Index for zeev

Zeevi, Y. Co Author Listing * Recognition of Distorted Patterns by Invariance Kernels
* Signal and image reconstruction from partial Fourier phase
* Signal- and Image-Component Separation by a Multi-Window Gabor-Type Scheme
* Texture segmentation via a diffusion-segmentation scheme in the Gabor feature space

Zeevi, Y.Y.[Yehoshua Y.] Co Author Listing * email: Zeevi, Y.Y.[Yehoshua Y.]: Also Yehoshua Y Josh Zeevi
* 3D cuboid scene understanding by a mixed cognitive graph and log-complex mapping paradigm
* Aging Face Recognition: A Hierarchical Learning Model Based on Local Patterns Selection
* Blind Deblurring of Natural Stochastic Textures Using an Anisotropic Fractal Model and Phase Retrieval Algorithm
* Blind Deconvolution of Images Using Optimal Sparse Representations
* Blind separation of images obtained by spatially-varying mixing system
* Blind separation of mixed images using multiscale transforms
* Blind separation of position varying mixed images
* Blind Separation of Time/Position Varying Mixtures
* Blind Source Separation Using Multinode Sparse Representation
* Canonical Coordinates Method for Pattern Deformation: Theoretical and Computational Considerations, The
* Combinatorial Ricci Curvature and Laplacians for Image Processing
* Combining long-range dependencies with phase information in Natural Stochastic Texture enhancement
* Complex diffusion processes for image filtering
* Denoising of natural stochastic colored-textures based on fractional brownian motion model
* Denoising-Enhancing Images on Elastic Manifolds
* Design of 2-Dimensional Gradient Estimators Based on One-Dimensional Operators, The
* dynamics of image denoising viewed as damped elastic deformation, The
* Education in image sciences and engineering at the Technion
* Estimation of Optimal PDE-Based Denoising in the SNR Sense
* Estimation of the Optimal Variational Parameter via SNR Analysis
* Farthest Point Strategy for Progressive Image Sampling, The
* Fast Relative Newton Algorithm for Blind Deconvolution of Images
* Forward-and-backward diffusion processes for adaptive image enhancement and denoising
* Gabor Feature Space Diffusion via the Minimal Weighted Area Method
* Generalized Gabor Scheme of Image Representation in Biological and Machine Vision, The
* Geodesic active contours applied to texture feature space
* Geometric Approach to Measure-Based Metric in Image Segmentation
* Geometric Functional for Gradient Approximation, A
* Geometric Sampling of Manifolds for Image Representation and Processing
* Geometric-Functional-Based Image Segmentation and Inpainting, A
* Guest editorial: Special issue on blind source separation and de-convolution in imaging and image processing
* Image analysis by wavelet-type transforms: Group theoretic approach
* Image Enhancement and Denoising by Complex Diffusion Processes
* Image Enhancement Segmentation and Denoising by Time Dependent Nonlinear Diffusion Processes
* Image Enhancement Using Elastic Manifolds
* Image Reconstruction from Zero Crossings
* Image representation by level crossings of the wavelet transform
* Image Sharpening by Flows Based on Triple Well Potentials
* Integrated Active Contours for Texture Segmentation
* Local versus Global in Quasi-Conformal Mapping for Medical Imaging
* multi-window Gabor-type analysis of images and multidimensional signals, The
* Multiresolution approach to three-dimensional stereo vision
* Nonuniform image representation in area-of-interest systems
* On the role of non-local Menger curvature in image processing
* Optimal sparse representations for blind source separation and blind deconvolution: a learning approach
* Pattern Analysis and Texture Discrimination in the Gabor Space
* PDE-based denoising of complex scenes using a spatially-varying fidelity term
* Projection-Based Approach to Image Analysis: Pattern Recognition and Representation in the Position-Orientation Space
* Quasi-conformal Flat Representation of Triangulated Surfaces for Computerized Tomography
* Quasi-isometric and Quasi-conformal Development of Triangulated Surfaces for Computerized Tomography
* Regularized Shock Filters and Complex Diffusion
* Representation and coding of images with nonseparable two-dimensional wavelets
* Representation of colored images by manifolds embedded in higher dimensional non-Euclidean space
* Sampling and Reconstruction of Surfaces and Higher Dimensional Manifolds
* Scale-Space Generation via Uncertainty Principles
* Separation of reflections via sparse ICA
* Single-Image Superresolution of Natural Stochastic Textures Based on Fractional Brownian Motion
* Single-image superresolution of self-similar textures
* Some aspects of motion perception
* Sparse ICA for blind separation of transmitted and reflected images
* Sparse Source Separation of Non-instantaneous Spatially Varying Single Path Mixtures
* Spatio-Chromatic Model for Colour Image Processing
* Stable denoising-enhancement of images by telegraph-diffusion operators
* Statistics of Natural Stochastic Textures and Their Application in Image Denoising
* Super-Resolution Estimation of Edge Images
* Telegraph-Diffusion Operator for Image Enhancement
* Uncertainty Principle: Group Theoretic Approach, Possible Minimizers and Scale-Space Properties, The
* Unmixing Tissues: Sparse Component Analysis in Multi-Contrast MRI
* Variational blind deconvolution of multi-channel images
* Variational Denoising of Partly Textured Images by Spatially Varying Constraints
* Variational Distance-Dependent Image Restoration
* Wavelet Representation and Total Variation Regularization in Emission Tomography
* Wavelet-based multiresolution stereo vision
Includes: Zeevi, Y.Y.[Yehoshua Y.] Zeevi, Y.Y. Zeevi, Y.Y.[Yehushua Y.]
74 for Zeevi, Y.Y.

Index for "z"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:02:03
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