Index for enna

Ennaciri, A. * 2016: Performance Analysis of Streaming Video over Vehicular Ad-Hoc

Ennadifi, E. * 2020: Wheat Diseases Classification and Localization Using Convolutional Neural Networks and GradCAM Visualization

Ennaffi, O.[Oussama] * 2022: On the Design of Privacy-aware Cameras: A Study on Deep Neural Networks

Ennafii, O. * 2021: Efficient Representation of 3d Buildings: Application to The Evaluation of City Models, An

Ennafiri, M. * 2020: Internet of Things for Smart Healthcare: A Review on A Potential Iot Based System and Technologies to Control Covid-19 Pandemic

Ennahnahi, N. * 2009: novel moments generation inspired by 3D spherical harmonics for robust 2D shape description, A
* 2010: Fast shape description based on a set of moments defined on the unit disc and inspired by three-dimensional spherical harmonics
* 2016: Quaternion DISC-harmonic moments based on healpix sampling for fast 2D colour shape retrieval
Includes: Ennahnahi, N. Ennahnahi, N.[Noureddine]

Ennajari, H.[Hafsa] * 2022: Embedded Spherical Topic Models for Supervised Learning

Ennaji, A. * 1996: Incremental Distributed Classifier Building
* 2000: Clustering Data: Dealing with High Density Variations
* 2002: Linguistic integration information in the aabatas arabic text analysis system
* 2002: Script and nature differentiation for Arabic and Latin text images
* 2003: From data topology to a modular classifier
* 2005: K Nearest Classifier design, A
* 2005: topology based multi-classifier system, A
* 2006: HMMs with Explicit State Duration Applied to Handwritten Arabic Word Recognition
* 2008: Semi-continuous HMMs with explicit state duration for unconstrained Arabic word modeling and recognition
* 2009: Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Restored Stroke Chronology
* 2009: Temporal Order Recovery of the Scanned Handwriting
* 2010: Semantic Proximity Based System of Arabic Text Indexation, A
* 2012: Graph Based Approach for Heterogeneous Document Segmentation, A
* 2012: Multi-script Writer Identification Optimized with Retrieval Mechanism
* 2012: Writer Recognition on Arabic Handwritten Documents
* 2013: Codebook for Writer Characterization: A Vocabulary of Patterns or a Mere Representation Space?
* 2013: Document Image Segmentation System Using Analysis of Connected Components, A
* 2013: Multilingual Artificial Text Detection Using a Cascade of Transforms
* 2013: Text-independent writer recognition using multi-script handwritten texts
* 2014: Spot Words in Printed Historical Arabic Documents
* 2020: Handwriting Based Gender Classification Using Cold and Hinge Features
Includes: Ennaji, A. Ennaji, A.[Abdellatif] Ennaji, A.[Abdel]
21 for Ennaji, A.

Ennaji, M. * 2020: Collaborative Tutoring: A Multi-tutor Approach

Index for "e"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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