Index for vavi

Vavilala, V.[Vaibhav] * 2022: Controlled GAN-Based Creature Synthesis via a Challenging Game Art Dataset: Addressing the Noise-Latent Trade-Off
* 2023: Convex Decomposition of Indoor Scenes

Vavilin, A. * 2010: Road sign detection method based on fast HDR image generation technique
* 2011: Fast HDR image generation from multi-exposed multiple-view LDR images
* 2012: Vehicle Localization Using Omnidirectional Camera with GPS Supporting in Wide Urban Area
* 2013: geometry-based 3D reconstruction from a single omnidirectional image, A
Includes: Vavilin, A. Vavilin, A.[Andrey]

Index for "v"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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