Index for katz

Katz, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gottlieb, P.: Using a Topological Descriptor to Investigate Structures...
     with: Herman, G.T.: Using a Topological Descriptor to Investigate Structures...
     with: Kong, T.Y.: Using a Topological Descriptor to Investigate Structures o...
     with: Oliveira, L.M.: Using a Topological Descriptor to Investigate Structur...

Katz, A.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Thrift, P.R.: Generating Image Filters for Target Recognition by Genet...

Katz, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banda, D.: Deep video-to-video transformations for accessibility with ...
     with: Barbu, A.: Deep video-to-video transformations for accessibility with ...
     with: Barbu, A.: Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Networks...
     with: Barbu, A.: Partially Occluded Hands: A Challenging New Dataset for Sin...
     with: Ben Yosef, G.: Partially Occluded Hands: A Challenging New Dataset for...
     with: Binford, T.O.: Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Definiti...
     with: Binford, T.O.: Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Descript...
     with: Cappagli, G.: Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Netwo...
     with: Dekel, G.: Partially Occluded Hands: A Challenging New Dataset for Sin...
     with: Gori, M.: Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Networks:...
     with: Lowry, M.: Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Definitions,...
     with: Lowry, M.: Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Descriptions
     with: Mata, C.: Partially Occluded Hands: A Challenging New Dataset for Sing...
     with: Morelli, F.: Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Networ...
     with: Myanganbayar, B.: Partially Occluded Hands: A Challenging New Dataset ...
     with: Schiatti, L.: Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Netwo...
     with: Schrimpf, M.: Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Netwo...
     with: Signorini, S.: Modeling Visual Impairments with Artificial Neural Netw...
     with: Winston, P.H.: Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Definiti...
     with: Winston, P.H.: Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Descript...
20 for Katz, B.

Katz, B.F.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andre, C.R.: new validated method for improving the audiovisual spatia...
     with: Corteel, E.: new validated method for improving the audiovisual spatia...
     with: Corteel, E.: SMART-I2: Spatial Multi-user Audio-visual Real-time inter...
     with: Embrechts, J.J.: new validated method for improving the audiovisual sp...
     with: Rebillat, M.: SMART-I2: Spatial Multi-user Audio-visual Real-time inte...
     with: Verly, J.G.: new validated method for improving the audiovisual spatia...

Katz, D.S.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Batterman, S.A.: Improved Classification of Urban Trees Using a Widesp...
     with: Brines, S.J.: Improved Classification of Urban Trees Using a Widesprea...

Katz, G.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cohn, J.F.: Bimodal Expression of Emotion by Face and Voice

Katz, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aghajan, H.: Multi-touch Surface Using Multiple Cameras, A
     with: Aghajan, H.: Multiple camera-based chamfer matching for pedestrian det...
     with: Gabayan, K.: Multi-touch Surface Using Multiple Cameras, A

Katz, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergstein, L.: Design of Extended Depth-of-Focus Laser Beams Using Ort...
     with: Bridgelall, R.: Laser scanning system and scanning method for reading ...
     with: Dvorkis, P.: Laser scanning system and scanning method for reading 1-D...
     with: Goldman, R.: Method and apparatus to scan randomly oriented two-dimens...
     with: Goren, D.P.: Design of Extended Depth-of-Focus Laser Beams Using Ortho...
     with: Goren, D.P.: Laser scanning system and scanning method for reading 1-D...
     with: Li, Y.J.: Laser scanning system and scanning method for reading 1-D an...
     with: Shellhammer, S.J.: Method and apparatus to scan randomly oriented two-...
8 for Katz, J.

Katz, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agapakis, J.E.: Vision-Aided Robotic Welding: An Approach and a Flexib...
     with: Epstein, G.N.: Vision-Aided Robotic Welding: An Approach and a Flexibl...
     with: Friedman, J.M.: Vision-Aided Robotic Welding: An Approach and a Flexib...

Katz, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alchanatis, V.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Sta...
     with: Ben Gal, A.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status...
     with: Cohen, Y.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status E...
     with: Goldshtein, E.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Sta...
     with: Keisar, O.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status ...
     with: Lidor, G.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status E...
     with: Litaor, M.I.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Statu...
     with: Marzuk, S.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status ...
     with: Naor, A.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status Es...
     with: Peeters, A.: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status...
10 for Katz, L.

Katz, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andelic, E.: Hybrid HMM-Based Speech Recognizer Using Kernel-Based Dis...
     with: Andelic, E.: Mixture of Support Vector Machines for HMM based Speech R...
     with: Andelic, E.: Speaker Identification and Verification Using Support Vec...
     with: Dolfing, H.: Robustness of linear discriminant analysis in automatic s...
     with: Jayaraman, P.K.: CADVLM: Bridging Language and Vision in the Generatio...
     with: Khasahmadi, A.H.: CADVLM: Bridging Language and Vision in the Generati...
     with: Klakow, D.: Robustness of linear discriminant analysis in automatic sp...
     with: Kruger, S.E.: Hybrid HMM-Based Speech Recognizer Using Kernel-Based Di...
     with: Kruger, S.E.: Mixture of Support Vector Machines for HMM based Speech ...
     with: Kruger, S.E.: Speaker Identification and Verification Using Support Ve...
     with: Liu, B.: CADVLM: Bridging Language and Vision in the Generation of Par...
     with: Meier, H.G.: Robustness of linear discriminant analysis in automatic s...
     with: Pu, Y.: CADVLM: Bridging Language and Vision in the Generation of Para...
     with: Schaffoner, M.: Hybrid HMM-Based Speech Recognizer Using Kernel-Based ...
     with: Schaffoner, M.: Mixture of Support Vector Machines for HMM based Speec...
     with: Schaffoner, M.: Speaker Identification and Verification Using Support ...
     with: Wendemuth, A.: Mixture of Support Vector Machines for HMM based Speech...
     with: Wendemuth, A.: Speaker Identification and Verification Using Support V...
     with: Willis, K.: CADVLM: Bridging Language and Vision in the Generation of ...
     with: Wu, S.: CADVLM: Bridging Language and Vision in the Generation of Para...
20 for Katz, M.

Katz, M.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Moshe, B.: Approximating the Visible Region of a Point on a Terrain
     with: Carmi, P.: Approximating the Visible Region of a Point on a Terrain

Katz, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bala, K.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Comp...
     with: Barkan, O.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Per...
     with: Cohen, L.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-resne...
     with: Hirsch, R.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Per...
     with: Hoch, S.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-resnet...
     with: Kashani, S.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-res...
     with: Koenigstein, N.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visua...
     with: Malkiel, I.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Pe...
     with: Nishino, K.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on C...
     with: Presil, D.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-resn...
     with: Reiss, T.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Perc...
     with: Schechner, Y.Y.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section ...
     with: Schwartzbard, Y.: Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d S...
     with: Sunkavalli, K.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section o...
     with: Weill, J.: Efficient Discovery and Effective Evaluation of Visual Perc...
15 for Katz, O.

Katz, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alfalou, A.: face-tracking system to detect falls in the elderly, A
     with: Aron, M.: face-tracking system to detect falls in the elderly, A

Katz, P.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dougherty, E.R.: Model-Based Morphology: The Opening Spectrum
     with: Haralick, R.M.: Model-Based Morphology: The Opening Spectrum
     with: Haralick, R.M.: Optimal Single-Stage Restoration of Subtractive Noise ...
     with: Rystrom, L.R.: Optimal Single-Stage Restoration of Subtractive Noise C...

Katz, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Batenkov, D.: Decimated Prony's Method for Stable Super-Resolution
     with: Diab, N.: Decimated Prony's Method for Stable Super-Resolution
     with: Durrant Whyte, H.F.: Camera calibration for miniature, low-cost, wide-...
     with: Frank, O.: Camera calibration for miniature, low-cost, wide-angle imag...
     with: Koren, Y.: Reconfigurable apparatus and method for inspection during a...
     with: Tisse, C.L.: Camera calibration for miniature, low-cost, wide-angle im...

Katz, R.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pizer, S.M.: Untangling the Blum Medial Axis Transform

Katz, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boyer, K.L.: Tracking the Optic Nervehead in OCT Video Using Dual Eige...
     with: Dill, R.J.: Feature enhancement techniques for the detection of spinal...
     with: Evangelidis, G.D.: Continuous Cost Aggregation for Dual-Pixel Disparit...
     with: Kligler, N.: Document Enhancement Using Visibility Detection
     with: Koozekanani, D.: Tracking the Optic Nervehead in OCT Video Using Dual ...
     with: Lam, C.F.: Feature enhancement techniques for the detection of spinal ...
     with: Mishra, A.K.: Fynbos leaf online plant recognition application
     with: Monin, S.: Continuous Cost Aggregation for Dual-Pixel Disparity Extrac...
     with: Roberts, C.: Tracking the Optic Nervehead in OCT Video Using Dual Eige...
     with: Tal, A.: Document Enhancement Using Visibility Detection
     with: Tal, A.: Improving the Visual Comprehension of Point Sets
     with: Tal, A.: On the Visibility of Point Clouds
     with: Winberg, S.: Fynbos leaf online plant recognition application
13 for Katz, S.

Katzakis, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kiyokawa, K.: INSPECT: Extending plane-casting for 6-DOF control
     with: Kiyokawa, K.: Virtual interaction surface: Decoupling of interaction a...
     with: Ohnishi, T.: Virtual interaction surface: Decoupling of interaction an...
     with: Takemura, H.: INSPECT: Extending plane-casting for 6-DOF control
     with: Takemura, H.: Virtual interaction surface: Decoupling of interaction a...
     with: Teather, R.J.: INSPECT: Extending plane-casting for 6-DOF control

Katzav, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Elovici, Y.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Using...
     with: Giloni, A.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Using ...
     with: Grolman, E.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Using...
     with: Hanatani, Y.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Usin...
     with: Komatsu, M.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Using...
     with: Omino, T.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Using A...
     with: Saito, H.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Using A...
     with: Shabtai, A.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Using...
     with: Shibata, T.: Adversarialeak: External Information Leakage Attack Using...
9 for Katzav, R.

Katzberg, R.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buonocore, M.H.: Estimation of Extraction Fraction (EF) and Glomerular...

Katzenbeisser, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adelsbach, A.: On the Insecurity of Non-invertible Watermarking Scheme...
     with: Celik, M.U.: Camcorder Capture Robust Low-Complexity Watermarking of M...
     with: Celik, M.U.: Secure Watermark Embedding Through Partial Encryption
     with: Lemma, A.: Camcorder Capture Robust Low-Complexity Watermarking of MPE...
     with: Lemma, A.: Secure Watermark Embedding Through Partial Encryption
     with: Nguyen, H.C.: Performance and Robustness Analysis for Some Re-sampling...
     with: Sadeghi, A.R.: On the Insecurity of Non-invertible Watermarking Scheme...
     with: Talstra, J.: Camcorder Capture Robust Low-Complexity Watermarking of M...
     with: van der Veen, M.: Secure Watermark Embedding Through Partial Encryption
9 for Katzenbeisser, S.

Katzer, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Damiecka Suchocka, M.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deteriorat...
     with: Janicka, J.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Bui...
     with: Rapinski, J.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Bu...
     with: Stalowska, P.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of B...
     with: Suchocki, C.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Bu...

Katzfuss, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berrocal, V.: Spatial Retrievals of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Sa...
     with: Braverman, A.: Spatial Surface Reflectance Retrievals for Visible/Shor...
     with: Brynjarsdottir, J.: Spatial Retrievals of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide f...
     with: Hobbs, J.: Spatial Retrievals of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Satel...
     with: Hobbs, J.: Spatial Surface Reflectance Retrievals for Visible/Shortwav...
     with: Mondal, A.: Spatial Retrievals of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Sate...
     with: Natraj, V.: Spatial Surface Reflectance Retrievals for Visible/Shortwa...
     with: Thompson, D.R.: Spatial Surface Reflectance Retrievals for Visible/Sho...
     with: Zilber, D.: Spatial Retrievals of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Sate...
     with: Zilber, D.: Spatial Surface Reflectance Retrievals for Visible/Shortwa...
10 for Katzfuss, M.

Katzir, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avni, O.: Recovery of 3D animal motions using cameras and mirrors
     with: Baum, T.: Active tracking and pursuit under different levels of occlus...
     with: Baum, T.: Recovery of 3D animal motions using cameras and mirrors
     with: Izhaki, I.: Active tracking and pursuit under different levels of occl...
     with: Rivlin, E.: Active tracking and pursuit under different levels of occl...
     with: Rivlin, E.: Recovery of 3D animal motions using cameras and mirrors

Katzir, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aides, A.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Blau, Y.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Cohen, R.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Corrado, G.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Dashinsky, V.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Freedman, D.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Freedman, D.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Golany, T.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Goldenberg, R.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Gordon, A.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Kelner, O.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Matias, Y.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Rabani, N.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Rivlin, E.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Rivlin, E.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
     with: Veikherman, D.: Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
     with: Veikherman, D.: Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
19 for Katzir, L.

Katzir, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bruckstein, A.M.: Similarity-Invariant Signatures for Partially Occlud...
     with: Lindenbaum, M.: Curve Segmentation under Partial Occlusion
     with: Lindenbaum, M.: Planar curve segmentation for recognition of partially...
     with: Lindenbaum, M.: Similarity-Invariant Signatures for Partially Occluded...
     with: Porat, M.: Curve Segmentation under Partial Occlusion
     with: Porat, M.: Planar curve segmentation for recognition of partially occl...
     with: Proat, M.: Similarity-Invariant Signatures for Partially Occluded Plan...
7 for Katzir, N.

Katzir, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cohen Or, D.: CompoNet: Learning to Generate the Unseen by Part Synthe...
     with: Cohen Or, D.: Cross-domain Cascaded Deep Translation
     with: Cohen Or, D.: Shape-Pose Disentanglement Using SE(3)-Equivariant Vecto...
     with: Gilboa, G.: maximal interest-point strategy applied to image enhanceme...
     with: Lischinski, D.: Cross-domain Cascaded Deep Translation
     with: Lischinski, D.: Shape-Pose Disentanglement Using SE(3)-Equivariant Vec...
     with: Schor, N.: CompoNet: Learning to Generate the Unseen by Part Synthesis...
     with: Zhang, H.: CompoNet: Learning to Generate the Unseen by Part Synthesis...
8 for Katzir, O.

Katzir, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Celniker, G.: Transfer Learning for User Action Identication in Mobile...
     with: Finkelshtein, A.: Transfer Learning for User Action Identication in Mo...
     with: Grolman, E.: Transfer Learning for User Action Identication in Mobile ...
     with: Puzis, R.: Transfer Learning for User Action Identication in Mobile Ap...
     with: Rosenfeld, L.: Transfer Learning for User Action Identication in Mobil...
     with: Shabtai, A.: Transfer Learning for User Action Identication in Mobile ...

Katzko, M.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hesselmans, G.H.F.M.: Two Methods for Analyzing Pleural Smears for the...
     with: Oud, P.S.: Two Methods for Analyzing Pleural Smears for the Presence o...
     with: Pahlplatz, M.M.M.: Two Methods for Analyzing Pleural Smears for the Pr...
     with: Vooys, G.P.: Two Methods for Analyzing Pleural Smears for the Presence...

Katzman, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hochman, D.: Application of Redundancy Reduction to Television Bandwid...
     with: Weber, D.R.: Application of Redundancy Reduction to Television Bandwid...

Katzorke, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kastner, S.: Agile Altering of Road Marking Patterns for Lane Detectio...
     with: Kolar, P.: Agile Altering of Road Marking Patterns for Lane Detection ...
     with: Lasi, H.: Agile Altering of Road Marking Patterns for Lane Detection T...

Katzourakis, D.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alirezaei, M.: Road-Departure Prevention in an Emergency Obstacle Avoi...
     with: Corno, M.: Road-Departure Prevention in an Emergency Obstacle Avoidanc...
     with: de Winter, J.C.F.: Road-Departure Prevention in an Emergency Obstacle ...
     with: Happee, R.: Haptic Steering Support for Driving Near the Vehicle's Han...
     with: Happee, R.: Road-Departure Prevention in an Emergency Obstacle Avoidan...
     with: Holweg, E.: Haptic Steering Support for Driving Near the Vehicle's Han...
     with: Velenis, E.: Haptic Steering Support for Driving Near the Vehicle's Ha...
7 for Katzourakis, D.I.

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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