Update Dates 0202

0202 * 3-subiteration 3D thinning algorithm for extracting medial surfaces, A
* 3D motion-tracking method in graphonomic research: possible applications in future handwriting recognition studies, A
* Bayesian Clustering, Bayes Classifier (H3)
* active mesh based tracker for improved feature correspondences, An
* Adaptive 3D-DCT Compression Algorithm for Continuous Parallax 3D Integral-Imaging
* Adaptive color reduction
* adaptive multifeature correspondence algorithm for stereo using dynamic programming, An
* AI-EigenSnake: an affine-invariant deformable contour model for object matching
* algorithm for the fusion of images based on Jaynes' maximum entropy method, An
* Analysis of Echoes in Single-Image Random-Dot-Stereograms
* Analysis of infected blood cell images using morphological operators
* analytic simplification for the reconstruction problem of electrical impedance tomography, An
* Application of Agent-Oriented Techniques to Symbolic Matching and Object Recognition, An
* Areal Estimates of Fragmented Land Cover: Effects of Pixel Size and Model-Based Corrections
* assessment of support vector machines for land cover classification, An
* Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part I: Segmentation of single 2D images
* Automated analysis of a sequence of ovarian ultrasound images. Part II: Prediction-based object recognition from a sequence of images
* Automatic analysis of the structuring of children's drawings and writing
* Automatic fusion of freehand endoscopic brain images to three-dimensional surfaces: creating stereoscopic panoramas
* Building Visual Vocabulary for Image Indexation and Query Formulation
* Categorisation and Retrieval of Scene Photographs from JPEG Compressed Database
* Complexity Measures of Supervised Classification Problems
* Compressive Data Hiding: An Unconventional Approach for Improved Color Image Coding
* Constrained total least-squares computations for high-resolution image reconstruction with multisensors
* Content-based Retrieval Using Local Descriptors: Problems and Issues from a Database Perspective
* Dense Estimation of Fluid Flows
* Design and prototype development of a computer vision-based lumber production planning system
* Design of an improved lossless halftone image compression codec
* Detection of objects composed of several regions by a region-configuration-estimation method
* Determination of Head Pose and Facial Expression from a Single Perspective View by Successive Scaled Orthographic Approximations
* Digital Video and Digital TV: A Comparison and the Future Directions
* Digital Watermarks Enabling E-Commerce Strategies: Conditional and User Specific Access to Services and Resources
* Disocclusion: a variational approach using level lines
* Dual Grid: A New Approach for Robust Spatial Algebra Implementation
* efficient shape-based approach to image retrieval, An
* Endocardial Boundary Estimation and Tracking in Echocardiographic Images using Deformable Template and Markov Random Fields
* Estimating Facial Pose Using Shape-from-Shading
* Estimating the Fundamental Matrix via Constrained Least-Squares: A Convex Approach
* Estimation of number of people in crowded scenes using perspective transformation
* Extracting moving shapes by evidence gathering
* Extraction of major object features using VQ clustering for content-based image retrieval
* Extraction of Visual Features for Lipreading
* Face detection by aggregated Bayesian network classifiers
* Facial feature extraction for quick 3D face modeling
* Facial Image Indexing in Multimedia Databases
* factor graph framework for semantic video indexing, A
* Fast 3-D decimation-in-frequency algorithm for 3-D Hartley transform
* Fast Algorithm for Local Statistics Calculation for N -Dimensional Images
* Fast full search motion estimation algorithm using various matching scans in video coding
* Fast Reverse Jacket Transform As an Alternative Representation of the N-Point Fast Fourier Transform
* fast search algorithm for vector quantization using L2-norm pyramid of codewords, A
* Feature Representation and Signal Classification in Fluorescence in-Situ Hybridization Image Analysis
* Feature Representation: Both Components of the Fourier Transform vs. Hartley Transform
* Feature selection toolbox software package
* Feature-Based Technique for Joint Linear Estimation of High-Order Image-to-Mosaic Transformations: Mosaicing the Curved Human Retina, A
* Feature-Based, Robust, Hierarchical Algorithm for Registering Pairs of Images of the Curved Human Retina, A
* Fingerprint identification using space invariant transforms
* First 50 Years of Electronic Watermarking, The
* Fourier approach to the natural pixel discretization of brain single-photon emission computed tomography, A
* Fuzzy points: algebra and application
* FVC2000: Fingerprint Verification Competition
* Generalized Model for Linear Referencing in Transportation
* Generating classifier outputs of fixed accuracy and diversity
* Geodesic Active Regions and Level Set Methods for Supervised Texture Segmentation
* Geometric Approach for the Theory and Applications of 3D Projective Invariants, A
* Geometry and Color in Natural Images
* Go digital, go fuzzy
* Gradient match and side match fractal vector quantizers for images
* Grey-Scale Morphology Based on Fuzzy Logic
* Hopfield Neural Network Based Stereo Matching Algorithm
* hybrid scheme for low bit-rate coding of stereo images, A
* Image Indexing Special Issue Introduction
* Improving the performance of radial basis function classifiers in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis applications where unknown faults may occur
* Information Theoretic Clustering
* Information Theoretic Sensor Data Selection for Active Object Recognition and State Estimation
* Integrated Face Recognition System Based on Multiscale Local Discriminatory Features, An
* Integrating intensity and texture differences for robust change detection
* Invariant characterisation of the Hough transform for pose estimation of arbitrary shapes
* Key Points-based Indexing for Pre-attentive Similarities: The KIWI System
* Layered set partitioning in hierarchical tree for image coding
* Learning handwriting by evolution: a conceptual framework for performance evaluation and tuning
* Learning handwriting with pen-based systems: computational issues
* Localization based on DEM matching using multiple aerial image pairs
* Loop-free snakes for highly irregular object shapes
* Lossless Data Embedding: New Paradigm in Digital Watermarking
* Matching of Palmprints
* Matching Pursuit Video Coding. I: Dictionary Approximation
* Matching-Pursuit Video Coding. II: Operational Models for Rate and Distortion
* Maximal Prime Subgraph Decomposition of Bayesian Networks
* Medial Axis for Chamfer Distances: Computing Look-Up Tables and Neighbourhoods in 2D or 3D
* Merging R-Trees: Efficient Strategies for Local Bulk Insertion
* Method for automatically comparing content of images for classification into events
* Method for detecting moving cast shadows object segmentation
* Method for image binarization
* Mixture density estimation with group membership functions
* MLP Based Linear Feature Extraction for Nonlinearly Separable Data
* Model-based 3D hand posture estimation from a single 2D image
* Modelling Spatial Relationships between Colour Clusters
* Mosaic representations of video sequences based on slice image analysis
* MRF-Based Approach to Generation of Super-Resolution Images from Blurred Observations, An
* Multi-modal gray-level histogram modeling and decomposition
* Multimedia Data Hiding and Authentication via Halftoning and Coordinate Projection
* multiresolution approach for texture synthesis using the circular harmonic functions, A
* Multiview Constraints on Homographies
* Mutual information-based rigid and nonrigid registration of ultrasound volumes
* New method for feature extraction based on fractal behavior
* New Randomized Algorithm for Detecting Lines, A
* new shape descriptor for surfaces in 3D images, A
* Non-Rigid Shape Comparison of Plane Curves in Images
* Nonuniform video coding by means of multifoveal geometries
* note on core research issues for statistical pattern recognition, A
* Note on Watermark Development from the Commercial Context, A
* Object Discretizations in Higher Dimensions
* Object-based encoding for multi-view sequences of 3D object
* Object-Based Image Content Characterisation for Semantic-Level Image Similarity Calculation
* off-line oriental character recognition system (OOCRS): synergy of distortion modeling, hidden Markov models and vector quantization, An
* On Optimal Pairwise Linear Classifiers for Normal Distributions: The Two-Dimensional Case
* On the data reuse and memory bandwidth analysis for full-search block-matching VLSI architecture
* On the rate-distortion performance and computational efficiency of the Karhunen-Loeve transform for lossy data compression
* On the Reliability of Computing Wigner Texture Features
* Optimal stroke-correspondence search method for on-line character recognition
* Order independent homotopic thinning for binary and grey tone anchored skeletons
* parallel fuzzy scale-space approach to the unsupervised texture separation, A
* Parameter Space Warping: Shape-Based Correspondence between Morphologically Different Objects
* Passive navigation from image sequences by use of a volumetric approach
* Picture coding apparatus and decoding apparatus
* Planar object detection under scaled orthographic projection
* Practical algorithms for stratified structure-from-motion
* Practical Challenges for Digital Watermarking Applications
* Probabilistic Regularisation and Symmetry in Binocular Dynamic Programming Stereo
* Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Pattern Recognition of Bacterial DNA: A Systemic Approach
* Pyramid Approach to Motion Tracking, A
* Radiometric Normalization of Multitemporal Thematic Mapper Imagery of the Midlands of Ireland: A Case Study, The
* Real-Time Epipolar Geometry Estimation of Binocular Stereo Heads
* Real-Time Image Analysis Using MIMD Parallel à trous Wavelet Algorithms
* Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Fiducials for Augmented Reality
* Real-Time Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Inspection
* Recognition of Handwritten Bengali Characters: A Novel Multistage approach
* Recognizing Handwritten Digits Using Hierarchical Products of Experts
* Rectified Catadioptric Stereo Sensors
* Region-based Image Retrieval Using Probabilistic Feature Relevance Learning
* RETIN: A Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval System
* Retinal vision applied to facial features detection and face authentication
* Robust clustering by deterministic agglomeration EM of mixtures of multivariate t-distributions
* Robust motion estimation using spatial Gabor-like filters
* Robust Topology-adaptive Snakes for Image Segmentation
* Robust Watermarking of Cartographic Images
* saliency-based hierarchy for local symmetries, A
* Segmentation of Colour Images with Highlights and Shadows Using Fuzzy-like Reasoning
* Segmentation of page images having artifacts of photocopying and scanning
* Segmentation of ultrasound B-mode images with intensity inhomogeneity correction
* Selective Attention-Based Method for Visual Pattern Recognition with Application to Handwritten Digit Recognition and Face Recognition, A
* Self-Organising Maps as a Relevance Feedback Technique in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Self-organizing map for clustering in the graph domain
* Signature verification using a modified Bayesian network
* Skeletons in N dimensions using shape primitives
* Smart wavelet image coding: X-tree approach
* SOAR: System of associative relations
* Some new lattice quantization algorithms for video compression coding
* Special Issue: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Special Issue: Emerging Applications of Multimedia Data Hiding
* Special Issue: Handwriting Processing and Applications
* Statistical Approach for Phrase Location and Recognition within a Text Line: An Application to Street Name Recognition, A
* Statistical characterisation and modelling of SAR images
* StrCombo: combination of string recognizers
* Subjective Surfaces: A Geometric Model for Boundary Completion
* Suitability of texture features to assess changes in trabecular bone architecture
* Superresolution planar diffraction tomography through evanescent fields
* survey of methods for recovering quadrics in triangle meshes, A
* Symmetry Measure Computation for Convex Polyhedra
* Synthesizing processed video by filtering temporal relationships
* TABU Search Heuristic for Point-Feature Cartographic Label Placement
* Target Motion Analysis Using Range-Only Measurements: Algorithms, Performance and Application to ISAR Data
* Temporal Segmentation of Video Objects for Hierarchical Object-Based Motion Description
* Tessellations by connection
* Texture analysis and data fusion in the extraction of topographic objects from satellite imagery
* Theoretical Study on Six Classifier Fusion Strategies, A
* three-dimensional holes closing algorithm, A
* Three-dimensional support function estimation and application for projection magnetic resonance imaging
* Three-systems theory of human visual motion perception: Review and Update
* Topological median filters
* Towards Creating Abstract Features of Complex Objects: The Fusion of Contourpoints in Significant Contour Sections for Object Recognition
* Tracing boundary contours in a binary image
* Two new algorithms for efficient computation of Legendre moments
* Two Variations on Fisher's Linear Discriminant for Pattern Recognition
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Feature Similarity
* unsupervised generalized Hough transform for natural shapes, An
* Unsupervised Learning of Finite Mixture Models
* Verification Method of Enhancing the Recognizers of Isolated and Touching Handwritten Numerals
* Vibro-acoustic tissue mammography
* Video Error Correction Using Steganography
* Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation: A Survey
* vision-based masking model for spread-spectrum image watermarking, A
* Visual Input for Pen-Based Computers
* Volatility Trading via Temporal Pattern Recognition in Quantised Financial Time Series
* Wavelet-based Optical Flow Estimation
* Wavelet-based texture retrieval using generalized Gaussian density and Kullback-Leibler distance
* wavelet-based watermarking algorithm for ownership verification of digital images, A
* Writer Adaptation for Online Handwriting Recognition
199 for 0202

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.