Vill, M.C.[Maria C.]
Co Author Listing * Automated stroke ending analysis for drawing tool classification
Villa Uriol, M.C.[Maria Cruz]
Co Author Listing * Efficient 3D Geometric and Zernike Moments Computation from Unstructured Surface Meshes
* Morphodynamic Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysm Pulsation From Time-Resolved Rotational Angiography
Includes: Villa Uriol, M.C.[Maria Cruz] Villa-Uriol, M.C.[Maria-Cruz] Villa-Uriol, M.C.
Villa Vargas, L.[Luis]
Co Author Listing * Multilayer Neural Network with Multi-Valued Neurons in Time Series Forecasting of Oil Production
Includes: Villa Vargas, L.[Luis] Villa-Vargas, L.[Luis]
Villa Vialaneix, N.[Nathalie]
Co Author Listing * Consistency of functional learning methods based on derivatives
* Functional Density-Based Nonparametric Approach for Statistical Calibration, A
Includes: Villa Vialaneix, N.[Nathalie] Villa-Vialaneix, N.[Nathalie]
Villa, A.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Pixel Neighborhood Definition for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Support Vector Machines and Composite Kernel
* Beyond the Premier: Assessing Action Spotting Transfer Capability Across Diverse Domains
* Calibration of SAR Polarimetric Images by Means of a Covariance Matching Approach
* Geomatics Contribution for the Valorisation Project in the Rocca Of San Silvestro Landscape Site, The
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Independent Component Discriminant Analysis
* Parsimonious Mahalanobis kernel for the classification of high dimensional data
* PIVOT: Prompting for Video Continual Learning
* Unsupervised methods for the classification of hyperspectral images with low spatial resolution
* vCLIMB: A Novel Video Class Incremental Learning Benchmark
Includes: Villa, A. Villa, A.[Andrés]
9 for Villa, A.
Villa, A.D.M.
Co Author Listing * Robust Non-Rigid Motion Compensation of Free-Breathing Myocardial Perfusion MRI Data
Villa, B.
Co Author Listing * 3D Modeling for Underwater Archaeological Documentation: Metric Verifications
* GPS-GIS Integrated System for Electromagnetic Pollution
* Innovative Techniques for Survey and Communication of Cultural Heritage
* Virtual Reconstruction of the Temple Bin Selinunte Excavation Site, The
Villa, D.
Co Author Listing * Revealing The Everyday Landscape: Innovative Systems for Heritage Education in Schools. The SCAR (School Activates Resources) Project
Villa, E.[Enrique]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Segmentation Based on Deep Learning Techniques for Diabetic Foot Monitoring Through Multimodal Images
* Calibration of a Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer Using a Double Directional Coupler
* Optimal Bandwidth of the Minkowski Content-Based Estimator of the Mean Density of Random Closed Sets: Theoretical Results and Numerical Experiments
Includes: Villa, E.[Enrique] Villa, E.[Elena]
Villa, F.
Co Author Listing * Automotive Three-Dimensional Vision Through a Single-Photon Counting SPAD Camera
* Deep skin detection on low resolution grayscale images
* Fast Skin Segmentation on Low-Resolution Grayscale Images for Remote PhotoPlethysmoGraphy
Includes: Villa, F. Villa, F.[Federica]
Villa, G.
Co Author Listing * Integration Of Remotely Sensed Data Into Geospatial Reference Information Databases. Un-ggim National Approach
* Need Of Nested Grids For Aerial And Satellite Images And Digital Elevation Models, The
Villa, J.[Jose]
Co Author Listing * Co-Operative Autonomous Offshore System for Target Detection Using Multi-Sensor Technology, A
Villa, J.A.[Jorge A.]
Co Author Listing * Integrating NDVI-Based Within-Wetland Vegetation Classification in a Land Surface Model Improves Methane Emission Estimations
Villa, M.[Manny]
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Application for Biodiversity Conservation and Educational Tourism in Natural Reserves
Villa, P.[Paolo]
Co Author Listing * In-Season Mapping of Crop Type with Optical and X-Band SAR Data: A Classification Tree Approach Using Synoptic Seasonal Features
* Mapping Coastal and Wetland Vegetation Communities Using Multi-temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Postflood Damage Evaluation Using Landsat TM and ETM+ Data Integrated With DEM
Includes: Villa, P.[Paolo] Villa, P.
Villa, R.[Robert]
Co Author Listing * User variance and its impact on video retrieval benchmarking
Villa, S.[Silvia]
Co Author Listing * Iterative Regularization via Dual Diagonal Descent
* Learning multiple visual tasks while discovering their structure
Villa, U.[Umberto]
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Inference of Tissue Heterogeneity for Individualized Prediction of Glioma Growth
* Ideal Observer Computation by Use of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo With Generative Adversarial Networks
Villa, V.[Valentina]
Co Author Listing * Down to the Rivers: A Geophysical Investigation at etiolles (France) to Reconstruct the Magdalenian Occupation
Villaca, C.V.N.[Caio Vidaurre Nassif]
Co Author Listing * Morphometric Analysis of Pluto's Impact Craters
Includes: Villaca, C.V.N.[Caio Vidaurre Nassif] Villaça, C.V.N.[Caio Vidaurre Nassif]
Villacis, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Optimality Conditions for Bilevel Imaging Learning Problems with Total Variation Regularization
Villadangos, J.
Co Author Listing * Characterization of Wireless Channel Impact on Wireless Sensor Network Performance in Public Transportation Buses
* Optimization and Design of Wireless Systems for the Implementation of Context Aware Scenarios in Railway Passenger Vehicles
* SesToCross: Semantic Expert System to Manage Single-Lane Road Crossing
Villadangos, J.M.
Co Author Listing * Acoustic Local Positioning With Encoded Emission Beacons
Villadsen, H.[Hannah]
Co Author Listing * Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of User Validations for Bus In/Out Detection in Smartphone-Based Surveys
Villaescusa Nadal, J.L.[Jose Luis]
Co Author Listing * Improving the AVHRR Long Term Data Record BRDF Correction
* Method for Landsat and Sentinel 2 (HLS) BRDF Normalization, A
* MODIS-Based AVHRR Cloud and Snow Separation Algorithm
Includes: Villaescusa Nadal, J.L.[Jose Luis] Villaescusa-Nadal, J.L.[Jose Luis]
Villafuerte, M.[Mario]
Co Author Listing * New Algorithm For Triangulation From Cross Sections and Its Application To Surface Area Estimation, A
Villagomez Hoyos, C.A.
Co Author Listing * Resolving Ultrasound Contrast Microbubbles Using Minimum Variance Beamforming
* Velocity Estimation in Medical Ultrasound [Life Sciences]
Includes: Villagomez Hoyos, C.A. Villagómez-Hoyos, C.A.
Villagra Arnedo, C.
Co Author Listing * Three-Dimensional Mapping from Stereo Images with Geometrical Rectification
Includes: Villagra Arnedo, C. Villagrá Arnedo, C.
Villagra Mendoza, K.[Karolina]
Co Author Listing * Comparative Study of Deep Learning Frameworks Applied to Coffee Plant Detection from Close-Range UAS-RGB Imagery in Costa Rica, A
Includes: Villagra Mendoza, K.[Karolina] Villagra-Mendoza, K.[Karolina]
Villagra, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction and Mapping from Stereo Pairs with Geometrical Rectification
* Rectified Reconstruction from Stereo Pairs and Robot Mapping
Includes: Villagra, C.[Carlos] Villagrá, C.[Carlos]
Villagra, F.
Co Author Listing * MRI-Compatible Device for Examining Brain Activation Related to Stepping
Villagra, J.
Co Author Listing * Automated On-Ramp Merging System for Congested Traffic Situations
* Intelligent V2I-Based Traffic Management System, An
* Jerk-Limited Time-Optimal Speed Planning for Arbitrary Paths
Includes: Villagra, J. Villagra, J.[Jorge]
Villagrana Banuelos, K.E.[Karen E.]
Co Author Listing * Breastfeeding and Caries. A Relationship Analysis to Develop a Computer-Assisted Diagnosis Using Random Forest
Includes: Villagrana Banuelos, K.E.[Karen E.] Villagrana-Bañuelos, K.E.[Karen E.]
Villain, N.
Co Author Listing * Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Series of Cardiac Images Combining a Biophysical Model and Clinical Images
* Three-dimensional edge-preserving image enhancement for computed tomography
Villalba Pradas, A.[Anahi]
Co Author Listing * Future Directions in Precipitation Science
* Satellite View of an Intense Snowfall in Madrid (Spain): The Storm Filomena in January 2021, A
Includes: Villalba Pradas, A.[Anahi] Villalba-Pradas, A.[Anahí]
Villalba, F.[Francois]
Co Author Listing * How to define a rejection class based on model learning?
Includes: Villalba, F.[Francois] Villalba, F.[François]
Villalba, J.
Co Author Listing * Cordic Based Parallel/Pipelined Architecture for the Hough Transform
* Fast Hough Transform for Segment Detection, A
* New SIMD instructions set for image processing applications enhancement
* Non-Autoregressive Transformer for Speech Recognition
Includes: Villalba, J. Villalba, J.[Julio]
Villalba, J.A.[Jesus A.]
Co Author Listing * Speaker Verification in Noisy Environment Using Missing Feature Approach
Includes: Villalba, J.A.[Jesus A.] Villalba, J.A.[Jesús A.]
Villalba, L.J.G.[Luis Javier Garcia]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of MP4 Videos in 5G Using SDN
* Digital Video Manipulation Detection Technique Based on Compression Algorithms
* Smartphone image acquisition forensics using sensor fingerprint
Includes: Villalba, L.J.G.[Luis Javier Garcia] Villalba, L.J.G.[Luis Javier García] Villalba, L.J.G.[L.J. Garci´a]
Villalba, S.[Sabrina]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring and Characterizing Temporal Patterns of a Large Colony of Tadarida brasiliensis (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in Argentina Using Field Observations and the Weather Radar RMA1
Villalobos Montiel, A.J.[Adrian J.]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Segmentation of Regions of Interest in Breast Thermographic Images
* Thermal Image Processing for Breast Symmetry Detection Oriented to Automatic Breast Cancer Analysis
Includes: Villalobos Montiel, A.J.[Adrian J.] Villalobos-Montiel, A.J.[Adrian J.]
Villalobos, E.[Esteban]
Co Author Listing * Face recognition in low-quality images using adaptive sparse representations
* Student Attendance System in Crowded Classrooms Using a Smartphone Camera
Includes: Villalobos, E.[Esteban] Villalobos, E.
Villalobos, J.A.
Co Author Listing * Sequential Decomposition Framework and Method for Calibrating Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand in a Congested Network, A
Villalobos, J.R.[Jesus Rene]
Co Author Listing * Novel Feature Selection Methodology for Automated Inspection Systems, A
* Process Capability of Automated Visual Inspection Systems
Includes: Villalobos, J.R.[Jesus Rene] Villalobos, J.R.
Villalon Hernandez, M.T.[Miyuki Teri]
Co Author Listing * Color-Texture Image Analysis for Automatic Failure Detection in Tiles
Includes: Villalon Hernandez, M.T.[Miyuki Teri] Villalon-Hernandez, M.T.[Miyuki-Teri]
Villalon Turrubiates, I.E.
Co Author Listing * dynamical model to classify the content of multitemporal images employing distributed computing techniques, A
* Fusion of Bayesian Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation and Variational Analysis Methods for Enhanced Radar Imaging
* Remote Sensing Imagery and Signature Fields Reconstruction Via Aggregation of Robust Regularization with Neural Computing
* Unifying the Experiment Design and Constrained Regularization Paradigms for Reconstructive Imaging with Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Villalon Turrubiates, I.E. Villalon-Turrubiates, I.E. Villalon-Turrubiates, I.E.[Ivan E.]
Villalonga, A.[Alberto]
Co Author Listing * Sensor Reliability in Cyber-Physical Systems Using Internet-of-Things Data: A Review and Case Study
Villalonga, G.[Gabriel]
Co Author Listing * 3D-Guided Multiscale Sliding Window for Pedestrian Detection
* Temporal Coherence for Active Learning in Videos
Includes: Villalonga, G.[Gabriel] Villalonga, G.
Villalpando, A.P.[Antonio Pico]
Co Author Listing * Reinforcement learning with space carving for plant scanning
Villalpando, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Computer Vision on Mars
Villalta Echeverria, M.D.[Michelle Del_Pilar]
Co Author Listing * Lineament Extraction from Digital Terrain Derivate Model: A Case Study in the Giron-Santa Isabel Basin, South Ecuador
Includes: Villalta Echeverria, M.D.[Michelle Del_Pilar] Villalta-Echeverria, M.D.[Michelle Del_Pilar]
Villalvazo Avila, E.[Elias]
Co Author Listing * Improving Automatic Endoscopic Stone Recognition Using a Multi-view Fusion Approach Enhanced with Two-Step Transfer Learning
Includes: Villalvazo Avila, E.[Elias] Villalvazo-Avila, E.[Elias]
Villalvilla Ornat, P.[Pol]
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised ensemble learning for genome sequencing
Includes: Villalvilla Ornat, P.[Pol] Villalvilla-Ornat, P.[Pol]
Villamarin, J.A.[Julian A.]
Co Author Listing * Ultrasonic Assessment of Platelet-Rich Plasma by Digital Signal Processing Techniques
* Ultrasonic Backscatter Signal Processing Technique for the Characterization of Animal Lymph Node
Includes: Villamarin, J.A.[Julian A.] Villamarín, J.A.[Julián A.] Villamarín, J.A.[Julian A.]
Villamayor Venialbo, W.[Waldemar]
Co Author Listing * Contour-Point Signature Shape Descriptor for Point Correspondence
Includes: Villamayor Venialbo, W.[Waldemar] Villamayor-Venialbo, W.[Waldemar]
Villamil Lopez, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Generalization in deep learning-based aircraft classification for SAR imagery
Includes: Villamil Lopez, C.[Carlos] Villamil-Lopez, C.[Carlos]
Villamil, R.[Ryan]
Co Author Listing * AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Shooting System
* Magic Mirror: A virtual handbag shopping system
* SIGNAV: Semantically-Informed GPS-Denied Navigation and Mapping in Visually-Degraded Environments
Villamizar, M.[Michael]
Co Author Listing * Boosted Random Ferns for Object Detection
* Bootstrapping Boosted Random Ferns for discriminative and efficient object classification
* CCDb-HG: Novel Annotations and Gaze-Aware Representations for Head Gesture Recognition
* Comparative Analysis for Detecting Objects Under Cast Shadows in Video Images
* Computation of Rotation Local Invariant Features using the Integral Image for Real Time Object Detection
* Detection Performance Evaluation of Boosted Random Ferns
* Efficient 3D Object Detection using Multiple Pose-Specific Classifiers
* Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Depth-Based Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Efficient Grapevine Structure Estimation in Vineyards Conditions
* Efficient rotation invariant object detection using boosted Random Ferns
* Interactive multiple object learning with scanty human supervision
* Investigating Depth Domain Adaptation for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
* Local Boosted Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-scale sequential network for semantic text segmentation and localization
* Multimodal Object Recognition Using Random Clustering Trees
* Online human-assisted learning using Random Ferns
* Online learning and detection of faces with low human supervision
* Orientation Invariant Features for Multiclass Object Recognition
* Pose Transformers (POTR): Human Motion Prediction with Non-Autoregressive Transformers
* Robust Color Contour Object Detection Invariant to Shadows
* Shared Random Ferns for Efficient Detection of Multiple Categories
* Unidimensional Multiscale Local Features for Object Detection Under Rotation and Mild Occlusions
* WatchNet++: efficient and accurate depth-based network for detecting people attacks and intrusion
Includes: Villamizar, M.[Michael] Villamizar, M.
23 for Villamizar, M.
Villan, A.F.[Alberto Fernandez]
Co Author Listing * Facial attributes recognition using computer vision to detect drowsiness and distraction in drivers
Includes: Villan, A.F.[Alberto Fernandez] Villán, A.F.[Alberto Fernández]
Villani, E.[Emilia]
Co Author Listing * Safety-Oriented Motion Cueing Algorithm for a Serial Robotic Flight Simulator Using a Predictive Neural Network Reference Governor, A
Villani, F.[Fabio]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Shallow Soft Deposits through Near-Surface Geophysics and UAV-SfM: Application in Pocket Beaches Environments
Villani, F.P.[Francesca Pia]
Co Author Listing * Development of an Augmented Reality System Based on Marker Tracking for Robotic Assisted Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Villani, M.[Mattias]
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Diffusion Tensor Estimation with Spatial Priors
* Keystroke Biometric Recognition Studies on Long-Text Input under Ideal and Application-Oriented Conditions
* Robust Real-Time Delay Predictions in a Network of High-Frequency Urban Buses
Includes: Villani, M.[Mattias] Villani, M.[Mary]
Villani, M.L.[Maria Luisa]
Co Author Listing * Co-Creating GIS-Based Dashboards to Democratize Knowledge on Urban Resilience Strategies: Experience with Camerino Municipality
Villani, S.[Samir]
Co Author Listing * Vertical Measurements in Oblique Aerial Imagery
Villani, V.[Valeria]
Co Author Listing * General Pipeline for Online Gesture Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction, A
Villano, L.S.[Lorena S.]
Co Author Listing * Towards an Operational SAR-Based Rice Monitoring System in Asia: Examples from 13 Demonstration Sites across Asia in the RIICE Project
Villano, M.[Michelangelo]
Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Wide-Swath Ambiguous Synthetic Aperture Radar Modes for Ship Monitoring
* New Insights Into Ambiguities in Quad-Pol SAR
* Predictive Quantization for Data Volume Reduction in Staggered SAR Systems
* Simultaneous Single-/Dual- and Quad-Pol SAR Imaging Over Swaths of Different Widths
* Spectral-Based Estimation of the Local Azimuth Ambiguity-to-Signal Ratio in SAR Images
* Staggered SAR: High-Resolution Wide-Swath Imaging by Continuous PRI Variation
* Staggered SAR: Performance Analysis and Experiments With Real Data
* Tandem-L: A Technical Perspective on Future Spaceborne SAR Sensors for Earth Observation
* Volume Structure Retrieval Using Drone-Based SAR Interferometry with Wide Fractional Bandwidth
* Waveform-Encoded SAR Implementation Using a Limited Number of Cyclically Shifted Chirps, A
Includes: Villano, M.[Michelangelo] Villano, M.
10 for Villano, M.
Villanueva Maldonado, J.
Co Author Listing * Joint I/Q imbalances estimation using data-dependent superimposed training
Includes: Villanueva Maldonado, J. Villanueva-Maldonado, J.
Villanueva Molina, F.J.[Felix J.]
Co Author Listing * Proposal for Modeling Indoor-Outdoor Spaces through IndoorGML, Open Location Code and OpenStreetMap, A
Villanueva Oller, J.
Co Author Listing * Matrix Cubic Splines for Progressive 3D Imaging
* SVD lossy adaptive encoding of 3D digital images for ROI progressive transmission
Includes: Villanueva Oller, J. Villanueva-Oller, J. Villanueva-Oller, J.[Javier]
Villanueva, A.[Arantxa]
Co Author Listing * Eye tracking: Pupil orientation geometrical modeling
* Fast and robust ellipse detection algorithm for head-mounted eye tracking systems
* Full Multiresolution Active Shape Models
* Hierarchical multi-resolution decomposition of statistical shape models
* Hierarchical Statistical Shape Models of Multiobject Anatomical Structures: Application to Brain MRI
* Improved Strategies for HPE Employing Learning-by-Synthesis Approaches
* Linear stereo matching
* Low Cost Gaze Estimation: Knowledge-Based Solutions
* Models for Gaze Tracking Systems
* Near Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Geodesic Diffusion
* novel 2D/3D database with automatic face annotation for head tracking and pose estimation, A
* Novel Gaze Estimation System With One Calibration Point, A
* Robust algorithm for pupil-glint vector detection in a video-oculography eyetracking system
* Robust and accurate 2D-tracking-based 3D positioning method: Application to head pose estimation
* Shape Constraint Strategies: Novel Approaches and Comparative Robustness
* Stereo matching using gradient similarity and locally adaptive support-weight
* Synthetic Gaze Data Augmentation for Improved User Calibration
* U2Eyes: A Binocular Dataset for Eye Tracking and Gaze Estimation
Includes: Villanueva, A.[Arantxa] Villanueva, A.
18 for Villanueva, A.
Villanueva, B.[Ben]
Co Author Listing * Mixed Reality Applications for Manipulating Robots and Rovers: Arsis 6.0
Villanueva, C.[Cecilia]
Co Author Listing * Lithological and Hydrothermal Alteration Mapping of Epithermal, Porphyry and Tourmaline Breccia Districts in the Argentine Andes Using ASTER Imagery
Villanueva, E.
Co Author Listing * Aorta segmentation using the watershed algorithm for an augmented reality system in laparoscopic surgery
* Multi-modal defect detection of residual oxide scale on a cold stainless steel strip
* Unpaired Faces to Cartoons: Improving XGAN
Includes: Villanueva, E. Villanueva, E.[Edwin]
Villanueva, F.J.[Felix J.]
Co Author Listing * MIRATAR: A Virtual Caregiver for Active and Healthy Ageing
Villanueva, J.A.[Jair A.]
Co Author Listing * Intelligent video anomaly detection and classification using faster RCNN with deep reinforcement learning model
Villanueva, J.J.[Juan J.]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Villanueva, J.J.[Juan J.]: juanjose villanueva AT cvc uab cat
* 3D Curve Reconstruction by Biplane Snakes
* Action Spaces for Efficient Bayesian Tracking of Human Motion
* Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces
* approach of visual motion analysis, An
* aSpaces: Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis of Human Actions
* Automatic face and facial features initialization for robust and accurate tracking
* Automatic View Based Caricaturing
* Background subtraction technique based on chromaticity and intensity patterns
* Colour Normalisation Based on Background Information
* Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using aSpaces, A
* Efficient Computation of Face Shape Similarity Using Distance Transform Eigen Decomposition and Valleys
* Eigensnakes for Vessel Segmentation in Angiography
* Evaluation of Methods for Ridge and Valley Detection
* Fusing Edge Cues to Handle Colour Problems in Image Segmentation
* Hand Line Drawing Interpretation as Three-Dimensional Object
* High-Speed Human Detection Using a Multiresolution Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Improving shape-based face recognition by means of a supervised discriminant Hausdorff distance
* iTrack: Image-based Probabilistic Tracking of People
* Learning and caricaturing the face space using self-organization and Hebbian learning for face processing
* Locating People in Indoor Scenes for Real Applications
* Motion-induced error correction in ultrasound imaging
* Multilocal Creaseness Based on the Level-Set Extrinsic Curvature
* On Reasoning over Tracking Events
* On tracking inside groups
* Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Particle Filtering
* Probabilistic Saliency Approach for Elongated Structure Detection Using Deformable Models
* Progress in Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* Recursive Coarse-to-Fine Localization for Fast Object Detection
* Retinal Image Registration Using Creases as Anatomical Landmarks
* Robust Multiple-People Tracking Using Colour-Based Particle Filters
* Robust Particle Filtering for Object Tracking
* Self-training statistic snake for image segmentation and tracking
* Separating Geometry from Texture to Improve Face Analysis
* Symbol Recognition by Error-Tolerant Subgraph Matching between Region Adjacency Graphs
* Topological principal component analysis for face encoding and recognition
* Tracking of Elongated Structures using Statistical Snakes
* Trinocular stereo matching with composite disparity space image
* Unconstrained Multiple-People Tracking
Includes: Villanueva, J.J.[Juan J.] Villanueva, J.J. Villanueva, J.J.[Juan José] Villanueva, J.J.[Juan Jose]
40 for Villanueva, J.J.
Villanueva, J.K.S.
Co Author Listing * Evacuation Simulation in Kalayaan Residence Hall, UP Diliman Using GAMA Simulation Software
Villanueva, L.A.P.[Luis Angel Pereyra]
Co Author Listing * Bagging-RandomMiner: A one-class classifier for file access-based masquerade detection
Villanueva, P.[Pablo]
Co Author Listing * Solar Flare Effects Observed over Mexico during 30-31 March 2022
Villanueva, R.J.
Co Author Listing * Matrix Cubic Splines for Progressive 3D Imaging
* SVD lossy adaptive encoding of 3D digital images for ROI progressive transmission
Includes: Villanueva, R.J. Villanueva, R.J.[Rafael-Jacinto]
Villanueva, V.[Vicente]
Co Author Listing * Multichannel dynamic modeling of non-Gaussian mixtures
Villanueva, V.L.A.
Co Author Listing * Temporal relationships between daily precipitation and NDVI time series in Mexico
Villar Cano, M.[Miriam]
Co Author Listing * Practical Procedure to Integrate the First 1:500 Urban Map of Valencia into a Tile-Based Geospatial Information System, A
Includes: Villar Cano, M.[Miriam] Villar-Cano, M.[Miriam]
Villar Corrales, A.[Angel]
Co Author Listing * Object-Centric Video Prediction Via Decoupling of Object Dynamics and Interactions
Includes: Villar Corrales, A.[Angel] Villar-Corrales, A.[Angel]
Villar Iglesias, A.[Agustin]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration, An
Includes: Villar Iglesias, A.[Agustin] Villar-Iglesias, A.[Agustín]
Villar Rodriguez, E.[Esther]
Co Author Listing * Graph-Based Methodology for the Sensorless Estimation of Road Traffic Profiles, A
Includes: Villar Rodriguez, E.[Esther] Villar-Rodriguez, E.[Esther]
Villar, A.[Alejandro]
Co Author Listing * Standards for Data Space Building Blocks
Villar, J.
Co Author Listing * Synergies of Electric Urban Transport Systems and Distributed Energy Resources in Smart Cities
Villar, J.M.[Josep M.]
Co Author Listing * Disaggregation of SMOS Soil Moisture to 100 m Resolution Using MODIS Optical/Thermal and Sentinel-1 Radar Data: Evaluation over a Bare Soil Site in Morocco
* High-Resolution SMAP-Derived Root-Zone Soil Moisture Using an Exponential Filter Model Calibrated per Land Cover Type
* Temporal Calibration of an Evaporation-Based Spatial Disaggregation Method of SMOS Soil Moisture Data
Includes: Villar, J.M.[Josep M.] Villar, J.M.[Josep Maria]
Villar, P.[Patricio]
Co Author Listing * New Approach for Wet Blue Leather Defect Segmentation, A
Villar, R.[Raul]
Co Author Listing * Indirect Assessment of Sedimentation in Hydropower Dams Using MODIS Remote Sensing Images
* Nationwide Natural Resource Inventory Of The Philippines Using Lidar: Strategies, Progress, And Challenges
Includes: Villar, R.[Raul] Villar, R.[Raúl] Villar, R.
Villar, R.G.[Ricardo G.]
Co Author Listing * Non-trivial Feature Derivation For Intensifying Feature Detection Using Lidar Datasets Through Allometric Aggregation Data Analysis Applying Diffused Hierarchical Clustering For Discriminating Agricultural Land Cover In Portions Of Northern Mindanao, Philippines
Villar, S.A.[Sebastian A.]
Co Author Listing * Median Filtering: A New Insight
Includes: Villar, S.A.[Sebastian A.] Villar, S.A.[Sebastián A.]
Villard, B.[Benjamin]
Co Author Listing * Fuzzy Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac MRI Using Physiological Constraints
Villard, C.
Co Author Listing * Porting Ardupilot to Esp32: Towards A Universal Open-source Architecture for Agile and Easily Replicable Multi-domains Mapping Robots
Villard, L.[Ludovic]
Co Author Listing * BIOMASS Level 2 Prototype Processor: Design and Experimental Results of Above-Ground Biomass Estimation, The
* Capabilities of BIOMASS Tomography for Investigating Tropical Forests
* Estimation and Mapping of Forest Structure Parameters from Open Access Satellite Images: Development of a Generic Method with a Study Case on Coniferous Plantation
* Ground-Based Array for Tomographic Imaging of the Tropical Forest in P-Band
* Improving Heterogeneous Forest Height Maps by Integrating GEDI-Based Forest Height Information in a Multi-Sensor Mapping Process
* Investigating the Impact of Digital Elevation Models on Sentinel-1 Backscatter and Coherence Observations
* Multi-Temporal Speckle Filtering of Polarimetric P-Band SAR Data over Dense Tropical Forests: Study Case in French Guiana for the BIOMASS Mission
* Multicriteria Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Produced by Airborne P-Band Polarimetric SAR Tomography in Tropical Rainforests
* Potential of Sentinel-1 Data for Monitoring Temperate Mixed Forest Phenology
* Relating P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography to Tropical Forest Biomass
* Temporal Survey of Polarimetric P-Band Scattering of Tropical Forests
Includes: Villard, L.[Ludovic] Villard, L.
11 for Villard, L.
Villard, M.A.[Marc Andre]
Co Author Listing * Best of Both Worlds? Integrating Sentinel-2 Images and airborne LiDAR to Characterize Forest Regeneration, The
Includes: Villard, M.A.[Marc Andre] Villard, M.A.[Marc-André]
Villard, P.[Patrick]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Multiresolution for Low Power CMOS Image Sensor
* Three Novell Analog-Domain Algorithms for Motion Detection in Video Surveillance
Villard, P.F.
Co Author Listing * Comparison Framework for Breathing Motion Estimation Methods From 4-D Imaging, A
* Segmentation with Active Contours
Includes: Villard, P.F. Villard, P.F.[Pierre-Frédéric]
Villareal, R.J.T.[Rosiel Jazmine T.]
Co Author Listing * Patch-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for TCGA-BRCA Breast Cancer Classification
Villarejo, A.J.O.[Antonio J. Ortiz]
Co Author Listing * DIGITALESCAPE Project: Aerial Remote Sensing, HBIM, and Archaeology for the Preservation and Dissemination of the Cultural Heritage at Risk in the Sierra Sur and Sierra Morena Regions
Villarini, B.[Barbara]
Co Author Listing * Cognitive Behaviour Analysis Based on Facial Information Using Depth Sensors
* Hierarchical Framework for Automatic Pancreas Segmentation in MRI Using Continuous Max-Flow and Min-Cuts Approach
* Image quality assessment based on edge preservation
* optimal method for searching UEP profiles in wireless JPEG 2000 video transmission, An
Villarini, G.[Gabriele]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of the Analysis of Record for Calibration (AORC) Rainfall across Louisiana
Villarino, A.[Alberto]
Co Author Listing * Geometrical Issues on the Structural Analysis of Transmission Electricity Towers Thanks to Laser Scanning Technology and Finite Element Method
* Integration of Geotechnologies in the Evaluation of a Wine Cellar Structure through the Finite Element Method, The
* Non-Contact Photogrammetric Methodology to Evaluate the Structural Health of Historical Constructions
* Photogrammetric, Geometrical, and Numerical Strategies to Evaluate Initial and Current Conditions in Historical Constructions: A Test Case in the Church of San Lorenzo (Zamora, Spain)
* Successful Applications of Geotechnologies for the Evaluation of Road Infrastructures
Includes: Villarino, A.[Alberto] Villarino, A.
Villarraga, E.[Edgar]
Co Author Listing * Relative Pose Estimation of Surgical Tools in Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
Villarreal Guerrero, F.[Federico]
Co Author Listing * Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction Algorithms for the Multitemporal Assessment of Grasslands Productivity
* Past and Future Spatial Growth Dynamics of Chihuahua City, Mexico: Pressures for Land Use
Includes: Villarreal Guerrero, F.[Federico] Villarreal-Guerrero, F.[Federico]
Villarreal, B.L.[B. Lorena]
Co Author Listing * Odor Plume Tracking Algorithm Inspired on Evolution
Villarreal, J.[Jesse]
Co Author Listing * Addressing System-Level Optimization with OpenVX Graphs
* Rear-Stitched View Panorama: A Low-Power Embedded Implementation for Smart Rear-View Mirrors on Vehicles
Includes: Villarreal, J.[Jesse] Villarreal, J.
Villarreal, M.L.[Miguel L.]
Co Author Listing * Continuous 1985-2012 Landsat Monitoring to Assess Fire Effects on Meadows in Yosemite National Park, California
* Ensemble Mean Method for Remote Sensing of Actual Evapotranspiration to Estimate Water Budget Response across a Restoration Landscape, An
* Landsat Time Series Assessment of Invasive Annual Grasses Following Energy Development
* Monitoring Annual Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Tucson Metropolitan Area with Google Earth Engine (1986-2020)
* Unravelling long-term vegetation change patterns in a binational watershed using multitemporal land cover data and historical photography
Villarreal, O.P.
Co Author Listing * QR Images: Optimized Image Embedding in QR Codes
Villarroel, C.D.[Cristian Daniel]
Co Author Listing * DInSAR for a Regional Inventory of Active Rock Glaciers in the Dry Andes Mountains of Argentina and Chile with Sentinel-1 Data
Villarroel, J.A.[Juan A.]
Co Author Listing * Spline-Based Adaptive Filter for the Removal of Blocking Artifacts in Image Sequences Coded at Very Low Bitrate, A
Villarroel, J.L.
Co Author Listing * Accurately Locating a Vertical Magnetic Dipole Buried in a Conducting Earth
Villarroel, M.
Co Author Listing * Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Patient Detection and Skin Segmentation in Continuous Non-Contact Vital Sign Monitoring
* Non-Contact Monitoring of Respiration in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
* Non-Contact Vital Sign Monitoring in the Clinic
Villarroel, N.
Co Author Listing * Improving the Accuracy of Registration-Based Biomechanical Analysis: A Finite Element Approach to Lung Regional Strain Quantification
Villarrubia, G.[Gabriel]
Co Author Listing * multi-agent system for the classification of gender and age from images, A
Villas, L.[Leandro]
Co Author Listing * Mobility and Deadline-Aware Task Scheduling Mechanism for Vehicular Edge Computing
Villas, L.A.[Leandro A.]
Co Author Listing * Road Data Enrichment Framework Based on Heterogeneous Data Fusion for ITS
* Safe and Sound: Driver Safety-Aware Vehicle Re-Routing Based on Spatiotemporal Information
Includes: Villas, L.A.[Leandro A.] Villas, L.A.
Villasenor Mora, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Measuring soil water potential using IR thermal imaging
Includes: Villasenor Mora, C.[Carlos] Villaseñor-Mora, C.[Carlos]
Villasenor Pienda, L.[Luis]
Co Author Listing * Recognition of Apparent Personality Traits from Text and Handwritten Images
Includes: Villasenor Pienda, L.[Luis] Villaseñor-Pienda, L.[Luis]
Villasenor Pineda, L.[Luis]
Co Author Listing * Authorship Attribution Using Word Sequences
* From Text to Speech: A Multimodal Cross-Domain Approach for Deception Detection
* Masking domain-specific information for cross-domain deception detection
* New Document Author Representation for Authorship Attribution, A
* Not All Swear Words Are Used Equal: Attention over Word n-grams for Abusive Language Identification
Includes: Villasenor Pineda, L.[Luis] Villaseñor-Pineda, L.[Luis]
Villasenor, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Bio-inspired Aging Model-Particle Swarm Optimization and Geometric Algebra for Structure from Motion
Includes: Villasenor, C.[Carlos] Villaseñor, C.[Carlos]
Villasenor, E.A.[Elio Atenogenes]
Co Author Listing * Fine-Grained Large-Scale Vulnerable Communities Mapping via Satellite Imagery and Population Census Using Deep Learning
Includes: Villasenor, E.A.[Elio Atenogenes] Villaseñor, E.A.[Elio-Atenogenes]
Villasenor, J.[John]
Co Author Listing * adaptive covariance-based edge diffusion image enlargement method, An
* Algorithm for Space Recognition and Time Tracking of Vorticity Tubes in Turbulence, An
* Parallel fast inter mode decision for H.264/AVC encoding
Villasenor, J.D.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Frequency Weighting for High-Performance Video Coding
* Adaptive Intra Block Update for Robust Transmission of H.263
* Adaptive Intra Update for Video Coding over Noisy Channels
* Adaptive video coding for mobile wireless networks
* Class of Reversible Variable Length Codes for Robust Image and Video Coding, A
* Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
* EM+TV Based Reconstruction for Cone-Beam CT with Reduced Radiation
* Energy-Efficient Image Compression for Resource-Constrained Platforms
* Fast Two-Dimensional Hartley Transform
* Joint source channel coding of images with trellis coded quantization and convolutional codes
* lattice vector quantizer for generalized Gaussian sources, A
* low-complexity rate distortion model for motion estimation in H.263, A
* Precision-Aware Self-Quantizing Hardware Architectures for the Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Parameter Choice in a Wavelet Image Communication System
* Robust video coding algorithms and systems
* Stack-run coding for low bit rate image communication
* Stack-Run Image-Coding
* Trellis-Based R-D Optimal Quantization in H.263+
* Video communications using rapidly reconfigurable hardware
* Visibility of Wavelet Quantization Noise
* Wavelet Filter Evaluation for Image Compression
Includes: Villasenor, J.D. Villasenor, J.D.[John D.]
21 for Villasenor, J.D.
Villasenor, L.[Luis]
Co Author Listing * Particle Swarm Model Selection for Authorship Verification
* segmented and annotated IAPR TC-12 benchmark, The
Includes: Villasenor, L.[Luis] Villaseñor, L.[Luis]
Villasis, E.
Co Author Listing * Computer-Automated Malaria Diagnosis and Quantitation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Villata, M.
Co Author Listing * Banca Del Fare Summer School in Alta Langa: the Ruins to Be Rebuilt Will Be Our Classrooms. Knowledge From Artisans to New Generations, From Ancient Skills to New Building Techniques
Villatoro, E.[Esau]
Co Author Listing * Overview of the Multimedia Information Processing for Personality and Social Networks Analysis Contest
Includes: Villatoro, E.[Esau] Villatoro, E.[Esaú]
Villatoro, F.R.
Co Author Listing * Robust and Simple Measure for Quality-Guided 2D Phase Unwrapping Algorithms, A
Villaverde, D.G.[Daniel G.]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Tear Film Segmentation Based on Texture Analysis and Region Growing
Villaverde, I.[Ivan]
Co Author Listing * Kosko Subsethood Fuzzy Associative Memory (KS-FAM): Mathematical Background and Applications in Computer Vision, The
Villaverde, V.
Co Author Listing * Close range photogrammetry and enhanced recording of palaeolithic rock art
Villavicencio, A.[Aline]
Co Author Listing * Multi-perspective thought navigation for source-free entity linking
* Representation transfer and data cleaning in multi-views for text simplification
Villavicencio, G.[Gabriel]
Co Author Listing * Automated Detection and Analysis of Massive Mining Waste Deposits Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery and Artificial Intelligence
Villebro, F.[Frederik]
Co Author Listing * UAV image analysis for leakage detection in district heating systems using machine learning
Villecroze, V.[Valentin]
Co Author Listing * Data-Efficient Multimodal Fusion on a Single GPU
Villegas Cortez, J.[Juan]
Co Author Listing * EEG Pattern Recognition: An Efficient Improvement Combination of ERD/ERS/Laterality Features to Create a Self-paced BCI System
* Granger-causality: An efficient single user movement recognition using a smartphone accelerometer sensor
Includes: Villegas Cortez, J.[Juan] Villegas-Cortez, J.[Juan]
Villegas Diaz, R.[Roberto]
Co Author Listing * Predicting Grapevine Physiological Parameters Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Integrated with Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and Ensemble Stacked Regression
Includes: Villegas Diaz, R.[Roberto] Villegas-Diaz, R.[Roberto]
Villegas Suarez, A.M.[Ariana M.]
Co Author Listing * MatchMakerNet: Enabling Fragment Matching for Cultural Heritage Analysis
Includes: Villegas Suarez, A.M.[Ariana M.] Villegas-Suarez, A.M.[Ariana M.]
Villegas, B.S.[Billy Salazar]
Co Author Listing * Examining the Potential of Sentinel Imagery and Ensemble Algorithms for Estimating Aboveground Biomass in a Tropical Dry Forest
Villegas, D.[Dolors]
Co Author Listing * Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Ground-Based RGB Indices to Assess Agronomic Performance of Wheat Landraces and Cultivars in a Mediterranean-Type Environment
Villegas, I.[Ismael]
Co Author Listing * On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to Improve Driver's Comfort Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Villegas, J.[Juan]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Design of Artificial Neural Networks and Associative Memories for Pattern Classification and Pattern Restoration
* Cartesian Genetic Programming Parameterization in the Context of Audio Synthesis
* Scene Retrieval of Natural Images
* Unsupervised Image Retrieval with Similar Lighting Conditions
Includes: Villegas, J.[Juan] Villegas, J.[Julián] Villegas, J.
Villegas, J.F.[Juan Felipe]
Co Author Listing * Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in the Context of REDD+ Mechanisms. A Case Study from Costa Rica, An
Villegas, M.[Mauricio]
Co Author Listing * Candidate fusion: Integrating language modelling into a sequence-to-sequence handwritten word recognition architecture
* Content and Style Aware Generation of Text-Line Images for Handwriting Recognition
* Convolve, Attend and Spell: An Attention-based Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Dimensionality reduction by minimizing nearest-neighbor classification error
* Face Recognition in Color Using Complex and Hypercomplex Representations
* Face verification on color images using local features
* Face Video Competition
* Flexible Framework for the Evaluation of Unsupervised Image Annotation, A
* Fusion of Qualities for Frame Selection in Video Face Verification
* Ganwriting: Content-conditioned Generation of Styled Handwritten Word Images
* Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction with Graph Neural Networks in Semi Structured Documents
* neural model for text localization, transcription and named entity recognition in full pages, A
* On improving robustness of LDA and SRDA by using tangent vectors
* On the Modification of Binarization Algorithms to Retain Grayscale Information for Handwritten Text Recognition
* On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and Speaker Verification Evaluation
* Optical modelling and language modelling trade-off for Handwritten Text Recognition
* Pay attention to what you read: Non-recurrent handwritten text-Line recognition
* Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Gender Classification
* Score Fusion by Maximizing the Area under the ROC Curve
* set of benchmarks for Handwritten Text Recognition on historical documents, A
* Simultaneous learning of a discriminative projection and prototypes for Nearest-Neighbor classification
* Unsupervised Adaptation for Synthetic-to-Real Handwritten Word Recognition
Includes: Villegas, M.[Mauricio] Villegas, M.
22 for Villegas, M.
Villegas, M.H.S.[Mike H. Salazar]
Co Author Listing * Examining the Potential of Sentinel Imagery and Ensemble Algorithms for Estimating Aboveground Biomass in a Tropical Dry Forest
Villegas, O.O.V.
Co Author Listing * Noise reduction in PET sinograms using non-local total variation regularization
* Noise Reduction in Small-Animal PET Images Using a Multiresolution Transform
Includes: Villegas, O.O.V. Villegas, O.O.V.[O.O. Vergara]
Villegas, P.[Paulo]
Co Author Listing * model for adapting 3D graphics based on scalable coding, real-time simplification and remote rendering, A
* Perceptually-Weighted Evaluation Criteria for Segmentation Masks in Video Sequences
* User-Centred System for End-to-End Secure Multimedia Content Delivery: From Content Annotation to Consumer Consumption, A
Includes: Villegas, P.[Paulo] Villegas, P.
Villegas, R.[Ruben]
Co Author Listing * Contact and Human Dynamics from Monocular Video
* Contact-Aware Retargeting of Skinned Motion
* Improving object detection with deep convolutional networks via Bayesian optimization and structured prediction
* MT-VAE: Learning Motion Transformations to Generate Multimodal Human Dynamics
* Neural Kinematic Networks for Unsupervised Motion Retargetting
* Stochastic Scene-Aware Motion Prediction
* Task-Generic Hierarchical Human Motion Prior using VAEs
* Vic-mae: Self-supervised Representation Learning from Images and Video with Contrastive Masked Autoencoders
* Who Do I Look Like? Determining Parent-Offspring Resemblance via Gated Autoencoders
Includes: Villegas, R.[Ruben] Villegas, R.
9 for Villegas, R.
Villeger, A.[Alice]
Co Author Listing * Data Fusion and Fuzzy Spatial Relationships for Locating Deep Brain Stimulation Targets in Magnetic Resonance Images
Includes: Villeger, A.[Alice] Villéger, A.[Alice]
Villeger, E.
Co Author Listing * Image disocclusion using a probabilistic gradient orientation
Villeger, S.[Sebastien]
Co Author Listing * Coral Reef Fish Detection and Recognition in Underwater Videos by Supervised Machine Learning: Comparison Between Deep Learning and HOG+SVM Methods
Includes: Villeger, S.[Sebastien] Villéger, S.[Sébastien]
Villela, H.T.[Hector Tejeda]
Co Author Listing * Fast Automatic Detection of Wildlife in Images from Trap Cameras
Includes: Villela, H.T.[Hector Tejeda] Villela, H.T.[Héctor Tejeda]
Villela, L.[Lorenzo]
Co Author Listing * Community-Based Monitoring for Rapid Assessment of Nearshore Coral Reefs Amid Disturbances in Teahupo'o, Tahiti
Villela, P.R.
Co Author Listing * 2-D Object Recognition by Indexing Through a Modified ART-2 Neural-Network
* Object Recognition by Indexing Using Neural Networks
Includes: Villela, P.R. Villela, P.R.[Patricia Rayon]
Villela, S.M.[Saulo Moraes]
Co Author Listing * Incremental p-margin algorithm for classification with arbitrary norm
Villemagne, V.L.[Victor L.]
Co Author Listing * Automatic detection of small spherical lesions using multiscale approach in 3D medical images
Villemain, O.
Co Author Listing * 4D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging of Naturally Occurring Shear Waves in the Human Heart
* Longitudinal Assessment of Cerebral Blood Volume Variation in Human Neonates Using Ultrafast Power Doppler and Diverging Waves
Includes: Villemain, O. Villemain, O.[Olivier]
Villemaire, P.[Philippe]
Co Author Listing * Improved k-NN Mapping of Forest Attributes in Northern Canada Using Spaceborne L-Band SAR, Multispectral and LiDAR Data
Villemin, D.[Didier]
Co Author Listing * Chemoinformatics and stereoisomerism: A stereo graph kernel together with three new extensions
* From Bags to Graphs of Stereo Subgraphs in Order to Predict Molecule'S Properties
* Graph Kernel Encoding Substituents' Relative Positioning
* Graph Kernel Incorporating Molecule's Stereisomerism Information, A
* Graph kernels based on relevant patterns and cycle information for chemoinformatics
* Graph Kernels: Crossing Information from Different Patterns Using Graph Edit Distance
* Incorporating Molecule's Stereisomerism within the Machine Learning Framework
* Taking into account stereoisomerism in the prediction of molecular properties
* Treelet kernel incorporating cyclic, stereo and inter pattern information in chemoinformatics
* Two New Graph Kernels and Applications to Chemoinformatics
* Two new graphs kernels in chemoinformatics
Includes: Villemin, D.[Didier] Villemin, D.
11 for Villemin, D.
Villemin, T.
Co Author Listing * 3D displacement retrieval on glacial areas by airborne multi-view photogrammetry
Villemure, J.G.
Co Author Listing * Atlas-Based Segmentation of Pathological Brain MR Images
* Atlas-Based Segmentation of Pathological MR Brain Images Using a Model of Lesion Growth
* Cross Validation Study of Deep Brain Stimulation Targeting: From Experts to Atlas-Based, Segmentation-Based and Automatic Registration Algorithms, A
Villena Martinez, V.[Victor]
Co Author Listing * 3D non-rigid registration using color: Color Coherent Point Drift
* Deep Approach for Volumetric Tractography Segmentation, A
Includes: Villena Martinez, V.[Victor] Villena-Martinez, V.[Victor]
Villena, S.
Co Author Listing * Greedy Bayesian double sparsity dictionary learning
* Parameter Estimation in Bayesian Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low Resolution Rotated and Translated Images
* Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence to combine image priors in Super-Resolution image reconstruction
Includes: Villena, S. Villena, S.[Salvador]
Villeneuve, E.
Co Author Listing * Nonlinear Deconvolution of Hyperspectral Data With MCMC for Studying the Kinematics of Galaxies
Villeneuve, G.[Guillaume]
Co Author Listing * On Structuring Multiple Grouping Hypotheses in Generic Object Detection
Villers, D.[Didier]
Co Author Listing * Optimization of an Hough transform algorithm for the search of a center
Villeta, M.[Maria]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Drought Indexes on Different Time Scales: A Case in Semiarid Mediterranean Grasslands
Includes: Villeta, M.[Maria] Villeta, M.[María]
Villette, S.
Co Author Listing * efficient vision system to measure granule velocity and mass flow distribution in fertiliser centrifugal spreading, An
* Improved line spectral frequency estimation through anti-aliasing filtering
* Unsupervised Classification Algorithm for Early Weed Detection in Row-Crops by Combining Spatial and Spectral Information
* Validation of a virtual agronomic image modelling
Includes: Villette, S. Villette, S.[Sylvain]
Villeval, S.
Co Author Listing * Rise of Radar for Autonomous Vehicles: Signal processing solutions and future research directions, The
Villiers, F.[Florent]
Co Author Listing * How to define a rejection class based on model learning?
Villiers, H.A.C.D.
Co Author Listing * Vision-based hand pose estimation through similarity search using the earth mover's distance
Villiger, A.[Arturo]
Co Author Listing * Validation of the EGSIEM-REPRO GNSS Orbits and Satellite Clock Corrections
Villiger, M.
Co Author Listing * Repeatability Assessment of Intravascular Polarimetry in Patients
* topological encoding convolutional neural network for segmentation of 3D multiphoton images of brain vasculature using persistent homology, A
Villikka, M.[Maria]
Co Author Listing * Combining Camera Relascope-Measured Field Plots and Multi-Seasonal Landsat 8 Imagery for Enhancing the Forest Inventory of Boreal Forests in Central Russia
Villmann, T.[Thomas]
Co Author Listing * Learning Vector Quantization with Adaptive Cost-Based Outlier-Rejection
* PVDN-Urban: A Dataset for Provident Vehicle Detection at Night in Urban Scenarios
Villodre, J.[Julio]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Estimates from Landsat 8-TIRS in A High-Contrast Semiarid Agroecosystem. Algorithms Intercomparison
* New Single-Band Pixel-by-Pixel Atmospheric Correction Method to Improve the Accuracy in Remote Sensing Estimates of LST. Application to Landsat 7-ETM+, A
Villon, S.[Sebastien]
Co Author Listing * Coral Reef Fish Detection and Recognition in Underwater Videos by Supervised Machine Learning: Comparison Between Deep Learning and HOG+SVM Methods
Includes: Villon, S.[Sebastien] Villon, S.[Sébastien]
Villota Gonzalez, F.H.[Freddy Hernan]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing of Water Quality in Lakes Cajititlán and Zapotlán, Jalisco—Mexico
Includes: Villota Gonzalez, F.H.[Freddy Hernan] Villota-González, F.H.[Freddy Hernán]
Villota, J.C.P.[Juan Carlos Perafan]
Co Author Listing * Pairwise registration in indoor environments using adaptive combination of 2D and 3D cues
Villoutreix, P.[Paul]
Co Author Listing * Cross-View kernel transfer
Villringer, A.
Co Author Listing * Multivariate Machine Learning Methods for Fusing Multimodal Functional Neuroimaging Data
* Structural brain changes in early-onset and late-onset depression: An update of volumetric MRI findings
Includes: Villringer, A. Villringer, A.[Arno]
Villuendas Rey, Y.[Yenny]
Co Author Listing * Finding Small Consistent Subset for the Nearest Neighbor Classifier Based on Support Graphs
* Mixed Data Balancing through Compact Sets Based Instance Selection
* Selecting Features and Objects for Mixed and Incomplete Data
* Selecting Objects for ALVOT
* Simultaneous Features and Objects Selection for Mixed and Incomplete Data
* Using Maximum Similarity Graphs to Edit Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Using Rough Sets and Maximum Similarity Graphs for Nearest Prototype Classification
Includes: Villuendas Rey, Y.[Yenny] Villuendas-Rey, Y.[Yenny]
7 for Villuendas Rey, Y.