Index for read

Read, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gopfert, W.M.: Method and apparatus for contour mapping and orthophoto...

Read, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dowling, T.I.: Removal Of Tree Offsets from SRTM and Other Digital Sur...
     with: Gallant, J.C.: Near-global Bare-earth Dem From Srtm, A
     with: Gallant, J.C.: Removal Of Tree Offsets from SRTM and Other Digital Sur...

Read, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergner, T.: Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images
     with: Devan, K.S.: Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images
     with: Hermosilla, P.: Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images
     with: Kniesel, H.: Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images
     with: Ritschel, T.: Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images
     with: Ropinski, T.: Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images
     with: Walther, P.: Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images
7 for Read, C.

Read, C.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Braun, A.: Error estimation for gridded bathymetry
     with: Dolloff, J.: Error estimation for gridded bathymetry
     with: Doucette, P.: Error estimation for gridded bathymetry
     with: Gurson, A.: Error estimation for gridded bathymetry
     with: Shapo, B.: Error estimation for gridded bathymetry

Read, C.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fazlic, E.: Implementing a Videoconferencing System Based on a Single-...
     with: Fuetterer, A.: Implementing a Videoconferencing System Based on a Sing...
     with: Golston, J.: Implementing a Videoconferencing System Based on a Single...
     with: Miyazawa, H.: Implementing a Videoconferencing System Based on a Singl...

Read, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hollmen, J.: Multi-label methods for prediction with sequential data
     with: Luengo, D.: Efficient monte carlo methods for multi-dimensional learni...
     with: Luengo, D.: Scalable multi-output label prediction: From classifier ch...
     with: Martino, L.: Efficient monte carlo methods for multi-dimensional learn...
     with: Martino, L.: Multi-label methods for prediction with sequential data
     with: Martino, L.: Scalable multi-output label prediction: From classifier c...
     with: Olmos, P.M.: Scalable multi-output label prediction: From classifier c...
7 for Read, J.

Read, J.C.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hands, P.: Interaction between size and disparity cues in distance jud...
     with: Hands, P.: Perceptual compensation mechanisms when viewing stereoscopi...
     with: Hands, P.: Television viewing distance in British households
     with: Khushu, A.: Interaction between size and disparity cues in distance ju...

Read, J.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kilpatrick, A.D.: Developments In Monitoring Rangelands Using Remotely...
     with: Lewis, M.M.: Developments In Monitoring Rangelands Using Remotely-sens...
     with: Ostendorf, B.: Developments In Monitoring Rangelands Using Remotely-se...
     with: Warren Smith, S.C.: Developments In Monitoring Rangelands Using Remote...

Read, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lam, N.S.N.: Spatial methods for characterising land cover and detecti...

Read, J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jayaramamurthy, S.N.: Automatic Generation of Texture Feature Detectors

Read, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amin, Z.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration: Ap...
     with: Atkinson, D.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration...
     with: Chouhan, M.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration:...
     with: Ebner, M.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration: A...
     with: Ourselin, S.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration...
     with: Patel, P.A.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration:...
     with: Punwani, S.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration:...
     with: Taylor, S.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration: ...
     with: Vercauteren, T.: Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registrat...
9 for Read, S.

Read, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alonso Caneiro, D.: Dual image and mask synthesis with GANs for semant...
     with: Alonso Caneiro, D.: Enhanced OCT chorio-retinal segmentation in low-da...
     with: Alonso Caneiro, D.: OCT chorio-retinal segmentation with adversarial l...
     with: Alonso Caneiro, D.: OCT retinal image-to-image translation: Analysing ...
     with: Alonso Caneiro, D.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate f...
     with: Chen, F.K.: Dual image and mask synthesis with GANs for semantic segme...
     with: Chen, F.K.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for layer...
     with: Collins, M.J.: Dual image and mask synthesis with GANs for semantic se...
     with: Collins, M.J.: Enhanced OCT chorio-retinal segmentation in low-data se...
     with: Collins, M.J.: OCT chorio-retinal segmentation with adversarial loss
     with: Collins, M.J.: OCT retinal image-to-image translation: Analysing the u...
     with: Collins, M.J.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for la...
     with: Kalloniatis, M.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for ...
     with: Kugelman, J.: Dual image and mask synthesis with GANs for semantic seg...
     with: Kugelman, J.: Enhanced OCT chorio-retinal segmentation in low-data set...
     with: Kugelman, J.: OCT chorio-retinal segmentation with adversarial loss
     with: Kugelman, J.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for lay...
     with: Tong, J.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for layer s...
     with: Viedma, I.A.: OCT retinal image-to-image translation: Analysing the us...
     with: Vincent, S.J.: Dual image and mask synthesis with GANs for semantic se...
     with: Vincent, S.J.: Enhanced OCT chorio-retinal segmentation in low-data se...
     with: Vincent, S.J.: OCT chorio-retinal segmentation with adversarial loss
22 for Read, S.A.

Reade, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Viriri, S.: Hybrid Age Estimation Using Facial Images

Reade, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lee, J.: 2nd YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Challenge, The
     with: Natsev, A.P.: 2nd YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Challenge...
     with: Sukthankar, R.: 2nd YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Challen...
     with: Toderici, G.: 2nd YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Challenge...

Reader, A.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balfour, D.R.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using ...
     with: Balfour, D.R.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signature...
     with: Baumgartner, C.F.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Us...
     with: Belzunce, M.A.: Synergistic PET and SENSE MR Image Reconstruction Usin...
     with: Chen, X.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Manif...
     with: Clough, J.R.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures...
     with: Cruz, G.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures for...
     with: Ellis, S.: Bootstrap-Optimised Regularised Image Reconstruction for Em...
     with: Hammers, A.: Synergistic PET and SENSE MR Image Reconstruction Using J...
     with: King, A.P.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Man...
     with: King, A.P.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures f...
     with: Marsden, P.K.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using ...
     with: Marsden, P.K.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signature...
     with: Mehranian, A.: Synergistic PET and SENSE MR Image Reconstruction Using...
     with: Prieto, C.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Man...
     with: Prieto, C.: Synergistic PET and SENSE MR Image Reconstruction Using Jo...
     with: Prieto, C.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures f...
     with: Usman, M.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Mani...
18 for Reader, A.J.

Reader, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avaro, O.: MPEG-4 Systems and Description Languages: A Way Ahead in Au...
     with: Chen, J.W.: Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
     with: Chen, X.L.: IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Emer...
     with: Chou, P.A.: MPEG-4 Systems and Description Languages: A Way Ahead in A...
     with: Dou, W.B.: IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Emerg...
     with: Eleftheriadis, A.: MPEG-4 Systems and Description Languages: A Way Ahe...
     with: Gao, W.: AVS2: Making Video Coding Smarter
     with: Gao, W.: IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Emergin...
     with: Gao, W.: MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
     with: Han, Y.: Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
     with: He, Y.: Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
     with: Herpel, C.: MPEG-4 Systems and Description Languages: A Way Ahead in A...
     with: Huang, T.: MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
     with: Huang, T.J.: AVS2: Making Video Coding Smarter
     with: Huang, T.J.: IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Eme...
     with: Jang, E.S.: MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
     with: Kim, J.G.: MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
     with: Ma, S.W.: AVS2: Making Video Coding Smarter
     with: Park, S.h.: MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
     with: Periera, F.: MPEG-4: Editorial
     with: Rong, Y.: Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
     with: Signes, J.: MPEG-4 Systems and Description Languages: A Way Ahead in A...
     with: Sikora, T.: MPEG-4: Editorial
     with: Villasenor, J.D.: Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Appr...
     with: Wang, R.: MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
     with: Wen, J.T.: Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
     with: Xu, F.: Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
     with: Xu, Y.: Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic Approaches
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: MPEG-4: Editorial
29 for Reader, C.

Reader, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Downs, J.: Space-Time Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying Clusters...
     with: Lamb, D.S.: Space-Time Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying Cluster...

Reading, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chae, J.: Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular 3D Obje...
     with: Harakeh, A.: Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular 3D O...
     with: Waslander, S.L.: Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular ...
     with: Waslander, S.L.: InterTrack: Interaction Transformer for 3D Multi-Obje...
     with: Willes, J.: InterTrack: Interaction Transformer for 3D Multi-Object Tr...

Reading, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fan, H.: Novel Optical Sensor for Precise Tilt Angle Measurement
     with: Fang, Z.P.: Novel Optical Sensor for Precise Tilt Angle Measurement

Ready, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Channappayya, S.: subjective evaluation of true 3D images, A
     with: Jana, S.: subjective evaluation of true 3D images, A
     with: Tamboli, R.: subjective evaluation of true 3D images, A
     with: Vupparaboina, K.K.: subjective evaluation of true 3D images, A

Ready, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Taylor, C.N.: GPU Acceleration of Real-time Feature Based Algorithms

Index for "r"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:10:18
Use for comments.