Update Dates 0605

0605 * *Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image Analysis
* 3-D Ultrasound Probe Calibration for Computer-Guided Diagnosis and Therapy
* 3D Shape Constraint on Video, A
* Accurate Measurement of Cartilage Morphology Using a 3D Laser Scanner
* Acoustical Diffraction Tomography in a Finite Form Based on the Rytov Transform
* Action Recognition in Broadcast Tennis Video Using Optical Flow and Support Vector Machine
* Active Learning for Outdoor Perception
* Adaptive Image Approximation by Linear Splines Over Locally Optimal Delaunay Triangulations
* Adaptive Interpolation Filters and High-Resolution Displacements for Video Coding
* Adaptive MAP Error Concealment for Dispersively Packetized Wavelet-Coded Images
* Advanced Tools for Video and Multimedia Mining
* Affine Reconstruction from Translational Motion under Various Autocalibration Constraints
* Affine-Based Algorithm and SIMD Architecture for Video Compression With Low Bit-Rate Applications, An
* Analysis and Complexity Reduction of Multiple Reference Frames Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Analysis of Linear Subspace Approaches for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, An
* Arbitrary object tracking augmented reality applications
* Automatic document classification using text and images
* Automatic Reconstruction of Dendrite Morphology from Optical Section Stacks
* Automatic Recovery of the Optic Nervehead Geometry in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Automatic selection of edge detector parameters based on spatial and statistical measures
* Bayesian Feature and Model Selection for Gaussian Mixture Models
* Benefit of the angular texture signature for the separation of parking lots and roads on high resolution multi-spectral imagery
* Binary Level Set Model and Some Applications to Mumford-Shah Image Segmentation, A
* Blue-Noise Halftoning for Hexagonal Grids
* Bony Structure Suppression in Chest Radiographs
* Building and Querying a P2P Virtual World
* Camera Calibration and Direct Reconstruction from Plane with Brackets
* Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Algorithms for Image Compression, Segmentation, and Multichannel Restoration
* Channel-Adaptive Error Protection for Streaming Stored MPEG-4 FGS Over Error-Prone Environments
* Clip-Based Similarity Measure for Query-Dependent Clip Retrieval and Video Summarization
* Closed-Form Solution to Non-Rigid Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Combining Geodesic Interpolating Splines and Affine Transformations
* Combining multiple hypotheses for identifying human activities
* Combining self-organizing neural nets with multivariate statistics for efficient color image retrieval
* Comparative Analysis of Kernel Methods for Statistical Shape Learning
* Comparing Ensembles of Learners: Detecting Prostate Cancer from High Resolution MRI
* Computing Emotion Awareness Through Facial Electromyography
* Confidence modeling for handwriting recognition: Algorithms and Applications
* Conformal Geometric Algebra for Robotic Vision
* Consistent and Elastic Registration of Histological Sections Using Vector-Spline Regularization
* Cortical Based Model of Perceptual Completion in the Roto-Translation Space, A
* Decreasing Computational Time of Urban Cellular Automata Through Model Portability
* Deformation-Based Mapping of Volume Change From Serial Brain MRI in the Presence of Local Tissue Contrast Change
* Design Issues for a Colour Photometric Stereo System
* Detecting Roads in Stabilized Video with the Spatio-Temporal Structure Tensor
* Detection of Connective Tissue Disorders from 3D Aortic MR Images Using Independent Component Analysis
* Discovering the linear writing order of a two-dimensional ancient hieroglyphic script
* Discriminant ECOC: A Heuristic Method for Application Dependent Design of Error Correcting Output Codes
* Discriminant feature extraction using dual-objective optimization model
* Distortion variation minimization in real-time video coding
* Dominant plane detection from optical flow for robot navigation
* Drift-Free Switching of Compressed Video Bitstreams at Predictive Frames
* Dynamic Cluster Formation Using Level Set Methods
* Editorial: IJCV Special Issue: Vision and Modelling of Dynamic Scenes
* Efficient extraction of metric measurements for planar scene under 2D homography with the help of planar circles
* Efficient Prediction Algorithm of Integer DCT Coefficients for H.264/AVC Optimization
* Efficient Rate Control for JPEG-2000
* Efficient Rate-Distortion Estimation for H.264/AVC Coders
* Efficient, recursively implemented differential operator, with application to edge detection
* EigenExpress Approach in Recognition of Facial Expression Using GPU
* Electromechanical Model of the Heart for Image Analysis and Simulation, An
* Enabling Arbitrary Rotational Camera Motion Using Multisprites With Minimum Coding Cost
* Evaluation of relevance feedback schemes in content-based in retrieval systems
* Exact Histogram Specification
* Exploiting AUC for optimal linear combinations of dichotomizers
* Face image recognition apparatus
* Face Recognition Using IPCA-ICA Algorithm
* Face Representation Method Using Pixel-to-Vertex Map (PVM) for 3D Model Based Face Recognition
* FaceMouse: A Human-Computer Interface for Tetraplegic People
* Facial image processing system
* Fast Anisotropic Smoothing of Multi-Valued Images using Curvature-Preserving PDE's
* Fast Coarse-to-Fine Video Retrieval Using Shot-Level Spatio-Temporal Statistics
* Fast Image and Video Colorization Using Chrominance Blending
* Fast Segmentation of the Mitral Valve Leaflet in Echocardiography
* Faster Converging Snake Algorithm to Locate Object Boundaries, A
* Feature-Based Sequence-to-Sequence Matching
* Fingerprint Matching Based on Global Comprehensive Similarity
* Fingerprint Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Form representions and means for landmarks: A survey and comparative study
* Four Points in Two or Three Calibrated Views: Theory and Practice
* Fourier-Based Forward and Back-Projectors in Iterative Fan-Beam Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Framework for Unsupervised Segmentation of Multi-modal Medical Images, A
* From Sample Similarity to Ensemble Similarity: Probabilistic Distance Measures in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
* Full Curvature Based Algorithm for Image Registration, A
* Fuzzy Impulse Noise Detection and Reduction Method, A
* Generic Structure of the Optic Flow Field, The
* Geodesic Shooting for Computational Anatomy
* Geometric and photometric calibration of cameras
* Handling High-Level Queries in Location-Based Services for User Groups
* High security Iris verification system based on random secret integration
* High-Performance Direct 2-D Transform Coding IP Design for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, A
* Highly Accurate Optic Flow Computation with Theoretically Justified Warping
* Ho-Kashyap classifier with early stopping for regularization
* Homotopy Properties of Sphere-Like Digital Images
* How effective are landmarks and their geometry for face recognition?
* How Much Does Color Information Help Optical Flow Computation?
* Human Foot Reconstruction from Multiple Camera Images with Foot Shape Database
* Hybrid multiple description video coding using optimal DCT coefficient splitting and SD/MD switching
* Image Denoising Using a Tight Frame
* Image Registration Accuracy Estimation Without Ground Truth Using Bootstrap
* Improved Gait Recognition by Gait Dynamics Normalization
* Improving Multiclass Pattern Recognition by the Combination of Two Strategies
* Inhibition of false landmarks
* Integrated Algorithm for MRI Brain Images Segmentation, An
* interaction between classification and reject performance for distance-based reject-option classifiers, The
* Intravascular Ultrasound Image Segmentation: A Three-Dimensional Fast-Marching Method Based on Gray Level Distributions
* introduction to ROC analysis, An
* Invariance Properties of Gabor Filter-Based Features: Overview and Applications
* Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform Architecture Exploiting Sparseness and Symmetry Properties
* Investigation of Time-of-Flight Benefit for Fully 3-D PET
* Lattice Approach to Image Segmentation, A
* Learning probabilistic decision trees for AUC
* Learning Shape-Classes Using a Mixture of Tree-Unions
* Level C+ Data Reuse Scheme for Motion Estimation With Corresponding Coding Orders
* LSB Matching Revisited
* machine-vision system to measure the parameters describing the performance of a Foucault pendulum, A
* Mathematical Analysis of An Extended Mumford-Shah Model for Image Segmentation
* Melanoma Recognition Using Representative and Discriminative Kernel Classifiers
* Metadata Community Profiles for the Semantic Web
* Method and digital camera for indicating when image data has been captured for a three-dimensional target object
* Method for generating an animated three-dimensional video head
* Method to Correct Intensity Inhomogeneity in MR Images for Atherosclerosis Characterization
* Minimally-Interactive Watershed Algorithm Designed for Efficient CTA Bone Removal, A
* MLP-orthogonal Gaussian mixture model hybrid model for Chinese bank check printed numeral recognition, An
* Model-Based Approach for Estimating Human 3D Poses in Static Images, A
* Modeling of Scanning Laser Polarimetry Images of the Human Retina for Progression Detection of Glaucoma
* Modeling the Activity Pattern of the Constellation of Cardiac Chambers in Echocardiogram Videos
* Moving vehicles segmentation based on Bayesian framework for Gaussian motion model
* MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors: Contributions for Automated Feature Extraction in Capsule Endoscopy
* Multi-body Factorization with Uncertainty: Revisiting Motion Consistency
* Multi-class ROC analysis from a multi-objective optimisation perspective
* Multi-dimensional pattern recognition by use of digital holography
* multi-factors approach for image quality assessment based on a human visual system model, A
* multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments, A
* Multiple Particle Tracking in 3-D+t Microscopy: Method and Application to the Tracking of Endocytosed Quantum Dots
* Multiscale Hermite Transform for Local Orientation Analysis, The
* Multispectral image data fusion using POCS and super-resolution
* Nearest Neighbors by Neighborhood Counting
* New Framework for Characterization of Halftone Textures, A
* New Texture Generation Method Based on Pseudo-DCT Coefficients, A
* Non-iterative generalized low rank approximation of matrices
* Nonlinear Projection Recovery in Digital Inpainting for Color Image Restoration
* Object Contour Extraction Using Adaptive B-Snake Model
* object detection and recognition system for weld bead extraction from digital radiographs, An
* Object Level Grouping for Video Shots
* Object Retrieval by Query with Sensibility Based on the KANSEI-Vocabulary Scale
* On foreground/background separation in low quality document images
* On Global and Local Convergence of Half-Quadratic Algorithms
* On Lagrange Multiplier and Quantizer Adjustment for H.264 Frame-Layer Video Rate Control
* On the consistency of cardinal direction constraints
* On the Foundations of Vision Modeling III. Noncommutative Monoids of Occlusive Preimages
* Ontological inference for image and video analysis
* Ontology-Based Approach to Personalized Situation-Aware Mobile Service Supply, An
* Optimization of Requantization Codebook for Vector Quantization
* Overview of the EOS Aura Mission
* Parametric model-based motion segmentation using surface selection criterion
* PDE-Based Image Restoration: A Hybrid Model and Color Image Denoising
* Performance Characterization of the Dynamic Programming Obstacle Detection Algorithm
* PnP Problem Revisited
* Prediction of subcellular localization of proteins using pairwise sequence alignment and support vector machine
* Promoter recognition based on the Interpolated Markov Chains optimized via simulated annealing and genetic algorithm
* Quantification of Growth and Motion Using Non-rigid Registration
* Quantitative Description Model for Direction Relations Based on Direction Groups, A
* Quasi-conformal Flat Representation of Triangulated Surfaces for Computerized Tomography
* Range-only SLAM with Interpolated Range Data
* Realization of Arbitrary Downsizing Video Transcoding, The
* Recherches en vision par ordinateur
* Reconfigurable hardware implementation of a phase-correlation stereo algorithm
* Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries From a Single Rotational X-Ray Projection Sequence
* Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images Using Disparity Vectors Estimated by the Geometrical Constraint
* regularized minimum cross-entropy algorithm on mixtures of experts for time series prediction and curve detection, A
* Relevance Feedback Image Retrieval Scheme Using Multi-Instance and Pseudo Image Concepts, A
* Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis of Wireless Video Sensors
* Retrieving poorly degraded OCR documents
* Road Extraction from Aerial Images Using a Region Competition Algorithm
* Robust and Accurate Vectorization of Line Drawings
* Robust Ego-Motion Estimation and 3-D Model Refinement Using Surface Parallax
* Robust Face Alignment Based on Hierarchical Classifier Network
* Robust Head Tracking with Particles Based on Multiple Cues Fusion
* ROC curves and video analysis optimization in intestinal capsule endoscopy
* ROC graphs with instance-varying costs
* Scalable architecture for corresponding multiple video streams at frame rate
* Scalable video summarization
* Segmentation of a Vector Field: Dominant Parameter and Shape Optimization
* Segmentation of Dynamic Emission Tomography Data in Projection Space
* Segmentation of the Posterior Ribs in Chest Radiographs Using Iterated Contextual Pixel Classification
* Selection of the optimal parameter value for the Isomap algorithm
* Self-calibration from turn-table sequences in presence of zoom and focus
* Sequential Monte Carlo for Bayesian Matching of Objects with Occlusions
* Shape Estimation from Support and Diameter Functions
* SIFT and Shape Context for Feature-Based Nonlinear Registration of Thoracic CT Images
* Silhouette-Based Method for Object Classification and Human Action Recognition in Video
* simulated annealing restoration algorithm for restoring halftoned color-quantized images, A
* Simulation of Tissue Atrophy Using a Topology Preserving Transformation Model
* Simultaneous Object Recognition and Segmentation from Single or Multiple Model Views
* Some Differential-Geometric Remarks on a Method for Minimizing Constrained Functionals of Matrix-Valued Functions
* Some Results on Minimal Euclidean Reconstruction from Four Points
* Spatial Intensity Correction of Fluorescent Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Images
* Special issue on ROC Analysis in Pattern Recognition
* Spherical parameter detection based on hierarchical Hough transform
* Stable methods for recognizing acronym-expansion pairs: From rule sets to hidden Markov models
* Statistical Model, Analysis and Approximation of Rate-Distortion Function in MPEG-4 FGS Videos
* Stereo Using Monocular Cues within the Tensor Voting Framework
* StreetScenes: Towards Scene Understanding in Still Images
* Study on the Influence of Image Dynamics and Noise on the JPEG 2000 Compression Performance for Medical Images, A
* Supporting Distributed Spatial Collaboration: An Investigation of Navigation and Radar View Techniques
* System and method for camera calibration
* System and method for feature location and tracking in multiple dimensions including depth
* System and method for multi-view face detection
* TES Ground Data System Software
* Testing new variants of the Beckmann-Kirchhoff model against radiance data
* Theoretical Study of Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Region of Interest Quantification
* Theory and Use of the Quaternion Wavelet Transform, The
* Three Dimensional Tissue Classifications in MR Brain Images
* Three-Class ROC Analysis: A Decision Theoretic Approach Under the Ideal Observer Framework
* Topological properties of closed digital spaces: One method of constructing digital models of closed continuous surfaces by using covers
* Tracking the activity of participants in a meeting
* Transform Domain Transcoding From MPEG-2 to H.264 With Interpolation Drift-Error Compensation
* Two-View Multibody Structure from Motion
* Two-View Multibody Structure-and-Motion with Outliers through Model Selection
* Using Probability Distribution Functions for Satellite Validation
* Utilizing Voronoi Cells of Location Data Streams for Accurate Computation of Aggregate Functions in Sensor Networks
* variable block size motion estimation algorithm for real-time H.264 video encoding, A
* Vehicle tracking driver assistance system
* Video indexing and image retrieval system
* Vision-Based Interpretation of Hand Gestures for Remote Control of a Computer Mouse
* Voice Activity Detection Using Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Spectrum and Support Vector Machines and Audio Mixing Algorithm
* Wavelet-Domain Approximation and Compression of Piecewise Smooth Images
* Wide Baseline Matching between Unsynchronized Video Sequences
229 for 0605

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Last update:15-Sep-24 16:55:52
Use price@usc.edu for comments.