Index for dhin

Dhindsa, K. * 2018: Grading Prenatal Hydronephrosis from Ultrasound Imaging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Dhinesh, G.R. * 2014: Method for accuracy assessment of aggregated freeway traffic data

Dhingra, K.[Kapil] * 2009: PFID: Pittsburgh fast-food image dataset

Dhingra, M.[Manik] * 2023: Efficient neural supersampling on a novel gaming dataset
* 2023: QuickSRNet: Plain Single-Image Super-Resolution Architecture for Faster Inference on Mobile Platforms

Dhingra, N. * 2019: Res3ATN: Deep 3D Residual Attention Network for Hand Gesture Recognition in Videos
* 2021: BGT-Net: Bidirectional GRU Transformer Network for Scene Graph Generation
* 2021: Border-SegGCN: Improving Semantic Segmentation by Refining the Border Outline using Graph Convolutional Network
* 2021: HeadPosr: End-to-end Trainable Head Pose Estimation using Transformer Encoders
* 2022: Language-Attention Modular-Network for Relational Referring Expression Comprehension in Videos
* 2022: LwPosr: Lightweight Efficient Fine Grained Head Pose Estimation
* 2023: MMG-Ego4D: Multi-Modal Generalization in Egocentric Action Recognition
Includes: Dhingra, N. Dhingra, N.[Naina]
7 for Dhingra, N.

Dhingra, R.[Radhika] * 2013: Spatially-Explicit Simulation Modeling of Ecological Response to Climate Change: Methodological Considerations in Predicting Shifting Population Dynamics of Infectious Disease Vectors

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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