Bonfait, O.[Olivier]
Co Author Listing * Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks
Bonfante, A.[Antonello]
Co Author Listing * How the Small Object Detection via Machine Learning and UAS-Based Remote-Sensing Imagery Can Support the Achievement of SDG2: A Case Study of Vole Burrows
* Irrigation Optimization Under a Limited Water Supply by the Integration of Modern Approaches into Traditional Water Management on the Cotton Fields
Bonfanti, C.
Co Author Listing * High Accuracy Image And Range Based Acquiring For Artistic Handworks 3d-models
Bonfanti, P.[Pietro]
Co Author Listing * Tracing Magma Migration at Mt. Etna Volcano during 2006-2020, Coupling Remote Sensing of Crater Gas Emissions and Ground Measurement of Soil Gases
Bonfantini, B.
Co Author Listing * Revealing The Everyday Landscape: Innovative Systems for Heritage Education in Schools. The SCAR (School Activates Resources) Project
Bonfatti, B.R.[Benito Roberto]
Co Author Listing * Terrain Analysis in Google Earth Engine: A Method Adapted for High-Performance Global-Scale Analysis
Bonfatti, F.[Flavio]
Co Author Listing * Requirement Analysis for the Definition of Reusable Spatial Objects
Bonfert Taylor, P.[Petra]
Co Author Listing * Information loss and reconstruction in diffuse fluorescence tomography
Includes: Bonfert Taylor, P.[Petra] Bonfert-Taylor, P.[Petra]
Bonfield, S.[Susan]
Co Author Listing * Camera-Based Method for Collecting Rapid Vegetation Data to Support Remote-Sensing Studies of Shrubland Biodiversity, A
Bonfiglioli, L.[Luca]
Co Author Listing * Eyecandies Dataset for Unsupervised Multimodal Anomaly Detection and Localization, The
Bonfil, D.J.[David J.]
Co Author Listing * Optimizing Top Dressing Nitrogen Fertilization Using VENµS and Sentinel-2 L1 Data
* Studying the Feasibility of Assimilating Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope Imagery into the SAFY Crop Model to Predict Within-Field Wheat Yield
* Using Satellite Data to Optimize Wheat Yield and Quality under Climate Change
Bonfort, T.[Thomas]
Co Author Listing * email: Bonfort, T.[Thomas]: Thomas Bonfort AT inrialpes fr
* General Specular Surface Triangulation
* How to Compute the Pose of an Object Without a Direct View?
* Voxel carving for specular surfaces
Includes: Bonfort, T.[Thomas] Bonfort, T.
Bonforte, A.[Alessandro]
Co Author Listing * Characterization of an Active Fault through a Multiparametric Investigation: The Trecastagni Fault and Its Relationship with the Dynamics of Mt. Etna Volcano (Sicily, Italy)
* Decomposing DInSAR Time-Series into 3-D in Combination with GPS in the Case of Low Strain Rates: An Application to the Hyblean Plateau, Sicily, Italy
* Joint Terrestrial and Aerial Measurements to Study Ground Deformation: Application to the Sciara Del Fuoco at the Stromboli Volcano (Sicily)
* Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the Largest 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruptions, A
* Remote Sensing and Geodetic Measurements for Volcanic Slope Monitoring: Surface Variations Measured at Northern Flank of La Fossa Cone (Vulcano Island, Italy)