Index for dhon

Dhond, U.R. * 1989: Structure from Stereo: A Review
* 1991: Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Third Camera for Stereo Correspondence, A
* 1992: Analysis of the Stereo Correspondence Process in Scenes with Narrow Occluding Objects
* 1992: Computing stereo correspondences in the presence of narrow occluding objects
* 1992: Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects
* 1995: Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects Using Dynamic Disparity Search

Dhonde, A.[Anudeep] * 2023: Adaptive RoI with pretrained models for Automated Retail Checkout

Dhondea, A.[Ashiv] * 2021: CALTEC: Content-Adaptive Linear Tensor Completion for Collaborative Intelligence

Dhondt, S. * 2017: Robust plane-based calibration for linear cameras
* 2018: Close-range hyperspectral image analysis for the early detection of stress responses in individual plants in a high-throughput phenotyping platform
Includes: Dhondt, S. Dhondt, S.[Stijn]

Dhondt, Y. * 2006: Flexible macroblock ordering in H.264/AVC
* 2006: Flexible Macroblock Scheme for Unequal Error Protection, A
* 2006: Real-Time Content Adaptation Framework for Exploiting ROI Scalability in H.264/AVC, A
* 2007: Constrained Inter Prediction: Removing Dependencies Between Different Data Partitions
Includes: Dhondt, Y. Dhondt, Y.[Yves]

Dhonju, H.K. * 2017: Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Documentation In Nepal
* 2018: Share Our Cultural Heritage (SOCH): Worldwide 3D Heritage Reconstruction and Visualization via Web and Mobile GIS
* 2022: Geo-Enabled Sustainable Municipal Energy Planning for Comprehensive Accessibility: A Case in the New Federal Context of Nepal
Includes: Dhonju, H.K. Dhonju, H.K.[Hari K.] Dhonju, H.K.[Hari Krishna]

Dhont, D.[Damien] * 2020: Gas Emission Craters and Mound-Predecessors in the North of West Siberia, Similarities and Differences

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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