Index for dodg

Dodge, J.[Jesse] * 2012: Understanding and predicting importance in images
* 2016: Large Scale Retrieval and Generation of Image Descriptions

Dodge, S. * 2017: Parsing floor plan images
* 2018: Unconstrained ear recognition using deep neural networks
* 2019: Finding Task-Relevant Features for Few-Shot Learning by Category Traversal
Includes: Dodge, S. Dodge, S.[Samuel]

Dodge, S.F.[Samuel F.] * 2012: Attentive gesture recognition
* 2016: Visual attention quality database for benchmarking performance evaluation metrics
* 2017: Can the Early Human Visual System Compete with Deep Neural Networks?
* 2018: Quality Robust Mixtures of Deep Neural Networks
* 2018: Visual Saliency Prediction Using a Mixture of Deep Neural Networks
Includes: Dodge, S.F.[Samuel F.] Dodge, S.F.

Dodgson, N. * 2015: Cluster-Based Point Set Saliency

Dodgson, N.A. * 1997: Quadratic Interpolation for Image Resampling
* 1999: Error Resilient Lossless Image Coding
* 2005: Autostereoscopic 3D Displays
* 2007: Decolorize: Fast, contrast enhancing, color to grayscale conversion
* 2009: Inherent limitations on specular highlight analysis
* 2010: Real-Time Spatiotemporal Stereo Matching Using the Dual-Cross-Bilateral Grid
* 2014: Going to the Movies: Lessons from the Film Industry for 3D Libraries
Includes: Dodgson, N.A. Dodgson, N.A.[Neil A.] Dodgson, N.A.[Neil Anthony]
7 for Dodgson, N.A.

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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