Index for voul

Vouldis, A.T.[Angelos T.] * 2005: Investigating the enhancement of three-dimensional diffraction tomography by using multiple illumination planes

Voulgaris, G. * 2001: Texture-based Image Retrieval in Wavelets Compressed Domain
* 2023: Seasonal Domain Shift in the Global South: Dataset and Deep Features Analysis
Includes: Voulgaris, G. Voulgaris, G.[Georgios]

Voulgaris, P.[Petros] * 2023: Robust vehicle lane keeping control with networked proactive adaptation

Voulkidis, A. * 2017: Preventive maintenance of critical infrastructures using 5G networks drones

Voulodimos, A.[Athanasios] * 2010: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
* 2017: 4D Modelling in Cultural Heritage
* 2018: Combined Convolutional Neural Networks and Fuzzy Spectral Clustering for Real Time Crack Detection in Tunnels
* 2018: Hierarchical Sparse Modeling for Representative Selection in Choreographic Time Series
* 2018: Kinematics-based Extraction of Salient 3D Human Motion Data for Summarization of Choreographic Sequences
* 2019: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Tensor-Based Rank-R Learning Models
* 2019: Learning Choreographic Primitives Through A Bayesian Optimized Bi-Directional LSTM Model
* 2020: Adaptive Convolutionally Enchanced Bi-Directional LSTM Networks for Choreographic Modeling
* 2020: Causal Long Short-Term Memory Sequence to Sequence Model for TEC Prediction Using GNSS Observations, A
* 2020: Noise-tolerant Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Pixel-level Corrosion Detection on Metal Constructions by Fusion of Deep Learning Semantic and Contour Segmentation
* 2021: Space-Time Domain Tensor Neural Networks: An Application on Human Pose Classification
* 2022: Automatic Inspection of Cultural Monuments Using Deep and Tensor-Based Learning on Hyperspectral Imagery
Includes: Voulodimos, A.[Athanasios] Voulodimos, A.
13 for Voulodimos, A.

Voulodimos, A.S.[Athanasios S.] * 2010: Enhanced human behavior recognition using HMM and evaluative rectification
* 2010: Robust Human Behavior Modeling from Multiple Cameras
* 2011: dataset for workflow recognition in industrial scenes, A
* 2011: Video summarization guiding evaluative rectification for industrial activity recognition
* 2012: Bayesian filter based behavior recognition in workflows allowing for user feedback
* 2012: Threefold Dataset for Activity and Workflow Recognition in Complex Industrial Environments, A

Voultsidou, M. * 2005: Neural Networks Approach to Clustering of Activity in fMRI Data

Index for "v"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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