Index for dee_

Dee, D.[Dick] * 2019: Ten Priority Science Gaps in Assessing Climate Data Record Quality

Dee, H.[Hannah] * 2013: Local Orientation Patterns for 3D Surface Texture Analysis of Normal Maps: Application to Facial Skin Condition Classification
* 2014: 3D Facial Skin Texture Analysis Using Geometric Descriptors
* 2014: Towards Automated Classification of Seabed Substrates in Underwater Video
* 2016: Special issue on computer vision and image analysis in plant phenotyping
* 2020: Morphable Face Albedo Model, A
Includes: Dee, H.[Hannah] Dee, H.

Dee, H.M. * 2004: Detecting inexplicable behaviour
* 2005: On the feasibility of using a cognitive model to filter surveillance data
* 2008: How close are we to solving the problem of automated visual surveillance?: A review of real-world surveillance, scientific progress and evaluative mechanisms
* 2010: Crowd behaviour analysis using histograms of motion direction
* 2012: Building semantic scene models from unconstrained video
* 2012: Face recognition using the POEM descriptor
* 2017: Watching plants grow: a position paper on computer vision and Arabidopsis thaliana
Includes: Dee, H.M. Dee, H.M.[Hannah M.]
7 for Dee, H.M.

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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