Index for dahi

Dahi, I.[Ilias] * 2017: edge-based method for effective abandoned luggage detection in complex surveillance videos, An

Dahia, G. * 2017: study of CNN outside of training conditions, A

Dahinden, M.J. * 2012: Geometrical Adjustment Towards The Alignment of Vector Databases

Dahinden, T. * 2012: Geometrical Adjustment Towards The Alignment of Vector Databases

Dahiya, A.[Aneesh] * 2021: Self-Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation from monocular RGB via Contrastive Learning

Dahiya, K.[Kunal] * 2022: Multi-modal Extreme Classification

Dahiya, N.[Navdeep] * 2018: Shape Adaptive Accelerated Parameter Optimization
* 2021: Dependently Coupled Principal Component Analysis for Bivariate Inversion Problems
* 2021: Directionally Paired Principal Component Analysis for Bivariate Estimation Problems
* 2022: Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and Anatomical Shape-Based Priors for Cardiac Segmentation
* 2022: Shape Prior Based Myocardial Segmentation with Anatomically Motivated Pose Model
* 2023: Review on Deep Learning Classifier for Hyperspectral Imaging, A
Includes: Dahiya, N.[Navdeep] Dahiya, N.[Neelam]

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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