Index for ekma

Ekman, A. * 1997: Exploration of Polygonal Environments Using Range Data

Ekman, F. * 2018: Creating Appropriate Trust in Automated Vehicle Systems: A Framework for HMI Design

Ekman, P.[Paul] * 1976: Pictures of Facial Affect
* 1978: Facial Action Coding System: A Technique for the Measurement of Facial Movement, The
* 1979: Facial expressions of emotion
* 1992: Facial expression of emotion: New findings, new questions
* 1999: Classifying Facial Actions
* 1999: Measuring Facial Expressions by Computer Image Analysis
* 2002: Facial Action Coding System, The
* 2004: What the Face Reveals: Basic and Applied Studies of Spontaneous Expression Using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
* 2006: Observer-based measurement of facial expression with the Facial Action Coding System
* 2007: Imaging Facial Physiology for the Detection of Deceit
Includes: Ekman, P.[Paul] Ekman, P.
10 for Ekman, P.

Ekman, T. * 2015: Tracking With a High-Resolution 2D Spectral Estimation Based Automotive Radar
* 2021: In-Orbit Measurements and Analysis of Radio Interference in the UHF Amateur Radio Band from the LUME-1 Satellite
Includes: Ekman, T. Ekman, T.[Torbjörn]

Ekmark, J. * 2007: Toward Autonomous Collision Avoidance by Steering

Index for "e"

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