Index for wijn

Wijnands, J.S.[Jasper S.] * 2021: Self-Supervision. Remote Sensing and Abstraction: Representation Learning Across 3 Million Locations

Wijnants, M.[Maarten] * 2020: Multimedia Analytics Challenges and Opportunities for Creating Interactive Radio Content

Wijnenga, M.M.J.[Maarten M. J.] * 2024: Evaluating the Predictive Value of Glioma Growth Models for Low-Grade Glioma After Tumor Resection

Wijnholds, S. * 2010: Calibration challenges for future radio telescopes

Wijnholds, S.J. * 2017: Robust recovery for aperture synthesis imaging

Wijnhoven, R.[Rob] * 2012: Water Region Detection Supporting Ship Identification in Port Surveillance
* 2014: Context-based object-of-interest detection for a generic traffic surveillance analysis system
* 2022: Accelerating Video Object Detection by Exploiting Prior Object Locations

Wijnhoven, R.G.J.[Rob G.J.] * 2007: Experiments with patch-based object classification
* 2007: Patch-Based Experiments with Object Classification in Video Surveillance
* 2009: Comparing Feature Matching for Object Categorization in Video Surveillance
* 2010: Color exploitation in hog-based traffic sign detection
* 2010: Fast Training of Object Detection Using Stochastic Gradient Descent
* 2011: Unsupervised sub-categorization for object detection: Finding cars from a driving vehicle
* 2013: Robust automatic ship tracking in harbours using active cameras
* 2013: TROD: Tracking with occlusion handling and drift correction
* 2016: Automatic Calibration of Stationary Surveillance Cameras in the Wild
* 2017: Semi-automatic Training of a Vehicle Make and Model Recognition System
* 2021: Safe Fakes: Evaluating Face Anonymizers for Face Detectors
Includes: Wijnhoven, R.G.J.[Rob G.J.] Wijnhoven, R.G.J.
11 for Wijnhoven, R.G.J.

Wijns, C. * 2012: Visualising Full Tensor Gradient Gravity Data Using Texture and Colour Cues

Wijntjes, M.[Maarten] * 2018: Digital Tool to Understand the Pictorial Procedures of 17th Century Realism, A

Wijntjes, M.W.A.[Maarten W. A.] * 2020: Insights from a Large-scale Database of Material Depictions in Paintings
* 2021: What Can Style Transfer and Paintings Do For Model Robustness?
Includes: Wijntjes, M.W.A.[Maarten W. A.] Wijntjes, M.W.A.[Maarten W.A.]

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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