Index for dukh

Dukhan, M.[Marat] * 2019: ChamNet: Towards Efficient Network Design Through Platform-Aware Model Adaptation
* 2020: Fast Sparse ConvNets
Includes: Dukhan, M.[Marat] Dukhan, M.

Dukhopelnykova, I.V. * 2007: Retrieving 3-D Topography by Using a Single-Antenna Squint-Mode Airborne SAR

Dukhovich, I.J. * 1983: DPCM System Based on a Composite Image Model, A

Dukhovskoy, D.S.[Dmitry S.] * 2018: Measurement Characteristics of Near-Surface Currents from Ultra-Thin Drifters, Drogued Drifters, and HF Radar

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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