Index for escu

Escudero V., M.[Miguel] * 2016: Virtual Reality Integration with Force Feedback in Upper Limb Rehabilitation

Escudero Vinolo, M.[Marcos] * 2008: ground truth for motion-based video-object segmentation, A
* 2010: robust framework for region based video object segmentation, A
* 2013: Real-time user independent hand gesture recognition from time-of-flight camera video using static and dynamic models
* 2014: natural and synthetic corpus for benchmarking of hand gesture recognition systems, A
* 2017: Severe-occluded 3D object identification via region-based descriptions
* 2018: Automatic Semantic Parsing of the Ground Plane in Scenarios Recorded With Multiple Moving Cameras
* 2020: Semantic-aware scene recognition
* 2020: Squeezing the DCT to Fight Camouflage
* 2020: Visualizing the Effect of Semantic Classes in the Attribution of Scene Recognition Models
* 2022: CCL: Class-Wise Curriculum Learning for Class Imbalance Problems
* 2022: study on the distribution of social biases in self-supervised learning visual models, A
* 2023: Attention-Based Knowledge Distillation in Scene Recognition: The Impact of a DCT-Driven Loss
* 2023: Biased Class disagreement: detection of out of distribution instances by using differently biased semantic segmentation models
* 2023: Robust Semantic Segmentation UNCV2023 Challenge Results, The
Includes: Escudero Vinolo, M.[Marcos] Escudero-Vinolo, M.[Marcos] Escudero-Viņolo, M.[Marcos] Escudero-Viņolo, M.
14 for Escudero Vinolo, M.

Escudero, A.[Alberto] * 2009: Circular Blurred Shape Model for symbol spotting in documents

Escudero, D. * 2003: MCYT baseline corpus: a bimodal biometric database

Escudero, F. * 2006: From lines to epipoles through planes in two views

Escudero, J. * 2017: Bidimensional Distribution Entropy to Analyze the Irregularity of Small-Sized Textures
* 2021: Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipolar Disorder
Includes: Escudero, J. Escudero, J.[Joan]

Escudero, L.F. * 1977: mixed integer programming approach to multi-spectral image classification, A
* 2011: Collision Avoidance in Air Traffic Management: A Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization Approach

Escudero, L.M.[Luis M.] * 2012: Segmentation of Muscle Fibres in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* 2017: Topological Data Analysis for Self-organization of Biological Tissues
* 2019: Characterising Epithelial Tissues Using Persistent Entropy
Includes: Escudero, L.M.[Luis M.] Escudero, L.M.

Escudero, M.[Marcos] * 2008: MPEG video object segmentation under camera motion and multimodal backgrounds

Escur, J. * 2019: Multi-View 3D Face Reconstruction in the Wild Using Siamese Networks
* 2021: H3D-Net: Few-Shot High-Fidelity 3D Head Reconstruction
Includes: Escur, J. Escur, J.[Janna]

Escuti, M.J. * 2009: Review of Phased Array Steering for Narrow-Band Electrooptical Systems, A

Index for "e"

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