Okandan, M.[Mustafa]
Co Author Listing * Atrial fibrillation classification with artificial neural networks
Okano, F.
Co Author Listing * Beyond HDTV
* Depth range of a 3D image sampled by a lens array with the integral method
* Do We Need Video Systems Beyond HDTV?
* Extracting 3D images from lunar orbiter Kaguya data
* Geometrical Analysis of Puppet-Theater and Cardboard Effects in Stereoscopic HDTV Images
* Geometrical effects of positional errors in integral photography
* Real-Time Integral Imaging Based on Extremely High Resolution Video System
* Special Issue on 3-D Technologies for Imaging and Display
* Study on Resolution and Aliasing for Multi-Viewpoint Image Acquisition, A
* Study on Scanning Methods for a Field-Sequential Stereoscopic Display, A
* Three-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display
* Time-alternating method based on single-sideband holography with half-zone-plate processing for the enlargement of viewing zones
Includes: Okano, F. Okano, F.[Fumio]
12 for Okano, F.
Okano, H.[Hiroshi]
Co Author Listing * Camera for preventing camera shake
* PAT: Probabilistic Axon Tracking for Densely Labeled Neurons in Large 3-D Micrographs
Includes: Okano, H.[Hiroshi] Okano, H.
Okano, K.[Kenji]
Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for identifying individuals
* System for identifying individuals
Okano, M.[Masahiro]
Co Author Listing * Natural Disaster Classification Using Aerial Photography Explainable for Typhoon Damaged Feature
Okano, R.[Ryan]
Co Author Listing * Validation of Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Satellite Products for Coral Bleaching Monitoring
Okano, Y.[Yuichi]
Co Author Listing * Text and Layout Information Extraction from Document Files of Various Formats Based on the Analysis of Page Description Language
Okanohara, D.[Daisuke]
Co Author Listing * Neural Multi-scale Image Compression