Index for elag

Elagin, E.V.[Egor Valerievich] * 1998: Automatic Pose Estimation System for Human Faces Based on Bunch Graph Matching Technology
* 1998: Face Similarity Space as Perceived by Humans and Artificial Systems
* 1998: PersonSpotter: Fast and Robust System for Human Detection, Tracking and Recognition
* 2001: Face recognition from video images
* 2001: Wavelet-based facial motion capture for avatar animation
* 2003: Wavelet-based facial motion capture for avatar animation

Elagouni, K.[Khaoula] * 2011: comprehensive neural-based approach for text recognition in videos using natural language processing, A
* 2014: Text recognition in multimedia documents: A study of two neural-based OCRs using and avoiding character segmentation

Elagovan, R.[Ramanujam] * 2023: Fall Detection Systems at Night

Index for "e"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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