Index for es_s

Es Saady, Y. * 2016: Automatic Recognition of the Damages and Symptoms on Plant Leaves Using Parallel Combination of Two Classifiers
* 2016: Hybrid Combination of Multiple SVM Classifiers for Automatic Recognition of the Damages and Symptoms on Plant Leaves, A
* 2016: Otolith Recognition System Using a Normal Angles Contour
* 2020: Deep Transfer Learning Models for Tomato Disease Detection
* 2021: Computer Vision, IoT and Data Fusion for Crop Disease Detection Using Machine Learning: A Survey and Ongoing Research
Includes: Es Saady, Y. Es-Saady, Y. Es-Saady, Y.[Youssef]

Es sabry, M. * 2018: Grayscale image encryption using shift bits operations
Includes: Es sabry, M. Es-sabry, M.

Es Salhi, R. * 2017: new semi-supervised method for image co-segmentation, A
Includes: Es Salhi, R. Es-Salhi, R.

Es Sarraj, H.[Hamza] * 2022: FSMC for PWM rotor side converter in DFIG-based wind turbine system
Includes: Es Sarraj, H.[Hamza] Es-Sarraj, H.[Hamza]

Index for "e"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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