Update Dates 0912

0912 * 2D-LPI: Two-Dimensional Locality Preserving Indexing
* 3-D Brain MRI Tissue Classification on FPGAs
* 3-D model based vehicle recognition
* 3-D Rat Brain Phantom for High-Resolution Molecular Imaging
* 3D city GIS for sustaining city infrastructure: the Bentley approach
* 3D city registration and enrichment
* 3D Face Recognition by Surface Classification Image and PCA
* 3D Reconstruction of Patient Specific Bone Models from 2D Radiographs for Image Guided Orthopedic Surgery
* 3D segmentation of soft organs by flipping-free mesh deformation
* Accurate Image Search Using the Contextual Dissimilarity Measure
* Action recognition based on human movement characteristics
* Action recognition via multi-feature fusion and Gaussian process classification
* Active Lighting for Video Conferencing
* Activity recognition by integrating the physics of motion with a Neuromorphic model of perception
* Ad Hoc Solution of the Multicommodity-Flow-Over-Time Problem
* Adaptive and Predictive Respiratory Motion Model for Image-Guided Interventions: Theory and First Clinical Application, An
* Adaptive Binarization of Ancient Documents
* Adaptive deblocking filter for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding
* adaptive scheme for compressed video steganography using temporal and spatial features of the video signal, An
* Adaptive, real-time visual simultaneous localization and mapping
* Advanced Film Grain Noise Extraction and Synthesis for High-Definition Video Coding
* Advances in View-Invariant Human Motion Analysis: A Review
* Affine-Invariant Image Watermarking Using the Hyperbolic Chirp
* Age categorization via ECOC with fused gabor and LBP features
* Algebraic Synthesis of Forest Scenarios From Multibaseline PolInSAR Data
* algorithm enabling blind users to find and read barcodes, An
* Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing on Emergent Platforms: Overview and Future Prospects
* Algorithms to Automate Estimation of Time Codes for Captioning Digital Media
* Analysis of Multiresolution-Based Fusion Strategies for a Dual Infrared System
* Analysis of the Main Scattering Mechanisms in Forested Areas: An Integral Representation Approach for Monostatic Radar Configurations
* Analyzing human interactions with a network of dynamic probabilistic models
* Angle vertex and bisector geometric model for triangular road sign detection
* Annular Iris Recognition Using SURF
* Anomaly Detection from Call Data Records
* Application of a Statistical Shape Model to Diaphragm Tracking in Respiratory-Gated Cardiac PET Images, The
* Application of Digital Imaging Technique in Electrical Charge Tomography System for Image Reconstruction Validation
* Application of highlight removal and multivariate image analysis to color measurement of flotation bubble images
* Application of Neural Networks in Preform Design of Aluminium Upsetting Process Considering Different Interfacial Frictional Conditions
* Applying Bayes Markov chains for the detection of ATM related scenarios
* Applying robust structure from motion to markerless augmented reality
* Applying Sum and Max Product Algorithms of Belief Propagation to 3D Shape Matching and Registration
* Approach for Preparing Groundtruth Data and Evaluating Visual Saliency Models, An
* Approximate geometric reasoning with extended geographic objects
* Attribute-based people search in surveillance environments
* Automated Identification of Protein Structural Features
* Automated thickness measuring system for brake shoe of rolling stock
* Automatic analysis of flourescence labeled neurites in microscope images
* Automatic camera placement for large scale surveillance networks
* Automatic Detection of Defective Zebrafish Embryos via Shape Analysis
* Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Medical Documents
* Automatic marker detection for blob images
* Automatic Mass Segmentation Based on Adaptive Pyramid and Sublevel Set Analysis
* Automatic Range Image Registration in the Markov Chain
* Automatic tracking of swimming microorganisms in 4D digital in-line holography data
* Automatic Tuning of MST Segmentation of Mammograms for Registration and Mass Detection Algorithms
* Automatic Web News Extraction Using Blocking Tag
* Automatically detecting the small group structure of a crowd
* Automating multi-camera self-calibration
* Automation in Automobiles: Power Seat
* B-Spline Modeling of Road Surfaces With an Application to Free-Space Estimation
* Ball joints for Marker-less human Motion Capture
* Bayesian Approach to Hybrid Image Retrieval, A
* Bimodal information analysis for emotion recognition
* Binarization of Documents with Complex Backgrounds
* Biological Inspired Visual Landmark Recognition Architecture, A
* Biologically Inspired Contrast Enhancement Using Asymmetric Gain Control
* Biometric Authentication Based on Infrared Thermal Hand Vein Patterns
* Biometric Based Unique Key Generation for Authentic Audio Watermarking
* Biometric cryptographic key generation based on city block distance
* Biometric Gait Recognition with Carrying and Clothing Variants
* Blotch Detection in Pigmented Skin Lesions Using Fuzzy Co-clustering and Texture Segmentation
* Boosted Tracking in Video
* Boosting Framework for Visuality-Preserving Distance Metric Learning and Its Application to Medical Image Retrieval, A
* Bottom-Up Gazetteers: Learning from the Implicit Semantics of Geotags
* Building extraction and change detection in multitemporal remotely sensed images with multiple birth and death dynamics
* Calibration of Polarimetric PALSAR Imagery Affected by Faraday Rotation Using Polarization Orientation
* Calibration of PRISM and AVNIR-2 Onboard ALOS Daichi
* Calibration Scheme for Microwave Radiometers Using Tipping Curves and Kalman Filtering, A
* Camera calibration from orthogonally projected coordinates with noisy-RANSAC
* camera flash based projector system for true scale metric reconstruction, A
* Cartoon Motion Capturing and Retargeting by Rigid Shape Manipulation
* Case for Grounding Databases, The
* Case Indexing Using PSO and ANN in Real Time Strategy Games
* Change Detection Algorithm for Retrieving High-Resolution Soil Moisture From SMAP Radar and Radiometer Observations, A
* Chaotic Synchronization and Secure Communication Using Contraction Theory
* China Physiome Project: A Comprehensive Framework for Anatomical and Physiological Databases From the China Digital Human and the Visible Rat
* City model and scale model of the city of Zagreb
* Class Specific Threshold Selection in Face Space Using Set Estimation Technique for RGB Color Components
* Classification of Airborne LIDAR Intensity Data Using Statistical Analysis and Hough Transform with Application to Power Line Corridors
* Classification of Multi-variate Varying Length Time Series Using Descriptive Statistical Features
* Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using GA Based Optimal Feature Selection
* Clustering Based Automated Glacier Segmentation Scheme Using Digital Elevation Model, A
* Clustering in Concept Association Networks
* Clustering of Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization
* Coherent Phrase Model for Efficient Image Near-Duplicate Retrieval
* Collision Sensing by Stereo Vision and Radar Sensor Fusion
* Color Calibration of HDR Image under a Known Illumination for Measuring Reflectance Property of Materials
* Color Image Segmentation Based on Vectorial Multiscale Diffusion with Inter-scale Linking
* color neuromorphic approach for motion estimation, A
* Color photometric stereo for directional diffuse object
* Color-edge detection based on discrimination of noticeable color contrasts
* Colorization of natural images via L1 optimization
* Combined Contourlet and Non-subsampled Contourlet Transforms Based Approach for Personal Identification Using Palmprint
* Combined KPCA and SVM Method for Basic Emotional Expressions Recognition, A
* Combined Time Domain and Spectral Domain Data Compression for Fast Multispectral Imagery Updating
* Combining multiple kernels for efficient image classification
* Compare between Several Linear Image Edge Detection Algorithm
* Comparison between EOG and high frame rate camera for drowsiness detection
* comparison of 3d model-based tracking approaches for human motion capture in uncontrolled environments, A
* Comparison of GARCH, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine in Financial Time Series Prediction
* Complexity-reduced and contrast-enhanced halftoning with hybrid model
* Compressed Sensing With Quantized Measurements
* Compressed-Domain-Based Transmission Distortion Modeling for Precoded H.264/AVC Video
* Compressing of Fingerprint Images by Means of Fractals Feature
* Compression of Bayer-Pattern Video Sequences Using Adjusted Chroma Subsampling
* Computation of Image Spatial Entropy Using Quadrilateral Markov Random Field
* Computational Anthropomorphic Anatomical Models
* Computer-aided diagnosis system for the detection of bronchiectasis in chest computed tomography images
* Conditional Selection of Orthogonal Legendre/Chebyshev Polynomials as a Novel Fingerprint Orientation Estimation Smoothing Method, A
* Configurable Heterogeneous Multicore Architecture With Cellular Neural Network for Real-Time Object Recognition, A
* Considering uncertainties within an emergency prediction model in an urban environement
* Constrained Control of Weakly Coupled Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Network
* Constrained Registration of the Wrist Joint
* Constraint Based Method for Optimization in Metabolic Pathways, A
* Construction of Fuzzy Relation by Closure Systems
* Constructive Semi-Supervised Classification Algorithm and Its Implement in Data Mining
* Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval Using the Generic Fourier Descriptor with Brightness
* Content-Based Video Retrieval (CBVR) System for CCTV Surveillance Videos
* Context Switching Algorithm for Selective Multibiometric Fusion
* Context-aware search using cooperative agents in a smart environment
* Context-Based Appearance Descriptor for 3D Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images
* Context-Based Approach for Detecting Suspicious Behaviours, A
* Continuous Phase-Modulated Halftones
* Continuous Traffic Flow Modeling of Driver Support Systems in Multiclass Traffic With Intervehicle Communication and Drivers in the Loop
* Contour Grouping and Object-Based Attention with Saliency Maps
* Contribution of ALOS PALSAR Multipolarization and Polarimetric Data to Crop Classification, The
* Convex and Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations
* Correspondence-Free Activity Analysis and Scene Modeling in Multiple Camera Views
* Cross-band fusion by energy weight as solution to illumination and arch restrictions in palm-print recognition
* Cross-Correlation and Evolutionary Biclustering: Extracting Gene Interaction Sub-networks
* Cross-Lingual Vocal Emotion Recognition in Five Native Languages of Assam Using Eigenvalue Decomposition
* Crowd Counting Using Multiple Local Features
* Crowd event recognition using HOG tracker
* cyclostationarity analysis applied to image forensics, A
* Data Mining by Navigation: An Experience with Systems Biology
* Data Processing Issues in Cloud Computing
* Dense Correspondence Extraction in Difficult Uncalibrated Scenarios
* Depth Estimation from Defocus Images Based on Oriented Heat-Flows
* Deriving Sparse Coefficients of Wavelet Pyramid Taking Clues from Hough Transform
* Design and Development of an Image Processing Based Adaptive Traffic Control System with GSM Interface
* Detection of LSB Matching Steganography in Decompressed Images
* Deterministic Initialization of Hidden Markov Models for Human Action Recognition
* Development of a High-Level Simulation Approach and Its Application to Multicore Video Decoding
* Development of a Neuro-fuzzy MR Image Segmentation Approach Using Fuzzy C-Means and Recurrent Neural Network
* Development of a Rat Computational Phantom Using Boundary Representation Method for Monte Carlo Simulation in Radiological Imaging
* Development of an advanced uncertainty measure for classified remotely sensed scenes
* Differential Geometric Inference in Surface Stereo
* Differential geometry images: remeshing and morphing with local shape preservation
* Diffusion Tensors for Processing Sheared and Rotated Rectangles
* Direct Estimation of Nonrigid Registrations with Image-Based Self-Occlusion Reasoning
* Direct Method to Self-Calibrate a Surveillance Camera by Observing a Walking Pedestrian, A
* Disclosing Patterns in IT Project Management: A Rough Set Perspective
* Discriminative Models-Based Hand Gesture Recognition
* Discussion and Analyze on Image Fusion Technology
* DT-REFinD: Diffusion Tensor Registration With Exact Finite-Strain Differential
* Dual Watermarking in Video Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Duplicate Record Detection for Database Cleansing
* Dynamic Decision Switch for Multiple Pixel Connected Component Labeling Algorithm, The
* Dynamic Quality-Adjustable H.264 Video Encoder for Power-Aware Video Applications, A
* Dynamic Resource Allocation for MGS H.264/AVC Video Transmission Over Link-Adaptive Networks
* Early Determination of Zero-Quantized 8X8 DCT Coefficients
* Early Software Fault Prediction Using Real Time Defect Data
* Effect of Subsampling Rate on Subbagging and Related Ensembles of Stable Classifiers
* Effective and Efficient Tracking and Ego-Motion Recovery for Mobile Cameras
* Effective Visualization and Navigation in a Multimedia Document Collection Using Ontology
* Effective Watermarking of Digital Audio and Image Using Matlab Technique
* Efficient and Accurate Iris Segmentation Technique, An
* Efficient SIFT matching from keypoint descriptor properties
* Elevation-based MRF stereo implemented in real-time on a GPU
* Eliminating Packet Loss Accumulation in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems
* Ellipsoidal Harmonics for 3-D Shape Description and Retrieval
* Embedding Overlap Priors in Variational Left Ventricle Tracking
* Employing a Method on SAR and Optical Images for Forest Biomass Estimation
* Enhanced reconstruction algorithm for unidirectional distributed video coding
* Enhancement of the Krylov Subspace Regularization for Microwave Biomedical Imaging
* Enhancing images in scattering media utilizing stereovision and polarization
* Error-bounded lossy compression of floating-point color buffers using quadtree decomposition
* Estimating the Driving State of Oncoming Vehicles From a Moving Platform Using Stereo Vision
* Estimation of Muscle Fatigue during Cyclic Contractions Using Source Separation Techniques
* Estimation of Tailor-Welded Blank Parameters for Acceptable Tensile Behaviour Using ANN
* Estimation of Translation, Rotation and Large Scale Scaling Based on Multiple Scaling Assumptions
* Estimation-Based Interlayer Intra Prediction for Scalable Video Coding
* Evaluation based combining of classifiers for monitoring honeybees
* Evaluation of a Particle Filter to Track People for Visual Surveillance
* Evaluation of Feature Selection Measures for Steganalysis
* Evaluation of sampling-based pedestrian detection for crowd counting
* Evaluation of Segmentation Techniques Using Region Size and Boundary Information
* Evolutionary and Iterative Crisp and Rough Clustering I: Theory
* Evolutionary and Iterative Crisp and Rough Clustering II: Experiments
* Experimental Machine Vision System for Quality Control of Industrial Colour Printer, An
* Exploiting Bayesian Belief Network for Adaptive IP-Reuse Decision
* Exploring Speech Features for Classifying Emotions along Valence Dimension
* Exploring the Concurrency of an MPEG RVC Decoder Based on Dataflow Program Analysis
* Extensive articulated human detection by voting Cluster Boosted Tree
* Extraction of Road Lanes from High-Resolution Stereo Aerial Imagery Based on Maximum Likelihood Segmentation and Texture Enhancement
* Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Feature Extraction Using Improved Kernel DCV
* Face Recognition Using Posterior Distance Model Based Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
* Facial expression recognition using histogram variances faces
* Farsi and Arabic document images lossy compression based on the mixed raster content model
* Fast Algorithm for Walsh Hadamard Transform on Sliding Windows
* Fast Corner Detector Based on the Chord-to-Point Distance Accumulation Technique, A
* Fast JND-Based Video Carving With GPU Acceleration for Real-Time Video Retargeting
* Fast lead star detection in entertainment videos
* Fast Mode Decision on the Enhancement Layer in H.264 Scalable Extension
* fast multi-channel edge detection algorithm for vision-based autonomous spacecraft docking, A
* fast multi-model approach for object duplicate extraction, A
* Fast Number Theoretic Finite Radon Transform, A
* Fast Parallel Approach for 2-D DHT-Based Real-Valued Discrete Gabor Transform
* Fast superpixels for video analysis
* Fast Supervised Method of Feature Ranking and Selection for Pattern Classification, A
* Fast-Mesh: A Low-Delay High-Bandwidth Mesh for Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming
* Faster and Better: A Machine Learning Approach to Corner Detection
* Fault Diagnosis of an Air-Conditioning System Using LS-SVM
* Feature and Classifier Selection for Automatic Classification of Lesions in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Breast
* Feature and Opinion Mining for Customer Review Summarization
* Feature Extraction from Contours Shape for Tumor Analyzing in Mammographic Images
* Feature Selection Using Non Linear Feature Relation Index
* Fingerprint recognition system performance in the maritime environment
* Fingerprint Verification Using the Texture of Fingerprint Image
* Foreground Text Extraction in Color Document Images for Enhanced Readability
* Forward Error Correction-Based 2-D Layered Multiple Description Coding for Error-Resilient H.264 SVC Video Transmission
* Frame Design and Algorithm Research on A New Image Acquisition System
* framework for generalization of city models based on CityGML and X3D, A
* Framework for Heuristic Scheduling for Parallel Processing on Multicore Architecture: A Case Study With Multiview Video Coding, A
* Functional Ontology of Observation and Measurement, A
* Functional scene element recognition for video scene analysis
* Fused visible and infrared video for use in Wilderness Search and Rescue
* Fusing face recognition from multiple cameras
* Fuzzy Energy-Based Active Contours
* Gabor Filter Parameters Optimization for Texture Classification Based on Genetic Algorithm
* general framework for reconciling multiple weak segmentations of an image, A
* Generalization of 3D City Models as a Service
* Generalized Kernel Consensus-Based Robust Estimator, A
* Geometric Algorithm for Learning Oblique Decision Trees, A
* Geometric reasoning in 3D building models using multivariate polynomials and characteristic sets
* GPU-accelerated hierarchical dense correspondence for real-time aerial video processing
* Graph-Matching Based CTA
* Graphical framework for action recognition using temporally dense STIPs
* Greedy Approximation of Kernel PCA by Minimizing the Mapping Error
* Haarlet-based hand gesture recognition for 3D interaction
* Handling Significant Scale Difference for Object Retrieval in a Supermarket
* hands-on approach to high-dynamic-range and superresolution fusion, A
* Harmonic Balance Simulation for the Nonlinear Analysis of Vibration Isolation System Using Negative Stiffness
* Hash functions for near duplicate image retrieval
* Hidden QIM Watermarking on Compressed Data Using Channel Coding and Lifting
* Hierarchical belief propagation to reduce search space using CUDA for stereo and motion estimation
* Hierarchical System for Content Based Categorization and Orientation of Consumer Images
* Hierarchical Video Data Modeling and Indexing for Virtual Scene Construction
* Hierarchy Techniques in Self-Collision Detection for Cloth Simulation
* High-Resolution Quantitative Imaging of Cornea Elasticity Using Supersonic Shear Imaging
* Highly Parallel Rate-Distortion Optimized Intra-Mode Decision on Multicore Graphics Processors
* Hmt-Contourlet Image Segmentation Based on Majority Vote
* Human Action Recognition Based on Spatio-temporal Features
* Human action recognition using Recursive Self Organizing map and longest common subsequence matching
* Human Behavior Analysis Based on a New Motion Descriptor
* Human Gait Recognition Based on Dynamic and Static Features Using Generalized Regression Neural Network
* Hybrid Particle Swarm Steepest Gradient Algorithm for Elastic Brain Image Registration, A
* Hybrid Patient-Dependent Phantoms Covering Statistical Distributions of Body Morphometry in the U.S. Adult and Pediatric Population
* Hybrid Scheme for Online Detection and Classification of Textural Fabric Defects, A
* Hypertext Classification Using Tensor Space Model and Rough Set Based Ensemble Classifier
* Identification of Defensins Employing Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Random Forest Classifiers
* Identification of N-Glycosylation Sites with Sequence and Structural Features Employing Random Forests
* Image Analysis, Classification and Change Detection in Remote Sensing: With Algorithms for ENVI/IDL
* Image and video resizing based on a multilayer approach
* Image Compression Based on Side-Match VQ and SOC
* image compression method based on multiple models for the probabilities of patterns, An
* Image Enhancement Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms
* Image fusion methodology for efficient interpretation of multiband images in 3D high-resolution ultrasonic transmission tomography
* Image reconstruction for a partially immersed imperfectly conducting cylinder by genetic algorithm
* Image Registration Using Ant Colony and Particle Swarm Hybrid Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform
* Image-based face illumination transferring using logarithmic total variation models
* Impact of Feature Selection on Support Vector Machine Using Microarray Gene Expression Data
* Improved 3D Thinning Algorithms for Skeleton Extraction
* Improved Kernel Common Vector Method for Face Recognition
* Improved OIF Elman Neural Network Model with Direction Profit Factor and Its Applications, An
* Improved pedestrian tracking for urban planning
* Improved Principal Components Regression with Rough Set and its Application in the Modeling of Warship LCC
* Improved Simultaneous Computation of Motion Detection and Optical Flow for Object Tracking
* Improved Single Image Dehazing Using Geometry
* Improvement of AVNIR-2 Radiometric Calibration by Comparison of Cross-Calibration and Onboard Lamp Calibration
* Improvement of Connectivity in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Adding Static Nodes Based on a Realistic Mobility Model
* Improvements in Video-based Automated System for Iris Recognition (VASIR)
* Improving edge detection in highly noised sheet-metal images
* Improving Hand Gesture Recognition Using 3D Combined Features
* Improvised Filter Design for Depth Estimation from Single Monocular Images
* Incorporating Fuzziness to CLARANS
* Incremental Object Matching with Bayesian Methods and Particle Filters
* Integration of rendering technologies and visualization techniques to improve 3D Mobile GIS applications
* Intelligent frame selection for anatomic reconstruction from endoscopic video
* Interactive Approach for Filtering Out Junk Images From Keyword-Based Google Search Results, An
* Interactive degraded document binarization: An example (and case) for interactive computer vision
* interactive graph cut method for brain tumor segmentation, An
* Interactive Rough-Granular Computing in Pattern Recognition
* Interference reflection separation from a single image
* Intra mode selection in downsizing video transcoder based on H.264
* Introduction to Image Stabilization
* Introduction to the Special Section on IV'08
* Investigation Into the Feasibility of Real-Time Soccer Offside Detection From a Multiple Camera System, An
* Investigations into the Robustness of Audio-Visual Gender Classification to Background Noise and Illumination Effects
* iRank: Ranking Geographical Information by Conceptual, Geographic and Topologic Similarity
* Iterative self-dual reconstruction on radar image recovery
* Iterative Weighted Maximum Likelihood Denoising With Probabilistic Patch-Based Weights
* Kernel Optimization Using a Generalized Eigenvalue Approach
* Key Independent Retrieval of Chaotic Encrypted Images
* Late Blight Forecast Using Mobile Phone Based Agro Advisory System
* Lattice Boltzmann Method for Image Denoising, A
* Learning Age and Gender of Blogger from Stylistic Variation
* Learning attention based saliency in videos from human eye movements
* Learning semantic models and grammar rules of building parts
* Learning the Optimal Transformation of Salient Features for Image Classification
* Learning to Recognize Video-Based Spatiotemporal Events
* Least Squares Fitting-Based Modeling of Gene Regulatory Sub-networks, A
* level set model without initial contour, A
* Liveness Enforcing Supervision of Video Streaming Systems Using Nonsequential Petri Nets
* Localization of an unmanned ground vehicle using 3D registration of laser range data and DSM
* Low Complexity Algorithm for Global Motion Parameter Estimation Targeting Hardware Implementation, A
* Luminescent Microspheres Resolved from Strong Background on an Automated Time-Gated Luminescence Microscopy Workstation
* Machine Vision Application for Industrial Assembly Inspection, A
* Machine Vision System for Flatness Control Feedback
* MAP algorithm for AVO seismic inversion based on the mixed (L2, non-L2) norms to separate primary and multiple signals in slowness space, A
* Mapping of Cardiac Electrophysiology Onto a Dynamic Patient-Specific Heart Model
* Marathi Language Speech Synthesizer Using Concatenative Synthesis Strategy (Spoken in Maharashtra, India)
* Markov models for offline handwriting recognition: a survey
* mathematic model for event detection in spatiotemporal city environment, A
* MCAT to XCAT: The Evolution of 4-D Computerized Phantoms for Imaging Research
* Mean-Entropy-Skewness Fuzzy Portfolio Selection by Credibility Theory Approach
* Measuring Latency for Video Surveillance Systems
* Medical volume image summarization
* Metric in Feature Space
* Microscopic Cell Segmentation and Dead Cell Detection Based on CFSE and PI Images by Using Distance and Watershed Transforms
* Mining Calendar-Based Periodicities of Patterns in Temporal Data
* Mining Local Association Rules from Temporal Data Set
* Mixed Pixel Analysis for Flood Mapping Using Extended Support Vector Machine
* ML-fusion based multi-model human detection and tracking for robust human-robot interfaces
* Mobile Robot Navigation Using Difference of Wavelet SIFT
* Model-Guided Segmentation and Layout Labelling of Document Images Using a Hierarchical Conditional Random Field
* Modeling Image Context Using Object Centered Grid
* Modeling of urban industrial economy through utilization of thermal band
* Modeling Spatial Means of Surfaces With Stratified Nonhomogeneity
* MODIS Onboard Blackbody Function and Performance
* Moments Added Statistical Shape Model for Boundary Extraction
* Monocular Human Pose Tracking Using Multi Frame Part Dynamics
* Motion segmentation using the Hadamard product and spectral clustering
* Motion vector refinement in a Wyner-Ziv to H.264 transcoder for mobile telephony
* MRF Based LSB Steganalysis: A New Measure of Steganography Capacity
* Multi camera person tracking applying a graph-cuts based foreground segmentation in a homography framework
* Multi-camera person tracking in crowded environments
* Multi-camera tele-immersion system with real-time model driven data compression: A new model-based compression method for massive dynamic point data
* Multi-cultural Aspects of Spatial Knowledge
* Multi-instance learning with relational information of instances
* Multi-label Text Classification Approach for Sentence Level News Emotion Analysis
* Multi-modal Registration of SAR and Optical Satellite Images
* Multi-objective Evolutionary Feature Selection
* Multi-projective Parameter Estimation for Sets of Homogeneous Matrices
* Multi-user Interaction in Collaborative Augmented Reality for Urban Simulation
* Multi-view traffic sign detection, recognition, and 3D localisation
* Multibiometrics Belief Fusion
* Multicore Processing and Efficient On-Chip Caching for H.264 and Future Video Decoders
* Multigraph-Based Query-Independent Learning for Video Search
* Multimodality Image Registration Utilizing Ant Colony Algorithm
* Multiple object tracking using flow linear programming
* Multiple Sequence Alignment Based Upon Statistical Approach of Curve Fitting
* Multivariate Skew t-Mixture Models: Applications to Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting Data
* multiview, multimodal fusion framework for classifying small marine animals with an opto-acoustic imaging system, A
* Mutual Neighborhood Based Discriminant Projection for Face Recognition
* Narrative Geospatial Knowledge in Ethnographies: Representation and Reasoning
* Network Coding and Genetic Algorithm Based Power Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Neural Based Approach for Fast Retrieval of Symbolic Images in Database
* New Approach to Urban Pedestrian Detection for Automatic Braking, A
* New Approach towards Text Filtering, A
* New Approaches to Design and Control of Time Limited Search Algorithms
* New Method for Correcting ScanSAR Scalloping Using Forests and Inter-SCAN Banding Employing Dynamic Filtering, A
* new method for the detection of singular points in fingerprint images, A
* New Method of Correspondence for Multiple Cameras Based on Texture Energy, A
* New Position Detection Method Using Image Sensor and Visible Light LEDs
* New Square-Root Factorization of Inverse Toeplitz Matrices
* New Statistical Restoration Method for Spatial Domain Images, A
* News Analysis and Tracking System, A
* Non-linear parametric Bayesian regression for robust background subtraction
* Non-rigid registration of 3D facial surfaces with robust outlier detection
* Non-uniform slant estimation and correction for Farsi/Arabic handwritten words
* Nonlinear Filter Coupled With Hospitability and Synthetic Inclination Maps for In-Surveillance and Out-of-Surveillance Tracking, A
* Novel Approach for Detection of Alteration in Ball Pen Writings, A
* Novel Approach to Skeletonization for Multi-font OCR Applications, A
* Novel Deterministic Heuristics for Building Minimum Spanning Trees with Constrained Diameter
* Novel Hardware Algorithms for Row-Parallel Integral Image Calculation
* Novel Hybrid Pansharpening Method Using Contourlet Transform, A
* Novel Interest-Point-Matching Algorithm for High-Resolution Satellite Images, A
* Novel Multimodality Image Fusion Method Using Region Consistency Rule, A
* Novel Time Decaying Approach to Obstacle Avoidance, A
* Novel Tone Mapping Based on Double-Anchoring Theory for Displaying HDR Images, A
* Object Modelling in Videos via Multidimensional Features of Colours and Textures
* Octahedral Transforms for 3-D Image Processing
* On the Decoding Process in Ternary Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Online Reranking via Ordinal Informative Concepts for Context Fusion in Concept Detection and Video Search
* Ontology-Based Integration of Sensor Web Services in Disaster Management
* Optimal Regularization Parameter Estimation for Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis
* Optimization of video coding for telepresence applications
* Optimized Atom Position and Coefficient Coding for Matching Pursuit-Based Image Compression
* Optimizing Kernel Functions Using Transfer Learning from Unlabeled Data
* Optimizing Sharpness Measure for Bright Lesion Detection in Retinal Image Analysis
* PALSAR Radiometric and Geometric Calibration
* Paper Fingerprinting Using alpha-Masked Image Matching
* Partial Encryption on SPIHT Compressed Images
* Particle Filter Based Object Tracking with Sift and Color Feature
* Patch Contour Matching by Correlating Fourier Descriptors
* Pedestrian Detection Fusion Method Based on Mean Shift
* penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in a Triangle Mesh Geometry
* Performance Enhancement of Coded Excitation in Ultrasonic B-mode Images
* Perspective 3-D Euclidean Reconstruction With Varying Camera Parameters
* Perspective Invariant Angle Ordering
* PETS2009 and Winter-PETS 2009 results: A combined evaluation
* PETS2009: Dataset and challenge
* Polarimetric PALSAR Calibration
* Polarimetric SAR Internal Calibration Scheme Based on T/R Module Orthogonal Phase Coding
* Portable Multi-megapixel Camera with Real-Time Recording and Playback
* Position Sensitive gamma-Ray Scintillator Detector With Enhanced Spatial Resolution, Linearity, and Field of View, A
* Posterior Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for Target Tracking in Sensor Networks With Quantized Range-Only Measurements
* Practical Acceleration Algorithm for Real-Time Imaging, A
* Precise 2.5D facial landmarking via an analysis by synthesis approach
* Prediction of Cloud for Weather Now-Casting Application Using Topology Adaptive Active Membrane
* Principal Neighborhood Dictionaries for Nonlocal Means Image Denoising
* PRISM On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and DSM Performance
* Processors for ALOS Optical Data: Deconvolution, DEM Generation, Orthorectification, and Atmospheric Correction
* Profiling-Based Hardware/Software Co-Exploration for the Design of Video Coding Architectures
* Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction With Gaussian Blurring and Optimal Coverage Cost
* Protrusion-oriented 3D mesh segmentation
* Pruned Associative Classification Technique for the Medical Image Diagnosis System
* Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Examinations Using Implicit Surface Fitting
* Quadratic Deformation Model for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Quality assessment of historical Baalbek's 3D city model
* Quality-Based Resource Brokerage for Autonomous Networked Multimedia Applications
* Quantitative Optoacoustic Signal Extraction Using Sparse Signal Representation
* Query-based retrieval of complex activities using strings of motion-words
* Rapid Image Completion System Using Multiresolution Patch-Based Directional and Nondirectional Approaches
* rapidly deformable liquid lens, A
* Reading challenging barcodes with cameras
* Real Time Target Tracking with Pan Tilt Zoom Camera
* Real-time 3D registration of stereo-vision based range images using GPU
* Real-Time Highway Traffic Condition Assessment Framework Using Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration (VII) With Artificial Intelligence (AI)
* Real-time human detection using histograms of oriented gradients on a GPU
* Real-time inference of 3D human poses by assembling local patches
* Real-Time Reconstruction of Sensitivity Encoded Radial Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a Graphics Processing Unit
* Recognition and volume estimation of food intake using a mobile device
* Recognition of Numeric Postal Codes from Multi-script Postal Address Blocks
* Recognizing human action from a far field of view
* Recovering the full pose from a single keyframe
* Reduced model of discrete-time dynamic image segmentation system and its bifurcation analysis
* Refining Local 3D Feature Matching through Geometric Consistency for Robust Biometric Recognition
* Registration Based on Scene Recognition and Natural Features Tracking Techniques for Wide-Area Augmented Reality Systems
* Regularized Multinomial Regression Method for Hyperspectral Data Classification via Pathwise Coordinate Optimization
* Relation Mining and Visualization Framework for Automated Text Summarization, A
* Relationships Between Smooth- and Small-Phase Conditions in X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging
* Reliable Application Layer Multicast Over Combined Wired and Wireless Networks
* Research and Analyze about Signal Enhancement Algorithm in Image Recognition System
* Resolving Ambiguities in Confused Online Tamil Characters with Post Processing Algorithms
* Results of a Precrash Application Based on Laser Scanner and Short-Range Radars
* Review of Computational Anthropomorphic Anatomical and Physiological Models
* Review of Shadow Techniques in Augmented Reality, A
* Road traffic noise: GIS tools for noise mapping and a case study for Skåne region
* Road-Condition Recognition Using 24-GHz Automotive Radar
* Robust and Secure Transmission over Insecure Channel through Higher Level Bit Replacement
* Robust background model for pixel based people counting using a single uncalibrated camera
* Robust bee tracking with adaptive appearance template and geometry-constrained resampling
* Robust Color Demosaicking With Adaptation to Varying Spectral Correlations
* Robust multi-view car detection using unsupervised sub-categorization
* Robust Neural System for Objectionable Image Recognition, A
* Robust Object Tracking Method Using Structural Similarity in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain, A
* Robust Obstacle Detection Method in Highly Textured Environments Using Stereo Vision, A
* Robust segmentation of freight containers in train monitoring videos
* Robust Temporal Activity Templates Using Higher Order Statistics
* Robust Video Transmission With Distributed Source Coded Auxiliary Channel
* Sectioned Images of the Cadaver Head Including the Brain and Correspondences With Ultrahigh Field 7.0 T MRIs
* Segmentation for Iris Localisation: A Novel Approach Suitable for Fake Iris Detection
* Self Occlusions and Graph Based Edge Measurement Schemes for Visual Tracking Applications
* Self-Organizing Map Methodology and Google Maps Services for Geographical Epidemiology Mapping
* Self-Reconfigurable Platform for Scalable DCT Computation Using Compressed Partial Bitstreams and BlockRAM Prefetching, A
* Semantic Image Retrieval Using Region Based Inverted File
* Semantic Relation between Words with the Web as Information Source
* Semi-automatic City Model Extraction from Tri-stereoscopic VHR Satellite Imagery
* Semi-fragile Image Authentication Using Robust Image Hashing with Localization
* Semi-supervised Approach for Maximum Entropy Based Hindi Named Entity Recognition, A
* Shape Signature for Retinal Biometrics
* Shape-Based Vector Watermark for Digital Mapping, A
* Shearlet-Based Deconvolution
* SIFTing the Relevant from the Irrelevant: Automatically Detecting Objects in Training Images
* Sign language spotting based on semi-Markov Conditional Random Field
* Simple real-time human detection using a single correlation filter
* Simultaneous 3D face pose and person-specific shape estimation from a single image using a holistic approach
* Simultaneous in-plane motion estimation and point matching using geometric cues only
* Simultaneous in-plane motion estimation and point matching using geometric cues only
* Situation Assessment of an Autonomous Emergency Brake for Arbitrary Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collision Scenarios
* Smooth Approximation of L_infinity-Norm for Multi-view Geometry
* Soft-Biometrics: Unconstrained Authentication in a Surveillance Environment
* Solitons Interaction and their Stability Based on Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
* Solving Multilabel Graph Cut Problems with Multilabel Swap
* Space allocation of educational centers using multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram
* SPARQL Query Re-writing Using Partonomy Based Transformation Rules
* Sparsity-driven people localization algorithm: Evaluation in crowded scenes environments
* Spatial User Similarity Measure for Geographic Recommender Systems, A
* Spatiotemporal Saliency in Dynamic Scenes
* Special issue on distributed video coding
* Special Issue: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing on Emerging Platforms
* Speeding-Up the K-Means Clustering Method: A Prototype Based Approach
* Spur Gear Design With an S-shaped Transition Curve Application Using MATHEMATICA and CAD Tools
* Stable text line detection
* Statistical Approach for Fast Mode Decision in Scalable Video Coding, A
* Straight-Edge Extraction in Distorted Images Using Gradient Correction
* Stream-Centric Stereo Matching and View Synthesis: A High-Speed Approach on GPUs
* Strip Adjustment Approach for Precise Georeferencing of ALOS Optical Imagery, A
* Structural Approach for Building Reconstruction from a Single DSM
* Structural Descriptors for Category Level Object Detection
* study on restoration of iris images with motion-and-optical blur on mobile iris recognition devices, A
* Subpixel Interpolation Architecture for Multistandard Video Motion Estimation
* Super Resolution Algorithm for Atmospherically Degraded Images Using Lucky Regions and MAP-uHMT, A
* Support Vector Machine for Multifrequency SAR Polarimetric Data Classification
* Survey of Stable Clustering for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* SVD-Based Method to Assess the Uniqueness and Accuracy of SPECT Geometrical Calibration, A
* SVMs Interpolation Based Edge Correction Scheme for Color Filter Array
* Temporal integration for on-board stereo-based pedestrian detection
* Terrain-dependent aggregation of 3D city models
* Text Line Segmentation for Unconstrained Handwritten Document Images Using Neighborhood Connected Component Analysis
* Texture Description in Local Scale Using Texton Histograms with Universal Dictionary
* Towards a Semantic Representation of Raster Spatial Data
* Towards an Ontology for Reef Islands
* Towards macro- and micro-expression spotting in video using strain patterns
* Towards Optimal Indexing for Relevance Feedback in Large Image Databases
* Towards Reasoning Pragmatics
* Towards Situation Awareness in Integrated Air Defence Using Clustering and Case Based Reasoning
* Tracking colliding cells
* Tracking-reconstruction or reconstruction-tracking? Comparison of two multiple hypothesis tracking approaches to interpret 3D object motion from several camera views
* Trade-Off between Imperceptibility and Robustness of LSB Watermarking Using SSIM Quality Metrics
* Trainer System for Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting, A
* Transform-domain distributed video coding with rate-distortion-based adaptive quantisation
* TRECVid 2008 Event Detection evaluation, The
* Two-Layer Night-Time Vehicle Detector, A
* Uniform image and camera access
* Unit Selection Using Linguistic, Prosodic and Spectral Distance for Developing Text-to-Speech System in Hindi
* Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation Using Compound Markov Random Field Model
* Use of Normal Tissue Context in Computer-Aided Detection of Masses in Mammograms
* Using Concept Recognition to Annotate a Video Collection
* Using Language to Learn Structured Appearance Models for Image Annotation
* Using Stochastic Petri Nets for Level-Crossing Collision Risk Assessment
* Using Supervised Learning and Comparing General and ANTI-HIV Drug Databases Using Chemoinformatics
* Using Wavelet Support Vector Machine for Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Variable Length Teager Energy Based Mel Cepstral Features for Identification of Twins
* Variational Bayes Adapted GMM Based Models for Audio Clip Classification
* Verification of Polarimetric Calibration Method Including Faraday Rotation Compensation Using PALSAR Data
* Video object detection speedup using staggered sampling
* Video object detection speedup using staggered sampling
* Video Retrieval System for Bridging the Semantic Gap
* Video Surveillance: Legally Blind?
* VideoSense: A Contextual In-Video Advertising System
* View independent recognition of human-vehicle interactions using 3-D models
* Viewpoint invariant features from single images using 3D geometry
* Virtual Mouse interface based on Two-layered Bayesian Network, A
* Visible Human Utilization to Render Induced Electric Field and Current Density Images Inside the Human
* vision-based 2D-3D registration system, A
* VisoMT: A Collaborative Multithreading Multicore Processor for Multimedia Applications With a Fast Data Switching Mechanism
* Visual Analytics approach for considering uncertainty information
* Visual Tools for ROI Montage in an Image2Video Application
* Voxel-Based Variable Posture Models of Human Anatomy
* Wavelet Transform and Fusion of Linear and Non Linear Method for Face Recognition
* Wavelet-based compressive Super-Resolution
* Weak Fuzzy Equivalence and Equality Relations
* Wearable Obstacle Avoidance Electronic Travel Aids for Blind: A Survey
* Wheelchair recognition by using stereo vision and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) in real environments
* Zero Norm Least Squares Proximal SVR
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.