Index for drog

Droge, G.[Greg] * 2023: Network Flow Approach to Battery Electric Bus Scheduling, A

Droge, H.[Hannah] * 2021: Learning or Modelling? An Analysis of Single Image Segmentation Based on Scribble Information
* 2022: Non-Smooth Energy Dissipating Networks
Includes: Droge, H.[Hannah] Dröge, H.[Hannah] (Maybe also Droege, H.)

Droghetti, S. * 2012: Solar Radiation Estimation On Building Roofs And Web-based Solar Cadastre

Drogolyub, A.[Andrey] * 2016: Depth Camera Based on Color-Coded Aperture

Drogoul, A.[Audric] * 2014: Numerical Analysis of the Topological Gradient Method for Fourth Order Models and Applications to the Detection of Fine Structures in Imaging
* 2014: Topological gradient for a fourth order PDE and application to the detection of fine structures in 2D and 3D images
* 2019: Building, composing and experimenting complex spatial models with the GAMA platform
Includes: Drogoul, A.[Audric] Drogoul, A.[Alexis]

Droguett, E.L.[Enrique Lopez] * 2022: Alcohol Consumption Detection from Periocular NIR Images Using Capsule Network

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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