* 1 Logn Parallel Algorithm for Detecting Convex Hulls on Image Boards, A
* 2-Stage Neural-Network for Volume Segmentation of Medical Images
* 3-D Heart Modeling and Motion Estimation Based on Continuous Distance Transform Neural Networks and Affine Transform
* 3-D Tracking and Motion Estimation Using Hierarchical Kalman Filter
* 3-Dimensional Surface Segmentation Using Multicolored Illumination
* 3D Motion and Shape Representations in Visual Servo Control
* Absolute Phase Image-Reconstruction: A Stochastic Nonlinear Filtering Approach
* Adaptive Impulsive Noise Removal in TV Picture Transmission
* Adaptive Neural Network for Nuclear Medicine Image Restoration
* Adaptive Resampling Algorithm for Image Zooming
* Additive Vector Decoding of Transform Coded Images
* Analysis of Compressed Document Images for Dominant Skew, Multiple Skew, and Logotype Detection
* Analysis of the Behavior of Genetic Algorithms When Learning Bayesian Network Structure from Data
* Apparatus and method for detecting a velocity of a moving object
* Apparatus and process for detecting scene breaks in a sequence of video frames
* Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Medical Image Pattern-Recognition: Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications on Mammograms and Lung-Cancer on Chest Radiographs
* Application of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in the Classification of Endothelial Cells
* Application of Neural Networks and Statistical Pattern Recognition Algorithms to Earthquake Risk Evaluation
* Application of the Morphological Geodesic Reconstruction to Image Sequence Analysis
* Approach to Form Recognition Based on Nonlinear Projections, Search and Optimization, An
* Approximation of Calculations for Forward Discrete Cosine Transform
* Approximation-Based Similarity Search for 3-D Surface Segments
* Automatic Detection of the Boundary of the Calcaneus from Ultrasound Parametric Images Using an Active Contour Model: Clinical Assessment
* Automatic Registration of Images of Pigmented Skin Lesions
* Automatic scene decomposition and optimization of MPEG compressed video
* Automation of an Industrial Fork Lift Truck, Guided by Artificial Vision in Open Environments
* Bayesian Approach to Parameter Estimation and Interpolation of Time Varying Autoregressive Processes Using the Gibbs Sampler
* Bayesian Classification and Class Area Estimation of Satellite Images Using Stratification
* Bayesian Estimation for Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Gaussian Random Fields
* Bayesian Subsequence Matching and Segmentation
* Bayesian Ying-Yang Machine, Clustering and Number of Clusters
* Belief Networks, Hidden Markov-Models, and Markov Random Fields: A Unifying View
* Block Algorithms for the Parametric Estimation of Signals and Systems
* Blocking Artifacts Reduction in Image Compression with Block Boundary Discontinuity Criterion
* Boundary Simplification Using a Multiscale Dominant Point Detection Algorithm
* Categorizing Paper Documents
* Chinese Character Stroke Extraction Algorithm Based on Contour Information, A
* CITE: A Trainable Image Annotation System
* Classification of Documents by Form and Content
* Classification of Imbalanced Remote Sensing Data by Neural Networks
* Closed Loop Motion Compensation for Video Coding Standards
* Cluster ZTP in the Recovery of an Image
* CMNN: Cooperative Modular Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
* Color Imaging For Multimedia
* Combined Steepest Descent-Fast Multipole Algorithm for the Fast Analysis of 3-Dimensional Scattering by Rough Surfaces, A
* Comments on Mesh and Pyramid Algorithms for Iconic Indexing
* Comparison of Clustering Algorithms Applied to Color Image Quantization, A
* Comparison of Color Texture Attributes Selected by Statistical Feature Selection and Neural Network Methods, A
* Comparison of Feature Performance and Its Application to Feature Combination in Off-Line Handwritten Korean Alphabet Recognition
* Comparison of Genetic Algorithm Systems with Neural Network and Statistical Techniques for Analysis of Cloud Structures in Midlatitude Storm Systems
* comparison of motion-compensated interlace-to-progressive conversion methods, A
* Computational and Psychophysical Studies of Early Vision
* Computational Model of the Human Visual System for Color Coding: Results with Adaptation and Colored Surrounds, A
* Computer Aided Recognition of Relief Patterns on Radar Images Using a Syntax Analysis
* Consistent Symmetrical Axis Method for Robust Detection of Ellipses
* Constrained Storage Vector Quantization with a Universal Codebook
* Construction of High Resolution Wavelets
* Continuous Quality Assessment of Digitally Coded Television Pictures
* Data Compression Using New Fast Adaptive Cosine Haar Transforms
* Data Partitioning for Parallel Spatial Join Processing
* Decision Rule for Pattern Classification by Integrating Interval Feature Values
* Decoding Bar Codes from Human Readable Characters
* Derivation of Optimal Filters for the Detection of Coronary Arteries
* Design and Analysis for Thematic Map Accuracy Assessment: Fundamental Principles
* Designing a Fuzzy Step Size LMS Algorithm
* Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications on Mammograms Using Surrounding Region Dependence Method and Artificial Neural Network
* Detection of Human Faces in Color Image Sequences with Arbitrary Motions for Very Low Bit Rate Videophone Coding
* Detection of Human Faces in Color Images
* Different Methods to Segment Biomedical Images
* Differentiating Between Oriental and European Scripts by Statistical Features
* Direct Method for Restoration of Motion Blurred Images
* Direct Reconstruction Method for Wavelet Transform Extrema Representation
* Direct Reconstruction of Cone Beam Data Acquired with a Vertex Path Containing a Circle
* Disparity and Occlusion Estimation in Multiocular Systems and Their Coding for the Communication of Multiview Image Sequences
* Distributed Autonomous Agents For Chinese Document Image Segmentation
* Edge insensitive pixel deletion method for printing high resolution image
* Edge-Finding in Human Vision: A Multistage Model Based on the Perceived Structure of Plaids
* Efficient Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Structure Segmentation and Compensability Analysis
* Efficient Search Algorithm on Compact S-Trees
* Efficient Weighted Least Squares Algorithm for the Design of FIR Filters
* Embedded DCT Based Still Image Coding Algorithm, An
* Energy Minimization of Contours Using Boundary Conditions
* Enhanced Interframe Coding Based on Morphological Segmentation
* Error Guided Design of a 3D Vision System
* Error Resilience Improvement for Block Transform Video Coders
* Error Resilient Video Coding in the ISO MPEG-4 Standard
* Error Sensitivity Assessment of Vision Algorithms
* Estimation of Depth Fields Suitable for Video Compression Based on 3-D Structure and Motion of Objects
* Evaluation of Mesh Based Motion Estimation in H.263-Like Coders
* Experiments with a Featureless Approach to Pattern Recognition
* Fast Chain Coding of Region Boundaries
* Fast Codebook Search Algorithm for Unconstrained Vector Quantization
* Fast Codeword Search Algorithm for Real Time Codebook Generation in Adaptive VQ
* Fast Codeword Search Technique for the Encoding of Variable Rate Vector Quantizers
* Fast Computation of the Discrete Walsh and Hadamard Transforms
* Fast Design of Reduced Complexity Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Using Triangular Inequality
* Fast Fractal Image Block Coding Based on Local Variances
* Fast Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Lowpass and Highpass Filtering, A
* Fast, Robust Total Variation Based Reconstruction of Noisy, Blurred Images
* Feature Based Compression of Human Face Images
* Feature Directed Spiral Coding of Magnetic Resonance Images
* Field Trials of an MPEG2 Distributed Single Frequency Network
* Finding Rotational Symmetries by Cyclic String Matching
* Fractal coding of subbands with an oriented partition
* Framework for Statistical 3-D Object Recognition, A
* From Nomad to Explorer: Active Object Recognition on Mobile Robots
* FT-AVS: A Fault Tolerant Architecture for Real Time Active Vision
* Full Volumetric Descriptions from Three Intensity Images
* Fully-Automatic Segmentation of the Brain in MRI
* Generalized Method for Pruning an FFT Type of Transform
* Generation of Oriental Characters: New Perspectives for Automatic Handwriting Processing, The
* Generic and Fully Automatic Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color
* Generic Integrated Line Detection Algorithm and Its Object-Process Specification, A
* Genetic Algorithm Parameter Sets for Line Labeling
* Gray-Level 2D Feature Detector Using Circular Statistics, A
* Gray-Scale Nonlinear Shape Normalization Method for Handwritten Oriental Character Recognition
* Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on Primitive and Fuzzy Features via the SEART Neural Net Model
* Hidden Markov Model Based Word Recognition and Its Application to Legal Amount Reading on French Checks
* Holographic Method for Reconstruction of Random Rough Surface
* Hough Transform Versus the UpWrite, The
* How To Compute 3-Dimensional Convolution and/or Correlation Optically: A Mathematical Foundation
* Huffman coding of DCT coefficients using dynamic codeword assignment and adaptive codebook selection
* Hybrid Neural Network Model in Handwritten Word Recognition, A
* Hybrid System for Target Classification, A
* Identification of Cubically Nonlinear Systems Using Undersampled Data
* Illuminant-Tilt Estimation from Images of Isotropic Texture
* Image Compression and Encryption Using Tree Structures
* Image Compression Using KLT, Wavelets and an Adaptive Mixture of Principal Components Model
* Image Compression Using Multilayer Neural Networks
* Image data processing apparatus and image reproduction apparatus
* Image segmentation system
* Image stabilizing device
* Image-area identifying system for a color image processing apparatus
* Impact of MPEG Standards on Multimedia Industry
* Improving OCR Performance Using Character Degradation Models and Boosting Algorithm
* Incremental Arc Segmentation Algorithm and Its Evaluation
* Indexing and Retrieval of Document Images: A Survey, The
* Induction of Decision Rules That Fulfill User Specified Performance Requirements
* Infotree: A New Generic Method for Supervised Pattern Recognition Based on a Contextual Tree
* Ink Matching of Cursive Chinese Handwritten Annotations
* Intriguing Aspects of Oriental Languages
* Intrinsic Dimensionality Estimation with Optimally Topology Preserving Maps
* Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Maneuvering Targets
* Investigating Redundancy in Feedforward Neural Classifiers
* Irregular MRF Region Label Model for Multichannel Image Segmentation, An
* Joint Optimization of Block Size and Quantization for Quadtree Based Motion Estimation
* Joint Quantization and Error Diffusion of Color Images Using Competitive Learning
* Joint Video Coding of MPEG-2 Video Programs for Digital Broadcasting Services
* Knowledge Reuse in Multiple Classifier Systems
* Learning String Edit Distance
* Linear Flaw Detection in Woven Textiles Using Model Based Clustering
* Lipreading: A Classifier Combination Approach
* Local Operators to Detect Regions of Interest
* Mean-Field Approach to Learning in Boltzmann Machines
* Measuring Texture Classification Algorithms
* Medical Image Compression Using 2x2 Discrete Cosine Transform
* Mesh and pyramid algorithms for iconic indexing
* Method and apparatus for constructing intermediate images for a depth image from stereo images using velocity vector fields
* Method and apparatus for distributing network bandwidth on a video server for transmission of bit streams across multiple network interfaces connected to a single internet protocol (IP) network
* Method and apparatus for providing perceived video viewing experiences using still images
* Method and apparatus for segmenting images using stochastically deformable contours
* Method and apparatus for standardization of inputs to word recognition systems
* Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects in real time using contours of the objects and feature paths
* Method and device for compact representation of a discrete region contour
* Method for coordinating multiple fields of view in multi-camera
* Model-Based Segmentation Method for Handwritten Numeral Strings, A
* Modular High Throughput Architecture for Logarithmic Search Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Mosaicking Airborne Scanner Data with the Multiquadric Rectification Technique
* Motion and disparity estimation method, image synthesis method, and apparatus for implementing same methods
* Motion Compensated Spatiotemporal Filter for Image Sequences with Signal Dependent Noise, A
* Motion-adaptive modelling of scene content for very low bit rate model-assisted coding of video sequences
* Moving object measurement device employing a three-dimensional analysis to obtain characteristics of the moving object
* Moving Obstacle Detection from a Navigating Robot
* MPEG-2 Spatial Scalable Coding and Transport Stream Error Concealment for Satellite TV Broadcasting Using KA-Band
* MPEG-4 and Rate Distortion Based Shape Coding Techniques
* Multiclass Classifier Independent Feature Analysis
* Multilevel Approach and Distributed Consistency for Technical Map Interpretation: Application to Cadastral Maps
* Multimedia Data Embedding and Watermarking Technologies
* Multimodal Image Segmentation Using a Modified Hopfield Neural Network
* Multiobjective Neural Network for Image Reconstruction
* Multiple Graph Matching with Bayesian-Inference
* Multiple Line-Template Matching with the EM Algorithm
* Multiple Resolution Image Restoration
* Multiresolution Distance Measure for Images, A
* Multiscale Hypothesis Testing Approach to Anomaly Detection and Localization from Noisy Tomographic Data, A
* Multivalued Distance Maps for Motion Planning on Surfaces with Moving Obstacles
* Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles Using Linear-Array Cameras
* Network-Based Approach To Korean Handwriting Analysis
* Neural Architecture of Brightness Perception: Nonlinear Contrast Detection and Geometry Driven Diffusion, A
* Neural-Network That Visualizes What It Classifies, A
* Never Image Compression Method Using Edge Oriented Classifier and Novel Predictive Noiseless Coding Method
* New Affine Transformation: Its Theory and Application to Image Coding, A
* New Algorithm for Error Tolerant Subgraph Isomorphism Detection, A
* New Approach for Real Time Reduction of Blocking Effect, A
* New Approach to the Verification of Chinese Signatures with Variant Orientations and Scales Using Relaxation and State Space Search Methods, A
* new coding algorithm for arbitrarily shaped image segments, A
* New Synthesizing Method For Handwriting Korean Scripts, A
* Nonlinear Image Processing Approach Through Fuzzy Measures, A
* Nonlinear Motion Estimation Using The Supercoupling Approach
* Nonparametric Method for Automatic Correction of Intensity Nonuniformity in MRI Data, A
* Nonparametric Regression Modeling with Equiprobable Topographic Maps and Projection Pursuit Learning with Application to PET Image-Processing
* Note on Using Only Position Equations for Robotic Hand/Eye Calibration, A
* Novel Algorithm for Low Power Image and Video Coding, A
* Novel Approach for Reduction of Blocking Effects in Low Bit Rate Image Compression, A
* novel method for automatic face segmentation, facial feature extraction and tracking, A
* Numerical Optimization in Spot Detector Design
* Object Oriented Coder Using Block Based Motion Vectors and Residual Image Compensation, An
* Objective Assessment of Image Quality: III, ROC Metrics, Ideal Observers, And Likelihood-Generating Functions
* Offline Recognition of Chinese Handwriting by Multifeature and Multilevel Classification
* On the Convergence of Mean Field Procedures for MRFs
* On the Influence of the Phase of Conjugate Quadrature Filters in Subband Image Coding
* On the POCS Based Postprocessing Technique to Reduce the Blocking Artifacts in Transform Coded Images
* On the Reduction of the Nearest Neighbor Variation for More Accurate Classification and Error Estimates
* On the Use of Neighborhood Based Nonparametric Classifiers
* Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Directed by Components with Dynamic Templates
* Optical Character Recognition with Feature Extraction and Associative Memory Matrix
* Optimal Multiedge Detector for SAR Image Segmentation, An
* Optimal Reconstruction of Images from Localized Phase
* Ordinal Measures for Image Correspondence
* Page Segmentation Using the Description of the Background
* Parallel Pipeline Implementation of Wavelet Transforms
* Partial Volume Bayesian Classification of Material Mixtures in MR Volume Data Using Voxel Histograms
* Pattern Recognition in Practice V
* Performance Evaluation of Cell Discarding Mechanisms for the Distribution of VBR MPEG-2 Video over ATM Networks
* Pixel Dissimilarity Measure That Is Insensitive to Image Sampling, A
* PLINC Algorithm: Pattern Location in Noisy Contexts
* Printed Chinese Character Similarity Measurement Using Ring Projection and Distance Transform
* Procedure for the Detection and Removal of Cloud Shadow from AVHRR Data Over Land, A
* Programmable H.263 Based Wireless Video Transceivers for Interference Limited Environments
* Projection Space Image Reconstruction Using Strip Functions to Calculate Pixels More Natural for Modeling the Geometric Response of the SPECT Collimator
* Prototype Indexing Approach to 2-D Object Description and Recognition, A
* Psychophysical Analyses of Contour Processing in Humans: The Case for Qualitative Tests
* Quadtree Based Least Squares Prediction for Multispectral Image Coding
* Qualitative Landmark Recognition Using Visual Cues
* Quantitative-Analysis of MR Brain Image Sequences by Adaptive Self-Organizing Finite Mixtures
* Range Imaging with Adaptive Color Structured Light
* Real-time method of digitally altering a video data stream to remove portions of the original image and substitute elements to create a new image
* Recent Progress in Modeling Neural Mechanisms of Form and Color Vision
* Recognizing 3-D Objects by Using a Hopfield-Style Optimization Algorithm for Matching Patch Based Descriptions
* Recognizing Patterns in Electromechanical Systems
* Recursive Thresholding Technique for Image Segmentation, A
* Reduction of Blocking Artifact in Block Coded Images Using Wavelet Transform
* Reliability Design Methodology for Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Reliable Polygonal Approximations of Imaged Real Objects Through Dominant Point Detection
* Representation and encoding of general arbitrary shapes
* Robust B-Spline Image Modeling with Application to Image Processing
* Robust Regression for the Detection of Independent 3D Motion by a Binocular Observer
* Robust Reweighted MAP Motion Estimation
* Sammons Mapping Using Neural Networks: A Comparison
* Scale Selection Using 3 Different Representations For Images
* Segmentation and Recognition of Continuous Handwriting Chinese Text
* Segmentation and Reconstruction of Online Handwritten Scripts
* Segmentation of Page Images Using the Area Voronoi Diagram
* Segmentation of Uniform Colored Text from Color Graphics Background
* Segmenting Images Corrupted By Correlated Noise
* Selection of Natural Scales in 2D Images Using Adaptive Gabor Filtering, The
* Self Organizing Hierarchical Classifier for Multilingual Large Set Oriental Character Recognition, A
* Shape Adaptive DCT with Block Based DC Separation and Delta-DC Correction
* Shift-Invariant Neural Network for the Lung Field Segmentation in Chest Radiography, A
* Similarity Measure for Superquadrics
* Simulation of Neural Contour Mechanisms: Representing Anomalous Contours
* Singularities and Regularities on Line Pictures via Symmetrical Trapezoids
* Snake for Model Based Segmentation of Biomedical Images, A
* Spatiotemporal Energy-Based Method for Velocity Estimation
* Special Issue on Applications of Neural Networks in Biomedical Image Processing: Guest Editors Introduction
* Special Issue on Document Image Understanding and Retrieval
* Special Issue: Advances in Oriental Document Analysis and Recognition Techniques: Part I: Preface
* Statistical Methods for Automatic Interpretation of Digitally Scanned Finger Prints
* Strategies for Combining Classifiers Employing Shared and Distinct Pattern Representations
* Sub-Pixel Nonparametric PSF Estimation for Image-Enhancement
* Subpixel Detection of the Center of an Object Using a Spectral Phase Algorithm on the Image
* Summarization of Imaged Documents without OCR
* Supervised Classification in High-Dimensional Space: Geometrical, Statistical, and Asymptotical Properties of Multivariate Data
* Symbolic Compression and Processing of Document Images
* Symbolic Intersect Detection: A Method for Improving Spatial Intersect Joins
* Synchronous Random Fields and Image Restoration
* System and method for reading package information
* TABU Search Method for Geometric Primitive Extraction, A
* Texture Recognition Using a Superfast Cellular Neural Network VLSI Chip in a Real Experimental Environment
* Texture Synthesis via a Noncausal Nonparametric Multiscale Markov Random Field
* Towards a Method for Parametrizing Models of Early Vision Using Psychophysical Data
* Transcoding of Single-Layer MPEG Video into Lower Rates
* Transform Coding of Stereo Image Residuals
* Two-dimensional discrete cosine transformation circuit
* Typeface Identification for Printed Chinese Characters
* Use of Log Polar Space for Foveation and Feature Recognition
* Veinerization: A New Shape Description for Flexible Skeletonization
* Vision Based Motion Planning and Exploration Algorithms for Mobile Robots
* Visual Data Compression for Multimedia Applications
* Volumetric/Iconic Frequency-Domain Representation for Objects with Application for Pose Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Wavelet Based Feature Extraction from Oceanographic Images
* Wavelet Packet Image-Coding Using Space-Frequency Quantization
* Wavelet Zerotree Image Compression with Packetization
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