Index for nunn

Nunn, C. Co Author Listing * Decision Fusion and Reasoning Module for a Traffic Sign Recognition System, A

Nunna, M.[Maanvi] Co Author Listing * Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection using Facial Action Units

Nunnari, F. Co Author Listing * DeepHPS: End-to-end Estimation of 3D Hand Pose and Shape by Learning from Synthetic Depth
* Rating Vs. Paired Comparison for the Judgment of Dominance on First Impressions
Includes: Nunnari, F. Nunnari, F.[Fabrizio]

Nunnari, G.[Giuseppe] Co Author Listing * Comparison between Automated and Manual Detection of Lava Fountains from Fixed Monitoring Thermal Cameras at Etna Volcano, Italy
* Etna Output Rate during the Last Decade (2011-2022): Insights for Hazard Assessment
* Grid application to estimate 3D temporal evolution of ground deformation displacements, A
* new fine-grained classification strategy for solar daily radiation patterns, A
* Reawakening of Voragine, the Oldest of Etna's Summit Craters: Insights from a Recurrent Episodic Eruptive Behavior
* Simultaneous and Integrated Strain Tensor Estimation From Geodetic and Satellite Deformation Measurements to Obtain Three-Dimensional Displacement Maps
Includes: Nunnari, G.[Giuseppe] Nunnari, G.

Nunnari, S.[Silvia] Co Author Listing * new fine-grained classification strategy for solar daily radiation patterns, A

Index for "n"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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