-of-the-art evolutionary image registration methods for 3D modeling, A
* Comparing two sets of corresponding six degree of freedom data
* Composite splitting algorithms for convex optimization
* Content aware video manipulation
* Corrigendum to Narrow band region-based active contours and surfaces for 2D and 3D segmentation
* Deformable probability maps: Probabilistic shape and appearance-based object segmentation
* Detecting anomalies in people's trajectories using spectral graph analysis
* Diffusion maps as a framework for shape modeling
* Dimensionality reduction using a Gaussian Process Annealed Particle Filter for tracking and classification of articulated body motions
* Disparity map refinement and 3D surface smoothing via Directed Anisotropic Diffusion
* Display-camera calibration using eye reflections and geometry constraints
* Dynamic soft encoded patterns for facial event analysis
* Edge-preserving color image denoising through tensor voting
* Efficient Many-to-Many Feature Matching under the L1 Norm
* energy-based model for region-labeling, An
* experimental study of four variants of pose clustering from dense range data, An
* Exploiting local dependencies with spatial-scale space (S-Cube) for near-duplicate retrieval
* Fast human detection from joint appearance and foreground feature subset covariances
* Fast multiple-view L2 triangulation with occlusion handling
* framework for comparing different image segmentation methods and its use in studying equivalences between level set and fuzzy connectedness frameworks, A
* framework for intrinsic image processing on surfaces, A
* Generating fuzzy edge images from gradient magnitudes
* generic framework for median graph computation based on a recursive embedding approach, A
* Genetically identical irises have texture similarity that is not detected by iris biometrics
* Global optimization for estimating a multiple-lobe analytical BRDF
* Global-Local transformation for noise resistant shape representation, The
* GPU-friendly multi-view stereo reconstruction using surfel representation and graph cuts
* Graph attribute embedding via Riemannian submersion learning
* Graph quantization
* Graph theory based segmentation of traced boundary into open and closed sub-sections
* Graph-based markerless registration of city maps using geometric hashing
* Graph-based quadratic optimization: A fast evolutionary approach
* Grouping/degrouping point process, a point process driven by geometrical and topological properties of a partition in regions
* Hierarchical Kalman-particle filter with adaptation to motion changes for object tracking
* Human motion capture using scalable body models
* hybrid approach for MRF optimization problems: Combination of stochastic sampling and deterministic algorithms, A
* Integration of bottom-up/top-down approaches for 2D pose estimation using probabilistic Gaussian modelling
* Invariant Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators Using Irregular Graph Pyramids
* Iris recognition based on elastic graph matching and Gabor wavelets
* Iris recognition by fusing different representations of multi-scale Taylor expansion
* JPEG2000 ROI coding through component priority for digital mammography
* Kernel feature selection to fuse multi-spectral MRI images for brain tumor segmentation
* Learning a nonlinear distance metric for supervised region-merging image segmentation
* Learning graph prototypes for shape recognition
* Learning invariant structure for object identification by using graph methods
* Learning spatio-temporal dependency of local patches for complex motion segmentation
* Local binary patterns for multi-view facial expression recognition
* Local shape descriptor selection for object recognition in range data
* M-estimator for high breakdown robust estimation in computer vision, An
* Markerless reconstruction and synthesis of dynamic facial expressions
* Markov random field based phase demodulation of interferometric images
* Markov surfaces: A probabilistic framework for user-assisted three-dimensional image segmentation
* Matching 2D and 3D articulated shapes using the eccentricity transform
* Measuring 3D shape similarity by graph-based matching of the medial scaffolds
* Metric reconstruction of planes utilizing off-the-plane features
* Modeling spatial and semantic cues for large-scale near-duplicated image retrieval
* Models and algorithms for computing the common labelling of a set of attributed graphs
* Multi-camera active surveillance of an articulated human form: An implementation strategy
* Multifactor feature extraction for human movement recognition
* Multiscale illumination normalization for face recognition using dual-tree complex wavelet transform in logarithm domain
* Nearest-Neighbor based Metric Functions for indoor scene recognition
* new pose-based representation for recognizing actions from multiple cameras, A
* Object categorization using bone graphs
* On affine registration of planar point sets using complex numbers
* On guided model-based analysis for ear biometrics
* Online loop closure for real-time interactive 3D scanning
* Optical flow estimation from multichannel spherical image decomposition
* Optical signal processing with illumination-encoded filters
* Optimal-flow minimum-cost correspondence assignment in particle flow tracking
* Optimization of local shape and appearance probabilities for segmentation of knee cartilage in 3-D MR images
* Parallel and distributed vision algorithms using dual decomposition
* Parametric models of linear prediction error distribution for color texture and satellite image segmentation
* Particle filter-based visual tracking with a first order dynamic model and uncertainty adaptation
* Planar shape representation and matching under projective transformation
* Polynomial algorithms for subisomorphism of nD open combinatorial maps
* Pose-invariant face recognition by matching on multi-resolution MRFs linked by supercoupling transform
* Real-time adaptive obstacle detection based on an image database
* Region-based tampering detection and recovery using homogeneity analysis in quality-sensitive imaging
* Reliable camera pose and calibration from a small set of point and line correspondences: A probabilistic approach
* Road tracking using particle filters with partition sampling and auxiliary variables
* Robust line detection using two-orthogonal direction image scanning
* Robust real-time multi-user pupil detection and tracking under various illumination and large-scale head motion
* Robust sequence alignment for actor-object interaction recognition: Discovering actor-object states
* Robustly registering range images using local distribution of albedo
* Sampled medial loci for 3D shape representation
* Segmentation of objects in a detection window by Nonparametric Inhomogeneous CRFs
* semi-interactive panorama based 3D reconstruction framework for indoor scenes, A
* Shape reconstruction and texture sampling by active rectification and virtual view synthesis
* Shape-based image segmentation through photometric stereo
* Silhouette-based gesture and action recognition via modeling trajectories on Riemannian shape manifolds
* Single and sparse view 3D reconstruction by learning shape priors
* Single viewpoint model completion of symmetric objects for digital inspection
* Special issue on 3D imaging and modelling
* Special issue on feature-oriented image and video computing for extracting contexts and semantics
* Special issue on Graph-Based Representations in Computer Vision
* Special issue on Optimization for vision, graphics and medical imaging: Theory and applications
* Stochastic approximation for background modelling
* Stochastic global optimization for robust point set registration
* Summarizing tourist destinations by mining user-generated travelogues and photos
* Survey of Vision-Based Methods for Action Representation, Segmentation and Recognition, A
* Tensor-based locally maximum margin classifier for image and video classification
* Toward automated evaluation of interactive segmentation
* Towards a more discriminative and semantic visual vocabulary
* Tracking by means of geodesic region models applied to multidimensional and complex medical images
* unified context assessing model for object categorization, A
* Unscented feature tracking
* Unsupervised learning of background modeling parameters in multicamera systems
* Unsupervised texture-based image segmentation through pattern discovery
* Visual object-action recognition: Inferring object affordances from human demonstration
* wearable gaze tracking system for children in unconstrained environments, A
* Wide-area augmented reality using camera tracking and mapping in multiple regions
136 for CVIU(115)
* 3D reconstruction of cultural heritages: Challenges and advances on precise mesh integration
* Action recognition via bio-inspired features: The richness of center-surround interaction
* active geometric shape model: A new robust deformable shape model and its applications, The
* Adaptive colour constancy algorithm using discrete wavelet transform
* adaptive sample count particle filter, An
* ADR shape descriptor: Distance between shape centroids versus shape diameter
* Algorithms for computing the maximum weight region decomposable into elementary shapes
* Aperture access and manipulation for computational imaging
* Backtracking: Retrospective multi-target tracking
* Bayesian filter based behavior recognition in workflows allowing for user feedback
* Brain tissue MR-image segmentation via optimum-path forest clustering
* Building semantic scene models from unconstrained video
* Calibration of omnidirectional cameras in practice: A comparison of methods
* Class consistent k-means: Application to face and action recognition
* Cognitive visual tracking and camera control
* Collective-reward based approach for detection of semi-transparent objects in single images
* Combining algorithms for automatic detection of optic disc and macula in fundus images
* Commute time guided transformation for feature extraction
* Composed complex-cue histograms: An investigation of the information content in receptive field based image descriptors for object recognition
* Discovering hierarchical object models from captioned images
* distance measure between labeled combinatorial maps, A
* Efficient multi-camera vehicle detection, tracking, and identification in a tunnel surveillance application
* Estimating pose of articulated objects using low-level motion
* Evaluating a color-based active basis model for object recognition
* Evolutionary Hough Games for coherent object detection
* Fast and accurate approximation of digital shape thickness distribution in arbitrary dimension
* Fragments based tracking with adaptive cue integration
* Fusing color and shape descriptors in the recognition of degraded iris images acquired at visible wavelengths
* Fuzzy spatial constraints and ranked partitioned sampling approach for multiple object tracking
* Gaussian process motion graph models for smooth transitions among multiple actions
* Higher-order SVD analysis for crowd density estimation
* Human attributes from 3D pose tracking
* IFTrace: Video segmentation of deformable objects using the Image Foresting Transform
* Images as sets of locally weighted features
* Improved feature extraction and matching in urban environments based on 3D viewpoint normalization
* Improving sub-pixel accuracy for long range stereo
* Improving sub-pixel correspondence through upsampling
* Improving the robustness of variational optical flow through tensor voting
* Incorporating multiple distance spaces in optimum-path forest classification to improve feedback-based learning
* Integrating local action elements for action analysis
* Intrinsic nonlinear multiscale image decomposition: A 2D empirical mode decomposition-like tool
* iterative integrated framework for thermal-visible image registration, sensor fusion, and people tracking for video surveillance applications, An
* large margin framework for single camera offline tracking with hybrid cues, A
* Large-scale, dense city reconstruction from user-contributed photos
* Learning semantic features for action recognition via diffusion maps
* local spectral distribution approach to face recognition, A
* Loveparade 2010: Automatic video analysis of a crowd disaster
* Low-dimensional and comprehensive color texture description
* MDS-based segmentation model for the fusion of contour and texture cues in natural images
* model for the qualitative description of images based on visual and spatial features, A
* Modeling and prediction of driver behavior by foot gesture analysis
* Multi-scale and real-time non-parametric approach for anomaly detection and localization
* Multi-View Human Movement Recognition Based on Fuzzy Distances and Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Multiple people tracking and pose estimation with occlusion estimation
* new graph matching method for point-set correspondence using the EM algorithm and Softassign, A
* Non-rigid 3D shape tracking from multiview video
* novel framework for motion segmentation and tracking by clustering incomplete trajectories, A
* Object recognition using discriminative parts
* Optimal pixel aspect ratio for enhanced 3D TV visualization
* Pose robust face tracking by combining view-based AAMs and temporal filters
* Probabilistic cost model for nearest neighbor search in image retrieval
* Range map superresolution-inpainting, and reconstruction from sparse data
* Reconstructing and analyzing periodic human motion from stationary monocular views
* Reference consistent reconstruction of 3D cloth surface
* review and evaluation of methods estimating ego-motion, A
* Robust Moving Object Detection Against Fast Illumination Change
* robust multi-scale integration method to obtain the depth from gradient maps, A
* Robust pose invariant face recognition using coupled latent space discriminant analysis
* Scale-space texture description on SIFT-like textons
* Selective spatio-temporal interest points
* Self-calibration of hybrid central catadioptric and perspective cameras
* Self-calibration of wireless cameras with restricted degrees of freedom
* Semantic Understanding of Human Behaviors in Image Sequences: From video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics
* semantic-based probabilistic approach for real-time video event recognition, A
* Semi-supervised facial landmark annotation
* Sequential model-based segmentation and recognition of image structures driven by visual features and spatial relations
* simple boundary extraction technique for irregular pupil localization with orthogonal polynomials, A
* sparse curvature-based detector of affine invariant blobs, A
* Spatiotemporal analysis of human activities for biometric authentication
* Special issue on Virtual Representations and Modeling of Large-scale environments (VRML)
* Stereo matching using weighted dynamic programming on a single-direction four-connected tree
* study on local photometric models and their application to robust tracking, A
* Surface reflectance and normal estimation from photometric stereo
* suspicious behaviour detection using a context space model for smart surveillance systems, A
* systematic approach for 2D-image to 3D-range registration in urban environments, A
* Tensor scale: An analytic approach with efficient computation and applications
* Translational photometric alignment of single-view image sequences
* Two dimensional synthetic face generation and verification using set estimation technique
* Visual motion ambiguities of a plane in 2-D FS sonar motion sequences
* Visual synonyms for landmark image retrieval
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* 2D/3D image registration using regression learning
* 3D anatomical shape atlas construction using mesh quality preserved deformable models
* 50 Years of object recognition: Directions forward
* Adaptive Census Transform: A novel hardware-oriented stereovision algorithm
* Adaptive diffusion flow active contours for image segmentation
* adaptive spatial information-theoretic fuzzy clustering algorithm for image segmentation, An
* Adjustable linear models for optic flow based obstacle avoidance
* Alternative search techniques for face detection using location estimation and binary features
* Approximate partitioning of 2D objects into orthogonally convex components
* Attention Selection Using Global Topological Properties Based on Pulse Coupled Neural Network
* AVCD-FRA: A novel solution to automatic video cut detection using fuzzy-rule-based approach
* Biologically inspired task oriented gist model for scene classification
* Calibration of mirror position and extrinsic parameters in axial non-central catadioptric systems
* Camera and light calibration from reflections on a sphere
* coarse-to-fine IP-driven registration for pose estimation from single ultrasound image, A
* Color texture analysis using CFA chromatic co-occurrence matrices
* Combinatorial structure of rigid transformations in 2D digital images
* combined multi-scale/irregular algorithm for the vectorization of noisy digital contours, A
* Comparison of mid-level feature coding approaches and pooling strategies in visual concept detection
* Conciliating syntactic and semantic constraints for multi-phase and multi-channel region segmentation
* Continuous rotation invariant local descriptors for texton dictionary-based texture classification
* Cooperative estimation of human motion and surfaces using multiview videos
* Cooperative passers-by tracking with a mobile robot and external cameras
* decomposition theorem for homogeneous sets with respect to diamond probes, A
* Detecting end-effectors on 2.5D data using geometric deformable models: Application to human pose estimation
* Determining shape and motion from non-overlapping multi-camera rig: A direct approach using normal flows
* Dynamic angle selection in binary tomography
* Dynamic texture segmentation based on deterministic partially self-avoiding walks
* Effective elliptic fitting for iris normalization
* Efficient and accurate face detection using heterogeneous feature descriptors and feature selection
* Efficient image signatures and similarities using tensor products of local descriptors
* Elastic shapes models for improving segmentation of object boundaries in synthetic aperture sonar images
* EM-GPA: Generalized Procrustes analysis with hidden variables for 3D shape modeling
* Enhanced representation and multi-task learning for image annotation
* Face recognition in low resolution thermal images
* Feature extraction using two-dimensional neighborhood margin and variation embedding
* Feature-domain super-resolution for iris recognition
* Finite asymmetric generalized Gaussian mixture models learning for infrared object detection
* Flexible calibration of structured-light systems projecting point patterns
* Free-form image registration regularized by a statistical shape model: application to organ segmentation in cervical MR
* Fuzzy-rough feature selection aided support vector machines for Mars image classification
* Gait recognition based on shape and motion analysis of silhouette contours
* GC-ASM: Synergistic integration of graph-cut and active shape model strategies for medical image segmentation
* Generative face alignment through 2.5D active appearance models
* Geodesic voting for the automatic extraction of tree structures. Methods and applications
* Global structure constrained local shape prior estimation for medical image segmentation
* Graph cut segmentation with a statistical shape model in cardiac MRI
* Head direction estimation from low resolution images with scene adaptation
* Hierarchical Multi-Channel Hidden Semi Markov Graphical Models for Activity Recognition
* Hierarchical segmentation and identification of thoracic vertebra using learning-based edge detection and coarse-to-fine deformable model
* Hough-based tracking of non-rigid objects
* Human eyebrow recognition in the matching-recognizing framework
* Information-theoretic selection of high-dimensional spectral features for structural recognition
* Interactive object modelling based on piecewise planar surface patches
* Invariant representation of facial expressions for blended expression recognition on unknown subjects
* Iris image reconstruction from binary templates: An efficient probabilistic approach based on genetic algorithms
* Joint estimation of segmentation and structure from motion
* Junction assisted 3D pose retrieval of untextured 3D models in monocular images
* Large scale continuous visual event recognition using max-margin Hough transformation framework
* Learning and parsing video events with goal and intent prediction
* learning framework for the optimization and automation of document binarization methods, A
* LSS-based registration of stereo thermal-visible videos of multiple people using belief propagation, A
* Manifold surface reconstruction of an environment from sparse Structure-from-Motion data
* Markov Random Field modeling, inference & learning in computer vision & image understanding: A survey
* Mathematical morphology on hypergraphs, application to similarity and positive kernel
* Mean shift based gradient vector flow for image segmentation
* meshSIFT: Local surface features for 3D face recognition under expression variations and partial data
* Minimal-delay distance transform for neighborhood-sequence distances in 2D and 3D
* minimum barrier distance, The
* Modeling dynamic swarms
* Modeling multi-object interactions using string of feature graphs
* Morphological filtering on graphs
* Multi-agent stochastic level set method in image segmentation
* Multi-object reconstruction from dynamic scenes: An object-centered approach
* Multi-resolutive sparse approximations of d-dimensional data
* Multi-spectral dataset and its application in saliency detection
* Multi-target tracking on confidence maps: An application to people tracking
* Multimodal recognition of visual concepts using histograms of textual concepts and selective weighted late fusion scheme
* multimodal temporal panorama approach for moving vehicle detection, reconstruction and classification, A
* Multiphase segmentation using an implicit dual shape prior: Application to detection of left ventricle in cardiac MRI
* multiple object geometric deformable model for image segmentation, A
* novel background subtraction method based on color invariants, A
* Object detection, shape recovery, and 3D modelling by depth-encoded hough voting
* Occlusion cues for image scene layering
* Occlusion filling in stereo: Theory and experiments
* on-line, real-time learning method for detecting anomalies in videos using spatio-temporal compositions, An
* optimisation approach to the recovery of reflection parameters from a single hyperspectral image, An
* Particle filters and occlusion handling for rigid 2D-3D pose tracking
* performance evaluation of gradient field HOG descriptor for sketch based image retrieval, A
* Personal driving diary: Automated recognition of driving events from first-person videos
* Pooling in image representation: The visual codeword point of view
* Presmoothing effects in Artificial Color image segmentation
* real time algorithm for people tracking using contextual reasoning, A
* Recursive computation of minimum-length polygons
* Recursive non-rigid structure from motion with online learned shape prior
* Regional appearance modeling based on the clustering of intensity profiles
* Ricci flow-based spherical parameterization and surface registration
* Robust image retrieval with hidden classes
* Robust measurement of individual localized changes to the aging hippocampus
* Secrets of adaptive support weight techniques for local stereo matching
* Segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac cine MRI using a shape-constrained snake model
* Segmentation-based tracking by support fusion
* Sensitivity analysis for biometric systems: A methodology based on orthogonal experiment designs
* simultaneous sample-and-filter strategy for robust multi-structure model fitting, A
* Simultaneous segmentation of prostatic zones using Active Appearance Models with multiple coupled levelsets
* spatio-temporal pyramid matching for video retrieval, A
* Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Special issue on Shape Modeling in Medical Image Analysis
* Special issue on visual concept detection in the MIRFLICKR/ImageCLEF benchmark
* Special Section in Celebration of Professor J.K. Aggarwal
* Special section on Advances in Machine Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum (BVS)
* Statistical analysis of manual segmentations of structures in medical images
* Statistical shape model for manifold regularization: Gleason grading of prostate histology
* Structure preserving non-negative matrix factorization for dimensionality reduction
* survey of shaped-based registration and segmentation techniques for cardiac images, A
* survey of video datasets for human action and activity recognition, A
* Symmetry-driven accumulation of local features for human characterization and re-identification
* Text extraction from scene images by character appearance and structure modeling
* Topological maps and robust hierarchical Euclidean skeletons in cubical complexes
* Track based relevance feedback for tracing persons in surveillance videos
* Tracking hand rotation and various grasping gestures from an IR camera using extended cylindrical manifold embedding
* Tracking in object action space
* Tracking with a mixed continuous-discrete Conditional Random Field
* TRASMIL: A local anomaly detection framework based on trajectory segmentation and multi-instance learning
* Tumor growth parameters estimation and source localization from a unique time point: Application to low-grade gliomas
* Unbiased extraction of lines with parabolic and Gaussian profiles
* Understanding leaves in natural images: A model-based approach for tree species identification
* Unified Dictionary Learning and Region Tagging with Hierarchical Sparse Representation
* unified tree-based framework for joint action localization, recognition and segmentation, A
* Using objective ground-truth labels created by multiple annotators for improved video classification: A comparative study
* View invariant action recognition using weighted fundamental ratios
* Window annealing for pixel-labeling problems
132 for CVIU(117)
* Adaptive estimation of visual smoke detection parameters based on spatial data and fire risk index
* Automatic extraction of relevant video shots of specific actions exploiting Web data
* Bayesian perspective for the registration of multiple 3D views
* ChESS: Quick and robust detection of chess-board features
* Coarse-to-fine skeleton extraction for high resolution 3D meshes
* Combining histogram-wise and pixel-wise matchings for kernel tracking through constrained optimization
* Detecting, segmenting and tracking unknown objects using multi-label MRF inference
* Efficient keyframe-based real-time camera tracking
* Face recognition for web-scale datasets
* Joint view-identity manifold for infrared target tracking and recognition
* Multiview Hessian discriminative sparse coding for image annotation
* Object tracking using learned feature manifolds
* ObjectPatchNet: Towards scalable and semantic image annotation and retrieval
* Social-oriented visual image search
* Spatio-temporal weighting in local patches for direct estimation of camera motion in video stabilization
* Special section on learning from multiple evidences for large scale multimedia analysis
* Tag-Saliency: Combining bottom-up and top-down information for saliency detection
* visualization framework for team sports captured using multiple static cameras, A
18 for CVIU(118)
* Co-trained generative and discriminative trackers with cascade particle filter
* comparison of methods for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval, A
* Comparison of multi-label graph cuts method and Monte Carlo simulation with block-spin transformation for the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah segmentation model
* Facial expression recognition based on anatomy
* Matching mixtures of curves for human action recognition
* method for the evaluation of projective geometric consistency in weakly calibrated stereo with application to point matching, A
* Orthogonal locally discriminant spline embedding for plant leaf recognition
* Take your eyes off the ball: Improving ball-tracking by focusing on team play
8 for CVIU(119)
* Boosting masked dominant orientation templates for efficient object detection
* Efficient and robust multi-template tracking using multi-start interactive hybrid search
* Efficient semantic image segmentation with multi-class ranking prior
* Exploiting projective geometry for view-invariant monocular human motion analysis in man-made environments
* Macrofeature layout selection for pedestrian localization and its acceleration using GPU
* new descriptor resistant to affine transformation and monotonic intensity change, A
* Persistent tracking of static scene features using geometry
* Random walks in directed hypergraphs and application to semi-supervised image segmentation
* Real-time facial shape recovery from a single image under general, unknown lighting by rank relaxation
* TouchCut: Fast image and video segmentation using single-touch interaction
* Towards large-scale geometry indexing by feature selection
* Visual estimation of pointed targets for robot guidance via fusion of face pose and hand orientation
12 for CVIU(120)
* Automatic detection of calibration grids in time-of-flight images
* Classification of hepatic lesions using the matching metric
* Comparing shapes through multi-scale approximations of the matching distance
* Estimating scene flow using an interconnected patch surface model with belief-propagation inference
* Identifying the writer of ancient inscriptions and Byzantine codices. A novel approach
* Soft label based Linear Discriminant Analysis for image recognition and retrieval
* Special section on computational topology in image context
* Surface embedding narrow volume reconstruction from unorganized points
* Suspension models for testing shape similarity methods
* Topological evaluation of volume reconstructions by voxel carving
* Topological modifications and hierarchical representation of cell complexes in arbitrary dimensions
* Towards topological analysis of high-dimensional feature spaces
12 for CVIU(121)
* 3dSOBS+ algorithm for moving object detection, The
* Biologically-inspired robust motion segmentation using mutual information
* comprehensive review of background subtraction algorithms evaluated with synthetic and real videos, A
* Conic epipolar constraints from affine correspondences
* Exploiting relationship between attributes for improved face verification
* Object detection based on spatiotemporal background models
* On the use of supervised features for unsupervised image categorization: An evaluation
* performance evaluation of statistical tests for edge detection in textured images, A
* Recursive head reconstruction from multi-view video sequences
* Robust PCA via Principal Component Pursuit: A review for a comparative evaluation in video surveillance
* self-adaptive Gaussian mixture model, A
* Semantic video scene segmentation and transfer
* SnooperText: A text detection system for automatic indexing of urban scenes
* Special section on background models comparison
* texton-based kernel density estimation approach for background modeling under extreme conditions, A
* Unsupervised edge map scoring: A statistical complexity approach
16 for CVIU(122)
* Action recognition using global spatio-temporal features derived from sparse representations
* Efficient algorithm for finding the exact minimum barrier distance
* Image classification by non-negative sparse coding, correlation constrained low-rank and sparse decomposition
* Robust obstacle detection based on a novel disparity calculation method and G-disparity
* View invariant action recognition using projective depth
* Collaborative error reduction for hierarchical classification
* Cross-modal domain adaptation for text-based regularization of image semantics in image retrieval systems
* Efficient dictionary learning for visual categorization
* Fast and accurate near-duplicate image search with affinity propagation on the ImageWeb
* FSpH: Fitted spectral hashing for efficient similarity search
* GLocal tells you more: Coupling GLocal structural for feature selection with sparsity for image and video classification
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on large scale multimedia semantic indexing
* Image tag completion via dual-view linear sparse reconstructions
* Image tag refinement by regularized latent Dirichlet allocation
* Projective Matrix Factorization with unified embedding for social image tagging
* Recommendations for recognizing video events by concept vocabularies
* Semi-supervised multi-graph hashing for scalable similarity search
* Statistical quantization for similarity search
13 for CVIU(124)
* 3D to 2D bijection for spherical objects under equidistant fisheye projection
* Active subclustering
* Capturing relative motion and finding modes for action recognition in the wild
* Computer analysis of face beauty: A survey
* Fast and globally convex multiphase active contours for brain MRI segmentation
* Hybrid structural and texture distinctiveness vector field convolution for region segmentation
* integrated neuromimetic architecture for direct motion interpretation in the log-polar domain, An
* Monocular template-based 3D surface reconstruction: Convex inextensible and nonconvex isometric methods
* Multiview feature distributions for object detection and continuous pose estimation
* On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
* Online domain-shift learning and object tracking based on nonlinear dynamic models and particle filters on Riemannian manifolds
* Optimal illumination directions for faces and rough surfaces for single and multiple light imaging using class-specific prior knowledge
* Quadra-Embedding: Binary Code Embedding with Low Quantization Error
* Rao-Blackwellized particle filtering with Gaussian mixture models for robust visual tracking
* Sampson distance based joint estimation of multiple homographies with uncalibrated cameras
* SHOT: Unique signatures of histograms for surface and texture description
* Stereo reconstruction using high-order likelihoods
* Unsupervised visual hull extraction in space, time and light domains
* Using image segmentation for evaluating 3D statistical shape models built with groupwise correspondence optimization
* Visual object tracking using spatial Context Information and Global tracking skills
20 for CVIU(125)
* Fully automatic segmentation of AP pelvis X-rays via random forest regression with efficient feature selection and hierarchical sparse shape composition
* Gait recognition by fluctuations
* Radial distortion invariants and lens evaluation under a single-optical-axis omnidirectional camera
* reconstructed residual error: A novel segmentation evaluation measure for reconstructed images in tomography, The
* Scale recovery in multicamera cluster SLAM with non-overlapping fields of view
* Unitary torus model for conical mirror based catadioptric system
* Background subtraction for the moving camera: A geometric approach
* Estimation of human body shape and posture under clothing
* Evaluation of video activity localizations integrating quality and quantity measurements
* HTS and HTSn: New shape descriptors based on Hough transform statistics
* Tracking object poses in the context of robust body pose estimates
* Zeta-image, illuminant estimation, and specularity manipulation, The
* Exploiting local linear geometric structure for identifying correct matches
* Joint multi-person detection and tracking from overlapping cameras
* Refinement of human silhouette segmentation in omni-directional indoor videos
* Review of statistical shape spaces for 3D data with comparative analysis for human faces
* Slice representation of range data for head pose estimation
* statistical feature based approach to distinguish PRCG from photographs, A
* Augmenting analytic SFM filters with frame-to-frame features
* From skeleton branches to object parts
* Local and global uncertainty in binary tomographic reconstruction
* Multigrid convergent principal curvature estimators in digital geometry
* On the family of shortest isothetic paths in a digital object: An algorithm with applications
* Online action recognition using covariance of shape and motion
* Scale filtered Euclidean medial axis and its hierarchy
* SDART: An algorithm for discrete tomography from noisy projections
8 for CVIU(129)
* Covariance estimation for minimal geometry solvers via scaled unscented transformation
* evaluation of crowd counting methods, features and regression models, An
* graph based approach to hierarchical image over-segmentation, A
* Improving label fusion in multi-atlas based segmentation by locally combining atlas selection and performance estimation
* New Gradient-Spatial-Structural Features for video script identification
* new method to analyse mosaics based on Symmetry Group theory applied to Islamic Geometric Patterns, A
* 3D faces in motion: Fully automatic registration and statistical analysis
* comparison of 3D shape retrieval methods based on a large-scale benchmark supporting multimodal queries, A
* Discovering salient regions on 3D photo-textured maps: Crowdsourcing interaction data from multitouch smartphones and tablets
* Gesture recognition corpora and tools: A scripted ground truthing method
* Hierarchical Bayesian models for unsupervised scene understanding
* interactive tool for manual, semi-automatic and automatic video annotation, An
* Nonparametric label propagation using mutual local similarity in nearest neighbors
* Semantically-driven automatic creation of training sets for object recognition
* Temporal validation of Particle Filters for video tracking
9 for CVIU(131)
* 3-D object modeling from 2-D occluding contour correspondences by opti-acoustic stereo imaging
* Continuous rotation invariant features for gradient-based texture classification
* Efficient tracking of human poses using a manifold hierarchy
* Image super-resolution via 2D tensor regression learning
* Large margin learning of hierarchical semantic similarity for image classification
* Matching-constrained active contours with affine-invariant shape prior
* Mathematical morphology on hypergraphs, application to similarity and positive kernel
* On performance limits of image segmentation algorithms
* Spatial histograms of soft pairwise similar patches to improve the bag-of-visual-words model
9 for CVIU(132)
* Connected image processing with multivariate attributes: An unsupervised Markovian classification approach
* Evidence theory for high dynamic range reconstruction with linear digital cameras
* Features for stochastic approximation based foreground detection
* Focus-aided scene segmentation
* framework for estimating relative depth in video, A
* Geometric leaf classification
* Post-processing approaches for improving people detection performance
* Real time non-rigid 3D surface tracking using particle filter
8 for CVIU(133)
* Analysis-by-synthesis: Pedestrian tracking with crowd simulation models in a multi-camera video network
* Cross-calibration of time-of-flight and colour cameras
* Dynamic task decomposition for decentralized object tracking in complex scenes
* Editorial introduction to the special issue on 'Image Understanding for Real-World Distributed Video Networks': Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal
* Efficient modeling of visual saliency based on local sparse representation and the use of hamming distance
* GOLD: Gaussians of Local Descriptors for image representation
* Non-myopic information theoretic sensor management of a single pan-tilt-zoom camera for multiple object detection and tracking
* On surveillance for safety critical events: In-vehicle video networks for predictive driver assistance systems
* Optical flow modeling and computation: A survey
* Scene shape estimation from multiple partly cloudy days
* Tracking multiple interacting targets in a camera network
11 for CVIU(134)
* Adaptive stereo similarity fusion using confidence measures
* Combine color and shape in real-time detection of texture-less objects
* comprehensive overview of methodologies and performance evaluation frameworks in 3D mesh segmentation, A
* Convergence analysis of multidimensional parametric deformable models
* Discriminative key-component models for interaction detection and recognition
* Kernel regression in mixed feature spaces for spatio-temporal saliency detection
* Learning ramp transformation for single image super-resolution
* Metric corrections of the affine camera
* Two dimensional hashing for visual tracking
* Visual landmark recognition from Internet photo collections: A large-scale evaluation
10 for CVIU(135)
* Background modeling for generative image models
* Discriminative structured dictionary learning with hierarchical group sparsity
* Editorial introduction to the CVIU special issue on 'Generative models in computer vision and medical imaging'
* Fast convergence of regularised Region-based Mixture of Gaussians for dynamic background modelling
* From circle to 3-sphere: Head pose estimation by instance parameterization
* generative restricted Boltzmann machine based method for high-dimensional motion data modeling, A
* Hierarchical temporal graphical model for head pose estimation and subsequent attribute classification in real-world videos
* Identifying multiple objects from their appearance in inaccurate detections
* informed sampler: A discriminative approach to Bayesian inference in generative computer vision models, The
* Learning representative and discriminative image representation by deep appearance and spatial coding
* Multiple-concept feature generative models for multi-label image classification
* simulation based method for vehicle motion prediction, A
* Visual Topic Network: Building better image representations for images in social media
13 for CVIU(136)
* Collaborative part-based tracking using salient local predictors
* Free-hand sketch recognition by multi-kernel feature learning
* Head detection using motion features and multi level pyramid architecture
* Identifying visual attributes for object recognition from text and taxonomy
* On rendering synthetic images for training an object detector
* On the effectiveness of soft biometrics for increasing face verification rates
* Phase correlation with sub-pixel accuracy: A comparative study in 1D and 2D
* Practical and accurate calibration of RGB-D cameras using spheres
* Selection of optimized features and weights on face-iris fusion using distance images
* Three-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction from Slice Data Using Phase-Field Models
10 for CVIU(137)
* Adding discriminative power to a generative hierarchical compositional model using histograms of compositions
* Bundle adjustment using aerial images with two-stage geometric verification
* Efficient height measurements in single images based on the detection of vanishing points
* Factorized appearances for object detection
* High order structural image decomposition by using non-linear and non-convex regularizing objectives
* Improving scene attribute recognition using web-scale object detectors
* Introduction to the CVIU special issue on 'Parts and Attributes: Mid-level representation for object recognition, scene classification and object detection'
* Part level transfer regularization for enhancing exemplar SVMs
* Reweighted sparse subspace clustering
* statistical method for line segment detection, A
* survey on face detection in the wild: Past, present and future, A
11 for CVIU(138)
* *Editorial of Special Issue on Shape Representations Meet Visual Recognition
* Accurate eye localization in the Short Waved Infrared Spectrum through summation range filters
* Block world reconstruction from spherical stereo image pairs
* Factorization of view-object manifolds for joint object recognition and pose estimation
* Histogram of 3D Facets: A depth descriptor for human action and hand gesture recognition
* Kinect range sensing: Structured-light versus Time-of-Flight Kinect
* Landmark localization on 3D/4D range data using a shape index-based statistical shape model with global and local constraints
* Light field distortion feature for transparent object classification
* Local binary patterns on triangular meshes: Concept and applications
* Location recognition over large time lags
* Part-based deformable object detection with a single sketch
* Semi-supervised learning and feature evaluation for RGB-D object recognition
* Sparsity-Driven Bandwidth-Efficient Decentralized Tracking in Visual Sensor Networks
13 for CVIU(139)
* Adaptive facial point detection and emotion recognition for a humanoid robot
* Color constancy by combining low-mid-high level image cues
* data-driven approach for tag refinement and localization in web videos, A
* efficient multimodal 2D + 3D feature-based approach to automatic facial expression recognition, An
* Hierarchical structure-and-motion recovery from uncalibrated images
* Incremental learning to segment micrographs
* Recognizing complex instrumental activities of daily living using scene information and fuzzy logic
* Rotation and translation covariant match kernels for image retrieval
* Spectral gradient fields embedding for nonrigid shape matching
* Uncertainty analysis of the DLT-Lines calibration algorithm for cameras with radial distortion
* Visual tracking using spatially weighted likelihood of Gaussian mixtures
* Weakly supervised motion segmentation with particle matching
12 for CVIU(140)
* Computational caricaturization of surfaces
* Continuous sign language recognition: Towards large vocabulary statistical recognition systems handling multiple signers
* Discriminative part model for visual recognition
* framework for live and cross platform fingerspelling recognition using modified shape matrix variants on depth silhouettes, A
* Human-computer interaction based on visual hand-gesture recognition using volumetric spatiograms of local binary patterns
* MODS: Fast and robust method for two-view matching
* Object motion analysis description in stereo video content
* Optimizing the decomposition for multiple foreground cosegmentation
* Real-time pose estimation of rigid objects in heavily cluttered environments
* Recent methods and databases in vision-based hand gesture recognition: A review
* robust non-rigid point set registration method based on asymmetric gaussian representation, A
* Structured forests for pixel-level hand detection and hand part labelling
12 for CVIU(141)
* Consensus of multiple correspondences between sets of elements
* Covariance based point cloud descriptors for object detection and recognition
* efficient feature descriptor based on synthetic basis functions and uniqueness matching strategy, An
* Fixed-point Gaussian Mixture Model for analysis-friendly surveillance video coding
* Image segmentation via multi-scale stochastic regional texture appearance models
* Interdigital palm region for biometric identification
* Local Higher-Order Statistics (LHS) describing images with statistics of local non-binarized pixel patterns
* Localizing scene texts by fuzzy inference systems and low rank matrix recovery model
* Semantic super-resolution: When and where is it useful?
* Statistical 3D face shape estimation from occluding contours
10 for CVIU(142)
* Detecting conversational groups in images and sequences: A robust game-theoretic approach
* Fisher Kernel Temporal Variation-based Relevance Feedback for video retrieval
* Global optimization for coupled detection and data association in multiple object tracking
* Higher order maximum persistency and comparison theorems
* Higher-order segmentation via multicuts
* Inference and Learning of Graphical Models: Theory and Applications in Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* Lazy Generic Cuts
* Learnable high-order MGRF models for contrast-invariant texture recognition
* Learning object-specific DAGs for multi-label material recognition
* Learning weighted part models for object tracking
* novel double-layer sparse representation approach for unsupervised dictionary learning, A
* Oriented boundary graph: An efficient structuring model for segmentation of 3D images
* Primary object discovery and segmentation in videos via graph-based transductive inference
* Scene parsing by nonparametric label transfer of content-adaptive windows
* Sequential Interval Network for parsing complex structured activity
* Texture Modelling with Nested High-Order Markov-Gibbs Random Fields
16 for CVIU(143)
* Action recognition by using kernels on aclets sequences
* Activity detection using Sequential Statistical Boundary Detection (SSBD)
* Affective interaction recognition using spatio-temporal features and context
* Efficient multi-target tracking via discovering dense subgraphs
* Evidential event inference in transport video surveillance
* From pose to activity: Surveying datasets and introducing CONVERSE
* Hierarchical transfer learning for online recognition of compound actions
* Incremental learning of human activity models from videos
* Learning hierarchical 3D kernel descriptors for RGB-D action recognition
* Localizing activity groups in videos
* Multi-modal human aggression detection
* On detecting the playing/non-playing activity of musicians in symphonic music videos
* Online real-time crowd behavior detection in video sequences
* People re-identification across non-overlapping cameras using group features
* PSTG-based multi-label optimization for multi-target tracking
* Recognising occluded multi-view actions using local nearest neighbour embedding
* RIMOC, a feature to discriminate unstructured motions: Application to violence detection for video-surveillance
* scalable and flexible framework for smart video surveillance, A
* Spatio-temporal texture modelling for real-time crowd anomaly detection
* Special Issue on Individual and Group Activities in Video Event Analysis
* Temporal mapping of surveillance video for indexing and summarization
21 for CVIU(144)
* Aggregation of local parametric candidates with exemplar-based occlusion handling for optical flow
* bioinformatics approach to 2D shape classification, A
* CURL: Image Classification using co-training and Unsupervised Representation Learning
* dense subgraph based algorithm for compact salient image region detection, A
* Enhancing energy minimization framework for scene text recognition with top-down cues
* Height from photometric ratio with model-based light source selection
* Illumination invariant optical flow using neighborhood descriptors
* Invariant multi-scale descriptor for shape representation, matching and retrieval
* Light Field Special Issue Editorial
* Robust depth estimation for light field via spinning parallelogram operator
* Scene parsing using graph matching on street-view data
* Simple change detection from mobile light field cameras
* Stepwise calibration of focused plenoptic cameras
* Tensor low-rank and sparse light field photography
* Triangulation and metric of lines based on geometric error
15 for CVIU(145)
* 12th Asian conference on computer vision
* COROLA: A sequential solution to moving object detection using low-rank approximation
* Cosegmentation of multiple image groups
* Hybrid macro-micro visual analysis for city-scale state estimation
* Randomized low-rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition for motion detection
* Semantic video labeling by developmental visual agents
* Separation of Reflection Components by Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Stereo fusion: Combining refractive and binocular disparity
* Subsampling-based acceleration of simple linear iterative clustering for superpixel segmentation
9 for CVIU(146)
* Capturing global spatial patterns for distinguishing posed and spontaneous expressions
* Crowdsourcing facial expressions for affective-interaction
* Does 'lie to me' lie to you? An evaluation of facial clues to high-stakes deception
* Editorial of special issue on spontaneous facial behaviour analysis
* Enhancement of dynamic depth scenes by upsampling for precise super-resolution (UP-SR)
* Learning prototypes and similes on Grassmann manifold for spontaneous expression recognition
* Multi-modal emotion analysis from facial expressions and electroencephalogram
* Multiview Distance Metric Learning on facial feature descriptors for automatic pain intensity detection
* Rejection based multipath reconstruction for background estimation in video sequences with stationary objects
* Spontaneous Facial Behaviour Analysis
* Spontaneous micro-expression spotting via geometric deformation modeling
* variance-based Bayesian framework for improving Land-Cover classification through wide-area learning from large geographic regions, A
12 for CVIU(147)
* Characterizing everyday activities from visual lifelogs based on enhancing concept representation
* comparative study of pose representation and dynamics modelling for online motion quality assessment, A
* Expressive visual text-to-speech as an assistive technology for individuals with autism spectrum conditions
* Eye blink detection based on motion vectors analysis
* Geodesic pixel neighborhoods for 2D and 3D scene understanding
* Human fall detection in videos via boosting and fusing statistical features of appearance, shape and motion dynamics on Riemannian manifolds with applications to assisted living
* Improving posture classification accuracy for depth sensor-based human activity monitoring in smart environments
* Lip event detection using oriented histograms of regional optical flow and low rank affinity pursuit
* novel 2D/3D database with automatic face annotation for head tracking and pose estimation, A
* Purely vision-based segmentation of web pages for assistive technology
* Robust traffic lights detection on mobile devices for pedestrians with visual impairment
* Spatio-Temporal Hough Forest for efficient detection-localisation-recognition of fingerwriting in egocentric camera
* Special issue on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics: Part I
* supervised extreme learning committee for food recognition, A
* Toothbrush motion analysis to help children learn proper tooth brushing
* Wize Mirror: A smart, multisensory cardio-metabolic risk monitoring system
16 for CVIU(148)
* assistive haptic interface for appearance-based indoor navigation, An
* Enhanced control of a wheelchair-mounted robotic manipulator using 3-D vision and multimodal interaction
* Gender and gaze gesture recognition for human-computer interaction
* integrated artificial vision framework for assisting visually impaired users, An
* Interactive multiple object learning with scanty human supervision
* Localization and tracking in known large environments using portable real-time 3D sensors
* Model-based head pose-free gaze estimation for assistive communication
* Multi-face tracking by extended bag-of-tracklets in egocentric photo-streams
* multi-modal perception based assistive robotic system for the elderly, A
* Pedestrian lane detection in unstructured scenes for assistive navigation
* real-time Human-Robot Interaction system based on gestures for assistive scenarios, A
* RGB-D camera based wearable navigation system for the visually impaired
* Robust multi-dimensional motion features for first-person vision activity recognition
* Semantic labeling for prosthetic vision
* Special Issue on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics: Assistive Solutions for Mobility, Communication and HMI
* Vision-based adaptive assistance and haptic guidance for safe wheelchair corridor following
* You-Do, I-Learn: Egocentric unsupervised discovery of objects and their modes of interaction towards video-based guidance
17 for CVIU(149)
* Bag of visual words and fusion methods for action recognition: Comprehensive study and good practice
* Bio-inspired computer vision: Towards a synergistic approach of artificial and biological vision
* generalized graph reduction framework for interactive segmentation of large images, A
* Large scale Gaussian Process for overlap-based object proposal scoring
* Model effectiveness prediction and system adaptation for photometric stereo in murky water
* Multi-reference combinatorial strategy towards longer long-term dense motion estimation
* novel scheme based on local binary pattern for dynamic texture recognition, A
* occlusion-aware particle filter tracker to handle complex and persistent occlusions, An
* Online algorithms for factorization-based structure from motion
* Robust Bayesian non-parametric dictionary learning with heterogeneous Gaussian noise
10 for CVIU(150)
* 3D freehand ultrasound reconstruction using a piecewise smooth Markov random field
* Adaptive particle filtering for coronary artery segmentation from 3D CT angiograms
* Clinically inspired analysis of dermoscopy images using a generative model
* Combining multiple expert annotations using semi-supervised learning and graph cuts for medical image segmentation
* detection-driven and sparsity-constrained deformable model for fascia lata labeling and thigh inter-muscular adipose quantification, A
* Editorial on Special Issue on Probabilistic Models for Biomedical Image Analysis
* Entropy-based correspondence improvement of interpolated skeletal models
* Medical image modality classification using discrete Bayesian networks
* Modeling 4D pathological changes by leveraging normative models
* Modeling eye movement patterns to characterize perceptual skill in image-based diagnostic reasoning processes
* Non-parametric Bayesian models of response function in dynamic image sequences
* Probabilistic model for 3D interactive segmentation
* Variational inference for medical image segmentation
13 for CVIU(151)
* 3D Human pose estimation: A review of the literature and analysis of covariates
* Adaptive maintenance scheme for codebook-based dynamic background subtraction
* Application of Monte Carlo simulation with block-spin transformation based on the Mumford-Shah segmentation model to three-dimensional biomedical images
* Detection of stationary foreground objects: A survey
* Historical manuscript dating based on temporal pattern codebook
* Image segmentation using the level set and improved-variation smoothing
* Labeled dataset for integral evaluation of moving object detection algorithms: LASIESTA
* LBO-Shape densities: A unified framework for 2D and 3D shape classification on the hypersphere of wavelet densities
* mutual local-ternary-pattern based method for aligning differently exposed images, A
* No spare parts: Sharing part detectors for image categorization
* Online multi-object tracking by detection based on generative appearance models
* R3DG features: Relative 3D geometry-based skeletal representations for human action recognition
* Recovering hard-to-find object instances by sampling context-based object proposals
* Semi global boundary detection
* Video Classification via Weakly Supervised Sequence Modeling
15 for CVIU(152)
* Clustering based ensemble correlation tracking
* Convolutional neural net bagging for online visual tracking
* High-order framewise smoothness-constrained globally-optimal tracking
* Human running detection: Benchmark and baseline
* local-global coupled-layer puppet model for robust online human pose tracking, A
* Multi-object tracking via discriminative appearance modeling
* Object-guided motion estimation
* on-line variational Bayesian model for multi-person tracking from cluttered scenes, An
* Online adaptive hidden Markov model for multi-tracker fusion
* PICASO: PIxel correspondences and SOft match selection for real-time tracking
* Real-time 3D reconstruction of non-rigid shapes with a single moving camera
* Robust Object Tracking by Online Fisher Discrimination Boosting Feature Selection
* Special Issue on Visual Tracking
* Temporal dynamic appearance modeling for online multi-person tracking
* Tracking by switching state space models
* Visual object trapping
16 for CVIU(153)
* 3D-2D face recognition with pose and illumination normalization
* Combined segmentation, reconstruction, and tracking of multiple targets in multi-view video sequences
* Computer vision for assistive technologies
* Cross-view human action recognition from depth maps using spectral graph sequences
* Efficient guided hypothesis generation for multi-structure epipolar geometry estimation
* Left/right hand segmentation in egocentric videos
* Non-blind image deconvolution using a regularization based on re-blurring process
* Online Multi-Object Tracking via Robust Collaborative Model and Sample Selection
* Pair-wisely optimized clustering tree for feature indexing
* Recognising complex activities with histograms of relative tracklets
* Segmentation of clusters by template rotation expectation maximization
* Stairs detection with odometry-aided traversal from a wearable RGB-D camera
* support vector approach for cross-modal search of images and texts, A
* Unsupervised object region proposals for RGB-D indoor scenes
* Water detection through spatio-temporal invariant descriptors
15 for CVIU(154)
* Accurate vessel segmentation using maximum entropy incorporating line detection and phase-preserving denoising
* Dual soft assignment clustering algorithm for human action video clustering
* dynamic gesture recognition and prediction system using the convexity approach, A
* Frequency domain subpixel registration using HOG phase correlation
* Guided optimisation through classification and regression for hand pose estimation
* Human skin detection through correlation rules between the YCb and YCr subspaces based on dynamic color clustering
* new composite multi-constrained differential-radon warping approach for digital video affine motion stabilization, A
* new framework with multiple tasks for detecting and locating pain events in video, A
* Object co-segmentation via weakly supervised data fusion
* Removal of curtaining effects by a variational model with directional forward differences
* Simultaneous tumor segmentation, image restoration, and blur kernel estimation in PET using multiple regularizations
* Single image 3D human pose estimation using a procrustean normal distribution mixture model and model transformation
* SR-clustering: Semantic regularized clustering for egocentric photo streams segmentation
* THUMOS challenge on action recognition for videos 'in the wild', The
14 for CVIU(155)
* bag-of-words equivalent recurrent neural network for action recognition, A
* Boosting Hankel matrices for face emotion recognition and pain detection
* Continuous adaptation of multi-camera person identification models through sparse non-redundant representative selection
* Deep active object recognition by joint label and action prediction
* Detecting anomalous events in videos by learning deep representations of appearance and motion
* Efficient large-scale multi-class image classification by learning balanced trees
* Fast Action Retrieval from Videos via Feature Disaggregation
* Image and Video Understanding in Big Data
* Improved scene identification and object detection on egocentric vision of daily activities
* MEG: Texture operators for multi-expert gender classification
* Online supervised hashing
* Scalable greedy algorithms for transfer learning
* Social profiling through image understanding: Personality inference using convolutional neural networks
* Structured learning of metric ensembles with application to person re-identification
* Weak supervision for detecting object classes from activities
15 for CVIU(156)
* 6DOF decoupled roto-translation alignment of large-scale indoor point clouds
* ASIST: Automatic semantically invariant scene transformation
* Autocalibration for Structure from Motion
* Automatic large-scale three dimensional modeling using cooperative multiple robots
* Divide and Conquer: A Hierarchical Approach to Large-Scale Structure-from-Motion
* Efficient 3D scene abstraction using line segments
* Efficient architectural structural element decomposition
* Efficient edge-aware surface mesh reconstruction for urban scenes
* Efficient tree-structured SfM by RANSAC generalized Procrustes analysis
* Error-aware construction and rendering of multi-scan panoramas from massive point clouds
* Evaluations on multi-scale camera networks for precise and geo-accurate reconstructions from aerial and terrestrial images with user guidance
* Fine scale image registration in large-scale urban LIDAR point sets
* generalised framework for saliency-based point feature detection, A
* Indoor Manhattan spatial layout recovery from monocular videos via line matching
* Large scale and long standing simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation
* Large-scale outdoor 3D reconstruction on a mobile device
* Modeling large-scale indoor scenes with rigid fragments using RGB-D cameras
* Special Issue on Large-Scale 3D Modeling of Urban Indoor or Outdoor Scenes from Images and Range Scans
* Stereo reconstruction using top-down cues
* Temporal city modeling using street level imagery
* Video registration in egocentric vision under day and night illumination changes
21 for CVIU(157)
* COnfusion REduction (CORE) algorithm for local descriptors, floating-point and binary cases
* Detecting sudden moving objects in a series of digital images with different exposure times
* edge-based method for effective abandoned luggage detection in complex surveillance videos, An
* Enhancing textural differences using wavelet-based texture characteristics morphological component analysis: A preprocessing method for improving image segmentation
* Image and video mining through online learning
* Learning a no-reference quality metric for single-image super-resolution
* Leveraging observation uncertainty for robust visual tracking
* Locality regularized group sparse coding for action recognition
* Non-convex online robust PCA: Enhance sparsity via lp-norm minimization
* Segmentation models diversity for object proposals
* Space-time representation of people based on 3D skeletal data: A review
* Specularity removal: A global energy minimization approach based on polarization imaging
12 for CVIU(158)
* Automated detection and tracking of slalom paddlers from broadcast image sequences using cascade classifiers and discriminative correlation filters
* Computer vision for sports: Current applications and research topics
* Computer Vision in Sports
* Exploring structure for long-term tracking of multiple objects in sports videos
* Fine-grained action recognition of boxing punches from depth imagery
* Real-time gymnast detection and performance analysis with a portable 3D camera
* S-Hock dataset: A new benchmark for spectator crowd analysis, The
* Scene-specific classifier for effective and efficient team sport players detection from a single calibrated camera
* Soccer player recognition using spatial constellation features and jersey number recognition
* survey on player tracking in soccer videos, A
* technology platform for automatic high-level tennis game analysis, A
* Understanding and localizing activities from correspondences of clustered trajectories
* Where should cameras look at soccer games: Improving smoothness using the overlapped hidden Markov model
13 for CVIU(159)
* Context-based object viewpoint estimation: A 2D relational approach
* Detecting moving regions in CrowdCam images
* Evaluation of periocular features for kinship verification in the wild
* Mining discriminative descriptors for goal-based activity detection
* Model-based motion blur estimation for the improvement of motion tracking
* Multi-view face recognition from single RGBD models of the faces
* Multiple metric learning with query adaptive weights and multi-task re-weighting for person re-identification
* Online hash tracking with spatio-temporal saliency auxiliary
* Part-based 3D object retrieval via multi-label optimization
* Polarisation photometric stereo
* Rotational contour signatures for both real-valued and binary feature representations of 3D local shape
* Survey: How good are the current advances in image set based face identification?: Experiments on three popular benchmarks with a na飗e approach
12 for CVIU(160)
* Absolute pose estimation from line correspondences using direct linear transformation
* Automatic action annotation in weakly labeled videos
* Automatic correction of perspective and optical distortions
* Face inpainting based on high-level facial attributes
* Indoor localization via multi-view images and videos
* Predictive RANSAC: Effective model fitting and tracking approach under heavy noise and outliers
* Riemannian manifold-valued part-based features and geodesic-induced kernel machine for activity classification dedicated to assisted living
* Salient object detection based on super-pixel clustering and unified low-rank representation
* Shot boundary detection via adaptive low rank and svd-updating
* SPORE: Staged Probabilistic Regression for Hand Orientation Inference
* Systematic evaluation of convolution neural network advances on the Imagenet
* Traffic surveillance camera calibration by 3D model bounding box alignment for accurate vehicle speed measurement
* Unsupervised action proposal ranking through proposal recombination
13 for CVIU(161)
* Cluster-based adaptive SVM: A latent subdomains discovery method for domain adaptation problems
* Efficient Single Image Dehazing and Denoising: An Efficient Multi-Scale Correlated Wavelet Approach
* Face alignment in-the-wild: A Survey
* local feature with multiple line descriptors and its speeded-up matching algorithm, A
* mdBRIEF-a fast online-adaptable, distorted binary descriptor for real-time applications using calibrated wide-angle or fisheye cameras
* Multi-object tracking through learning relational appearance features and motion patterns
* Naturally combined shape-color moment invariants under affine transformations
* Non-rigid registration based model-free 3D facial expression recognition
* Self-calibration of omnidirectional multi-cameras including synchronization and rolling shutter
* Stand-alone quality estimation of background subtraction algorithms
* Stylizing face images via multiple exemplars
* Three-layer graph framework with the sumD feature for alpha matting
12 for CVIU(162)
* Guest Editorial: Language in Vision
* Hierarchical & multimodal video captioning: Discovering and transferring multimodal knowledge for vision to language
* Human Attention in Visual Question Answering: Do Humans and Deep Networks Look at the Same Regions?
* Learning explicit video attributes from mid-level representation for video captioning
* Recognizing semantic correlation in image-text Weibo via feature space mapping
* Resolving vision and language ambiguities together: Joint segmentation & prepositional attachment resolution in captioned scenes
* Simple to complex cross-modal learning to rank
* Vision-language integration using constrained local semantic features
* Visual question answering: A survey of methods and datasets
* Visual question answering: Datasets, algorithms, and future challenges
* Weakly supervised learning of actions from transcripts
11 for CVIU(163)
* Compact descriptors for sketch-based image retrieval using a triplet loss convolutional neural network
* Deep compare: A study on using convolutional neural networks to compare image patches
* Editorial: Deep Learning for Computer Vision
* Hand pose estimation through semi-supervised and weakly-supervised learning
* Harnessing noisy Web images for deep representation
* Hough-CNN: Deep learning for segmentation of deep brain regions in MRI and ultrasound
* Improved gait recognition based on specialized deep convolutional neural network
* Multiple hypothesis colorization and its application to image compression
* Saliency Driven Object recognition in egocentric videos with deep CNN: Toward application in assistance to Neuroprostheses
* SMC faster R-CNN: Toward a scene-specialized multi-object detector
* Speedup of deep learning ensembles for semantic segmentation using a model compression technique
* study of the effect of noise and occlusion on the accuracy of convolutional neural networks applied to 3D object recognition, A
12 for CVIU(164)
* Atmospheric light estimation in hazy images based on color-plane model
* Automatic segmentation of cross-sectional coronary arterial images
* geometric approach for color image regularization, A
* Haze visibility enhancement: A Survey and quantitative benchmarking
* Image dehazing using adaptive bi-channel priors on superpixels
* new primal-dual algorithm for multilabel graph-cuts problems with approximate moves, A
* Spatiotemporal lacunarity spectrum for dynamic texture classification
* Ultimate levelings
8 for CVIU(165)
* efficient solution to the perspective-three-point pose problem, An
* Learning part-in-whole relation of 3D shapes for part-based 3D model retrieval
* performance evaluation of point pair features, A
* Proximal robust factorization for piecewise planar reconstruction
* Superpixels: An evaluation of the state-of-the-art
* Unified optimization framework for localization and tracking of multiple targets with multiple cameras
* Vide-omics: A genomics-inspired paradigm for video analysis
* VideoLSTM convolves, attends and flows for action recognition
8 for CVIU(166)
* 3D deformable model-based framework for the retrieval of near-isometric flattenable objects using Bag-of-Visual-Words, A
* Biometric recognition by gait: A survey of modalities and features
* DAAL: Deep activation-based attribute learning for action recognition in depth videos
* Fitting line projections in non-central catadioptric cameras with revolution symmetry
* Kinship verification using multiview hybrid distance learning
* Looking beyond appearances: Synthetic training data for deep CNNs in re-identification
* Novel perspective invariant feature transform for RGB-D images, A
* scalable, efficient, and accurate solution to non-rigid structure from motion, A
* Structured deep hashing with convolutional neural networks for fast person re-identification
* study on topological descriptors for the analysis of 3D surface texture, A
10 for CVIU(167)
* bi-directional evaluation-based approach for image retargeting quality assessment, A
* bio-inspired synergistic virtual retina model for tone mapping, A
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Elastic-Net Based Rank Prior
* Clustering based content and color adaptive tone mapping
* Depth range accuracy for plenoptic cameras
* Guest Editorial: Vision and Computational Photography and Graphics
* Modified non-local means for super-resolution of hybrid videos
* novel framework for highlight reflectance transformation imaging, A
* Optimized sampling for view interpolation in light fields using local dictionaries
* Simultaneous deconvolution and denoising using a second order variational approach applied to image super resolution
* Specular highlight reduction with known surface geometry
* Towards an automatic correction of over-exposure in photographs: Application to tone-mapping
* Underwater image and video dehazing with pure haze region segmentation
* Video super-resolution based on spatial-temporal recurrent residual networks
14 for CVIU(168)
* 2D-3D pose consistency-based conditional random fields for 3D human pose estimation
* 3D non-rigid registration using color: Color Coherent Point Drift
* Blind video denoising via texture-aware noise estimation
* differential geometry approach to camera-independent image correspondence, A
* Ensemble convolutional neural networks for pose estimation
* Hierarchical semantic image matching using CNN feature pyramid
* Local directional ternary pattern: A New texture descriptor for texture classification
* Multiple Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes for anomaly detection in traffic
* Surface reconstruction from unorganized points with l0 gradient minimization
* Viewpoint refinement and estimation with adapted synthetic data
10 for CVIU(169)
* Active learning for designing detectors for infrequently occurring objects in wide-area satellite imagery
* Exploiting deep residual networks for human action recognition from skeletal data
* Minimal solutions for the rotational alignment of IMU-camera systems using homography constraints
* PA-Search: Predicting units adaptive motion search for surveillance video coding
* PuRe: Robust pupil detection for real-time pervasive eye tracking
* Robust superpixels using color and contour features along linear path
* Semi- and weakly-supervised human pose estimation
* Subpixel phase-based image registration using Savitzky-Golay differentiators in gradient-correlation
8 for CVIU(170)
* Exemplar-based Cascaded Stacked Auto-Encoder Networks for robust face alignment
* exocentric look at egocentric actions and vice versa, An
* Generating high quality pan-shots from motion blurred videos
* Model-based active learning to detect an isometric deformable object in the wild with a deep architecture
* Multiple view image denoising using 3D focus image stacks
* Real-time visual tracking by deep reinforced decision making
* RGB-D-based human motion recognition with deep learning: A survey
* Shape measurement using LIP-signature
* Single color image photometric stereo for multi-colored surfaces
* Spatially sensitive statistical shape analysis for pedestrian recognition from LIDAR data
* Structure preserving image denoising based on low-rank reconstruction and gradient histograms
* Towards social pattern characterization in egocentric photo-streams
12 for CVIU(171)
* Curvature-based spectral signatures for non-rigid shape retrieval
* Deep-anomaly: Fully convolutional neural network for fast anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* Direct pose estimation for planar objects
* dual-source approach for 3D human pose estimation from single images, A
* Factorization based structure from motion with object priors
* Lightweight convolutional neural networks for player detection and classification
* multi-agent system for the classification of gender and age from images, A
* Object Tracking Via Online Multiple Instance Learning with Reliable Components
* Single-View Reconstruction using orthogonal line-pairs
* survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis methods, A
* Top-down saliency detection driven by visual classification
11 for CVIU(172)
* Cascade residuals guided nonlinear dictionary learning
* Editorial for ACCV'16 award papers
* Generalized Fusion Moves for Continuous Label Optimization
* Image Understanding using vision and reasoning through Scene Description Graph
* Large-scale image retrieval using transductive support vector machines
* Learning to lip read words by watching videos
* Learning without prejudice: Avoiding bias in webly-supervised action recognition
* Set2Model Networks: Learning Discriminatively to Learn Generative Models
* universal, closed-form approach for absolute pose problems, A
9 for CVIU(173)
* Context proposals for saliency detection
* CuDi3D: Curvilinear displacement based approach for online 3D action detection
* Deep spatio-temporal feature fusion with compact bilinear pooling for multimodal emotion recognition
* Efficient energy-based topological outlier rejection
* Graph based over-segmentation methods for 3D point clouds
* Ordinal space projection learning via neighbor classes representation
* Robust synchronization in SO(3) and SE(3) via low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition
* Robust visual data segmentation: Sampling from distribution of model parameters
* Text effects transfer via distribution-aware texture synthesis
9 for CVIU(174)
* Active target tracking: A simplified view aligning method for binocular camera model
* Back to the beginning: Starting point detection for early recognition of ongoing human actions
* extension of kernel learning methods using a modified Log-Euclidean distance for fast and accurate skeleton-based Human Action Recognition, An
* Hierarchical coherency sensitive hashing and interpolation with RANSAC for large displacement optical flow
* resample strategy and artificial bee colony optimization-based 3d range imaging registration, A
* Surface reconstruction from a sparse point cloud by enforcing visibility consistency and topology constraints
* CNN-based features for retrieval and classification of food images
* Compositional Human Pose Regression
* Detection and localization of spatially correlated point landmarks in medical images using an automatically learned conditional random field
* Eye blink completeness detection
* Generic spatial-color metric for scale-space processing of catadioptric images
* Mining deep And-Or object structures via cost-sensitive question-answer-based active annotations
* Pushing the boundaries of audiovisual word recognition using Residual Networks and LSTMs
* Sparse weakly supervised models for object localization in road environment
8 for CVIU(176-177)
* Encoding pairwise Hamming distances of Local Binary Patterns for visual smoke recognition
* Getting to know low-light images with the Exclusively Dark dataset
* Toward analyzing mutual interference on infrared-enabled depth cameras
* Visual graph mining for graph matching
* Diffusion and inpainting of reflectance and height LiDAR orthoimages
* Dynamic topology and relevance learning SOM-based algorithm for image clustering tasks
* On Illumination-Invariant Variational Optical Flow for Weakly Textured Scenes
* Pros and cons of GAN evaluation measures
* Revisiting the medial axis for planar shape decomposition
* Unsupervised learning from videos using temporal coherency deep networks
* DeepShoe: An improved Multi-Task View-invariant CNN for street-to-shop shoe retrieval
* flexible calibration method for the intrinsic and mechanical parameters of panoramic line-scan cameras, A
* Holistic and local patch framework for 6D object pose estimation in RGB-D images
* Image-speech combination for interactive computer assisted transcription of handwritten documents
* Joint person re-identification and camera network topology inference in multiple cameras
* Probabilistic moving least squares with spatial constraints for nonlinear color transfer between images
* Robust and accurate 2D-tracking-based 3D positioning method: Application to head pose estimation
7 for CVIU(180)
* As-planar-as-possible depth map estimation
* Heterogeneous hand gesture recognition using 3D dynamic skeletal data
* Holistic object detection and image understanding
* L2 Divergence for robust colour transfer
* Taking visual motion prediction to new heightfields
* Video synopsis: A survey
* Can adversarial networks hallucinate occluded people with a plausible aspect?
* Deep pose consensus networks
* Domain invariant hierarchical embedding for grocery products recognition
* Geometry in active learning for binary and multi-class image segmentation
* Image rectification for prism-based stereoscopic optical systems
* Infimal convolution type regularization of TGV and shearlet transform for image restoration
* Registration-free Face-SSD: Single shot analysis of smiles, facial attributes, and affect in the wild
* survey of advances in vision-based vehicle re-identification, A
8 for CVIU(182)
* Cross-modality motion parameterization for fine-grained video prediction
* Least-squares registration of point sets over SE(d) using closed-form projections
* Probability hypothesis density filter using determinantal point processes for multi object tracking
* Sub-hypergraph matching based on adjacency tensor
* TAB: Temporally aggregated bag-of-discriminant-words for temporal action proposals
* Anabranch network for camouflaged object segmentation
* Automotive radar and camera fusion using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Discriminant Deep Feature Learning based on joint supervision Loss and Multi-layer Feature Fusion for heterogeneous face recognition
* Informative sample generation using class aware generative adversarial networks for classification of chest Xrays
* k-SLAM: A fast RGB-D SLAM approach for large indoor environments
* Siamese graph convolutional network for content based remote sensing image retrieval
* Deep 3D morphable model refinement via progressive growing of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* DRAU: Dual Recurrent Attention Units for Visual Question Answering
* Learn to synthesize and synthesize to learn
* Multi-person 3D pose estimation from 3D cloud data using 3D convolutional neural networks
* Generalizing semi-supervised generative adversarial networks to regression using feature contrasting
* GeoSay: A geometric saliency for extracting buildings in remote sensing images
* Performance analysis of single-query 6-DoF camera pose estimation in self-driving setups
* Single image rain removal via a deep decomposition-composition network
* Two-Streamed Network for Estimating Fine-Scaled Depth Maps from Single RGB Images, A
* Weighted Patch-based Manifold Regularization Dictionary Pair Learning model for facial expression recognition using Iterative Optimization Classification Strategy
* Attention with structure regularization for action recognition
* Attentive matching network for few-shot learning
* Cross-Domain Mapping Learning for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Cross-view image synthesis using geometry-guided conditional GANs
* Exploring weight symmetry in deep neural networks
* Flow-guided feature propagation with occlusion aware detail enhancement for hand segmentation in egocentric videos
* Multitask learning for large-scale semantic change detection
* Smartphone picture organization: A hierarchical approach
* Visual search over billions of aerial and satellite images
9 for CVIU(187)
* 3D articulated skeleton extraction using a single consumer-grade depth camera
* Analyzing human-human interactions: A survey
* Classification of hyperspectral images with convolutional neural networks and probabilistic relaxation
* Faster training of Mask R-CNN by focusing on instance boundaries
* label noise tolerant random forest for the classification of remote sensing data based on outdated maps for training, A
* Non-ideal iris segmentation using Polar Spline RANSAC and illumination compensation
* Spatial-spectral feature based approach towards convolutional sparse coding of hyperspectral images
* Texture-driven parametric snakes for semi-automatic image segmentation
* Urban surface reconstruction in SAR tomography by graph-cuts
9 for CVIU(188)
* ASSD: Attentive single shot multibox detector
* Coupled dictionary learning for unsupervised change detection between multimodal remote sensing images
* Diffusion-based isometric depth correspondence
* Distance transform regression for spatially-aware deep semantic segmentation
* Face alignment using a 3D deeply-initialized ensemble of regression trees
* IterGANs: Iterative GANs to learn and control 3D object transformation
* Linear programming-based submodular extensions for marginal estimation
* Region-based image registration for remote sensing imagery
* Residual attention unit for action recognition
* survey on deep learning based face recognition, A
* Triple attention network for sentimental visual question answering
* Visual Skeleton and Reparative Attention for Part-of-Speech image captioning system
12 for CVIU(189)
* Deep sensorimotor learning for RGB-D object recognition
* Efficient multi-output scene coordinate prediction for fast and accurate camera relocalization from a single RGB image
* On the benefit of adversarial training for monocular depth estimation
* quantitative evaluation of comprehensive 3D local descriptors generated with spatial and geometrical features, A
* Registration with probabilistic correspondences: Accurate and robust registration for pathological and inhomogeneous medical data
* Video captioning using boosted and parallel Long Short-Term Memory networks
* CompactNets: Compact Hierarchical Compositional Networks for Visual Recognition
* Comparison of monocular depth estimation methods using geometrically relevant metrics on the IBims-1 dataset
* CRF with deep class embedding for large scale classification
* Descriptor extraction based on a multilayer dictionary architecture for classification of natural images
* efficient EM-ICP algorithm for non-linear registration of large 3D point sets, An
* Entropic Optimal Transport loss for learning deep neural networks under label noise in remote sensing images, An
* Horizon line detection using supervised learning and edge cues
* Human Visual System vs Convolution Neural Networks in food recognition task: An empirical comparison
* Identifying motion pathways in highly crowded scenes: A non-parametric tracklet clustering approach
* novel algebraic solution to the perspective-three-line pose problem, A
* Registration and matching method for directed point set with orientation attributes and local information
* Simultaneous compression and quantization: A joint approach for efficient unsupervised hashing
* Weakly supervised semantic segmentation using distinct class specific saliency maps
13 for CVIU(191)
* Automating RTI: Automatic light direction detection and correcting non-uniform lighting for more accurate surface normals
* Cascade multi-head attention networks for action recognition
* Graph-matching-based correspondence search for nonrigid point cloud registration
* Guess where? Actor-supervision for spatiotemporal action localization
* Learning feature aggregation in temporal domain for re-identification
* Monocular human pose estimation: A survey of deep learning-based methods
* Photometric camera characterization from a single image with invariance to light intensity and vignetting
7 for CVIU(192)
* Adversarial autoencoders for compact representations of 3D point clouds
* Deep code operation network for multi-label image retrieval
* Learning a confidence measure in the disparity domain from O(1) features
* Multi-exposure photomontage with hand-held cameras
* progressive learning framework based on single-instance annotation for weakly supervised object detection, A
* Triplanar convolution with shared 2D kernels for 3D classification and shape retrieval
* UA-DETRAC: A new benchmark and protocol for multi-object detection and tracking
7 for CVIU(193)
* ALCN: Adaptive Local Contrast Normalization
* Efficient distance transformation for path-based metrics
* Graph convolutional neural network for multi-scale feature learning
* Image dehazing based on a transmission fusion strategy by automatic image matting
* Momental directional patterns for dynamic texture recognition
* Protuberance of depth: Detecting interest points from a depth image
* Rotation invariant features based on three dimensional Gaussian Markov random fields for volumetric texture classification
* spatial-spectral semisupervised deep learning framework using siamese networks and angular loss, A
8 for CVIU(194)
* LSTM guided ensemble correlation filter tracking with appearance model pool
* Probabilistic object detection and shape extraction in remote sensing data
* Two motion models for improving video object tracking performance
* Video anomaly detection and localization via Gaussian Mixture Fully Convolutional Variational Autoencoder
* Visual complexity analysis using deep intermediate-layer features
* Age Estimation from Faces Using Deep Learning: A Comparative Analysis
* Classifier-agnostic saliency map extraction
* Color edge preserving image colorization with a coupled natural vectorial total variation
* Intelligent video analysis: A Pedestrian trajectory extraction method for the whole indoor space without blind areas
* Product image recognition with guidance learning and noisy supervision
* Study of naturalness in tone-mapped images
* Adversarial examples for replay attacks against CNN-based face recognition with anti-spoofing capability
* attention recurrent model for human cooperation detection, An
* High-speed multi-person pose estimation with deep feature transfer
* Hyperspectral image restoration via CNN denoiser prior regularized low-rank tensor recovery
* Infrared and visible image fusion via gradientlet filter
* Joint identification-verification for person re-identification: A four stream deep learning approach with improved quartet loss function
* JSNet: A simulation network of JPEG lossy compression and restoration for robust image watermarking against JPEG attack
* Learning Lightweight Multi-Scale Feedback Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* minimum barrier distance for multivariate images with applications, A
* Pyramid Channel-based Feature Attention Network for image dehazing
* Scalable learning for bridging the species gap in image-based plant phenotyping
* Self-supervised on-line cumulative learning from video streams
* Visual BMI estimation from face images using a label distribution based method
13 for CVIU(197-198)
* Dynamic mode decomposition via dictionary learning for foreground modeling in videos
* End-to-end deep learning-based fringe projection framework for 3D profiling of objects
* Low-level multiscale image segmentation and a benchmark for its evaluation
* Partial domain adaptation based on shared class oriented adversarial network
* Refining high-frequencies for sharper super-resolution and deblurring
* Representation learning of image composition for aesthetic prediction
* Residual network with detail perception loss for single image super-resolution
* Task differentiation: Constructing robust branches for precise object detection
8 for CVIU(199)
* Cross-spectral stereo matching for facial disparity estimation in the dark
* E-ProSRNet: An enhanced progressive single image super-resolution approach
* Fine-grained facial landmark detection exploiting intermediate feature representations
* Learning deep edge prior for image denoising
* NCMS: Towards accurate anchor free object detection through L2 norm calibration and multi-feature selection
* Open cross-domain visual search
* Pointly-supervised scene parsing with uncertainty mixture
* Texture collinearity foreground segmentation for night videos
* Two-stream deep sparse network for accurate and efficient image restoration
9 for CVIU(200)
* Accurate MR image super-resolution via lightweight lateral inhibition network
* comparison of methods for 3D scene shape retrieval, A
* Deep online classification using pseudo-generative models
* Effective crowd counting using multi-resolution context and image quality assessment-guided training
* Ghost Removal via Channel Attention in Exposure Fusion
* Learning instance-aware object detection using determinantal point processes
* MTRNet++: One-stage mask-based scene text eraser
* Photometric stereo with central panoramic cameras
* PS-DeVCEM: Pathology-sensitive deep learning model for video capsule endoscopy based on weakly labeled data
* synergy of double attention: Combine sentence-level and word-level attention for image captioning, The
* Video scene parsing: An overview of deep learning methods and datasets
11 for CVIU(201)
* Adversarial feature distribution alignment for semi-supervised learning
* Bi-branch network for dynamic scene deblurring
* Comprehensive comparative evaluation of background subtraction algorithms in open sea environments
* comprehensive survey of procedural video datasets, A
* Controlling biases and diversity in diverse image-to-image translation
* convergent framework with learnable feasibility for Hadamard-based image recovery, A
* Detection of Face Recognition Adversarial Attacks
* FIFNET: A convolutional neural network for motion-based multiframe super-resolution using fusion of interpolated frames
* Investigating the significance of adversarial attacks and their relation to interpretability for radar-based human activity recognition systems
* Multi-modal semantic image segmentation
* Nighttime image dehazing based on Retinex and dark channel prior using Taylor series expansion
* On the exact recovery conditions of 3D human motion from 2D landmark motion with sparse articulated motion
* Pose invariant age estimation of face images in the wild
* Single image rain removal via multi-module deep grid network
* spacetime model for one-shot active contour extraction scheme for human detection in image sequences, A
15 for CVIU(202)
* comprehensive review of past and present image inpainting methods, A
* Embedding group and obstacle information in LSTM networks for human trajectory prediction in crowded scenes
* ICycleGAN: Single image dehazing based on iterative dehazing model and CycleGAN
* Single-image deblurring with neural networks: A comparative survey
* Small and accurate heatmap-based face alignment via distillation strategy and cascaded architecture
* Task dependent deep LDA pruning of neural networks
* Video Deblurring via Spatiotemporal Pyramid Network and Adversarial Gradient Prior
7 for CVIU(203)
* Curriculum self-paced learning for cross-domain object detection
* DenseNet-CTC: An end-to-end RNN-free architecture for context-free string recognition
* Fake face detection via adaptive manipulation traces extraction network
* Multi-perspective cross-class domain adaptation for open logo detection
* Multi-scale attention network for image inpainting
* Attentive deep network for blind motion deblurring on dynamic scenes
* Facial landmarks localization using cascaded neural networks
* Knowledge distillation for incremental learning in semantic segmentation
* Person Re-Identification with Part Prediction Alignment
* Physics-based shading reconstruction for intrinsic image decomposition
* Detail preserving image denoising with patch-based structure similarity via sparse representation and SVD
* Human action recognition in drone videos using a few aerial training examples
* Learning to locate for fine-grained image recognition
* Model-image registration of a building's facade based on dense semantic segmentation
* Real-time and accurate object detection in compressed video by long short-term feature aggregation
* Video action detection by learning graph-based spatio-temporal interactions
* Class knowledge overlay to visual feature learning for zero-shot image classification
* Evaluate and improve the quality of neural style transfer
* Image retrieval with mixed initiative and multimodal feedback
* Image style disentangling for instance-level facial attribute transfer
* Instance-Level Salient Object Segmentation
* Single image super-resolution via hybrid resolution NSST prediction
* Deep-STaR: Classification of image time series based on spatio-temporal representations
* Editorial for CVIU_DL for image restoration
* Guest Editorial: Adversarial Deep Learning in Biometrics and Forensics
* High frame rate optical flow estimation from event sensors via intensity estimation
* Pruning CNN filters via quantifying the importance of deep visual representations
* Sejong face database: A multi-modal disguise face database
* Skeleton-based action recognition via spatial and temporal transformer networks
* Stacked Capsule Graph Autoencoders for geometry-aware 3D head pose estimation
* Towards closing the gap in weakly supervised semantic segmentation with DCNNs: Combining local and global models
9 for CVIU(208-209)
* AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for multi-future trajectory prediction
* Decoupled appearance and motion learning for efficient anomaly detection in surveillance video
* Deep 3D human pose estimation: A review
* Deep learning-based single image face depth data enhancement
* distribution independence based method for 3D face shape decomposition, A
* Few-shot action recognition with implicit temporal alignment and pair similarity optimization
* High-level prior-based loss functions for medical image segmentation: A survey
* linear method for camera pair self-calibration, A
* Long term spatio-temporal modeling for action detection
* MAIN: Multi-Attention Instance Network for video segmentation
* Multi-focus image fusion approach based on CNP systems in NSCT domain
* Multimodal attention networks for low-level vision-and-language navigation
* Near-convex decomposition of 2D shape using visibility range
* novel shape matching descriptor for real-time static hand gesture recognition, A
* One-class anomaly detection via novelty normalization
* Prediction and Description of Near-Future Activities in Video
* SAPS: Self-Attentive Pathway Search for weakly-supervised action localization with background-action augmentation
* Semantic segmentation from remote sensor data and the exploitation of latent learning for classification of auxiliary tasks
* SID: Incremental learning for anchor-free object detection via Selective and Inter-related Distillation
* Unifying frame rate and temporal dilations for improved remote pulse detection
20 for CVIU(210)
* Dehazing Cost Volume for Deep Multi-View Stereo in Scattering Media with Airlight and Scattering Coefficient Estimation
* Diversified text-to-image generation via deep mutual information estimation
* Image editing with varying intensities of processing
* Lightweight Adaptive Weighted Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Pick-Object-Attack: Type-specific adversarial attack for object detection
* Predicting the future from first person (egocentric) vision: A survey
* Weakly supervised instance segmentation using multi-prior fusion
7 for CVIU(211)
* Automatic generation of dense non-rigid optical flow
* Handling new target classes in semantic segmentation with domain adaptation
* Learning to teach and learn for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* Lookahead adversarial learning for near real-time semantic segmentation
* Margin-based discriminant embedding guided sparse matrix regression for image supervised feature selection
* MetaVD: A Meta Video Dataset for enhancing human action recognition datasets
* Mutual calibration training: Training deep neural networks with noisy labels using dual-models
* review of 3D human pose estimation algorithms for markerless motion capture, A
* Subspace reconstruction based correlation filter for object tracking
9 for CVIU(212)
* Monocular 3D multi-person pose estimation via predicting factorized correction factors
* Reliable Shot Identification for Complex Event Detection Via Visual-Semantic Embedding
* Report on UG2+ challenge Track 1: Assessing algorithms to improve video object detection and classification from unconstrained mobility platforms
* Rolling-Shutter-stereo-aware motion estimation and image correction
* Self-attentive 3D human pose and shape estimation from videos
* semantically driven self-supervised algorithm for detecting anomalies in image sets, A
* TMF: Temporal Motion and Fusion for action recognition
* TransRPN: Towards the Transferable Adversarial Perturbations using Region Proposal Networks and Beyond
* Weakly supervised action segmentation with effective use of attention and self-attention
9 for CVIU(213)
* Deep structural information fusion for 3D object detection on LiDAR-camera system
* HSGAN: Reducing mode collapse in GANs by the latent code distance of homogeneous samples
* MTCD: Cataract detection via near infrared eye images
* Multiple instance learning on deep features for weakly supervised object detection with extreme domain shifts
* Simultaneous multi-person tracking and activity recognition based on cohesive cluster search
* Dissected 3D CNNs: Temporal skip connections for efficient online video processing
* Facial landmark points detection using knowledge distillation-based neural networks
* Hallucinating uncertain motion and future for static image action recognition
* Pros and cons of GAN evaluation measures: New developments
* SdcNet for object recognition
* semantic typology of visually grounded paraphrases, The
* Anti-Jamming Heart Rate Estimation Using a Spatial-Temporal Fusion Network
* Automatic detection and localization of thighbone fractures in X-ray based on improved deep learning method
* Cross-modal distillation for RGB-depth person re-identification
* Dynamic mode decomposition via convolutional autoencoders for dynamics modeling in videos
* Enhanced discriminative graph convolutional network with adaptive temporal modelling for skeleton-based action recognition
* Light-weight shadow detection via GCN-based annotation strategy and knowledge distillation
* Plug-and-Play video super-resolution using edge-preserving filtering
* SnapshotNet: Self-supervised feature learning for point cloud data segmentation using minimal labeled data
* Superclass-aware network for few-shot learning
9 for CVIU(216)
* FRIDA: Generative feature replay for incremental domain adaptation
* Interactive image segmentation based on the appearance model and orientation energy
* Learning to combine the modalities of language and video for temporal moment localization
* MC-Calib: A generic and robust calibration toolbox for multi-camera systems
* Online real-time pedestrian tracking from medium altitude aerial footage with camera motion cancellation
* Progressive editing with stacked Generative Adversarial Network for multiple facial attribute editing
* Robust detection of dehazed images via dual-stream CNNs with adaptive feature fusion
* When CNNs meet random RNNs: Towards multi-level analysis for RGB-D object and scene recognition
8 for CVIU(217)
* Adaptive Capsule Network
* anchor-free object detector based on soften optimized bi-directional FPN, An
* BacklitNet: A dataset and network for backlit image enhancement
* CUFD: An encoder-decoder network for visible and infrared image fusion based on common and unique feature decomposition
* Single-camera 3D head fitting for mixed reality clinical applications
* Weakly supervised fine-grained image classification via two-level attention activation model
* Zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval with structure-aware asymmetric disentanglement
7 for CVIU(218)
* Detecting abnormality with separated foreground and background: Mutual Generative Adversarial Networks for video abnormal event detection
* Discriminative semantic transitive consistency for cross-modal learning
* Learning geodesic-aware local features from RGB-D images
* non-alternating graph hashing algorithm for large-scale image search, A
* Non-parametric scene parsing: Label transfer methods and datasets
* TCLR: Temporal contrastive learning for video representation
* Are 3D convolutional networks inherently biased towards appearance?
* Multi-human Fall Detection and Localization in Videos
* RFCNet: Enhancing urban segmentation using regularization, fusion, and completion
* Sparse coding and normalization for deep Fisher score representation
* STURE: Spatial-Temporal Mutual Representation Learning for robust data association in online multi-object tracking
* Video frame interpolation via down-up scale generative adversarial networks
* Weakly supervised learning of multi-object 3D scene decompositions using deep shape priors
7 for CVIU(220)
* Anchor pruning for object detection
* Camouflaged object detection via Neighbor Connection and Hierarchical Information Transfer
* Deducing health cues from biometric data
* Learning the Compositional Domains for Generalized Zero-shot Learning
* LocoGAN: Locally convolutional GAN
* Semantically accurate super-resolution Generative Adversarial Networks
* SIFNet: Free-form image inpainting using color split-inpaint-fuse approach
* Uncertainty-aware consistency regularization for cross-domain semantic segmentation
* Video captioning using Semantically Contextual Generative Adversarial Network
9 for CVIU(221)
* Adaptive CNN filter pruning using global importance metric
* Animal pose estimation: A closer look at the state-of-the-art, existing gaps and opportunities
* asymmetrical-structure auto-encoder for unsupervised representation learning of skeleton sequences, An
* AWDMC-Net: Classification of Adversarial Weather Degraded Multiclass scenes using a Convolution Neural Network
* Deep convolutional correlation iterative particle filter for visual tracking
* Efficient dual attention SlowFast networks for video action recognition
* Enabling Modality Interactions for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Encoder and decoder network with ResNet-50 and global average feature pooling for local change detection
* Frame-level refinement networks for skeleton-based gait recognition
* Learning test-time augmentation for content-based image retrieval
* Low-budget label query through domain alignment enforcement
* Meta conditional variational auto-encoder for domain generalization
* multi camera unsupervised domain adaptation pipeline for object detection in cultural sites through adversarial learning and self-training, A
* Multi-person 3D pose estimation from a single image captured by a fisheye camera
* Physically-admissible polarimetric data augmentation for road-scene analysis
* SimpleCut: A simple and strong 2D model for multi-person pose estimation
* survey on RGB-D datasets, A
* Unsupervised face frontalization using disentangled representation-learning CycleGAN
* Visual object tracking: A survey
19 for CVIU(222)
* Adaptive Feature Denoising Based Deep Convolutional Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Adaptive gradients and weight projection based on quantized neural networks for efficient image classification
* Co-segmentation inspired attention module for video-based computer vision tasks
* Deep learning for deepfakes creation and detection: A survey
* Defending against attacks tailored to transfer learning via feature distancing
* Dual adversarial model: Exploring low-dimensional space features for point clouds generating and completing
* formal approach to good practices in Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Re-Identification, A
* Frequency aware face hallucination generative adversarial network with semantic structural constraint
* GAFL: Global adaptive filtering layer for computer vision
* Intrinsic image decomposition using physics-based cues and CNNs
* Learning spectral transform for 3D human motion prediction
* Multispectral interaction convolutional neural network for pedestrian detection
* Progressive multi-scale fusion network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Self-supervision and meta-learning for one-shot unsupervised cross-domain detection
* survey on bias in visual datasets, A
* Target-aware and spatial-spectral discriminant feature joint correlation filters for hyperspectral video object tracking
* Wavelet-based multi-level generative adversarial networks for face aging
17 for CVIU(223)
* 2.5D visual relationship detection
* 3D semantic segmentation based on spatial-aware convolution and shape completion for augmented reality applications
* Estimating 3D body mesh without SMPL annotations via alternating successive convex approximation
* Fully convolutional online tracking
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Biometrics Based Methods for Healthcare Applications
* novel fast combine-and-conquer object detector based on only one-level feature map, A
* Quaternion-based dynamic mode decomposition for background modeling in color videos
* Robust real-world point cloud registration by inlier detection
* RocNet: Recursive octree network for efficient 3D processing
* Transformed ROIs for capturing visual transformations in videos
10 for CVIU(224)
* Balanced softmax cross-entropy for incremental learning with and without memory
* Certifiable algorithms for the two-view planar triangulation problem
* Cluster with GANs
* MSR-Video to Text dataset with clean annotations, The
* multi-object tracker using dynamic Bayesian networks and a residual neural network based similarity estimator, A
* Accurate depth image generation via overfit training of point cloud registration using local frame sets
* data augmentation framework by mining structured features for fake face image detection, A
* global generalized maximum coverage-based solution to the non-model-based view planning problem for object reconstruction, A
* Periocular biometrics and its relevance to partially masked faces: A survey
* Tensor based completion meets adversarial learning: A win-win solution for change detection on unseen videos
* Cost-free adversarial defense: Distance-based optimization for model robustness without adversarial training
* Feature reconstruction and metric based network for few-shot object detection
* Foreground discovery in streaming videos with dynamic construction of content graphs
* Graph Convolutional Networks based on manifold learning for semi-supervised image classification
* GSNNet: Group semantic-guided neighbor interaction network for co-salient object detection
* Incorporating structural prior for depth regularization in shape from focus
* Infrared and visible image fusion using a guiding network to leverage perceptual similarity
* Learning representational invariances for data-efficient action recognition
* LiDARTouch: Monocular metric depth estimation with a few-beam LiDAR
* Multi-granularity Pseudo-label Collaboration for unsupervised person re-identification
* Multi-object tracking with robust object regression and association
* Recurrent context-aware multi-stage network for single image deraining
* Sparse coding with morphology segmentation and multi-label fusion for hyperspectral image super-resolution
* Unsupervised sound localization via iterative contrastive learning
* Unsupervised video anomaly detection based on multi-timescale trajectory prediction
15 for CVIU(227)
* Continual learning on 3D point clouds with random compressed rehearsal
* Cross-domain multi-style merge for image captioning
* Diff attention: A novel attention scheme for person re-identification
* MATTE: Multi-task multi-scale attention
* ParticleAugment: Sampling-based data augmentation
* Teacher or supervisor? Effective online knowledge distillation via guided collaborative learning
* Context understanding in computer vision: A survey
* Global-local contrastive multiview representation learning for skeleton-based action recognition
* Image amodal completion: A survey
* Improving the robustness of adversarial attacks using an affine-invariant gradient estimator
* Learning rotation equivalent scene representation from instance-level semantics: A novel top-down perspective
* Learning transformer-based attention region with multiple scales for occluded person re-identification
* Multi proxy anchor family loss for several types of gradients
* Multi-level contour combination features for shape recognition
* Siamese Graph Attention Networks for robust visual object tracking
* Siamese self-supervised learning for fine-grained visual classification
* Spatial location constraint prototype loss for open set recognition
* SSDA-YOLO: Semi-supervised domain adaptive YOLO for cross-domain object detection
* SSMTL++: Revisiting self-supervised multi-task learning for video anomaly detection
* WMCP-EM: An integrated dehazing framework for visibility restoration in single image
14 for CVIU(229)
* DSDNet: Toward single image deraining with self-paced curricular dual stimulations
* Dynamic texture classification based on bag-of-models with mixture of student's t-hidden Markov models
* Improved domain adaptive object detector via adversarial feature learning
* To make yourself invisible with Adversarial Semantic Contours
* Trimap-guided feature mining and fusion network for natural image matting
* Weakly supervised multi-class semantic video segmentation for road scenes
* Extending class activation mapping using Gaussian receptive field
* Grow-push-prune: Aligning deep discriminants for effective structural network compression
* Infrared and visible image fusion via mutual information maximization
* Robust kernel-based feature representation for 3D point cloud analysis via circular convolutional network
* robust kinship verification scheme using face age transformation, A
* Video captioning: A comparative review of where we are and which could be the route
* 3D object feature extraction and classification using 3D MF-DFA
* Adversarial composite prediction of normal video dynamics for anomaly detection
* BasicTAD: An astounding RGB-Only baseline for temporal action detection
* efficient framework for few-shot skeleton-based temporal action segmentation, An
* End-to-end weakly-supervised single-stage multiple 3D hand mesh reconstruction from a single RGB image
* Hi-ROS: Open-source multi-camera sensor fusion for real-time people tracking
* Low-Light Image Enhancement by Deep Learning Network for Improved Illumination Map
* M2FINet: Modality-specific and Modality-shared Features Interaction Network for RGB-IR Person Re-Identification
* multi-view-CNN framework for deep representation learning in image classification, A
* PGF-BIQA: Blind image quality assessment via probability multi-grained cascade forest
* Precondition and effect reasoning for action recognition
* Random image frequency aggregation dropout in image classification for deep convolutional neural networks
* SCA-Net: Spatial and channel attention-based network for 3D point clouds
* Spectrum-irrelevant fine-grained representation for visible-infrared person re-identification
* Tractable large-scale deep reinforcement learning
15 for CVIU(232)
* Action Capsules: Human skeleton action recognition
* Analyzing lower half facial gestures for lip reading applications: Survey on vision techniques
* Attention-induced semantic and boundary interaction network for camouflaged object detection
* Cross-domain few-shot action recognition with unlabeled videos
* Deep learning-based blind image super-resolution with iterative kernel reconstruction and noise estimation
* Domain adaptive multigranularity proposal network for text detection under extreme traffic scenes
* Efficient multi-stage network with pixel-wise degradation prediction for real-time motion deblurring
* EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network for fast non-rigid 3D models classification and retrieval
* Feature preserving 3D mesh denoising with a Dense Local Graph Neural Network
* Fully synthetic training for image restoration tasks
* Human skeletons and change detection for efficient violence detection in surveillance videos
* Human-object interaction prediction in videos through gaze following
* Improving the planarity and sharpness of monocularly estimated depth images using the Phong reflection model
* Lightweight feature point detection network with channel enhancement
* Local to non-local: Multi-scale progressive attention network for image restoration
* On the inductive biases of deep domain adaptation
* PoseGU: 3D human pose estimation with novel human pose generator and unbiased learning
* Progressive scene text erasing with self-supervision
* Robust attention ranking architecture with frequency-domain transform to defend against adversarial samples
* Self-knowledge distillation via dropout
* Single and multiple illuminant estimation using convex functions
* Transformer-based image generation from scene graphs
* Unsupervised soft-to-hard hashing with contrastive learning
23 for CVIU(233)
* a-EGAN: a-Energy distance GAN with an early stopping rule
* Attention guided domain alignment for conditional face image generation
* Casting a BAIT for offline and online source-free domain adaptation
* Cutout with patch-loss augmentation for improving generative adversarial networks against instability
* Deep continual hashing for real-world multi-label image retrieval
* Exploiting image translations via ensemble self-supervised learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* GAMA: Geometric analysis based motion-aware architecture for moving object segmentation
* MAL-Net: Multiscale Attention Link Network for Accurate Eye Center Detection
* POEM: A prototype cross and emphasis network for few-shot semantic segmentation
* Real-time distributed video analytics for privacy-aware person search
* Streaming egocentric action anticipation: An evaluation scheme and approach
* Unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic segmentation via cross-region alignment
* Unsupervised real image super-resolution via knowledge distillation network
13 for CVIU(234)
* 3DF-FCOS: Small object detection with 3D features based on FCOS
* Addressing multiple salient object detection via dual-space long-range dependencies
* AdvFAS: A robust face anti-spoofing framework against adversarial examples
* Blur aware metric depth estimation with multi-focus plenoptic cameras
* Capturing geometric structure change through deformation aware correlation
* Collaborative three-stream transformers for video captioning
* Cross-domain fashion cloth retrieval via novel attention-guided cascade neural network and clothing parsing
* Deep Bregman divergence for self-supervised representations learning
* Deep Learning-Based Estimation of Whole-Body Kinematics from Multi-View Images
* Efficient 6-DoF camera pose tracking with circular edges
* Exploring the differences in adversarial robustness between ViT- and CNN-based models using novel metrics
* Fr閏het AutoEncoder Distance: A new approach for evaluation of Generative Adversarial Networks
* Full-parameter adaptive fuzzy clustering for noise image segmentation based on non-local and local spatial information
* GEIKD: Self-knowledge distillation based on gated ensemble networks and influences-based label noise removal
* Hierarchical image peeling: A flexible scale-space filtering framework
* Improved Short-term Dense Bottleneck network for efficient scene analysis
* Improving sparse graph attention for feature matching by informative keypoints exploration
* Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection with Scale- and Centerness-Aware Weight Generation
* Interactive Neural Painting
* Joint coupled dictionaries-based visible-infrared image fusion method via texture preservation structure in sparse domain
* MECCANO: A multimodal egocentric dataset for humans behavior understanding in the industrial-like domain
* Memory-Efficient Multi-Scale Residual Dense Network for Single Image Rain Removal
* MeT: A graph transformer for semantic segmentation of 3D meshes
* Model-based inexact graph matching on top of DNNs for semantic scene understanding
* Multi-patch multi-scale model for motion deblurring with high-frequency information
* Object tracking based on siamese network with 3D attention and multiple graph attention
* Penalizing proposals using classifiers for semi-supervised object detection
* Robust Teacher: Self-correcting pseudo-label-guided semi-supervised learning for object detection
* Semi-supervised Cycle-GAN for face photo-sketch translation in the wild
* SIERRA: A robust bilateral feature upsampler for dense prediction
* Structural reasoning for image-based social relation recognition
* Towards explainable deep visual saliency models
* Unpaired sonar image denoising with simultaneous contrastive learning
33 for CVIU(235)
* 3D detection transformer: Set prediction of objects using point clouds
* Cross-modal alignment and translation for missing modality action recognition
* End-to-end learning for weakly supervised video anomaly detection using Absorbing Markov Chain
* Estimating the vertical direction in a photogrammetric 3D model, with application to visualization
* Face identity and expression consistency for game character face swapping
* Feature fine-tuning and attribute representation transformation for zero-shot learning
* Feature independent Filter Pruning by Successive Layers analysis
* Generalized framework for image and video object segmentation using affinity learning and message passing GNNS
* Glitch in the matrix: A large scale benchmark for content driven audio-visual forgery detection and localization
* Global-aware and local-aware enhancement network for person search
* Multi-Scale Semantic and Detail Extraction Network for Lightweight Person Re-Identification
* Multi-timescale boosting for efficient and improved event camera face pose alignment
* Multi-view clustering with Laplacian rank constraint based on symmetric and nonnegative low-rank representation
* Online object tracking based interactive attention
* Snow Mask Guided Adaptive Residual Network for Image Snow Removal
* View consistency aware holistic triangulation for 3D human pose estimation
* Weakly supervised fine-grained semantic segmentation via spatial correlation-guided learning
* Webly-supervised semantic segmentation via curriculum learning
18 for CVIU(236)
* 4DHumanOutfit: A multi-subject 4D dataset of human motion sequences in varying outfits exhibiting large displacements
* ARCTIC: A knowledge distillation approach via attention-based relation matching and activation region constraint for RGB-to-Infrared videos action recognition
* Constituent Attention for Vision Transformers
* Coping with change: Learning invariant and minimum sufficient representations for fine-grained visual categorization
* CPNet: Continuity Preservation Network for infrared video colorization
* Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-frequency features
* Empirical study on using adapters for debiased Visual Question Answering
* Enhanced OCT chorio-retinal segmentation in low-data settings with semi-supervised GAN augmentation using cross-localisation
* Extending function mixture network for improved spectral super-resolution
* Federated Unsupervised Cluster-Contrastive learning for person Re-identification: A coarse-to-fine approach
* Fully-attentive iterative networks for region-based controllable image and video captioning
* IIANet: Information Interactivity Attention Network with adversarial learning for infrared small object detection
* image denoising method based on the nonlinear Schr鰀inger equation and spectral subband decomposition, An
* Improved domain adaptive object detector via adversarial feature learning
* LKDA-GAN: Cross-modality image synthesis via Generative Adversarial Network aggregating large kernel decomposable attention bottleneck block
* LOFReg: An outlier-based regulariser for deep metric learning
* Minimum error adaptive RGB calibration in a context of colorimetric uncertainty for cultural heritage preservation
* On learning distribution alignment for video-based visible-infrared person re-identification
* Real-world efficient fall detection: Balancing performance and complexity with FDGA workflow
* Spatial constraint for efficient semi-supervised video object segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Two-stage Fusion for video question answering
* Swin-ResUNet+: An edge enhancement module for road extraction from remote sensing images
22 for CVIU(237)
* AdaNI: Adaptive Noise Injection to improve adversarial robustness
* Adaptive semantic transfer network for unsupervised 2D image-based 3D model retrieval
* Adversarial Neon Beam: A light-based physical attack to DNNs
* AFA-Net: Adaptive Feature Attention Network in image deblurring and super-resolution for improving license plate recognition
* Assessing domain gap for continual domain adaptation in object detection
* CMGNet: Collaborative multi-modal graph network for video captioning
* CT-VOS: Cutout prediction and tagging for self-supervised video object segmentation
* Disentangled generation network for enlarged license plate recognition and a unified dataset
* Distributed multi-target tracking and active perception with mobile camera networks
* Ensemble learning-based method for maritime background subtraction in open sea environments
* Feature learning based on connectivity estimation for unbiased mammography mass classification
* FedER: Federated Learning through Experience Replay and privacy-preserving data synthesis
* MDC-Net: Multi-domain constrained kernel estimation network for blind image super resolution
* MFMAM: Image inpainting via multi-scale feature module with attention module
* new deep CNN for 3D text localization in the wild through shadow removal, A
* Patch-based stochastic attention for image editing
* Progressive Recurrent Network for shadow removal
* Robust visual question answering via semantic cross modal augmentation
* Scene adaptive mechanism for action recognition
* Transform, contrast and tell: Coherent entity-aware multi-image captioning
* Wavelet-based network for high dynamic range imaging
21 for CVIU(238)
* BiPR-RL: Portrait relighting via bi-directional consistent deep reinforcement learning
* Certifiable planar relative pose estimation with gravity prior
* closer look at branch classifiers of multi-exit architectures, A
* Discriminative object tracking by domain contrast
* Generating novel scene compositions from single images and videos
* Global key knowledge distillation framework
* Improving rare relation inferring for scene graph generation using bipartite graph network
* Learning feature contexts by transformer and CNN hybrid deep network for weakly supervised person search
* MLGPnet: Multi-granularity neural network for 3D shape recognition using pyramid data
* Multi-layered self-attention mechanism for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* S3U-PVNet: Arbitrary-scale point cloud upsampling via Point-Voxel Network based on Siamese Self-Supervised Learning
* Semantic manipulation through the lens of Geometric Algebra
* Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval via teacher-student learning
* Visual tracking in video sequences based on biologically inspired mechanisms
14 for CVIU(239)
* Attention-based multimodal image matching
* Combinational sign language recognition
* Deep Parametric Retinex Decomposition Model for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Domain generalized federated learning for Person Re-identification
* Enhancing video anomaly detection with learnable memory network: A new approach to memory-based auto-encoders
* Exploring using jigsaw puzzles for out-of-distribution detection
* GMC: A general framework of multi-stage context learning and utilization for visual detection tasks
* Human-Scene Network: A novel baseline with self-rectifying loss for weakly supervised video anomaly detection
* Learning key lines for multi-object tracking
* Local to global purification strategy to realize collaborative camouflaged object detection
* MAEDAY: MAE for few- and zero-shot AnomalY-Detection
* MERLIN-Seg: Self-supervised despeckling for label-efficient semantic segmentation
* On the coherency of quantitative evaluation of visual explanations
* PPformer: Using pixel-wise and patch-wise cross-attention for low-light image enhancement
* Quantifying model uncertainty for semantic segmentation of Fluorine-19 MRI using stochastic gradient MCMC
* Re-scoring using image-language similarity for few-shot object detection
* Rethink arbitrary style transfer with transformer and contrastive learning
* Revisiting coarse-to-fine strategy for low-light image enhancement with deep decomposition guided training
* Self-supervised multi-scale semantic consistency regularization for unsupervised image-to-image translation
* Simple contrastive learning in a self-supervised manner for robust visual question answering
* Simplifying open-set video domain adaptation with contrastive learning
* Space-time recurrent memory network
* SpATr: MoCap 3D human action recognition based on spiral auto-encoder and transformer network
* Survey on fast dense video segmentation techniques
* Towards efficient image and video style transfer via distillation and learnable feature transformation
* Transformer-based assignment decision network for multiple object tracking
* Video Frame-wise Explanation Driven Contrastive Learning for Procedural Text Generation
27 for CVIU(241)
* Background no more: Action recognition across domains by causal interventions
* Cascade transformers with dynamic attention for video question answering
* End-to-end dense video grounding via parallel regression
* Exploiting multimodal synthetic data for egocentric human-object interaction detection in an industrial scenario
* FAM: Improving columnar vision transformer with feature attention mechanism
* 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
* Domain-aware triplet loss in domain generalization
* Evolutionary Search via channel attention based parameter inheritance and stochastic uniform sampled training
* GaitSCM: Causal representation learning for gait recognition
* Head pose estimation with uncertainty and an application to dyadic interaction detection
* Learning single and multi-scene camera pose regression with transformer encoders
* Multi-guided-based image matting via boundary detection
* novel camera calibration method based on known rotations and translations, A
* Scribble-based complementary graph reasoning network for weakly supervised salient object detection
* SlowFastFormer for 3D human pose estimation
* Tensor robust PCA with nonconvex and nonlocal regularization
* Visual tracking in camera-switching outdoor sport videos: Benchmark and baselines for skiing
12 for CVIU(243)
* Conditioning diffusion models via attributes and semantic masks for face generation
* CTM: Cross-time temporal module for fine-grained action recognition
* De2Net: Under-display camera image restoration with feature deconvolution and kernel decomposition
* FusionDiff: A unified image fusion network based on diffusion probabilistic models
* Lightweight all-focused light field rendering
* Multi-view cognition with path search for one-shot part labeling
* Other tokens matter: Exploring global and local features of Vision Transformers for Object Re-Identification
* Recognizing facial expressions based on pyramid multi-head grid and spatial attention network
* Self-supervised learning of rotation-invariant 3D point set features using transformer and its self-distillation
* Static graph convolution with learned temporal and channel-wise graph topology generation for skeleton-based action recognition
* Structure-aware feature stylization for domain generalization
* TFUT: Task fusion upward transformer model for multi-task learning on dense prediction
* unsupervised multi-focus image fusion method via dual-channel convolutional network and discriminator, An
13 for CVIU(244)
* Complete Contextual Information Extraction for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Digital image defogging using joint Retinex theory and independent component analysis
* Font transformer for few-shot font generation
* Improving semantic video retrieval models by training with a relevance-aware online mining strategy
* Take a prior from other tasks for severe blur removal
* Text to image synthesis with multi-granularity feature aware enhancement Generative Adversarial Networks
* Camouflaged object segmentation with prior via two-stage training
* Confidence sharing adaptation for out-of-domain human pose and shape estimation
* DHBSR: A deep hybrid representation-based network for blind image super resolution
* Identity-preserving editing of multiple facial attributes by learning global edit directions and local adjustments
* LV-Adapter: Adapting Vision Transformers for Visual Classification with Linear-layers and Vectors
* ModelNet-O: A large-scale synthetic dataset for occlusion-aware point cloud classification
* POTLoc: Pseudo-label Oriented Transformer for point-supervised temporal Action Localization
* proxy-data-based hierarchical adversarial patch generation method, A
* Self-supervised monocular depth estimation with self-distillation and dense skip connection
* Self-supervised network for low-light traffic image enhancement based on deep noise and artifacts removal
* Semantic-driven diffusion for sign language production with gloss-pose latent spaces alignment
* Skeleton Cluster Tracking for robust multi-view multi-person 3D human pose estimation
12 for CVIU(246)
* Advancing Image Generation with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model and ConvNeXt-V2: A novel approach for enhanced diversity and quality
* Artifact feature purification for cross-domain detection of AI-generated images
* Classroom teacher action recognition based on spatio-temporal dual-branch feature fusion
* Enhanced dual contrast representation learning with cell separation and merging for breast cancer diagnosis
* Enhanced local distribution learning for real image super-resolution
* EnsCLR: Unsupervised skeleton-based action recognition via ensemble contrastive learning of representation
* Image-to-image translation based face photo de-meshing using GANs
* Implicit and explicit commonsense for multi-sentence video captioning
* Lightning fast video anomaly detection via multi-scale adversarial distillation
* Low-light image enhancement based on cell vibration energy model and lightness difference
* Modality adaptation via feature difference learning for depth human parsing
* Multi-domain awareness for compressed deepfake videos detection over social networks guided by common mechanisms between artifacts
* Multi-label image classification using adaptive graph convolutional networks: From a single domain to multiple domains
* Object discriminability re-extraction for distractor-aware visual object tracking
* Pseudo initialization based Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning
* SHOWMe: Robust object-agnostic hand-object 3D reconstruction from RGB video
* Subtle signals: Video-based detection of infant non-nutritive sucking as a neurodevelopmental cue
* UAHOI: Uncertainty-aware robust interaction learning for HOI detection
* Vision and Structured-Language Pretraining for Cross-Modal Food Retrieval
19 for CVIU(247)
* Audio-visual deepfake detection using articulatory representation learning
* Bidirectional brain image translation using transfer learning from generic pre-trained models
* Cascaded UNet for progressive noise residual prediction for structure-preserving video denoising
* Challenges and solutions for vision-based hand gesture interpretation: A review
* Coarse-to-fine mechanisms mitigate diffusion limitations on image restoration
* CRML-Net: Cross-Modal Reasoning and Multi-Task Learning Network for tooth image segmentation
* DDGPnP: Differential degree graph based PnP solution to handle outliers
* Deconfounded hierarchical multi-granularity classification
* Deep learning model for simultaneous recognition of quantitative and qualitative emotion using visual and bio-sensing data
* Deep unsupervised shadow detection with curriculum learning and self-training
* Deep video compression based on Long-range Temporal Context Learning
* DHS-DETR: Efficient DETRs with dynamic head switching
* Dual cross perception network with texture and boundary guidance for camouflaged object detection
* Dual cross-enhancement network for highly accurate dichotomous image segmentation
* egocentric video and eye-tracking dataset for visual search in convenience stores, An
* Embedding AI ethics into the design and use of computer vision technology for consumer's behaviour understanding
* End-to-end pedestrian trajectory prediction via Efficient Multi-modal Predictors
* framework for detecting fighting behavior based on key points of human skeletal posture, A
* Image semantic segmentation of indoor scenes: A survey
* Improved high dynamic range imaging using multi-scale feature flows balanced between task-orientedness and accuracy
* Invisible gas detection: An RGB-thermal cross attention network and a new benchmark
* Joint pyramidal perceptual attention and hierarchical consistency constraint for gaze estimation
* Learning depth-aware decomposition for single image dehazing
* LLAFN-Generator: Learnable linear-attention with fast-normalization for large-scale image captioning
* MFCT: Multi-Frequency Cascade Transformers for no-reference SR-IQA
* MKP-Net: Memory knowledge propagation network for point-supervised temporal action localization in livestreaming
* Multi-dimensional attention-aided transposed ConvBiLSTM network for hyperspectral image super-resolution
* Neural image re-exposure
* Opti-CAM: Optimizing saliency maps for interpretability
* RSTC: Residual Swin Transformer Cascade to approximate Taylor expansion for image denoising
* shading isophotes: Model and methods for Lambertian planes and a point light, The
* Spatial Attention Inference Model for Cascaded Siamese Tracking with Dynamic Residual Update Strategy
* Symmetrical Siamese Network for pose-guided person synthesis
* UC-former: A multi-scale image deraining network using enhanced transformer
* Uni MS-PS: A multi-scale encoder-decoder transformer for universal photometric stereo
* URINet: Unsupervised point cloud rotation invariant representation learning via semantic and structural reasoning
* View-aligned pixel-level feature aggregation for 3D shape classification
37 for CVIU(248)
* 3D scene generation for zero-shot learning using ChatGPT guided language prompts
* Acoustic features analysis for explainable machine learning-based audio spoofing detection
* Action-conditioned contrastive learning for 3D human pose and shape estimation in videos
* Agglomerator++: Interpretable part-whole hierarchies and latent space representations in neural networks
* AWADA: Foreground-focused adversarial learning for cross-domain object detection
* Bidirectional temporal and frame-segment attention for sparse action segmentation of figure skating
* Bridging the gap between object detection in close-up and high-resolution wide shots
* BundleMoCap++: Efficient, robust and smooth motion capture from sparse multiview videos
* Bypass network for semantics driven image paragraph captioning
* CAFNet: Context aligned fusion for depth completion
* Class Probability Space Regularization for semi-supervised semantic segmentation
* Continuous fake media detection: Adapting deepfake detectors to new generative techniques
* convex Kullback-Leibler optimization for semi-supervised few-shot learning, A
* DBMHT: A double-branch multi-hypothesis transformer for 3D human pose estimation in video
* Deformable surface reconstruction via Riemannian metric preservation
* Delving into CLIP latent space for Video Anomaly Recognition
* Diffusion Models for Counterfactual Explanations
* Distance-based loss function for deep feature space learning of convolutional neural networks
* DSU-GAN: A robust frontal face recognition approach based on generative adversarial network
* Efficient degradation representation learning network for remote sensing image super-resolution
* Efficient Feature Reuse Distillation Network for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution, An
* end-to-end tracking framework via multi-view and temporal feature aggregation, An
* Estimating optical flow: A comprehensive review of the state of the art
* Exploring Event-Based Human Pose Estimation with 3D Event Representations
* fast differential network with adaptive reference sample for gaze estimation, A
* For a semiotic AI: Bridging computer vision and visual semiotics for computational observation of large scale facial image archives
* Found missing semantics: Supplemental prototype network for few-shot semantic segmentation
* FTM: The Face Truth Machine: Hand-crafted features from micro-expressions to support lie detection
* GCN and Transformer complementary network for skeleton-based action recognition, A
* Generative adversarial network for semi-supervised image captioning
* HAD-Net: An attention U-based network with hyper-scale shifted aggregating and max-diagonal sampling for medical image segmentation
* HBANet: A hybrid boundary-aware attention network for infrared and visible image fusion
* Human-object interaction detection algorithm based on graph structure and improved cascade pyramid network
* Hyperspectral image classification with token fusion on GPU
* Image compressive sensing reconstruction via nonlocal low-rank residual-based ADMM framework
* Invisible backdoor attack with attention and steganography
* large corpus for the recognition of Greek Sign Language gestures, A
* LCMA-Net: A light cross-modal attention network for streamer re-identification in live video
* LightSOD: Towards lightweight and efficient network for salient object detection
* lightweight convolutional neural network-based feature extractor for visible images, A
* Lightweight Cross-Modal Transformer for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* M-adapter: Multi-level image-to-video adaptation for video action recognition
* M3A: A multimodal misinformation dataset for media authenticity analysis
* MLP architecture fusing RGB and CASSI for computational spectral imaging, A
* MoMa: Skinned motion retargeting using masked pose modeling
* Monocular depth estimation with boundary attention mechanism and Shifted Window Adaptive Bins
* MT-DSNet: Mix-mask teacher-student strategies and dual dynamic selection plug-in module for fine-grained image recognition
* Multi-modal transformer with language modality distillation for early pedestrian action anticipation
* Multimodality-guided Visual-Caption Semantic Enhancement
* MultiSubjects: A multi-subject video dataset for single-person basketball action recognition from basketball gym
* Multivariate prototype representation for domain-generalized incremental learning
* NeRFtrinsic Four: An end-to-end trainable NeRF jointly optimizing diverse intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters
* novel image inpainting method based on a modified Lengyel-Epstein model, A
* PMGNet: Disentanglement and entanglement benefit mutually for compositional zero-shot learning
* Pyramid transformer-based triplet hashing for robust visual place recognition
* Region-aware image-based human action retrieval with transformers
* Reverse Stable Diffusion: What prompt was used to generate this image?
* Scalable video transformer for full-frame video prediction
* semantic segmentation method integrated convolutional nonlinear spiking neural model with Transformer, A
* simple but effective vision transformer framework for visible-infrared person re-identification, A
* Simultaneous image denoising and completion through convolutional sparse representation and nonlocal self-similarity
* Spatial attention for human-centric visual understanding: An Information Bottleneck method
* Specular highlight removal using Quaternion transformer
* Targeted adversarial attack on classic vision pipelines
* Transformer fusion for indoor RGB-D semantic segmentation
* Triple-Stream Commonsense Circulation Transformer Network for Image Captioning
* Uncertainty guided test-time training for face forgery detection
* UUD-Fusion: An unsupervised universal image fusion approach via generative diffusion model
* VADS: Visuo-Adaptive DualStrike attack on visual question answer
* VIDF-Net: A Voxel-Image Dynamic Fusion method for 3D object detection
* WGS-YOLO: A real-time object detector based on YOLO framework for autonomous driving
71 for CVIU(249)
* 2S-SGCN: A two-stage stratified graph convolutional network model for facial landmark detection on 3D data
* Bilevel progressive homography estimation via correlative region-focused transformer
* Dual stage semantic information based generative adversarial network for image super-resolution
* Enhanced local multi-windows attention network for lightweight image super-resolution
* Enhancing scene text detectors with realistic text image synthesis using diffusion models
* Leaf cultivar identification via prototype-enhanced learning
* Leveraging vision-language prompts for real-world image restoration and enhancement
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Skeleton Transformer for action recognition
* Open-set domain adaptation with visual-language foundation models
* RetSeg3D: Retention-based 3D semantic segmentation for autonomous driving
* SANet: Selective Aggregation Network for unsupervised object re-identification
* Scene-cGAN: A GAN for underwater restoration and scene depth estimation
* Seam estimation based on dense matching for parallax-tolerant image stitching
* Unsupervised Co-Generation of Foreground-Background Segmentation from Text-to-Image Synthesis
14 for CVIU(250)
* 3D Pose Nowcasting: Forecast the future to improve the present
* Action assessment in rehabilitation: Leveraging machine learning and vision-based analysis
* Adaptive semantic guidance network for video captioning
* Adversarial intensity awareness for robust object detection
* As-Global-As-Possible stereo matching with Sparse Depth Measurement Fusion
* ASELMAR: Active and semi-supervised learning-based framework to reduce multi-labeling efforts for activity recognition
* Building extraction from remote sensing images with deep learning: A survey on vision techniques
* Cleanness-navigated-contamination network: A unified framework for recovering regional degradation
* DA2: Distribution-agnostic adaptive feature adaptation for one-class classification
* From bias to balance: Leverage representation learning for bias-free MoCap solving
* Full-body virtual try-on using top and bottom garments with wearing style control
* Gaussian Splatting with NeRF-based color and opacity
* Graph-based Dense Event Grounding with relative positional encoding
* Local optimization cropping and boundary enhancement for end-to-end weakly-supervised segmentation network
* Multi-domain conditional prior network for water-related optical image enhancement
* Nonlocal Gaussian scale mixture modeling for hyperspectral image denoising
* Pruning networks at once via nuclear norm-based regularization and bi-level optimization
* RS3Lip: Consistency for remote sensing image classification on part embeddings using self-supervised learning and CLIP
* Self-supervised vision transformers for semantic segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Interlaced Network for 3D human pose estimation in video
* SSL-Rehab: Assessment of physical rehabilitation exercises through self-supervised learning of 3D skeleton representations
* UATST: Towards unpaired arbitrary text-guided style transfer with cross-space modulation
* UAV-based person re-identification: A survey of UAV datasets, approaches, and challenges
* YES: You should Examine Suspect cues for low-light object detection
24 for CVIU(251)
* Accuracy-Based Sampling and Reconstruction with Adaptive Meshes for Parallel Hierarchical Triangulation
* Active Shape Models: Their Training and Application
* Aspect-Trees: Generation And Interpretation
* Automatic Sensor Placement For Accurate Dimensional Inspection
* Bayesian Framework for Constructing Probability-Distributions on the Space of Image Segmentations, A
* Building Three-Dimensional Object Models from Image Sequences
* Characterization and Detection of Skewed Symmetry, The
* Computing the Differential Characteristics of Isointensity Surfaces
* Description of Complex Objects from Multiple Range Images Using an Inflating Balloon Model
* Detection of Regions Matching Specified Chromatic Features
* Game Strategy Approach for Image Labeling, A
* High-Speed Image Rotation in Embedded Systems
* Hough Transform On Reconfigurable Meshes
* Industrial Inspection and Reverse Engineering
* Interactive Learning of a Multiple-Attribute Hash Table Classifier for Fast Object Recognition
* Investigation into the Use of Physical Modeling for the Prediction of Various Feature Types Visible from Different Viewpoints, An
* IVIS: An Integrated Volumetric Inspection System
* Optimal Geometric Model-Matching under Full 3D Perspective
* Optimal Sensor and Light-Source Positioning for Machine Vision
* Parallel Simulated Annealing for Shape Detection
* Parametrization of Closed Surfaces for 3-D Shape-Description
* Planning Focus of Attention for Multifingered Hand with Consideration of Time-Varying Aspects
* Planning for Complete Sensor Coverage in Inspection
* Recent Progress in CAD-Based Vision
* Recovering Range Using Virtual Multicamera Stereo
* Registering Range Views of Multipart Objects
* Robust Method for Registration and Segmentation of Multiple Range Images, A
* Survey of Automated Visual Inspection, A
* Systolic Approach For Real-Time Connected Component Labeling, A
* Using Affine Invariants on Perspective Projections of Plane Curves
* Using Partial Derivatives of 3D Images to Extract Typical Surface-Features
* Well-Composed Sets
32 for CVIU(61)
* Bayesian-Approach To Model-Matching With Geometric Hashing, A
* Causal Scene Understanding
* Digitizations Preserving Topological and Differential Geometric-Properties
* Error Analysis Of Camera Movements In Stereo Vehicle Tracking-Systems
* Functional and Physical Object Characteristics and Object Recognition in Improvisation
* Functionality in Object Recognition
* Generic Recognition of Articulated Objects Through Reasoning about Potential Function
* Global Shape from Shading
* Hypercube Algorithms for Parallel-Processing of Pointer-Based Quadtrees
* Image-Analysis and Computer Vision: 1994
* Integrated Matching and Segmentation of Multiple Features in Two Views
* Integration of Multiple Feature Groups and Multiple Views into a 3d Object Recognition System
* Interactive Recognition and Representation of Functionality
* Morphological Operators for Image Sequences
* Navigational Functionalities
* New Single-Pass Algorithm for Parallel Thinning
* Recognition by Functional Parts
* Robust Algorithm for Optical-Flow Estimation, A
* Robust Algorithms for Finding the Center of an Arc, The
* Robust Vergence with Concurrent Identification of Occlusion and Specular Highlights
* Skeletonization via Distance Maps and Level Sets
* Structural Feature-Extraction Using Multiple Bases
* Tracking Level Sets by Level Sets: A Method for Solving the Shape from Shading Problem
* Use of Monocular Groupings and Occlusion Analysis in a Hierarchical Stereo System
* Using Perceptual Inference Networks To Manage Vision Processes
25 for CVIU(62)
* 3D Digital Topology under Binary Transformation with Applications
* Active Foveated Vision System: Attentional Mechanisms and Scan Path Convergence Measures, An
* Active Lattice Model in a Bayesian Framework, An
* Algorithm for a 3D Simplicity Test, An
* Analysis of Affine Invariants as Approximate Perspective Invariants
* Analysis of Error in Depth Perception with Vergence and Spatially Varying Sensing
* Analyzing Nonconvex 2D and 3D Patterns
* Automatic PCB Inspection Algorithms: A Survey
* Camera Calibration without Feature Extraction
* Characterizing Digital Convexity and Straightness in Terms of Length and Total Absolute Curvature
* Contour Tracking by Enhancing Corners and Junctions
* Curve Axis, The
* Data- and Model-Driven Multiresolution Processing
* Deriving Stopping Rules for the Probabilistic Hough Transform by Sequential-Analysis
* Digital-Topology on Graphs
* Dynamic Updating of Planar Structure and Motion: The Case of Constant Motion
* Font and Function Word Identification in Document Recognition
* Grouping Symmetrical Structures for Object Segmentation and Description
* Hierarchical Approach to Efficient Curvilinear Object Searching, A
* Hierarchical Representation of Chain-Encoded Binary Image Contours
* Hybrid Hyperquadric Model for 2-D and 3-D Data Fitting, A
* Image-Analysis and Computer Vision: 1995
* Iterative Pose Estimation Using Coplanar Feature Points
* Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Utility Maps
* Maximum-Likelihood Stereo Algorithm, A
* Multiresolution Surface Modeling Based on Hierarchical Triangulation
* Parallel Euclidean Distance Transformation Algorithm, A
* Parameterized Feasible Boundaries in Gradient Vector-Fields
* Perfecting Vectorized Mechanical Drawings
* Performance Measure for Boundary Detection Algorithms, A
* Photomotion
* Piecewise-Linear Interpolation between Polygonal Slices
* Probabilistic Approach To Geometric Hashing Using Line Features, A
* Recognition of Partial Circular Shapes from Segmented Contours
* Reconstruction and Boundary Detection of Range and Intensity Images Using Multiscale MRF Representations
* Recovering the 3-Dimensional Motion and Structure of Multiple Moving-Objects from Binocular Image Flows
* Representing 3-D Objects in Range Images Using Geons
* Robust Estimation of Multiple Motions: Parametric and Piecewise-Smooth Flow-Fields, The
* Stabilizing the Camera to Fixation Point Distance in Active Vision
* Surface Correspondence and Motion Computation from a Pair of Range Images
* Voronoi Pyramids Controlled by Hopfield Neural Networks
41 for CVIU(63)
* 3D Surface Tracking Algorithm, A
* Attribute Openings, Thinnings, and Granulometries
* Canonical Representations for the Geometries of Multiple Projective Views
* Computing Egomotion and Detecting Independent Motion from Image Motion Using Collinear Points
* Detecting Planar and Curved Symmetries of 3D Shapes from a Range Image
* Direct Computation of the FOE with Confidence Measures
* Direct Solution of Orientation-from-Color Problem Using a Modification of Pentland's Light-Source Direction Estimator
* Fast Noise Variance-Estimation
* Finding the Parts of Objects in Range Images
* First-Order Expansion of Motion Equations in the Uncalibrated Case, The
* Fully Parallel 3D Thinning Algorithm and Its Applications, A
* Geometric Heat-Equation and Nonlinear Diffusion of Shapes and Images
* Global Shape from Shading
* Global Three-Dimensional Surface Reconstruction from Occluding Contours
* Grouping as a Searching Process for Minimum-Energy Configurations of Labeled Random-Fields
* High-Speed Extraction of 3D Structure of Selectable Quality Using a Translating Camera
* Line Symmetry of Convex Digital Regions
* On Digital Distance Transforms in Three Dimensions
* On the Area of Overlap of Translated Polygons
* Perceptual Completion of Occluded Surfaces
* Probabilistic Approach to Perceptual Grouping, A
* Programming a Pipelined Image-Processor
* Recursive Estimation of Motion Parameters
* Regularity Properties of Distance Transformations in Image-Analysis
* Shape-recognition by Integrating Structural Descriptions and Geometrical/Statistical Transforms
* Taking Advantage of Image-Based and Geometry-Based Constraints to Recover 3-D Surfaces
26 for CVIU(64)
* 3D-2D Projective Registration of Free-Form Curves and Surfaces
* Adaptive Vectorization of Line Drawing Images
* Analysis of the Pulmonary Vascular Tree Using Differential Geometry Based Vector-Fields
* Casting Light on Illumination: A Computational Model and Dimensional Analysis of Sources
* Color Constancy for Scenes with Varying Illumination
* Computational Perception of Scene Dynamics, The
* Constancy and Similarity
* Constraint, Optimization, and Hierarchy: Reviewing Stereoscopic Correspondence of Complex Features
* Deformable Models, Guest Editors Introduction
* Deformation Invariants in Object Recognition
* Detection of Specularity Using Stereo in Color and Polarization Space
* Flexible Images: Matching and Recognition Using Learned Deformations
* Geometry of Visual Space: About the Incompatibility Between Science and Mathematics, The
* Geometry of Visual Space: About the Incompatibility Between Science and Mathematics: Reply, The
* Geometry of Visual Space: About the Incompatibility Between Science and Mathematics: Reply, The
* Heuristic Linking Models In Multiscale Image Segmentation
* How Useful is Projective Geometry?
* Imposing Hard Constraints on Deformable Models Through Optimization in Orthogonal Subspaces
* Inferring 2D Object Structure from the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Influence of an Explicitly Modeled 3D Scene on the Tracking of Partially Occluded Vehicles
* Model-Based Joint Motion and Structure Estimation from Stereo Images
* Multiscale Approach to Image Sequence-Analysis
* Physics-Based Segmentation of Complex Objects Using Multiple Hypotheses of Image-Formation
* Physics-Based Visual Understanding
* Recovering the Shape of Polyhedra Using Line-Drawing Analysis and Complex Reflectance Models
* Shape from Radiological Density
* Speechreading Using Probabilistic Models
* Surface Curvature and Shape Reconstruction from Unknown Multiple Illumination and Integrability
* Surface Recovery from Range Images Using Curvature and Motion Consistency
* There Is More to Vision Than Geometry: Reply
* Two-Stage Algorithm for Motion Discontinuity-Preserving Optical-Flow Estimation, A
* Velcro Surfaces: Fast Initialization of Deformable Models
* Visual Space: Mathematics, Engineering, and Science
* Volumetric Segmentation of Medical Images by Three-Dimensional Bubbles
34 for CVIU(65)
* 3D Voronoi Skeletons and Their Usage for the Characterization and Recognition of 2D Organ Shape
* Biomedical Image-Analysis
* Deformable B-Solids and Implicit Snakes for 3D Localization and Tracking of SPAMM MRI Data
* Deformations Incorporating Rigid Structures
* Designing Fourier Descriptor-Based Geometric-Models for Object Interpretation in Medical Images Using Genetic Algorithms
* Discrete Convexity, Straightness, and the 16-Neighborhood
* Extension of the ICP Algorithm to Nonrigid Intensity-Based Registration of 3D Volumes
* Extraction of Shape Skeletons from Grayscale Images
* Implicit Reconstruction by Zooming
* Matching Feature Points in Image Sequences Through a Region-Based Method
* Nonlinear Multiscale Representations for Image Segmentation
* On Computing Aspect Graphs of Smooth Shapes from Volumetric Data
* Q-Series Approach to Deblurring the Discrete Gaussian, A
* Shape And the Information in Medical Images: A Decade of the Morphometric Synthesis
* Shape from Shading and Photometric Stereo Using Surface Approximation by Legendre Polynomials
* Shape Reconstruction from an Endoscope Image by Shape from Shading Technique for a Point Light Source at the Projection Center
* Spatial Transformation and Registration of Brain Images Using Elastically Deformable Models
* Structural Indexing for Character-Recognition
18 for CVIU(66)
* Active Object Recognition Integrating Attention and Viewpoint Control
* Circular Arcs Fitted on a Riemann Sphere
* Circular Arcs Fitted on a Riemann Sphere: Reply
* Circular Arcs Fitted on a Riemann Sphere: Reply
* Computing and Simplifying 2D and 3D Continuous Skeletons
* Data Driven and Model Driven Selection Using Parallel Line Groups
* From Volume Medical Images to Quadratic Surface Patches
* How Many 2D Silhouettes Does it Take to Reconstruct a 3D Object
* Image Processing for Planetary Limb/Terminator Extraction
* Image Registration Using a New Edge-Based Approach
* Knowledge-Based Image Understanding Systems: A Survey
* Line Correspondences from Cooperating Spatial and Temporal Grouping Processes for a Sequence of Images
* Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel Algorithm for Noncoplanar and Coplanar Camera Calibration with Convergence Analysis, A
* Optimizing Line Finder Using a Hough Transform Algorithm, An
* Parallel Feature Tracker for Extended Image Sequences, A
* Preservation of Topological Properties of a Simple Closed Curve under Digitalization
* Realistic Digitization Model of Straight-Lines, A
* Segmentation and Classification of Edges Using Minimum Description Length Approximation and Complementary Junction Cues
* Shape from Shading with a Generalized Reflectance Map Model
* Thin Nets and Crest Lines: Application to Satellite Data and Medical Images
* Tighter Lower-Bound on the Spetsakis-Aloimonos Trilinear Constraints, A
* Using Bilateral Symmetry to Improve 3D Reconstruction from Image Sequences
* Using Consensus Sequence Voting to Correct OCR Errors
* Visual Behaviors for Docking
24 for CVIU(67)
* Analysis and Synthesis of Deformed Patterns Based on Structural Models
* Characterizing the Uncertainty of the Fundamental Matrix
* Color Snakes
* Comparison of Projective Reconstruction Methods for Pairs of Views, A
* Detecting Perceptually Parallel Curves: Criteria and Force Driven Optimization
* Feature Identification from Vectorized Mechanical Drawings
* Finding Point Correspondences in Motion Sequences Preserving Affine Structure
* Fixation Simplifies 3D Motion Estimation
* Hypothesis Verification Using Parametric Models and Active Vision Strategies
* Image Segmentation from Consensus Information
* Instantiating Deformable Models with a Neural Net
* Parallel Computation of the Euclidean Distance transform on the Mesh of Trees and the Hypercube Computer
* Recognition and Integration of Dimension Sets in Vectorized Engineering Drawings
* Shape Representation and Recognition from Multiscale Curvature
* Theory of Multiscale, Torsion Based Shape Representation for Space Curves, A
* Triangulation
16 for CVIU(68)
* 3-D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes from Image Sequences
* Comparison of Edge Detectors
* Dense Structure from a Dense Optical Flow Sequence
* Efficient Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling of Nonrigid Objects via Optimization of Mesh Models
* Fast Surface-Based Procedure for Object Reconstruction from 3D Scattered Points, A
* Guaranteed Convergence of the Hough Transform
* Implicit Surface-Based Geometric Fusion
* Matching 2D Polygonal Arcs by Using a Subgroup of the Unit Quaternions
* Model-Based 3D Object Recognition Using Bayesian Indexing
* Parameterizing Arbitrary Shapes via Fourier Descriptors for Evidence-Gathering Extraction
* Pruning Medial Axes
* Recent Progress in CAD-Based Computer Vision: An Introduction to the Special Issue
* Review of Biologically Motivated Space-Variant Data Reduction Models for Robotic Vision, A
* Segmentation and Recognition of Dimensioning Text from Engineering Drawings
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Range Views for Use in Reverse Engineering of CAD Models
* Space Envelope: A Representation for 3D Scenes, The
* Two Fast Euclidean Distance Transformations in Z2 Based on Sufficient Propagation
* Using Local Planar Geometric Invariants to Match and Model Images of Line Segments
* What-and-Where Filter, The
* X Vision: A Portable Substrate for Real-Time Vision Applications
* Zoom-Invariant Vision of Figural Shape
* Zoom-Invariant Vision of Figural Shape: The Mathematics of Cores
22 for CVIU(69)
* 3D Road Reconstruction from a Single View
* Affine Matching of Planar Sets
* Analysis of Compressed Document Images for Dominant Skew, Multiple Skew, and Logotype Detection
* Categorizing Paper Documents
* Complete Shape from Imperfect Contour: A Rule-Based Approach
* Detection and Characterization of Isolated and Overlapping Spots
* Dynamic and Multiresolution Model of Visual Attention and Its Application to Facial Landmark Detection, A
* Efficient Multiresolution Counterparts to Variational Methods for Surface Reconstruction
* Extended Attributed String Matching for Shape Recognition
* Fully Projective Formulation to Improve the Accuracy of Lowe's Pose-Estimation Algorithm, A
* Generic Integrated Line Detection Algorithm and Its Object-Process Specification, A
* Hidden Markov Model Based Word Recognition and Its Application to Legal Amount Reading on French Checks
* Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1997
* Indexing and Retrieval of Document Images: A Survey, The
* Joint Invariants of a Triplet of Coplanar Conics: Stability and Discriminating Power for Object Recognition
* Model-Based Segmentation Method for Handwritten Numeral Strings, A
* Modelbase Partitioning Using Property Matrix Spectra
* Morphological Scale Space for 2D Shape Smoothing
* Motion-Model-Based Boundary Extraction and a Real-Time Implementation
* Multilevel Approach and Distributed Consistency for Technical Map Interpretation: Application to Cadastral Maps
* Nonrigid Motion Analysis: Articulated and Elastic Motion
* Page Segmentation Using the Description of the Background
* Pattern Classification with Compact Distribution Maps
* Segmentation of Page Images Using the Area Voronoi Diagram
* Segmentation of Printed Circuit Board Images into Basic Patterns
* Special Issue on Document Image Understanding and Retrieval
* Subpattern Level Inspection System for Printed Circuit Boards, A
* Summarization of Imaged Documents without OCR
* Symbolic Compression and Processing of Document Images
29 for CVIU(70)
* 3D Free-Form Object Recognition Using Indexing by Contour Features
* Analysis of Mixed Korean Documents Using the Branch and Bound Algorithm Based on DP Matching
* Analyzing a Scene's Picture Set under Varying Lighting
* Area-Based Matching for Simultaneous Registration of Multiple 3-D Profile Maps
* Boundary Extraction of Discrete Objects
* Effects of Errors in the Viewing Geometry on Shape Estimation
* Efficient Scene Change Detection and Camera Motion Annotation for Video Classification
* Feature Tracking with Automatic Selection of Spatial Scales
* Hidden Deletable Pixel Detection Using Vector Analysis in Parallel Thinning to Obtain Bias-Reduced Skeletons
* Human Face Image Recognition: An Evidence Aggregation Approach
* Image Analysis for 3D Modeling, Rendering, and Virtual View Generation
* Invariant-Based Shape Retrieval in Pictorial Databases
* Modeling the Ground Plane Transformation for Real-Time Obstacle Detection
* Multiscale Contour Segmentation and Approximation: An Algorithm Based on the Geometry of Regular Inscribed Polygons
* On the Determination of Epipoles Using Cross-Ratios
* Optimal Speed-Up Parallel Image Template Matching Algorithms on Processor Arrays with a Reconfigurable Bus System
* Parametric Deformable Model to Fit Unstructured 3D Data, A
* Preprocessing of Face Images: Detection of Features and Pose Normalization
* Progressive Content-Based Shape Compression for Retrieval of Binary Images
* Quantitative Measures of Change Based on Feature Organization: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
* Recognition of Off-Line Cursive Handwriting
* Robust Detection of Degenerate Configurations while Estimating the Fundamental Matrix
* Segmentation of Video by Clustering and Graph Analysis
* Telepresence by Real-Time View-Dependent Image Generation from Omnidirectional Video Streams
* Texture Classification and Segmentation by Cellular Neural Networks Using Genetic Learning
* Using Photometric Invariants for 3D Object Recognition
26 for CVIU(71)
* 3D Shape Matching and Inspection Using Geometric Features and Relational Learning
* Accuracy vs. Efficiency Trade-Offs in Optical Flow Algorithms
* Ascender System: Automated Site Modeling from Multiple Aerial Images, The
* Automatic Building Extraction from Aerial Images
* Building Detection and Description from a Single Intensity Image
* Building Detection and Reconstruction from Mid- and High-resolution Aerial Imagery
* Constrained Active Region Models for Fast Tracking in Color Image Sequences
* Direct Visible Surface Interpolation
* Discontinuity-Preserving Surface Reconstruction Using Stochastic Differential Equations
* Distance-Ordered Homotopic Thinning: A Skeletonization Algorithm for 3D Digital Images
* Extracting Buildings from Aerial Images Using Hierarchical Aggregation in 2D and 3D
* Fast Binary Image Processing Using Binary Decision Diagrams
* From the Hough Transform to a New Approach for the Detection and Approximation of Elliptical Arcs
* Generating Dynamic Projection Images for Scene Representation and Understanding
* Geometric, Algebraic, and Thermophysical Techniques for Object Recognition in IR Imagery
* Image Warping for Shape Recovery and Recognition
* Indexing Based on Algebraic Functions of Views
* Interpretation of Urban Surface Models Using 2d Building Information
* Invariant-Based Recognition of Complex Curved 3-D Objects from Image Contours
* Object Location by Parallel Pose Clustering
* On Accurate and Robust Estimation of Fundamental Matrix
* Recursive Estimation of Illuminant Motion from Flow Field and Simultaneous Recovery of Shape
* Role of Color Attributes and Similarity Grouping in 3-D Building Reconstruction, The
* Stability of Corner Points in Scale Space: The Effects of Small Nonrigid Deformations
* Structural Matching with Active Triangulations
* Support Function Representation of Convex Bodies, Its Application in Geometric Computing, and Some Related Representations
26 for CVIU(72)
* Characterization of Errors in Compositing Panoramic Images
* Coarse to Fine 3D Registration Method Based on Robust Fuzzy Clustering, A
* Connected Morphological Operators for Binary Images
* Constrained Hough Transforms for Curve Detection
* Constraint-Satisfaction Approach for 3-D Object Recognition by Integrating 2-D and 3-D Data, A
* Convexity Rule for Shape Decomposition Based on Discrete Contour Evolution
* Edge Detection in Range Images Based on Scan Line Approximation
* Euclidean Ordering via Chamfer Distance Calculations
* Extracting Group Transformations from Image Moments
* Feature-Based Object Recognition and Localization in 3D-Space, Using a Single Video Image
* Genetic Algorithm for the Extraction of Nonanalytic Objects from Multiple Dimensional Parameter Space
* Human Motion Analysis: A Review
* Image Contrast Enhancement by Constrained Local Histogram Equalization
* Interactively Matching Hand-Drawings Using Induction
* Iterative Pose Computation from Line Correspondences
* Measuring Corner Properties
* Motion Analysis by Random Sampling and Voting Process
* Novel Active Vision-Based Visual Threat Cue for Autonomous Navigation Tasks
* Optimal Computing the Chessboard Distance Transform on Parallel Processing Systems
* Optimal Pose Estimation in Two and Three Dimensions
* Parameterized Modeling and Recognition of Activities
* Parametric Model of the Perspective Projection of a Road with Applications to Lane Keeping and 3D Road Reconstruction
* Robust Motion Estimation for Calibrated Cameras from Monocular Image Sequences
* Sensor Planning for 3D Object Search
* Simultaneous Surface Approximation and Segmentation of Complex Objects
* Solution of the Simultaneous Pose and Correspondence Problem Using Gaussian Error Model
* Structural Shape Indexing with Feature Generation Models
* Thin Nets Extraction Using a Multi-scale Approach
* Velocity Snake: Deformable Contour for Tracking in Spatio-Velocity Space, The
* Visual Analysis of Human Movement: A Survey, The
30 for CVIU(73)
* Age Classification from Facial Images
* Alternative Tilings for Improved Surface Area Estimates by Local Counting Algorithms
* Automatic Object Extraction from Aerial Imagery: A Survey Focusing on Buildings
* Binocular Shape Reconstruction: Psychological Plausibility of the 8-Point Algorithm
* Detection of Independent Motion Using Directional Motion Estimation
* Distance Transform Algorithm for Bit-Serial SIMD Architectures
* Grammatical Inference of Dashed Lines
* Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1998
* Implementation of the Hough Transformation for the Identification and Labelling of Fixed Period Sinusoidal Curves, An
* On Estimating the Uncertainty in the Location of Image Points in 3D Recognition from Match Sets of Different Sizes
* Pattern Matching as a Correlation on the Discrete Motion Group
* Tracking Persons in Monocular Image Sequences
* Use of Boolean Model for Texture Analysis of Grey Images, The
13 for CVIU(74)
* Animated Heads from Ordinary Images: A Least-Squares Approach
* ASSERT: A Physician-in-the-Loop Content-Based Retrieval System for HRCT Image Databases
* Connected Filtering and Segmentation Using Component Trees
* Dimensionality Reduction for Similarity Searching in Dynamic Databases
* Distance Measure for Video Sequences, A
* Euler Characteristics of Discrete Objects and Discrete Quasi-Objects, The
* Fast Wavelet Histogram Techniques for Image Indexing
* Features and Classification Methods to Locate Deciduous Trees in Images
* Finding Salient Regions in Images
* Finding the Collineation between Two Projective Reconstructions
* Flexible Image Database System for Content-Based Retrieval, A
* Guest Editors' Introduction: Content-Based Access of Image and Video Libraries
* Hierarchical Multiresolution Video Shot Transition Detection Scheme, A
* Image Classification and Querying Using Composite Region Templates
* Motion Analysis of Nonrigid Membranes, The
* Novel Vector-Based Approach to Color Image Retrieval Using a Vector Angular-Based Distance Measure, A
* Probabilistic Feature Relevance Learning for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Region-Based Scheme Using RKLT and Predictive Classified Vector Quantization, A
* Stochastic Framework for Optimal Key Frame Extraction from MPEG Video Databases, A
* Tracking of Human Limbs by Multiocular Vision
* Unifying Textual and Visual Cues for Content-Based Image Retrieval on the World Wide Web
21 for CVIU(75)
* 3-D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes from Aerial Stereo Imagery: A Focusing Strategy
* Beyond the Uniqueness Assumption: Ambiguity Representation and Redundancy Elimination in the Computation of a Covering Sample of Salient Contour Cycles
* Computation of the Sign of the Gaussian Curvature of a Surface from Multiple Unknown Illumination Images without Knowledge of the Reflectance Property
* Computing Stochastic Completion Fields in Linear-Time Using a Resolution Pyramid
* Contour Fragment Grouping and Shared, Simple Occluders
* Dealing with Noise in Multiframe Structure from Motion
* Detecting Perceptually Salient Texture Regions in Images
* Fast Euclidean Distance Transformation by Propagation Using Multiple Neighborhoods
* General Ribbon-Based Thinning Algorithms for Stylus-Generated Images
* General Ribbons: A Model for Stylus-Generated Images
* Ground from Figure Discrimination
* Grouping ., -, -->, 0, into Regions, Curves, and Junctions
* Ligature Instabilities in the Perceptual Organization of Shape
* Multiscale Annealing for Grouping and Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Perceptual Grouping Hierarchy for Appearance-Based 3D Object Recognition, A
* Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision: Status, Challenges, and Potential
* Perceptual Organization of Occluding Contours of Opaque Surfaces
* Probabilistic Method for Extracting Chains of Collinear Segments, A
* Probabilistic Model for Recovering Camera Translation, A
* Recognition of Planar Objects Using the Density of Affine Shape
* Three-Class Markovian Segmentation of High-Resolution Sonar Images
* Uncertain Reasoning and Learning for Feature Grouping
* Wavelet-Based Off-Line Handwritten Signature Verification
23 for CVIU(76)
* Analysis of Volumetric Images
* Average Brain Models: A Convergence Study
* Bias-Variance Analysis for Controlling Adaptive Surface Meshes
* Cue-Based Segmentation of 4D Cardiac Image Sequences
* Directional 3D Edge Detection in Anisotropic Data: Detector Design and Performance Assessment
* Elastic Matching of Diffusion Tensor Images
* Generation of Point-Based 3D Statistical Shape Models for Anatomical Objects
* Interpolation Artifacts in Mutual Information-Based Image Registration
* Invariance Signatures: Characterizing Contours by Their Departures from Invariance
* Line Feature Matching Technique Based on an Eigenvector Approach, A
* Multilocal Creaseness Based on the Level-Set Extrinsic Curvature
* ORASSYLL: Object Recognition with Autonomously Learned and Sparse Symbolic Representations Based on Metrically Organized Local Line Detectors
* Scale-Based Fuzzy Connected Image Segmentation: Theory, Algorithms, and Validation
* Segmentation and Interpretation of Multicolored Objects with Highlights
* Use of IFS Codes for Learning 2D Isolated-Object Classification Systems
* Watershed-Based Segmentation and Region Merging
16 for CVIU(77)
* Appearance-Based Hand Sign Recognition from Intensity Image Sequences
* Attentional Scene Segmentation: Integrating Depth and Motion
* Efficient Deformable Template Detection and Localization without User Initialization
* Gray-Level Reduction Using Local Spatial Features
* Heteroscedastic Hough Transform (HtHT): An Efficient Method for Robust Line Fitting in the 'Errors in the Variables' Problem
* Hough Transform Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Segment Extraction and its Parallel Hardware Implementation
* Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1999
* MLESAC: A New Robust Estimator with Application to Estimating Image Geometry
* Motion-Egomotion Discrimination and Motion Segmentation from Image-Pair Streams
* Real-Time Motion Analysis with Linear Programming
* Robust Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Challenge
* Robust Detection of Lines Using the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
* Robust Image Matching under Partial Occlusion and Spatially Varying Illumination Change
* Robust Recognition Using Eigenimages
* Robustly Estimating Changes in Image Appearance
* Specularities on Surfaces with Tangential Hairs or Grooves
* Subpixel Estimation of Circle Parameters Using Orthogonal Circular Detector
17 for CVIU(78)
* 3D Object Recognition and Pose with Relational Indexing
* Camera Calibration for Road Applications
* Classifying the Literature Related to Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* Color Measurement by Imaging Spectrometry
* Computing the Cost of Occlusion
* Cooperative Stereo-Motion: Matching and Reconstruction
* Dynamic Stabilization of a Pan and Tilt Camera for Submarine Image Visualization
* Estimating Dimensions of Free-Swimming Fish Using 3D Point Distribution Models
* Feature Tracking in Video and Sonar Subsea Sequences with Applications
* Markov Random Field and Fuzzy Logic Modeling in Sonar Imagery: Application to the Classification of Underwater Floor
* Microbathymetric Mapping from Underwater Vehicles in the Deep Ocean
* Modeling Parameter Space Behavior of Vision Systems Using Bayesian Networks
* Modeling Wave Set: Definition and Application of a New Topological Organization for 3D Object Modeling
* Motion-Based Compression of Underwater Video Imagery for the Operations of Unmanned Submersible Vehicles
* Nested Local Symmetry Set
* Optical and Sonar Image Classification: Wavelet Packet Transform vs Fourier Transform
* Polyhedral Representation and Adjacency Graph in n-dimensional Digital Images
* Scene-Based Shot Change Detection and Comparative Evaluation
* Underwater Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Underwater Video Mosaics as Visual Navigation Maps
* Visual Looming Navigation Cue: A Unified Approach, The
21 for CVIU(79)
* Analyzing the Mallat Wavelet Transform to Delineate Contour and Textural Features
* Anatomical Modeling with Fuzzy Implicit Surface Templates: Application to Automated Localization of the Heart and Lungs in Thoracic MR Volumes
* Critique of Structure-from-Motion Algorithms, A
* Efficient Computation of the Euclidean Distance Transform
* First Absolute Central Moment in Low-Level Image Processing, The
* Fuzzy Rule-Based Approach to Scene Description Involving Spatial Relationships, A
* Implicit and Nonparametric Shape Reconstruction from Unorganized Data Using a Variational Level Set Method
* Learning Task-Specific Object Recognition and Scene Understanding
* Localized Scene Interpretation from 3D Models, Range, and Optical Data
* Model Selection Techniques and Merging Rules for Range Data Segmentation Algorithms
* Model-Based Detection of Tubular Structures in 3D Images
* Parallel Thinning Algorithms on 3D (18, 6) Binary Images
* Recognizing Hand-Printed Digits with a Distance Quasi-Metric
* Reconstruction of Articulated Objects from Point Correspondences in a Single Uncalibrated Image
* Recovering Estimates of Fluid Flow from Image Sequence Data
* Tracking Groups of People
* Using Shape and Layout Information to Find Signatures, Text, and Graphics
17 for CVIU(80)
* 3D Articulated Models and Multiview Tracking with Physical Forces
* Backpack: Detection of People Carrying Objects Using Silhouettes
* Conversions between Parametric and Implicit Forms Using Polar/Spherical Coordinate Representations
* Depth from Defocus Estimation in Spatial Domain
* Estimating Anthropometry and Pose from a Single Uncalibrated Image
* Framework for Recognizing the Simultaneous Aspects of American Sign Language, A
* Frequency Domain Technique Based on Energy Radial Projections for Robust Estimation of Global 2D Affine Transformations, A
* Learning Variable-Length Markov Models of Behavior
* Modeling People Toward Vision-Based Understanding of a Person's Shape, Appearance, and Movement
* Monocular Perception of Biological Motion in Johansson Displays
* On Uniqueness of Solutions of the Three-Light-Source Photometric Stereo: Conditions on Illumination Configuration and Surface Reflectance
* Progressive Linear Search for Stereo Matching and Its Application to Interframe Interpolation
* Recognizing Planned, Multiperson Action
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Corresponding Point Sets
* Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture, A
* Survey of Free-Form Object Representation and Recognition Techniques, A
* Tracking and Modeling People in Video Sequences
* Tracking Deformable Templates Using a Shortest Path Algorithm
18 for CVIU(81)
* Accurate Building Structure Recovery from High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Building Detection from Multiple Aerial Images in Dense Urban Areas
* Comparability Graphs and Digital Topology
* Convexity-Based Visual Camouflage Breaking
* Deformable Shape Recovery by Factorization Based on a Spatiotemporal Measurement Matrix
* Error Characterization of the Factorization Method
* Estimating the Fundamental Matrix by Transforming Image Points in Projective Space
* Frequency Domain Technique Based on Energy Radial Projections for Robust Estimation of Global 2D Affine Transformations, A
* Linear Fitting with Missing Data for Structure-from-Motion
* Relative Fuzzy Connectedness among Multiple Objects: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
* Smoothing and Edge Detection by Time-Varying Coupled Nonlinear Diffusion Equations
* Statistics of Optical Flow, The
* Vector-City Vector Distance Transform
13 for CVIU(82)
* Algebraic Approach to Camera Self-Calibration, An
* Categorization of Image Databases for Efficient Retrieval Using Robust Mixture Decomposition
* Correspondence between Different View Breast X Rays Using Curved Epipolar Lines
* Curvature Computation on Free-Form 3-D Meshes at Multiple Scales
* Disparity Estimation on Log-Polar Images and Vergence Control
* Efficient Randomized Algorithm for Detecting Circles, An
* Face Detection: A Survey
* Fuzzy Connected Object Delineation: Axiomatic Path Strength Definition and the Case of Multiple Seeds
* Robust and Efficient Fourier-Mellin Transform Approximations for Gray-Level Image Reconstruction and Complete Invariant Description
* Shape and Topology Constraints on Parametric Active Contours
* Silhouette Based Technique for the Reconstruction of Human Movement, A
* Surface Texture and Microstructure Extraction from Multiple Aerial Images
12 for CVIU(83)
* Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Texture Regions
* Comparison of Edge Detector Performance through Use in an Object Recognition Task
* Continuous Probabilistic Framework for Image Matching, A
* Crease Enhancement Diffusion
* Critique of Structure-from-Motion Algorithms, A
* Edge Detector Evaluation Using Empirical ROC Curves
* Empirical Evaluation of Dissimilarity Measures for Color and Texture
* Evaluating 2D Image Comparison Metrics for 3D Scene Interpretation
* Experimental Evaluation of FLIR ATR Approaches-A Comparative Study
* Face Detection Using Multimodal Density Models
* From Image Analysis to Computer Vision: An Annotated Bibliography, 1955-1979
* Generating Realistic Facial Expressions with Wrinkles for Model-Based Coding
* Measuring the Performance of Shape Similarity Retrieval Methods
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Geometric Invariants of Points and Lines
* On Benchmarking Optical Flow
* Performance Evaluation of Document Structure Extraction Algorithms
* Performance Prediction Analysis of a Point Feature Tracker Based on Different Motion Models
* Reconstruction Based Recognition of Scenes with Multiple Repeated Components
* Set Descriptors for Visual Evaluation of Human Corneal Endothelia
* Spatial Models for Fuzzy Clustering
* Special Issue on Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms
21 for CVIU(84)
* Color Models for Outdoor Machine Vision
* Connectivity on Complete Lattices: New Results
* Exhaustive Study of Particular Cases Leading to Robust and Accurate Motion Estimation, An
* Fast Retrieval of Isolated Visual Shapes
* Fuzzy Markovian Segmentation in Application of Magnetic Resonance Images
* Image Thresholding by Maximizing the Index of Nonfuzziness of the 2-D Grayscale Histogram
* New Approach to Automatic Reconstruction of a 3-D World Using Active Stereo Vision, A
* Range Flow Estimation
* Real-Time Approach to the Spotting, Representation, and Recognition of Hand Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction, A
* Spatial-Feature Parametric Clustering Applied to Motion-Based Segmentation in Camouflage
10 for CVIU(85)
* Efficient Computation of the Euclidean Distance Transform
* Evaluation of 3D Operators for the Detection of Anatomical Point Landmarks in MR and CT Images
* Fuzzy Distance Transform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
* Machine Vision System for Lane-Departure Detection, A
* Necklaces: Inhomogeneous and Point-Enhanced Deformable Models
* Perceptual Organization Based Computational Model for Robust Segmentation of Moving Objects
* Recovering a Polygon from Noisy Data
* Relative Viewing Distance: A Correspondence Invariance under Paraperspective Projection
* Thresholding for Change Detection
9 for CVIU(86)
* Automatic Crude Patch Registration: Toward Automatic 3D Model Building
* Compression of Dynamic 3D Geometry Data Using Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Differential Invariants as the Base of Triangulated Surface Registration
* Method for Fine Registration of Multiple View Range Images Considering the Measurement Error Properties, A
* Model-Based Registration of Front- and Backviews of Rotationally Symmetric Objects
* Pair-Wise Range Image Registration: A Study in Outlier Classification
* Parallel Evolutionary Registration of Range Data
* Registration and Integration of Multiple Range Images by Matching Signed Distance Fields for Object Shape Modeling
* Registration of Multiple Acoustic Range Views for Underwater Scene Reconstruction
* Special Issue on Registration and Fusion of Range Images
10 for CVIU(87)
* Adaptive Rest Condition Potentials: First and Second Order Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Digital Distance Transforms in 3D Images Using Information from Neighbourhoods up to 5
* Geometry and Texture Recovery of Scenes of Large Scale
* Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Relevance Feedback
* Multimodal Neighborhood Signature for Modeling Object Color Appearance and Applications in Object Recognition and Image Retrieval, The
* Saliency Sequential Surface Organization for Free-Form Object Recognition
* Using Human Perceptual Categories for Content-Based Retrieval from a Medical Image Database
7 for CVIU(88)
* 3D Brain surface matching based on geodesics and local geometry
* Active blobs: region-based, deformable appearance models
* Iconic feature based nonrigid registration: the PASHA algorithm
* integrated range-sensing, segmentation and registration framework for the characterization of intra-surgical brain deformations in image-guided surgery, An
* Linear-time connected-component labeling based on sequential local operations
* multiscale approach to connectivity, A
* New Image Registration Technique with Free Boundary Constraints: Application to Mammography, A
* new point matching algorithm for non-rigid registration, A
* Non-rigid registration using distance functions
* Nonrigid brain registration: synthesizing full volume deformation fields from model basis solutions constrained by partial volume intraoperative data
* Nonrigid image registration: Guest editors' introduction
* Robust tracking of human body parts for collaborative human computer interaction
* Rotation-invariant texture feature for image retrieval
13 for CVIU(89)
* Automatic extraction and description of human gait models for recognition purposes
* Color image segmentation by pixel classification in an adapted hybrid color space. Application to soccer image analysis
* Implementation techniques for geometric branch-and-bound matching methods
* Motion and structure from multiple cues; image motion, shading flow, and stereo disparity
* Multi-class relevance feedback content-based image retrieval
* Multiple motion analysis: in spatial or in spectral domain?
* On discrete triangles characterization
* Recognition and Reconstruction of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Recognition of partially occluded objects using probabilistic ARG-based matching
* Simplifying curve skeletons in volume images
* Spline-Based Elastic Image Registration: Integration of Landmark Errors and Orientation Attributes
* Topologies for the digital spaces Z2 and Z3
12 for CVIU(90)
* Face Recognition with Visible and Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Face recognition: component-based versus global approaches
* Face reconstruction from monocular video using uncertainty analysis and a generic model
* Facial asymmetry quantification for expression invariant human identification
* Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Temporal and Static Modeling
* framework for heading-guided recognition of human activity, A
* Locating human faces within images
* Object-level structured contour map extraction
* Obtaining complete 2.5D view representation of polyhedra using concept of seedling single-view area
* Probabilistic recognition of human faces from video
* Recognizing faces with PCA and ICA
* Robust Parameterized Component Analysis: Theory and Applications to 2D Facial Appearance Models
* Special issue on face recognition
* Unsupervised recognition of multi-view face sequences based on pairwise clustering with attraction and repulsion
14 for CVIU(91)
* 3D motion retrieval with motion index tree
* Accurate and robust line segment extraction by analyzing distribution around peaks in Hough space
* Automated location matching in movies
* Content-Based Analysis for Video from Snooker Broadcasts
* Evaluation of key frame-based retrieval techniques for video
* Fast video segment retrieval by Sort-Merge feature selection, boundary refinement, and lazy evaluation
* Object-based analysis and interpretation of human motion in sports video sequences by dynamic bayesian networks
* Point similarity measures for non-rigid registration of multi-modal data
* Reconstructing discontinuous surfaces from a given gradient field using partial integrability
* Semantic annotation of soccer videos: Automatic highlights identification
* unified framework for alignment and correspondence, A
* Video retrieval and summarization
* volumetric approach for interactive 3D modeling, A
13 for CVIU(92)
* 3-D reconstruction of static human body shape from image sequence
* Context-dependent segmentation and matching in image databases
* Depth distortion under calibration uncertainty
* Detecting image orientation based on low-level visual content
* Detection and characterization of junctions in a 2D image
* Efficient detection under varying illumination conditions and image plane rotations
* Efficient Set Estimator in High Dimensions: Consistency and Applications to Fast Data Visualization, An
* Error analysis of pattern recognition systems: The subsets bootstrap
* Fast Euclidean Distance Transformation in Two Scans Using a 3X3 Neighborhood
* Hierarchical Markovian segmentation of multispectral images for the reconstruction of water depth maps
* Image Matching with Scale Adjustment
* linear-time component-labeling algorithm using contour tracing technique, A
* Real time repeated video sequence identification
* Shape matching of partially occluded curves invariant under projective transformation
* Topological Model for Two-Dimensional Image Representation: Definition and Optimal Extraction Algorithm
15 for CVIU(93)
* analysis and applications of adaptive-binning color histograms, The
* Classifying offensive sites based on image content
* Color for Image Indexing and Retrieval
* Combining spatial and colour information for content based image retrieval
* FOCUS: A system for searching for multi-colored objects in a diverse image database
* Image retrieval using color histograms generated by Gauss mixture vector quantization
* Induction operators for a computational colour-texture representation
* Linear color segmentation and its implementation
* Moment invariants for recognition under changing viewpoint and illumination
* Object of interest-based visual navigation, retrieval, and semantic content identification system
* Region-based image retrieval using integrated color, shape, and location index
* Selection weighted vector directional filters
* Spectral gradients for color-based object recognition and indexing
13 for CVIU(94)
* Bayesian Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera
* Cast shadow segmentation using invariant color features
* dead reckoning signed distance transform, The
* Dynamic learning from multiple examples for semantic object segmentation and search
* Dynamic mutual calibration and view planning for cooperative mobile robots with panoramic virtual stereo vision
* Eliminating extrapolation using point distribution criteria in scattered data interpolation
* Illumination insensitive recognition using eigenspaces
* MPM-MAP algorithm for motion segmentation, The
* multiscale elastic registration scheme for retinal angiograms, A
* On combining graph-partitioning with non-parametric clustering for image segmentation
* Part-level object recognition using superquadrics
* Registration without ICP
* Robust real-time face tracker for cluttered environments
* Shape matching of partially occluded curves invariant under projective transformation
* Skeletal Measure of 2D Shape Similarity, A
* two-step method for preprocessing volume data, A
* Video summaries and cross-referencing through mosaic-based representation
17 for CVIU(95)
* Adaptive Dual-Point Hough Transform for Object Recognition
* Automatic description of complex buildings from multiple images
* automatic road sign recognition system based on a computational model of human recognition processing, An
* CVIU special issue on event detection in video
* Data compression with spherical wavelets and wavelets for the image-based relighting
* Differential video coding of face and gesture events in presentation videos
* hierarchy of cameras for 3D photography, A
* impact of radial distortion on the self-calibration of rotating cameras, The
* LAMP: 3D layered, adaptive-resolution, and multi-perspective panorama: A new scene representation
* Layered representations for learning and inferring office activity from multiple sensory channels
* Maximum entropy model-based baseball highlight detection and classification
* Model-based and image-based 3D scene representation for interactive visualization
* multi-modal system for the retrieval of semantic video events, A
* Real-time 3D shape reconstruction, dynamic 3D mesh deformation, and high fidelity visualization for 3D video
* Reconstructing 3D trajectories of independently moving objects using generic constraints
* Silhouette and stereo fusion for 3D object modeling
* Synchronization of oscillations for machine perception of gaits
* Temporal spatio-velocity transform and its application to tracking and interaction
* Tri-view morphing
* Video-based event recognition: activity representation and probabilistic recognition methods
* Volumetric video compression for interactive playback
21 for CVIU(96)
* 3-D space-time motion detection for an invariant image registration approach in digital subtraction angiography, A
* Accurate optical flow computation under non-uniform brightness variations
* correspondence framework for 3D surface matching algorithms, The
* Extracting layers and analyzing their specular properties using epipolar-plane-image analysis
* Geodesic active regions and level set methods for motion estimation and tracking
* geometric error for homographies, The
* granulometric analysis of specular microscopy images of human corneal endothelia, A
* Improved range image segmentation by analyzing surface fit patterns
* On the gray-level central and absolute central moments and the mass center of the gray-level variability in low-level image processing
* Real-time cooperative multi-target tracking by communicating active vision agents
* Recent advances in visual and infrared face recognition: A review
* Reconstructing camera projection matrices from multiple pairwise overlapping views
* Scene-Consistent Detection of Feature Points in Video Sequences
* Similarity motion estimation and active tracking through spatial-domain projections on log-polar images
14 for CVIU(97)
* Analyzing magnetic resonance images of Iberian pork loin to predict its sensorial characteristics
* Efficient partial-surface registration for 3D objects
* embedded system for an eye-detection sensor, An
* Estimating the eye gaze from one eye
* Eye gaze tracking techniques for interactive applications
* Eye tracking in the wild
* Fast acquisition of dense depth data by a new structured light scheme
* Force field feature extraction for ear biometrics
* generative framework for real time object detection and classification, A
* Geometry of Dynamic Scenes: On Coplanar and Convergent Linear Motions Embedded in 3D Static Scenes, The
* Hardware implementation of optical flow constraint equation using FPGAs
* Human action-recognition using mutual invariants
* Identifying, visualizing, and comparing regions in irregularly spaced 3D surface data
* non-contact device for tracking gaze in a human computer interface, A
* novel non-intrusive eye gaze estimation using cross-ratio under large head motion, A
* Panoramic stereo reconstruction using non-SVP optics
* Reflectance from locally glossy thoroughly pitted surfaces
* Reillumination-driven shape from shading
* Robust real-time eye detection and tracking under variable lighting conditions and various face orientations
* Special issue: eye detection and tracking
* system to detect houses and residential street networks in multispectral satellite images, A
21 for CVIU(98)
* Amodal volume completion: 3D visual completion
* Constructing multiscale connectivities
* Decomposition of binary morphological structuring elements based on genetic algorithms
* Deformable model with a complexity independent from image resolution
* Efficient, causal camera tracking in unprepared environments
* Extending anisotropic operators to recover smooth shapes
* Fast connected-component labelling in three-dimensional binary images based on iterative recursion
* Focal length calibration from two views: Method and Analysis of Singular Cases
* Gray skeletons and segmentation of shapes
* Hierarchical implicit surface joint limits for human body tracking
* IR and visible light face recognition
* lane-departure identification based on LBPE, Hough transform, and linear regression, A
* Least-squares 3D reconstruction from one or more views and geometric clues
* Measuring rectilinearity
* multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments, A
* Object recognition with uncertain geometry and uncertain part detection
* Robust anisotropic diffusion to produce enhanced statistical parametric map from noisy fMRI
* Symmetry-based 3-D reconstruction from perspective images
* Tensor scale: A local morphometric parameter with applications to computer vision and image processing
* Unsupervised image segmentation using triplet Markov fields
* Visual tracking and recognition using probabilistic appearance manifolds
21 for CVIU(99)