* *FG
* 3D Facial Geometric Attributes Based Anti-Spoofing Approach against Mask Attacks
* 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation from Depth with Convolutional Neural Networks
* 3D Multistroke Mapping (3DMM): Transfer of Hand-Drawn Pattern Representation for Skeleton-Based Gesture Recognition
* Age, Gender, and Fine-Grained Ethnicity Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks for the East Asian Face Dataset
* All-In-One Convolutional Neural Network for Face Analysis, An
* Apathy Is the Root of All Expressions
* Apparent and Real Age Estimation in Still Images with Deep Residual Regressors on Appa-Real Database
* Assessing Public Speaking Ability from Thin Slices of Behavior
* Attention-Based Template Adaptation for Face Verification
* AUMPNet: Simultaneous Action Units Detection and Intensity Estimation on Multipose Facial Images Using a Single Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Detection of ADHD and ASD from Expressive Behaviour in RGBD Data
* Automatic Hidden Sadness Detection Using Micro-Expressions
* Automatic Immersion of Brands in Videos
* Automatic Semantic Face Recognition
* Boosting-POOF: Boosting Part Based One vs One Feature for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* BoxFlow: Unsupervised Face Detector Adaptation from Images to Videos
* Clothing and People: A Social Signal Processing Perspective
* Color-Distortion Filtering for Remote Photoplethysmography
* Computer Analysis of Sentiment Interpretation in Musical Conducting
* Constrained Ensemble Initialization for Facial Landmark Tracking in Video
* Context-Aware Person Re-Identification in the Wild Via Fusion of Gait and Anthropometric Features
* Coupled Encoder-Decoder Network for Joint Face Detection and Landmark Localization, A
* Cross Benchmark Assessment of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition, A
* Cross-Modal Facial Attribute Recognition with Geometric Features
* Curriculum Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* DAily Home LIfe Activity Dataset: A High Semantic Activity Dataset for Online Recognition, The
* Deep Multi-Task Learning for Joint Prediction of Heterogeneous Face Attributes
* Deep Network Shrinkage Applied to Cross-Spectrum Face Recognition
* Deep Refinement Convolutional Networks for Human Pose Estimation
* Deformable Models of Ears in-the-Wild for Alignment and Recognition
* Dominant and Complementary Multi-Emotional Facial Expression Recognition Using C-Support Vector Classification
* EAC-Net: A Region-Based Deep Enhancing and Cropping Approach for Facial Action Unit Detection
* EGGNOG: A Continuous, Multi-modal Data Set of Naturally Occurring Gestures with Ground Truth Labels
* Eliminating Physiological Information from Facial Videos
* EPAT: Euclidean Perturbation Analysis and Transform - An Agnostic Data Adaptation Framework for Improving Facial Landmark Detectors
* Estimating Sheep Pain Level Using Facial Action Unit Detection
* Evaluation of Automated Identity Masking Method (AIM) in Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS)
* Exploiting Data Redundancy for Error Detection in Degraded Biometric Signatures Resulting From in the Wild Environments
* Exploiting feature Representations Through Similarity Learning and Ranking Aggregation for Person Re-identification
* Extended Spectral to Visible Comparison Based on Spectral Band Selection Method for Robust Face Recognition
* Extreme Value Analysis for Mobile Active User Authentication
* Face and Image Representation in Deep CNN Features
* Face Detection with the Faster R-CNN
* FaceNet2ExpNet: Regularizing a Deep Face Recognition Net for Expression Recognition
* Facial Action Units Detection with Multi-Features and -AUs Fusion
* Fast k-Nearest Neighbor Search for Face Identification Using Bounds of Residual Score
* Fast, Dense Feature SDM on an iPhone
* Feedback Estimation Approach for Therapeutic Facial Training, A
* FERA 2017 - Addressing Head Pose in the Third Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge
* Five Principles for Crowd-Source Experiments in Face Recognition
* Fully End-to-End Cascaded CNN for Facial Landmark Detection, A
* Fusing Deep Learned and Hand-Crafted Features of Appearance, Shape, and Dynamics for Automatic Pain Estimation
* Fusing Multilabel Deep Networks for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Fusion of Valence and Arousal Annotations through Dynamic Subjective Ordinal Modelling
* Generic to Specific Recognition Models for Membership Analysis in Group Videos
* Gestural Interactions of Embodied Educational Technology Using One-Shot Machine Learning
* Gesture Recognition Using Enhanced Depth Motion Map and Static Pose Map
* Group Activity Recognition with Differential Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks
* Head Pose and Expression Transfer Using Facial Status Score
* Head Pose Estimation Based on 3-D Facial Landmarks Localization and Regression
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition: Recent Advances in Infrared-to-Visible Matching
* Historical Heterogeneity Predicts Smiling: Evidence from Large-Scale Observational Analyses
* Human Postural Sway Estimation from Noisy Observations
* Identity-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Impact of Video Compression on Remote Cardiac Pulse Measurement Using Imaging Photoplethysmography, The
* Implicit Media Tagging and Affect Prediction from RGB-D Video of Spontaneous Facial Expressions
* Improving Children's Gaze Prediction via Separate Facial Areas and Attention Shift Cue
* Investigating Facial Behavior Indicators of Suicidal Ideation
* Joint Challenge on Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition Using Micro Emotion Features and Head-Pose Estimation: Databases
* Joint Discriminative Generative Model for Deformable Model Construction and Classification, A
* Joint Head Pose Estimation and Face Alignment Framework Using Global and Local CNN Features
* KEPLER: Keypoint and Pose Estimation of Unconstrained Faces by Learning Efficient H-CNN Regressors
* Kinship Verification on Families in the Wild with Marginalized Denoising Metric Learning
* Large Margin Multi-Modal Triplet Metric Learning
* Large-scale Affective Content Analysis: Combining Media Content Features and Facial Reactions
* LDF-Net: Learning a Displacement Field Network for Face Recognition across Pose
* Learning CNNs for Face Recognition from Weakly Annotated Images
* Learning Deep Features for Hierarchical Classification of Mobile Phone Face Datasets in Heterogeneous Environments
* Learning Local Responses of Facial Landmarks with Conditional Variational Auto-Encoder for Face Alignment
* Learning Spatial and Temporal Cues for Multi-Label Facial Action Unit Detection
* Lend Me a Hand: Auxiliary Image Data Helps Interaction Detection
* Local Shape Spectrum Analysis for 3D Facial Expression Recognition
* Local-Global Landmark Confidences for Face Recognition
* Lower Resolution Face Recognition in Surveillance Systems Using Discriminant Correlation Analysis
* Metric-Promoted Siamese Network for Gender Classification
* Modout: Learning Multi-Modal Architectures by Stochastic Regularization
* Monitoring Patients in the Wild
* Multi View Facial Action Unit Detection Based on CNN and BLSTM-RNN
* Multi-attribute Residual Network (MAResNet) for Soft-Biometrics Recognition in Surveillance Scenarios
* Multi-level Feature Learning for Face Recognition under Makeup Changes
* Multi-modality Network with Visual and Geometrical Information for Micro Emotion Recognition
* Multi-Output Random Forests for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Patient Detection and Skin Segmentation in Continuous Non-Contact Vital Sign Monitoring
* Nested Shallow CNN-Cascade for Face Detection in the Wild
* Noisy Face Image Sets Refining Collaborated with Discriminant Feature Space Learning
* Non-Contact Monitoring of Respiration in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
* Non-Contact Simultaneous Photoplethysmogram and Ballistocardiogram Video Recording towards Real-Time Blood Pressure and Abnormal Heart Rhythm Monitoring
* Non-Contact Vital Sign Monitoring in the Clinic
* Occlusion Aware Hand Pose Recovery from Sequences of Depth Images
* On Matching Visible to Passive Infrared Face Images Using Image Synthesis Denoising
* One-Shot Gesture Recognition: One Step Towards Adaptive Learning
* Online Tool for the Annotation of 3D Models, An
* Open-Source Software for Continuous Measurement and Media Annotation
* Ordinal Deep Feature Learning for Facial Age Estimation
* OULU-NPU: A Mobile Face Presentation Attack Database with Real-World Variations
* Pooling Facial Segments to Face: The Shallow and Deep Ends
* Pose for Action-Action for Pose
* Pose-Independent Facial Action Unit Intensity Regression Based on Multi-Task Deep Transfer Learning
* PPGSecure: Biometric Presentation Attack Detection Using Photopletysmograms
* Predicting First Impressions with Deep Learning
* Predicting First Impressions with Deep Learning
* Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering of Faces, A
* Quantum Probability Inspired Framework for Image-Set Based Face Identification, A
* Rapid Synthesis of Massive Face Sets for Improved Face Recognition
* Recognizing Words from Gestures: Discovering Gesture Descriptors Associated with Spoken Utterances
* Recurrent Human Pose Estimation
* Robust and Accurate 3D Head Pose Estimation through 3DMM and Online Head Model Reconstruction
* Robust Facial Landmark Localization Using LBP Histogram Correlation Based Initialization
* Rule-Based Facial Makeup Recommendation System
* Sayette Group Formation Task (GFT) Spontaneous Facial Expression Database
* Seeing Skin in Reduced Coordinates
* Self-Error-Correcting Convolutional Neural Network for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Semantical Analytical Approach for Zero Shot Gesture Learning, A
* Sequential Subspace Clustering via Temporal Smoothness
* Simple Geometric-Based Descriptor for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Small Sample Deep Learning for Newborn Gestational Age Estimation
* Spatio-Temporal Facial Expression Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Conditional Random Fields
* Study of Convolutional Sparse Feature Learning for Human Age Estimate, A
* Supervised Learning of Gesture-Action Associations for Human-Robot Collaboration
* Support Vector Regression of Sparse Dictionary-Based Features for View-Independent Action Unit Intensity Estimation
* Survey on Deep Learning Based Approaches for Action and Gesture Recognition in Image Sequences, A
* Template adaptation for face verification and identification
* Temporal Archetypal Analysis for Action Segmentation
* Towards Estimating the Upper Bound of Visual-Speech Recognition: The Visual Lip-Reading Feasibility Database
* Towards Multiple User Active Authentication in Mobile Devices
* Training Convolutional Neural Networks with Limited Training Data for Ear Recognition in the Wild
* Unleash the Black Magic in Age: A Multi-Task Deep Neural Network Approach for Cross-Age Face Verification
* Video-Based Face Association and Identification
* Video-Based Facial Behaviour Analysis Approach to Melancholia, A
* View-Independent Facial Action Unit Detection
* What Makes a Gesture a Gesture? Neural Signatures Involved in Gesture Recognition
* What Will Your Future Child Look Like? Modeling and Synthesis of Hereditary Patterns of Facial Dynamics
143 for FG17