Index for cush

Cushen, G.A.[George A.] * 2012: Real-time Semantic Clothing Segmentation

Cushing, G.[Glen] * 2005: Joint Analysis of Visible and Infrared Images: A Magic Airbrush for Qualitative and Quantitative Topography

Cushing, J.B.[Johnathan B.] * 2016: Shannon information for joint estimation/detection tasks and complex imaging systems

Cushman, K.[KC] * 2020: Supervised Segmentation of Ultra-High-Density Drone Lidar for Large-Area Mapping of Individual Trees

Cushman, K.C.[Katherine C.] * 2020: Comparison of Smartphone and Drone Lidar Methods for Characterizing Spatial Variation in PAI in a Tropical Forest
* 2023: Cost-effective and accurate monitoring of flowering across multiple tropical tree species over two years with a time series of high-resolution drone imagery and deep learning
* 2023: Small Field Plots Can Cause Substantial Uncertainty in Gridded Aboveground Biomass Products from Airborne Lidar Data
Includes: Cushman, K.C.[Katherine C.] Cushman, K.C.

Cushman, S.A.[Samuel A.] * 2019: FracL: A Tool for Characterizing the Fractality of Landscape Gradients from a New Perspective
* 2021: Investigating Carnivore Guild Structure: Spatial and Temporal Relationships amongst Threatened Felids in Myanmar
* 2022: Geographic Complexity: Concepts, Theories, and Practices
* 2022: Pathwalker: A New Individual-Based Movement Model for Conservation Science and Connectivity Modelling

Cushman, T. * 2002: Using optical imagery to enhance radar tracking performance

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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