Index for dott

Dotti, D. * 1975: Two-dimensional transforms by minicomputers without matrix transposing
* 2017: ICT4Life open source libraries supporting multimodal analysis of different diseases
* 2017: Multimodal monitoring of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients using the ICT4LIFE platform
* 2018: Behavior Analysis through Multimodal Sensing for Care of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Patients
* 2018: Behavior and Personality Analysis in a Nonsocial Context Dataset
* 2020: hierarchical autoencoder learning model for path prediction and abnormality detection, A
* 2020: Temporal Triplet Mining for Personality Recognition
* 2020: Towards Approximating Personality Cues Through Simple Daily Activities
Includes: Dotti, D. Dotti, D.[Dario]
8 for Dotti, D.

Dotto, A.C.[Andre Carnieletto] * 2018: Improvement of Clay and Sand Quantification Based on a Novel Approach with a Focus on Multispectral Satellite Images
Includes: Dotto, A.C.[Andre Carnieletto] Dotto, A.C.[André Carnieletto]

Dottori, F.[Francesco] * 2021: Increasing Timeliness of Satellite-Based Flood Mapping Using Early Warning Systems in the Copernicus Emergency Management Service

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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