Index for lova

Lovallo, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abate, N.: Investigating the Impact of Xylella Fastidiosa on Olive Tre...
     with: Lasaponara, R.: Investigating the Impact of Xylella Fastidiosa on Oliv...
     with: Telesca, L.: Investigating the Impact of Xylella Fastidiosa on Olive T...

Lovanyi, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cazuguel, G.: Derailment-Free Finite State Vector Quantization Using C...
     with: Cazuguel, G.: optimization of finite-state vector quantization for ima...
     with: Cziho, A.: Derailment-Free Finite State Vector Quantization Using Cond...
     with: Cziho, A.: optimization of finite-state vector quantization for image ...
     with: Roux, C.: Derailment-Free Finite State Vector Quantization Using Condi...
     with: Roux, C.: optimization of finite-state vector quantization for image c...
     with: Solaiman, B.: Derailment-Free Finite State Vector Quantization Using C...
     with: Solaiman, B.: optimization of finite-state vector quantization for ima...
8 for Lovanyi, I.

Lovas, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berge, J.: Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging of Arctic Macroalgal Habit...
     with: Fragoso, G.: Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging of Arctic Macroalgal Hab...
     with: Johnsen, G.: Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging of Arctic Macroalgal Hab...
     with: Mogstad, A.: Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging of Arctic Macroalgal Hab...
     with: Summers, N.: Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging of Arctic Macroalgal Hab...

Lovas, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barsi, A.: Crowdsourcing Based 3d Modeling
     with: Barsi, A.: Pedestrian Detection By Laser Scanning And Depth Imagery
     with: Barsi, A.: Photogrammetric Pavement Detection System
     with: Barsi, A.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of St...
     with: Barsi, A.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning: Civil Engineering Applications
     with: Barsi, A.: Tracking Vehicle in GSM Network to Support Intelligent Tran...
     with: Beeharee, A.: Tracking Vehicle in GSM Network to Support Intelligent T...
     with: Berenyi, A.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of ...
     with: Berenyi, A.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning: Civil Engineering Applications
     with: Berenyi, A.: Tracking Vehicle in GSM Network to Support Intelligent Tr...
     with: Csak, Z.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of Str...
     with: Demeter, H.: Tracking Vehicle in GSM Network to Support Intelligent Tr...
     with: Detrekoi, A.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of...
     with: Dunai, L.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of St...
     with: Hadzijanisz, K.: Indoor Building Survey Assessment
     with: Igazvolgyi, Z.: Pedestrian Detection By Laser Scanning And Depth Imagery
     with: Kertesz, I.: Photogrammetric Pavement Detection System
     with: Kibedy, Z.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of S...
     with: Koppanyi, Z.: Tracking Vehicle in GSM Network to Support Intelligent T...
     with: Molnar, B.: Crowdsourcing Based 3d Modeling
     with: Molnar, B.: Pedestrian Detection By Laser Scanning And Depth Imagery
     with: Papp, V.: Indoor Building Survey Assessment
     with: Polgar, A.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of S...
     with: Somogyi, A.: Crowdsourcing Based 3d Modeling
     with: Somogyi, A.: Pedestrian Detection By Laser Scanning And Depth Imagery
     with: Somogyi, A.J.: Indoor Building Survey Assessment
     with: Szocs, K.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Deformation Measurement of St...
27 for Lovas, T.

Lovati, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alberti, T.: Unveiling the Core Patterns of High-Latitude Electron Den...
     with: Berrilli, F.: Pressure-Gradient Current at High Latitude from Swarm Me...
     with: Coco, I.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swarm Data
     with: Consolini, G.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swa...
     with: Consolini, G.: Pressure-Gradient Current at High Latitude from Swarm M...
     with: Consolini, G.: Unveiling the Core Patterns of High-Latitude Electron D...
     with: de Michelis, P.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from S...
     with: de Michelis, P.: Pressure-Gradient Current at High Latitude from Swarm...
     with: de Michelis, P.: Unveiling the Core Patterns of High-Latitude Electron...
     with: Giannattasio, F.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from ...
     with: Marcucci, M.F.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Sw...
     with: Pezzopane, M.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swa...
     with: Pignalberi, A.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Sw...
     with: Tozzi, R.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swarm D...
14 for Lovati, G.

Lovati, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dou, X.Y.: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Tibetan P...
     with: Fan, X.M.: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Tibetan P...
     with: Tang, R.: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Tibetan Pl...
     with: van Westen, C.: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Tibe...
     with: Wang, X.: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Tibetan Pl...
     with: Xiong, J.L.: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Tibetan...
     with: Xu, Q.: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Tibetan Plat...
     with: Yunus, A.P.: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Tibetan...
8 for Lovati, M.

Lovato, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brucale, A.: Size Functions for Image Retrieval: A Demonstrator on Ran...
     with: d'Amico, M.: Size Functions for Image Retrieval: A Demonstrator on Ran...
     with: Desrero, A.: Prototype System for Unconstrained Face Verificatioin Bas...
     with: Destrero, A.: Combined Motion and Appearance Models for Robust Object ...
     with: Ferri, M.: Size Functions for Image Retrieval: A Demonstrator on Rando...
     with: Gualandri, L.: Size Functions for Image Retrieval: A Demonstrator on R...
     with: Noceti, N.: Combined Motion and Appearance Models for Robust Object Tr...
     with: Odone, F.: Combined Motion and Appearance Models for Robust Object Tra...
     with: Odone, F.: Prototype System for Unconstrained Face Verificatioin Based...
9 for Lovato, A.

Lovato, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Castellani, U.: Automatic Segmentation of Scanned Human Body Using Cur...
     with: Castellani, U.: Heat Diffusion Approach For Feature-Based Body Scans A...
     with: Giachetti, A.: Automatic Segmentation of Scanned Human Body Using Curv...
     with: Giachetti, A.: Heat Diffusion Approach For Feature-Based Body Scans An...
     with: Zancanaro, C.: Automatic Segmentation of Scanned Human Body Using Curv...
     with: Zancanaro, C.: Heat Diffusion Approach For Feature-Based Body Scans An...

Lovato, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Assfalg, M.: Mining NMR Spectroscopy Using Topic Models
     with: Bicego, M.: 2D shape recognition using biological sequence alignment t...
     with: Bicego, M.: 2D Shapes Classification Using BLAST
     with: Bicego, M.: Biclustering of Expression Microarray Data with Topic Models
     with: Bicego, M.: bioinformatics approach to 2D shape classification, A
     with: Bicego, M.: dissimilarity-based multiple instance learning approach fo...
     with: Bicego, M.: Enriched Bag of Words for Protein Remote Homology Detection
     with: Bicego, M.: Feature Selection Using Counting Grids: Application to Mic...
     with: Bicego, M.: Mining NMR Spectroscopy Using Topic Models
     with: Bicego, M.: Protein Remote Homology Detection Using Dissimilarity-Base...
     with: Bicego, M.: S-BLOSUM: Classification of 2D Shapes with Biological Sequ...
     with: Centomo, C.: S-BLOSUM: Classification of 2D Shapes with Biological Seq...
     with: Cheng, D.S.: We like it! Mapping image preferences on the counting grid
     with: Cristani, M.: Feature Selection Using Counting Grids: Application to M...
     with: Cristani, M.: We like it! Mapping image preferences on the counting grid
     with: Cucci, A.: Enriched Bag of Words for Protein Remote Homology Detection
     with: DeBona, M.: Mining NMR Spectroscopy Using Topic Models
     with: Delledonne, M.: Biclustering of Expression Microarray Data with Topic ...
     with: Ferrarini, A.: Biclustering of Expression Microarray Data with Topic M...
     with: Giorgetti, A.: S-BLOSUM: Classification of 2D Shapes with Biological S...
     with: Guzzo, F.: Mining NMR Spectroscopy Using Topic Models
     with: Jojic, N.: Feature Selection Using Counting Grids: Application to Micr...
     with: Loog, M.: dissimilarity-based multiple instance learning approach for ...
     with: Loog, M.: Protein Remote Homology Detection Using Dissimilarity-Based ...
     with: Mensi, A.: dissimilarity-based multiple instance learning approach for...
     with: Mensi, A.: Protein Remote Homology Detection Using Dissimilarity-Based...
     with: Milanese, A.: S-BLOSUM: Classification of 2D Shapes with Biological Se...
     with: Montagnini, A.: Tell Me What You Like and I'll Tell You What You Are: ...
     with: Perina, A.: Feature Selection Using Counting Grids: Application to Mic...
     with: Perina, A.: Tell Me What You Like and I'll Tell You What You Are: Disc...
     with: Perina, A.: We like it! Mapping image preferences on the counting grid
     with: Sebe, N.: Tell Me What You Like and I'll Tell You What You Are: Discri...
     with: Sebe, N.: We like it! Mapping image preferences on the counting grid
     with: Segalin, C.: We like it! Mapping image preferences on the counting grid
     with: Tax, D.M.J.: dissimilarity-based multiple instance learning approach f...
     with: Tax, D.M.J.: Protein Remote Homology Detection Using Dissimilarity-Bas...
     with: Zandona, O.: Tell Me What You Like and I'll Tell You What You Are: Dis...
37 for Lovato, P.

Index for "l"

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