Index for dibe

Dibeklio?lu, H.[Hamdi] * 2024: Automatic Deceit Detection Through Multimodal Analysis of High-Stake Court-Trials

Dibekliog(lu, H.[Hamdi] * 2014: Role of Color and Contrast in Facial Age Estimation, The

Dibekliogbrave, H.[Hamdi] * 2014: Speeding Up Tracking by Ignoring Features

Dibeklioglu, H.[Hamdi] * 2008: 3D Facial Landmarking under Expression, Pose, and Occlusion Variations
* 2008: Component-based registration with curvature descriptors for expression insensitive 3d face recognition
* 2009: Nasal Region-Based 3D Face Recognition under Pose and Expression Variations
* 2012: Are You Really Smiling at Me? Spontaneous versus Posed Enjoyment Smiles
* 2012: Statistical Method for 2-D Facial Landmarking, A
* 2014: Graph-Based Kinship Recognition
* 2014: On Fast Trackers that are Robust to Partial Occlusions
* 2015: Combining Facial Dynamics With Appearance for Age Estimation
* 2015: Recognition of Genuine Smiles
* 2016: Kernel ELM and CNN Based Facial Age Estimation
* 2017: Visual Transformation Aided Contrastive Learning for Video-Based Kinship Verification
* 2017: Visual Transformation Aided Contrastive Learning for Video-Based Kinship Verification
* 2017: What Will Your Future Child Look Like? Modeling and Synthesis of Hereditary Patterns of Facial Dynamics
* 2018: Modeling and synthesis of kinship patterns of facial expressions
* 2019: Augmentation of virtual agents in real crowd videos
* 2019: Pose and Expression Robust Age Estimation via 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image
* 2020: Attended End-to-End Architecture for Age Estimation From Facial Expression Videos
* 2020: Automatic Estimation of Taste Liking Through Facial Expression Dynamics
* 2021: Identity Unbiased Deception Detection by 2D-to-3D Face Reconstruction
* 2021: Multimodal assessment of apparent personality using feature attention and error consistency constraint
Includes: Dibeklioglu, H.[Hamdi] Dibeklioglu, H.
20 for Dibeklioglu, H.

DiBella, C.M. * 2006: Validation of the Global Land Cover 2000 Map

DiBella, E. * 2015: Deformation Corrected Compressed Sensing (DC-CS): A Novel Framework for Accelerated Dynamic MRI

Dibene, J.C.[Juan Carlos] * 2023: General Planar Motion from a Pair of 3D Correspondences
* 2023: Geometric Viewpoint Learning with Hyper-Rays and Harmonics Encoding

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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