Index for djeb

Djebali, M. * 1994: 3-D range images segmentation based on Deriche's optimum filters
* 1996: Coiflets for Range Image Segmentation
* 1996: Range Image Processing Based on Multiresolution Analysis
* 2000: Computing the shape of a planar points set
* 2001: Elliptic Diagrams: Application to Patterns Detection from a Finite Set of Points
* 2001: Weighted A-shape: a descriptor of the shape of a point set
* 2007: Coiflet Based Methods For Range Image Processing
Includes: Djebali, M. Djebali, M.[Mourad]
7 for Djebali, M.

Djebbouri, M.[Mohamed] * 2014: Magnitude-phase of the dual-tree quaternionic wavelet transform for multispectral satellite image denoising

Djebra, Y.[Yanis] * 2023: Manifold Learning via Linear Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) for Accelerated Dynamic MRI With Sparse Sampling

Djebri, B. * 2019: Diagnosis Processes for Desert Rose Domes of The Souf Region in Algeria

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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