Stan Kleczek, I.[Iwona]
Co Author Listing * Integrated Geophysical Imaging and Remote Sensing for Enhancing Geological Interpretation of Landslides with Uncertainty Estimation: A Case Study from Cisiec, Poland
Includes: Stan Kleczek, I.[Iwona] Stan-Kleczek, I.[Iwona]
Stan, A.
Co Author Listing * flexible environment for multimedia management and publishing, A
Stan, G.B.M.[Gabriela Ben Melech]
Co Author Listing * L-MAGIC: Language Model Assisted Generation of Images with Coherence
Includes: Stan, G.B.M.[Gabriela Ben Melech] Stan, G.B.M.[Gabriela Ben-Melech]
Stan, S.
Co Author Listing * Bayesian selection of the neighbourhood order for Gauss-Markov texture models
Stanacevic, M.[Milutin]
Co Author Listing * Iterative Object Localization Algorithm Using Visual Images with a Reference Coordinate
Stanat, D.F.
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Range Searches in Quad Trees
Stanberry, L.I.[Larissa I.]
Co Author Listing * Boundary reconstruction in binary images using splines
* Expectations of Random Sets and Their Boundaries Using Oriented Distance Functions
Stancelova, P.[Paula]
Co Author Listing * Performance Evaluation of Selected 3d Keypoint Detector-Descriptor Combinations
Stanceric, I.[Ivica]
Co Author Listing * Spatial Representation of GPR Data: Accuracy of Asphalt Layers Thickness Mapping
Stancic, N.[Nikola]
Co Author Listing * New Downscaling Approach Using ESA CCI SM Products for Obtaining High Resolution Surface Soil Moisture
* Refinement of Individual Tree Detection Results Obtained from Airborne Laser Scanning Data for a Mixed Natural Forest
* Spatio-Temporal Classification Framework for Mapping Woody Vegetation from Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Imagery
Stancik, J.[Jaroslav]
Co Author Listing * Predicting environment illumination effects on material appearance
Stancik, V.[Vojtech]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Analysis and Appropriate Strategy for Determining Dynamic and Quasi-Static Bridge Structural Response Using Simultaneous Measurements with Two Real Aperture Ground-Based Radars
Includes: Stancik, V.[Vojtech] Stancík, V.[Vojtech]
Stancioiu, P.T.[Petru Tudor]
Co Author Listing * Ecological Monitoring with Spy Satellite Images: The Case of Red Wood Ants in Romania
Stanciu, I.[Irina]
Co Author Listing * Integrated Platform for Ground-Motion Mapping, Local to Regional Scale; Examples from SE Europe, An
Stanciu, S.G.[Stefan G.]
Co Author Listing * Contrast enhancement influences the detection of gradient based local invariant features and the matching of their descriptors
Stanciulcscu, B.[Bogdan]
Co Author Listing * TrouSPI-Net: Spatio-temporal attention on parallel atrous convolutions and U-GRUs for skeletal pedestrian crossing prediction
Stanciulescu, B.[Bogdan]
Co Author Listing * CoordiNet: uncertainty-aware pose regressor for reliable vehicle localization
* CROSSFIRE: Camera Relocalization On Self-Supervised Features from an Implicit Representation
* Hybrid visual and inertial RANSAC for real-time motion estimation
* ImPosing: Implicit Pose Encoding for Efficient Visual Localization
* Interest points harvesting in video sequences for efficient person identification
* Person re-identification in multi-camera system by signature based on interest point descriptors collected on short video sequences
* Person Re-identification Using the Silhouette Shape Described by a Point Distribution Model
* Pollution Detection on Rail Surface for Adhesion Evaluation Using Multispectral Images
* Real-Time Traffic-Sign Recognition Using Tree Classifiers
Includes: Stanciulescu, B.[Bogdan] Stanciulescu, B.
9 for Stanciulescu, B.
Stancl, V.[Vit]
Co Author Listing * Delaunay-Based Vector Segmentation of Volumetric Medical Images
* Tetrahedral Meshing of Volumetric Medical Images Respecting Image Edges
Includes: Stancl, V.[Vit] Štancl, V.[Vít]
Stanclova, J.[Jana]
Co Author Listing * Associative Recall of Spatial Correlated Patterns, The
* Hierarchical Associative Memories: The Neural Network for Prediction in Spatial Maps
Includes: Stanclova, J.[Jana] Štanclová, J.[Jana]
Stanco, D.F.P.[Donato Francesco Pio]
Co Author Listing * FTM: The Face Truth Machine: Hand-crafted features from micro-expressions to support lie detection
Stanco, F.
Co Author Listing * Animated GIF Optimization By Adaptive Color Local Table Management
* ARCA (Automatic Recognition of Color for Archaeology): A Desktop Application for Munsell Estimation
* Augmented Reality for the Valorization and Communication of Ruined Architecture
* Automatic Color Detection of Archaeological Pottery with Munsell System
* Benchmark Dataset to Study the Representation of Food Images, A
* Bio-Inspired Feed-Forward System for Skin Lesion Analysis, Screening and Follow-Up
* Breast Shape Parametrization Through Planar Projections
* Challenges in automatic Munsell color profiling for cultural heritage
* Description of Breast Morphology Through Bag of Normals Representation
* Detection and Correction of Mistracking in Digitalized Analog Video
* Digital Imaging for Cultural Heritage Preservation: Analysis, Restoration, and Reconstruction of Ancient Artworks
* Efficient Re-Indexing Algorithm for Color-Mapped Images, An
* Electronic Travel Aid to Assist Blind and Visually Impaired People to Avoid Obstacles, An
* Evaluation of Levenberg-Marquardt neural networks and stacked autoencoders clustering for skin lesion analysis, screening and follow-up
* Experiences in Using the Pepper Robotic Platform for Museum Assistance Applications
* Exploiting Egocentric Vision on Shopping Cart for Out-Of-Stock Detection in Retail Environments
* Fast Palette Reordering Technique Based on GPU-Optimized Genetic Algorithms, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Convolutional Neural Network Based on Dilation Layers
* I-PETER (Interactive platform to experience tours and education on the rocks): A virtual system for the understanding and dissemination of mineralogical-petrographic science
* Improved Image Re-indexing Technique by Self Organizing Motor Maps, An
* Introducing AV1 Codec-Level Video Steganography
* Is synthetic voice detection research going into the right direction?
* Learning to Rank Food Images
* locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, A
* Natural Gas Leakage Detection: A Deep Learning Framework on IR Video Data
* New Framework for Studying Tubes Rearrangement Strategies in Surveillance Video Synopsis, A
* New Study On Wood Fibers Textures: Documents Authentication Through LBP Fingerprint, A
* Novel Image Re-Indexing by Self Organizing Motor Maps, A
* On the Exploitation of One Class Classification to Distinguish Food Vs Non-Food Images
* Pattern recognition and artificial intelligence techniques for cultural heritage
* Self Organizing Motor Maps for Color-Mapped Image Re-Indexing
* Smart interpolation by anisotropic diffusion
* Technique to correct yellowing and foxing in antique books
Includes: Stanco, F. Stanco, F.[Filippo]
33 for Stanco, F.
Stancombe, A.
Co Author Listing * Calibrated Frequency-Division Distorted Born Iterative Tomography for Real-Life Head Imaging
Stancu, A.[Alexandru]
Co Author Listing * Quantitative Performance Optimisation for Corner and Edge Based Robotic Vision Systems: A Monte-Carlo Simulation
Stanculescu, D.F.[Dragos Florin]
Co Author Listing * Ultrafast Facial Tracker Using Generic Cameras with Applications in Intelligent Lifestyle
Stanczak, S.[Slawomir]
Co Author Listing * Illinois-Type Methods for Noisy Euclidean Distance Realization
* Joint Source-Channel Coding for Semantics-Aware Grant-Free Radio Access in IoT Fog Networks
* L_1-Norm Minimization With Regula Falsi Type Root Finding Methods
Stanczyk, T.[Tomasz]
Co Author Listing * SmaAt-UNet: Precipitation nowcasting using a small attention-UNet architecture
* Surface Soil Moisture Determination of Irrigated and Drained Agricultural Lands with the OPTRAM Method and Sentinel-2 Observations
Standaert, B.[Baptiste]
Co Author Listing * SoccerNet Game State Reconstruction: End-to-End Athlete Tracking and Identification on a Minimap
* Stream-Based Active Distillation for Scalable Model Deployment
Standaert, F.X.[Francois Xavier]
Co Author Listing * Randomly driven fuzzy key extraction of unclonable images
Includes: Standaert, F.X.[Francois Xavier] Standaert, F.X.[Francois-Xavier]
Standardo, N.[Nabil]
Co Author Listing * Physical object identification using micro-structure images
Stander, D.[Dashiell]
Co Author Listing * VQGAN-CLIP: Open Domain Image Generation and Editing with Natural Language Guidance
Stander, J.
Co Author Listing * Specification of Edge Penalties for Regular and Irregular Pixel Images, The
* Turbo code protection of video watermark channel
Standfest, M.[Matthias]
Co Author Listing * Msd: A Benchmark Dataset for Floor Plan Generation of Building Complexes
Standfuß, I.[Ines]
Co Author Listing * Physical Density of the City: Deconstruction of the Delusive Density Measure with Evidence from Two European Megacities, The
Standfuss, C.[Carsten]
Co Author Listing * Mitigation of Calibration Ringing in the Context of the MTG-S IRS Instrument
Standley, D.
Co Author Listing * Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early Vision Processing
Stanek, F.
Co Author Listing * Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Development And Provision Of Thematic Information On The Built Environment: The Tep-urban Project
* Spatial Modelling of Kaolin Deposit Demonstrated on the Jimlikov-East Deposit, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Includes: Stanek, F. Stanek, F.[František]
Stanek, K.[Karel]
Co Author Listing * Method of Constructing Point Generalization Constraints Based on the Cloud Platform
Stanek, K.P.[Klaus P.]
Co Author Listing * DEM-Based Analysis of Interactions between Tectonics and Landscapes in the Ore Mountains and Eger Rift (East Germany and NW Czech Republic)
Stanek, M.[Michal]
Co Author Listing * PATSI: Photo Annotation through Finding Similar Images with Multivariate Gaussian Models
Stanek, R.[Roman]
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Wheel Detection and Rim Classification in Automotive Production
Stanescu, A.[Ana]
Co Author Listing * Measuring Traffic Congestion with Novel Metrics: A Case Study of Six U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Stanescu, L.[Liana]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Method for Efficient Detection of Salient Visual Object from Color Images, An
* Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation: A Case Study
* New 3D Watermarking Algorithm, A
* New Algorithm for Segmentation of Images Represented as Hypergraph Hexagonal-Grid
* New Method for Segmentation of Images Represented in a HSV Color Space, A
* Threshold of Graph-Based Volumetric Segmentation
Includes: Stanescu, L.[Liana] Stanescu, L.
Staneva, V.
Co Author Listing * Learning Shape Trends: Parameter Estimation in Diffusions on Shape Manifolds
* Modeling and Estimation of Shape Deformation for Topology-Preserving Object Tracking
* Total variation regularisation of images corrupted by non-Gaussian noise using a quasi-Newton method
Stanfel, M.[Matjaz]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Criteria Land Evaluation of Suitability for the Sport of Foot Orienteering: A Case Study of Croatia and Slovenia
Includes: Stanfel, M.[Matjaz] Štanfel, M.[Matjaž]
Stanfill, S.R.[S. Robert]
Co Author Listing * Context Exploitation in Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance for Detection Algorithms
Stanford, D.
Co Author Listing * Model-based methods for textile fault detection
* Multiresolution Hidden Markov Trees for Analysis of Automatic Target Recognition Algorithms
Stanford, D.C.[Derek C.]
Co Author Listing * Approximate Bayes Factors for Image Segmentation: The Pseudolikelihood Information Criterion (PLIC)
* Finding Curvilinear Features in Spatial Point Patterns: Principal Curve Clustering with Noise
Stanford, V.[Vincent]
Co Author Listing * Synchronizing multimodal data streams acquired using commodity hardware
Stanforth, A.[Austin]
Co Author Listing * Exploratory Analysis of Dengue Fever Niche Variables within the Río Magdalena Watershed
* Niche Modeling of Dengue Fever Using Remotely Sensed Environmental Factors and Boosted Regression Trees
Stanforth, R.[Robert]
Co Author Listing * Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Classification
Stang, A.
Co Author Listing * Superspeed Bolus Visualization for Vascular Magnetic Particle Imaging
Stang, P.P.
Co Author Listing * Frequency-Offset Cartesian Feedback for MRI Power Amplifier Linearization
* Medusa: A Scalable MR Console Using USB
* Narrowband Magnetic Particle Imaging
* RF Field Visualization of RF Ablation at the Larmor Frequency
* Thermo-Acoustic Ultrasound for Detection of RF-Induced Device Lead Heating in MRI
Stanga, C.
Co Author Listing * Assessment of The Baroque Vault Construction Technique By Scan-to-bim Process: St. Bernard's Chapel in The Plasy Monastery, The
* Content-based Immersive Experience of Basilica of Sant'ambrogio In Milan: From 3d Survey to Virtual Reality, A
* Geometric Primitives Assessing Italian-Czech Vault Construction Techniques in Baroque Period
* Integrated Approach Based On Traditional Archaeological Surveys, Digital Recording Techniques And Historical Documentation for The Assessment of Threats Related to the Climate-sensitive Territorial Context, An
* Interactive and Immersive Digital Representation for Virtual Museum: VR and AR for Semantic Enrichment of Museo Nazionale Romano, Antiquarium di Lucrezia Romana and Antiquarium di Villa Dei Quintili
* Layered-web Interface Based on HBIM and 360° Panoramas For Historical, Material and Geometric Analysis, A
* N-d Virtual Notebook About the Basilica of S. Ambrogio in Milan: Information Modeling for the Communication of Historical Phases Subtraction Process, A
* Wrap-up Synthesis Model from High-Quality HBIM Complex Models, and Specifications, to Assess Built Cultural Heritage in Fragile Territories (arquata Del Tronto, Earthquake 2016, the Church of St. Francesco, It)
Includes: Stanga, C. Stanga, C.[Chiara]
8 for Stanga, C.
Stanga, Z.[Zeno]
Co Author Listing * Artificial Intelligence-Based System to Assess Nutrient Intake for Hospitalised Patients, An
Stanganelli, I.[Ignazio]
Co Author Listing * Feasibility Study for a Persistent Homology-Based k-Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm in Melanoma Detection, A
Stangari, M.C.[Marcelo Cesar]
Co Author Listing * GPR Survey on an Iron Mining Area after the Collapse of the Tailings Dam I at the Córrego do Feijăo Mine in Brumadinho-MG, Brazil
* Near-Surface Geophysical Characterization of a Marble Deposit to Promote a Sustainable Small-Scale Mining
Stangassinger, L.M.[Lea M.]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Multi-Scale Multiple Instance Learning to Improve Thyroid Cancer Classification
Stange, H.
Co Author Listing * Visual Analysis of Place Connectedness by Public Transport
Stangel, M.[Matthias]
Co Author Listing * SAR-Based Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass and Its Changes in Tropical Forests of Kalimantan Using L- and C-Band
Includes: Stangel, M.[Matthias] Stängel, M.[Matthias] (Maybe also Staengel, M.)
Stanger, L.R.[Leigh Russell]
Co Author Listing * Development of a Low-Cost, Near Infrared, High-Temperature Thermal Imaging System and Its Application to the Retrieval of Accurate Lava Lake Temperatures at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua, The
Stanghellini, G.[Giuseppe]
Co Author Listing * Anatomy of Anthropically Controlled Natural Lagoons through Geophysical, Geological, and Remote Sensing Observations: The Valli Di Comacchio (NE Italy) Case Study
* OpenSWAP, an Open Architecture, Low Cost Class of Autonomous Surface Vehicles for Geophysical Surveys in the Shallow Water Environment
* Repeated (4D) Marine Geophysical Surveys as a Tool for Studying the Coastal Environment and Ground-Truthing Remote-Sensing Observations and Modeling
Stangier, T.[Tobias]
Co Author Listing * Compact Setup of a Tunable Heterodyne Spectrometer for Infrared Observations of Atmospheric Trace-Gases
Stangl, A.[Abigale]
Co Author Listing * VizWiz-Priv: A Dataset for Recognizing the Presence and Purpose of Private Visual Information in Images Taken by Blind People
Stangl, A.J.
Co Author Listing * VizWiz Grand Challenge: Answering Visual Questions from Blind People
Stangl, F.[Franz]
Co Author Listing * Performance Evaluation of Narrow Band Methods for Variational Stereo Reconstruction
Stanhill, D.
Co Author Listing * Representation and coding of images with nonseparable two-dimensional wavelets
Stanic, S.[Samo]
Co Author Listing * Application of the Ultraviolet Scanning Elastic Backscatter LiDAR for the Investigation of Aerosol Variability
* Bora Flow Characteristics in a Complex Valley Environment
* Investigation of Aerosol Types and Vertical Distributions Using Polarization Raman Lidar over Vipava Valley
* Retrieval of Vertical Mass Concentration Distributions: Vipava Valley Case Study
Stanica, A.[Adrian]
Co Author Listing * Integrated Platform for Ground-Motion Mapping, Local to Regional Scale; Examples from SE Europe, An
Stanich, M.[Mikel]
Co Author Listing * Direct multi-bit search (DMS) screen algorithm
Stanichny, S.[Sergey]
Co Author Listing * Reconstructing Large- and Mesoscale Dynamics in the Black Sea Region from Satellite Imagery and Altimetry Data: A Comparison of Two Methods
Staniek, M.[Marcin]
Co Author Listing * Context-Sensitive Grammar for Vehicle Movement Description, The
Stanik, P.[Paul]
Co Author Listing * Mysnapfoodlog: Culturally Sensitive Food Photo-logging App for Dietary Biculturalism Studies
Includes: Stanik, P.[Paul] Stanik III, P.[Paul]
Stanikunas, R.
Co Author Listing * Lightness constancy and its link with cone contrast
* Systematic violations of von Kries rule reveal its limitations for explaining color and lightness constancy
Includes: Stanikunas, R. Stanikunas, R.[Rytis]
Stanilovskaya, Y.[Yulia]
Co Author Listing * Dynamics of Low-Lying Sandy Coast of the Gydan Peninsula, Kara Sea, Russia, Based on Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Gas Emission Craters and Mound-Predecessors in the North of West Siberia, Similarities and Differences
Stanimirova, R.[Radost]
Co Author Listing * Empirical Assessment of the MODIS Land Cover Dynamics and TIMESAT Land Surface Phenology Algorithms, An
* Temporally-Consistent Annual Land Cover from Landsat Time Series in the Southern Cone of South America
Stanisavljevic, M.[Milos]
Co Author Listing * Fast and Scalable Pipeline for Stain Normalization of Whole-Slide Images in Histopathology, A
Stanisavljevic, V.
Co Author Listing * system for tracking laboratory animals based on optical flow and active contours, A
Stanislav, P.
Co Author Listing * Sentinel-1 Insar Processing Of Corner Reflector Information In The Northern-Bohemian Coal Basin
Stanislawek, T.[Tomasz]
Co Author Listing * Document Understanding Dataset and Evaluation (DUDE)
Stanislawska, I.[Iwona]
Co Author Listing * Space Weather Services for Civil Aviation: Challenges and Solutions
Stanislawski, L.V.[Lawrence V.]
Co Author Listing * Extensibility of U-Net Neural Network Model for Hydrographic Feature Extraction and Implications for Hydrologic Modeling
* Map Generalization for the Future: Editorial Comments on the Special Issue
Staniszewska, N.[Natalia]
Co Author Listing * Asbestos-Cement Roofing Identification Using Remote Sensing and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Staniszewski, M.[Michal]
Co Author Listing * Passenger Location Estimation in Public Transport: Evaluating Methods and Camera Placement Impact
Stanitsas, P.
Co Author Listing * Active convolutional neural networks for cancerous tissue recognition
* Clustering Positive Definite Matrices by Learning Information Divergences
* Evaluation of feature descriptors for cancerous tissue recognition
* Learning Discriminative alpha-beta-Divergences for Positive Definite Matrices
* Learning Log-Determinant Divergences for Positive Definite Matrices
Includes: Stanitsas, P. Stanitsas, P.[Panagiotis]
Stankauskas, A.[Algimantas]
Co Author Listing * Recording Denisyuk-type holograms with multi-pulse laser exposure
Stanke, G.
Co Author Listing * Detection of the objects with given shape on the grey-valued pictures
* Extraction of filled-in data from colour forms
Stankevicius, D.
Co Author Listing * Lifelogging Data Validation Model for Internet of Things Enabled Personalized Healthcare
Stankiewicz, A.
Co Author Listing * Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular traction pathology stages
Stankiewicz, B.J.
Co Author Listing * Development and Evaluation of a Bayesian Low-Vision Navigation Aid
Stankiewicz, O.[Olgierd]
Co Author Listing * 3D video compression by coding of disoccluded regions
* Analysis of Frame Partitioning in HEVC
* Analysis of noise in multi-camera systems
* Analysis of the complexity of the HEVC motion estimation
* Demonstration of a simple free viewpoint television system
* Depth Estimation Based on Maximization of a Posteriori Probability
* Depth Estimation from Stereoscopic 360-Degree Video
* Depth estimation using modified cost function for occlusion handling
* Encoding mode selection in HEVC with the use of noise reduction
* Enhancing view synthesis with image and depth map upsampling
* Estimation of temporally-consistent depth maps from video with reduced noise
* Experiments on acquisition and processing of video for free-viewpoint television
* Extensions of the HEVC technology for efficient multiview video coding
* Fast depth estimation on mobile platforms and FPGA devices
* Fast view synthesis using platelet-based depth representation
* Free-Viewpoint Television System for Horizontal Virtual Navigation, A
* Generation of Temporally Consistent Depth Maps Using Nosie Removal from Video
* High Efficiency 3D Video Coding Using New Tools Based on View Synthesis
* Homogenous HEVC video transcoding by transform coefficient removal
* Immersive visual media-MPEG-I: 360 video, virtual navigation and beyond
* Nonlinear depth representation for 3D video coding
* Quantization optimization in multiview plus depth video coding
* Similarity measures for depth estimation
* Temporal enhancement of graph-based depth estimation method
Includes: Stankiewicz, O.[Olgierd] Stankiewicz, O.
24 for Stankiewicz, O.
Stanko, D.[Davor]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Local Site Effects in the Medimurje Region (North Croatia) and Its Consequences Related to Historical and Recent Earthquakes
* Destructive M6.2 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia) in 2020: Preliminary Multidisciplinary Research
Stankov, S.
Co Author Listing * Acoustic Extinguishing of Flames Detected By Deep Neural Networks In Embedded Systems
* High-power acoustic fire extinguisher with artificial intelligence platform
* using of deep neural networks and natural mechanisms of acoustic wave propagation for extinguishing flames, The
Includes: Stankov, S. Stankov, S.[Stanko]
Stankova, H.
Co Author Listing * Archive and Wartime Aerial Photographs and Procedures of Their Treatment
Includes: Stankova, H. Stanková, H.
Stankova, N.[Nataliya]
Co Author Listing * Postfire Forest Regrowth Algorithm Using Tasseled-Cap-Retrieved Indices
Stankovi, V.
Co Author Listing * Wyner-Ziv Video Compression and Fountain Codes for Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast
Stankovic', L.[Ljubisa]
Co Author Listing * Understanding the Basis of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks via an Intuitive Matched Filtering Approach
Includes: Stankovic', L.[Ljubisa] Stankovic´, L.[Ljubiša]
Stankovic, J.[John]
Co Author Listing * EgoCap and EgoFormer: First-person image captioning with context fusion
Stankovic, J.A.[John A.]
Co Author Listing * Camera-Independent Single Image Depth Estimation from Defocus Blur
* Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Electric Vehicle Balancing for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems Under Demand and Supply Uncertainties
* Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Computing
* Toward Formal Methods for Smart Cities
Includes: Stankovic, J.A.[John A.] Stankovic, J.A.
Stankovic, L.[Lina]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Correlation Estimation With Particle Filtering for Distributed Video Coding
* Adaptive windowed Fourier transform
* Automated Platform for Microseismic Signal Analysis: Denoising, Detection, and Classification in Slope Stability Studies
* Compressive image sampling with side information
* Contrast enhancement and denoising of Poisson and Gaussian mixture noise for solar images
* Convolutional Neural Networks Demystified: A Matched Filtering Perspective-Based Tutorial
* Demystifying the Coherence Index in Compressive Sensing
* Distinct Feature Extraction for Video-Based Gait Phase Classification
* Distributed compression: Overview of current and emerging multimedia applications
* Evaluation of Signal Processing Methods for Attention Assessment in Visual Content Interaction
* Image registration using BP-SIFT
* Kinematics Analysis Multimedia System for Rehabilitation
* Local Frequency Estimation Based on the Wigner Distribution
* Moments of Multidimensional Polynomial FT
* Multiple marker tracking in a single-camera system for gait analysis
* Nonparametric Algorithm for Local Frequency Estimation of Multidimensional Signals
* Onboard low-complexity compression of solar images
* Onboard Low-Complexity Compression of Solar Stereo Images
* Optical imaging with scanning MEMS mirror: A single photodetector approach
* Periodogram with Varying and Data Driven Window Length
* Reduced Interference Vertex-Frequency Distributions
* Robust Time-Frequency Analysis Based on the L-Estimation and Compressive Sensing
* SC-SM CAM: An Efficient Visual Interpretation of CNN for SAR Images Target Recognition
* Scalable compressive video
* Scalable Video Multicast Using Expanding Window Fountain Codes
* Self-Matching CAM: A Novel Accurate Visual Explanation of CNNs for SAR Image Interpretation
* Shift-Enabled Graphs: Graphs Where Shift-Invariant Filters are Representable as Polynomials of Shift Operations
* Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning-Based Inversion for Velocity Model Building
* Upper limb movement analysis via marker tracking with a single-camera system
* Vertex-Frequency Energy Distributions
Includes: Stankovic, L.[Lina] Stankovic, L.[LJubisa] Stankovic, L.[Ljubiša] Stankovic, L.
30 for Stankovic, L.
Stankovic, M.S.[Miomir S.]
Co Author Listing * Gradient computation in linear-chain conditional random fields using the entropy message passing algorithm
Stankovic, S.
Co Author Listing * Application of Multidimensional Time-Frequency Analysis as a Base for the Unified Watermarking Approach, An
* auto-term representation by the reduced interference distributions; The procedure for a kernel design, The
* Estimation of time-varying velocities of moving objects by time-frequency representations
* Local Frequency Estimation Based on the Wigner Distribution
* Method for improved energy concentration in the TF analysis of multicomponent signals using L-WD
* method for TF signal analysis, A
* Motion parameters estimation by new propagation approach and time-frequency representations
* Polarimetric Incoherent Target Decomposition by Means of Independent Component Analysis
* Robust Time-Frequency Analysis Based on the L-Estimation and Compressive Sensing
* Watermarking in the space/spatial-frequency domain using two-dimensional Radon-Wigner distribution
Includes: Stankovic, S. Stankovic, S.[Srdjan]
10 for Stankovic, S.
Stankovic, V.[Vladimir]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Correlation Estimation With Particle Filtering for Distributed Video Coding
* Automated Platform for Microseismic Signal Analysis: Denoising, Detection, and Classification in Slope Stability Studies
* Compressive image sampling with side information
* Contrast enhancement and denoising of Poisson and Gaussian mixture noise for solar images
* Distinct Feature Extraction for Video-Based Gait Phase Classification
* Distributed compression: Overview of current and emerging multimedia applications
* Estimating Heart Rate and Rhythm via 3D Motion Tracking in Depth Video
* Evaluation of Signal Processing Methods for Attention Assessment in Visual Content Interaction
* Expanding Window Random Linear Codes for data partitioned H.264 video transmission over DVB-H network
* Fast algorithm for distortion-based error protection of embedded image codes
* Image registration using BP-SIFT
* Influence of channel fluctuations on optimal real-time scalable image transmission
* Joint source and channel coding of view and rate scalable multi-view video
* Kinematics Analysis Multimedia System for Rehabilitation
* Multiple marker tracking in a single-camera system for gait analysis
* Multiterminal Video Coding
* Onboard low-complexity compression of solar images
* Onboard Low-Complexity Compression of Solar Stereo Images
* Optical imaging with scanning MEMS mirror: A single photodetector approach
* Packet loss protection of embedded data with fast local search
* Product code error protection of packetized multimedia bitstreams
* Random Network Coding for Multimedia Delivery Services in LTE/LTE-Advanced
* Rate-distortion Unequal Error Protection for Fractal Image Codes
* Robust Layered Multiple Description Coding of Scalable Media Data for Multicast
* Scalable compressive video
* Scalable Video Multicast Using Expanding Window Fountain Codes
* Shift-Enabled Graphs: Graphs Where Shift-Invariant Filters are Representable as Polynomials of Shift Operations
* Singular value decomposition based fusion for super-resolution image reconstruction
* Sleep Apnea Detection via Depth Video and Audio Feature Learning
* Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning-Based Inversion for Velocity Model Building
* Two-Terminal Video Coding
* Two-Way Video Communication Based on Network Coding
* Upper limb movement analysis via marker tracking with a single-camera system
* User-Action-Driven View and Rate Scalable Multiview Video Coding
* Video Multicast over Heterogeneous Networks Based on Distributed Source Coding Principles
Includes: Stankovic, V.[Vladimir] Stankovic, V.
35 for Stankovic, V.
Stankovic, V.M.
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Error Protection of Embedded Codes for Packet Erasure and Fading Channels
Stankovic, Z.[Zoran]
Co Author Listing * Maritime Over the Horizon Sensor Integration: HFSWR Data Fusion Algorithm
Stankovski, V.
Co Author Listing * Decentralized AI Data Management System In Federated Learning, A
Stankowski, J.[Jakub]
Co Author Listing * 3D video compression by coding of disoccluded regions
* 3D-HEVC extension for circular camera arrangements
* Analysis of Frame Partitioning in HEVC
* Analysis of the complexity of the HEVC motion estimation
* Demonstration of a simple free viewpoint television system
* Efficient frame-compatible stereoscopic video coding using HEVC screen content coding
* Encoding mode selection in HEVC with the use of noise reduction
* Extensions of the HEVC technology for efficient multiview video coding
* High Efficiency 3D Video Coding Using New Tools Based on View Synthesis
* Homogenous HEVC video transcoding by transform coefficient removal
* influence of a lossy compression on the quality of estimated depth maps, The
* IV-PSNR: The Objective Quality Metric for Immersive Video Applications
* Video quality in AVC homogenous transcoding
Includes: Stankowski, J.[Jakub] Stankowski, J.
13 for Stankowski, J.
Stankunavicius, G.[Gintautas]
Co Author Listing * Global Spatiotemporal Variability of Integrated Water Vapor Derived from GPS, GOME/SCIAMACHY and ERA-Interim: Annual Cycle, Frequency Distribution and Linear Trends
Stanley, D.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Kappa Angle Estimation For Air Photos Based On Phase Only Correlation
* Change detection from remotely sensed images: From pixel-based to object-based approaches
* Mosaicking Mexico - The Big Picture Of Big Data
Includes: Stanley, D. Stanley, D.[David]
Stanley, G.B.[Garrett B.]
Co Author Listing * Lessons and Insights from Creating a Synthetic Optical Flow Benchmark
* Naturalistic Open Source Movie for Optical Flow Evaluation, A
Stanley, G.L.
Co Author Listing * Diffraction-Pattern Sampling for Automatic Pattern Recognition
Stanley, J.[John]
Co Author Listing * Quantifying Optically Derived Two-Dimensional Wave-Averaged Currents in the Surf Zone
* Rank-Based Approach to Active Diagnosis, A
Includes: Stanley, J.[John] Stanley, J.[Jason]
Stanley, J.H.
Co Author Listing * Image processing for CT-assisted reverse engineering and part characterization
* On the Application of Discrete Tomography to CT-Assisted Engineering and Design
Stanley, K.
Co Author Listing * Implementation of vision-based planar grasp planning
Stanley, K.G.[Kevin G.]
Co Author Listing * From RGB to NIR: Predicting of near infrared reflectance from visible spectrum aerial images of crops
* Spatial Super Resolution of Real-World Aerial Images for Image-Based Plant Phenotyping
Stanley, L.M.
Co Author Listing * Guest Editorial: Holistic Approaches for Human-Vehicle Systems: Combining Models, Interactions, and Control
* Guest Editorial: Multifaceted Driver-Vehicle Systems: Toward More Effective Driving Simulations, Reliable Driver Modeling, and Increased Trust and Safety
Stanley, M.
Co Author Listing * Assessing Lidar Training Data Quantities for Classification Models
* Computer-Generated Holography as a Generic Display Technology
Stanley, M.H.[Michael H.]
Co Author Listing * Metrics for aerial, urban lidar point clouds
Stanley, R.J.
Co Author Listing * Data-Driven Homolog Matching for Chromosome Identification
* Feature and decision level sensor fusion of electromagnetic induction and ground penetrating radar sensors for landmine detection with hand-held units
* Graphical Figure Classification Using Data Fusion for Integrating Text and Image Features
* Homologue Matching Applications: Recognition of Overlapped Chromosomes
Includes: Stanley, R.J. Stanley, R.J.[Ronald J.]
Stanley, S.[Susan]
Co Author Listing * Compiling a geospatial database of existing oil sands industrial features for Alberta Environment
Stanley, T.
Co Author Listing * NASA's Earth Science Use of Commercially Available Remote Sensing Datasets
* Scalable Detection of Offensive and Non-compliant Content / Logo in Product Images
* Use of Very High-Resolution Optical Data for Landslide Mapping and Susceptibility Analysis along the Karnali Highway, Nepal
Includes: Stanley, T. Stanley, T.[Thomas]
Stannarius, R.[Ralf]
Co Author Listing * Eye Localization Using the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform
Stanny, Y.A.[Yuri Ardhya]
Co Author Listing * Dynamics and Predictions of Urban Expansion in Java, Indonesia: Continuity and Change in Mega-Urbanization
Stanojevic, A.[Ana]
Co Author Listing * Approximating Relu Networks by Single-Spike Computation
Stanojevic, M.[Mladen]
Co Author Listing * Applying Neural Networks to Knowledge Representation and Determination of Its Meaning
Stanojevic, R.[Rade]
Co Author Listing * Traffic Routing in the Ever-Changing City of Doha
Stanovic, S.[Stevan]
Co Author Listing * Graph Neural Networks with maximal independent set-based pooling: Mitigating over-smoothing and over-squashing
Stanovsky, G.[Gabriel]
Co Author Listing * Breaking Common Sense: WHOOPS! A Vision-and-Language Benchmark of Synthetic and Compositional Images
Stanowska, O.[Olga]
Co Author Listing * 3D Virtual Histopathology by Phase-Contrast X-Ray Micro-CT for Follicular Thyroid Neoplasms
Stansby, B.[Bruce]
Co Author Listing * Modelling of an Inexpensive 9M Satellite Dish from 3D Point Clouds Captured By Terrestrial Laser Scanners
Stansfield, J.L.
Co Author Listing * Conclusions from the Commodity Expert Project
Stansfield, P.W.[Peter W.]
Co Author Listing * Image processing
Stansfield, S.A.[Sharon A.]
Co Author Listing * ANGY: A Rule-Based Expert System for Automatic Segmentation of Coronary Vessels from Digital Subtracted Angiograms
* Angy: A Rule-Based Expert System for Identifying and Isolating Coronary Vessels in Digital Angiograms
* Representing generic objects for exploration and recognition
* Robotic Perceptual System Utilizing Passive Vision and Active Touch, A
Includes: Stansfield, S.A.[Sharon A.] Stansfield, S.A.
Stanski, A.[Adam]
Co Author Listing * Point-based registration of high-resolution histological slices for navigation purposes in virtual microscopy
* Spiders as Robust Point Descriptors
Stantic, B.[Bela]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Extraction of High-Voltage Bundle Subconductors Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Building Boundary Extraction from LiDAR Point Cloud Data
* Effective Selection of Variable Point Neighbourhood for Feature Point Extraction from Aerial Building Point Cloud Data
* Extraction of Forest Power Lines from LiDAR Point Cloud Data
* fair comparison of the EEG signal classification methods for alcoholic subject identification, A
* improved method for pylon extraction and vegetation encroachment analysis in high voltage transmission lines using LiDAR data, An
* Multi-label classification via label correlation and first order feature dependance in a data stream
* Power Line Extraction and Reconstruction Methods from Laser Scanning Data: A Literature Review
Includes: Stantic, B.[Bela] Stantic, B.
8 for Stantic, B.
Stanton, A.D.
Co Author Listing * Method of Vessel Tracking for Vessel Diameter Measurement on Retinal Images, A
Stanton, A.V.
Co Author Listing * Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels based on the Second Directional Derivative and Region Growing
Stanton, B.
Co Author Listing * Analysis, Comparison, and Assessment of Latent Fingerprint Image Preprocessing
* Biometric Systematic Uncertainty and the User
* Usability testing of an overlay to improve face capture
* Usability Testing of Face Image Capture for US Ports of Entry
Includes: Stanton, B. Stanton, B.[Brian]
Stanton, E.L.
Co Author Listing * Overview of Analytic Solid Modeling, An
Stanton, K.
Co Author Listing * Heterogeneous Networks for Audio and Video: Using IEEE 802.1 Audio Video Bridging
Stanton, N.
Co Author Listing * Getting drivers to do the right thing: a review of the potential for safely reducing energy consumption through design
* Real-time predictive eco-driving assistance considering road geometry and long-range radar measurements
* Toronto Water Vapor Lidar Inter-Comparison Campaign
Includes: Stanton, N. Stanton, N.[Neville] Stanton, N.[Noah]
Stanton, N.A.
Co Author Listing * Encouraging Eco-Driving With Visual, Auditory, and Vibrotactile Stimuli
* Rolling Out the Red (and Green) Carpet: Supporting Driver Decision Making in Automation-to-Manual Transitions
* Trade-off between context and objectivity in an analytic approach to the evaluation of in-vehicle interfaces
Stantz, K.M.
Co Author Listing * Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Functional imaging in small animals using X-ray computed Tomography: Study of physiologic measurement reproducibility
* Response to Letter Regarding Article: Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
Stanziola, A.
Co Author Listing * ASAP: Super-Contrast Vasculature Imaging Using Coherence Analysis and High Frame-Rate Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
* Ultrasound Imaging with Microbubbles