Journals starting with pr_9

PR(9) * Absence of perspective processing in the pigeon
* adaptive signal classification procedure. Application to aircraft engine condition monitoring, An
* Analysis of the Digitized Boundaries of Planar Objects
* automatic measurement device for the evaluation of the print quality of printed characters, An
* Camera Model for Natural Scene Processing, A
* class of error tolerant pattern discrimination functions, A
* Classification of characters by man and by machine
* comparison of selected pattern recognition functions, A
* Efficient decision tree design for discrete variable pattern recognition problems
* Error Measures for Scene Segmentation
* Finding the Rib Cage in Chest Radiographs
* Gravitational clustering
* Machine Recognition of Constrained Hand Printed Devanagari
* Metric invariants for unitary transformations and their application in character recognition
* mixed integer programming approach to multi-spectral image classification, A
* non-parametric clustering scheme for Landsat, A
* note on the choice of a weighting function to give an efficient method for estimating the probability of misclassification, A
* Object recognition by grasping
* On a modified form of Parzen estimator for nonparametric pattern recognition
* On the Detection of Structures in Noisy Pictures
* On the estimation of probability of error
* Pattern discrimination using ellipsoidally symmetric multivariate density functions
* Processing Noisy Line Spectrograms as Digital Pictures
* Properties and convergence of a posteriori probabilities in classification problems
* real-time system for pattern recognition of human sleep stages by fuzzy system analysis, A
* syntactic procedure for the recognition of glottal pulses in continuous speech, A
* Using a Structured World Model in Flexible Recognition of Two Dimensional Patterns
27 for PR(9)

PR(90) * *Special issue commemorating the 50th anniversary of 'Pattern Recognition'
* Binary sparse signal recovery algorithms based on logic observation
* Curved scene text detection via transverse and longitudinal sequence connection
* Deep metric learning via subtype fuzzy clustering
* Dense semantic embedding network for image captioning
* Depth-based subgraph convolutional auto-encoder for network representation learning
* DLFace: Deep local descriptor for cross-modality face recognition
* Domain learning joint with semantic adaptation for human action recognition
* Efficient conic fitting with an analytical Polar-N-Direction geometric distance
* Elastic nonnegative matrix factorization
* Feature-based groupwise registration of historical aerial images to present-day ortho-photo maps
* general tensor representation framework for cross-view gait recognition, A
* generalized multi-dictionary least squares framework regularized with multi-graph embeddings, A
* Graph edit distance: Restrictions to be a metric
* Grid-based DBSCAN: Indexing and inference
* Group preserving label embedding for multi-label classification
* Hyperspectral document image processing: Applications, challenges and future prospects
* Improved adaptive image retrieval with the use of shadowed sets
* Improving visual question answering using dropout and enhanced question encoder
* Inductive conformal predictor for convolutional neural networks: Applications to active learning for image classification
* Jointly discriminative projection and dictionary learning for domain adaptive collaborative representation-based classification
* labeled random finite set online multi-object tracker for video data, A
* Learning a bi-level adversarial network with global and local perception for makeup-invariant face verification
* MAPNet: Multi-modal attentive pooling network for RGB-D indoor scene classification
* MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for scene text recognition
* Multi-atlas segmentation and correction model with level set formulation for 3D brain MR images
* Multi-label classification via label correlation and first order feature dependance in a data stream
* new design in iterative image deblurring for improved robustness and performance, A
* New graph distance for deformable 3D objects recognition based on triangle-stars decomposition
* Noisy multi-label semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
* novel ECOC algorithm for multiclass microarray data classification based on data complexity analysis, A
* Optimal mathematical programming and variable neighborhood search for k-modes categorical data clustering
* Progressively diffused networks for semantic visual parsing
* random forests quantile classifier for class imbalanced data, A
* Robust fuzzy clustering for multiple instance regression
* SSR2: Sparse signal recovery for single-image super-resolution on faces with extreme low resolutions
* VR-PROUD: Vehicle Re-identification using PROgressive Unsupervised Deep architecture
* Weakly-supervised object detection via mining pseudo ground truth bounding-boxes
* Weighted graph regularized sparse brain network construction for MCI identification
* Wider or Deeper: Revisiting the ResNet Model for Visual Recognition
40 for PR(90)

PR(91) * Agnostic attribute segmentation of dynamic scenes with limited spatio-temporal resolution
* Blind image quality assessment via learnable attention-based pooling
* Cancelable fingerprint template design with randomized non-negative least squares
* Constrained matrix factorization for semi-weakly learning with label proportions
* Deep convolutional network with locality and sparsity constraints for texture classification
* DeepOtsu: Document enhancement and binarization using iterative deep learning
* DELTA: A deep dual-stream network for multi-label image classification
* Dirichlet densifiers for improved commute times estimation
* Exploiting spatial relation for fine-grained image classification
* Fast and accurate computation of Racah moment invariants for image classification
* Fast semi-supervised discriminant analysis for binary classification of large data sets
* Filter-in-Filter: Low Cost CNN Improvement by Sub-filter Parameter Sharing
* gamma-signal-regulated connected components labeling algorithm, A
* Generative adversarial framework for depth filling via Wasserstein metric, cosine transform and domain transfer
* impact of class imbalance in classification performance metrics based on the binary confusion matrix, The
* Large-scale and rotation-invariant template matching using adaptive radial ring code histograms
* Learning Bayesian networks using the constrained maximum a posteriori probability method
* Learning multi-layer coarse-to-fine representations for large-scale image classification
* M3Net: A multi-model, multi-size, and multi-view deep neural network for brain magnetic resonance image segmentation
* Multi-layer discriminative dictionary learning with locality constraint for image classification
* multi-scale level set method based on local features for segmentation of images with intensity inhomogeneity, A
* multiscale bowler-hat transform for blood vessel enhancement in retinal images, The
* Nesting-structured nuclear norm minimization for spatially correlated matrix variate
* new sparse representation learning of complex data: Application to dynamic clustering of web navigation, A
* novel incremental one-class support vector machine based on low variance direction, A
* Order-aware convolutional pooling for video based action recognition
* Reduction in number of constraints in max-margin early event detectors
* Representation of online handwriting using multi-component sinusoidal model
* Sample size for maximum-likelihood estimates of Gaussian model depending on dimensionality of pattern space
* SemTra: A semi-supervised approach to traffic flow labeling with minimal human effort
* Simultaneous feature selection and discretization based on mutual information
* Tractable learning of Bayesian networks from partially observed data
* Visual object tracking via a manifold regularized discriminative dual dictionary model
33 for PR(91)

PR(92) * Color image segmentation based on multi-level Tsallis-Havrda-Charvát entropy and 2D histogram using PSO algorithms
* Deep multi-path convolutional neural network joint with salient region attention for facial expression recognition
* Efficient 3D object recognition via geometric information preservation
* Ensemble clustering based on evidence extracted from the co-association matrix
* Feature-Guided Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Matching
* hybrid transfer learning algorithm incorporating TrSVM with GASEN, A
* Joint graph optimization and projection learning for dimensionality reduction
* Joint interaction with context operation for collaborative filtering
* Learning a robust representation via a deep network on symmetric positive definite manifolds
* Learning representations of sound using trainable COPE feature extractors
* Local discriminative based sparse subspace learning for feature selection
* Marginal distribution covariance model in the multiple wavelet domain for texture representation
* Multi-view common component discriminant analysis for cross-view classification
* Part-aligned pose-guided recurrent network for action recognition
* Real-Time monophonic and polyphonic audio classification from power spectra
* regional adaptive variational PDE model for computed tomography image reconstruction, A
* RNN based online handwritten word recognition in Devanagari and Bengali scripts using horizontal zoning
* Salient object detection employing a local tree-structured low-rank representation and foreground consistency
* Spatiotemporal distilled dense-connectivity network for video action recognition
* SQL: Superpixels via quaternary labeling
* Supervised learning based discrete hashing for image retrieval
* Synchronisation of partial multi-matchings via non-negative factorisations
22 for PR(92)

PR(93) * Agglomerative oversegmentation using dual similarity and entropy rate
* comprehensive study on gait biometrics using a joint CNN-based method, A
* Correntropy based scale ICP algorithm for robust point set registration
* CycleMatch: A cycle-consistent embedding network for image-text matching
* Deep asymmetric video-based person re-identification
* Deep embedding learning with adaptive large margin N-pair loss for image retrieval and clustering
* deep learning based unified framework to detect, segment and recognize irises using spatially corresponding features, A
* Deep-feature encoding-based discriminative model for age-invariant face recognition
* Detection of interacting groups based on geometric and social relations between individuals in an image
* Directional statistics-based deep metric learning for image classification and retrieval
* Distributed data clustering over networks
* Diverse image annotation with missing labels
* family of globally optimal branch-and-bound algorithms for 2D-3D correspondence-free registration, A
* Genetic programming for multiple-feature construction on high-dimensional classification
* Heritage image annotation via collective knowledge
* How much can k-means be improved by using better initialization and repeats?
* Human trajectory prediction in crowded scene using social-affinity Long Short-Term Memory
* Hyperfusion-Net: Hyper-densely reflective feature fusion for salient object detection
* integrated inverse space sparse representation framework for tumor classification, An
* Joint graph based embedding and feature weighting for image classification
* Mining the displacement of max-pooling for text recognition
* Multi-manifold clustering: A graph-constrained deep nonparametric method
* Multi-resolution dictionary learning for face recognition
* Multi-view clustering via joint feature selection and partially constrained cluster label learning
* Multichannel dynamic modeling of non-Gaussian mixtures
* Multicomponent volume reconstruction from slice data using a modified multicomponent Cahn-Hilliard system
* Multiple particle tracking in time-lapse synchrotron X-ray images using discriminative appearance and neighbouring topology learning
* Nonnegative Laplacian embedding guided subspace learning for unsupervised feature selection
* novel active learning framework for classification: Using weighted rank aggregation to achieve multiple query criteria, A
* On the computation of distribution-free performance bounds: Application to small sample sizes in neuroimaging
* One-pass person re-identification by sketch online discriminant analysis
* Out of vocabulary word detection and recovery in Arabic handwritten text recognition
* Recognizing online handwritten Chinese characters using RNNs with new computing architectures
* Reshaping inputs for convolutional neural network: Some common and uncommon methods
* Robust Jointly Sparse Regression with Generalized Orthogonal Learning for Image Feature Selection
* Robust license plate recognition using neural networks trained on synthetic images
* Robust Low-rank subspace segmentation with finite mixture noise
* Saliency-guided level set model for automatic object segmentation
* Scalable and compact 3D action recognition with approximated RBF kernel machines
* Statistical performance of convex low-rank and sparse tensor recovery
* Structured general and specific multi-view subspace clustering
* survey on 3D hand pose estimation: Cameras, methods, and datasets, A
* Three-dimensional Krawtchouk descriptors for protein local surface shape comparison
* Toward learning a unified many-to-many mapping for diverse image translation
* unified definition and computation of Laplacian spectral distances, A
* Unsupervised visual feature learning with spike-timing-dependent plasticity: How far are we from traditional feature learning approaches?
46 for PR(93)

PR(94) * AlignedReID++: Dynamically matching local information for person re-identification
* Authentication of area fingerprint scanners
* Bio-inspired digit recognition using reward-modulated spike-timing-dependent plasticity in deep convolutional networks
* Consistency-Preserving deep hashing for fast person re-identification
* cross-domain collaborative filtering algorithm with expanding user and item features via the latent factor space of auxiliary domains, A
* Cross-domain network representations
* deep Coarse-to-Fine network for head pose estimation from synthetic data, A
* Detecting small faces in the wild based on generative adversarial network and contextual information
* DyClee: Dynamic clustering for tracking evolving environments
* Face hallucination from low quality images using definition-scalable inference
* High performance person re-identification via a boosting ranking ensemble
* Instance-aware representation learning and association for online multi-person tracking
* Making the dynamic time warping distance warping-invariant
* MAPNet: Multi-modal attentive pooling network for RGB-D indoor scene classification
* Reinforced quasi-random forest
* RGB-D sensing based human action and interaction analysis: A survey
* Saliency for fine-grained object recognition in domains with scarce training data
* set of benchmarks for Handwritten Text Recognition on historical documents, A
* Text baseline detection, a single page trained system
* Towards fast and kernelized orthogonal discriminant analysis on person re-identification
20 for PR(94)

PR(96) * Adaptation of person re-identification models for on-boarding new camera(s)
* AEM: Attentional Ensemble Model for personalized classifier weight learning
* Compressing CNN-DBLSTM models for OCR with teacher-student learning and Tucker decomposition
* CutESC: Cutting edge spatial clustering technique based on proximity graphs
* Deep and Structured Metric Learning Method for Robust Person Re-Identification, A
* Deep compression of probabilistic graphical networks
* deep one-shot network for query-based logo retrieval, A
* Deep point-to-subspace metric learning for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval
* Deep transfer network for rotating machine fault analysis
* Dependence-biased clustering for variable selection with random forests
* Discriminative clustering using regularized subspace learning
* Document image binarization with cascaded generators of conditional generative adversarial networks
* Efficient deep learning of image denoising using patch complexity local divide and deep conquer
* Exploring uncertainty in pseudo-label guided unsupervised domain adaptation
* Extreme learning machines with expectation kernels
* GaitNet: An end-to-end network for gait based human identification
* global and local context integration DCNN for adult image classification, A
* Global-connected network with generalized ReLU activation
* Group morphology
* Hierarchical Clustering-Based Graphs for Large Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Identification of coronary arteries in CT images by Bayesian analysis of geometric relations among anatomical landmarks
* Improved localization accuracy by LocNet for Faster R-CNN based text detection in natural scene images
* Instance selection based on boosting for instance-based learners
* L1-norm-based kernel entropy components
* Language-aware weak supervision for salient object detection
* Learning representations of multivariate time series with missing data
* Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blending transforms for 3D reconstruction
* Novel event analysis for human-machine collaborative underwater exploration
* On Schatten-q quasi-norm induced matrix decomposition model for salient object detection
* Performance visualization spaces for classification with rejection option
* RGB-T object tracking: Benchmark and baseline
* Rotated cascade R-CNN: A shape robust detector with coordinate regression
* Scheduled sampling for one-shot learning via matching network
* SegLink++: Detecting Dense and Arbitrary-shaped Scene Text by Instance-aware Component Grouping
* self-adaptive local metric learning method for classification, A
* Sparse approximation to discriminant projection learning and application to image classification
* Sparse deep feature learning for facial expression recognition
* Stacked Fisher autoencoder for SAR change detection
* study of divisive clustering with Hausdorff distances for interval data, A
* Support vector machines resilient against training data integrity attacks
* Target recognition in SAR images via sparse representation in the frequency domain
* Using temporal information for recognizing actions from still images
* Video saliency detection by gestalt theory
43 for PR(96)

PR(97) * Attributes-aided part detection and refinement for person re-identification
* Auto-weighted multi-view clustering via deep matrix decomposition
* Decomposed slice sampling for factorized distributions
* Dynamic graph convolutional networks
* Enhanced Grassmann discriminant analysis with randomized time warping for motion recognition
* In-air handwritten Chinese text recognition with temporal convolutional recurrent network
* L1-Subspace Tracking for Streaming Data
* Minimum Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* new approach for reduction of attributes based on stripped quotient sets, A
* Online learning using projections onto shrinkage closed balls for adaptive brain-computer interface
* Outer-Points shaver: Robust graph-based clustering via node cutting
* Population-guided large margin classifier for high-dimension low-sample-size problems
* Robust Visual Tracking based on Adversarial Unlabeled Instance Generation with Label Smoothing Loss Regularization
* Rough segmentation of coherent local intensity for bias induced 3-D MR brain images
* Salient video object detection using a virtual border and guided filter
* Scalable logo detection by self co-learning
* Similarity learning with joint transfer constraints for person re-identification
* sparse structure for fast circle detection, A
* Supervised fuzzy partitioning
* Time series classification using local distance-based features in multi-modal fusion networks
* Voronoi tree models for distribution-preserving sampling and generation
21 for PR(97)

PR(98) * 3D shape reconstruction from multifocus image fusion using a multidirectional modified Laplacian operator
* Accumulated and aggregated shifting of intensity for defect detection on micro 3D textured surfaces
* Adaptive appearance modeling via hierarchical entropy analysis over multi-type features
* baseline regularization scheme for transfer learning with convolutional neural networks, A
* Cluster-wise learning network for multi-person pose estimation
* Clustering by connection center evolution
* Deep conditional adaptation networks and label correlation transfer for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Deep discriminative representation for generic palmprint recognition
* Deep-Person: Learning discriminative deep features for person Re-Identification
* Discriminant component analysis via distance correlation maximization
* Eye landmarks detection via weakly supervised learning
* Fast and robust template matching with majority neighbour similarity and annulus projection transformation
* Fine-grained action segmentation using the semi-supervised action GAN
* generalized least-squares approach regularized with graph embedding for dimensionality reduction, A
* High-dimensional unsupervised classification via parsimonious contaminated mixtures
* Improving retinal vessel segmentation with joint local loss by matting
* Informative variable identifier: Expanding interpretability in feature selection
* Keyword-based approach for recognizing fraudulent messages by keystroke dynamics
* Learning binary code for fast nearest subspace search
* Learning image compressed sensing with sub-pixel convolutional generative adversarial network
* Learning Visual Relationship and Context-Aware Attention for Image Captioning
* LSDSAR, a Markovian a contrario framework for line segment detection in SAR images
* model-based gait recognition method with body pose and human prior knowledge, A
* Multi-stage adaptive regression for online activity recognition
* Möbius transformation based model for fingerprint minutiae variations, A
* Realtime multi-scale scene text detection with scale-based region proposal network
* Robust one-dimensional calibration and localisation of a distributed camera sensor network
* Separating Structure from Noise in Large Graphs Using the Regularity Lemma
* Spatio-temporal deformable 3D ConvNets with attention for action recognition
* Supervised discrete cross-modal hashing based on kernel discriminant analysis
* survey on 3D mask presentation attack detection and countermeasures, A
* Underwater scene prior inspired deep underwater image and video enhancement
32 for PR(98)

PR(99) * Collaborative and geometric multi-kernel learning for multi-class classification
* Depth-map completion for large indoor scene reconstruction
* Dynamic auto-weighted multi-view co-clustering
* Efficient nearest neighbor search in high dimensional hamming space
* Estimation of ergodicity limits of bag-of-words modeling for guaranteed stochastic convergence
* Fault recognition using an ensemble classifier based on Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Heterogeneous oblique random forest
* Large-scale multi-label classification using unknown streaming images
* Learning disentangling and fusing networks for face completion under structured occlusions
* Metric learning-based kernel transformer with triplets and label constraints for feature fusion
* Multi-model ensemble with rich spatial information for object detection
* Tooth morphometry using quasi-conformal theory
* Video classification and retrieval through spatio-temporal Radon features
13 for PR(99)

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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