* *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *Boat Detection
* *Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from the 26th ITS World Congress, Singapore 2019
* *Multimodal Brain Image Analysis
* *MVA
* 2D and 3D Segmentation of Uncertain Local Collagen Fiber Orientations in SHG Microscopy
* 3-D Gaussian-Gabor Feature Extraction and Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* 360-Degree Textures of People in Clothing from a Single Image
* 360° Surface Regression with a Hyper-Sphere Loss
* 3D Bird's-Eye-View Instance Segmentation
* 3D brain tumor segmentation in MRI images based on a modified PSO technique
* 3D GPR Image-based UcNet for Enhancing Underground Cavity Detectability
* 3D Neighborhood Convolution: Learning Depth-Aware Features for RGB-D and RGB Semantic Segmentation
* 3D shape reconstruction from multifocus image fusion using a multidirectional modified Laplacian operator
* 50 FPS Object-Level Saliency Detection via Maximally Stable Region
* 68-mw 2.2 Tops/w Low Bit Width and Multiplierless DCNN Object Detection Processor for Visually Impaired People, A
* Accelerated parametric chamfer alignment using a parallel, pipelined GPU realization
* Accumulated and aggregated shifting of intensity for defect detection on micro 3D textured surfaces
* Accurate and Real-Time Object Detection Based on Bird's Eye View on 3D Point Clouds
* Accurate Ellipse Extraction in Low-Quality Images
* Accurate Method to Distinguish Between Stationary Human and Dog Targets Under Through-Wall Condition Using UWB Radar, An
* Accurate modelling of canopy traits from seasonal Sentinel-2 imagery based on the vertical distribution of leaf traits
* Accurate Pedestrian Detection by Human Pose Regression
* Achieving Generalizable Robustness of Deep Neural Networks by Stability Training
* Action Machine: Toward Person-Centric Action Recognition in Videos
* Active Camera Relocalization from a Single Reference Image without Hand-Eye Calibration
* Active Deep Learning Approach for Minimally Supervised PolSAR Image Classification, An
* Adaptive appearance modeling via hierarchical entropy analysis over multi-type features
* Adaptive Beam Tracking With the Unscented Kalman Filter for Millimeter Wave Communication
* Adaptive Hypergraph Embedded Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Image Annotation
* Adaptive illumination-invariant face recognition via local nonlinear multi-layer contrast feature
* Adaptive Least-Squares Collocation Algorithm Considering Distance Scale Factor for GPS Crustal Velocity Field Fitting and Estimation
* Adaptive Mesh Texture for Multi-View Appearance Modeling
* Adaptive Multiscale Deep Fusion Residual Network for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* adaptive template matching-based single object tracking algorithm with parallel acceleration, An
* Adaptive Texture-Preserving Denoising Method Using Gradient Histogram and Nonlocal Self-Similarity Priors
* Adaptive UWB/MEMS-IMU Complementary Kalman Filter for Indoor Location in NLOS Environment, An
* Adaptive-Resolution Octree-Based Volumetric SLAM
* Adjustment and Calibration of Dome Port Camera Systems for Underwater Vision
* Advances in human action recognition: an updated survey
* Aggregate Tracklet Appearance Features for Multi-Object Tracking
* Aircraft Target Classification for Conventional Narrow-Band Radar with Multi-Wave Gates Sparse Echo Data
* Algorithm and peer-to-peer negotiation strategies for train dispatching problems in railway bottleneck sections
* AlignNet-3D: Fast Point Cloud Registration of Partially Observed Objects
* Almost Regular Metrics on Groups and Lipschitz-Continuity of Distance Transforms
* Amplitude Retrieval for Channel Estimation of MIMO Systems With One-Bit ADCs
* Analog signal processing solution for machine vision applications
* Analysis and classification of malignancy in pancreatic magnetic resonance images using neural network techniques
* Analysis of Parameters for the Accurate and Fast Estimation of Tree Diameter at Breast Height Based on Simulated Point Cloud
* Analysis of Regularized Kantorovich-Rubinstein Metric and Its Application to Inverse Gravity Problems
* Analysis of the Optimal Wavelength for Oceanographic Lidar at the Global Scale Based on the Inherent Optical Properties of Water
* Analyzing multiple types of behaviors from traffic videos via nonparametric topic model
* Anisotropic Guided Filtering
* Annual Green Water Resources and Vegetation Resilience Indicators: Definitions, Mutual Relationships, and Future Climate Projections
* Anthropomorphic Features for On-Line Signatures
* Appearance model update based on online learning and soft-biometrics traits for people re-identification in multi-camera environments
* Applicability of the MultiTemporal Coherence Approach to Sentinel-1 for the Detection and Delineation of Burnt Areas in the Context of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service
* Application of Deep Learning for Delineation of Visible Cadastral Boundaries from Remote Sensing Imagery
* Application of DInSAR-PSI Technology for Deformation Monitoring of the Mosul Dam, Iraq
* Applying maximally stable extremal regions and local binary patterns for guide-wire detecting in percutaneous coronary intervention
* Archaeological Prospection with Motorised Multichannel Ground-Penetrating Radar Arrays on Snow-Covered Areas in Norway
* Area-efficient parallel adder with faithful approximation for image and signal processing applications
* Artificial Intelligence of Things in Sports Science: Weight Training as an Example
* ASSD: Attentive single shot multibox detector
* Assessing Pasture Degradation in the Brazilian Cerrado Based on the Analysis of MODIS NDVI Time-Series
* Assessing the Impact of Satellite Revisit Rate on Estimation of Corn Phenological Transition Timing through Shape Model Fitting
* Assessing the Use of Sentinel-2 Time Series Data for Monitoring Cork Oak Decline in Portugal
* Assessment and Improvement of Sea Surface Microwave Emission Models for Salinity Retrieval in the East China Sea
* Assessment of China's Offshore Wind Resources Based on the Integration of Multiple Satellite Data and Meteorological Data
* Assessment of feature fusion strategies in visual attention mechanism for saliency detection
* Assessment of IMERG Precipitation Estimates over Europe
* Assessment of Integrated Water Vapor Estimates from the iGMAS and the Brazilian Network GNSS Ground-Based Receivers in Rio de Janeiro
* Assessment of Leaf Area Index of Rice for a Growing Cycle Using Multi-Temporal C-Band PolSAR Datasets
* Assessment of Night-Time Lighting for Global Terrestrial Protected and Wilderness Areas
* Assessment of Portable Chlorophyll Meters for Measuring Crop Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration
* Assessment of the Impacts of Image Signal-to-Noise Ratios in Impervious Surface Mapping
* Asynchronous Multi-Hypothesis Tracking of Features with Event Cameras
* Attention Graph Convolution Network for Image Segmentation in Big SAR Imagery Data
* Augmentation of CBCT Reconstructed From Under-Sampled Projections Using Deep Learning
* Augmented SRC for face recognition under quality distortions
* Authentication of medical images using passive approach
* Auto-Embedding Generative Adversarial Networks For High Resolution Image Synthesis
* Auto-Retoucher(ART): A Framework for Background Replacement and Foreground Adjustment
* Autoencoder-Based Fabric Defect Detection with Cross- Patch Similarity
* Automated acute lymphoblastic leukaemia detection system using microscopic images
* Automated and reliable brain radiology with texture analysis of magnetic resonance imaging and cross datasets validation
* Automated delineation of non-small cell lung cancer: A step toward quantitative reasoning in medical decision science
* Automated Detection of Conifer Seedlings in Drone Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automated Extraction of Antarctic Glacier and Ice Shelf Fronts from Sentinel-1 Imagery Using Deep Learning
* Automated glaucoma detection using quasi-bivariate variational mode decomposition from fundus images
* Automated identification of mycobacterium bacillus from sputum images for tuberculosis diagnosis
* Automated Inspection of Railway Tunnels' Power Line Using LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automatic Extraction of High-Voltage Power Transmission Objects from UAV Lidar Point Clouds
* Automatic Measurement of Visual Attention to Video Content using Deep Learning
* Automatic Proba-V Processor: TREX: Tool for Raster Data Exploration
* Automatically Extract Semi-Transparent Motion-Blurred Hand From a Single Image
* Azimuthal constraint representation for synthetic aperture radar target recognition along with aspect estimation
* B-Spline-Based Sharp Feature Preserving Shape Reconstruction Approach for Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Backprojection Subimage Autofocus of Moving Ships for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* BallTrack: Football ball tracking for real-time CCTV systems
* baseline regularization scheme for transfer learning with convolutional neural networks, A
* Bayesian DeNet: Monocular Depth Prediction and Frame-Wise Fusion With Synchronized Uncertainty
* Bayesian models with spatial autocorrelation for bike sharing ridership variability based on revealed preference GPS trajectory data
* Bayesian place recognition based on bag of objects for intelligent vehicle localisation
* Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms for Instantaneous Net Surface Shortwave Radiation Retrieval Using Remote Sensing Data
* Beyond the Watching: Understanding Viewer Interactions in Crowdsourced Live Video Broadcasting Services
* Bi-Directional Reflectance Factor Determination of the Railroad Valley Playa
* Bias-Compensated Diffusion Pseudolinear Kalman Filter Algorithm for Censored Bearings-Only Target Tracking
* Big spatio-temporal data mining for emergency management information systems
* Biharmonic Eigenface, The
* Bimodal recognition of affective states with the features inspired from human visual and auditory perception system
* Binocular Light-Field: Imaging Theory and Occlusion-Robust Depth Perception Application
* Bio-inspired contour detection model based on multi-bandwidth fusion and logarithmic texture inhibition
* Biological Vision Inspired Framework for Image Enhancement in Poor Visibility Conditions, A
* Blind Cloud and Cloud Shadow Removal of Multitemporal Images Based on Total Variation Regularized Low-Rank Sparsity Decomposition
* Bullet-time image generation without 3-D
* Bundle Adjustment of a Time-Sequential Spectral Camera Using Polynomial Models
* Can We Track Targets From Space? A Hybrid Kernel Correlation Filter Tracker for Satellite Video
* Cascaded Face Sketch Synthesis Under Various Illuminations
* CASE Dataset of Candidate Spaces for Advert Implantation, The
* Category-Sensitive Domain Adaptation for Land Cover Mapping in Aerial Scenes
* CBDN: Cloud-Based Drone Navigation for Efficient Battery Charging in Drone Networks
* Change detection in SAR images using deep belief network: a new training approach based on morphological images
* Change Detection of High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Region-Line Primitive Association Analysis and Evidence Fusion
* Change in the Recent Warming Trend of Sea Surface Temperature in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) over Decades (1982-2018)
* Cityscape protection using VR and eye tracking technology
* Class Information-Based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Class of IIR Filters Synthesized Using Frequency-Response Masking Technique, A
* Classification of brain activities during language and music perception
* Classification of Tree Species as Well as Standing Dead Trees Using Triple Wavelength ALS in a Temperate Forest
* Classification of very high-resolution remote sensing images by applying a new edge-based marker-controlled watershed segmentation method
* Classification via semi-supervised multi-random subspace sparse representation
* Classification-Specific Parts for Improving Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Climatic Drivers of Greening Trends in the Alps
* closed-form solution for multi-view color correction with gradient preservation, A
* Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence System for Large-Scale Arrhythmia Screening
* Cluster-wise learning network for multi-person pose estimation
* Clustering by connection center evolution
* CNN-based Image Denoising for Outdoor Active Stereo
* CNN-Based Pan-Sharpening Method for Integrating Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Using Landsat 8, A
* CNN-Based Polarimetric Decomposition Feature Selection for PolSAR Image Classification
* Co-Seismic Deformation and Fault Slip Model of the 2017 Mw 7.3 Darbandikhan, Iran-Iraq Earthquake Inferred from D-InSAR Measurements
* Cognitive intelligence of highly automated vehicles in a car-sharing context
* Coherence Statistics of Structured Random Ensembles and Support Detection Bounds for OMP
* Cold Bias of ERA5 Summertime Daily Maximum Land Surface Temperature over Iberian Peninsula
* Collective Affinity Learning for Partial Cross-Modal Hashing
* Collision-Free Video Synopsis Incorporating Object Speed and Size Changes
* Color Control Functions for Multiprimary Displays: I: Robustness Analysis and Optimization Formulations
* Color Control Functions for Multiprimary Displays: II: Variational Robustness Optimization
* Combining Evapotranspiration and Soil Apparent Electrical Conductivity Mapping to Identify Potential Precision Irrigation Benefits
* Comparative Analysis of Phytovolume Estimation Methods Based on UAV-Photogrammetry and Multispectral Imagery in a Mediterranean Forest, A
* Comparing DInSAR and PSI Techniques Employed to Sentinel-1 Data to Monitor Highway Stability: A Case Study of a Massive Dobkovicky Landslide, Czech Republic
* Comparison and Validation of the Ionospheric Climatological Morphology of FY3C/GNOS with COSMIC during the Recent Low Solar Activity Period
* Comparison between convolutional neural networks and random forest for local climate zone classification in mega urban areas using Landsat images
* Comparison of Arctic Sea Ice Concentrations from the NASA Team, ASI, and VASIA2 Algorithms with Summer and Winter Ship Data
* Comparison of Bi-Hemispherical and Hemispherical-Conical Configurations for In Situ Measurements of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Comparison of Different Classifiers and the Majority Voting Rule for the Detection of Plum Fruits in Garden Conditions
* Comparison of Five Spatio-Temporal Satellite Image Fusion Models over Landscapes with Various Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Variation
* Comparison of Optical Flow Methods under Stereomatching with Short Baselines
* Compositional Attention Networks With Two-Stream Fusion for Video Question Answering
* Comprehensive evaluation of skeleton features-based fall detection from Microsoft Kinect v2
* Comprehensive Study of Three Different Portable XRF Scanners to Assess the Soil Geochemistry of An Extensive Sample Dataset, A
* Compressed dynamic mode decomposition for background modeling
* Compressed Imaging to Reduce Storage in Adjoint-State Calculations
* Compressive sensing for images using a variant of Toeplitz matrix for wireless sensor networks
* Computational workload in biometric identification systems: an overview
* Computer aided automated detection and classification of brain tumors using CANFIS classification method
* Computing Quasi-Conformal Folds
* ConflictNET: End-to-End Learning for Speech-Based Conflict Intensity Estimation
* Consensus-based trajectory estimation for ball detection in calibrated cameras systems
* Consistent multiple graph matching with multi-layer random walks synchronization
* Constructing a High-Accuracy Geometric Model for Moon-Based Earth Observation
* Content-Based Adaptive SHVC Mode Decision Algorithm
* Context pyramidal network for stereo matching regularized by disparity gradients
* Context-Aware Human Activity and Smartphone Position-Mining with Motion Sensors
* Context-aware long-term correlation tracking with hierarchical convolutional features
* Contextual and Multitemporal Active-Fire Detection Algorithm Based on FengYun-2G S-VISSR Data, A
* Continuous decaying of telco big data with data postdiction
* Continuous Monitoring of Differential Reflectivity Bias for C-Band Polarimetric Radar Using Online Solar Echoes in Volume Scans
* Contour detection based on anisotropic edge strength and hierarchical superpixel contrast
* Contour Refinement and EG-GHT-Based Inshore Ship Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Image
* Contrario Detection of Faces with a Short Cascade of Classifiers, A
* Contrast enhancement of medical images using fuzzy set theory and nonsubsampled shearlet transform
* Convex Optimisation for Inverse Kinematics
* Convolutional Sparse Coding for Compressed Sensing CT Reconstruction
* Cooking Video Summarization Guided By Matching with Step-By-Step Recipe Photos
* Cooperative Game Approach to Optimal Merging Sequence and on-Ramp Merging Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Cooperative Rate Splitting for MISO Broadcast Channel With User Relaying, and Performance Benefits Over Cooperative NOMA
* Coral reef geomorphology of the Spratly Islands: A simple method based on time-series of Landsat-8 multi-band inundation maps
* Correcting Position Error in Precipitation Data Using Image Morphing
* Correlation between Ionospheric TEC and the DCB Stability of GNSS Receivers from 2014 to 2016
* Correspondence-Free Region Localization for Partial Shape Similarity via Hamiltonian Spectrum Alignment
* Coupled dictionary learning for unsupervised change detection between multimodal remote sensing images
* Creating Realistic Ground Truth Data for the Evaluation of Calibration Methods for Plenoptic and Conventional Cameras
* Critical Loci for Two Views Reconstruction as Quadratic Transformations Between Images
* Crop Group-Specific Pure Pixel Time Series for Europe, A
* Cropland Classification Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: Methodological Performance and Prediction Uncertainty Assessment
* Cross-cumulative residual entropy-based medical image registration via hybrid differential search algorithm
* Cross-Domain Image Matching with Deep Feature Maps
* Cross-View Gait Recognition by Discriminative Feature Learning
* Crowd counting using a self-attention multi-scale cascaded network
* Cyclic Shift Matrix: A New Tool for the Translation Matching Problem
* Daily River Discharge Estimation Using Multi-Mission Radar Altimetry Data and Ensemble Learning Regression in the Lower Mekong River Basin
* Data Assimilation Method for Simultaneously Estimating the Multiscale Leaf Area Index From Time-Series Multi-Resolution Satellite Observations, A
* Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial Measurements Units, A
* Data-Driven Approach for Accurate Rainfall Prediction, A
* Data-driven next destination prediction and ETA improvement for urban delivery fleets
* Daytime Rainy Cloud Detection and Convective Precipitation Delineation Based on a Deep Neural Network Method Using GOES-16 ABI Images
* DCNN-GAN: Reconstructing Realistic Image from fMRI
* DCT-based color image compression algorithm using adaptive block scanning
* DDLA: dual deep learning architecture for classification of plant species
* Deadlock Prevention of Self-Driving Vehicles in a Network of Intersections
* Decentralized Processing Schema for Efficient and Robust Real-time Multi-GNSS Satellite Clock Estimation, A
* Decomposing the Long-term Variation in Population Exposure to Outdoor PM2.5 in the Greater Bay Area of China Using Satellite Observations
* Decoupled Hybrid 360° Panoramic Stereo Video
* Decoupled Spatial Neural Attention for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Deep Archetypal Analysis
* Deep Cascade Model-Based Face Recognition: When Deep-Layered Learning Meets Small Data
* Deep Clustering via Weighted k-Subspace Network
* Deep conditional adaptation networks and label correlation transfer for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Deep Convolution Network for Direction of Arrival Estimation With Sparse Prior
* Deep cycle autoencoder for unsupervised domain adaptation with generative adversarial networks
* Deep discriminative representation for generic palmprint recognition
* Deep Heterogeneous Hashing for Face Video Retrieval
* Deep Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder Network for Image Captioning
* Deep Learning Denoising Based Line Spectral Estimation
* Deep learning for multi-modal classification of cloud, shadow and land cover scenes in PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 imagery
* Deep Learning for Precipitation Estimation from Satellite and Rain Gauges Measurements
* Deep learning-based hybrid model for short-term subway passenger flow prediction using automatic fare collection data
* Deep Learning-Generated Nighttime Reflectance and Daytime Radiance of the Midwave Infrared Band of a Geostationary Satellite
* Deep MR Brain Image Super-Resolution Using Spatio-Structural Priors
* Deep Multi-Scale Recurrent Network for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Despeckling
* Deep Objective Quality Assessment Driven Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Weak Human Activity Localization
* Deep sensorimotor learning for RGB-D object recognition
* Deep spectral feature pyramid in the frequency domain for long-term action recognition
* Deep supervised hashing network with integrated regularisation
* Deep Tone Mapping Operator for High Dynamic Range Images
* Deep-Person: Learning discriminative deep features for person Re-Identification
* DeepPoint3D: Learning discriminative local descriptors using deep metric learning on 3D point clouds
* Demonstration and Evaluation of 3D Winds Generated by Tracking Features in Moisture and Ozone Fields Derived from AIRS Sounding Retrievals
* Denoising Algorithm for the FY-4A GIIRS Based on Principal Component Analysis
* Denoising convolutional neural network with mask for salt and pepper noise
* Dense 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Depth View
* Dense Attention Pyramid Networks for Multi-Scale Ship Detection in SAR Images
* Depth estimation using modified cost function for occlusion handling
* Depthwise Separable Convolution Neural Network for High-Speed SAR Ship Detection
* Deriving Field Scale Soil Moisture from Satellite Observations and Ground Measurements in a Hilly Agricultural Region
* Design and implementation of a highly efficient fractional motion estimation for the HEVC encoder
* Detecting cerebral microbleeds with transfer learning
* Detecting changes in cardiovascular interaction during postural stress using directed coherence
* Detecting moving objects via the low-rank representation
* Detecting Patterns of Vegetation Gradual Changes (2001-2017) in Shiyang River Basin, Based on a Novel Framework
* Detecting Small Objects in Urban Settings Using SlimNet Model
* Detection of First-Year and Multi-Year Sea Ice from Dual-Polarization SAR Images Under Cold Conditions
* Detection of Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat Using a Deep Neural Network and Color Imaging
* Detection of Pine Shoot Beetle (PSB) Stress on Pine Forests at Individual Tree Level using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Lidar
* Detection of power line insulators on digital images with the use of laser spots
* Detection of Regional Mechanical Activation of the Left Ventricular Myocardium Using High Frame Rate Ultrasound Imaging
* Determination of Appropriate Remote Sensing Indices for Spring Wheat Yield Estimation in Mongolia
* Determination of fractional pixel location via an optimal group delay estimation approach
* Determination of tool deflection in drilling by image processing
* Developing Land Surface Directional Reflectance and Albedo Products from Geostationary GOES-R and Himawari Data: Theoretical Basis, Operational Implementation, and Validation
* Development and evaluation of a self-training system for tennis shots with motion feature assessment and visualization
* Development and Validation of a Model to Combine NDVI and Plant Height for High-Throughput Phenotyping of Herbage Yield in a Perennial Ryegrass Breeding Program
* Devil is in the Decoder: Classification, Regression and GANs, The
* Diagnosis of melanoma from dermoscopic images using a deep depthwise separable residual convolutional network
* Differences in brain networks of children with ADHD: Whole-brain analysis of resting-state fMRI
* Differential Approach to Shape from Polarisation: A Level-Set Characterisation, A
* Differential SAR Tomography Reconstruction Robust to Temporal Decorrelation Effects
* Diffusion-based isometric depth correspondence
* Direction of arrival estimation with missing data via matrix completion
* Directional tensor product complex tight framelets for compressed sensing MRI reconstruction
* Directive local color transfer based on dynamic look-up table
* Discarding jagged artefacts in image upscaling with total variation regularisation
* Discriminant component analysis via distance correlation maximization
* Discriminant Functional Learning of Color Features for the Recognition of Facial Action Units and Their Intensities
* Discriminative dictionary learning for retinal vessel segmentation using fusion of multiple features
* Disentangling Information in Artificial Images of Plant Seedlings Using Semi-Supervised GAN
* Distance transform regression for spatially-aware deep semantic segmentation
* Distinguishing Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation: How Do Traditional Observations and Spectral Classification Compare?
* Distributed and Efficient Object Detection via Interactions Among Devices, Edge, and Cloud
* Distributed Surface Reconstruction from Point Cloud for City-Scale Scenes
* Domain Adaptation using a Gradient Reversal Layer with Instance Weighting
* Domain-Transformable Sparse Representation for Anomaly Detection in Moving-Camera Videos
* DP-Siam: Dynamic Policy Siamese Network for Robust Object Tracking
* DRBox-v2: An Improved Detector With Rotatable Boxes for Target Detection in SAR Images
* Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Condition-Adaptive Representation Learning Framework
* DS-KCF: a real-time tracker for RGB-D data
* dynamic approach for presenting local and global information in geospatial network visualizations, A
* Dynamic Classifier Chains for Multi-label Learning
* Dynamic objects elimination in SLAM based on image fusion
* Dynamic platoon dispersion model based on real-time link travel time
* Dynamic Prediction of the Incident Duration Using Adaptive Feature Set
* Dynamic Spike Superresolution and Applications to Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging
* Dynamic Surface Animation using Generative Networks
* DynGraph: Visual Question Answering via Dynamic Scene Graphs
* Early Calibration and Performance Assessments of NOAA-20 VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands
* Early detection of brain cancer using association allotment hierarchical clustering
* ECG arrhythmia classification using artificial intelligence and nonlinear and nonstationary decomposition
* Economic comparison between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) at freeway on-ramps based on microscopic simulations
* Edge-Guided Output Adaptor: Highly Efficient Adaptation Module for Cross-Vendor Medical Image Segmentation
* Edge-Sensitive Human Cutout With Hierarchical Granularity and Loopy Matting Guidance
* Edge-texture feature-based image forgery detection with cross-dataset evaluation
* Editorial: mobile data management and analytics
* Effect of Attenuation from Fish Shoals on Long-Range, Wide-Area Acoustic Sensing in the Ocean, The
* Effective appearance model update strategy in object tracking
* Effective Convolutional Neural Network Layers in Flow Estimation for Omni-Directional Images
* Effective Gradient Descent-Based Chroma Subsampling Method for Bayer CFA Images in HEVC
* Effective Image Retrieval via Multilinear Multi-Index Fusion
* Effective Planar Cluster Detection in Point Clouds Using Histogram-Driven Kd-Like Partition and Shifted Mahalanobis Distance Based Regression
* Effective Rotation-Invariant Point CNN with Spherical Harmonics Kernels
* Efficient Algorithm Adaptations and Fully Parallel Hardware Architecture of H.265/HEVC Intra Encoder
* Efficient and Accurate GB-SAR Imaging Algorithm Based on the Fractional Fourier Transform, An
* efficient and compact row buffer architecture on FPGA for real-time neighbourhood image processing, An
* Efficient and robust segmentation and correction model for medical images
* Efficient framework for processing top-k queries with replication in mobile ad hoc networks
* efficient hardware solution for 3D-HEVC intra-prediction, An
* efficient image denoising method based on principal component analysis with learned patch groups, An
* Efficient impulse noise removal using hybrid neuro-fuzzy filter with optimized intelligent water drop technique
* Efficient matching of offers and requests in social-aware ridesharing
* Efficient multi-output scene coordinate prediction for fast and accurate camera relocalization from a single RGB image
* Efficient Narrowband RFI Mitigation Algorithms for SAR Systems With Reweighted Tensor Structures
* efficient pass-parallel architecture for embedded block coder in JPEG 2000, An
* Efficient Preconditioner for Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimization of Image Registration, An
* efficient pyramid multi-level image descriptor: Application to image-based parking lot monitoring, An
* Efficient Rock-Mass Point Cloud Registration Using n-Point Complete Graphs
* Efficient Shape Coding for Object-Based 3D Video Applications
* Efficient Single-Stage Pedestrian Detector by Asymptotic Localization Fitting and Multi-Scale Context Encoding
* Efficiently utilizing complex-valued PolSAR image data via a multi-task deep learning framework
* EleAtt-RNN: Adding Attentiveness to Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks
* Electrocardiogram authentication method robust to dynamic morphological conditions
* Embedded Computer-Vision System for Multi-Object Detection in Traffic Surveillance, An
* Emotion recognition based on sparse learning feature selection method for social communication
* Empirical Assessment of Angular Dependency for RedEdge-M in Sloped Terrain Viticulture, An
* End User Video Quality Prediction and Coding Parameters Selection at the Encoder for Robust HEVC Video Transmission
* End-to-End Learning of Latent Deformable Part-Based Representations for Object Detection
* Endless Fluctuations: Temporal Dynamics of the Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations
* Energy-aware cache hierarchy assessment targeting HEVC encoder execution
* Energy-efficient image compression algorithm for high-frame rate multi-view wireless capsule endoscopy
* Enhanced Bi-Prediction With Convolutional Neural Network for High-Efficiency Video Coding
* Enhanced Feature Extraction for Ship Detection from Multi-Resolution and Multi-Scene Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images
* Enhanced pooling method for convolutional neural networks based on optimal search theory
* enhanced sweep and prune algorithm for multi-body continuous collision detection, An
* Enhancement of variably illuminated document images through noise-induced stochastic resonance
* Enhancing image visuality by multi-exposure fusion
* Enhancing scene perception using a multispectral fusion of visible-near-infrared image pair
* Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Traditional Visual Odometry
* Entrack: A Data-Driven Maximum-Entropy Approach to Fiber Tractography
* Estimating Maize Above-Ground Biomass Using 3D Point Clouds of Multi-Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data at Multi-Spatial Scales
* Estimating Rainfall Interception of Vegetation Canopy from MODIS Imageries in Southern China
* Estimating Spatio-Temporal Variations of PM2.5 Concentrations Using VIIRS-Derived AOD in the Guanzhong Basin, China
* Estimating the Number of Correct Matches Using Only Spatial Order
* Estimation of Climatologies of Average Monthly Air Temperature over Mongolia Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) Time Series and Machine Learning Techniques
* Evaluating Resilience-Centered Development Interventions with Remote Sensing
* Evaluation and Application of Multi-Source Satellite Rainfall Product CHIRPS to Assess Spatio-Temporal Rainfall Variability on Data-Sparse Western Margins of Ethiopian Highlands
* Evaluation of Atlas Selection Methods for Atlas-Based Automatic Segmentation in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning, An
* Evaluation of Incident Light Sensors on Unmanned Aircraft for Calculation of Spectral Reflectance
* evaluation of real-time RGB-D visual odometry algorithms on mobile devices, An
* Evaluation of Red-Peak Algorithms for Chlorophyll Measurement in the Pearl River Estuary
* Evaluation of Satellite-Based Algorithms to Retrieve Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Canadian Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
* Evaluation of Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimates in the Lower Mekong River Basin (Southeast Asia)
* Evaluation of Three Deep Learning Models for Early Crop Classification Using Sentinel-1A Imagery Time Series: A Case Study in Zhanjiang, China
* Evaluation of word spotting under improper segmentation scenario
* Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System Upgraded for GOES-16 ABI Observations
* Event-Driven Sensing for Efficient Perception: Vision and Audition Algorithms
* Evolutionary algorithms for sparse signal reconstruction
* Examination of Surface Wind Asymmetry in Tropical Cyclones over the Northwest Pacific Ocean Using SMAP Observations
* Exclusive feature selection and multi-view learning for Alzheimer's Disease
* Exploiting Attention for Visual Relationship Detection
* Exploiting Block-Sparsity for Hyperspectral Kronecker Compressive Sensing: A Tensor-Based Bayesian Method
* Exploiting multi-layer graph factorization for multi-attributed graph matching
* Exploration of Machine Learning Techniques in Emulating a Coupled Soil-Canopy-Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Model for Multi-Parameter Estimation From Satellite Observations
* Exploring Better Food Detection via Transfer Learning
* Extended D-TomoSAR Displacement Monitoring for Nanjing (China) City Built Structure Using High-Resolution TerraSAR/TanDEM-X and Cosmo SkyMed SAR Data
* Eye landmarks detection via weakly supervised learning
* Eyebrows and eyeglasses as soft biometrics using deep learning
* Face alignment using a 3D deeply-initialized ensemble of regression trees
* Face liveness detection: fusing colour texture feature and deep feature
* Face recognition algorithm based on feature descriptor and weighted linear sparse representation
* Face Style Transfer and Removal with Generative Adversarial Network
* Fast and Robust Algorithm for Orientation Estimation Using Inertial Sensors, A
* Fast and robust ellipse detector based on edge following method
* Fast and robust map-matching algorithm based on a global measure and dynamic programming for sparse probe data
* Fast and Robust Matching for Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Fast and robust template matching with majority neighbour similarity and annulus projection transformation
* Fast CU size and prediction mode decision algorithm for HEVC based on direction variance
* Fast FPGA prototyping for real-time image processing with very high-level synthesis
* Fast Non-Convex Hull Computation
* Fast Parallel Implementation of Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging System
* Fast Super-Resolution of 20 m Sentinel-2 Bands Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Time-Domain SAR Imaging and Corresponding Autofocus Method Based on Hybrid Coordinate System, A
* Fault point detection of IOT using multi-spectral image fusion based on deep learning
* FaultNet3D: Predicting Fault Probabilities, Strikes, and Dips With a Single Convolutional Neural Network
* Feature Affinity-Based Pseudo Labeling for Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification
* FeaturEyeTrack: automatic matching of eye tracking data with map features on interactive maps
* Feedback cascade regression model for face alignment
* Few-Shot Deep Adversarial Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Fine-grained action segmentation using the semi-supervised action GAN
* Fine-Grained Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Deep Learning
* Finite element model of concrete material based on CT image processing technology
* First Evaluation of Topography on GNSS-R: An Empirical Study Based on a Digital Elevation Model
* Flexible Lossy Compression for Selective Encrypted Image With Image Inpainting
* Flexible Motion Vector Resolution Prediction for Video Coding
* Forest Canopy Height and Gaps from Multiangular BRDF, Assessed with Airborne LiDAR Data
* Forest Degradation Assessment Based on Trend Analysis of MODIS-Leaf Area Index: A Case Study in Mexico
* FPGA implementation of a maximum simplex volume algorithm for endmember extraction from remotely sensed hyperspectral images
* FPGA implementation of the principal component analysis algorithm for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images
* FPGA-based Auxiliary Minutest MQ-coder architecture of JPEG2000
* Fractional-integral-operator-based improved SVM for filtering salt-and-pepper noise
* Frequency Shift Triangulation: A Robust Fringe Projection Technique for 3D Shape Acquisition in the Presence of Strong Interreflections
* From Pairwise Comparisons and Rating to a Unified Quality Scale
* Frost Damage Assessment in Wheat Using Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Fully Dense Multiscale Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* fully pipelined and parallel hardware architecture for real-time BRISK salient point extraction, A
* Fusion of multi-modal lumbar spine images using Kekre's hybrid wavelet transform
* Fuzzy farthest point first method for MRI brain image clustering
* fuzzy interaction scheme of mid-air gesture elicitation, A
* Fuzzy Object-Based Image Analysis Methods Using Sentinel-2A and Landsat-8 Data to Map and Characterize Soil Surface Residue
* GA-SURF: A new Speeded-Up robust feature extraction algorithm for multispectral images based on geometric algebra
* Gait Recognition Based on Constrained Mutual Subspace Method with CNN Features
* Gated Peripheral-Foveal Convolutional Neural Network for Unified Image Aesthetic Prediction, A
* generalized least-squares approach regularized with graph embedding for dimensionality reduction, A
* Generative Aging of Brain MR-Images and Prediction of Alzheimer Progression
* Generative Zero-Shot Learning via Low-Rank Embedded Semantic Dictionary
* GGM classifier with multi-scale line detectors for retinal vessel segmentation
* Glaucoma screening pipeline based on clinical measurements and hidden features
* Global Cloud Detection for CERES Edition 4 Using Terra and Aqua MODIS Data
* Global median filtering forensic method based on Pearson parameter statistics
* Global Sensitivity Analysis of Commonly Used Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices for Homogeneous Canopies Based on Model Simulation and Random Forest Learning, A
* Going Deeper with Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Networks for Multispectral Pansharpening
* GPS-PWV Based Improved Long-Term Rainfall Prediction Algorithm for Tropical Regions
* Gradual Sampling Gate for Bidirectional Knowledge Distillation
* Ground and aerial meta-data integration for localization and reconstruction: A review
* Group Pruning Using a Bounded-Lp Norm for Group Gating and Regularization
* Group-Sparsity-Based Super-Resolution Dipole Orientation Mapping
* Hand-drawn grayscale image colorful colorization based on natural image
* HanFont: large-scale adaptive Hangul font recognizer using CNN and font clustering
* Hardware accelerator IP cores for real time Radar and camera-based ADAS
* Haze and Thin Cloud Removal Using Elliptical Boundary Prior for Remote Sensing Image
* Heatmapping of People Involved in Group Activities
* Height-from-Polarisation with Unknown Lighting or Albedo
* Heterogeneous Association Graph Fusion for Target Association in Multiple Object Tracking
* HEVC early termination methods for optimal CU decision utilizing encoding residual information
* Hexagon-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Supply-Demand Forecasting of Ride-Sourcing Services
* Hierarchical extended collaborative representation based classification for single-sample face recognition
* Hierarchical Recurrent Deep Fusion Using Adaptive Clip Summarization for Sign Language Translation
* Hierarchical Segmentation Approach with Convolution-Recursive Deep Learning for 3D Multi-Object Recognition under Partial Occlusion Conditions, A
* Hierarchical stack filtering: a bitplane-based algorithm for massively parallel processors
* Hierarchically engineering quality-related perceptual features for understanding breast cancer
* High-Accuracy Indoor-Positioning Method with Automated RGB-D Image Database Construction, A
* High-dimensional unsupervised classification via parsimonious contaminated mixtures
* High-Quality Cloud Masking of Landsat 8 Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* High-Resolution Augmentation for Automatic Template-Based Matching of Human Models
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Classification of Imbalanced Data Using Multistage Sampling Method and Deep Neural Networks
* High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Data at Coastal Regions
* High-speed video haze removal algorithm for embedded systems
* Highly Squinted MEO SAR Focusing Based on Extended Omega-K Algorithm and Modified Joint Time and Doppler Resampling
* Holistic CNN Compression via Low-Rank Decomposition with Knowledge Transfer
* Homologous Component Analysis for Domain Adaptation
* HOOFR SLAM System: An Embedded Vision SLAM Algorithm and Its Hardware-Software Mapping-Based Intelligent Vehicles Applications
* Hotspots Integrating of Expert and Beginner Experiences of Machine Operations through Egocentric Vision
* Human activity recognition using 2D skeleton data and supervised machine learning
* Human body reshaping and its application using multiple RGB-D sensors
* Human Face Detection Improvement Using Incremental Learning Based on Low Variance Directions
* Human identification by gait from event-based camera
* Human tracking by using multiple methods and weighted products
* Human-Object Maps for Daily Activity Recognition
* HWNet v2: an efficient word image representation for handwritten documents
* Hybrid CBIR method using statistical, DWT-Entropy and POPMV-based feature sets
* hybrid feature space from texture information and transfer learning for glaucoma classification, An
* Hybrid Scene Structuring for Accelerating 3D Radiative Transfer Simulations
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Based on Separability-Aware Sample Cascade
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Spatial Density Background Purification
* Hyperspectral Pansharpening Based on Spectral Constrained Adversarial Autoencoder
* Identifying Linear Traces of the Han Dynasty Great Wall in Dunhuang Using Gaofen-1 Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and the Hough Transform
* Image anomaly detection for IoT equipment based on deep learning
* Image classification toward breast cancer using deeply-learned quality features
* Image classification towards transmission line fault detection via learning deep quality-aware fine-grained categorization
* Image denoising using patch ordering and 3D transformation of patches
* Image encryption based on Fisher-Yates shuffling and three dimensional chaotic economic map
* Image encryption using block cipher and chaotic sequences
* Image Formation of Azimuth Periodically Gapped SAR Raw Data with Complex Deconvolution
* Image Processing Algorithm Based on Bi-dimensional Local Mean Decomposition
* Image Processing Methods for Coronal Hole Segmentation, Matching, and Map Classification
* Image quality guided biology application for genetic analysis
* Image quality optimization towards lidar registration based on iterative termination
* Image registration-based brain tumor detection and segmentation using ANFIS classification approach
* Image resizing using fuzzy inferences
* Image unmosaicing without location information using stacked GAN
* Image-Guided Registration of Unordered Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Urban Scenes
* Imaging With SPADs and DMDs: Seeing Through Diffraction-Photons
* Implementing textural features on GPUs for improved real-time pavement distress detection
* Improved image segmentation algorithms for detecting types of acute lymphatic leukaemia
* Improved level set model based on bias information with application to color image segmentation and correction
* Improved neural network classification of hyperspectral imagery using weighted genetic algorithm and hierarchical segmentation
* Improved Ocean Surface Velocity Precision Using Multi-Channel SAR
* Improved Robust Video Saliency Detection Based on Long-Term Spatial-Temporal Information
* Improved Single-Channel Polar Region Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm Using Landsat-8 Data, An
* Improvement of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry to Detect Large Non-Linear Displacements with the 2p Ambiguity by a Non-Parametric Approach
* Improving Clock Prediction Algorithm for BDS-2/3 Satellites Based on LS-SVM Method
* Improving Forest Height Retrieval by Reducing the Ambiguity of Volume-Only Coherence Using Multi-Baseline PolInSAR Data
* Improving image classifiers for small datasets by learning rate adaptations
* Improving Object Imaging With Sea Glinted Background Using Polarization Method: Analysis and Operator Survey
* Improving retinal vessel segmentation with joint local loss by matting
* Improving the Accuracy of Fine-Grained Population Mapping Using Population-Sensitive POIs
* Improving the Accuracy of Landslide Detection in Off-site Area by Machine Learning Model Portability Comparison: A Case Study of Jiuzhaigou Earthquake, China
* Improving the Estimation of Forest Carbon Density in Mountainous Regions Using Topographic Correction and Landsat 8 Images
* In-Field Detection of Yellow Rust in Wheat on the Ground Canopy and UAV Scale
* Incorporating 3D Information Into Visual Question Answering
* Incorporating iris, fingerprint and face biometric for fraud prevention in e-passports using fuzzy vault
* Incorporating the Plant Phenological Trajectory into Mangrove Species Mapping with Dense Time Series Sentinel-2 Imagery and the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Increasing the Number of Sea Surface Reflected Signals Received by GNSS-Reflectometry Altimetry Satellite Using the Nadir Antenna Observation Capability Optimization Method
* Independent-Variation Matrix Factorization With Application to Energy Disaggregation
* Indexing in k-Nearest Neighbor Graph by Hash-Based Hill-Climbing
* Influence of Heterogeneity on Lunar Irradiance Based on Multiscale Analysis, The
* Informative variable identifier: Expanding interpretability in feature selection
* Infrastructure Safety Oriented Traffic Load Monitoring Using Multi-Sensor and Single Camera for Short and Medium Span Bridges
* InSAR Time Series Analysis of L-Band Data for Understanding Tropical Peatland Degradation and Restoration
* Integrated Approach to 3D Web Visualization of Cultural Heritage Heterogeneous Datasets, An
* Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing Approach for Monitoring Harvested Areas from Very High-Resolution, Low-Cost Satellite Images, An
* Integrated Precise Orbit Determination of Multi-GNSS and Large LEO Constellations
* Integrating Imaging Spectrometer and Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Estimating Wetland Vegetation Aboveground Biomass in Coastal Louisiana
* Integrating LiDAR, Multispectral and SAR Data to Estimate and Map Canopy Height in Tropical Forests
* Integrating the Continuous Wavelet Transform and a Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Vineyard Using Time Series Satellite Images
* Integrating Visual and Geometric Consistency for Pose Estimation
* Integrating Water Observation from Space Product and Time-Series Flow Data for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Flood Inundation Dynamics
* Intelligent Labeling Based on Fisher Information for Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning
* Inter-Calibration of the OSIRIS-REx NavCams with Earth-Viewing Imagers
* Inter-frame video image generation based on spatial continuity generative adversarial networks
* Intercomparisons of Cloud Mask Products Among Fengyun-4A, Himawari-8, and MODIS
* Interest Point Detection Method Based on Multi-Scale Gabor Filters
* Intermittent Clutter Suppression Method Based on Adaptive Harmonic Wavelet Transform for L-Band Radar Wind Profiler
* Intrinsic Isometric Manifold Learning with Application to Localization
* Introducing Spatial Regularization in SAR Tomography Reconstruction
* Introduction of Variable Correlation for the Improved Retrieval of Crop Traits Using Canopy Reflectance Model Inversion
* Invariant Spatial Information for Loop-Closure Detection
* Inversion of organic matter content in wetland soil based on Landsat 8 remote sensing image
* IoU Loss for 2D/3D Object Detection
* IPTV video quality assessment model based on neural network
* Iris Verification with Convolutional Neural Network and Unit-Circle Layer
* Iterative Double Laplacian-Scaled Low-Rank Optimization for Under-Sampled and Noisy Signal Recovery
* Iterative Greedy Matching for 3D Human Pose Tracking from Multiple Views
* IterGANs: Iterative GANs to learn and control 3D object transformation
* Joint Design of Transmit and Receive Beamforming for Transmit Subaperturing MIMO Radar
* Joint Power Allocation for Radar and Communication Co-Existence
* Joint Prostate Cancer Detection and Gleason Score Prediction in mp-MRI via FocalNet
* Joint spatiograms for multi-modality tracking with online update
* Joint Viewpoint and Keypoint Estimation with Real and Synthetic Data
* Kernelized Cross-view Quadratic Discriminant Analysis for Person Re-Identification
* Keyword-based approach for recognizing fraudulent messages by keystroke dynamics
* Knowledge driven temporal activity localization
* Knowledge-Aided 2-D Autofocus for Spotlight SAR Filtered Backprojection Imagery
* Land Surface Phenologies and Seasonalities in the US Prairie Pothole Region Coupling AMSR Passive Microwave Data with the USDA Cropland Data Layer
* Landmark-based multi-region ensemble convolutional neural networks for bone age assessment
* Landsat Time Series Assessment of Invasive Annual Grasses Following Energy Development
* Landslide Detection Using Multi-Scale Image Segmentation and Different Machine Learning Models in the Higher Himalayas
* Lane-Level Road Extraction from High-Resolution Optical Satellite Images
* Language2Pose: Natural Language Grounded Pose Forecasting
* Large-scale MODIS AOD products recovery: Spatial-temporal hybrid fusion considering aerosol variation mitigation
* Large-Scale Multibaseline Phase Unwrapping: Interferogram Segmentation Based on Multibaseline Envelope-Sparsity Theorem
* LCSCNet: Linear Compressing-Based Skip-Connecting Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Leaf Segmentation Based on k-Means Algorithm to Obtain Leaf Angle Distribution Using Terrestrial LiDAR
* Learn to Detect: Improving the Accuracy of Earthquake Detection
* Learned Collaborative Stereo Refinement
* Learned Multi-View Texture Super-Resolution
* LEARNet: Dynamic Imaging Network for Micro Expression Recognition
* Learning 3D Semantic Reconstruction on Octrees
* Learning Based Character Segmentation Method for Various License Plates
* Learning binary code for fast nearest subspace search
* Learning channel-aware deep regression for object tracking
* Learning correlation filters in independent feature channels for robust visual tracking
* Learning image compressed sensing with sub-pixel convolutional generative adversarial network
* Learning Nonclassical Receptive Field Modulation for Contour Detection
* Learning Object Scale with Click Supervision for Object Detection
* Learning Point Embeddings from Shape Repositories for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Learning Task-Specific Generalized Convolutions in the Permutohedral Lattice
* Learning to Disentangle Latent Physical Factors for Video Prediction
* Learning to Predict 3D Surfaces of Sculptures from Single and Multiple Views
* Learning to Think Outside the Box: Wide-Baseline Light Field Depth Estimation with EPI-Shift
* Learning to Train with Synthetic Humans
* Learning to Translate Between Real World and Simulated 3D Sensors While Transferring Task Models
* Learning Visual Relationship and Context-Aware Attention for Image Captioning
* Learning Where to See: A Novel Attention Model for Automated Immunohistochemical Scoring
* Learning-Based Method for Solving Ill-Posed Nonlinear Inverse Problems: A Simulation Study of Lung EIT, A
* Least-Squares Gaussian Beam Transform for Seismic Noise Attenuation
* level set method for brain MR image segmentation under asymmetric distributions, A
* Lidar Remote Sensing of Seawater Optical Properties: Experiment and Monte Carlo Simulation
* Lifetime Absolute Calibration of the EO-1 Hyperion Sensor and its Validation
* Lifting Scheme-Based Deep Neural Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Light Field Compression using Eigen Textures
* Line-by-Line Fast Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Linear programming-based submodular extensions for marginal estimation
* Local energy oriented pattern for image indexing and retrieval
* Local Regression Ranking for Saliency Detection
* Localized Interactive Instance Segmentation
* Locally controllable neural style transfer on mobile devices
* Locating multiple license plates using scale, rotation, and colour-independent clustering and filtering techniques
* Location emotion recognition for travel recommendation based on social network
* Low light image enhancement based on non-uniform illumination prior model
* Low-Complexity Joint 2-D DOA and TOA Estimation for Multipath OFDM Signals
* Low-Power Digital Pixel Driving Scheme for Single-Pulse-PWM-Based Display Using AND-Embedded Pixel Circuits, A
* Low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition via the truncated nuclear norm and a sparse regularizer
* Low-Rank Approach to Off-the-Grid Sparse Superresolution, A
* Low-Rank Quaternion Approximation for Color Image Processing
* Low-Velocity Small Target Detection With Doppler-Guided Retrospective Filter in High-Resolution Radar at Fast Scan Mode
* LSDSAR, a Markovian a contrario framework for line segment detection in SAR images
* LSTM-based dynamic probability continuous hand gesture trajectory recognition
* Lunar Calibration for ASTER VNIR and TIR with Observations of the Moon in 2003 and 2017
* Machine Learning Approach to Crater Classification from Topographic Data, A
* Makeup Removal via Bidirectional Tunable De-Makeup Network
* Mapping and Monitoring Fractional Woody Vegetation Cover in the Arid Savannas of Namibia Using LiDAR Training Data, Machine Learning, and ALOS PALSAR Data
* Mapping Chestnut Stands Using Bi-Temporal VHR Data
* Mapping Periodic Patterns of Global Vegetation Based on Spectral Analysis of NDVI Time Series
* Mapping Photosynthesis Solely from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: A Global, Fine-Resolution Dataset of Gross Primary Production Derived from OCO-2
* Mapping Succession in Non-Forest Habitats by Means of Remote Sensing: Is the Data Acquisition Time Critical for Species Discrimination?
* Mapping Surface Flow Velocity of Glaciers at Regional Scale Using a Multiple Sensors Approach
* Mapping Trajectories of Coastal Land Reclamation in Nine Deltaic Megacities using Google Earth Engine
* Mask-Pose Cascaded CNN for 2D Hand Pose Estimation From Single Color Image
* Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions
* ME R-CNN: Multi-Expert R-CNN for Object Detection
* Measurement method for human body anteflexion angle based on image processing
* Measurements of Sea Surface Currents in the Baltic Sea Region Using Spaceborne Along-Track InSAR
* Measuring bandwidth and buffer occupancy to improve the QoE of HTTP adaptive streaming
* Measuring robustness of Visual SLAM
* Methane Emission Estimates by the Global High-Resolution Inverse Model Using National Inventories
* Method for 3-D Scene Reconstruction Using Fused LiDAR and Imagery From a Texel Camera
* Method of Fast and Simultaneous Calibration of Many Mobile FMCW Radars Operating in a Network Anti-Drone System, A
* method of processing color image watermarking based on the Haar wavelet, A
* Microshift: An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm for Hardware
* Microwave Radiometer Data Superresolution Using Image Degradation and Residual Network
* MIMA: MAPPER-Induced Manifold Alignment for Semi-Supervised Fusion of Optical Image and Polarimetric SAR Data
* Minimizing Height Effects in MTInSAR for Deformation Detection Over Built Areas
* MLAttack: Fooling Semantic Segmentation Networks by Multi-layer Attacks
* Mobile Visual Search Compression With Grassmann Manifold Embedding
* model-based gait recognition method with body pose and human prior knowledge, A
* Modeling and Assessment of GPS/Galileo/BDS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution
* Modeling coverage with semantic embedding for image caption generation
* Modeling Population Density Using a New Index Derived from Multi-Sensor Image Data
* Modeling Quiet Solar Luminosity Variability from TSI Satellite Measurements and Proxy Models during 1980-2018
* Modelling of instrument repositioning errors in discontinuous Multi-Campaign Ground-Based SAR (MC-GBSAR) deformation monitoring
* Modelling the Wealth Index of Demographic and Health Surveys within Cities Using Very High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Information
* Modified Viola-Jones algorithm with GPU accelerated training and parallelized skin color filtering-based face detection
* MODIS-Satellite-Based Analysis of Long-Term Temporal-Spatial Dynamics and Drivers of Algal Blooms in a Plateau Lake Dianchi, China
* Monitoring and Assessment of Wetland Loss and Fragmentation in the Cross-Boundary Protected Area: A Case Study of Wusuli River Basin
* Monitoring Glyphosate-Based Herbicide Treatment Using Sentinel-2 Time Series: A Proof-of-Principle
* Monitoring Harvesting by Time Series of Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Monitoring Soil Surface Mineralogy at Different Moisture Conditions Using Visible Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Data
* Monsoon Season Quantitative Assessment of Biomass Burning Clear-Sky Aerosol Radiative Effect at Surface by Ground-Based Lidar Observations in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia in 2014
* Motion Capture from Pan-Tilt Cameras with Unknown Orientation
* Motion Segmentation via Generalized Curvatures
* MSANet: multimodal self-augmentation and adversarial network for RGB-D object recognition
* MSFgNet: A Novel Compact End-to-End Deep Network for Moving Object Detection
* MTBI Identification From Diffusion MR Images Using Bag of Adversarial Visual Features
* Multi-cue combination network for action-based video classification
* Multi-Exponential Relaxometry Using L_1-Regularized Iterative NNLS (MERLIN) With Application to Myelin Water Fraction Imaging
* Multi-exposure image fusion technique using multi-resolution blending
* Multi-level attention model for person re-identification
* Multi-Level Semantic Scene Interpretation Strategy for Change Interpretation in Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Multi-mother wavelet neural network-based on genetic algorithm and multiresolution analysis for fast 3D mesh deformation
* Multi-sample inference network
* Multi-scale analysis of ulcer disease detection from WCE images
* Multi-Scale and Multi-Task Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Road Extraction
* Multi-Scale Approach for Remote Sensing Scene Classification Based on Feature Maps Selection and Region Representation, A
* Multi-Scale Association between Vegetation Growth and Climate in India: A Wavelet Analysis Approach
* Multi-scale convolutional neural network for pixel-wise reconstruction of Van Gogh's drawings
* Multi-Scale Dense Networks for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Multi-Scale Geospatial Object Detection Based on Shallow-Deep Feature Extraction
* Multi-scale microstructure binary pattern extraction and learning for image representation
* multi-scale topological shape model for single and multiple component shapes, A
* Multi-season RapidEye imagery improves the classification of wetland and dryland communities in a subtropical coastal region
* Multi-Spectral Visual Odometry without Explicit Stereo Matching
* Multi-stage adaptive regression for online activity recognition
* Multi-stage cascaded deconvolution for depth map and surface normal prediction from single image
* Multi-Temporal Cliff Erosion Analysis Using Airborne Laser Scanning Surveys
* Multi-Temporal Object-Based Image Analysis to Detect Long-Lived Shrub Cover Changes in Drylands, A
* Multimodal and Multi-Model Deep Fusion for Fine Classification of Regional Complex Landscape Areas Using ZiYuan-3 Imagery
* Multimodal background subtraction for high-performance embedded systems
* Multiphase Mumford-Shah Problem, The
* Multiple Cycle-in-Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Image Super-Resolution
* Multiple Point Light Estimation from Low-Quality 3D Reconstructions
* Multiple Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann Models for Multigrid Phase-Field Segmentation of Tumors in 3D Ultrasound Images
* multiscale dilated dense convolutional network for saliency prediction with instance-level attention competition, A
* Multiscale Full-Waveform Dual-Parameter Inversion Based on Total Variation Regularization to On-Ground GPR Data
* Multiscale Residual Attention Network for Multitask Learning of Human Activity Using Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures, A
* Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction
* Multispectral Image Super-Resolution Burned-Area Mapping Based on Space-Temperature Information
* Multispectral Image-Based Estimation of Drought Patterns and Intensity around Lake Chad, Africa
* Multivariate Mixture Model for Myocardial Segmentation Combining Multi-Source Images
* MVS2: Deep Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo with Multi-View Symmetry
* Möbius transformation based model for fingerprint minutiae variations, A
* Natural language processing approach for appraisal of passenger satisfaction and service quality of public transportation
* Nested Network With Two-Stream Pyramid for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Neural-Symbolic Architecture for Inverse Graphics Improved by Lifelong Meta-learning, A
* Neuro-wavelet based intelligent medical image fusion
* new charge structure based on computer modeling and simulation analysis, A
* New Fusion Approach for Extracting Urban Built-up Areas from Multisource Remotely Sensed Data, A
* New image-guided method for localisation of an active capsule endoscope in the stomach
* New Insights of Geomorphologic and Lithologic Features on Wudalianchi Volcanoes in the Northeastern China from the ASTER Multispectral Data
* new linearly constrained minimum variance beamformer for reconstructing EEG sparse sources, A
* New Results from Strapdown Airborne Gravimetry Using Temperature Stabilisation
* Next-Generation Gravity Missions: Sino-European Numerical Simulation Comparison Exercise
* Nitrogen and Phosphorus Effect on Sun-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Productivity in Mediterranean Grassland
* No-reference video quality assessment via pretrained CNN and LSTM networks
* Noise-Robust Iterative Back-Projection
* Non-causal Tracking by Deblatting
* Non-linear unmixing of hyperspectral images using multiple-kernel self-organising maps
* Nonconvex Truncated Nuclear Norm Minimization Based on Adaptive Bisection Method
* Noninvasive Reconstruction of Transmural Transmembrane Potential With Simultaneous Estimation of Prior Model Error
* Nonlinear Causal Link Estimation Under Hidden Confounding with an Application to Time Series Anomaly Detection
* Not Just a Matter of Semantics: The Relationship Between Visual and Semantic Similarity
* NoVA: Learning to See in Novel Viewpoints and Domains
* Novel Approach to Doppler Centroid and Channel Errors Estimation in Azimuth Multi-Channel SAR, A
* novel automated magnetic resonance image segmentation approach based on elliptical gamma mixture model for breast lumps detection, A
* novel feature transform framework using deep neural network for multimodal floor plan retrieval, A
* novel method for breast mass segmentation: from superpixel to subpixel segmentation, A
* novel multi-graph framework for salient object detection, A
* Novel one-dimensional and two-dimensional forward discrete wavelet transform 5/3 filter architectures for efficient hardware implementation
* Novel Polarimetric Contrast Enhancement Method Based on Minimal Clutter to Signal Ratio Subspace
* Novel Sign Language Recognition Framework Using Hierarchical Grassmann Covariance Matrix, A
* Novel Total Generalized Variation Model for Image Dehazing, A
* Numerical Inversion of Three-Dimensional Geodesic X-Ray Transform Arising from Travel Time Tomography
* Object detectability enhancement under weak signals for passive GNSS-based SAR
* Object detection using convolutional networks with adaptively adjusting receptive field of convolutional filter
* Object Segmentation Using Pixel-Wise Adversarial Loss
* Object tracking based on Huber loss function
* Objective estimation of subjective image quality assessment using multi-parameter prediction
* Obtaining 3D High-Resolution Underwater Acoustic Images by Synthesizing Virtual Aperture on the 2D Transducer Array of Multibeam Echo Sounder
* Ocular multi-spectral imaging deblurring via regularization of mutual information
* Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Mapping with Details: Smallholder versus Industrial Plantations and their Extent in Riau, Sumatra
* On Destination Prediction Based on Markov Bridging Distributions
* On Object Symmetries and 6D Pose Estimation from Images
* On Quad-Polarized SAR Measurements of the Ocean Surface
* On Sea Ice Measurement by a C-Band Scatterometer at VV Polarization: Methodology Optimization Based on Computer Simulations
* On the benefit of adversarial training for monocular depth estimation
* On the Effectiveness of Deep Representation Learning: The Atrial Fibrillation Case
* On the Effectiveness of Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks
* On the Estimation of the Wasserstein Distance in Generative Models
* On the Interest of Optical Remote Sensing for Seasonal Snowmelt Parameterization, Applied to the Everest Region (Nepal)
* On the Taut String Interpretation and Other Properties of the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model in One Dimension
* One-shot learning hand gesture recognition based on modified 3d convolutional neural networks
* Online Correction of the Mutual Miscalibration of Multimodal VIS-IR Sensors and 3D Data on a UAV Platform for Surveillance Applications
* Online Stability Improvement of Gröbner Basis Solvers using Deep Learning
* Operator theory-based discrete fractional Fourier transform
* Optimal control problem of multi-vehicle cooperative autonomous parking trajectory planning in a connected vehicle environment
* Optimal Input Features for Tree Species Classification in Central Europe Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Optimal, Non-Rigid Alignment for Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising
* Optimisation model and solution method of multi-sources guide paths
* Optimising for Scale in Globally Multiply-Linked Gravitational Point Set Registration Leads to Singularities
* Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated Staggered Grid Scheme for Ground Penetrating Radar Simulation, An
* Optimized Tone Mapping Function for Contrast Enhancement Considering Human Visual Perception System
* Optimizing multiscale segmentation with local spectral heterogeneity measure for high resolution remote sensing images
* Orange Snow: A Saharan Dust Intrusion over Romania During Winter Conditions
* Order-Preserving Optimal Transport for Distances between Sequences
* Orthogonality Deficiency of Massive MIMO Channels: Distribution and Relationship With Performance
* OrthoMaps: an efficient convolutional neural network with orthogonal feature maps for tiny image classification
* Pairwise Attention Encoding for Point Cloud Feature Learning
* Pano Popups: Indoor 3D Reconstruction with a Plane-Aware Network
* Pansharpening with transform-based gradient transferring model
* Parallel wavelet schemes for images
* ParkCrowd: Reliable Crowdsensing for Aggregation and Dissemination of Parking Space Information
* Part-based visual tracking via structural support correlation filter
* Partial bundle adjustment for accurate three-dimensional reconstruction
* Patch graph-based wavelet inpainting for color images
* Patch Similarity Convolutional Neural Network for Urban Flood Extent Mapping Using Bi-Temporal Satellite Multispectral Imagery
* Patch-based offline signature verification using one-class hierarchical deep learning
* Patch-Based Output Space Adversarial Learning for Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation
* Path-Based Dictionary Augmentation: A Framework for Improving k-Sparse Image Processing
* PC-Net: Unsupervised Point Correspondence Learning with Neural Networks
* PCB-METAL: A PCB Image Dataset for Advanced Computer Vision Machine Learning Component Analysis
* Pediatric brain extraction from T2-weighted MR images using 3D dual frame U-net and human connectome database
* Perception-guided multi-channel visual feature fusion for image retargeting
* Perceptual Evaluation for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion of Dynamic Scenes
* Perceptual quality assessment of video using machine learning algorithm
* Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Estimating the Soil Salinity of Salt-Affected Soil Using Field Spectral Data
* Performance comparison of mean-level CFAR detectors in homogeneous and non-homogeneous Weibull clutter for MIMO radars
* Performance Degradation During Sudden Hazardous Events: A Comparative Analysis of Use of a Phone and a Music Player During Driving
* Personalized Recommendation of Social Images by Constructing a User Interest Tree With Deep Features and Tag Trees
* Personalized Saliency and Its Prediction
* Perspective-Aware Loss Function for Crowd Density Estimation
* Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens with Generic Deep Convolutional Features
* Photogrammetric assessment of shoreline retreat in North Africa: Anthropogenic and natural drivers
* Physics-Aware 3D Mesh Synthesis
* Pixel Tracking to Estimate Rivers Water Flow Elevation Using Cosmo-SkyMed Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Pixel-Wise PolSAR Image Classification via a Novel Complex-Valued Deep Fully Convolutional Network
* Plane Completion and Filtering for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
* Points2Pix: 3D Point-Cloud to Image Translation Using Conditional GANs
* Polar-Spatial Feature Fusion Learning With Variational Generative-Discriminative Network for PolSAR Classification
* Polarimetric Coherence Method to Determine Ice Crystal Orientation Fabric From Radar Sounding: Application to the NEEM Ice Core Region, A
* PolarViz: a discriminating visualization and visual analytics tool for high-dimensional data
* Portability Study of an OpenCL Algorithm for Automatic Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images
* Power shrinkage-curvelet domain image denoising using a new scale-dependent shrinkage function
* PPP and PPP-AR Kinematic Post-Processed Performance of GPS-Only, Galileo-Only and Multi-GNSS
* Precise Orbit Determination for BeiDou GEO/IGSO Satellites during Orbit Maneuvering with Pseudo-Stochastic Pulses
* Predicting Animation Skeletons for 3D Articulated Models via Volumetric Nets
* Predicting Landscapes from Environmental Conditions Using Generative Networks
* Predictive Perception Model and Control Strategy for Collision-Free Autonomous Driving, A
* Prior Estimation of the Spatial Distribution Parameter of Soil Moisture Storage Capacity Using Satellite-Based Root-Zone Soil Moisture Data, A
* Probabilistic Time of Arrival Localization
* Probing Surface-to-Volume Ratio of an Anisotropic Medium by Diffusion NMR with General Gradient Encoding
* Progression Modelling for Online and Early Gesture Detection
* Progressive complex illumination image appearance transfer based on CNN
* Progressive Object Transfer Detection
* Projecting Mammal Distributions in Response to Future Alternative Landscapes in a Rapidly Transitioning Region
* Proposing a Novel Predictive Technique for Gully Erosion Susceptibility Mapping in Arid and Semi-arid Regions (Iran)
* Public Goods Game Theory-Based Approach to Cooperation in VANETs Under a High Vehicle Density Condition, A
* Purifying SLIC Superpixels to Optimize Superpixel-Based Classification of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Qualitatively correct bintrees: an efficient representation of qualitative spatial information
* Quality Assessment for Video With Degradation Along Salient Trajectories
* Quality assessment of images with multiple distortions based on phase congruency and gradient magnitude
* Quality assessment towards cell diffraction image based on multi-channel feature fusion
* Quality guided image recognition towards industrial materials diffusion
* Quantifying Spatiotemporal Patterns and Major Explanatory Factors of Urban Expansion in Miami Metropolitan Area During 1992-2016
* quantitative evaluation of comprehensive 3D local descriptors generated with spatial and geometrical features, A
* Quantitative evaluation on 3D fetus morphology via X-ray grating based imaging technique
* Quantitative tissue characterization using discrete wavelet transform of photoacoustic signals: a feasibility study
* Radar Altimetry as a Proxy for Determining Terrestrial Water Storage Variability in Tropical Basins
* Radiative Transfer Characteristics of the O2 Infrared Atmospheric Band in Limb-Viewing Geometry, The
* Radiometric Sensitivity and Signal Detectability of Ocean Color Satellite Sensor Under High Solar Zenith Angles
* Radiometric Variations of On-Orbit FORMOSAT-5 RSI from Vicarious and Cross-Calibration Measurements
* Rank Minimization for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Ranking answers of comparative questions using heterogeneous information organization from social media
* rapid knowledge-based partial supervision fuzzy c-means for brain tissue segmentation with CUDA-enabled GPU machine, A
* Rapidly Assessed Wetland Stress Index (RAWSI) Using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 Radar Data, A
* Rare-Event Detection by Quasi-Wang-Landau Monte Carlo Sampling with Approximate Bayesian Computation
* Re-staining Pathology Images by FCNN
* Re-weighting and 1-Point RANSAC-Based PnnP Solution to Handle Outliers
* Real-time adult authentication scheme for digital contents using X.509 certificate in ubiquitous Web environment
* Real-time embedded system for traffic sign recognition based on ZedBoard
* Real-time illumination and shadow invariant lane detection on mobile platform
* Real-Time Multi-Material Reflectance Reconstruction for Large-Scale Scenes Under Uncontrolled Illumination from RGB-D Image Sequences
* Real-time video denoising on multicores and GPUs with Kalman-based and Bilateral filters fusion
* Real-time visual tracking with ELM augmented adaptive correlation filter
* Real-Time Visual-Inertial SLAM Based on Adaptive Keyframe Selection for Mobile AR Applications
* Real-time, large-scale duplicate image detection method based on multi-feature fusion
* Real-World Applications for Drones
* RealPoint3D: Generating 3D Point Clouds from a Single Image of Complex Scenarios
* Realtime multi-scale scene text detection with scale-based region proposal network
* Recognition and 6D Pose Estimation of Large-scale Objects using 3D Semi-Global Descriptors
* Reconstructing One Kilometre Resolution Daily Clear-Sky LST for China's Landmass Using the BME Method
* Reconstruction of As-is Semantic 3D Models of Unorganised Storehouses
* Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Dynamic Wind-Turbine Wake Wind Fields with Volumetric Long-Range Wind Doppler LiDAR Measurements
* Reconstruction with Guided PatchMatch Stereo
* Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment Metric for Super-Resolution Reconstructed Images with Information Gain and Texture Similarity, A
* Reducing the template ageing effect in on-line signature biometrics
* Reflectance and Shape Estimation with a Light Field Camera Under Natural Illumination
* Region-based image registration for remote sensing imagery
* Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs
* Registration with probabilistic correspondences: Accurate and robust registration for pathological and inhomogeneous medical data
* Regression-Based Three-Dimensional Pose Estimation for Texture-Less Objects
* Relay dueling network for visual tracking with broad field-of-view
* Remote Sensing Image Reconstruction Using Tensor Ring Completion and Total Variation
* Remote Sensing Image Superresolution Using Deep Residual Channel Attention
* Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Thickness and Salinity With 0.5-2 GHz Microwave Radiometry
* Remote Sensing the Archaeological Traces of Boat Movement in the Marshes of Southern Mesopotamia
* Remote Sensor Design for Visual Recognition With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Remotely-Observed Early Spring Warming in the Southwestern Yellow Sea Due to Weakened Winter Monsoon
* Removal of Large-Scale Stripes Via Unidirectional Multiscale Decomposition
* Repairing 3D Binary Images Using the FCC Grid
* Representation Learning by Rotating Your Faces
* Representative discovery of structure cues for coronary heart disease recognition based on quality assessment
* Reranking optimization for person re-identification under temporal-spatial information and common network consistency constraints
* Research on infrared image enhancement and segmentation of power equipment based on partial differential equation
* Research on quality improvement method of deformation monitoring data based on InSAR
* Research on rehabilitation training bed with action prediction based on NARX neural network
* Residual attention unit for action recognition
* Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network for Battery Cell Surface Inspection
* Response of Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Trees to Competition: New Insights from Using Fractal Analysis
* Retinal vessel segmentation approach based on corrected morphological transformation and fractal dimension
* Retrieval of the Fraction of Radiation Absorbed by Photosynthetic Components (FAPARgreen) for Forest Using a Triple-Source Leaf-Wood-Soil Layer Approach
* Reversibility Error of Image Interpolation Methods: Definition and Improvements
* Reversible Data Hiding by Using Adaptive Pixel Value Prediction and Adaptive Embedding Bin Selection
* Review of Progress and Applications of Pulsed Doppler Wind LiDARs, A
* Review of the Applications of Remote Sensing in Fire Ecology, A
* Revisiting Depth Image Fusion with Variational Message Passing
* RHEVC intra-prediction mode
* Ring Difference Filter for Fast and Noise Robust Depth From Focus
* Risk-Aware Pairwise Rank Learning Approach for Visual Discomfort Prediction of Stereoscopic 3D, A
* Road Extraction of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Derived from DenseUNet
* Road surface condition classification using deep learning
* Robot-Assisted Floor Surface Profiling Using Low-Cost Sensors
* Robust and adaptive algorithm for hyperspectral palmprint region of interest extraction
* Robust and adaptive ROI extraction for hyperspectral dorsal hand vein images
* Robust Auto-Calibration for Practical Scanning Setups from Epipolar and Trifocal Relations
* Robust Discriminative Metric Learning for Image Representation
* Robust GNSS-denied localization for UAV using particle filter and visual odometry
* Robust information fusion in the DOHT paradigm for real-time action detection
* Robust MR image super-resolution reconstruction with cross-modal edge-preserving regularization
* Robust one-dimensional calibration and localisation of a distributed camera sensor network
* Robust optical flow estimation based on wavelet
* Robust visible-infrared image matching by exploiting dominant edge orientations
* Robust watermarking scheme for tamper detection and authentication exploiting CA
* Robust, Model-Based External Calibration of Multi-Channel Airborne SAR Sensors Using Range Compressed Raw Data
* Robustness of ToF and stereo fusion for high-accuracy depth map
* Rolling bilateral filter-based text image deblurring
* Rotation Invariant Convolutions for 3D Point Clouds Deep Learning
* Rotation-Based Precoding for MIMO Broadcast Channels With Integrated Services, A
* saliency-weighted orthogonal regression-based similarity measure for entropic graphs, A
* Salient object detection via incorporating multiple manifold ranking
* Sampling-Based Robot Motion Planning
* SAR Pancake Ice Thickness Retrieval in the Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) during the PIPERS Expedition in Winter 2017
* SAR Target Recognition via Joint Sparse and Dense Representation of Monogenic Signal
* Satellite Retrieval of Downwelling Shortwave Surface Flux and Diffuse Fraction under All Sky Conditions in the Framework of the LSA SAF Program (Part 1: Methodology)
* Satellite Retrieval of Downwelling Shortwave Surface Flux and Diffuse Fraction under All Sky Conditions in the Framework of the LSA SAF Program (Part 2: Evaluation)
* Scalable and view-independent calibration of multi-projector display for arbitrary uneven surfaces
* Scalable Deep Hashing for Large-Scale Social Image Retrieval
* Scale estimation-based visual tracking with optimized convolutional activation features
* Scene flow estimation by depth map upsampling and layer assignment for camera-LiDAR system
* SDNet: Semantically Guided Depth Estimation Network
* Sea Ice Remote Sensing Using GNSS-R: A Review
* Seamless Solar Radiation (SESORA) Forecast for Solar Surface Irradiance: Method and Validation, The
* Search range reduction for uni-prediction and bi-prediction in HEVC
* Seasonal Evaluation of SMAP Soil Moisture in the U.S. Corn Belt
* See the World Through Network Cameras
* Segmentation of Laser Point Clouds in Urban Areas by a Modified Normalized Cut Method
* Segmentation of Vehicles and Roads by a Low-Channel Lidar
* Seismic Signal Denoising and Decomposition Using Deep Neural Networks
* Self adaptable high throughput reconfigurable bilateral filter architectures for real-time image de-noising
* Self-Adjusting Thresholding for Burnt Area Detection Based on Optical Images
* Semantic Segmentation of Sparsely Annotated 3D Point Clouds by Pseudo-Labelling
* SEMBA: secure multi-biometric authentication
* Semi-Coupled Convolutional Sparse Learning for Image Super-Resolution
* Semi-Supervised Human Detection via Region Proposal Networks Aided by Verification
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Discrete Choice Models
* Semi-supervised Segmentation of Salt Bodies in Seismic Images Using an Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Sensitivity in Tensor Decomposition
* Sensitivity of Radar Altimeter Waveform to Changes in Sea Ice Type at Resolution of Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Sentinel-2 Validation for Spatial Variability Assessment in Overhead Trellis System Viticulture Versus UAV and Agronomic Data
* Separating Structure from Noise in Large Graphs Using the Regularity Lemma
* Sequence SAR Image Classification Based on Bidirectional Convolution-Recurrent Network
* Seven-Component Scattering Power Decomposition of POLSAR Coherency Matrix
* Shallowing Deep Networks: Layer-Wise Pruning Based on Feature Representations
* Ship detection from PolSAR imagery using the ambiguity removal polarimetric notch filter
* Ship Detection under Complex Backgrounds Based on Accurate Rotated Anchor Boxes from Paired Semantic Segmentation
* Short-Term Prediction of Electricity Outages Caused by Convective Storms
* Sig-NMS-Based Faster R-CNN Combining Transfer Learning for Small Target Detection in VHR Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* Signal Processing Perspective of Monitoring Active Volcanoes, A
* Signal-dependent interference reduction based on a new transmit covariance matrix and receive filter design for colocated MIMO radar
* Similar Finger Gesture Recognition using Triplet-loss Networks
* Simultaneous robot-world and hand-eye calibration by the alternative linear programming
* Simultaneous Semantic Segmentation and Outlier Detection in Presence of Domain Shift
* Single image resolution enhancement by efficient dilated densely connected residual network
* Single Level Feature-to-Feature Forecasting with Deformable Convolutions
* Single-channel source separation and parameters estimation of multi-component BPSK/QPSK signal based on 3-D EVR spectrum and wavelet analysis
* Single-wavelength and multi-parallel dotted- and solid-lines for dense and robust active 3D reconstruction
* Sinogram restoration for low-dose X-ray computed tomography using regularized Perona-Malik equation with intuitionistic fuzzy entropy
* SIR-Net: Scene-Independent End-to-End Trainable Visual Relocalizer
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition With Gated Convolutional Neural Networks
* SkeletonNet: A Hybrid Network With a Skeleton-Embedding Process for Multi-View Image Representation Learning
* Skewed Histogram Shifting for Reversible Data Hiding Using a Pair of Extreme Predictions
* Skip-Pose Vectors: Pose-based motion embedding using Encoder-Decoder models
* SlamCraft: Dense Planar RGB Monocular SLAM
* Slanted Stixels: A Way to Represent Steep Streets
* Smartphone-Based Drowsiness Detection and Warning System for Automotive Drivers, A
* SNR-Adaptive OCT Angiography Enabled by Statistical Characterization of Intensity and Decorrelation With Multi-Variate Time Series Model
* SOD-CED: salient object detection for noisy images using convolution encoder-decoder
* Soil and Vegetation Scattering Contributions in L-Band and P-Band Polarimetric SAR Observations
* Soil Moisture Estimation by GNSS Multipath Signal
* Some features of car-following behaviour in the vicinity of signalised intersection and how to model them
* Sparse One-Grab Sampling with Probabilistic Guarantees
* Sparse-to-Dense Hypercolumn Matching for Long-Term Visual Localization
* Sparsity measure based library aided unmixing of hyperspectral image
* Spatial Patterns of Chemical Weathering at the Basal Tertiary Nonconformity in California from Multispectral and Hyperspectral Optical Remote Sensing
* Spatial Smoothing PAST Algorithm for DOA Tracking Using Difference Coarray
* Spatial-Spectral SIFT for Hyperspectral Image Matching and Classification, A
* Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Land Cover Change at the Bento Rodrigues Dam Disaster Area Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Spatially and Temporally Continuous Leaf Area Index Mapping for Crops through Assimilation of Multi-resolution Satellite Data
* Spatio-temporal deformable 3D ConvNets with attention for action recognition
* Spatio-temporal eye contact detection combining CNN and LSTM
* Spatio-Temporal Variations of Carbon Use Efficiency in Natural Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Relationship with Climatic Factors in the Songnen Plain, China
* Spatiotemporal Comparison and Validation of Three Global-Scale Fractional Vegetation Cover Products
* Spatiotemporal Fusion of Satellite Images via Very Deep Convolutional Networks
* Special Issue on Machine Vision
* Spectral Diversity Metrics for Detecting Oil Pollution Effects on Biodiversity in the Niger Delta
* Spectral Normalization and Relativistic Adversarial Training for Conditional Pose Generation with Self-Attention
* Spectral Super-Resolution for Multispectral Image Based on Spectral Improvement Strategy and Spatial Preservation Strategy
* Spherical View Synthesis for Self-Supervised 360° Depth Estimation
* square lattice oriented reversible information hiding scheme with reversibility and adaptivity for dual images, A
* stable long-term object tracking method with re-detection strategy, A
* Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities and Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge
* State-of-art analysis of image denoising methods using convolutional neural networks
* Static and Dynamic Algorithms for Terrain Classification in UAV Aerial Imagery
* Statistical Model for Estimating Midday NDVI from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) 16 and 17, A
* Statistical Stability and Spatial Instability in Mapping Forest Tree Species by Comparing 9 Years of Satellite Image Time Series
* STCMH with minimal semantic loss
* Stereoscopic image quality assessment combining statistical features and binocular theory
* Stochastic Quantization for Learning Accurate Low-Bit Deep Neural Networks
* Strategy to Mitigate the Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on BDS Precise Point Positioning: Cycle-Slip Threshold Model, A
* Structure-aware SLAM with planes and lines in man-made environment
* Subfootprint Variability of Sea Surface Salinity Observed during the SPURS-1 and SPURS-2 Field Campaigns
* Subsampling OFDM-Based Ultrasonic Data Communication Through Metallic Channels for Monitoring of Cargo Containers
* SUGAMAN: describing floor plans for visually impaired by annotation learning and proximity-based grammar
* Super accurate low latency object detection on a surveillance UAV
* Super-Resolution of Remote Sensing Images via a Dense Residual Generative Adversarial Network
* Supervised discrete cross-modal hashing based on kernel discriminant analysis
* Supervised image segmentation based on superpixel and improved normalised cuts
* Supervised Robust Discrete Multimodal Hashing for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Suppressing False Alarm in VideoSAR via Gradient-Weighted Edge Information
* Suppressing Paired Echoes Caused by Stair-Step Antenna Steering in TOPS SAR Imaging
* Surface Reconstruction from 3D Line Segments
* Surface Roughness-Induced Spectral Degradation of Multi-Spaceborne Solar Diffusers Due to Space Radiation Exposure
* survey on 3D mask presentation attack detection and countermeasures, A
* survey on deep learning based face recognition, A
* SVD-based image compression, encryption, and identity authentication algorithm on cloud
* SyDPose: Object Detection and Pose Estimation in Cluttered Real-World Depth Images Trained using Only Synthetic Data
* Synergy of Satellite Remote Sensing and Numerical Ocean Modelling for Coastal Geomorphology Diagnosis
* Synthesizing Diverse Lung Nodules Wherever Massively: 3D Multi-Conditional GAN-Based CT Image Augmentation for Object Detection
* Target tracking and classification using compressive sensing camera for SWIR videos
* Team Formation Mapping and Sequential Ball Motion State Based Event Recognition for Automatic Data Volley
* Technical Framework for Shallow-Water Bathymetry With High Reliability and No Missing Data Based on Time-Series Sentinel-2 Images
* Teeth category classification via seven-layer deep convolutional neural network with max pooling and global average pooling
* Temporal Decorrelation of C-Band Backscatter Coefficient in Mediterranean Burned Areas
* Temporal Phase Coherence Estimation Algorithm and Its Application on DInSAR Pixel Selection, A
* Temporally Forward Nonlinear Scale Space with Octave Prediction for High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay A-KAZE Matching System
* Tensor Alignment Based Domain Adaptation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* TeTrIS: Template Transformer Networks for Image Segmentation With Shape Priors
* Texture-Distortion-Constrained Joint Source-Channel Coding of Multi-View Video Plus Depth-Based 3D Video
* Three-dimensional-based landmark tracker employing a superpixels method for neuroscience, biomechanics, and biology studies
* Time-Frequency Causal Inference Uncovers Anomalous Events in Environmental Systems
* To Complete or to Estimate, That is the Question: A Multi-Task Approach to Depth Completion and Monocular Depth Estimation
* Tongue colour and coating prediction in traditional Chinese medicine based on visible hyperspectral imaging
* Tongue Contour Tracking in Ultrasound Images with Spatiotemporal LSTM Networks
* Top-k trajectories with the best view
* Total contribution score and fuzzy entropy based two-stage selection of FC, ReLU and inverseReLU features of multiple convolution neural networks for erythrocytes detection
* Toward Efficient Image Representation: Sparse Concept Discriminant Matrix Factorization
* Towards Accurate 3D Human Body Reconstruction from Silhouettes
* Towards Multiscale and Multisource Remote Sensing Mineral Exploration Using RPAS: A Case Study in the Lofdal Carbonatite-Hosted REE Deposit, Namibia
* Towards Weakly-Supervised Focus Region Detection via Recurrent Constraint Network
* TPCKT: Two-Level Progressive Cross-Media Knowledge Transfer
* Tracking Reforestation in the Loess Plateau, China after the Grain for Green Project through Integrating PALSAR and Landsat Imagery
* Train Speed Trajectory Optimization With On-Board Energy Storage Device
* Training Auto-Encoder-Based Optimizers for Terahertz Image Reconstruction
* Training Convolutional Neural Networks and Compressed Sensing End-to-End for Microscopy Cell Detection
* Training Invertible Neural Networks as Autoencoders
* Transferable Representation Learning with Deep Adaptation Networks
* Travel-Time Prediction of Bus Journey With Multiple Bus Trips
* Trigonometric Polynomial Interpolation of Images
* Trilateral Convolutional Neural Network for 3D Shape Reconstruction of Objects from a Single Depth View
* Triple attention network for sentimental visual question answering
* Tropospheric Delay Correction Based on a Three-Dimensional Joint Model for InSAR
* Tunable and Transferable RBF Model for Short-Term Traffic Forecasting
* Tunable VVC Frame Partitioning Based on Lightweight Machine Learning
* Two-Directional Two-Dimensional Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Two-Stage Algorithm for Joint Multimodal Image Reconstruction, A
* two-stage framework of target detection in high-resolution hyperspectral images, A
* UAV Multispectral Imagery Combined with the FAO-56 Dual Approach for Maize Evapotranspiration Mapping in the North China Plain
* Ultrasonic image processing based on fusion super-resolution reconstruction of familiar models
* UMGAN: Generative adversarial network for image unmosaicing using perceptual loss
* Uncertainty Assessment in Multitemporal Land Use/Cover Mapping with Classification System Semantic Heterogeneity
* Uncertainty based model selection for fast semantic segmentation
* Underdetermined DOA estimation using coprime array via multiple measurement sparse Bayesian learning
* Understanding and Improving Kernel Local Descriptors
* Underwater scene prior inspired deep underwater image and video enhancement
* UnDispNet: Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Stage Monocular Depth Prediction
* unified architecture for fast HEVC intra-prediction coding, A
* Unified convolutional neural network for direct facial keypoints detection
* unified model for human activity recognition using spatial distribution of gradients and difference of Gaussian kernel, A
* Unified multi-scale method for fast leaf classification and retrieval using geometric information
* Unified Point-Based Framework for 3D Segmentation, A
* Unified Probabilistic Formulation of Image Aesthetic Assessment, A
* Unsupervised Binary Representation Learning with Deep Variational Networks
* Unsupervised Change Detection Based on a Unified Framework for Weighted Collaborative Representation With RDDL and Fuzzy Clustering
* Unsupervised Classification of Multispectral Images Embedded With a Segmentation of Panchromatic Images Using Localized Clusters
* Unsupervised Clustering of Multi-Perspective 3D Point Cloud Data in Marshes: A Case Study
* Unsupervised Feature Learning for Point Cloud Understanding by Contrasting and Clustering Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
* Unsupervised hybrid anomaly detection model for logistics fleet management systems
* Unsupervised learning-based clustering approach for smart identification of pathologies and segmentation of tissues in brain magnetic resonance imaging
* Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation From Light Field Image
* Unsupervised Multi-source Domain Adaptation Driven by Deep Adversarial Ensemble Learning
* Urban Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Multisource Remote Sensing Images and Social Media Data
* Urban-Rural Surface Temperature Deviation and Intra-Urban Variations Contained by an Urban Growth Boundary
* Using Digital Cameras on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Derive Optimum Color Vegetation Indices for Leaf Nitrogen Concentration Monitoring in Winter Wheat
* Using Geometric Interval Algebra Modeling for Improved Three-Dimensional Camera Calibration
* Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Images and Auxiliary Data in Updating and Assessing the Accuracies of Urban Land Products in Different Landscape Patterns
* Using Predictive and Differential Methods with K2-Raster Compact Data Structure for Hyperspectral Image Lossless Compression
* Using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in 3D Modeling of Highways with Tree-Covered Roadsides to Estimate Sight Distance
* Using Tree Detection Based on Airborne Laser Scanning to Improve Forest Inventory Considering Edge Effects and the Co-Registration Factor
* Using Vegetation Indices and a UAV Imaging Platform to Quantify the Density of Vegetation Ground Cover in Olive Groves (Olea Europaea L.) in Southern Spain
* Using video stream for continuous monitoring of breathing rate for general setting
* Utilization of DenseNet201 for diagnosis of breast abnormality
* V-NAS: Neural Architecture Search for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation
* Validation of Earth Observation Time-Series: A Review for Large-Area and Temporally Dense Land Surface Products
* Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-Based Observations for the Paddy Dominated Tropical Region of India
* Validation of the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer Forward Radiative Transfer Model for a Convective Rain Event
* Variational-Based Mixed Noise Removal With CNN Deep Learning Regularization
* Varifocal-Net: A Chromosome Classification Approach Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* Velocity Prediction of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles for a Traffic Light Distance on the Urban Road
* versatile computational framework for group pattern mining of pedestrian trajectories, A
* Versatile inversion tool for phaseless optical diffraction tomography
* Vertical Migration of the Along-Slope Counter-Flow and Its Relation with the Kuroshio Intrusion off Northeastern Taiwan
* very concise feature representation for time series classification understanding, A
* Victim Localization in USAR Scenario Exploiting Multi-Layer Mapping Structure
* Video captioning using boosted and parallel Long Short-Term Memory networks
* Video genre identification using clustering-based shot detection algorithm
* Video Imprint
* Video Saliency Detection via Graph Clustering With Motion Energy and Spatiotemporal Objectness
* Video Saliency Prediction Using Spatiotemporal Residual Attentive Networks
* Video summarisation by deep visual and categorical diversity
* View synthesis for pose computation
* View's dependency and low-rank background-guided compressed sensing for multi-view image joint reconstruction
* View-synthesis from uncalibrated cameras and parallel planes
* Vision-based crater and rock detection using a cascade decision forest
* Visual Coin-Tracking: Tracking of Planar Double-Sided Objects
* Visual Haze Removal by a Unified Generative Adversarial Network
* Visual odometry with a single-camera stereo omnidirectional system
* Visual Permutation Learning
* Visual Person Understanding Through Multi-task and Multi-dataset Learning
* Visual saliency object detection using sparse learning
* Visual Skeleton and Reparative Attention for Part-of-Speech image captioning system
* Visual tracking based on semantic and similarity learning
* Visual tracking with tree-structured appearance model for online learning
* Visual-Quality Guided Global Backlight Dimming for Video Display on Mobile Devices
* Voxel selection framework based on meta-heuristic search and mutual information for brain decoding
* Watervoxels
* Watson on the Farm: Using Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence to Identify Early Indicators of Water Stress
* waveformlidar: An R Package for Waveform LiDAR Processing and Analysis
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Dense Semantic Correspondences and Segmentation
* Weakly supervised pairwise Frank-Wolfe algorithm to recognize a sequence of human actions in RGB-D videos
* Web Stereo Video Supervision for Depth Prediction from Dynamic Scenes
* Welding defect detection based on local image enhancement
* Welding Joints Inspection via Residual Attention Network
* When Drones Fly
* Which is the Better Inpainted Image? Training Data Generation Without Any Manual Operations
* Winter Wheat Mapping Based on Sentinel-2 Data in Heterogeneous Planting Conditions
* You Said That?: Synthesising Talking Faces from Audio
* Zero-shot Learning of 3D Point Cloud Objects
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