Index for eckh

Eckhard, T.[Timo] * 2014: Evaluating logarithmic kernel for spectral reflectance estimation: Effects on model parametrization, training set size, and number of sensor spectral channels
* 2014: Improved Spectral Density Measurement from Estimated Reflectance Data with Kernel Ridge Regression
* 2016: Improved estimation of reflectance spectra by utilizing prior knowledge

Eckhardt, J. * 2015: Multi-criteria evaluation method for freight logistics innovations

Eckhardt, U. * 1988: Note on Rutovitz' Method for Parallel Thinning, A
* 1988: Structure of Irreducible Digital Sets Obtained by Thinning Algorithms, The
* 1990: general approach for parametrizing the Hough transform, A
* 1992: Thinning binary pictures by a labeling procedure
* 1993: Invariant Thinning
* 1995: Well-Composed Sets
* 1999: Discrete Mean Curvature Flow
* 1999: Euler Characteristics of Discrete Objects and Discrete Quasi-Objects, The
* 2000: Shape Descriptors for Non-Rigid Shapes with a Single Closed Contour
* 2002: Root Images of Median Filters: Semi-topological Approach
* 2003: Root Images of Median Filters
* 2003: Topologies for the digital spaces Z2 and Z3
Includes: Eckhardt, U. Eckhardt, U.[Ulrich]
12 for Eckhardt, U.

Eckhardt, W.O. * 1979: High Accuracy Model Matching for Scenes Containing Man-Made Structures
* 1980: Matching of Natural Terrain Scenes

Eckhoff, J.A.[Jennifer A.] * 2024: Concept Graph Neural Networks for Surgical Video Understanding

Eckhorn, R. * 1997: Contour segmentation with recurrent neural networks of pulse-coding neurons

Eckhouse, R. * 1990: Intelligent Character Recognition

Index for "e"

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