Index for weib

Weib, M. * 2013: Foreword to the Special Issue on Scientific and Technological Progress of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

Weibel, J.B. * 2016: Discriminative Multi-modal Feature Fusion for RGBD Indoor Scene Recognition
* 2017: integrated approach to visual attention modelling using spatial-temporal saliency and objectness, An
* 2021: Measuring the Sim2Real Gap in 3D Object Classification for Different 3D Data Representation
* 2022: GigaDepth: Learning Depth from Structured Light with Branching Neural Networks
* 2023: Self-supervised Vision Transformers for 3D pose estimation of novel objects
Includes: Weibel, J.B. Weibel, J.B.[Jean-Baptiste]

Weibel, R.[Robert] * 1998: Computational Perspectives on Map Generalization
* 2005: IPODLAS: A software architecture for coupling temporal simulation systems, VR, and GIS
* 2006: Saliency and semantic processing: Extracting forest cover from historical topographic maps
* 2008: Multi-parameter Approach to Automated Building Grouping and Generalization, A
* 2008: Variable-resolution Compression of Vector Data
* 2009: Automated processing for map generalization using web services
* 2019: Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpooling
* 2020: Geological Map Generalization Driven by Size Constraints
* 2022: Make It Simple: Effective Road Selection for Small-Scale Map Design Using Decision-Tree-Based Models
* 2023: Move and remove: Multi-task learning for building simplification in vector maps with a graph convolutional neural network
Includes: Weibel, R.[Robert] Weibel, R.
10 for Weibel, R.

Weibel, T.[Thomas] * 2010: Endoscopic bladder image registration using sparse graph cuts
* 2011: Planarity-enforcing higher-order graph cut
* 2012: Contrast-enhancing seam detection and blending using graph cuts
* 2012: Graph based construction of textured large field of view mosaics for bladder cancer diagnosis
* 2013: Fast mosaicing of cystoscopic images from dense correspondence: Combined SURF and TV-L1 optical flow method

Weibull, W.[Wiktor] * 2023: Holistic 3D Model of an Urban Area in Norway: An Integration of Geophysical, Geotechnical, Remote Sensing, and Geological Methods

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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