Index for valm

Valmadre, J.[Jack] * 2010: Deterministic 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Rigid Structure
* 2011: Graph Rigidity for Near-Coplanar Structure from Motion
* 2012: Camera-less articulated trajectory reconstruction
* 2012: Efficient Articulated Trajectory Reconstruction Using Dynamic Programming and Filters
* 2012: General trajectory prior for Non-Rigid reconstruction
* 2014: Learning Detectors Quickly with Stationary Statistics
* 2014: Separable Spatiotemporal Priors for Convex Reconstruction of Time-Varying 3D Point Clouds
* 2015: Closed-Form Solutions for Low-Rank Non-Rigid Reconstruction
* 2015: Dense Semantic Correspondence Where Every Pixel is a Classifier
* 2016: Fully-Convolutional Siamese Networks for Object Tracking
* 2016: Staple: Complementary Learners for Real-Time Tracking
* 2016: Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results, The
* 2016: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* 2017: End-to-End Representation Learning for Correlation Filter Based Tracking
* 2017: Kronecker-Markov Prior for Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* 2017: Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* 2018: Devon: Deformable Volume Network for Learning Optical Flow
* 2018: Long-Term Tracking in the Wild: A Benchmark
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* 2020: Devon: Deformable Volume Network for Learning Optical Flow
* 2022: Learning with Neighbor Consistency for Noisy Labels
* 2023: First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
22 for Valmadre, J.

Valman, S.[Samuel] * 2021: Integration and Analysis of Multi-Modal Geospatial Secondary Data to Inform Management of at-Risk Archaeological Sites

Index for "v"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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