Update Dates 1705

1705 * *Biennial Pattern Recognition Journal Awards 2013 and 2014
* 2D shape structure for decomposition and part similarity, A
* 2D-3D semantic segmentation using cardinality as higher-order loss
* 3-D Morphology Prediction of Progressive Spinal Deformities From Probabilistic Modeling of Discriminant Manifolds
* 3D gesture-based interaction for immersive experience in mobile VR
* 3D GLOH features for human action recognition
* 3D motion estimation by evidence gathering
* 3D object recognition from large-scale point clouds with global descriptor and sliding window
* 3D point cloud object detection with multi-view convolutional neural network
* 3D reconstruction under light ray distortion from parametric focal cameras
* 3D sketch-based 3D model retrieval with convolutional neural network
* Absorptive scattering model for rough laminar surfaces
* Accelerated sparse optimization for missing data completion
* Accelerating Image-Domain-Warping Virtual View Synthesis on GPGPU
* Accurate and fast micro lenses depth maps from a 3D point cloud in light field cameras
* Accurate depth-map refinement by per-pixel plane fitting for stereo vision
* Accurate localization for mobile device using a multi-planar city model
* Accurate object distance estimation based on frequency-domain analysis with a stereo camera
* Accurate Object Localization in Remote Sensing Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Active learning using uncertainty information
* Active learning via local structure reconstruction
* Adapting instance weights for unsupervised domain adaptation using quadratic mutual information and subspace learning
* Adaptive and compressive target tracking based on feature point matching
* Adaptive and Optimized RDF Query Interface for Distributed WFS Data
* Adaptive Background Modeling Method for Foreground Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Boosting for Image Denoising: Beyond Low-Rank Representation and Sparse Coding
* Adaptive fusion of human visual sensitive features for surveillance video summarization
* Adaptive Hashing with Sparse Modification
* Adaptive hierarchical classification networks
* Adaptive Metric Learning and Probe-Specific Reranking for Person Reidentification
* Affine properties of the relative position PHI-descriptor
* Affine-Invariant Triangulation of Spatio-Temporal Data with an Application to Image Retrieval
* Aggregation procedure of Gaussian Mixture Models for additive features
* algebraic framework for deformable image registration, An
* Aligning movies with scripts by exploiting temporal ordering constraints
* Aligning the dissimilar: A probabilistic method for feature-based point set registration
* Analysis of Packet-Loss-Induced Distortion in View Synthesis Prediction-Based 3D Video Coding
* Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks for Probabilistic Modeling of Driver Behavior
* Analysis of the Discrepancies between MODIS and INSAT-3D LSTs in High Temperatures, An
* Analysis of the FFT-FBMC Equalization in Selective Channels
* Analyzing features learned for Offline Signature Verification using Deep CNNs
* Analyzing graph time series using a generative model
* Analyzing user behavior in online advertising with facial expressions
* Anchored fusion for image restoration
* Angle- and volume-preserving mapping of organ volume model based on modified Self-organizing Deformable Model
* Annotation order matters: Recurrent Image Annotator for arbitrary length image tagging
* Anomaly detection in crowded scenes by SL-HOF descriptor and foreground classification
* Anomaly Detection in Traffic Scenes via Spatial-Aware Motion Reconstruction
* Antenna Cross-Polar Requirements for 3-PolD Weather Radar Measurements
* Anticipatory action selection for human-robot table tennis
* anyOCR: A sequence learning based OCR system for unlabeled historical documents
* Appearance changes detection during tracking
* Appearance-based multiple hypothesis tracking: Application to soccer broadcast videos analysis
* Appearance-invariant place recognition by discriminatively training a convolutional neural network
* Application of Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical Techniques in Landslide Susceptibility Modeling in Chittagong City Corporation, Bangladesh
* Application of pronunciation knowledge on phoneme recognition by LSTM neural network
* approach for automated multimodal analysis of infants' pain, An
* approach for detecting and cleaning of struck-out handwritten text, An
* Approaching the computational color constancy as a classification problem through deep learning
* Approaching the intra-class variability in multi-script static signature evaluation
* Approximate string matching: A lightweight approach to recognize gestures with Kinect
* Are facial attributes adversarially robust?
* Artificial cognition for social human-robot interaction: An implementation
* Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Sentinel-2 MSI Images Applied to Amazon Floodplain Lakes
* Assessment of positioning accuracy of vehicle trajectories for different road applications
* ASTROLABE: A Rigorous, Geodetic-Oriented Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
* Asymptotic and Bootstrap Tests for the Dimension of the Non-Gaussian Subspace
* attention model based on spatial transformers for scene recognition, An
* Attention-inspired moving object detection in monocular dashcam videos
* Attention-Weighted Texture and Depth Bit-Allocation in General-Geometry Free-Viewpoint Television
* Attribute Learning for SAR Image Classification
* Audience Behavior Mining: Integrating TV Ratings with Multimedia Content
* Audio-visual biometric recognition via joint sparse representations
* AutoMarkov DNNs for object classification
* Automated aerial suspended cargo delivery through reinforcement learning
* Automated Disease Identification With 3-D Optical Imaging: A Medical Diagnostic Tool
* Automated help system for novice older users from touchscreen gestures
* Automated Improvement of Geolocation Accuracy in AVHRR Data Using a Two-Step Chip Matching Approach: A Part of the TIMELINE Preprocessor
* Automatic building extraction from oblique aerial images
* Automatic cutting plane identification for computer-aided analysis of intracranial aneurysms
* Automatic Detection of 3D Quality Defects in Stereoscopic Videos Using Binocular Disparity
* Automatic detection of laser-induced structures in live cell fluorescent microscopy images using snakes with geometric constraints
* Automatic detection of trichomonads based on an improved Kalman background reconstruction algorithm
* Automatic Estimation of Tree Position and Stem Diameter Using a Moving Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Automatic feature extraction using CNN for robust active one-shot scanning
* Automatic generation of a realistic looking single image stereogram using stereo vision
* Automatic generation of biclusters from gene expression data using multi-objective simulated annealing approach
* Automatic leaf shape category discovery
* Automatic personality prediction from audiovisual data using random forest regression
* Automatic segmentation of HEp-2 cell Fluorescence microscope images using level set method via geometric active contours
* Automatic Synchronization of Multi-user Photo Galleries
* Automatic UAV Image Geo-Registration by Matching UAV Images to Georeferenced Image Data
* Automatic video description generation via LSTM with joint two-stream encoding
* Autonomous Intersection Management systems: criteria, implementation and evaluation
* Autonomous ozone, aerosol, and water vapor profiling of the atmosphere
* Axioms to characterize efficient incremental clustering
* Back to Butterworth: A Fourier basis for 3D surface relief hole filling within RGB-D imagery
* Back to the future: A fully automatic method for robust age progression
* Background initialization based on bidirectional analysis and consensus voting
* Bacterial colony counting with Convolutional Neural Networks in Digital Microbiology Imaging
* Bad teacher or unruly student: Can deep learning say something in Image Forensics analysis?
* Bag of Embedded Words learning for text retrieval
* bag of relevant regions for visual place recognition in challenging environments, A
* Bag of temporal co-occurrence words for retrieval of focal liver lesions using 3D multiphase contrast-enhanced CT images
* Bags of spatial relations and shapes features for structural object description
* Baltic Sea Ice Concentration Estimation Using SENTINEL-1 SAR and AMSR2 Microwave Radiometer Data
* Barcodes for medical image retrieval using autoencoded Radon transform
* BASS: Boundary-Aware Superpixel Segmentation
* Bayesian approach to learn Bayesian networks using data and constraints
* Bayesian Hierarchical Regression Models for QoE Estimation and Prediction in Audiovisual Communications
* Bayesian nonparametric Multiple Instance Regression
* Bayesian part-based approach to 3D human pose and camera estimation, A
* Bayesian regression selecting valuable subset from mixed bag training data
* Beam search for learning a deep Convolutional Neural Network of 3D shapes
* BeamECOC: A local search for the optimization of the ECOC matrix
* Behavioral Handwriting Model for Static and Dynamic Signature Synthesis, A
* benchmark of classifiers on feature drifting data streams, A
* Best Fitting Hyperplanes for Classification
* Beyond verbs: Understanding actions in videos with text
* Bi-modal regression for Apparent Personality trait Recognition
* biclustering approach based on factor graphs and the max-sum algorithm, A
* Biomass Estimation of Xerophytic Forests Using Visible Aerial Imagery: Contrasting Single-Tree and Area-Based Approaches
* Blind Facial Image Quality Enhancement Using Non-Rigid Semantic Patches
* Blind Forensics of Successive Geometric Transformations in Digital Images Using Spectral Method: Theory and Applications
* Blind Sharpness Prediction for Ultrahigh-Definition Video Based on Human Visual Resolution
* Block-Matching Distortion Correction of Echo-Planar Images With Opposite Phase Encoding Directions
* bone marrow cavity segmentation method using wavelet-based texture feature, A
* Boosting VLAD with double assignment using deep features for action recognition in videos
* Bound analysis of natural gradient descent in stochastic optimization setting
* BranchyNet: Fast inference via early exiting from deep neural networks
* Breast segmentation using Fuzzy C-Means and anatomical priors in DCE-MRI
* Bregman divergence based Level Set Evolution for efficient medical image segmentation, A
* Bridge motion to collision alarming using driving video
* Building an Urban Spatial Structure from Urban Land Use Data: An Example Using Automated Recognition of the City Centre
* Building Damage Assessment Using Multisensor Dual-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for the 2016 M 6.2 Amatrice Earthquake, Italy
* Building facade recognition from aerial images using Delaunay Triangulation induced feature perceptual grouping
* Building semantic understanding beyond deep learning from sound and vision
* Bus trajectory identification by map-matching
* Calibration, positioning and tracking in a refractive and reflective scene
* Camera Coverage Estimation Based on Multistage Grid Subdivision
* Camera self-calibration from projection silhouettes of an object in double planar mirrors
* Camera self-calibration from tracking of moving persons
* Camera-captured document image perspective distortion correction using vanishing point detection based on Radon transform
* Capturing the Diversity of Deprived Areas with Image-Based Features: The Case of Mumbai
* Cardiac Image Reconstruction via Nonlinear Motion Correction Based on Partial Angle Reconstructed Images
* Cascading BLSTM networks for handwritten word recognition
* Centerline detection on partial mesh scans by confidence vote in accumulation map
* ChaLearn Joint Contest on Multimedia Challenges Beyond Visual Analysis: An overview
* Change detection in marine observatory image streams using Bi-Domain Feature Clustering
* Character region segmentation based on Stroke Stable Regions
* Characterization of Snow Facies on the Greenland Ice Sheet Observed by TanDEM-X Interferometric SAR Data
* Characterizing the structure tensor using gamma distributions
* Class sparsity signature based Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* Class-dependent, non-convex losses to optimize precision
* Class-wise two-dimensional PCA method for face recognition
* Classification via Sparse Representation of Steerable Wavelet Frames on Grassmann Manifold: Application to Target Recognition in SAR Image
* Classifying DME vs normal SD-OCT volumes: A review
* Clearing the Skies: A Deep Network Architecture for Single-Image Rain Removal
* Clustered swarm: a live swarm-based traffic load balancing algorithm against traffic jams
* Clustering for point pattern data
* CNN-based initial background estimation
* Co-regularized kernel k-means for multi-view clustering
* COATL: A learning architecture for online real-time detection and classification assistance for environmental data
* Coherence-Based Algorithm for Optimizing Rank-1 Grassmannian Codebooks, A
* Collaborative segmentation and classification for remote sensing image analysis
* collection of challenging motion segmentation benchmark datasets, A
* Color Image-Guided Boundary-Inconsistent Region Refinement for Stereo Matching
* combined watermarking approach for securing biometric data, A
* Combining iris and periocular biometric for matching visible spectrum eye images
* Combining local and global: Rich and robust feature pooling for visual recognition
* Combining Unmanned Aerial Systems and Sensor Networks for Earth Observation
* Compact correlated features for writer independent signature verification
* Compact multi-scale periocular recognition using SAFE features
* Compact Single Conductor Transmission Line Launcher for Telemetry in Borehole Drilling, A
* Comparative Assessments of the Latest GPM Mission's Spatially Enhanced Satellite Rainfall Products over the Main Bolivian Watersheds
* Comparative evaluation of deblurring techniques for Fresnel lens computational imaging
* Comparative study of descriptors with dense key points
* Comparative Study of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product With Existing Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products, A
* Comparing fuel consumption based on normalised driving behaviour: A case study on major cities in China
* Comparison and Evaluation of Three Methods for Estimating Forest above Ground Biomass Using TM and GLAS Data
* Comparison of adaptive traffic control benefits for recurring and non-recurring traffic conditions
* Complexity of multiverse networks and their multilayer generalization
* Composing ensembles by a stochastic approach under execution time constraint
* Comprehensive and Versatile Camera Model for Cameras with Tilt Lenses, A
* Comprehensive Annual Ice Sheet Velocity Mapping Using Landsat-8, Sentinel-1, and RADARSAT-2 Data
* Compressed sampling and dictionary learning framework for wavelength-division-multiplexing-based distributed fiber sensing
* computational approach to relative aesthetics, A
* Computational Depth Sensing: Toward high-performance commodity depth cameras
* Computationally efficient template-based face recognition
* Computerized Dungeons and Randomly Generated Worlds: From Rogue to Minecraft
* Conformal Geometric Algebra method for detection of geometric primitives
* Conjugate gradient method for phase retrieval based on the Wirtinger derivative
* Consistent Change Point Detection for Piecewise Constant Signals With Normalized Fused LASSO
* constrained clustering based approach for matching a collection of feature sets, A
* Constrained dominant sets for retrieval
* Constrained Local and Global Consistency for semi-supervised learning
* Content selection using frontalness evaluation of multiple frames
* Context aware nonnegative matrix factorization clustering
* Context based face spoofing detection using active near-infrared images
* Context-aware mathematical expression recognition: An end-to-end framework and a benchmark
* Context-regularized learning of fully convolutional networks for scene labeling
* Contextual Similarity Regularized Metric Learning for person re-identification
* Continuous low latency heart rate estimation from painful faces in real time
* Contrast Enhancement Using Combined 1-D and 2-D Histogram-Based Techniques
* Contravariant Adaptation on the Manifold of Invertible Matrix Transfer Functions
* Convex optimization approach for multi-label feature selection based on mutual information
* Convolutional covariance features: Conception, integration and performance in person re-identification
* Convolutional Neural Networks for object recognition on mobile devices: A case study
* Convolutional neural networks for ocular smartphone-based biometrics
* Coupled convolution layer for convolutional neural network
* Coupled multiple dictionary learning based on edge sharpness for single-image super-resolution
* Crack detection based on a Marked Point Process model
* Cross Validation Through Two-Dimensional Solution Surface for Cost-Sensitive SVM
* Cross-Domain Visual Matching via Generalized Similarity Measure and Feature Learning
* Cross-heterogeneous-database age estimation with co-representation among them
* Cross-Modal Retrieval Using Multiordered Discriminative Structured Subspace Learning
* Cross-Scale Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* Cross-scenario clothing retrieval and fine-grained style recognition
* Cross-view transformation based sparse reconstruction for person re-identification
* Crossmodal point cloud registration in the Hough space for mobile laser scanning data
* Crosstalk Effect in SNPP VIIRS
* Crowdsourcing Thousands of Specialized Labels: A Bayesian Active Training Approach
* CrowdTranscoding: Online Video Transcoding With Massive Viewers
* Curl-Constrained Gradient Estimation for Image Recovery From Highly Incomplete Spectral Data
* Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming and Calibration for Weather Applications
* D-LSM: Deep Liquid State Machine with unsupervised recurrent reservoir tuning
* Daily Mapping of 30 m LAI and NDVI for Grape Yield Prediction in California Vineyards
* Data-Driven Adaptive Optimal Control of Connected Vehicles
* Day/night unconstrained image dehazing
* DBN-CRF for spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral data, A
* Deblurring of motion blurred images using histogram of oriented gradients and geometric moments
* decision cognizant Kullback-Leibler divergence, A
* Deep Action Unit classification using a binned intensity loss and semantic context model
* Deep convolutional neural network based HEp-2 cell classification
* Deep Coupled Metric Learning for Cross-Modal Matching
* Deep feature extraction in the DCT domain
* Deep Learning Approach for Car Detection in UAV Imagery
* deep learning architecture for protein-protein Interaction Article identification, A
* Deep learning features for handwritten keyword spotting
* Deep learning for integrated hand detection and pose estimation
* Deep learning for magnification independent breast cancer histopathology image classification
* Deep Learning for Quality Assessment in Live Video Streaming
* Deep motion features for visual tracking
* deep multi-level network for saliency prediction, A
* Deep networks are efficient for circular manifolds
* Deep neural network based hidden Markov model for offline handwritten Chinese text recognition
* Deep Sparse-coded Network (DSN)
* Deep structured-output regression learning for computational color constancy
* Deep Video Hashing
* Deeply Learned View-Invariant Features for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Define a fingerprint Orientation Field pattern
* Deliberation for autonomous robots: A survey
* Dense disparity estimation based on feature matching and IGMRF regularization
* Dense multi-view homography estimation and plane segmentation
* Density-Based Clustering Method for Urban Scene Mobile Laser Scanning Data Segmentation, A
* Depth estimation with cascade occlusion culling filter for light-field cameras
* Depth map upsampling by self-guided residual interpolation
* Depth-based 3D hand pose tracking
* Derived Observations From Frequently Sampled Microwave Measurements of Precipitation. Part II: Sensitivity to Atmospheric Variables and Instrument Parameters
* Design of 2-D Explicit Depth Extrapolators Using the Cauchy Norm, The
* Design of distributed cooperative observer for heavy-haul train with unknown displacement
* Designing multi-label classifiers that maximize F measures: State of the art
* Detecting Cardiovascular Disease from Mammograms With Deep Learning
* Detecting contextual collective anomalies at a Glance
* Detecting low-quality reference time series in stream recognition
* Detecting road surface wetness from audio: A deep learning approach
* Detection and characterization of Intrinsic symmetry of 3D shapes
* Detection and localization with multi-scale models
* Detection and Prevention of Seniors Falls
* Detection by classification of buildings in multispectral satellite imagery
* Detection of Absorbing Aerosol Using Single Near-UV Radiance Measurements from a Cloud and Aerosol Imager
* Detection of duplicate identities in streams of biometric samples: A gait-based case study
* Detection of Flavescence dorée Grapevine Disease Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Multispectral Imagery
* Detection of glare in night photography
* Detection of groups in crowd considering their activity state
* Detection of Intracranial Hypertension using Deep Learning
* Digital phase correction of a partially coherent sparse aperture system
* Dilemma First Search for effortless optimization of NP-hard problems
* Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Ensemble Discriminative Local Metric Learning
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Graph-Based Discriminant Analysis Considering Spectral Similarity
* Direct-Path Interference Resistant Passive Detector, A
* Directional Spreading Function of the Gravity-Capillary Wave Spectrum Derived from Radar Observations
* Discovering characteristic landmarks on ancient coins using convolutional networks
* Discriminant auto encoders for face recognition with expression and pose variations
* Discriminant Deep Belief Network for High-Resolution SAR Image Classification
* Discriminative Bag-of-Words-Based Adaptive Appearance Model for Robust Visual Tracking
* Discriminative Reverse Sparse Tracking via Weighted Multitask Learning
* Discriminative sparse flexible manifold embedding with novel graph for robust visual representation and label propagation
* Discriminative Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A Semi-Supervised Perspective
* Disjunctive Normal Parametric Level Set With Application to Image Segmentation
* distance-based shape descriptor invariant to similitude and its application to shape classification, A
* Distance-preserving vector space embedding for the closest string problem
* Distinguishing Text/Non-Text Natural Images with Multi-Dimensional Recurrent Neural Networks
* Distributed and Unsupervised Cost-Driven Person Re-Identification
* Distributed Compressive Sensing for Cloud-Based Wireless Image Transmission
* Distributed data augmented support vector machine on Spark
* Diversified Visual Attention Networks for Fine-Grained Object Classification
* DLSTM approach to video modeling with hashing for large-scale video retrieval
* Dominant plane recognition in interior scenes from a single image
* Dual active contours model for HR-pQCT cortical bone segmentation
* Dual approximated nuclear norm based matrix regression via adaptive line search scheme
* Dynamic collaboration of far-infrared and visible spectrum for human detection
* Dynamic Indoor Field Model for Emergency Evacuation Simulation, A
* Dynamic photometric stereo method using multi-tap CMOS image sensor
* Dynamical Textures Modeling via Joint Video Dictionary Learning
* ECMdd: Evidential c-medoids clustering with multiple prototypes
* Edge chain detection by applying Helmholtz principle on gradient magnitude map
* Edge-Based Matching Kernel on Commute-Time Spanning Trees, An
* Edge-guided depth map enhancement
* Editorial: Special Section on deep image and video understanding
* Effective 3D based frontalization for unconstrained face recognition
* Effective High-Performance Multiway Spatial Join Algorithm with Spark, An
* Effective real-scenario Video Copy Detection
* Effective surface normals based action recognition in depth images
* effective voiceprint based identity authentication system for Mandarin smartphone users, An
* Efficient approximation of labeling problems with applications to immune repertoire analysis
* Efficient Compressed Sensing for Wireless Neural Recording: A Deep Learning Approach
* Efficient Continuous Beam Steering for Planar Arrays of Differential Microphones
* efficient Hough transform for multi-instance object recognition and pose estimation, An
* Efficient JPEG decompression by the alternating direction method of multipliers
* Efficient Multilinear Optimization Framework for Hypergraph Matching, An
* efficient radiographic Image Retrieval system using Convolutional Neural Network, An
* Efficient segmentation for Region-based Image Retrieval using Edge Integrated Minimum Spanning Tree
* efficient semi-supervised representatives feature selection algorithm based on information theory, An
* efficient solution to absolute orientation, An
* Efficient Stepsize Selection Strategy for Givens Parametrized ICA Applied to EEG Denoising
* Efficient tracking with distinctive target colors and silhouette
* Efficient video face recognition by using Fisher Vector encoding of binary features
* Efficient volumetric fusion of airborne and street-side data for urban reconstruction
* Efficient Weighted Least Squares Estimator for Elliptic Localization in Distributed MIMO Radars, An
* Egocentric hand detection via region growth
* EISeg: Effective interactive segmentation
* Embedding vision-based advanced driver assistance systems: a survey
* Emerging 3-D Imaging and Display Technologies
* Emission optimised control and speed limit for isolated intersections
* empirical investigation into the inconsistency of sequential active learning, An
* Empirical Study of Deformable Part Model with fast feature pyramid, An
* Employing subjects' information as privileged information for emotion recognition from EEG signals
* Enabling Focus Cues in Head-Mounted Displays
* Enabling the Extraction of Climate-Scale Temporal Salinity Variations from Aquarius: An Instrument Based Long-Term Radiometer Drift Correction
* Energy minimization of discrete functions with higher-order potentials for depth map generation
* Energy-based topological outlier filtering
* Energy-Efficient Images
* Enhanced face detection using body part detections for wearable cameras
* Enhanced Just Noticeable Difference Model for Images With Pattern Complexity
* Enhancement of Low Light Level Images with coupled dictionary learning
* Enhancing label inference algorithms considering vertex importance in graph-based semi-supervised learning
* Enhancing the runtime of JUDOCA detector
* EnKF-based scheme to optimize hyper-parameters and features for SVM classifier, An
* Ensemble-based local learning for high-dimensional data regression
* Ensemble-driven support vector clustering: From ensemble learning to automatic parameter estimation
* Epipolar geometry based on line similarity
* Error-Resilient Video Encoding Using Parallel Independent Signature Processing
* Establishing Keypoint Matches on Multimodal Images With Bootstrap Strategy and Global Information
* Estimates of Classification Complexity for Myoelectric Pattern Recognition
* Estimating Soil Salinity Under Various Moisture Conditions: An Experimental Study
* Estimating the Accuracy Level Among Individual Detections in Clustered Microcalcifications
* Evaluating Image Precision of Acoustical Imaging Diffraction by Focused Ultrasound Beam
* Evaluating Responsive Web Design's Impact on Blind Users
* Evaluation and Improvement of SMOS and SMAP Soil Moisture Products for Soils with High Organic Matter over a Forested Area in Northeast China
* Evaluation of feature descriptors for cancerous tissue recognition
* Evaluation of Remote Sensing Inversion Error for the Above-Ground Biomass of Alpine Meadow Grassland Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data
* Evaluation of the background modeling method Auto-Adaptive Parallel Neural Network Architecture in the SBMnet dataset
* Evaluation of the Range Accuracy and the Radiometric Calibration of Multiple Terrestrial Laser Scanning Instruments for Data Interoperability
* Evapotranspiration Mapping in a Heterogeneous Landscape Using Remote Sensing and Global Weather Datasets: Application to the Mara Basin, East Africa
* EvaToon: A novel graph matching system for evaluating cartoon drawings
* Event recognition in photo albums using probabilistic graphical model and feature relevance
* Evolutionary data purification for social media classification
* Examining pedestrian evasive actions as a potential indicator for traffic conflicts
* Examining Spatial Distribution and Dynamic Change of Urban Land Covers in the Brazilian Amazon Using Multitemporal Multisensor High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Explicit APM-LDPC Codes With Girths 6, 8, and 10
* Exploiting local and global geometric data relationships in Support Vector Data Description
* Exploiting social and mobility patterns for friendship prediction in location-based social networks
* Exploiting supervised learning for finetuning deep CNNs in content based image retrieval
* Exploring deep learning based solutions in fine grained activity recognition in the wild
* Exposing and modeling underlying mechanisms in ALS with machine learning
* Exposing seam carving forgery under recompression attacks by hybrid large feature mining
* Expression invariant 3D face modeling from an RGB-D video
* Extracting a background image by a multi-modal scene background model
* Extrapolating Forest Canopy Fuel Properties in the California Rim Fire by Combining Airborne LiDAR and Landsat OLI Data
* Extreme-Dynamic-Range Sensing: Real-Time Adaptation to Extreme Signals
* Face alignment with Cascaded Bidirectional LSTM Neural Networks
* Face anti-spoofing with multifeature videolet aggregation
* Face detection based on deep convolutional neural networks exploiting incremental facial part learning
* Face hallucination by deep traversal network
* Face image super-resolution via weighted patches regression
* Face in any Form: New Challenges and Opportunities for Face Recognition Technology, A
* Face recognition using activities of directed graphs in spatial pyramid
* Face Search at Scale
* Face spoofing detection based on 3D lighting environment analysis of image pair
* Face Verification via Class Sparsity Based Supervised Encoding
* Face verification with three-dimensional point cloud by using deep belief networks
* Facial depth map enhancement via neighbor embedding
* Facial expression recognition based on static and dynamic approaches
* Facial expression recognition by re-ranking with global and local generic features
* Facial landmark detection based on an ensemble of local weighted regressors during real driving situation
* Fast 3D hand estimation for mobile interactions
* fast and accurate motion descriptor for human action recognition applications, A
* Fast and accurate scale estimation method for object tracking
* fast approach for traffic panel detection from natural scene images, A
* Fast gesture recognition with Multiple Stream Discrete HMMs on 3D skeletons
* Fast Image Dehazing Method Based on Linear Transformation
* Fast intra coding unit decision for high efficiency video coding based on statistical information
* Fast Inverse-Free Sparse Bayesian Learning via Relaxed Evidence Lower Bound Maximization
* Fast kernel SVM training via support vector identification
* Fast local polynomial regression approach for speckle noise removal
* Fast motion deblurring using gyroscopes and strong edge prediction
* Fast projector-camera calibration for interactive projection mapping
* Fast random k-labELsets for large-scale multi-label classification
* Fast road scene segmentation using deep learning and scene-based models
* Fast template matching using Brick Partitioning and initial threshold
* Fast thresholding of high dimensional Euclidean distances using binary squaring
* Fast Unsupervised Bayesian Image Segmentation With Adaptive Spatial Regularisation
* Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
* Faster training of very deep networks via p-norm gates
* Feature descriptor based on local intensity order relations of pixel group
* feature fusion framework for hashing, A
* Feature Selection Based on High Dimensional Model Representation for Hyperspectral Images
* Feature selection by maximizing correlation information for integrated high-dimensional protein data
* Feature Sensitive Label Fusion With Random Walker for Atlas-Based Image Segmentation
* Field test of train trajectory optimisation on a metro line
* Finding rigid sub-structure patterns from 3D point-sets
* Finetuning Convolutional Neural Networks for visual aesthetics
* Fingerprint sensor classification via Melange of handcrafted features
* Flat Panel Light-Field 3-D Display: Concept, Design, Rendering, and Calibration
* Flickr30k Entities: Collecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models
* Flip-avoiding interpolating surface registration for skull reconstruction
* Flood Monitoring Using Satellite-Based RGB Composite Imagery and Refractive Index Retrieval in Visible and Near-Infrared Bands
* Fluorescence Diffusion in the Presence of Optically Clear Tissues in a Mouse Head Model
* Forecasting Urban Vacancy Dynamics in a Shrinking City: A Land Transformation Model
* foveation technique applied to face de-identification, A
* Frame level annotations for tennis videos
* framework for joint facial expression recognition and point localization, A
* Full-Parallax Holographic Light-Field 3-D Displays and Interactive 3-D Touch
* Fully automated shape analysis for detection of Osteoarthritis from lateral knee radiographs
* Fully automatic image colorization based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Fully convolutional recurrent network for handwritten Chinese text recognition
* Fusing iris colour and texture information for fast iris recognition on mobile devices
* Fusion and community detection in multi-layer graphs
* Fusion of classifier predictions for audio-visual emotion recognition
* future for learning semantic models of man-made environments, A
* Fuzzy AutoEncode Based Cloud Detection for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Fuzzy-GA Based Decision Making System for Detecting Damaged Buildings from High-Spatial Resolution Optical Images, A
* Gain-Scheduling Driver Assistance Trajectory-Following Algorithm Considering Different Driver Steering Characteristics, A
* game-theoretical approach for joint matching of multiple feature throughout unordered images, A
* Gaze estimation using EEG signals for HCI in augmented and virtual reality headsets
* Generalized face anti-spoofing by detecting pulse from face videos
* Generalized stacking of layerwise-trained Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for document image classification
* Generating commentaries for tennis videos
* Generating Fluttering Patterns with Low Autocorrelation for Coded Exposure Imaging
* Generating Up-to-Date and Detailed Land Use and Land Cover Maps Using OpenStreetMap and GlobeLand30
* Generative classification model for categorical data based on latent Gaussian process
* Geometric backtracking for combined task and motion planning in robotic systems
* Geometric verification using semi-2D constraints for 3D object retrieval
* geometric-based tattoo retrieval system, A
* Getting Started with UAV Imaging Systems: A Radiometric Guide
* GIFT: Towards Scalable 3D Shape Retrieval
* GIS-Based Fuzzy Decision Making Model for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment in Areas with Incomplete Data, A
* GIST of aligning faces, The
* Glacier Surge of Bivachny Glacier, Pamir Mountains, Observed by a Time Series of High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models and Glacier Velocities, A
* Global optimal energy management control strategies for connected four-wheel-drive hybrid electric vehicles
* GPU-accelerated descriptor extraction process for 3D registration in Augmented Reality
* Granular trajectory based anomaly detection for surveillance
* Graph edit distance as a quadratic program
* Graph model boosting for structural data recognition
* Graph Regularized Auto-Encoders for Image Representation
* Graphical Evolutionary Game Approach to Social Learning, A
* GRASS: A Gradient-Based Random Sampling Scheme for Milano Retinex
* Gravity-Capillary Wave Spectral Modulation by Gravity Waves
* Group and collaborative dictionary pair learning for face recognition
* Guest Editorial: Image and Language Understanding
* Handoff Performance Improvements in an Integrated Train-Ground Communication System Based on Wireless Network Virtualization
* Handwritten Chinese character recognition with spatial transformer and deep residual networks
* HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using motif texture patterns and spatial features with random forests
* HEp-2 cell classification using artificial neural network approach
* HEp-2 specimen classification via deep CNNs and pattern histogram
* HEp-2 specimen classification with fully convolutional network
* Hierarchical graph embedding in vector space by graph pyramid
* Hierarchical Hough forests for view-independent action recognition
* Hierarchical learning for large multi-class network classification
* HIF3D: Handwriting-Inspired Features for 3D skeleton-based action recognition
* High and Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery to Evaluate Late Holocene Human-Environment Interactions in Arid Lands: A Case Study from the Central Sahara
* High dynamic range image processing using manifold-based ordering
* High precision gesture sensing via quantitative characterization of the Doppler effect
* Higher Order Hybrid SIE/FEM/SEM Method for the Flexible Electromagnetic Simulation in Layered Medium, A
* Higher Order Linear Dynamical Systems for Smoke Detection in Video Surveillance Applications
* Higher-level representation of local spatio-temporal features for human action recognition using Subspace Matching Kernels
* Historical document digitization through layout analysis and deep content classification
* Holographic and Light-Field Imaging as Future 3-D Displays
* Holographic aperture ladar with range compression
* HOOFR: An enhanced bio-inspired feature extractor
* HRTT: A Hierarchical Roof Topology Structure for Robust Building Roof Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Human activity prediction based on Sub-volume Relationship Descriptor
* Human group activity recognition based on modelling moving regions interdependencies
* Human pose estimation based on human limbs
* Human tracking in crowded scenes using target information at previous frames
* Hybrid Approach for Three-Dimensional Building Reconstruction in Indianapolis from LiDAR Data, A
* Hybrid deep learning for Reflectance Confocal Microscopy skin images
* Hybrid hypergraph construction for facial expression recognition
* Hybrid Markov Blanket discovery
* Hyperparameter tuning for big data using Bayesian optimisation
* Hyperspectral and Lidar Intensity Data Fusion: A Framework for the Rigorous Correction of Illumination, Anisotropic Effects, and Cross Calibration
* Hyperspectral and Multispectral Retrieval of Suspended Sediment in Shallow Coastal Waters Using Semi-Analytical and Empirical Methods
* hyperspectral image restoration method based on analysis sparse filter, A
* iCAP: An Individualized Model Combining Gaze Parameters and Image-Based Features to Predict Radiologists Decisions While Reading Mammograms
* Ice Detection of Pure and Saline Ice Using Infrared Signature
* ICPR2016 contest on Arabic Text detection and Recognition in video frames - AcTiVComp
* Identifying Witness Accounts from Social Media Using Imagery
* Image restoration and segmentation using the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional and Discrete Calculus
* Image stack surface area minimization for groupwise and multimodal affine registration
* Image-based gender estimation from body and face across distances
* Impact of on-board tutoring systems to improve driving efficiency of non-professional drivers
* Implicit hybrid video emotion tagging by integrating video content and users' multiple physiological responses
* Improved Density-Based Time Series Clustering Method Based on Image Resampling: A Case Study of Surface Deformation Pattern Analysis, An
* Improved depth coding for HEVC focusing on depth edge approximation
* Improved sparse representation method for image classification
* Improvement of camera calibration using surface normals
* Improving classifier fusion via Pool Adjacent Violators normalization
* Improving cross sensor interoperability for fingerprint identification
* Improving Fractional Impervious Surface Mapping Performance through Combination of DMSP-OLS and MODIS NDVI Data
* Improving PGF retrieval effectiveness with active learning
* Improving Spatial Coverage for Aqua MODIS AOD using NDVI-Based Multi-Temporal Regression Analysis
* Improving the performance of interferometric imaging through the use of disturbance feedforward
* Improving the performance of pedestrian detectors using convolutional learning
* In the Saddle: Chasing fast and repeatable features
* In-air handwritten Chinese character recognition using discriminative projection based on locality-sensitive sparse representation
* In-Field High-Throughput Phenotyping of Cotton Plant Height Using LiDAR
* Increased generalization capability of trainable COSFIRE filters with application to machine vision
* Incremental construction of rule ensembles using classifiers produced by different class orderings
* Indexing Mayan hieroglyphs with neural codes
* Inexact graph matching for entity recognition in OCRed documents
* Inexact MDL for linear manifold clusters
* Influence of External Digital Elevation Models on PS-InSAR and SBAS Results: Implications for the Analysis of Deformation Signals Caused by Slow Moving Landslides in the Northern Apennines (Italy), The
* Influence of normalization and color space to color texture classification
* Information fusion for cocaine dependence recognition using fMRI
* information theoretic feature selection framework based on integer programming, An
* Information-theoretic atomic representation for robust pattern classification
* Information-Theoretic Compressive Measurement Design
* Initialized Iterative Closest Point for bone recognition in ultrasound volumes
* InSAR Time-Series Analysis of Land Subsidence under Different Land Use Types in the Eastern Beijing Plain, China
* Instantaneous Feedback Control for a Fuel-Prioritized Vehicle Cruising System on Highways With a Varying Slope
* integrated descriptor for texture classification, An
* Integrated inference and learning of neural factors in structural support vector machines
* Integrating deep features for material recognition
* Integrating Geospatial Techniques for Urban Land Use Classification in the Developing Sub-Saharan African City of Lusaka, Zambia
* Integrating hidden Markov models based on Mixture-of-Templates and k-NN2 ensemble for activity recognition
* Integration of GIS and Moving Objects in Surveillance Video
* Intelligent Charge Rate Optimization of PHEVs Incorporating Driver Satisfaction and Grid Constraints
* Intelligent neural computing-based way for multi-sensor imaging radar data fusion
* intensity- and region-guided narrow-band level set model for contour tracking, An
* Inter-dependent CNNs for joint scene and object recognition
* Interactive region segmentation for manga
* Intercomparison of Satellite-Based Daily Evapotranspiration Estimates under Different Eco-Climatic Regions in South Africa, An
* Interference of Heavy Aerosol Loading on the VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval Algorithm
* Interferometry With ALOS-2 Full-Aperture ScanSAR Data
* Internal Crown Geometric Model for Conifer Species Classification With High-Density LiDAR Data, An
* International Contest on Pattern Recognition techniques for indirect immunofluorescence images analysis
* Interpolation and Prediction of Spatiotemporal Data Based on XML Integrated with Grey Dynamic Model
* Intrinsically motivated model learning for developing curious robots
* Intrusion Detection and Ejection Framework Against Lethal Attacks in UAV-Aided Networks: A Bayesian Game-Theoretic Methodology
* Iterative Decision Feedback Equalization for SC-FDE Systems Without Fine Timing Synchronization
* Iterative Soft/Hard Thresholding With Homotopy Continuation for Sparse Recovery
* ITS-G5 performance improvement and evaluation for vulnerable road user safety services
* Joint Defogging and Demosaicking
* Joint facial expression recognition and intensity estimation based on weighted votes of image sequences
* joint facial point detection method of deep convolutional network and shape regression, A
* Joint K-Means quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Joint learning dictionary and discriminative features for high dimensional data
* Joint sparse principal component analysis
* Joint training of conditional random fields and neural networks for stroke classification in online handwritten documents
* Joint Transmit and Receive Beamforming for Hybrid Active-Passive Radar
* JPEG at 25: Still Going Strong
* JPSS-1VIIRS Prelaunch Polarization Testing and Performance
* k-quantiles: L1 distance clustering under a sum constraint
* Kernel alignment for unsupervised transfer learning
* Kernel Hierarchical PCA for person re-identification
* Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering with a Spatial Max Pooling Operation for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Interpretation
* Kernelized covariance for action recognition
* Key frame extraction for salient activity recognition
* Knowing when you don't: Bag of visual words with reject option for automatic visual inspection of bulk materials
* Knowledge-Based Search Strategy for Optimally Structuring the Terrain Dependent Rational Function Models, A
* KRNN: k Rare-class Nearest Neighbour classification
* Kurtosis and skewness at pixel level as input for SOM networks to iris recognition on mobile devices
* L-CNN: Exploiting labeling latency in a CNN learning framework
* LaBGen-P: A pixel-level stationary background generation method based on LaBGen
* Lambda means clustering: Automatic parameter search and distributed computing implementation
* Landmark manifold: Revisiting the Riemannian manifold approach for facial emotion recognition
* Lane Change Maneuvers for Automated Vehicles
* Large-Scale Continuous Gesture Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Large-scale gesture recognition with a fusion of RGB-D data based on the C3D model
* Large-Scale Isolated Gesture Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Large-scale Isolated Gesture Recognition using pyramidal 3D convolutional networks
* late fusion approach to combine multiple pedestrian detectors, A
* Latent regression Bayesian network for data representation
* Latest Multimedia Research from ISM 2016, The
* Layered ground truth: Conveying structural and statistical information for document image analysis and evaluation
* Learned vs. engineered features for fine-grained classification of aquatic macroinvertebrates
* Learning a lightweight deep convolutional network for joint age and gender recognition
* Learning Coupled Classifiers with RGB images for RGB-D object recognition
* Learning data-driven image similarity measure
* Learning effective Gait features using LSTM
* Learning face recognition from limited training data using deep neural networks
* Learning Hierarchical Decision Trees for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Learning local descriptors by optimizing the keypoint-correspondence criterion
* Learning opposites using neural networks
* Learning robust features for gait recognition by Maximum Margin Criterion
* Learning rotation invariant convolutional filters for texture classification
* Learning shape variations of motion trajectories for gait analysis
* Learning to Semantically Segment High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Learning tubes
* Learning-based single image dehazing via genetic programming
* Learning-by-synthesis for accurate eye detection
* Legibility and Permeability of Cities: Examining the Role of Spatial Data and Metrics, The
* Leveraging intra-class variations to improve large vocabulary gesture recognition
* Leveraging multiple tasks to regularize fine-grained classification
* Light-Field Image Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Light-Field Journey to Virtual Reality, A
* Lightweight CUDA-Based Parallel Map Reprojection Method for Raster Datasets of Continental to Global Extent, A
* Linear model optimizer vs Neural Networks: A comparison for improving the quality and saving of LED-Lighting control systems
* Link prediction via Supervised Dynamic Network Formation
* Live Broadcast With Community Interactions: Bottlenecks and Optimizations
* LLNet: A deep autoencoder approach to natural low-light image enhancement
* Local Active Content Fingerprint: Solutions for general linear feature maps
* Local Adaptive Binary Patterns Using Diamond Sampling Structure for Texture Classification
* Local blur correction for document images
* Local descriptors fusion for mobile iris verification
* Local multiple directional pattern of palmprint image
* Locality in multi-label classification problems
* Localization of skin features on the hand and wrist from small image patches
* Locally warping-based image stitching by imposing line constraints
* Locating human interactions with discriminatively trained deformable pose+motion parts
* Location-associated indoor behavior analysis of multiple persons
* Loess Landslide Inventory Map Based on GF-1 Satellite Imagery
* Look who is not talking: Assessing engagement levels in panel conversations
* Loss factors for learning Boosting ensembles from imbalanced data
* Low-Complexity Image and Video Coding Based on an Approximate Discrete Tchebichef Transform
* Low-Complexity Vision-Based System for Real-Time Traffic Monitoring, A
* Low-Rank and Adaptive Sparse Signal (LASSI) Models for Highly Accelerated Dynamic Imaging
* Low-Rank Embedding for Robust Image Feature Extraction
* Machine Learning approach to dissimilarity computation: Iris matching
* Machine learning framework incorporating expert knowledge in tissue image annotation
* Magnifying subtle facial motions for 4D Expression Recognition
* Manifold matching using shortest-path distance and joint neighborhood selection
* Manifold Regularized Multi-view Subspace Clustering for image representation
* Mapping 2000-2010 Impervious Surface Change in India Using Global Land Survey Landsat Data
* Mapping the Expansion of Boom Crops in Mainland Southeast Asia Using Dense Time Stacks of Landsat Data
* Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Development Framework: Croatia Case Study
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Automated Face Image Analysis
* Matrix exponential based semi-supervised discriminant embedding for image classification
* Matryoshka Peek: Toward Learning Fine-Grained, Robust, Discriminative Features for Product Search
* Maximal level estimation and unbalance reduction for graph signal downsampling
* Maximum clique based RGB-D visual odometry
* Maximum-likelihood approximate nearest neighbor method in real-time image recognition
* MBES-CARIS Data Validation for Bathymetric Mapping of Shallow Water in the Kingdom of Bahrain on the Arabian Gulf
* MCMC-based prior sub-hypergraph matching in presence of outliers, An
* MCNC: Multi-Channel Nonparametric Clustering from heterogeneous data
* MDID: A Multiply Distorted Image Database for Image Quality Assessment
* Measuring Azimuth Deformation With L-Band ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry
* Measuring dependency via intrinsic dimensionality
* Measuring regularity of network patterns by grid approximations using the LLL algorithm
* Meta-action descriptor for action recognition in RGBD video
* Meta-regression based pool size prediction scheme for dynamic selection of classifiers
* Method for Measuring Orientation Within a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner Using Gravity and the Static Magnetic Field (VectOrient), A
* Microscopy Techniques for Topography Image Acquisition of Marks on Cartridge Cases
* Minimal filtered channel features for pedestrian detection
* Misalignment resilient CCA for interactive satellite image change detection
* Misclassification tolerable learning for robust pedestrian orientation classification
* Mixed Radiometric Normalization Method for Mosaicking of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* MLPF algorithm for tracking fast moving target against light interference
* Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation II: Results from the ICPR competition
* Model-Based Classification and Novelty Detection for Point Pattern Data
* Model-based face reconstruction using SIFT flow registration and spherical harmonics
* Model-based furniture recognition for building semantic object maps
* Modeling 4D Human-Object Interactions for Joint Event Segmentation, Recognition, and Object Localization
* Modeling Biomass Production in Seasonal Wetlands Using MODIS NDVI Land Surface Phenology
* Modeling human-skeleton motion patterns using conditional deep Boltzmann machine
* Modeling label dependence for multi-label classification using the Choquistic regression
* Modeling targets for electromagnetic induction sensing applications
* Modelling Seasonal GWR of Daily PM2.5 with Proper Auxiliary Variables for the Yangtze River Delta
* Modification of supervised OPF-based intrusion detection systems using unsupervised learning and social network concept
* Moment-based symmetry detection for scene modeling and recognition using RGB-D images
* Morphology-based hierarchical representation with application to text segmentation in natural images
* Motion segment decomposition of RGB-D sequences for human behavior understanding
* Motion-Aware Graph Regularized RPCA for background modeling of complex scenes
* Movie Description
* Moving object detection for vehicle tracking in Wide Area Motion Imagery using 4D filtering
* Moving object detection from a point cloud using photometric and depth consistencies
* Moving object reconstruction in monocular video data using boundary generation
* MRCNN: A stateful Fast R-CNN
* MREKLM: A fast multiple empirical kernel learning machine
* MSR-CNN: Applying motion salient region based descriptors for action recognition
* Multi-crop Convolutional Neural Networks for lung nodule malignancy suspiciousness classification
* multi-expert based framework for automatic image annotation, A
* Multi-focus image fusion using quaternion wavelet transform
* Multi-label classification with meta-label-specific features
* Multi-label learning with globAl densiTy fusiOn Mapping features
* Multi-Language Online Handwriting Recognition
* Multi-modal Neural Conditional Ordinal Random Fields for agreement level estimation
* multi-modal RGB-D object recognizer, A
* multi-objective approach based on TOPSIS to solve the image segmentation combination problem, A
* Multi-orientation scene text detection with multi-information fusion
* Multi-Paced Dictionary Learning for cross-domain retrieval and recognition
* multi-scale cascade fully convolutional network face detector, A
* Multi-Scale Multi-Feature Context Modeling for Scene Recognition in the Semantic Manifold
* Multi-scale underwater descattering
* Multi-Scale Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products over Cold and Arid Regions in Northwestern China Using Distributed Ground Observation Data
* Multi-scale volumes for deep object detection and localization
* Multi-script writer identification using dissimilarity
* Multi-spectral pedestrian detection based on accumulated object proposal with fully convolutional networks
* Multi-task learning for one-class SVM with additional new features
* Multidimensional Optical Sensing and Imaging System (MOSIS): From Macroscales to Microscales
* Multifrequency Radar Imagery and Characterization of Hazardous and Noxious Substances at Sea
* Multilinear Spatial Discriminant Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction
* Multilingual articulatory features augmentation learning
* Multimodal deep learning for solar radio burst classification
* Multimodal fusion of audio, scene, and face features for first impression estimation
* Multimodal Imaging Based on Digital Holography
* Multiple adverse effects prediction in longitudinal cancer treatment
* Multiple Facial Action Unit recognition by learning joint features and label relations
* Multiple facial action unit recognition enhanced by facial expressions
* Multiple human tracking in RGB-depth data: a survey
* Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning using Functions of Multiple Instances
* Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for object recognition
* Multiple Instance Learning with multiple positive and negative target concepts
* Multiple kernel learning using data envelopment analysis and feature vector selection and projection
* Multiscale line segment detector for robust and accurate SfM
* multiscale method for shape recognition of overlapping elliptical particles, A
* Multisensor Coupled Spectral Unmixing for Time-Series Analysis
* Multisensory Experiences in HCI
* Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification: A Two-Step Approach
* Multiview clustering based on Robust and Regularized Matrix Approximation
* Mutli-channel micro-structure difference descriptor for image retrieval
* Mutual information-based RBM neural networks
* Mutual interaction model between the number of people in real space and the number of tweets in virtual space
* Mutually incoherent pose bases for Action recognition
* Network entropy analysis using the Maxwell-Boltzmann partition function
* New Analytical Method for Estimating Antarctic Ice Flow in the 1960s From Historical Optical Satellite Imagery, A
* new approach to mathematical morphology on one dimensional sampled signals, A
* new compressive sensing video coding framework based on Gaussian mixture model, A
* New Contourlet Transform With Adaptive Directional Partitioning, A
* new database for online handwritten Mongolian word recognition, A
* new density kernel in density peak based clustering, A
* New Directions in Navigation and Positioning: Signal processing-enabled technologies pinpoint people, places, and things
* new efficient measure for accuracy prediction and its application to multistream-based unsupervised adaptation, A
* new feature selection method based on a validity index of feature subset, A
* new geometrical approach for solving the supervised pattern recognition problem, A
* new method for spatiotemporal textual saliency detection in video, A
* new multi-modal approach to bib number/text detection and recognition in Marathon images, A
* New Sparse Representation Framework for Reconstruction of an Isotropic High Spatial Resolution MR Volume From Orthogonal Anisotropic Resolution Scans, A
* New Spatial Attraction Model for Improving Subpixel Land Cover Classification, A
* New Word Extraction From Chinese Financial Documents
* Niche Modeling of Dengue Fever Using Remotely Sensed Environmental Factors and Boosted Regression Trees
* NIR-Red Spectra-Based Disaggregation of SMAP Soil Moisture to 250 m Resolution Based on SMAPEx-4/5 in Southeastern Australia
* No-Reference Hyperspectral Image Quality Assessment via Quality-Sensitive Features Learning
* No-Reference JPEG Image Quality Assessment Based on Blockiness and Luminance Change
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped HDR Pictures
* Noise stable image registration using RANdom RESAmple Consensus
* Non-negative multiple matrix factorization with Euclidean and Kullback-Leibler mixed divergences
* Non-rigid dense bijective maps
* Non-rigid Point Matching using Topology Preserving Constraints for Medical Computer Vision
* Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by curvature minimization
* Nonlinear Discrete Cross-Modal Hashing for Visual-Textual Data
* Novel Approach for Coarse-to-Fine Windthrown Tree Extraction Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, A
* Novel Approach for the Test of Active Pedestrian Safety Systems, A
* Novel character segmentation method for overlapped Chinese handwriting recognition based on LSTM neural networks
* novel entropy-based graph signature from the average mixing matrix, A
* novel filterbank especially designed for the classification of colonic polyps, A
* novel fingerprint classification method based on deep learning, A
* Novel Fractional-Order Difference Schemes Reducible to Standard Integer-Order Formulas
* Novel generative model for facial expressions based on statistical shape analysis of landmarks trajectories
* novel hybrid camera system with depth and fisheye cameras, A
* Novel k-Means Clustering Based Task Decomposition Method for Distributed Vector-Based CA Models, A
* novel learning-based dissimilarity metric for rigid and non-rigid medical image registration by using Bhattacharyya Distances, A
* novel method for segmenting moving objects in aerial imagery using matrix recovery and physical spring model, A
* Novel Pan-Sharpening Framework Based on Matting Model and Multiscale Transform, A
* novel photometric stereo method with nonisotropic point light sources, A
* Novel Speed-Density Relationship Model Based on the Energy Conservation Concept, A
* Novel Statistical Approach for Ocean Colour Estimation of Inherent Optical Properties and Cyanobacteria Abundance in Optically Complex Waters, A
* novel text structure feature extractor for Chinese scene text detection and recognition, A
* Novel Two-Compartment Model for Calculating Bone Volume Fractions and Bone Mineral Densities From Computed Tomography Images, A
* Numerical Manipulation of Digital Holograms for 3-D Imaging and Display: An Overview
* Numerically efficient algorithms for anisotropic scale and translation Tchebichef moment invariants
* Object figure-ground segmentation using zero-shot learning
* Object proposals using CNN-based edge filtering
* Object segmentation using low-rank representation with multiple block-diagonal priors
* Object verification in two views using Sparse representation
* Object-aware tracking
* Object-Based Detection of Lakes Prone to Seasonal Ice Cover on the Tibetan Plateau
* Object-Based Semantic Classification Method for High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Ontology, An
* Object-Detection-Based Video Compression for Wireless Surveillance Systems
* Object-Oriented Landslide Mapping Using ZY-3 Satellite Imagery, Random Forest and Mathematical Morphology, for the Three-Gorges Reservoir, China
* Observed Impacts of Wind Farms on Local Vegetation Growth in Northern China, The
* On combining Websensors and DTW distance for kNN Time Series Forecasting
* On looking at faces in an automobile: Issues, algorithms and evaluation on naturalistic driving dataset
* On regularization parameter estimation under covariate shift
* On restricting modalities in likelihood-ratio based biometric score fusion
* On spatio-temporal saliency detection in videos using multilinear PCA
* On the Convergence of Constrained Particle Filters
* On the magnitude of parameters of RBMs being universal approximators
* On the size of Convolutional Neural Networks and generalization performance
* On-road experimental study on driving anger identification model based on physiological features by ROC curve analysis
* One-class slab support vector machine
* One-pass online SVM with extremely small space complexity
* One-shot learning of temporal sequences using a distance dependent Chinese Restaurant Process
* Online and offline handwritten Chinese character recognition: A comprehensive study and new benchmark
* Online MoCap Data Coding With Bit Allocation, Rate Control, and Motion-Adaptive Post-Processing
* Online RGB-D tracking via detection-learning-segmentation
* Online speaker emotion tracking with a dynamic state transition model
* Online Weighted One-Class Ensemble for feature selection in background/foreground separation
* Ontology-Guided Image Interpretation for GEOBIA of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sense Imagery: A Coastal Area Case Study
* Open-Source Semi-Automated Processing Chain for Urban Object-Based Classification, An
* Optical Backscattering Measured by Airborne Lidar and Underwater Glider
* Optical Flow Co-occurrence Matrices: A novel spatiotemporal feature descriptor
* optimal multiclass classifier design, An
* Optimistic semi-supervised least squares classification
* Optimization of Camera Arrangement Using Correspondence Field to Improve Depth Estimation
* Optimization of radial distortion self-calibration for structure from motion from uncalibrated UAV images
* Optimizing multi-graph learning based salient object detection
* Optimizing Multi-Way Spatial Joins of Web Feature Services
* Optimizing top precision performance measure of content-based image retrieval by learning similarity function
* OTSU guided adaptive binarization of CAPTCHA image using gamma correction
* Outdoor omnidirectional video completion via depth estimation by motion analysis
* Over-atoms accumulation orthogonal matching pursuit reconstruction algorithm for fish recognition and identification
* Overcoming feature drifts via dynamic feature weighted k-nearest neighbor learning
* overview of recent progress in volumetric semantic 3D reconstruction, An
* PAC bound for joint matrix completion based on Partially Collective Matrix Factorization, A
* Pair of projections based on sparse consistence with applications to efficient face recognition
* Palmprint recognition via discriminative index learning
* Parallel Agent-as-a-Service (P-AaaS) Based Geospatial Service in the Cloud
* Parametric Surface Diffeomorphometry for Low Dimensional Embeddings of Dense Segmentations and Imagery
* Parametric Surface Representation with Bump Image for Dense 3D Modeling Using an RBG-D Camera
* Partial membership latent Dirichlet allocation for image segmentation
* Partial Multi-View Clustering using Graph Regularized NMF
* Particle-SfT: A Provably-Convergent, Fast Shape-from-Template Algorithm
* Patch sparsity based image inpainting using local patch statistics and steering kernel descriptor
* Patch-based visual microphone for improving quality of sound
* Pattern localization in historical document images via template matching
* Pattern recognition and classification of two cancer cell lines by diffraction imaging at multiple pixel distances
* Pedestrain detection from motion
* Pedestrian and part position detection using a regression-based multiple task deep convolutional neural network
* Pedestrian detection with a resolution-aware convolutional network
* Perceptual Pruning: A Context-Aware Transcoder for Immersive Video Conferencing Systems
* Performance Evaluation of the Triangle-Based Empirical Soil Moisture Relationship Models Based on Landsat-5 TM Data and In Situ Measurements
* Performance of Minimum Mean-Square Error Beam Forming for Polarimetric Phased Array Weather Radar
* Periocular and iris local descriptors for identity verification in mobile applications
* Persistent homology-based gait recognition robust to upper body variations
* Person re-identification using CNN features learned from combination of attributes
* Person re-identification using co-occurrence attributes of physical and adhered human characteristics
* Person re-identification via person DPM based partition
* pertinent evaluation of automatic video summary, A
* Phenological Observations on Classical Prehistoric Sites in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River Based on Landsat NDVI Time Series
* Planar Structure-from-Motion with Affine Camera Models: Closed-Form Solutions, Ambiguities and Degeneracy Analysis
* PLSNet: A simple network using Partial Least Squares regression for image classification
* Plug-In Measure-Transformed Quasi-Likelihood Ratio Test for Random Signal Detection
* Plücker correction problem: Analysis and improvements in efficiency
* Point cloud labeling using 3D Convolutional Neural Network
* Polarimetric Calibration for a Ground-Based Radar, and Comparison of the Polarimetric Parameters with Air-Borne SAR Obtained from a Forest
* Polarization Patterns of Transmitted Celestial Light under Wavy Water Surfaces
* Pollen recognition in optical microscopy by matching multifocal image sequences
* Pollen recognition using a multi-layer hierarchical classifier
* Polygon-shape-based Scale and Rotation Invariant Features for camera-based document image retrieval
* Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences: A Complete Analysis and a Series of Solutions
* Pose estimation using Spectral and Singular Value recomposition
* Postcapture Focusing Using Regression Forest
* Potential Field-Based Model Predictive Path-Planning Controller for Autonomous Road Vehicles, A
* Precise hand segmentation from a single depth image
* Precision Analysis of Camera Distortion Models, A
* Predicting and visualizing psychological attributions with a deep neural network
* Predicting privileged information for height estimation
* Prediction based seam carving for video retargeting
* Prediction of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties by Visible and Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy in the Central Amazon
* Preflight Spectral Calibration of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
* preliminary study of CNNs for iris and periocular verification in the visible spectrum, A
* Preparatory coordination of head, eyes and hands: Experimental study at intersections
* Price-Based Controller for Utility-Aware HTTP Adaptive Streaming
* Proactive Eavesdropping in Relaying Systems
* Procedural Construction Method for Interactive Map Symbols Used for Disasters and Emergency Response, A
* Progress Overview of Capturing Method for Integral 3-D Imaging Displays
* Progressive Dictionary Learning With Hierarchical Predictive Structure for Low Bit-Rate Scalable Video Coding
* proposed pattern recognition framework for EEG-based smart blind watermarking system, A
* Prototyping of LAI and FPAR Retrievals from MODIS Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) Data
* quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred video text frames classification through quality metrics, A
* Quadtree coding with adaptive scanning order for space-borne image compression
* Quantifying radiographic knee osteoarthritis severity using deep convolutional neural networks
* Quantifying the effectiveness of ITS in improving safety of VRUs
* Quantile regression of interval-valued data
* Quantitative analysis of facial paralysis based on limited-orientation modified circular Gabor filters
* Quantum thermodynamics of time evolving networks
* Quaternion-type moments combining both color and depth information for RGB-D object recognition
* Querying Users as Oracles in Tag Engines for Personalized Image Tagging
* Radar HRRP target recognition with deep networks
* Radon transform inspired method for hand gesture recognition
* Radon-Gabor barcodes for medical image retrieval
* Railway Traffic Conflict Detection via a State Transition Prediction Approach
* rank minimization-based late fusion method for multi-label image annotation, A
* Rapid feature space MLLR speaker adaptation for deep neural network acoustic modeling
* Rate distortion optimization using SSIM for 3D video coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Graph-Based Representation for Multiview Images With Complex Camera Configurations
* Re-identification by neighborhood structure metric learning
* Re-Weighted Discriminatively Embedded K-Means for Multi-View Clustering
* Real time Artificial Auditory Systems for cluttered environments
* Real time eye gaze tracking with Kinect
* Real-time drowsiness detection using wearable, lightweight brain sensing headbands
* Real-time removal of random value impulse noise in medical images
* Real-Time Traffic Light Recognition Based on Smartphone Platforms
* Realised safety impacts of electronic stability control in Finland
* Recent Advances in the Capture and Display of Macroscopic and Microscopic 3-D Scenes by Integral Imaging
* Recent Landslide Movement in Tsaoling, Taiwan Tracked by TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X DEM Time Series
* Recognition and Geological Model of a Deep-Seated Ancient Landslide at a Reservoir under Construction, A
* Recognition and transition frame detection of Arabic news captions for video retrieval
* Recognition based text localization from natural scene images
* Recognition of the Point Symbols in the Scanned Topographic Maps, The
* Recognizing arbitrarily connected and superimposed handwritten numerals in intangible writing interfaces
* Recognizing text in historical maps using maps from multiple time periods
* Reduced-reference image quality assessment based on distortion families of local perceived sharpness
* Reducing the computational cost of shape matching with the distance set
* Refining pre-image via error compensation for KPCA-based pattern de-noising
* Reflectance-aware optical flow
* Region based fusion of 3D and 2D visual data for Cultural Heritage objects
* Regions Matching Algorithms Analysis to Quantify the Image Segmentation Results
* Registration and entire shape acquisition for grid based active one-shot scanning techniques
* Regression-based metric learning
* Regressor Basis Learning for anchored super-resolution
* Regularized coplanar discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Regularized dynamic Boltzmann machine with Delay Pruning for unsupervised learning of temporal sequences
* Regularized metric adaptation for unconstrained face verification
* Regularizing AdaBoost with validation sets of increasing size
* Reinforcement Learning via Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks
* Rejection based multipath reconstruction for background estimation in SBMnet 2016 dataset
* Relationship Between the Traffic Flow and the Look-Ahead Cruise Control, The
* Remote photoplethysmography based on implicit living skin tissue segmentation
* Remotely-Sensed Early Warning Signals of a Critical Transition in a Wetland Ecosystem
* Removal of Salt-and-Pepper Noise Using a High-Precision Frequency Analysis Approach
* Research on the Cooperative Train Control Strategy to Reduce Energy Consumption
* Restoration of images with wavefront aberrations
* Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a Single Amplitude Pair of SAR Using Offset Tracking
* Retrieving relative soft biometrics for semantic identification
* Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: Analysis of RF, ANN, and SVM Regression Models
* Reusable road condition information system for traffic safety and targeted maintenance
* RGB-D saliency detection under Bayesian framework
* Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in Healthy Subjects Using 3D Spiral Cine DENSE Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Robotic manipulation of multiple objects as a POMDP
* Robust Deep Appearance Models
* Robust Depth-Based Person Re-Identification
* Robust extrinsic calibration from pedestrians
* Robust feature matching by learning descriptor covariance with viewpoint synthesis
* robust flash image shadow detection method and seamless recovery of shadow regions, A
* Robust global translation averaging with feature tracks
* Robust hand detection in Vehicles
* Robust human activity recognition from depth video using spatiotemporal multi-fused features
* Robust Infrared Maritime Target Detection Based on Visual Attention and Spatiotemporal Filtering
* Robust joint selection of camera orientations and feature projections over multiple views
* Robust kernel principal nested spheres
* Robust Mode-Matching Algorithm for the Analysis of Triaxial Well-Logging Tools in Anisotropic Geophysical Formations, A
* Robust multi-source adaptation visual classification using supervised low-rank representation
* Robust noise region-based active contour model via local similarity factor for image segmentation
* Robust Object Tracking via Locality Sensitive Histograms
* Robust Object Tracking With Discrete Graph-Based Multiple Experts
* Robust online 3D reconstruction combining a depth sensor and sparse feature points
* Robust real-time performance-driven 3D face tracking
* Robust region extraction of moving objects in dynamic background
* Robust Registration of Multimodal Remote Sensing Images Based on Structural Similarity
* Robust road detection from a single image
* Robust signal identification for dynamic pattern classification
* Robust tensor factorization using maximum correntropy criterion
* robust UAV landing site detection system using mid-level discriminative patches, A
* Robust unsupervised feature selection by nonnegative sparse subspace learning
* Robust Visual Tracking With Multitask Joint Dictionary Learning
* Robust volleyball tracking system using multi-view cameras
* Robust wide baseline pose estimation from video
* Robustness in blind camera identification
* ROC-based cost-sensitive classification with a reject option
* Role of Citizen Science in Earth Observation, The
* Room reconstruction from a single spherical image by higher-order energy minimization
* Rotation-free online handwritten character recognition using dyadic path signature features, hanging normalization, and deep neural network
* Rough Neighborhood Covering Reduction for robust classification
* Routing Challenges and Solutions in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
* Safety in Vehicle Platooning: A Systematic Literature Review
* Saliency-guided selective magnification for company logo detection
* Salient object detection in tracking shots
* Salient object detection via sparse representation and multi-layer contour zooming
* Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach
* Salient object segmentation based on linearly combined affinity graphs
* Sampling based approximate spectral clustering ensemble for partitioning datasets
* SAR Image Denoising via Sparse Representation in Shearlet Domain Based on Continuous Cycle Spinning
* SAR-Based Index for Landscape Changes in African Savannas, A
* scale and rotation invariant scheme for multi-oriented Character Recognition, A
* Scale Invariant and Noise Robust Interest Points With Shearlets
* Scaling-Less Newton-Raphson Pipelined Implementation for a Fixed-Point Reciprocal Operator, A
* SCALP: Superpixels with Contour Adherence using Linear Path
* Scene background estimation based on temporal median filter with Gaussian filtering
* Scene text detection based on multi-scale SWT and edge filtering
* Scene text recognition with CNN classifier and WFST-based word labeling
* Scene Text Script Identification with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
* score calculation method using positional information of feature points for biometric authentication, A
* Segment-based models for event detection and recounting
* Segment-before-Detect: Vehicle Detection and Classification through Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images
* Segmentation methods for detection of stationary vehicles in combined elevation and optical data
* Segmentation of defects on log surface from terrestrial lidar data
* Segmentation of highly unstructured handwritten documents using a neural network technique
* Segmentation-Based Fine Registration of Very High Resolution Multitemporal Images
* Selection of robust features for the Cover Source Mismatch problem in 3D steganalysis
* Selective Convolutional Descriptor Aggregation for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Selective deep features for micro-expression recognition
* Selective ensemble of SVDDs with Renyi entropy based diversity measure
* Selective unsupervised feature learning with Convolutional Neural Network (S-CNN)
* Self-Balancing Decentralized Distributed Platform for Urban Traffic Simulation
* Self-Taught Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Semantic annotation for complex video street views based on 2D-3D multi-feature fusion and aggregated boosting decision forests
* Semantic role-based representations in text classification
* Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery Using an Object-Based Markov Random Field Model With Auxiliary Label Fields
* Semantic segmentation priors for object discovery
* semantic tree-based approach for sketch-based 3D model retrieval, A
* Semantic-free attributes for image classification
* Semi-supervised double sparse graphs based discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Semi-supervised image labelling using barycentric graph embeddings
* Semi-supervised learning competence of classifiers based on graph for dynamic classifier selection
* Semi-supervised learning of anatomical manifolds for atlas-based segmentation of medical images
* Semi-Supervised Multi-View Discrete Hashing for Fast Image Search
* Semi-supervised tuning from temporal coherence
* Semisupervised manifold learning for color transfer between multiview images
* Sensor Fusion-Based Low-Cost Vehicle Localization System for Complex Urban Environments
* Sensor layout strategy and sensitivity analysis for macroscopic traffic flow parameter acquisition
* Sentinel-1 Interferometric SAR Mapping of Precipitable Water Vapor Over a Country-Spanning Area
* Separating reflection components in images under multispectral and multidirectional light sources
* Sequential Dictionary Learning From Correlated Data: Application to fMRI Data Analysis
* Sequential factorization for nonrigid structure from motion via LBFGS
* Sequential vs. batch machine-learning with evolutionary hyperparameter optimization for segmenting aortic dissection thrombus
* SesToCross: Semantic Expert System to Manage Single-Lane Road Crossing
* Set-Based Boosting for Instance-Level Transfer on Multi-Classification
* Severity grading of psoriatic plaques using deep CNN based multi-task learning
* Shannon information based adaptive sampling for action recognition
* Shape classification with a vertex clustering graph kernel
* shape preserving approach for salient object detection using convolutional neural networks, A
* Shape-aware multi-atlas segmentation
* Siamese network features for image matching
* Similarity measures for title matching
* Simple and Fast CU Division Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction, A
* simple approach for unsupervised domain adaptation, A
* Simplex-based dimension estimation of topological manifolds
* Simplifying Gaussian mixture model via model similarity
* SimRadar: A Polarimetric Radar Time-Series Simulator for Tornadic Debris Studies
* Simulated Imagery Rendering Workflow for UAS-Based Photogrammetric 3D Reconstruction Accuracy Assessments
* Simulation and Analysis of Conductively Guided Borehole Radar Wave
* Simulation and SMAP Observation of Sun-Glint Over the Land Surface at the L-Band
* Simultaneous clustering and outlier detection using dominant sets
* Simultaneous Dual-Views Reconstruction with Adaptive Dictionary and Low-Rank Representation
* Simultaneous food localization and recognition
* Simultaneous visualization of samples, features and multi-labels
* Single image depth estimation using joint local-global features
* Single image super-resolution with non-local balanced low-rank matrix restoration
* SkeletonNet: Mining Deep Part Features for 3-D Action Recognition
* Sketch simplification by classifying strokes
* Skin disease classification versus skin lesion characterization: Achieving robust diagnosis using multi-label deep neural networks
* Skin lesion segmentation in clinical images using deep learning
* SKIPSOM: Skewness kurtosis of iris pixels in Self Organizing Maps for iris recognition on mobile devices
* Sleep position classification from a depth camera using Bed Aligned Maps
* Slip Model for the 25 November 2016 Mw 6.6 Aketao Earthquake, Western China, Revealed by Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 Observations
* Small scale single pulse ECG-based authentication using GLRT that considers T wave shift and adaptive template update with prior information
* Small-block sensing and larger-block recovery in block-based compressive sensing of images
* Smart query expansion scheme for CDVS based on illumination and key features
* Smart road that warns its network manager when it begins cracking
* Soccer Video Event Annotation by Synchronization of Attack-Defense Clips and Match Reports With Coarse-Grained Time Information
* soft-labeled self-training approach, A
* Soil Moisture Estimation over Vegetated Agricultural Areas: Tigris Basin, Turkey from Radarsat-2 Data by Polarimetric Decomposition Models and a Generalized Regression Neural Network
* Solar flare retrieval, detection and analysis
* Spaceborne GNSS-R from the SMAP Mission: First Assessment of Polarimetric Scatterometry over Land and Cryosphere
* Sparse coding with unity range codes and label consistent discriminative dictionary learning
* Sparse Learning with Stochastic Composite Optimization
* Sparse Low-Rank Matrix Approximation for Data Compression
* Sparse Manifold Classification Method Based on a Multi-Dimensional Descriptive Primitive of Polarimetric SAR Image Time Series, A
* Sparse Recovery-Based Error Concealment
* Sparse Voxel Octree-Based Framework for Computing Solar Radiation Using 3D City Models, A
* Sparse-coded cross-domain adaptation from the visual to the brain domain
* Sparsity-Based Variational Approach for the Restoration of SMOS Images From L1A Data, A
* Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Mitigating Effects of Industrial Relocation on the Surface Urban Heat Island over China
* Spatial Data Sharing: A Pilot Study of French SDIs
* Spatial Dynamic Modelling of Future Scenarios of Land Use Change in Vaud and Valais, Western Switzerland
* Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Bean Crop in Brazil over the Period 1990-2013
* Spatially constrained sparse regression for the data-driven discovery of Neuroimaging biomarkers
* Spatio-Temporal Building Exposure Database and Information Life-Cycle Management Solution, A
* Spatio-temporal feature using optical flow based distribution for violence detection
* Spatio-temporal pattern recognition of dendritic spines and protein dynamics using live multichannel fluorescence microscopy
* Spatiotemporal event sequence mining from evolving regions
* Speaker-aware Multi-Task Learning for automatic speech recognition
* Spectral Characterization of the AisaOWL
* Spectral sparsification in spectral clustering
* Spectroscopic Estimation of Biomass in Canopy Components of Paddy Rice Using Dry Matter and Chlorophyll Indices
* SPICA, Stellar Parameters and Images with a Cophased Array: A 6T visible combiner for the CHARA array
* Spontaneous speech emotion recognition using prior knowledge
* Spoofing detection for embedded face recognition system using a low cost stereo camera
* ST TD outlier detection
* ST-CRF Map-Matching Method for Low-Frequency Floating Car Data, A
* Stable clinical prediction using graph support vector machines
* StableFlow: A novel real-time method for digital video stabilization
* Standard Indoor Spatial Data Model: OGC IndoorGML and Implementation Approaches, A
* statistical analysis of the kernel-based MMSE estimator with application to image reconstruction, A
* Statistical consensus matching framework for image registration
* Statistical Modeling of Polarimetric SAR Data: A Survey and Challenges
* StereoTag: A novel stereogram-marker-based approach for Augmented Reality
* Story segmentation in TV news broadcast
* Stratified Template Matching to Support Refugee Camp Analysis in OBIA Workflows
* Streaming news image summarization
* Structural feature-based event clustering for short text streams
* Structure and appearance preserving network flow for multi-object tracking
* Structured Learning of Binary Codes with Column Generation for Optimizing Ranking Measures
* Structured Sparse Subspace Clustering: A Joint Affinity Learning and Subspace Clustering Framework
* Study on feature extraction methods for character recognition of Balinese script on palm leaf manuscript images
* Sub-classification strategies for tree species recognition
* Subcategory Classifiers for Multiple-Instance Learning and Its Application to Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Visibility Classification
* Subexpression and dominant symbol histograms for spatial relation classification in mathematical expressions
* Super high dynamic range video
* Superpixel-Based Difference Representation Learning for Change Detection in Multispectral Remote Sensing Images
* Superpixel-Based Multitask Learning Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Supervised and Semi-Supervised Multi-View Canonical Correlation Analysis Ensemble for Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation in Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Supervised dictionary learning in BoF framework for Scene Character recognition
* Suppressing Random Artifacts in Reference Sensor Pattern Noise via Decorrelation
* Suppressing Wind Turbine Signatures in Weather Radar Observations
* Surface Motion and Structural Instability Monitoring of Ming Dynasty City Walls by Two-Step Tomo-PSInSAR Approach in Nanjing City, China
* Survey on the Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Intersections and Merging at Highway On-Ramps, A
* SWIM: The First Spaceborne Wave Scatterometer
* Switching LDS detection for GNSS-based train integrity monitoring system
* Symmetry-based object proposal for text detection
* Synthetic aperture imaging in astronomy and aerospace: introduction
* Synthetic aperture photography using a moving camera-IMU system
* Synthetic aperture radar with dynamic metasurface antennas: A conceptual development
* Table headers: An entrance to the data mine
* Taking into account stereoisomerism in the prediction of molecular properties
* Tattoo detection and localization using region-based deep learning
* Taxonomy augmented object recognition
* Temperature Compensation for Radiometric Correction of Terrestrial LiDAR Intensity Data
* Template regularized sparse coding for face verification
* temporal deep learning approach for MR perfusion parameter estimation in stroke, A
* Temporal dynamics of tip fluorescence predict cell growth behavior in pollen tubes
* temporally coherent neural algorithm for artistic style transfer, A
* Temporally subsampled detection for accurate and efficient face tracking and diarization
* Tensor compressed video sensing reconstruction by combination of fractional-order total variation and sparsifying transform
* Text-independent voice conversion using deep neural network based phonetic level features
* Texture Image Segmentation Using Fused Features and Active Contour
* Texture synthesis through convolutional neural networks and spectrum constraints
* Texture-Guided Multisensor Superresolution for Remotely Sensed Images
* Theoretical Characterization of X-Band Multiincidence Angle and Multipolarimetric SAR Data From Rice Paddies at Late Vegetative Stage
* Theoretical criterion for image matching using GPT correlation
* Three dimensional pose estimation of mouse from monocular images in compact systems
* Three-dimensional Gaussian mixture texture model
* Three-stream CNNs for action recognition
* tight convex upper bound on the likelihood of a finite mixture, A
* To boost or not to boost? On the limits of boosted trees for object detection
* Topological weighted fisher vectors for person re-identification
* Toward a Flexible, Scalable, and Transparent Thin-Film Camera
* Toward Generic Models for Green LAI Estimation in Maize and Soybean: Satellite Observations
* Toward High-Quality Real-Time Signal Reconstruction From STFT Magnitude
* Toward Mitigating Phantom Jam Using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
* Towards an automated estimation of English skill via TOEIC score based on reading analysis
* Towards better exploiting convolutional neural networks for remote sensing scene classification
* Towards deep compositional networks
* Towards Miss Universe automatic prediction: The evening gown competition
* Towards protecting biometric templates without sacrificing performance
* Towards Reversal-Invariant Image Representation
* Towards Understanding Location Privacy Awareness on Geo-Social Networks
* Traffic demand estimation for lane groups at signal-controlled intersections using travel times from video-imaging detectors
* Trainable Nonlinear Reaction Diffusion: A Flexible Framework for Fast and Effective Image Restoration
* Training robust models using Random Projection
* Trajectory aligned features for first person action recognition
* Trajectory Tracking Optimal Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot
* Transductive Video Segmentation on Tree-Structured Model
* Transfer learning for rare cancer problems via Discriminative Sparse Gaussian Graphical model
* Transferring from face recognition to face attribute prediction through adaptive selection of off-the-shelf CNN representations
* Transferring skills to humanoid robots by extracting semantic representations from observations of human activities
* transitive aligned Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel, A
* True-negative label selection for large-scale multi-label learning
* truth is hard to make: Validation of medical image registration, The
* Turbidity in Apalachicola Bay, Florida from Landsat 5 TM and Field Data: Seasonal Patterns and Response to Extreme Events
* Two streams Recurrent Neural Networks for Large-Scale Continuous Gesture Recognition
* Two-dimensional PCA hashing and its extension
* Two-Stage Friend Recommendation Based on Network Alignment and Series Expansion of Probabilistic Topic Model
* Ultrasound image analysis for myopathy detection
* Ultrasound Image Despeckling Using Stochastic Distance-Based BM3D
* Unassisted Quantitative Evaluation of Despeckling Filters
* Uncertainties in Classification System Conversion and an Analysis of Inconsistencies in Global Land Cover Products
* Uncertainty characterization of the orthogonal Procrustes problem with arbitrary covariance matrices
* Underlying Topography Estimation over Forest Areas Using High-Resolution P-Band Single-Baseline PolInSAR Data
* Underwater target classification in synthetic aperture sonar imagery using deep convolutional neural networks
* unified framework for semantic matching of architectural floorplans, A
* Unitary Algorithm for Nonseparable Linear Canonical Transforms Applied to Iterative Phase Retrieval
* Unknown object tracking in 360-degree camera images
* Unmixing three types of lung sounds by convex optimization
* Unsupervised automatic attribute discovery method via multi-graph clustering
* Unsupervised Classification in Hyperspectral Imagery With Nonlocal Total Variation and Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Algorithm
* Unsupervised cyber bullying detection in social networks
* Unsupervised feature extraction using a learned graph with clustering structure
* Unsupervised Image Steganalysis Method Using Self-Learning Ensemble Discriminant Clustering
* Unsupervised learning of supervoxel embeddings for video Segmentation
* Unsupervised mouse behavior analysis: A data-driven study of mice interactions
* Unsupervised object counting without object recognition
* Unsupervised saliency-guided SAR image change detection
* Upper and lower volumetric fractal descriptors for texture classification
* Use of Landscape Metrics and Transfer Learning to Explore Urban Villages in China, The
* USEQ: Ultra-fast superpixel extraction via quantization
* User interest profiling using tracking-free coarse gaze estimation
* Using a MRF-BP model with color adaptive training for underwater color restoration
* Using Convolutional 3D Neural Networks for User-independent continuous gesture recognition
* Using fusion of iris code and periocular biometric for matching visible spectrum iris images captured by smart phone cameras
* Using local convexities as anchor points for 3D curve skeletonization
* UWB Radar Signal Processing for Localization of Persons with the Changing Nature of Their Movement
* Validation of Spatial Prediction Models for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping by Considering Structural Similarity
* Vector R-ordering based selection of segments for video skimming
* Vehicles of the Future: A Survey of Research on Safety Issues
* Velocity Estimation in Medical Ultrasound [Life Sciences]
* Video eCommerce: Toward Large Scale Online Video Advertising
* Video Scene Text Frames Categorization for Text Detection and Recognition
* Video summarization in a multi-view camera network
* Video2vec: Learning semantic spatio-temporal embeddings for video representation
* View invariant gait recognition using only one uniform model
* Virtual flattening of clothing item held in the air
* Virtual hexagonal and multi-scale operator for fuzzy rank order texture classification using one-dimensional generalised Fourier analysis
* Visual congruent ads for image search
* Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdsourced Dense Image Annotations
* Visual odometry driven online calibration for monocular LiDAR-camera systems
* Visual tracking via sparsity pattern learning
* VLAD encoded Deep Convolutional features for unconstrained face verification
* VLSI Architecture of a Highly Efficient Deblocking Filter for HEVC Systems, The
* VQA: Visual Question Answering
* Wake-up-word spotting using end-to-end deep neural network system
* Wavelet-Based Total Variation and Nonlocal Similarity Model for Image Denoising
* Weakly-supervised segmentation by combining CNN feature maps and object saliency maps
* Weighted K-Nearest Neighbor revisited
* WENN for individualized cleaning in imbalanced data
* What does scene text tell us?
* What is the Point? Evaluating the Structure, Color, and Semantic Traits of Computer Vision Point Clouds of Vegetation
* What makes an on-road object important?
* What to Expect When You Are Expecting on the Grassmannian
* Who Are Your Real Friends: Analyzing and Distinguishing Between Offline and Online Friendships From Social Multimedia Data
* Wind turbine fault prediction using soft label SVM
* Wireless capsule endoscopy video summarization: A learning approach based on Siamese neural network and support vector machine
* With whom do I interact? Detecting social interactions in egocentric photo-streams
* Witness identification in multiple instance learning using random subspaces
* Writer identification by training on one script but testing on another
* YACCLAB: Yet Another Connected Components Labeling Benchmark
1240 for 1705

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.